Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 5 October 1901, page 7


Eeai-Admuul Su Lewis and Ladj Beaumont have issued invitations for two " at homu ' at Admiralty HOUSL 1 he first will be held on Tuesday, Sth mstant, and the second on Tnday, the 11th

By a recent cabio fiom Loudon wo hear of the engagement of Earl Beauchamp, formerly Governor of New South Wales, to Lady Sybil Primrose, eldest daughter of Lord Rosebery ind sister to the Countess


Bngadicr-Genei ii Sir Hector Macdonald, who distinguished himself m the South Africin war, arrived in Trem intle last Thur,day cn route to New Zoihnd being a pissi nger by tho R M S Austial

Last week the Government decided upon leasing Cranbrook, Rose Bal, as a residence for the State Governor rho House 1R easily accessible by tram from town It is prettily situated, commands a most beautiful view of the harbour, and is well-known as being tho residence of the lato lion James

White, M L C

The auuual sale in aid of tho work of the Sisters of tho Church in Sydney will ho formally opened bj Miss Dirley on Ihursdaj next, October 10, in St James' parish-hull 1 urtlior particulars of the sale will bo found elsewhoio in our columns

Tim inter stato tennis tournament which is now being contested at the Sydney Cricket Ground ia at-tracting a largo liumbei of spectators In spite of the cold" wmd which vv as blowing last Satin dn j a ftor nnon theie vvero m mv visitors nmonett whom \ eie Mrs Rolleston, Mi Í Cowper, Mr and Mrs Wardell

Mrs Nevillo Gnfhths and Miss Criiflitlis Mra r-nd fho Misses Blown Miss Phyllis Pirburj, Mi II Mackay Mist Bl ickston Mrs D Pilcher, Colonel Hunt Mr Kendall, Miss E Ranken, Miss S Chisholm, Mrs and Miss Caird, and the Misses Plomlej

Mrs A T Gould gavo an enjoyablo garden party at her icsidence, Ijncsbury, Edg-'clif), yesterday afternoon and entertained a large number of guest» I he weather was bright and fine, and the picturesque guden looked gay, with tho numerous tables arranged on the law n and i erandah A band plaj ed during tho afternoon, and two palmists were kept busily engaged Mrs Gould received hor guests on tho \ crondall, and woro i handsome oress of black silk grenadine over white silk, relieved with a white chifton vest and handsome laco lovers She was assisted m entertaining her guests by the lion A J Gould and Miss Gould the latter wearing a pink and and bluo floral muslin Among»! those present woro -Miss THrloj, C iptain O Watt, Lady Salo

mons, Mrs O'Doherty, Missl'ronoh Mrs Gadstou, Mr Lang Campbell, Mrs J 1 Walker and the Misses Wulkcr Mrs and Miss Burdekin, Mrs Close, tho Misses B myer, Mrs Porbes Angus, Mrs II Fairfax, Mra Alex nay, Mrs A MacArthur, Mrs and the Mis.ics Rauken, Mi and Miss Docker, Mrs A Allen, Miuoi und Min Savage, Baroness Miklouho Maelnj, Mr and Mrs Russell Trench and Miss Trench Via and Miss Mnrtin Mrs and Miss Barton, Mrs and tho Misses Weigall, Miss Madge Sutton, Mrs David Anderson, Miss Anderson, Mrs E Somer, Rev Dr Hanson and Mrs Hanson, Mr and Mrs E M Paul, Miss Paul, Mrs T Marks Miss Maiks Miss M Airev, Mrs Bridges Mrs and Miss Cape, Mrs Luscombe, Mrs John Marks, Miss Mjtks, the Misses Dinger, Mi's and the Misies Roberts Mi MocGeorgc, Mr U Morris, Mr B Dockei Commander Lumsden R N, Dr Skoy, R N , Mr II Russell, mid Mr Poo

Great interest is being taken in Sydney in tho in-ternational yacht race loi tho America Cup, which is now being contested at Now York It may not geiiorillv be know ii that before Sir 1 homos Lipton sailed for Amenca ho was presented with a florU tribute in tho form of a model of Shamrock II en-tirely of flowers, with the top of tho main mast mu mounted by a sprig of shamiock for good luck Hie model stood about Gft high, and was nearly flft long

