Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Friday 22 July 1898, page 3






The Queen Victoria Market buildings were in-augurated yesterday in a befitting manner. That is to say their completion was heralded by a large assemblage of people which was not merely metropolitan but quite cosmopolitan in its character. The Mayor, realising that the occasion was worthy of the co-operation of our "designing federal brothers of Victoria "- as the anti-federalists would put it - had invited represen-tatives of the Victorian metropolis to assist, and they responded, thus giving a federal aspect to the gathering. And so as not to offend national suscep-tibilities, he at the same time extended a welcome to the consular and other representatives of foreign nations domiciled here, and they did him the honour of accepting his proffered hospitality. Needless to say, that nearly all, if not all, who could fairly be regarded as in any way representative of any worthy section of the com-munity received an invitation to the present at the ceremonial. And thus the Mayor found himself supported by a concourse of the citizens of Sydney - many of whom were accompanied by the principal members of their families which approximated to 1500 person. The

rendezvous chosen was the Town Hall grounds,

where the people began to assemble before 2 o'clock.

Amongst Visitors were: The Hon. Dr. Garran (Vice-President of the Executive Council), Sir

George Dibbs, Major-General French, Bishop

Higgins, the Right Rev. Monsignor O'Brien, the

Very Rev. Dr. Carroll, V. G. , Rabbi Davis, Rabbi Landau, Colonel Roberts, C.M.G., Inspector-General Fosbery, and also representatives of the Bench, of the Legislative Council, of the University, of financial and commercial in-stutions, and of, seemingly, all the Christian denominations. Among the many consular re-presentatives noticed was Biard d'Aunet,; (Consul-General for France) and Mr E. M. Paul (Consul for Russia). The Premier was unable to attend. The Royal Navy was represented by Fleet Engineer Oliffe, and the local naval forces by Captain Hixson, R.N., and others. While the Mayor (Alderman Matthew Harris) and Mayoress, assisted by Miss Harris, were entertaining

some visitors in the Mayor's rooms at the Town Hall

the general guests indulged in an exchange of

opinion concerning the effect of the new markets viewed externally, with the result that it was found that there was marked unanimity in regarding the main dome, with its complementary cupolas, as imparting a characteristically artistic adornment to the city, with the result that from whatever part of the environs it might be viewed it invoked the enthusiastic admiration of all spectators. And the façades of the buildings also excited favour-able comment. Shortly before the chimes sounded the half hour the Mayor's party emerged from the Town Hall. It was found to consist of the Mayor and Mayoress, Miss Harris, and the Major and Mayoress of Melbourne (Alderman and Mrs. McEacharn) Attached to the Mayoral party were Mr. J. E. Palmer (town clerk), and Mr J. N.

Breden (assistant town clerk), two gentlemen upon whom had devolved the onerous responsibilities connected with organising and carrying out the manifold details inseparable from the holding of two such huge gatherings as were brought together yesterday. The Mayor and Mayoress of Sydney, escorted by their numerous guests, at once walked across to the Druitt street entrance to the markets where the contractors (Messrs. Phippard Brothers) formally handed over the building and it was accepted on behalf of the Corporation by Alderman Matthew Harris. One of the Messrs Phippard then presented to the Mayoress the key of the place, and as it was made of solid gold and specially designed as a souvenir commemorative of the occasion, the symbol - because that was what it really was - was received with much grace. The actual value of the key did not transpire, but gentle-

men accustomed to examine the work of goldsmiths said it was worth a good deal more than £50. The key was obtained from the estab-lishment of Messrs Fairfax and Roberts, and the upper portion of it bore a finely executed model of the main dome of the building, which was sup-ported by four smaller cupolas. This key, the shaft of which was encircled by a spiral ribbon, whereon was an appropriate inscription, was used by Mrs. Matthew Harris to formally open the building. The whole concourse of people then swept forward and upward until the highest gallery, had been reached. Here a reception was hold by the Mayor and Mayoress with whom were Miss Harris, and also the Mayor and Mayoress of Melbourne. After extending a cordial welcome to all their guests, Mr and Mrs Matthew Harris and party proceeded to a dais which had been erected near the artists' studio. It had been intended to have the formal proceedings take place within the studio, and refreshments had accordingly been got ready, but it was realised at the last moment that any attempt to direct the huge stream of visitors into the studio must inevitably result in failure. So the the idea of utilising the studio for the ceremony was abandoned, and the intention of drinking toasts was also relinquished, sentiments alone being recognised. These were proclaimed from the dais. The band of the Permanent Artillery, under Brigade Bandmaster Hutchinson, was stationed at the northern end of the gallery, and contributed an excellent selection of music, a feature of which was " Gems of Columbia ."


