Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 8 May 1897, page 4


Tho Contemporary adds its testimony to tho trend of Anglo-Saxon thought just now by giving prominence to an article by Professor* A V Dicey on " A Common Citizenship for the Eng-lish Rice " His propo-al is that England and the United States should by concurrent and ap-propriate legislation make overy citizen of each couutr«, respectivelj citizen of the other during the continuanco of peicc This " isopolity," he says, lins no nceessary connection what-ever with national or politiuil unity Tho Cretan question receives attention in two contribution«. In ono of these J Genundius grveB an historical sketch of Crotan struggles for liberty,

nnd in tho other Sir M E Grant Duff has somo discursive notes on what ho culls the Cretan im-broglio Ho thinks that in ono rosptot at least ware better oil now than w lion Beaconsfield, in tho later seventies, was taking the inspiration for this Eastern pohoj from his own novels This writer hopes that the eoucert of Eiuoro may bo main tuned to tho end, and the lesson given to would-be disturbers of the polee that tho Powers aro strong Pnom, > ind united enough to eonipol obedienco to tboEis commands which aro dictated by tho com-mon Miine of nil Hum Drummond ia written of by Dr W Robertson Nicoll, nnd there is a paper by Phil Robinson and ono b« Edmund Gos«c on Henrj biciikiew¡07, known to his admirers as tho Polish Tolstn , with others on the law of liberh, Joatmos Sectus Fngena, and tho religious orders in the Romi n com-munion Professor Goldwin Smith writes a paper under the title "Reform tho House of Lords ' " Ho contends that tho ebsoredit into w bich *he American Sonate has lately fallen has shaken confidence m Senates as conservative institutions As retrards tho Bntish Constitution, ho finds that the Clown is pobti-ally defunct, the House of Lords IB all but in tho same case, and the Constitution itself is worn out and it» balance inetrievablj overturned Reorganisation of the Lords is the vifcil and pressing question of tho hour, ho snj s , 1 ut that for such a nation as Great Bntam to fall into the hands of a Houso

of Commons elected by universal siilfrago would with its world w ido empire be oonfusiou Tho article conoludea with a character stic sug-gestion that it would not bo surprising if Lord Salisbury's leadership of tho Government at this cnticil juncture wore to bo hereafter nuinborod among the dihister« of British histor} Mr Stead writes of the German Emporor ns " The Lord Chief Justice of Europo " While the late Czir lived ho was the European peacemaker, and now 'William asp na to tho position Mr Stead thinks that in compelling the Powers to turn her out of Crete Greeco his done a great set vue to civilisation bv forcing the Powers to act as a unit The usual árlalo on " Money nud Investment« " appears in its place

Mr H M Stanley discusses m the nineteenth Centiii if the Boer indictments of British pohev^tn reply to tho Chief Justice of the Orauge Tree State It is nns-ciblo in tompir, and dcoluuus about tho harsh intolerance, Pharisaic selfiliception, mil trumpeted mtillibilitv exhibited bv that ofheud In a paper on " Die Ethics of Empire," II T Wvatt, who is honorary seoreLin of the " Seeley " lecturers, ilso foals with tho arguments of tho Orango State Chief Justice Ho thinks that although 20 Vcars agi little attention would bo given to tin morality of the acquisition or retí ntion of empire, or of corni c mg with other nations for extension of dominion, to-dnj tho fa'e of tho Empire depends on tho right detcnninntioii of thir, subject of inquiry As an cxamplo of the local imminence of the question ho savs that Mr Gladstone's repudiation of tho m euded an-nexation of Nun Guinea b} Qui euslnud has loft Gcrmanymasterof api sinon which in fututo ilavs too probably may bo the souroe oí din diiluulty to the Australasian colonies Charles Whiblcj li is au article on tho enero iihmeut of women, in whioh ho shows li msclf coucerued about the invasion of the universities Nothing will satisfy the assailants, ho sa}.«, but the plunder of the University, aided as tho\ aro by tho spurious sentimentality which always urges the irrespon-sible Radical to give awuy that which does not bolong to him He bnwutls the possibility of tho college courts which Gray and Bvrou know being invaded by what ho unfeeling,} calls a horde of wonieu tricked out ma co>tunw unbecoming tfteir nt tbei skirts, whoso careel would bo as ill-assorted as their raiment 'lim Duko of Argyll concludes his article on " Mr Herbert Speucei and Lord Salisbury on Evolution," aud convovs a high compbment to the former on his completion of his " Synthetic Philosophy," while it discounts the results of the work itself The question ns to bow poor ladies live is dealt w iib in two articles

"Mr launer and Manitoba" is the titlo of

another paper fan Vlgernou Wist wntes about cháñeos m social life during the Queen's reign, and thero is gil in here a translation of the account of Pius II of how ho bei-amo Pope Lady Currie writes a p ctnroquo sketch of a Tuiki«h lounir Pritonder there uro papers about

Ronsard and Goethe mil twountnbutions totioh

lng on the integrity ot the Ottoman I mpire us a diplomatic forimil i Sir Yur-Uan 1 Colvin replies to Lord Roberts b critic ism of nflairs at Ajra in lbj?, in defence of hw relauvt, whose conduct was criticised in the "Fort} one A ears Reminis-cences" to tho grivo prcjudiro of a distinguished publio officer, as this wuk puts it

In the .ft» . lahtlii Olga Novil off writes of "Russia and the Re-discoverv of Euripe," by which is mount the duuirer in the Emopeau situa lion ere ited by the blockade nf Crete A struggling ossemblure muttering like MaobethV witch s lound the cauldron ot dip omuov, sho savs, has been oxJiatiged for the spectacle of the allied six Powers armed with moral and material rieht, ropre entine; tile nuijc-tv of nn imposing Concert

