Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 16 March 1914, page 10




Mr. John Kneeshnw, who for many years held the position of Tramway Traffic Superin-tendent, died last evonlng at a private hos-pital at Summer Hill, In his 63rd year. Ho lind been in ill-health for over six months, and his death was not unexpected. Mr. Knecsbaw as bom in Ballarat. Victoria, on Juno 30, 1801. When very young, however, he left for Now Zealand, where ho received his education, primarily nt a privato school at Heathcote, and subsequently at the Christ-church High School. Upon leaving school ho joined the railway service In Canterbury, afterwards holding several important posi-tions in the railway trafile branch In both the North and South Island, ultimately obtain-ing the position of chief audit inspector.

In 1SS!) ho was appointed to represent the Rnllwny Department. '?" connection with the Dunedin Exhibition, which attracted a very largo number of visitors from Australia, and In connection with his management of that section of the exhibition he gained great dis-tinction, coming under the notice of the late


Mr. E. M. G. Eddy, then Chief Commissioner for Railways and Tramways In Now South


In 1890 applications were Invited for a posi-tion in the Now South Wales Railways, and Mr. Kneeshaw was selected. He was within a very short period appointed chief clerk In tho oflice of tho outdoor superintendent, and Placed In dctallod chargo of the metropolitan division. In this position be wnB so success-ful that when the tramway branch required strengthening Mr. Eddy appointed Mr. Kncoshnw us traffic superintendent.

During Mr. Knceshnw's period of office In tho Tramway Department ho had Immediate supervision of the installation of electric traction upon tbo whole of the city and sub-urban tramways, and was Instrumental in the introduction of signalling and interlock-ing appliances throughout tho system. The following statistics will best illustrate the magnitude of tho work entailed In supervising the tramway traffic branch during his term of


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I All

WO 4,771

The ligures relating to the passengers carried In 1895 aro not available, the first reliable record being the number carried in 1899, which was 51,705,453. Tho number of passengers carried for the year ended June 30, 1913, was


Mr. Kneesbaw, upon his appointment to tho Railway Dopartmont of this State, early asso-ciated himself with the Railway Volunteer Fire Brigade, of which ho wns subsequently captain. Ho was also an ardent supporter and advocate of tho Railways nnd Tramways' Am-bulance Corps, of which he was a momber. He was a man of particularly strong personality, and (he success of tho Tramway Department Is very lnrgely due to his pronounced adminis-trative capacity. Ho wns at all times sym-pathetic with nny movemont which had for its object the bencfltlng of tho staff In the direc-tion of either education or recreation, and in these respects ho waB instrumental In forward-ing classes for technical education at the Railway Institute, and In establishing recrea-tion rooms at tho various tramway traffic depots. In addition, ho was a member of the Railway and Tramway Stall Committeo and the Tramway AdvlBory Board.

Mr. Kneeshaw was granted six months' leave of absence prior to retirement, dating from the 3rd Instant. The funeral will leave Wood's parlours at 2.30 this afternoon for the Waver-

ley Cemetery.