The Mayor rose to deliver the inaugural speech, and was received with cheers. He said: - Ladies and Gentlemen,- We have invited you here to-day to take part in the opening of this magnificent pile of buildings. (Applause.) The city of Sydney is justly famed for the grandeur of its natural sur-roundings, and is equally well known for the architectural beauty of its public and private buildings and it will be admitted that this the latest addition to its material wealth is in no wise beneath our reputation for good artistic and substantial work. (Applause.) We have not yet imbibed the enthusiasm of our Ameri-can cousins for lofty structures but then they have, as we all know, an insatiable desire to outdo creation. Though not yet fired with such zeal,

we can equally with them lay, claim to solid and durable work - work that will live with the centuries and stand as landmarks in history speaking to people yet unborn of out commercial, social, and national existence. (Cheers.) It may be truly said that we have here built for the future as well as the present in fact it is no exaggeration to state that south of the line there is no public building that either for size, beauty, or utility can compare with the noble edifice which it is our privi-lege and pride to open this day. (Applause. ) In or about the year 1831, some 12 years prior to the in-corporation of Sydney, the market buildings occupy-ing the larger portion of the present site were built by the Government under the direct authority of Governor Bourke, who being, as it was tersely put, "satisfied of the needs of the public"' undertook the work of erecting suitable market premises. It was about this time that the famous importation of mechanics by that sturdy pioneer Dr. Lang took place, and these men were set to work to erect the structure. The markets were constructed in four distinct sections for use as follows: - One for butcher's meat and poultry, one for the retail fruit trade, one for the wholesale fruit trade, and one for the sale of pota-

toes. In November, 1846, the land and buildings

were handed over to the corporation. In 1859, 17

years after the incorporation of the city, the four

sections were united by the construction of a central roof at a cost of some £10,000 or £12,000, and formed the markets familiar to the citizens prior to 1891. The old markets outlived their usefulness. Ugly and dilapidated as this relic of early Sydney was, it had long passed the period when its utility could be considered as commensurate with the extent and value of the city it occupied. After tracing the history of the new buildings the Major said: The various contracts have totalled a sum of no less than £252, 230 If we add to this the cost of the purchase from the Government of the old police court site facing Druitt street, £124, 000, we bring the amount up to £376,230 and taking into account the value of the remainder of the site, a grand total approximat-ing £700,000 is established. That the building has been a costly one cannot be denied, and that much less expense would have sufficed to provide ample market accommodation must be ad-mitted. But it must also be admitted that

in building a public market for the citizens of a growing city like Sydney it would have been a short-sighted policy to have only studied the pre-sent, to the exclusion of that great future which far-seeing men agree will be almost infinite in possi-bilities. (Applause.) It is not to be expected that such an immense structure will immediately achieve its fullest possibilities. But with judicious and liberal management a marvellous centre of trade will be established here, which must grow in im-portance as the years roll on. (Hear, hear. )

The corporation will not be slow to for-

mulate a policy which will attract business and improve the trade of the surrounding locality I think there will be few dissentients, if any, to the opinion that this grand public edifice will be viewed with pride by the citizens of Sydney and visitors to

our city, both sections of the community regarding it as an incomparable architectural triumph of this closing nineteenth century, creditable alike to the architect who designed it and to the builders who have erected it. (Cheers.)

The Mayor then declared the buildings open, and the announcement was received with cheers, the band playing the "National Anthem."

Cheers, called for by Mr J. S. Hawthorne, were given, for the Mayor and Mayoress of Sydney, and also for the Major and Mayoress of Melbourne.

The sentiments of "The Queen" and "The Governor " were honoured with enthusiasm.

Alderman Sydney Burdekin proposed the next sentiment, "Success to the Queen Victoria Markets. " He explained that in superseding the old structure they had been influenced by a desire to meet the re-

quirements of a modern city like Sydney, and at the same time to erect a structure which would be worthy of this metropolis. He claimed that the building which had been reared was a credit to the citizens, a credit to the aldermen, and a credit to the colony. (Applause.) The aldermen had in that matter shown that they were impressed by the necessity for keeping abreast of the times. It was he who was the active agent in knocking down the old structure, and after the necessary authority for demolition had been given he did not afford the council opportunity for reconsidering or "revis-ing" its decision. (Laughter.) But it was Sir

William Manning to whom much of the credit was due in connection with the raising of the new struc-ture. (Applause.)

