Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 9 May 1917, page 5


Lady Cullen, on Saturday afternoon, opened a "gift of groceries" fete at Graythwaite Convalescent Home, North Sydney, when, for a silver coln, visitors »vero allowed to inspect the house, and to seo for themselves the ex-quisite comfort and refinement of the. ar-rangements for the soldier patients. Tu* housework Is done by No. 0 and No. 7 North Sydney A. D's., who tako it in turns. Both detachments served tea on Saturday. Sir Thoa. Dibbs, Lady and Miss Dibbs, Mr. Dug-ald Thomson, Mrs. Massie, Col. and Mrs. Stokes, Lady Hay, Mrs. Jno. Mnckay, Mr«. Jas. ABhton, Matron Veenman, Matron Innes, and Mrs. Cecil Hordern, secretary of the» home committee, wore present. The Menangle Band played on the la»vn, and the Mosman Bay Scouts formed a guard of honour. Gray-thwaite is self-supporting, a fact which Lady Cullen alluded to na most gratifying. Mr. Dugald Thomson praised the school children of North Sydney for their generosity in fur-nishing BCA'cral of the rooms.

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Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earp, %%ith MISB Louise Mack, and a concert pnrty, visited Liver-pool Camp on ^uesday last Miss Mack talk-ed to the soldiers on her experiences In Ant-werp during the German Invasion. Among the artists who contributed to the programme were Mr. Phillp Wilson (tenor), Mia Earp, Mr. and Mrs Hugh Minchin, Mr Don. Rosa, the Misses Earp and Miss Easson. Tbu Camp Commandant, Colonel Lamrock, C B, V.D, entertained the party at officers' mess; among the crowded audience were the newlyarrived officers from New Zealand. w

Sister Taylor, who, with Staff Nurse Tre-bilco, arrived in Sydney last week from Tas-mania, for active service abroad, has been enjoying a short leave In her native State. She has been nursing for two years, and as a proof that her work has been arduous, her weight Is now three stone less than what It was when she began army nursing. Both nurses are now very fit, and declare them-selves ready for any amount of hard work. The nurses from New Zealand also are look-ing forward to active service. They have enjoyed their short Bpell lu Sydney, and havo appreciated the comfort of Cavoll House, where they havo Been staying.

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Although Miss Beryl Bryant, the new-comer with the Criterion company, was born in the United States, she is not an American by parentage. Her father, Mr. George Bryant, is an English-man, and his marriage, when he was doing juvenile roles with Brough and Bouclcault, was a romance of the "nineties," Mrs. Bryant being one of Melbourne's pretty girls of that day. After settling for some time in New York, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant returned to Aus-tralian, and they have been living on a farm, which Mr. Bryant bought, in the Lilydale dis-trict, Victoria.

At a meeting of tho Joan of Arc committee on Friday, Mrs Montgomerle Severn took the chair. It was decided that, owing to the suc-cess which had attended the Anzac Day entertainment of the soldiers' widows, the function should be repeated every Christmas time and on Anzac Day. -

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The May number of tho "Red Cross Record" contains the letters from the Commissioner, Colonel Murdoch, and other workers, describ-ing Red Cross efforts In England. These form very Interesting reading for all women with i dations at the front. The various hospitals and homeb are described under separate head-ings, which makes them easily distinguished. An editorial announcement state's that 5000 copies of the "Record," with no returns, are published every month. Only 500 circulate in Sydney and suburbs, and the management are anxious to Increase the city circulation.

The 20th Battalion Comforts Fund wishes |

to send every man in the battalion a blanket Balaclava and a pair of mittens for the com-ing winter. There Is a lurga now stock of wool at the depot 63 Pitt-street, for those who aro willing to knit either mittens or socks, and those who arc tired of knitting w11, find a change of work In the blanket taps, whose edges have to bo buttonholed Material Is given out every Tuesday and

Friday between 10 a m. and G p ra.

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Miss Elisabeth Hurst, after 50 years spent In the service of the Education Department, the last SO as mistress of the Stanmore Su-perior Public Girls' School, has retired to enjoy a well-earned rest. Miss Hurst retires amidst congratulations for her long period, of faithful work, »vhlch the Education De-

partment has much appreciated.

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Messrs. A.~ A. and L. L. Hollander, and Miss Hollander were hoat and hostess at a luncheon party at Paris House on Thurs-day, at which the guest of honour was Mrs. Fotherlngbame, "a well-known Journalist. In acknowledgment of her many years' con-nection In press work with this Urtu, the hoBts gave Mrs Fotherlngbame an address

and a pi esentation.


lae orogs oí the Legion of Honour has

Just beon conferred publlSly by a high Go-vernment official on Mile. Fouilaux, of Rheims (says the London "Evening Standard"). As soon as tho war broke out, she exchanged her duties as school mistress for those of direct-ress of a hospital of 200 beds. When the Gel* mans were aprpoachlng, by sheer eneigy she had her French wounded moved to Epernay. This' done, she considered that her own post was in Rheims, to which she walked at night, through the forests, a distance of elghteon miles-no light feat for a woman of sixty. She reached RheimB Just before the Germans did, and was there throughout their occulta-tion, always in charge of her hospital.

Whon the French re-entered tbe city, she continued her-work under the terrible bom-bardment. The hospital, *being close to tho cathedral, was struck every day by shells, and at last was set on fir« and partly col-lapsed. Under continual fire. Mile. Fourlaux had her worst cases removed to a safer place. Since then, she has continued to fulfil her .duties as schoolmistress iii that Btrange school which is held In a wine cellar. In ad-dition, she is in charge of a workroom and clothing depot.

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Queen Alexandra has given her warm sup-port to the Lord Mayor of London's scheme by which poor children can help their crippled brothers and sisters. The children are asked to save up and buy war savings certificates In the names of InmateB of tbe Treloar Hospital at Alton for crippled children, in which some marvellous feats of surgery are" performed Deformed, twisted youngsters have left Its shelter as ctraight and strong boys and girls.

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When the news came that the United States had broken off diplomatic relations with Ger-many, there was a curious mixture of pleasure7

and distress in the attitude of tbe Paris drossmakers They had all prepared big collec-tions pt new dress models for the American buyers, who were already in Paris to buy them In large quantities; when, all nt once, these enterprising travellers were faced with the possibility of not being able to take their purchases back to America So tboy bought conditionally, and both buyers and dressmakers are walting to Bee what Is going to happen (says the Paris correspondent, of "The Queen," under date February 24). To aggravate the situation, the frocks had to bo shown In rooms that are comparatively chilly, and the Americans, who are used to wai m houses, were compelled to wrap up their knees in rugs and wear fur coats. The man-nequins, however, could resort to no such co% orings, and they bravely showed off the summer and evening dresses with their usual good humour. *

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Sir Wmr Baldwin Spencer's loan collection of representative Australian pictures now in view at the National Gallery is a great attrac-tion to women visitors, and those who have not yet found their way-to the gallery should certainly try and make time to do so, as the pictures, all of them works of some of our best and favourite artists, are well worth more than a passing glance. They merit leisured Inspection and close study. "~