Hie members of tho Strathfield Sketch Club held a conversazione at tho Art Society s rooms, Pitt street, on Wednesda-v. evening Mi Lister Lister (president), and the ladies foriinug the eommitteo,

were present, and loceived the guests Tho latter included the members of tho council of tho Art Society Tlio spacious hall was tastefully arranged Mote than 100 sketi lies, the w ork of members of the club, woro on view, and formed a feature of attrac-tion Amongst the members of the club present wcro -Mis Tom Marshnll, Atrs Corklull and the Misses G and A Williams Tnend, Cusack New-man, Cay ley, and Potter During the ev cuing songs were icndeied bj the Misses Eugenie Boland, Ruth Harper, and Bj thevvay Mr Charlwood contri-buted n violin solo mid Miss Ahearn a recitation Mr M'Menemin acted a» nccompauist Lightning sketches vv ere given bj Mr Alfred Coffey and Mr Mahouej Refreshments were served during the


llio Paddington AVesloyan Church was crowded on Wednesday lftcrnoon last to witness tho marriage of Miss Isabel D Surnll, second daughter of Mr Tolin S Small, of Onnond-'trcet, Paddington to Mi

Trcdeuck G Lino, B A , solicitor, onlv son of tho lUv George Lane (president of the New South Wales Conference, and also president of the Austra-lasian Wesley au Conference) I ho church was prettily decorated with ev crgreens and flowers by the friends of the bude, and alargo bell was suspended ovei w here the happy couple stood The ceremony was conducted by tho father of tho bridegroom assisted by tho Rev Charles Stead and the Rev George Murrin I ho service was begun by singiujr thehjuin " Tho Voice that Breathed O cr Eden ' lhe bride, who was given avvaj by her fathei, was attired m an lvoiv white silk dres«, with veil aud orange blossoms She also vvore n diamond and ruby ring, mid carried a shower bouquet the pits of the bridpgiooni The lindo was attended by Miss Maggie Small (sister) and Miss Nettle Lano (sister ol the bridegroom), as bridesmaids, vv ho wore ere mi dresses also amethyst and pcail bioochcs, and earned shower bouquets (tliepftsof the bridegroom) Mr Leslie A Kershaw (cousin) and Mr lohn *i

Smalt, pin (brothci of the bride), wore best man and groomsman respectirely At the conclusion of the service Mendelssohn's " Wedding Mnreh " was played by Mi G Smith, and an adjournment was made to tho Paddington Town Hall, wheio Mr and Mrs Trod Lane held a reception and received the Oood wishes of their fnends Aft^r the leoeption lcfreshments were pal taken of and about 120 guests s*t down The health of the " Bille and Bride

groom " was proposed by the Rev George T ane, who also read a number of congratnlatorj telegrams I he to ist w as heartily rocen ed Sov oral other to ists followed including ' iho Bude and Bridegroom," "Parents," and " The Bridesmaids " Ihepiesents were arranged in tho room, and wero greatly tdunrcd Mr and Mrs Trcd Lune loft for the mountains amidst showers of confetti and rose


A wedding took place at the Balmain Church of England on September 20, when Miss Heather Irene Sherwood, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Sherwood, Nelson Street, Balmain, was married to Mr Ernest Arthur Edwards, of Petersham, third son of the late Mr. James Edwards The bride, who was given away by her brother, was dressed in white morveilleux silk, trimmed with chiffon, apple green and orange blossoms. She also wore a wreath and veil and carried a shower bouquet. She was attended by Miss Bertha Edwards (sister of the bridegroom) Misses Alice Heather and Ivune MTar lano and Miss Ruby Sherwood (nieces of the bride) Mess Edw aids vv on grev silk v odo and white satin with applique trimmings and white chiffon hat The others

vveio dressed ni white silk Mr Colin Sherwood acted as best man. The breakfast was served at Hamp len Hall The presents were both numerous and costly

