Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 30 June 1906, page 4


I Messrs. George Robertson and Co. forward

a copy of their odltion of Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle," which has created so great a sensation in the world, and which was re-viowed at length in the "Herald" some weeks ago. Messrs. George Robertson and Co. wasted no time over preparing their edition. , They made arrangements with the American

publishers by cable, and then had tho book sot up, printed, and bound In a llttlo ovor two Aveoks. Enterprise Uko this reflects great credit on the firm, and wo aro glad to i learn thnt it ha3 been amply rowardod; tho I first edition, a largo one, being takon up bo

fore publication, and a second, which will bo ready in a foy* days, being almost fully

subscribed now.

I A very charming contribution to our knowi lodgo of Robert Louis Stevenson is supplied

in "Lotters from Samoa, 1SD1-1895," by Mrs. M. I. Stevenson (Charles Seribnor's Sons, through Messrs. George Robertson and Co.). Mrs. Stevenson had the vlvaeity of an intelli-gent child, and tho power of enjoying trifles, which appeals only to tho very young and to tho very wise. She describes her voyages and tho places sho saw with spirit and life. Not always accurately, perhaps. For Instance, she styled Sydney Government House "the Palace," and regarded "the Palace Gardens" as an adjunct to tho Governor's residence, which his Excellency was kind enough to allow the people to visit. Mrs. Stovonson was an excellent example of tho buslncssllko Scot. No one more deeply grioved than she at the death of her loved son; but when she went up to visit his grave sho carried with her an aneroid to make sure how many feet tho gravo Avas above Valllma. The book is full of quaint and pleasant observations.

M. Georges Ohnet has for years boen trying to produce a book equal to his "Ironmaster," Avhich is a quarter of a contury old. The attempt has not been successful, but perhaps "The Poison Seller," tho . English A'ersion of his latest novel, "Marchand ile Poison," will commend itself to a cortain claBs of readers. It ÍB an cxamplo of tho novol with a purpose, and the excellent purpose M. Ohnet has in view was tho overthrow of tho drink traille. Au irreproachable per-son invents a now drink, composed of poisonous ingredients, which bocomos the faBhlon. He becomes a millionaire and is received as an equal in the best society. But his only son becomes n victim to the drink disenso, and 1b ruined body and soul by the very decoction of poisons by which his father had made his wealth. Tho book

is powerfully written in places, and may be regarded as an appendix to Zola's "L'Assom-moir," bringlug the Information and the lnsson

. up to date

I Mr. J. G. Witt, K.C., who died suddenly in Fcbrunry last in his 09th A-oar, Avas In his timo a man of noto in himself, and a friend of mon of great noto. Educated at Eton and Cambridge ho knew everybody in his timo that was worth knowing. Whilst ho himself was a student, securing high honours and a fellowship in his college, he Avas acquainted milli numbers of men" who Avero not bo dis-posed. A thorough sportsman, ho was in touch with peoplo on that sido of life, and. a per-sonal friond of Jefferson Davis, ho was one of the many men in England Avho beliovod that right was Avlth the South In tho Ameri-can Civil War. Mr. Werner Laurio is tho publisher of a book in which Mr. Witt set forth his vlows and reminiscences, with per-sonal anecdotes of well-known mon.

| The Countess of Warwick has written a book

about the social problems of tho day. The book is not quito ready yet, but tho title is "A Nation's Youth." Tho proface is contri-buted by ono of the ablest men of the daySir John Gorst, who, with Mr. Balfour and Sir Henry Drummond-Wolff, was a mombor 'of Lord Randolph Churchill's "fourth party,"

and who somehow missed tho reward duo to his great and admitted ability.

The London cabby is not to be without his spocial poet. Tho role has been undertaken by Mr, W. G. Yarcott, who has at least chosen a promising Hold for the display of wit and humour. "Pinch, Potty, and Co." is tho ridi-culous litio of his forthcoming book.

Mr. Swan Sonnenschein, it would appear, has boon worried for years about tho had habit that English persons havo acquired of mis-spelling tbolr language Ho has accord-ingly written a book on tho subject, in the course of which he incidentally montions somo DO00 words which aro so many stones of stum-bling to tho ordinary person.

Mr. Goorgo Wyndham, the author of the latest IrlBh Land Act and'tho lineal descend-ant of "Lord Edward Fitzgerald, has a book forthcoming on Ronsard and other famous French poets of tho contury.

I Mr. Ridor Haggard's "Tho Way of the Spirit" (Hutchlnson's Colonial Library, through MosBrs. Goorgo Robortson and Co.),

would not be quito so funny if tho author had i meant it to bo altogothcr othorwiso. "Wo know our Haggard as ho presses on with Im-pla in wild charges, as ho brandishes assegais, or socs red, or wipes out villages or tribes. But tho Haggard who wants to discuss such lucslions nB whothor circumstances should or should not bo allowed to altor moral cases I-him wo know not. Yet we would gladly rub I noses with him also or do whatever in that Uno is required by Zulu etiquette if only the good man woro any way negotiable. Ho la not. "The Way of tho Spirit" is a well-inten-tioned story, but it is deadly dull.

1 Mr. William Archer, most Ibsonite of Ibscnltes, has boon busily cngngod in tho odlt

g of a uniform edition of Ibsen's works. This is to consist of ten volumes, and two

thom will be ready shortly.

Hore aro two stories of adventure that will

¡appeal to lovors ot the mysterious-"By Wit lot Woman," by A, W. Marchmont, and "Tho

.Mystery of a Motor Car," by William Lo Quoux. Both como to us from Mesara. George Robertson and Co; "By Wit of Woman" renders know well, as it appeared in tho "Herald" somo time back in serial form,

Sionklowicz, tho PolUh novolist, has writ-ten a now story, which will be published shortly in English under tho title of "The Field of Glory."

"Fontenoy, and Great Britain's Share in tho War of tho Austrian Succession," by F. H. Skrlne (copy of which comos to us from Messrs. Angus and Robortson), is, in its author's word, "a trumpet call to Englishmen who do not soom to understand tho nil lances and ententes, though excellent in thoir way, aro of llttlo practical valuo unless wo have an army powerful enough to protect oursolves and ho of uso to thoso with' whom wo may becomo alliod." Incidentally, also, the book shows, first, that the Duke of. Cumberland was an Incompotcnt general, and, socondly, that Great Britain hnd no business to bo mixing horself up iu Continental troubles.

Mr. Fred. T. Jane has sot out to prove that Captain Mahan'B "Sea Power" thoorlos aro baseless. His book should roach us shortly.