Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 20 January 1876, page 2

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Thursday, January 30, LISTS.

The little missionary steamer Ellen-gowan has once more returned to Somer-set with further tidings from the scene of her former discoveries. She has made an adventurous voyage up the great river which, it was the good fortune of Mr. M'Farlane to have discovered and reported on after Mr. Macleay had beaten a somewhat too hasty retreat. This time, however, the missionary received the material support which the secular arm of authority conveys, and it is not improbable that the assistance afforded by Mr. Chester and the few native troopers he had with him contributed to the ultimate safety of the whole party. The very brief report published by us yesterday gives no doubt, a very faint concep-tion of the perils that were really encountered. Of these, probably, we shall have a . much fuller and more particular account hereafter. Enough, however, has been told to show that this enterprising little band of explorers escaped- by the skin of their teeth from the unenviable fate which awaited them if they had actually fallen into the hands of the savages who interrupted their progress vip the magnificent river by which they penetrated upwards of 165 miles into the interior of this unknown country. The fortunate circumstance that M. D'Albertis was provided with a good supply of dynamite for the peaceful purpose of obtaining a supply of fish proved, probably, the salvation of the whole party. We may be tolerably certain, nevertheless, that the defensive demonstrations were not limited to the harmless explosion of a few charges of dynamite. Some at any rate, of the passengers and crew of the Ellen-gowan must have been armed, and if they made use of their arms when driven to extremities, no one would blame them for doing so. There appears to be no doubt of the unprovoked hostility of the natives. That they so far succeeded in that hostility must be admitted, for the Ellen-gowan was obliged to retrace her steps disabled. But the expedition must be looked upon on the whole as successful

for most valuable information has been

obtained in connection with this great river, which will doubtless prove hereafter

to be a most convenient mode of access to the interior.

Thus another step has been taken towards the occupation of New Guinea. We have throughout pointed out that, while there was a great talk of elaboratelyfitted out expeditions from distant places, the real work was being done in an unostentatious but by no means ineffectual manner by the missionary and scientific explorers who made Somerset the basis of their operations. We doubt if, at present, it could be in better hands. There is evidently a large amount of preliminary work to be done before anything like actual occupation can take place. But it must be evident that the process of occupation has actually commenced. The embouchure of this great river is not more than twenty-four hours' easy steaming from the peninsula of Cape York, and it cannot be supposed that there will not be others who will follow the lead of the Ellengowan. It is in vain to say of what avail is it to probe the secrets of this great island continent i It may be true, as has been asserted, that the climate is one most fatal to strangers, even if it is not deadly to the natives who have become inured to its dangers. We may be quite sure, however, that nothing will suffice to allay the curiosity with regard to it which has now been excited. That it can in any sense be looked upon as a field for European colonisation in the sense in which

Australia has hitherto been colonised would of course be absurd. But that some sort of hold will be acquired can scarcely be doubted. The least objectionable form would probably, in the first instance, be that which may be found in the combina-tion represented on board the Ellengowan.

The missionary zeal which induces men like Livingstone in Africa, or men like Mr. M'Faiilaxk in Polynesia, to imperil their lives in a cause by some deemed quixotic is, in truth, not to be despised.

It is certainly not founded on merely '

mercenary considerations, and if often it is sustained by a certain love of adventure, it cannot be forgotten that its primary moving cause is one which is based on the most exalted principles of good-

will even to the most untamed and in-human races. Mr. M'Farlan"e, it is true, has in this particular occasion received some assistance from the Police Magistrate of Somerset and the posse comitatus of constables which accompanied him. It was fortunate for him that he did, for if this help had not been forthcoming, it is most probable that, even with the assistance of the dynamite thunders of Signor D'Albertis, the Ellen-gowan would never have made her way out of the Fly River. It is, perhaps, scarcely in accordance with the most exalted notion of missionary enterprise, that the sword of the spirit should be wielded by an arm of flesh. In that sense, the religion which we proless is distinguished from the old Hebrew or Mahomedan propagandism. Nor do we emulate the example of the Spanish Conijucstidores, who imposed the religion of the Cross at the point of the sword. But in our relations with savage races, such as those inhabiting New Guinea, there can be no doubt that the first civilised occupiers of such a country must fortify themselves as best they can by their superior intelligence. They had better not go there at all, unless they are prepared to hold their own. It would, perhaps, be considered impertinence on our part to recommend a permanent alliance between Mr. M'Farlane and Mr. Chester. Much, however, might be left in the first instance to their combined good sense. We should be sorry to discourage Mr. hester from paying another visit to the Fly, and there is nothing, we feel convinced, in the principles held by Mr. M'Farlane which should preclude him from accepting the valuable assistance which may be afforded by such a man as the Resident at Somerset. In combina-tion they would, in all probability, act with infinitely greater discretion than the motley collection of New Guinea colonists who have enlisted under Lieutenant Armit's colors.