A large congregation assembled at Christ Church Lavender Baj, on Wcdnesdaj evening, September IS, to witness the m linage between Mi E J Pethenck aud Miss Lilj Green, daughter of Mr H I" Groen, of Lavender Ba\ The bndo woro white satin with trained skirt, the bodico beiug finished w ith chillon and peal Ii, and the usual wreath and veil Sho was attended bj Miss L Coop»r and Miss A Humphrej who woro

dressed in w lute Sw iss muslin, with i lutTon sashes and picture hats, trimmed with feathcis and baby loses, jnd earned bouquets of difîodils The bride-groom was attended bj his biother, the Rev E Petherick, and Mr G T Wilson Hie ceremony was performed bj tho Rev A Yainold, assisted by the Rev W M'Lcan, and afterwaids about W guests were entertained at The Bungalow, tho resi-dence of tho hilda's, father Later tho newly married couple left for the Bluo Mountains

A wcdding was solemnised in St Mark's Church of England, Picton, on August 21, when Mr E Rofe, of Westbrook, was married to Miss Adeline Tildsley, eldest daughter of Mr John Tildsley, of Picton. The ceremony was performcd by the Rev D.H. Dillon. The bride wore a dress of buttercup silk, trimmed with white satin and guipure lace. She wore a wreath and veil and carried an ivory-bound prayer-book in her hand. The bridesmaids were Miss M Rofe, who wore a pale hehotrope, trimmed with silk and relieved with white satin and hat to match; and the Misses MA, and R Tildsley and E Rofe, who wore cream silk zephyr frocks, with buttercup trimmings, and picture hats to match. Each of the bridesmaids wore a gold brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr W Hodge acted as best man, and Mr J Tildsley

jnr, as groomsman. At the conclusion of the ceremony the wedding party adjourned to the Pro-testant hall, where the breakfast was served. The guests numbered about 50. The bride's travelling dress was a brown poplin, trimmed with check silk;

hat to match.

A wedding « as celebrated al the Centenary Hall, York-stieet, on Wcdnosilav, August 2a, when Miss E lith Jones, daughter of Mrs Duckworth-Jones, of ritham, Marrickville, was married to Mr Edward Baker eldest son of Mi Cilvv ard Baker of Ncutnl Ba>, tin. ofliciiitnig clcigjman being the lîcv George Lane A 1 lige gathering of relativ es and frionds w na present to witnc. s tin. corunonj Tho bride, vv ho wai given îwaj In her bl other, Mr Arthur Duck-worth w ore i li mduome white silk dress, trimmed with luce, tholiodicodraped Kith euiluoiilered chiflón fichu and edged with v cry fine duchesse point lace attd orange blossoms also a vvi* ith and veil lier sliowei bouquet and gold bangle were gifts of the bridegroom lho bnde--.niaidswcio Miss Eva Warren, dressed m ii w Into book mut,tin, with torchon inser-tion, ind tno MIMOS Koso and Maud linker in wlute tucked silk and all wore black hats Tho trainbearer

was Miss Beatnco Humphries (niece of the lindo), dressed in vvhito muslin, trimmed with loco, and satin streamers Al! vvoie gold brooches, and earned bouquets, gifts of the bridegroom Mr f L Jones was nest mau, and Mi W Balor gioomsman After the ctrcmoii", an adjournment was mado to the ABO room*,, where ibout *i0 gucsti wore enter-tained Hie h ippj toupie, amid show ers of confetti,

lett early in the evening for Moss Vale, tho lindo s travolhng dross being violet, trimmed with cream silk and gold braid iho honoymoou will ho spent m Victoria and South Australia The presents wore displayed m tho reception-room

.V vvcddmg was eolobrated at the Weslcyan Church, Gl»bc on August 27, by tho Rev W Halse Rogers, when Miss Elsie Miy Shy tng only daughter of Mr O bhymg, of George street West, and Ml

