Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 29 June 1899, page 4

Coe ârçïncp ¿Haritutjr berala.

TUUJtSVAl', JUNE 29, 1899.

Mr Chamberlain has stated that ho hopos to introducá tho Föderal Enabling Bill m tho Im-perial Parliament at tho beginning of next ses-


Referring io the possibility of au outbreak of hostilities in tho Transvaal, tho London " Stan-dard ' ' says that Australian aa\ airy v. ould bo in-valuable in veldt warfare A Router's telegram from Washington slates that tho United States cruiser Chicago has been ordorcd to Delagoa Bay to protect Amonoau subjects m tho Transvaal

Mr Tischor, a member of lho Orange Tieo Statf Excoutiro, ia visiting Protona w ith the vion of urging President ICruger to noeept tho modified proposals reported from Pi etona Oflioials at Capetowu discredit tho President's ii illmgness to accept them Mr Chamberlain's Birmingham speeoh is regarded b7 tho German press as nu an ofheial ultimatum to tho Transvial South Afnean Irish residonts aro astounded at the Irish Nationalist member» of tlie liouso of Gommons upholding tho proposals if President Krugor

Twenlv thousand Jovis anl Roman Cathohes re

siding in tho Witwaters Rind district, Transvaal, deirand tho removal of existing disabilities

Tbo sub committee of the Poaoo Coufereneo at the Hague has declared that Russia's proposal for limiting tho armaments is unacceptable Gorman} has iieceptoJ, subjeat to cortain modifieations, tho proposal for a permanent bureau of arbitration for tho settlement of international disputes

ByJ79\ote8 to 70 the Trench Chamber of Deputies lins refused to loto " urj,enoy " fora proposal to abolish tlie Senate and elect tho Presi dout ot tho Republic by uni\ ersal BulTr igo

The annual Queensland Dinner was hold in London on Tuesday, 120 geutlemen being present Sir Horace Tozei, KOHS, Agent General for the oolonj, presided In tho course of his speech

tho chairman said that ho believed that Groat Britain would yield to tho wnli of Australia mid Canada lu the matter of tho Pacifie cable lho reading of a cablegram, which ho had received from tho Promior, indicating the oxcellont pros

poota of tho industries of the colony, was loudly applauded Sir fulian Salomons, Agent General for Now Foutli Wales said that hs hoped that next year thoia Vi ould bo only ono Australian dinner, and one speal or to respond to the toast

of tho Commonwealth

Owing to the failure of nu agreement m regard to wages, tho tmplato works nt Pittsburg, Unitud States, are ilosing, throwing rj[),000 employees

out of work

Riots haie uoourrol amongst the minois at Mengt¿o, in the Yunnan Province, China Tne rioters looted the Custom house and tho Frcnoh Consulate

Twelve percent of the United States troops under Major-Genernl Otis in *ho rinlippin»B aro

on tho Riok list

The imposition of increased rates has oaused serious riots and outrages at Saragossa Spain Tho troops wore> called out to quell tho disturbances, and General Bonrbou was wounded by the rioters Martial law has boen proclaimed

On Tuesday tho match between the Australians and DorbyBhiro was continued Tho visitors oon eluded their lirst innings for W i uns, and «hen stumps were drawn foi tho dav Derbyshire had loBt two wiol eta in the cecoud innings for 20


Llaenhero will bo found (ho reporl of an inter-view -suth tho Premier on tho subjeot of the changes involved in tho rcronslruetiou of the


Playing at Toowoomba, Queensland, yesterday the Lnglish footballers won by 10 points to 5

Tho annual convention of the Now Zealand Alliance was begun at Wellington v cstorday T he report stated that tho past ye u had been tho most prosperous since tho inanimation of tho allianoo

Yesterday tho annual conforonco of tho Bee

keepers' Association of Now South Wales «as opened at tho Tochnioal Colltgo, Harris-street Mr A Gale, president, occupi ing the chair

The annual show of tho Now South Walos Poultrj Club was opened yestordoj afternoon at tho Lxhibition Building under lory favourable


Tho June-July series of Londou wool sales opened on Tuesday Monnocs show ed an advanoo of from 5 to 10 per cent on tho olosing rates of tho last sorios Low oroasbreds declined 1i¡ per cent At th i Sydney wool sales yesterday 093

bulos wero catalogued, the salea amounting to 1040. Tlioro was a full nttondnnco of buy ora, and competition was well sustained.

