Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 29 April 1907, page 3




Theatregoers having given cordial and practical sym-

pathy to Peters Mother on I rid-iy evening at eli! i Pallico Theatre were invite I bj the Brough ¡"lemming i Comedy Company on Saturda) nlfcht to accord (heir

support, to a new dcsrrlption of problem pla), wine« presented a plot perfectly pure m conception uni cleverly worked out from beginning to end Tbc piece, »hieb ii entitled "What Would a Gentleman Do? ' is b) Gilbert Daylo, and comes here v>ltli the hallmark ot loudon approval, and it wa» received lij a ciovvded house willi indubitable evidences ot thorough enjojiiient Hie enthusiasm was obviously as genuine ns it was pronounced, and the audience nccorded the coiupuny a hearty double rcr-uU at the close of the second act, and literally overwhelmed the lady members willi flowers If there was anjthing to mar the succeis of the evening it waa the long intci

vnl that was ullovved between the aet», but this was probublj inseparable from a Hist performance, and will no doubt be rectified in future

Although there waa something pathetic in the position of the joung ami wealthy Australian »hu ii isstduouslj trying, with the aid of "The Complete Ucntlritiiti, und how to become one," to assimilate the muntum and customs of polished English soclcl), the play abounds in comedy, und the prlnicpal eh« meters arc so well drawn and the dialogue is so crisp that nothing seems to be forced Dickie Hook the \ list ra lum in question, is, although he knows it not one of nature s gentlemen He is uncertain in lui aspirates, mid quite untutored in the convention a'ltica of polite life, and when by means of his wealth he gains a footing m the home of Colonel Sir Bruce Kederl), a warrior on the retired list, who is on the verge of rum through rash speculation, Dickie bellcvca he is on the up trade us to boilal status He gets along biuootltl} enough with Dolly Hantel, a boiucwhat slang} and sportive young lady, but though courteous!} tolerated by the old Colonel and his Limit) tit Barstone Orange, lie is deemed to be Impossible as mi intimate friend of people of such high degree

Dickie fancies that he loves Madge l.edcrby (Sir Bruces daughter), and haying assisted her brother to escapo from disgrace ond Boeill ot.trac.Mii li) pajhig lu» heat) gambling debt», lie proposes to her Madge h affection bas been previous!} bestowed upon Sir Chris topher \\}nne, who lias boen absent in Australia for some years, but in a spasm of gratitude for what Dickie has done »lie accepts lum Young Wynne, however, turns up Immediately afterwards, and Dickie accidental!) learns the truth, and baa to face the pro blcm "What would a gentleman do?" in the circum stances ile has heard himself described by the man whose reputation he has uivcd as "an outsider, and not of our class,' but he feels tlut Madge »ill fulfill her pledge What is lie to do/ Ino true gentleman in bim solves the dittlcuit}, and lie releases bli llaticec, merely remarking in a casual way that be has been mistaken in lus sentiments lovvarus her

Later on another gentleman from "down under" named Seaton turns up who had formerly been a close friend of Wynne in Australia, and, believing that Wynne has been guilty of grossly dishonourable con-duct towards him, he is about to denounce him in the presence of Madge. Dickie is, however, on the alert, and without giving Seaton time to state the facts, he takes the ignominious burden upon his own shoul-

ders and leaves the Orange. Subsequently, however, he cables to Australia and ascertains the truth, and as this fully exculpates Wynne—who has previously confessed his supposed laches to Madge—the lovers are reunited Dlckve then becomes conscious that he i» really in love with his * pit" Dolly Banter, and tno latter liebig compelled to confess that »he reel

procates, tile man who is a gentleman receives his


In an excellent representation all round, Mr Gregan M Mahon * a« Dickie Hook «tood out prominently, and gave au admirable sketch of tbc young Australian At. the clobc of the second act, where poor despairing Dickie is forced to solve for himself the problem ' What would a gentleman do?" lila effort« were very cordially appreciated Throughout the play Miss Iles sie Major shared the honours with Mr M Mahon She played Mia» Agatha hedcrbj, a spinster of uncertain ago in whom sentiment of any kind-except pride in the imuueiuate i ireer of the Kcderbjs-is sternly repressed Diekie'u weil meant but ill advised tit

tentions to such an important member of the famil), and Miss Af.atlu s stale of iiitonishiiicnt, provided some of the most uniiiRing element*, of the piece Miss Major may he credited with one of the most delightful impersonations he lui« given this season If not the best Miss Beitricc Da) tippeurtd as Doll) Banter, and made tile most of ii part in which thero were lew possibilities Miss Gordon 1 te m ide a piquant ano loving Midge Ivedetb), and Miss lvuto Gah- appeared as Lad) Nora Hirvcv, Mr Illgar 11 Payne a» Colonel bit Bruce Kedcrb), Mr Carter Pickford a» Sir Chris

tuphcr ttjnru, Air Winter Itali ob Donald Kedcrby, j Mr Norman M'hcon aa Geoffrey Seaton, and Mr lohn

F Torde as btrgcant Hodd, also assisted in a success (til performance Hie (>U> was mos>t cftlcioatlj titugeu, laud the beauty of the setting showing lb« conder

vatory at Buratono Grange reflected great credit upon I Mr Harry Whaite, v.ho hud to apptar and bow his

acl nowledgmuits to a pleased audience Aa a cur tain rawer Sidney Urundj 0 one act play, "In Honour Bound," which was made familiar to Stdncy people during the Urough Bouckault regime waa capitally rendered by Mies Beatrice D»>, Mi«» Gordon Lee, Mr Herbert riemnung and Mr Carter Pickford

The flrst matinee of "What would a Gentleman Do? ' 1 »ill be niven ou Wednesday next. (