James William Mi rns, eldest sou of Mr J C Morris (late of Dunedin, N 7 ), were mnrncd iho bride entered the church on the ann of liol father Mi G ¡shying, who give her nwav bhc wore cream figured silk lustre, trimmed with silk and chiffon and orange blossoms and veil, md ciriicd a shower bouquet, tho gift oí a girl fneild Shi was attended bj tlirco bridesmaids-Mils Lily Mi nis (sister of the bridegroom), Miss Lily lord {cousin of tho bride), and Miss W Charlton The former w oro cream lustre tiimmed with silk, the latter two white nun's veiling trimmed with silk they aUo woro gold wish-bono brooches gifts of tho bndogroom, and earned bou-quets Mr Edward Moins acted us beat man After the ceremony the guests adjourned to tho Record Reign Hall, where til" w cddingbreakfast was served, and the lindo and bridegroom received the congratu-

lations of thotr fnonds

Dr J T Nail, of Clayfield, Bnsbanc was married on Mondaj, Tuly 1 to Miv* Mary Millicent Grose, eldoi daughtei of Mr S Grose, M D T R C b , Staff Surgeon RN (retired), of Tnlotta, Torquay, longland Tho marriage was solemnised at St Thomas' Church, North bjdnej bj the lîc\ S U Childe almost linincdinloly on tho arrival of the steamship Damascus which convoyed the bl ido from her English home Tho bride wus given away by Mrs Wilkins, m tho unavoidable absenco of Mr D Wilkins, of Aldington, North bhoie, from whoso house tho vv edding took place Miss Nola Wilkins (fiancee of the lindo s brother) acted as bridesmaid, and Mr T Wilkins as best man After the ceremony the wedding part\ returned to Aldington mid later the bride and bridegroom loft for the Hotel Metro polo Mrs Nail's dress was of ivory satin, with swathed bodice, and > oke and collar of Honiton lace, and fichu of ivory chiffon trimmed with lace, hav mg long ends Sprays of oi ange blossoms were tucked into tho corsage fho skirt, which was homed ft om tho waist, was draped with a deep flounce of French embroidered gau/e, and caught up with orango blossoms Iho gotng-awiiy dress was of soft grey, lined throughout with tangerine yellow sill, and was made with tuple bolero, with lace collar and silver buttons With this was vvom a much tucked white silk shirt, trimmed with loco and pouched over a broad-draped bolt of yellow panne The hattvas black, trimmed with chillon, feathers, and a largo paste buckle Tho bndcsmuid woro a palo blue cloth dress, trimmed with croom laco and crepe do chine, black picture-hat Both carried shower bouquets, given by tho bndeproora, and the brides-maid's piesc t was a gold slide, set with turquoise and peails

A quiet wedding was ccleiirated at Mosman Presbytenan Church on Wcdnesdiy afternoon, September 25, when Mr John Harcourt Kerr, third sou of tho Hon A 1 Kerr, M L C

of Wellwood, Orango, and Mtss Blancho Wjthos, thud daughter of Mrs Wythes, lite of Orango, but now of Milson'* Point, woro married The bride looked very pretty in her linda] costume and bore, be-itdcs the shovvci bouquet, other of the groom's §fts Hei bridesmaid was AIiss Burcher, late of

range, but now of Coolinbah, Bradley o Head-road, while tho bridegroom was »upported by Mr T W Torpy, of Orango A reception was held at Coolin-bah, followed by the bn-ikfast, where tho usual fohcitations w ero expressed Mr and Mrs Kerr thon loft for Wollongong On tho conclusion of thoir hone} moon Mr und Mrs Kerr return to Orange,

whole the brido has lived sineo childhood

Tho Piesbytonau Church, Palmer-streot, Wool-loomooloo, was the scene of a wedding on Saturdaj, Soptcmbci 11, when Miss Sarah Tane Ban-}, y oungest daughter of Captain 'ft lUiam Tack Biin Barry, of Now ?eiland, was married to Mr Robort Whitsoit, of Bulb, eldest son of Mr John Whitsoti, of Caidil) The bride enttiedtho church on the arm of Mr Macpherson, and vv as given away bj Mi J M'Clood, who acted as best man The bude, who wore a dress of gi ey voilo tnmmod with white satin lace and chiffon toque to match, was attended by throe bridesmaids Miss Maggie John-ston (mece of the bridcgioom) wore a dress of grey and palo blue, with picture hat Miss L Ireland and Miss Beatnce Barr} (niece of the bride) wore white silk w ith w Into and palo blue pic-ture hats, vv ith baskets of wluto flowers Alter tho ceremony the patty drove to lal Torbes-streot, the rcsidenco of Mrs Welsh (sistei of tho lindo), where refreshments were served to a large numboi of friends Tho presents wore numerous and costlj