An average amount of business in investments was reported in tho Stoofc and Sharo raarkot yes-terday, on a market charaoterisod by very little movomont. Government securities wore steady

In tbo Import market yesterday prices wore generally well maintained. A goodly proportion of country orders came to hand for dnlivery next


At Darling Ilarbour yestorday 31 bales of wool woro manifested to arrive, and 358 wero received


A larger volnmo of business was roportod in tho Mining market yestorday. "Wostorn Australian gold stocks, with n fow exceptions, woro quoted


Tostorday's Customs revonuo 'amounted to


Last yoar the other colonies had to wait upon tho convenience of Now Sonth Wales in regard to fedoration. This year sees that situation reversed. With tho exception of South Australia the other colonies aro hehind New South Wales with their Enabling Bills. It is oxpected thnt Victoria will havo re-turned its vordict of . approval of tho amondod Commonwealth Bill by tho end of July or tho beginning of August. So far as Queensland is concerned the Enabling Bill has passed both Houses, and the people of the northern colony aro now considering their iinal decision, which will bo roturned at tho referendum on September 2. But in the'meantime matters aro at a. standstill, and the mooting of Parliament in Sydnoy will not of itself oxpedito matters. Until another colony has signified its approval of tho terms of tho Commonwealth Bill it will not bo possible to go on with tho federal movement, so that for tho present tho interest in this question has shifted from this colony to locate itself in that whore the referendum will be first hold. As circumstances favour a return from Victoria first, we should bo in a position early in August to deal with tho question defi-nitely in ita final stages in our local Par-liament, andthusloso no time in sending the bill home for the Royal Assent. For there is clearly no raaaon why three colonies like Now South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, having accepted the bill, should delay in giving it tho necessary legal effect. The assent of Tasmania is assured ; thoro is little reason to doubt of the vordict of Queensland ; and Wostorn Australia is tho only colony of tho group that appears to 6tand out. As the colonies did not wait for Queensland's participa-tion to go into convention and frame the Commonwealth Bill, so will they not wait unreasonably long for these colonies to give their assent to the bill as now

carried in Now South Wales and South Australia. To do so would only bo to eucourago tho spirit of disunion, and strengthen tho bauds of the minority against federation in all the colonies.

The position of tho federal question in

tho other colonies is therefore of interest

just now. Wo know, of couise, thnt the Governor's Speech at the opening of Par-liament in Western Australia, making mention of tho bill, suggested that

it was loss favourable to the interests of Western Australia than lo those of the other colonies, and doubted if it sufficiently safeguarded local financial interests it it meant that

the colony would have to givo up the control and management of its fiscal policy. Still, the Premier undertakes to submit tho question to^Parbament as boou as it is acoopted b\ tho other colo-nies. This is iar from implying that it will havo the sanction of tho

Ministty, or that it will bo assisted through both Houses by Ministerial interost while preserving its character as a non-party measure. The Opposition, indeed, seems to regaid tho attitude of tho Ministry on the subject as distinctly open to question. Tho promiso to bring the matter before the House is ono thing. Au undertaking to givo the electors an opportunity of deciding for

fedoration or otherwise on tho terms laid down in tho bill is something quite different. At its meeting the other day, therefore, the Opposition took a firm stand and decidod to submit a vote of censure on tho Forrest Ministry by attaohiug a sontenco to the Address in Eoply regretting that Ministers have given