Toi tbo first timo in history tin world, as she

puts it, sees not tho fleets and annies, but Ino fit et und the armv of Eur ipe I urthei on the rom tri

is mado that Englnnd backed Turkey w lion Rossi e supported the v irtinis of the Turk, biitEuglmhmen hive now noon the error of their ways, "lindar at hist attempting to follow in the pith worn smooth b} tho feotofniv eountiymeii ' II D Traill has an amus ig satire on tho unlearned PhilhoUcnea, who have so much to s ly about the sentimental claims of Greece, Liune Magnus writes about Vmo Hulz as a German poet of revolt, md tho financial relatious between Eng1 ind and Ireland aro discussed b} Judeo O'Counor Morris The agitation foi woman's ngbts in Trinco, oi feminism, as it is thero called, is desoribod by Virginia M Crawfoid, who finds in it tho germs of Trench social regenera-tion Canon M Coll returns to his a tivitics with

a paper about "Crete au Ooject Lesson," m which a parallel aoverso to tho Government is drawn between the elector ii lcsult m Luirfond of the Bulganan question and that which will follow tho Cietan question Nu hollis Syimutt points out some dangers lo Intish bca-po«ei under tim present rubs of naval warfaio, and Sir George Rjdon-Powel also airs his viens about " Candia Redivivu " Thero are two papers on South Afncin questions, Major Cnfliths eontnbutes "After Khartoum," and thero aro

papers about the Free Church in Engl lud, market vvrecking, aud the contrasts prcsonted m Europe and Amené i between the period of the present and that of 400 years igo

Ihe Acw J "icii has the names of Chirles Whiblov and Basil Thomson among its contribu tors, aud there is a grueborau ti etch by Charles Mai nott The "Foreigner in the Firmjard" sones is continued, and C do Tluein writes about England md her colonies Cosmopohi has tho first instalment of a stor} bj Rudjard K pling, " Sbives of the Lamp " Thoic are sotm unpulilislii letters of John fatuart Mill to Gust iv d'Licht1 al Piofcssor Mahatfey writes ahoutPoiupcv'sPillai tnd there nie the usual notes on tho new books, tin litre, and tho Globe and the Island Among tho Trenoh contributors names that of Paul Bom not is lotispiiuouh, and m the German section " Ignntus " hnB his usual poli-tical article Tho national "Vu«» has tho miine of Sponoer Wilkmsou on its list for tho month In a paper on " Helpless Europe " ho expresses a doubt if tho British fleet carried out the will of the nation in its recent notion with rce-urd to Crete Tho awkward situation for whieh Greece is denounced, ho thinks, was duo solely to the w ant ot accord between the Pow ers Writing m nth ance of recent events he sujfl that Lord Salisbury's policy of coercing Crete and Grcceo may lead to a war between Greeco ind Turko}, which will bo the signal for Russia to como to Turkey's help, and with tho Sultan's consent to sever the States England's opportunity, he proceeds, will thin be gone, for other nations willi then bo certain of what thoy now BUBpeot, that British Gov ernments have lost the insight, courage, and deoision of former times, that England is no longer the. groat nation sho was, and that the command of the sea might be m hands better qualified to use it ior Europo's good MIBS Mary Kingsley writes r-bout fishing in West Africa in her amusing w ly, t Ber-lin Mont do Píete is described, and thero are papers about Clough, trade and trninirg in Germany, a recent glance at Spain, President M Kinley, soma views of .Admiral Colomb on the patnotio

editor in war, and the customary episodes of the month, and American note»

Blackwood has notioos of recent Frenoh and English books, an examination of Lord Oromor's annual report on progress in Eg) pt, and papors on billiards and it* dovotoos, tho fumina in Burma, and tho navy estimates, among other mutters Tho

Westminster's contributors deal with such quest iona as John Bull's Estate, international arbitration, financial relations between England and Ireland, and onnio in recent literature Macmillan gives its nttcntion this month to (ho Indian fammo, the remaktng of tho amiv, and tho Pnnco of "Wnles's Hospital Fund Temple Har is more interesting from a literarj point of view, and though thore is nothing of a veiy outstanding oharaoter m the volume tho ci stomary high lovel of oxcellonco is ngrceabl) maintained Cornhill eonf innes its "Englishman's Calendar" for Amil, and Sir Walter Bcsiint makes an appeal to Vnienc nu oa bell ilf of tho principio of arbi-tration Somo recollectroiiB of F D Maurice aro interesting reading, and among the other matter aro papors about German duels, the story of Sir Walter Scott's ruin (by Leslio Stephen), tho con-tinuation of papers from a pnv ato diary, and some sketches in lighter vein. Longman's has a paper by Grant Allen on "The Living Earth," and Belgravia, which with this issue appears under now editorial management, has an Australian story, "An Australian Andromeda," by G. Firth Scott;

besides articles about the stage and sports and pastimes, and some sketches and stories. It is announced that the number of stories each month will be increased, and that arrangements have been made to add to the readable character of the magazine. Scribnn, St nicholas, and tho Century Illustiated leay o littlo to bo dcBired in point of readable and piotonol interest and wo havo also to acknowledge the receipt of the Jiadmmton, C/iambers's Journal, Knowledqe, and tho fco xomic Join nal In the lastnamed is an nrtiole by Kcnno B Alnrray on " Mr Chamberlain and Colonial Commerce," and an interview with Mr M'Arthur, tho inv entor of the oyanide process