Sir William Manning, in acknowledging the senti-ment, said it was under his presidency that the whole of the works connected with the new markets were let. He was convinced that Sydney was de-stined to become one of the greatest cities in the Em-pire, and that those buildings would prove a financial success. He was largely responsible for the enterprise that had resulted in the creation of that structure. Modern municipalism in Europe did not stand still.

Nor should they be deterred by the timidity of cer-tain people from embarking upon schemes that would result in the amelioration of the condition of the people. (Hear, hear.) He was determined that in regard to progress Australia should keep pace with the old country. This great city ought to be in the van of modern municipalism. (Applause. )

" The Architect, Mr George McRae" was

honoured at the instance of Alderman I. E. Ives, and Mr McRae acknowledged the honour paid him.

"The Contractors, Messrs Phippard Brothers," were honoured on the proposition of Alderman Tay-lor, and the toast was ackuowledged by Mr Edward Phippard.

The Mayor of Melbourne rose to submit the next sentiment, and was received with cheers. It was the sentiment of "The Mayor and Mayoress of Sydney. " He was certain, he said, that it was the duty of the council to have regard to the convenience of the citizens and the embellishment of the city, but he did not quite agree with the policy of erect-ing shops, which, being municipal property, would be exempt from rates and would therefore be able to enter into competition with private enterprise to the prejudice of citizens who did own shops and had to pay rates in regard to them. The tendency of such a policy as that might be to reduce the rentals of privately owned shops, the proprietors of which contributed to the rates necessary to meet expenditure on civic works. He also alluded to the fact that this city was indebted to two gentlemen who were Victorians for the erection of that magni-ficent pile of buildings, and asked whether there was any reason why the colonies should not be brought closer together? He did not wish, he said, to touch upon the political aspect of federation, but as a Victorian who had very large interests in New

South Wales he believed that his interests in this colony were larger than those possessed by him beyond the southern border - he would like to say he hoped that the outcome of this election would be that the people of Australia would arrive at some satisfactory solution of the difficulties that existed, and before long federation would be un fait ac-compli. (Cheers.) He concluded by expressing the obligations of the City of Melbourne to the Mayor and Mayoress of this city for the hospitality they had extended to him and the Mayoress of Mel-bourne. (Applause. )

The sentiment of "The Mayor and Mayoress of Sydney" was received with enthusiasm, cheers being given in honour of both Alderman Matthew

and Mrs Harris.

A similar compliment was paid to the Mayor and

Mayoress of Melbourne.

The formal proceedings then terminated, and the

guests made a tour of the buildings and found much

to evoke their admiration.


In the evening the buildings were lighted up and open to public inspection. Visitors were struck by the almost dazzling brilliancy of the interior light-ing and by the artistic design of the large globe lamps, in which are placed many hundreds of Wels-bach incandescent burners. All the entrances are lit by big clusters of burners, each giving 500 candle-power and shedding floods of light along George and York streets and over the magnificent facades of the building. These lamps have been specially manufactured for the markets, and are the first of this style used in the colonies. They are suspended from beautiful ornamental wrought-iron brackets, made locally to the design of the architect.

Entering the building from Druitt-street one finds to right and left two apparently endless rows of lamps, over 100 in number, each fitted with two Welsbach burners, and giving an illuminating power of 140 candles. The effect is most striking and the freedom from shadow in all parts of the building re-markable. The same method of lighting is adoptod for the first floor. The second floor is ingeniously lighted by means of 12 large 500 candle power lamps suspended from the centre of the lofty roof. The delicate architecture and fine

design of this structure are beautifully brought out by means of this method of illumination. Great care has been exercised in procuring an abund-ance of light for the basement, where even in the daytime artificial illumination will be required. The heavy piers are clasped by ornamental rings, to which are fitted neatly-designed brackets, each carrying a Welsbach. Some 350 burners are lighting the basement, and the distribution of light is perfect. Proper attention is also paid to the effective illu-

mination of the central dome. Round the well-hole

on the second floor there are erected four wrought iron standards of magnificent design and workman-ship, each carrying three burners, which throw their light high up to the roof of the unique structure. The enormous building is lit by about 1000 burners, giving an aggregate light equal to 70,000 candles. The contract for burners and all gas fittings was secured by Messrs Lassetter and Co, Limited, who

have carried out their work in a most efficient