no assurance of their determination to submit the Commonwealth Bill to the vote of the electors. Probably no one oxpeots that this taoit censure will bo carried, but as an incident showing tho way public opinion is shaping in Wostorn Aus-tralia tho circumstance is interesting. It is known that opinion is divided in that colonv. The oidor colonists would nrofor

to havo things ns they are, as presumably some of them might have preferrod to postpono the granting " of rosponsiblo government not inany years ago. The goldfields population is certainly Btrong in favour of fedoration, one of tho reasons given by the local Kal-goorlie press boing that under federation the iûfluonco of tho Federal Pnrliamontand " tho contrast would be so great between

tho freedom in the other States and the illiberality prevailing hero that a manifest improvement must soon be compelled." The mining population at present complains of a restricted franchise nnd insufiicent representation. Its press organs are pointing out that thoro is a grave danger oi what is reforrod to as the "unrepresentative Par-liament that sits at Perth deciding on its own responsibility tho gravest issuo ovor placed before the inhabitants of Westorn


Tho position oi! tho question in Queens-land is quite different. The Premier there adopted a quite difforent attitude from that taken by Sir John Forrest, who seems to have accepted his cue rather from Mr. Dickson's predecessor. The Queens-land Premier made a definite Btand whon ho took part in the Premiers' Confer-ence in Melbourne. He strengthened this Ly his manifesto, in which he defined tho nttitudo of himsolf and his Ministry towards the natioual question. Ho was as careful as Sir John Forrost to make it a non-party issue, but thero was never any doubt as to the side on which the weight and influenco of Ministerial sympathy were cast. Re-viewing his action in his speeoh nt Beaudesert on Friday, Mr, " Dickson wont over the ground covered since tho Premiers' Conference, and expressed his gratification at tho successful issuo of the Enabling Bill from both Houses of tho- Queensland Parliament. Whatever Wostorn Australia may fear for its future under fedoration, tho misgiving is ovideutly not shared by tho Queensland Premier for his own colony. Ho is satisfied that it can hold its own in competition with its neighbours, and <-ho opinion of Parliament sooms to bo with him in this. So, also, is tho opinion of tho country so far, for wo hoar that influential centres like Toowoomba nnd Rockhampton aro oxpocted to poll hoavily in favour of the bill on September 2, and that a favourable answer from tho whole population of the colony is confidently expected. This, of courso, is highly satisfactory. But in the moantimo it is idle to say that the action of Queensland in tho matter should govern that of New South Wales. Wo would rather seo

our northern neighbour in the federation with us than out of it, but the acqui-escence of Queensland is not a condition indisponible to Australian federa-tion. The bill may by chanca ¡bo defeated thoro by tho samo tactics ns thoso used against it hero. It is worth remarking that those who insist most strongly on our waiting for Queens-land are also thoso who imploro that colony to keep out of tho fodoration. This kind of thing defeats itsolf, and tho interests of federation will be boat sorved by going on with the bill as soon ns possible.

In the final report of the Western Aus-tralian Ponai Commission, as summarised in our issue of tho other day, various useful comments and valuable suggestions wore rando. Tho commissioners found it

nooessary to noto that the propor-1 tion to tho population of conviotions for offences against the law is very largo ; but wo may be sure that their full report contains explanations which will considerably modify tho unpleasant-ness of this crude statornont. Western Australia sinco tho goldfields " broke out" is not to bo Compared in this regard with Western Australia beforo that happy event, lier population now consists moro largely of young and enterprising mon from all paris of the world", mon who work howland playhard. "Drunkenness, for instance, is bound to constituto a considorablo proportion of tho offences charged, and assaults are bound to figure solidly. It is

not to detract fioni the seriousness of thoso offences to say that they may be oxpootod toflourishiu a mining community, nnd that any general conclusion based mainly upon them should bo carefully examined before it can bo taken as a full criticism on the morals of tho colony. Tho commissioners, we notice, mention amongst the causes which may havo contributed to tho large proportion of convictions the laok of religious trnining in State schools. They might find it difficult to prove this, in view especially of tho crime prevalent in countries whero religious education in Stato schools is tho rule. But with the main part of their report îeformors will oordially agree-the part, that is, in which they recommend changes in prison discip-


