Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 7 December 1901, page 4


Last year Mr H Rider Haggard went on his travels through Palestine, Italy, and the island of Cyprus, and the result is a profusely illustrated book entitled "Winter Pilgiunige" (Long-mans, Green, and Co ) So practised an observer as Mr Haggard could not have gone through these Hiteiesting countries without noticing many things which would escape the eye of an ordinary tourist Possibly he would be the last to claim that he made any discoveries worthy of the name, or that his book is more than a sort of glorified guide-book Thus, as regards the Holy Land, he admits that he does not possess the necessary training to justify his opinions on archaeological matters being taken as in any way authoritative He brings, however, a force of common sense to hear on objects of interest in this regard, and his observations on such points as the location of C rivalry and the Holy Sepulchre will commend themselves to the unprejudiced reader He saw many interesting things in his travels, and especially he noticed certain defects in the administration of the government of Cyprus which might well attract the attention of the Colonial Secretary when he has time to spare from South
