Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 24 July 1899, page 6





BRISBANE, Saturday.

The second of the three test matches between

the Englishmen and a combined team representing Queensland and New South Wales was played here to-day. On the former occasion the result was a win for Australia by 13 points to 3.

Fully 10,000 people attended at Bowen Park Ex-hibition Ground to witness the game. The weather was perfect but a fairly strong N E w uni blow across tile ground Hi« Excellency tho Governor aud suite were present Hie ground, with its crowd of persons, presented a pretty spertncle England won tho toss M'Cowau captained tbo colo-nials, and Stout the Englishmen. Both teams took the Hold punctually to time

Hie teams wero -

England Thompson, lull-back Doran, Nicholls, Gray, and Timms, three quarter» , Adamson aud Cookson, halve« Swannell, .Judkins, Gibson, Arman, Ayre-Smith, Evers, Stout, and M'Gown,


Australia- R M'Cowan, full-luck T. Ward, Henry, Spragg, nul P. Ward three-quarters

Evans, live-eighths Currie, half Tanner, Graham, Marks, Ellis, Carew, Street, Challoner, mid Corfe, lorn srds

Hie englishmen elected to play with the wind in their favour Ellis kicked nfï, and nftar tho return a series of scrum« resulted Play was kept in the centre of tho IK id for a time but b} a series of splendid lusho« England carried the pla} into the Australians' 2> I'ruin 11 scrum Oume, b} a fiuu kick sent the ball iota tho csntro, und Thompson quickly picked up und returned From a scrum Marks pieke 1 up ind sent tho bull into England s quarters Nicholls, by a splendid kuk, brought the play into the Australians' io Hie usitois worked the ball over tho line, but Sprigg sived The ball ivis kept m lindfield for 11 time, but ovcotnallv went into the colouial«' 25 I rom a scrum, Currie punted high Doran marked, mid Adamson had a «hot at goal By some fine fonvard rushes the visitors woro kopt on the defensive Adamson marked, anil sent the ball into millfield, when the Australians obtained a free kick Ward kicked bull, ina Nicholls marked The Australian forwurds, play

ing well together, carried Hie ball into England's ¿0 Adamson passed to Cookson to Dm an to Timms the bull going right across tho field 111 front of the Austra-lians* goal, whero Ward got possession and pimstid to Evans, who relieved li} 11 kick out Some excit-ing play followed M'Cowun did ti line run and passed to ¡bpriigg, who was collared llioballivus

earriud back to the centre, where "Ward umikel lhe Englishmen wore now showing some picollent woik, and tno play goner-ilH beeuuo pirtu illari) open Thompson got posse-ion aud sent the bull 111 dangerous proxiinit} to the Au»,trilmis' goal, but for oil-side the Englishmen were peiiihsed Ward's kick was tukou li} Gray, who put in a very fine run, i.nd he was 111 the end tackled by v,\ nrd Post open pin} followed till nt length Smith picked up, earned over the line, and scored Hie kick tor goal was entiusted to Adamson who failed to add the extra points Halt time En si mil J Australia, ml

On resuming tbo ball was kept going bjclcwurds and foin irdF tut itt«r «onie pretty pa«smg pl»v by the English lorw irds, F Turnus took 11 running kick at goal without suceoss After this the colomils wero kept 011 the dofen-ive Henry relieved right on tho liuu by 11 tino kick out The English torn ni di, howovoi, still plavod n forcing game, giving an oxbilition of von Uno pus«iug Getting tho b*ll from a scrum, Covknou passed lo Adamson, who crossed and see red Tim litter kick f.iled to convert Lnglind I Au«tiulin nil The ball was now koot ni the oloniils' 2i Henry, however made a nice run, and his kick sent the ball into the centre of the ground, wilclo somo open play tnok place Thompson, tho fiill-bi k, picked up, but was finely tackled bv Ellis, and for the moment Hie Englishmen's goal looked III jeopard} Hie pluy wa» .carried into Englaud'a 2d, but Swannnll caine to tho relief of Ills side b} putting lu a long 1 ick across the ground Hero Nicholls picked up mil punted into the Australians' quoi eis, and the Austral! ins were called I 1 use every eifert lu defence for some turo At length Wind got posses-sion and with asorvieoiblo I ic sont the hill right aiross the finid luto the Englishmen's 2), whero from some loose nlay whlih lesuitid III a scrum the visitors were penalised Spragg took the kick for goal, but Hie bull struck the post Presentí} Sornggc got another free, but ugiui he failed to scire 1 nglaud soon carried the ball into the Austra-lians' halt, wheie tMeholls, Inking a pass, got over and scored, und n goal lcsultnd, making the total of tho Englishmen 11 to 0 Hie Australians now forced the game into England's ground'* Evans made a line run across the field, but was forced out Hie sirtio player from u scrum again got possession, but was finely stopped by Thompson, and very exciting play was witnessed, tho Australian forwint« tiiuu aftor timo coming with a grout undi across the field but the tickling of tho Englishmen vvns always timnl} The play was igam carried into mid field, where Gray with a line kick sent tbo ball into the AiiBtrnli ins" 25 Hore bjir igg st cured, and put 111 a brilliant run nnht across the held into Luglunil'8 ground vvhero he was carried into touch A si rum was formed, und 11 oin it England, by a linu piece of

footpla}, took the bill light down to the Amuri-1 ¡ians' lino but Sprigg picking up agun caine with a brilliant run right across the hold The pltiv was now very fist mid close until the finish, and the match resulted 111 a decisive win for Liiglnud by


The match wa« a hue exunsit 011 of Rugby Mag-nificent play was shown tit times, the Englishmen clearly show lug themselvo« to bo the better team Iheir form wa« in marked contrast to what they showed aguiust Queensland 1 he forwards seem to havo considerably improved in pace, whilo their scrum vi ork vv a« really evteellmit The bai ks also pla}ed a grund game The Hist half vvns entirely 111 the Englishmen s favour, they keenmg the colonials almost the whole time 011 the defensive Toward« the closeof the gmnathu Austi ilinnsi allied splendidly and made a determined attsck which lasted fullv a quarter of an hour 011 the v isitors' goal The different Australian players made a splendid nish for goal, but the Englishmen's dofenco wa» verv stubborn and repellotl every effort of the colonials to score Thompron, Nicholls, Adamson Cookson, Tnrmau, Stout, and Gibson weie ni prominent during the match Tor Australia, M Cowun, Evans, Ward, Clinic, Carew, Tills, Challinor, and Marka did ex-cellent work lim Lnglishmeu were loudly cheered for their victory by the onlookers, whoso numbers increased to fully lo,000