Recently our Parramatta correspon-dent described the new system which has boon established in the gaol of that town. Tho Comptroller-General of Prisons terms this tho '. restricted associa-tion system," because it aims at keeping prisoners as muoh as possiblo apart. Undor the old systom irredeemable criminals were allowed to assooiato with young prisoners or with prisoners who woro hoingpunishod for their first offence. As things aro nJbw, each prisoner has his own coll, ho' takos his meals by himself, ho is not subject to any con-taminating influence, and ho is permitted to work out his own salvation with such help as a woll-stockod library can give him. The man who is inclined to reform is onoournged in every wa}', and gene-rally tho chango is so thoroughly appre-ciated that tho prisoners actually sent a deputation to toll tho OomptroUor-G-enoral of Piisons that they approvod of it. This systom of prison government is something like tho systom which tile penal commis-sioners havo recommended for Western Australia. 'i'hoy havo nccompàniod it with many suggestions which are plainly impracticable. For instanoe, they recommend " groator uniformity of punish-ment for offences of equal gravity "a counsel of perfection which cannot bo followed until judges and magistrates are turned out of exactly tho same mould, with precisely the 'same view of tho rela-tive gravity of offences. Tho Legislature fixes a maximum ponalty for oaoh offonco, and it may reasonably bo oxpoctod of tho sorvants of the State who havo the im-position of thoso penalties that they will act justly and reasonably to the best of their light. Afore than this canuot be secured. Nor ia it quite plain how the commis-sioners propose to establish '' a policy of short, sharp, severe sentences combined with industrial occupation, in lieu of pro-longed incarceration with idleness or profitless work." Ilero again they find themselves in opposition to the Legislature, which grades imprison-ment according to what it con-siders the gravity of the offence. With the " separate cellular treat-ment of prisoners during the first three months of their incarceration " there can bo little quarrel, provided the Western Australian prisons have the necessaiy accommodation. The snme re-mark applies to tlie proposed classification of prisoners and to the' special provi-sion for boys and girls. In Now South Wales prisons there is space for the separate treatment of boys, but the com-missioners in tho sister colony recommend the establishment of detention housos apart altogother from the prisons. They also say that tho time has como for " tho abolition of Hogging, dark cells, aud irons as punishment for offences committed within gaol," and for tlie most part public opinion will be with thom hero. Withont going into the question of the efficacy of corporal punishment for adults, it may be noticed that tho State is careful to próvido that nobody may be sentenced to this punishment, oven in open court, except under special conditions.

In the United States of America the tendency of prison reformers seems to bo, not so much punishment of crime or reformation of criminals as a desiro to make the prisoners-"inmates" they are politely called-as comfortable as possible in the painful oircumstances of their confinement. This, at least,

is what is to bo gathered from the report of Mr. Rugglos-Brise, chair-man of the British Commissioners of Prisons, on what ho saw last year in America when ho attended the meetings of the Prison Congress. It is not, of course, for Australians to condemn whatevor

system Amoricans may think it right and wiso to adopt for tho re-pression of crime. Their circumstances are so different. Whether it is from the

largo immigration of badly cduoated foreigners, or from whatevor cause, the proportion of crime to population is largo in the States, and possibly the authorities may have found that a re-markable leniency is botter' fitted for the American who is for the time in prison, thnn a moro robust adminis-tration of the law. And, indoed, this leniency is natural enough when rognrd is had to tho fact that upon his popularity with the public rests tho prison official's chance of i>rolongod SOrvicG. But tho most intorosling part of Mr. liugglusBriso's roport is that which has to do with the famous Elmira system. Tim proceeds on tho principio that just ns a mau should not bo kept in a hospital onco ho has re-covered his health, so a person sontoncod J or any offence should only bo kept in a prison until ho has sntisfied tho proper authorities that, ho has boon " cured.

