Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 16 June 1919, page 4


Major S.W. Patterson has been ap- pointed director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Research in Pathology and Medicine and will probably enter on his new duties on October 1. Applications were invited Australasia and in the United Kingdom and in America, and were considered by an advisory committee in London consisting of Sir John Rose Brad

ford secretary of the Royal Society and consulting physician to University College Hospital Colonel Sir Almroth Wright pa-thologist to St Mary's Hospital and Lieut-

Colonel Professor C J Martin of the Lister Institute the committee being ad ministered by Sir John MaFraland, Chancellor of the Melbourne University who was till

recently a member of the board of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. Major Patterson was unanimously nominated and

the nomination has been confirmed by the board of the institute and by the trustees of the Walter and Eliza Hall Fund.

Major Patterson graduated as M B Mel bourne in 1904 and as MD in 1907. He gained first class honours in chemistry in physiologv and medicine. After serving as resident medical officer in the Melbourne Hospital and in the Childrens Hospital he went to England and was elected a Beit Memorial Research Fellow working chiefly in the physiological laboratories of University College In 1917 his researches

won him the triennial Schafer prize for the best work in these laboratories and the University of London conferred on him the degree of soctor of science in physiology

When war broke out Dr Patterson joined the Royal Army Medical Corps and rose to be major and assistant adviser in pa thology in the Rouen area. He is the son of Mr T Patterson of Malvern. Sir Harry Allen who suggested the foundation of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute has been acting as honorary director