The barque AVoathorsfleld which loft San Francisco with a cargo ot timber on Novem-ber 10, arrived at Fremantle yesterday. Hor master reports that on Docembor 29 the ves-sel toll In Avlth a cyclonic storm, which blow several sails to ribbons, and carried away a quantity of timber stacked on dock and about 50ft ot the bulwarks, and injured a number ot tho sailors. None of tho crew Avas seriously

hurt. '

H.M.S. Katoomba arrived at Fremanllo from tho eastern States, via Albany, this morning. She engaged in gun practico during

the voyage.

Tho Trades and Labour Council yestorday adopted a resolution from tho Victorian body affirming tho desirableness of tho quostion ot tho establishment ot the eight hours princi-ple being discussed by tho Conforonco ot Promlors, AVlth a view to having a law intro-duced in each Stato giving effect to the samo. The motion was sent to tho Premlor, Mr. Daglolsh, for Introduction at the conforonco. The council passed a resolution sympathising with tho Russian workmen in their efforts to securo improvement In tholr condition of labour, and deploring the rocont Avanton sacrlllco of lives and liberty. .*

In tho City Polico Court yesterday William Ridloy Hodge, 'cashier In the AVostorn Aus-tralian Bank, was charged with having stolon £500, tho property ot his employers. On the application ot tho prosecution, tho amount on tho charge sheet was altered to £3000, Avhich, it was alleged, was the amount of the de-falcations disclosed by tho books ot the ac-cused. Hodge Avhen asked whnt he had to say to tho charge, said "I am guilty." Ho was committed for trial. Bail was allowed.

The will of the late Mr. Archibald M'Kellar, for many years a resident of Geraldton, promises to provide work for the law courts. Mr. M'Kellar was n brother-in-law ot Mr. James Aitken, a wealthy squatter and trader, who died some years ago. All of Mr. Aitken's property finally came Into Mr. M'Kellar's bands. This property included Milly Milly station and £17,000 in the Na-tional Bank. Mr. M'Kellar, who died last year, is said to have been of eccentric dis-position, and to have nourished a delusion that people wanted to rob him ot his money. He died last year, and the only will left by him was drawn up by tho local station manager. This will is said to be a unique document from a legal point of view. Mr. M'Kellar's estate, real and personal, is va-lued at £40,000, and about half of it is be-queathed to a cousin In Scotland, and the remainder to the Perth, Fremantle, and Geraldton hospitals. The exact shares are not specified. The relatives, of whom there are none nearer than cousins, have decided to contest the validity of the will, on the ground of the state of the testator's mind at the time the will was drawn up, and also of the unsoundness of the will itself.