After a poriod of probation and good be-hn viour, gonornlly lasting about 22 months, tho prisoner is sentón parolo to a situation provided for him. lloro ho is subjuct to polico supervision, and if ho ia not well-behaved for a poriod of hi* months back ho may have tfl como to Elmira. So far this sys-tem has answered most satisfactorily, but information is hardly complete enough vat to warrant dofluile oonoluoion. ag

any rate, we are not yet ripe for its trans-plantation to those colonios. An intelli-gent and considerate application of the methods at present in use will probably bo found sufficient here for some time to


Considerable interest must necessarily attach to the approaching visit of Imperial troops to tho colony. Al present some of our Lancors aro experiencing the comforts and the drawbacks of service with the Imperial troops in camp at Aldershot. Naturally enough it is not all as pleasant as march-ing in procession through London streets nnd being cheered to tho echo by onthusinstic crowds. ' Soldiering is hard work oven when mon aro not engaged in nctunl war, but the training which our Lancors aro undergoing nt Aklorshot will do them all the good in the world, and will doubtless bo thoroughly appreciated by them. As announcod the othor day, a com-pany of Royal Artillory may be expected hore by the end of next Novemberrather a trying time, by tho way, for a first visit to Australia. They will pre-sumably go into camp here and givo their Australian brethren such help and guidance as their superior training should placo at their disposal. On thoir arrival a company of our artillery will go to England, and thus will bo begun a series of exchanges of troops which is bound to bo followed with tho host results. There

can bo no doubt of tho advantage which must accrue lo our mon, who will bo brought into close contact with tho flowor of the British army. Nor aro we without roasonablo hope that tho British soldior will loam much from tho activity and onnrgy, tho dexterity and the endurance

or our mon. Australians and British will learn to know each othor better, and if some day it should happen that they

?have to stand shoulder to shoulder to fight for thoir common country, this knowledge, ncquired at Aldershot or at Sydney, will assurodly stand them in good stead.

Wo 600 from our cycling columns that the Molbourno Bicycle Club will roach its twonty-first year of existence next month, and that tue evont is to bo commemorated by adonalion of £100 to charities. The de-cision of tho committee that the celebration should take this form instead of the moro usual dinner, pionio, or ball is to bo commended. Tho fact that the club is in, a position to mako such a gift spoalcs well for the robust life of the Bport which it follows. As if to show that strong cycling bodies aro not confined to Victoria, the Oyolists' Union of Now South Wales lins just announced its ambitious intention of taking in hand tho big question of the North Shore bridge. Cyolists are above all things mon of action, and chafing at the diiatorinoss displayed in dealing with this project, our local riders aro going to stop in and mako thoir influence iolt. They aro shut out from somo of tho ordinary ferry boats, and tho means uf transit nt present afforded them are in thoir opinion extremely unsatisfactory. In othor lands where cyclists are moro plentiful and strengthened by bottor combination thoy have achieved wonderful things, and the knowlodgo of these deeds has doubtless something to do with tho enthusiasm and confidence of Sydney wheelers. But to contomplato less lofty mattors in the cycling world, we find a correspondent in the " Horald " drawing

arconuon io uiu hiluiuiuuw uuiwio

of » certain class of cyclists who ride on the footpaths in the suburbs of Sydaey, and are thus the cause of many accidents to pedestrians This is a piactico that should be put down, and tho most effective moans is to

havo a few plain-clothes police mounted on bicycles In Melbourne this plan has nuswoied admirably, and in New York the cycling squad of 01 mon haB pet formed splendid work Thiough tho wholosomo feai instilled by this force thoro vtoro only 00 arrosts last year foi faBt, reckless riding, as compared with 1127 tho year previous