A pleasant ' at homo " was given by Mrs Ernest C V Broughton al her residence Delves Ashfield on Friday atteinocu Septembci 27th which took tho form of a poetical toa Hie guests included Mrs Cecil Maybur}, Mrs TI A Corr} Mm Reginald Mouda v, Mrs David Chonhall Mrs Hugh Norman, Mr* E A Bonne}, the Misses Harper, Miss May-bury , Miss Wi shire, Mis-, Bloomfield Mrs J S Walfoid Miss Lucy Hemming, Dr Mary Booth The pn/o for the best representation vvas won by Mrs It Monda}

Mr end Mrs A C Ta} lor, of Carhslo street, Ashfield gavo a most enjo} able dance in Toenda} evening last at the Masonic Hall, Summer Hill, in honour of the coming of ago of their daughtei The guests w ero received by Mr and Mrs 1 aylor At 11 p m suppei was served Amongst the guests pre-sent wero -Mrs W H Lace}, Mr» T Richards, Mrs G Ritchards MissL-ieov Miss Kent Miss Green, Miss nation, Miss Powys Miss E Corbett Miss 1,

| Hatton Miss Smith, Miss A Powys, Miss A Burn-

ham, Miss A Licey Miss Bigot ti» Misses Green, Messia A C Taylor, W H Lice}, G Rttchnrds, L To}, R II Green, W C Lace}, b bhipwav, W Best, J Wdson L Nixon, and W Cull Miss lu}lor received scvoral handsome presents irom her

numerous friends

At St. John's Church, Balmain North, on Wednes-day, September 18, Mr. John W. Ferrier was married to Miss E. May Garland. The rector, the Rev. W. J. Cakebread, officiated, and was assisted by the Rev.

W. A. Charlton. The church was nicely decorated by friends of the bride with white flowers and a floral bell. Appropriate music was rendered by Mr.

C. T. Knibb, and the friends sang the "Wedding Hymn." The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr. George Lawson, and wore a handsome dress of white silk, richly trimmed with lace and orange blossom. The bridegroom's gifts were a gold watch, muff chain, and shower bouquet. The bridesmaids were Miss Edna Lawson, cousin of the bride, and Miss Lily Train, niece of the bridegroom. Both wore pretty white silk dresses, and carried crooks and shower bouquets. At the concluson of the ceremony the bridal party left the church to the strains of the "Wedding March." A reception was held after-wards at the Town Hall, at which the relatives and friends were present. The newly-wedded pair left by the afternoon train for the mountains. The presents were numerous.

Au eii|oyablo evening was spent on Enday, Sep-tember 27 nt the School of Art» Balmain tho oc-casion being a dance giv en bv the members of tho Truba Progressive Euchre Club to mark the close of the season About 100 persons were present, and the weather being unusually favourable per-mitted of dancing being heartily entered into An udiournmcnt was mado for supper about 11 p ni , after w hich the prizes won during the season w ere presented t j tho Winners by Mr J Watson, Mr W Walkei responding on behalt of thoreciptents Presentations were also mado to Miss Dickson and Mi J A bpencor, the hon tieasurcr and hou secretary respectively, as a mark of esteem for then work in connection with tho club Dancing was afterwards resumed, and kept up until 2 um, Mi R B Hartle}'s band providing excellent music, whilst tho e-etris were pla} ed by Miss Jean Batallen and Ml Hall The committee lesponsiblo for the organisation of the dance compnsed Misses Longley , Walker, Dickson, and Messrs T Waul, Hall, and
