Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 15 June 1899, page 7



GOULBURN, AVodnesday.

Tho English footballers arrived heie this moram« by tho express train. Notwithstanding the early horn, a gathering of ubout 10 «yolcninad them, tho atizona.'! coinmitleu being headed by the Mayor Iha vifutouj «vero driven to the AVIutu Horsa Hotel, and ««era! formally welcomed hy the ' Mayor. Rev. Mr. Mul.^ htloux {captain) responded, and mentioned that thqj team felt sleepy and still after their long jouriioy.J 'Iho visitors ««ero mado houorary moinbcis ot thai Goulburn Cliib during their sttiy. ¡special cheap) trains brought a largo mim bor of visitors to the city,; nearly 200 coming from Queanbeyan

Tlio mutch ««ith Goulburn wa» played on thai shoivgiounds this afternoon, the attentlauco being! about 4000. The shops wero closed for tho afternoon.] Tho teams «veto - .

Groat Britain.-Full-back, Martelli, throo«/ quarters, Buchet, Nicholii, Timms, and Duran ;j five-eighths, Mullmoux , scrum half, Adamson , for«! wards, Stout, Gibson, Juiuiau, M'Qoivu, Gray, BeU1 san, Ayre-bmith, aud Thompson. .

Goulburn.-rull-baok, W. Rogan , three» quarters, Chard, M'Gee (captain), and AV. nayes ? ttve-eighths, Seaborn and Gillespie , scrum half, DJ Ryan , forwards, James Pryke, John Pryke, Ham-pel, Hughes, Rawcliffe, Williams, Muirhead, Kimpton

Tho visitoiB wero tho heavier leam Tumos 1 rykaj kicked off for Oaulburn nud during tho first hulf f lies Englishmen had dceidedly tho better ot tbo same. 'Lhe first quarterof an hour's piny which vtus ehlelly in tho territory of tho loeut men, was roaultlceu. Then Adamson got, hut TimniB failed to convert mlo goal Eumpcl, of the local teeni, had lo retua through injury to his hand and his placo vwtq taken by E Mills The play was still in Goulburn territoij, and just on the call of tuno Iimins got ovei, and Ad anson converted In the second half Goul-l

burn drovo ¿ho visitjis dowu, and kept thom thero for about five inmutes Williams got ovor but tlio try was disputed, and a nerum ícaiilled England took the hall back and relieved the présame At this; stage Timms had to retire with a badly bruise I lejr, and the vacancy was not tille 1 i hu Goulburn men held their own well foi IL few minutes hofoio tlia call of time Kunptou got over but the altempt iib goal by M'Gee failed Lngl Mid liually won by 11 ta J The tackling of tho loeal foi wards was vol j good,/ and altogethci the Goulburn men neqmtted them-

selves well W Cain unipuud Mullmeuv »as fnc,

the most conapicuous pluyei on the Bide of the vixui* tor» The back mon also did good w oik On tho whole the visitéis' play noa not np to expectations ;

but allowance should be made for the fact th it they ' were just off a journey, and ha\o had no opportunity for playing together This evening a concert will ha hold, uftur which tho \iBitors will no entoitaiued al; dinnci _