Viof EFOAT Nfws -Yesterday being th o anni-versary of the coronation of her Majesty the Queen, thoRoynl S andard was hoisted at Govern-ment lIous3 and also at tho Royal Mint His Kicollenoy Tari Boauchatup, Lady Mary Lygon, and siuto wero present at tho conoert givon nt the Town Hall last evening in honour of Miss Amy Castles On tho afternoon of Thnrfdny noxt LidyMary Lygon, who is tho president, will preside over a meeting of tho commitlco whioh is organising n fair, tho proceeds of which are to bo applied to tho funds of tha Queen Viotona Homes for Consumptives In the evening Lady Mary Lygon will bo present nt tho Amatour Orchestral Society's oonoort On Friday nott abo will bo entertained bv tho members of tho Viotona Club

Visrrons to Goveuvjitnt House -Among tho passengers by tho RMS Britannia is a party of ladios, which consists of Ladies Mary and Hilda Keppel, daughters of tho Duke of Albemarle,

and also tho Hon Violot Pennant It seems that

illa last mentioned lady is a friond of Lady Bertha Wilbraham, Mho is now staying at Go-vernment House Observing from the " Herald " that tho Hon Violot Pennant and her companuns bad armed at Albany, and wero coming on to tho eastern eolonie9, Lady Mary Lygm carno to tho conclusion that they might possibly visit Syduoj, nud accordingly sont an invitation for them to bocomo guests it Government Houso should they como on to this oity

KoOItAWATTIA TO GllKNl-FIL RAILWAY -We loam from tho Minister for Works that nil diftioulties connected with tho land question with regard to tho Koorawatha to Gronfell railway have been arranged, and tho Minister has np proved of the work being taken m hand ns soon as


Tut Railway CoiritissiosEns - The Railwav Commissioners ara leal mg tow n to day to inspect tho Richmond and Windsor hue and tho lino bo tu een Blaynej and Harden

Tiif PnAiTWAY Si livioE -In oouuoetion w ith tho tramway trafho to tho onoket ground on Saturday la»t wo oro informed bj tho depart-ment that evory available motor was used Out of a total of 187 cars, 180 wore in son ice, a lari,o number, of course, boing used m connection with tho ordinary woik ot tho department In con-nection with tho football match 131 onrloads of passongora were oom eyed to tho oueket ginund, an average of 2J inmutes' servico being given along Oxford street, and ii G minutoä' sorvipo from thn railway station

Mail and Mail Stlamuis -flio P und O Compinv'B Britannia will leave Melbourne to daj for Sydney lu continuation of her voyago fiom London and will nrnvo on Saturday morning nt tho company's mooring buoy in Athol ] ight Passengers aro to bo 1 aided by thu c ompaiiy's hleam tendei The Gounan mail steamer Olden burg, from Bromon is nlBo timed to loavo Mci bourne to day for Sydnej, and w ill arrive along side (ho comp my's wharf on Saturday At noon on Satiudny tho P and O Company will des p iteh from lueir wharf for London tho Occ ina lho Oecana'fl berthiug list Bhows a considorablo passenger demand for tho sooson, and by tho time «ho leaves tuo Austinliau ooaBt her (aluns will bo prottj well occupied

i ira DiSMASir« Bihqui 1 in»!-lho \ioo(o will for Germany, Mr H E Ktupning jos

toidaj hold an inquuj. into tho (iroumsf anees nttonding the uooident to tho four miiBtcd barque Lilbek The vessel, ob may bo leniembered, was struck by a squall, he- ballast shifteo and tho erow had to cut uwuy the masts Particulars were gn on m the ' Herald" of tho 31st ultimo After taking somo oí idóneo tho inquiry was do c1 irrl closed The evidenco will ho forwarded to iho homo ofiieials ni tin usual ¡ourse

Tunoiis GiuEVAt-orcs- Dining tho present siltiugrt for the trial of opuses juiors havo on sevoral occasions complain-d that their acrvicos h no b-on unduly reqnirid, and jesterdny Mr Justice Owen, beforo leaving the bonoh of tho No 1 Jury Court, pointed out that in every jurisdic-tion of tho Bunion« CuurVexccul that of Common

