Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 29 November 1900, page 8


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A largely attends, meeting of the parishioners and adherents of St. John's Church, Ashfield, and other f nonda of the lato Canon Corlette, was hold in tho parochial school-hall, Ashfield, last night when plans were discussed tor the erection of some memorial of the lato Canon Corlette, D.D. Canon Hey Sharp presided. The meeting was unanimous as to tho necessity for perpetuating in soma suitable way the memory of the lato canon, who had been rector of the church for mauy years, and a motion expres-sive of the sense of loss felt by the parish was earned on the motion of the Rev. W. 1. Carr-Smith, seconded by tho Rev John Auld, M A., of the Pres-byterian Church, Ashfield It was then decided after discussion, on the motion of M.-. E. H. Rosters, seconded by Mr. E. H. Russell, to raiso a fund for the erection of a bell-tower attached to St John's Church, and to place a record of the lato canon m a suitable position. A subscription list was opened lu the room, anda liberal ruspenso to the call for funds for tho proposed tower was mads. Tho cost was estimated at £250, and between £50 and £b0 was raised m the room. Tho churchwardens wero elected eecrotaries and treasurers of tho fund.