Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 17 December 1898, page 12


The lines have fallen in pleasant places for Messrs Hardy Brothers. In their retired but very central premises in Hunter-street, surrounded by all that is valuable and beautiful in their line of art, with a constant succession of buyers in their spacious show-rooms and the consciousness that their good name is a household word throughout Australia, they have

reason for satisfaction. The display Messrs. Hardy Brothers make is confined to their showrooms, their name and the much consulted clock outside their premises being the only outward and visible sign of the wealth and business within. But the display in

tho showrooms is as rich as one could desire

Diamond jewellery is a special feature with Messrs Hardy Brothers, and there are diamond necklets and tiaras and diamond pendants and crosses "that Jews might kiss and infidels adore." One sees also opal and diamond necklets, bangles rings, and hearts, &c., and enamel and gem-set hearts There are also lovely designs in gem-set and enamelled pendant watches—long chains set with gems and enamel—a host of novelties in quaint and beautiful charms, and enamel and gem links and vest buttons. The sterling silver goods include all toilet requisites, photo frames, novelties iu smokers' requisites, and nicnacs of every description, silver rose bowls and vases, fitted bags, blotting books parses, &c. Men-tion should be made also of the many be beautiful sterling silver tea services, salvers, cups, cream jugs, &c. Then there are cold and silver pencil cases, penholders, chatelaine fittings, thimbles, souvenir spoons, sovereign cases, flasks, and elegant gold-topped scent bottles One sees also priucely bowls very suggestive of New Year's Eve and good com-pany ; and indeed Mcsars Ilaidy Bntbers' magni-ficent stacks ire all suggestive of what is comfort

able and delightful in life Wc havu had occasion quite lately to mention tho new catalogue, Messrs Hardy Brothers havo )ust issued It is an ex-tremely handsome publication worthy the high re-pute ot tho firm _ ,