Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 13 August 1915, page 13


Captain McWilliam has received letters from two of the senior officers at the front in reference to the death of his son, Lieu-

tenant S. A. McWilliam. One of these says:—"Your gallant son was a promis-ing and capable officer and one of nature's gentlemen. He was loved and respected by all ranks, and his death was not only a great and irreparable loss to the regiment, but also a serious loss to the Military Forces of the Empire. He fell shot through the head at noon on Sunday, May 30. He was directing the fire of his men at the time. At half-past 9 o'clock that night we buried him close to where he fell. We have put a wooden cross with his name at the head to mark the spot. I will try to send you a photogiaph of it, also will endeavour to cut his name in a stone to place on the grave. Personally I might say that I loved your son. He was the best of a really first-class lot

of officers. " The other letter says that Lieu-tenant McWilliam was buried in the dug out where he had slept the night before on the top of a little hill overlooking the sea. The night before his death he had volunteered to go with a party to try and take A forward trench of the enemy.

When the news of Lieutenant McWil-

liam's death was received his two older brothers, John McWilliam, farmer, and George McWilliam, chemist, both volun-

teered, and are at present in camp.


The news that Company Quartermaster Sergeant W. J. Sayers had been killed in ac-tion has been received by his wife, who with one child, resides in Prahran. Before enlisting he was cmplojod at Ilumme and Isers timber jurds at Bendigo Hi. wns 2Í) \cnrs old and was a nutisc of B"n digo and w11 the lit st non comuussioni d ofhctr to soluntctr fiom that nts He was a merni» r of the \ustialiin Natis es Asso nation and w11 a good rifle shot In the stmoi cadets he had held the rank of heil tenint lim father is AS iirrmt ofheer Y\

Saj orí is ho for 21 s ears was connected is ith tht Bendigo Infantrs Pns-itc S Sus eis a bl other of deceased was wounded some time ago and is noss 111 hospital at Malta


(died of wounds) was the son of Mr Garner, of 21Normanby street, Moonee Ponds,

and was 24 years of ag. He was wounded on the day of landing and was sent to the Heliopolis Hospital in Egypt. He went to the front again on July 3 and died of

wounds the same day. He had formerly served three years with the old 5th Regi-

ment Infantry and was always a very keen

soldier. His younger brother is now in Egypt with Colonel Crouch.

LANCE-CORPORAL JAMES LILBURNE (killcd in action) ssas a resident of Bli chip irhcre his parents resido Ile was connected with sporting and other clubs, and the briss



(1 illcd in action) was 20 \cars of age and a rtsulcnt of California Csiillj Bendigo V hen he soluntecied he win emplojcd at Leggos. motalluigital works Cibforma dull} He was a member of tho dolilcn titi Bliss Band and of the Loyal Darling Lodge Alan chester Units Ordtr of* Oddfellow s His father is Air T Rushton a well linois n lesi

dent of the Bendigo district is ho has two

other sons at the fionl


(killed 111 action at the Dàrdanelhs) isas the eldest son of Mr Robert 1 . omi", of

Bull Plain Corowa, NSW He reçustdI

lus education at the Geelong College mid

was af torn aids for 12 months with the finn of Mcpherson lhoiu, and Co, at "1 ma wongi Ho was 22 vcars of age, and ut the time of lus enlistment in tue 8th Light Horse was with Ins lathci on bib pi opt it} at Bull Plain He w is ii good loughuilcr, and well known nt district picnic nice club meetings as an amateur horseman

PRIVATE T. C. W. HILL (killed) was "the oldist ron of Mrs M \ Hill 100 Drummond htreel Chriton He was horn at Bothwell, -tasmania, and worked at his trade as a boot, elleker at Wlijbrovv s factoi} Collingwood, and also at Goulburn (NSW) His father was tit one time a chemist in Dh/jibeth uti cet north


(killed in action) was the son of Mr James Seeley, of 92 Argyle street, Moonee Ponds. He was educated at the Ascotvale State School, and at the time of enlistment was employed by Mr Walter, trunkmaker, of Collins street. Private Seeley has a brother at the front.


(killed) was the son of Mr and Mis Angus McLean of Korumburra. He was a native of Victoria, but enlisted in New South Wales Infantry having been previously en-gaged in the Molong district, New South Wales , horsebreaking. His younger brother has also enlisted, and is now in the Seymour Camp


(killed at Gallipoli) was the eighth son of Donald and Ann MeDomld, of Willacetluh, and was 22 years of age Anothei biothti is also at the front, and a thud is now in bejmour Camp


(died of wounds) was 23 years of age. Be-fore enlisting he was employed as

draughtsman by Robison Bros. He left with the 3rd Engineers last September. He was in action in Egypt and wounded early in May in Gallipoli. He returned to the front a fortnight later, and died of wounds in action on July 24.


(killed) was a member of a well known Newport family, and a brother of J. Cald-well, the South Melbourne footballer. Pre-

vious to enlisting; he was a well-known foot-baller playing with St Kilda and Williams-

town clubs. At the Dardanelles he met a brother whom he had not seen for 18



(killed in action) was a native of Haw thom being tioni at Auburn As ii bo} he attended Aubin II Stitc Behool, and at the time of enlisting was emploved at Tiitsch and Holm s brick«oiks Caiubei

well road He tesiiled with his wife and two little daughters at 57 Kosobeiv stieet,


Bugler J. Wilson

(wounded) is the eldest son of Mr I Wilton ti well I now ii (onlruitor reel ling at haglch iwk Ibis Is the secon J tiniL Bugler V\ fison li is been woun led Lance-Corporal H. Hunt

'(«omdid) is tin onlv son of Mr A 1! Hunt

lancet! Id He waa one of the llrst to volinitcir fiom the dtstriit mil allste 1 IIB a printie win nintr IIÍB iroinotinn on Oilllpoli Ile wua a Cuui

field Grammar School bot

Private W. S. McColl

of eule, who was repoitcl wounded through the lief nee depirtmcnt nai not wounded lut had a seure illness In the ticnehes lie contiatted in fluenza which later dei elope 1 into plcuris} md I neumonía Ile is now well on his wai to re

Private F. W. Edmonds

fnoiinlrd) Is i son if Mrs I I dlnomls I nu ¡He II streit lui eton I r vi HIS to cnllstltu he « is for some time employed at Skldnlori s I li cri SI thies Kyneton


Mr. C. F. Cutler father of Lieutenant R. V. Cutler who left with the first A.E.F.,

2nd Co. Field Engineers, has received a cable message that his son has been pro-moted captain of the 5th Co. Field Engi-