Law, and also in tho District Court, tho Judges wero empowered to sit in cases without juries llio samo system had existed in England for 30 years, and in the other colonies, wlioro tho Judicature Act had boen adopted, tho Judgos in tho majority of matters, sut without the assistance of jurois Hore, however, tho Tudgcs had no such power on tho Common Law sido of tho Suprema Court, and tho result was that citizens lind frequently te attend the couit at very great mcoiivenienro, and anmetiiiios heavy pecuniary loss His Honor added that the Legislature oould in a vcrv short time pass a bill confomng tho neceasary power, aud Mr Garland, «ho happenod to bo in com t, said that tho suggested change was em-bodied in a bill now boforo Parliament, but Ina Honor said the matter had been talked of foi years, but nothing had boen done Of course the parties m a case could havo a jury if thoy so dosired, but if tho law woio altered in tho direction indicated, ho ivas satisfied flint moro than half the present uumbor of jurors could be dispensed with

DniNK in Jíflation to Cm XL -His Honor

Judge Dooker, in dealing with an important liconsing coso connected with tho borough of Mosman yostorday afternoon at tho Dailinghurst Appeal Court, took occasion to lefcr to tho prac-tico of drinking in its relation to crime Ho thought tnat drink was responsible for a groat deal of tho < rimo that was committed, and in hu position ho lind considerable opportunities of jud^iug m this matter Ho supposed that if it could bo prohibited thoy would havo a kind of Garden of Edon, or an Arcadia Nevertheless the law of tho oountrj permitted tho salo of liquor under certain rostrictod conditions Where these wore obeyed it was only just that the wishes of a large number of the members of tho com-munity should bo respected In tho caso under notioo ho oould not help but sympathise with tho rosidents who had shown so much activity m con-nection with the appeal

Accident at tiif Railway Station- -Ernest

Michael, al, a labourer, residing at Z Hornsbyroad, Flemington, was yestorday evening admittod into the Sydney Hospital bj Dr Breunand suffer-ing from two compound fraoturcs of tho right humeius, a bruise on tho baok, and a wound on the right shoulder, sustained hy being run over by tho (ilipin uoithern mail, winch was bem¿ shunted into No 0 platform Tho injured man's condition is stated to be precarious Ho wus on tbo platform us the train was beiug shunted, and fell between tho camagua

A genoial ordor issued j osterday notifies the fol-lowing appointments -1st Australian Volunteei Horan, tho Right llonouialda William, Earl Bonichamp, K C M (1, to bo Honorary Coloncl-inClnol Captain The Honourable Kotiert Hamilton Lindsay, ADO to his Excclloncy tho Governor and Comiuandor-in-Chief, to bo Major, and becoud-in


The intercolonial sheep show w ill be hold on the Agiicultural Society's tfround, Mooro Park, to-day, to-morrow, and ¡saturday On tho last day tlio sheep-dog trials will take place Ibey pronnao to Iib very iiiteiesting tins year, as some noted dogs will compete against last year s champion

It is announced by advertisement that during the sheep ellon the busiuess of the Roy ni Agricultural Soctoty will be conducted at the otfîco on tlio show-ground

Mr C Cr Hatte, Nowtown, advertises that his soventeouth great (mr will commence to-day, and particulars are given of special reductions ni the drapery furnishing, ironmongery, boot, and other departments

lu the repoit lu yesterdaj'a ' Herald " of the address delivered bj the Munster of Public Instruc-tion at tho opening of tho i ellenor*' Couforouce, Mr Hoguo was represented as haviug saul that " m Qi sciislaud a sweeping reduction had beau mado ia ed mes" (of toachors) Mr IToguo spoko of the r duotiouB us being mudo a few years since in the

salaries of teachers ni Victoria

Ml M Raleigh, of 201 J3li/ibotli-s'reel, city, has just introduced an unproved water heater for I utils and it is churned that it possesses special fea-tures for economising e,as, with quickness lu the production of tlio heatod water At a liial which took place yeBtordavtlieactual time of raising thelcraperatiuoirom SO to 110 degrees was just 15 seconds

