Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 23 April 1915, page 10


A complimentary smoke social was given by the metropolitan branches of' the Hibernian Australasian

Catholic Benefit Society to the Grand Offices and' delegates to the district conference at Sargent' s Cafe, last night. The newly elected Grand president Brother J C Brady, was in the chair, and there were present representatives from the various Catholic Societies. After the toast of the King had been honored, the

the toast "The Archbishop and Clergy" was submitted by Brother Grainger

The Reverend Father Finian (Williamstown) Responded He said that Archbishop Carr did not need any commendation as his work in Victoria was a sufficient evidence of what he was Bishop Mannix was a man after his own ideas - a fighter. There was one thing which Dr. Mannix had done. He had brought the great question of Catholic education prominently before the public

and he had done it in a way in which it had not been done before.

Brother J.T. Keane proposed the toast, "Ireland,

a Nation."

The Rev. Father Merner (Mansfield) proposed the toast of "The Land We Live In." Australia would gain through the war. At least the men she had sent would come back experienced, and would

he was sure be of service in the case of any future necessity to defend Australia.

Other toasts honoured were "The Visitors" and "The Press," and a varied musical programme of

items was rendered.