The prinoiplo upon which Mr li ilolgli hi« worked is to spread tlio u »ter ov-r a largo surface overy part of which li heated simultaneously By au ingenious mechanical arrangement the sperd of the water m tiaveremg tho machino is so regulated that it moves very slow ly over the heating surface It lias to de-scend, ascmd, und rlosccnd again beforo finally dis-charging luto the bath

1 ho Burwood Tiro Bugado held their auuual social last uvomng m the behool of Arts, Burn ood, aud a good altoudauco resulte J Lhe amusement of the evening was cluefl duDcmg illa arrangements wero carried out nuclei Mo-srs A T Tockson (cap-tain) A Wallets (first lieutenant), T Osborne (bun treasurer) und Q Bressington (lion secretary), who also uctou£iu the capacity of M 0 1 ho music «as supplied by Messrs Bailoj and M'Lachlnu's striug


A well-struck peal of 810 of Dal hug Point doubles was lung for evening service ou Sunday, 21th ni-si nut, bj tlio following members of fat Mark's Society of Change Bulgers -Treble G ltlclmiond , 2, P Pepper J, C \v Poi ter 4, II Montgomery 8, J A White tenor, J) C Wlnto Couduotor, O W Porter lune, JO minutes

A gas cooking demonstration. took place ycatcrdav afternoon m the behool of Arts, Pitt street, at which Mr M Raleigh introduced a special programme A number ot ladies wero present, who viowod with mlore«t the testa that were made in various brandies of cookery Ino now Paragon stoves weio in operation

Bj advertisement elsewhere the Women's Tederal League thanks those who advocated tlio Common-wealth Bill

The usual weekly entertainment was held at the Centenary Hall last night, the programme being carrried out by Mr and Mrs Keep, assisted by Mrs Purdy, who sang two songs After a short organ recital a l«rt,e numbai of lantern pictures were shown, and interesting selections were giren with a loud speaking phonogragh

A lcctuio ou " aluna " will ho given in St btsphoii's Church, PiiilliD-streel, this oveinng, by

Mr J Cut ne Elles

Hie name of Mr W A Glider, who was a pat tuer of tho Into Mr T B Holhi, waa inadvertently omitted from tho h«t of those who attended the funeral of tho deceased on 1 uosday

Mr P P btrloklaiid, a graduate in Scicueo of the bydney Uniiereity, mid holder of the 1 ravelling Selene« Scholarship of the University, lins fortwoyenrs pursued u post graduate c( mae at M Gill College, Montreal, O muda At tho last Convocation of that University lie loceived thodegiee of M be mid was awarded the Minto gold medal foi niigmal rcseorch work in tho college I a boratun üs Mr blncklnud Juts oilers of employment ia Ganada and Mexico, which mil (,»0 linn tho pmctical knowledge; ho vi isliea to yet before returning to Sydney

lames B inlett n0, a butcher, residing at 31 Kent Btreet, Millor s P nut v ob yostorday admitted into tho Sydnoy Hosp tal by Dr Willis suirormg from shock, au abrisim on the head and a broken lum BUBtained by falling out ot a trolly

A man named Comolius lielloj, 38 residing at Young, who stated that ho waa 11 seliool teacher, was yostorday admitted into the bj duoj Hospital suffer log from a blöken log

Dr Willis j esterdny afternoon admit ed tuto the Sydney Hospital a man nurnoo. John ¡stewart, SI, a wharf labourer, who w as run over by a cal t One of his legs was found to havo boen broken

About G o'clock yesterday oVHUing Dr Bronuaud admitted into the Sydney Hospital a bt7edish seaman named Tredenok Weit, agol )2 re-idmg at bt

Leonards, who was Bullering from a compound frac-ture of the right leg sustained, it was stated, through falling while ilßhlmg with nnothei mun outside an hotel at the corner of Klug and Kent streets