There is an old saying that threatened men live long." The collective fist of Europe has been shaken at Turkey ever and anon; but she has lived. It has been shaken at her once again, and still she lives ; still seems likely to live. There is no common agreement as to when she ought to die, or who shall deal the deathblow. Russia has been eager to be the executioner, and having so long desired the office, now wishes to postpone the fate of the victim. Austria would gladly see her out of the way, but is not disposed to let Russia be the destroyer, and permit her to appropriate the effects of the deceased. Germany would witness the extinction of Turkish power in Europe without regret; but, like Austria, would not care to see Russia administer-ing the estate. England would prefer that what is should, if possible, continue to be, but reformed; and, beginning to believe that improbable, wishes for the substitution of something which shall be neither Russian nor Austrian but independent of both a new empire. Turkey lives, and may yet recover, because her medical attendants are not agreed upon the treatment. What is death to most patients is life to her. The jealousies of rival Powers are, to a great extent, the safety of Turkey. No one of them dare seize it, no division of it can be agreed upon, and so recourse is had to that which alone is possible? attempts to enforce remedial measures, which, if successful, must render extinc-tion less likely, and at least afford time for a change which shall neither be absorption by one country nor division amongst several. At the present time it would scarcely be an exaggeration to say that Turkish statesmen are to a great extent masters of the position. They can play off St. Petersburg against Vienna, and Vienna against St. Petersburg, and so keep the ball rolling, and have done so. Austria was inclined to intervene with an armed force to suppress the present insurrection, and forthwith the Turkish Government throw itself into the arms of Russia, which advocated forbearance. And thus the astute servants of the Sultan have gained time, and checkmated the Servians and Montene-

grins j and threats of armed intervention, and proposals for placing the country under the tutelage of Europe have dwindled down to a demand for guarantees for stated reforms, and we shall next hear that Turkey would be only too happy to give them, but does not see how it can be accomplished; and the promises which have always been broken previously will be accepted once again. It seems a reasonable assumption that the aims of Austria have been defeated by Russia, which dreaded her ascendancy in the East; and those of Russia by Germany, who was determined that the weakness of Turkey should not be her aggrandisement. The defeat of France by Germany has for the time fettered the action of Russia in the East Germany is now able to assume an attitude of independence with regard to Russian projects, which was all but impossible when she was threatened by France, and required the aid of Russia to prevent Austria playing a good second to that formidable opponent. The military preponderance of Germany which has changed everything else, has also changed the aspect of the Eastern question. Russia has passed from the hands of England and France to those of Germany and Austria, and has lost by the change. She may regain her position; it is not likely that she will do so entirely. It can scarcely be otherwise than that German policy will be anti-Russian, and that between her and Austria there will be more or less of accord. In this consists what safety there is for Turkey. If the possession of Turkey is to be worth much to Russia she must have the Danubian Principalities. Prussia permitted her to occupy them at the commencement of the Crimean war, before Austria had been defeated at Sadowa, before a powerful and united Germany had been formed, before the military power of France had been crushed at Sedan. Now, stronger than both France and Austria, Germany is able to throw off the shackles which bound her to Russia. It would never

have suited her purposes that the Rouman Provinces should be incorporated with Russia; but this, which formerly it would have been a peril to resist, she can now with safety forbid, and to a certainty prevent. The change is a gain to Europe; to France, who has a difficult task taken off her hands; to Austria, who dare scarcely move in Eastern matters to England, whose power was always inferior to her will. Never were the prospects of Russia in the East less satisfactory than at the present time, and thus we see that very Power which has done its utmost to bring about the destruction of Turkey yielding to the change of circumstances, attempting to bolster her up, content to wait for a more convenient opportunity, which will probably never be such as she might once have had. Turkey is safer than she was five years ago. She, too, is a gainer by the triumph of Germany over France. Destruction may come from within, but is much less likely to come from without. Time and the opportunity for making reforms are the only hope of Turkish statesmen. That may fail them, but to possess the opportunity is something. Nor is this their only prospect. There is a concurrence of belief that, before many years have elapsed, Germany will have come to blows with Russia, and the result most competent military authorities deem in no way doubtful. The defeat of Russia would be to increase the security of Turkey. It would as much enhance the influence of Austria in the East as it would diminish that of her present rival, and that again would be checked by Germany. For let it not be forgotten that, although in the course of some years France will have regained a strong military position, she cannot be the ally to Russia that she could once have been, because Germany has created so formidable a network of fortresses on her French frontiers, as to render attack a most stupendous task. Colonel Ches-ney, than whom there is hardly a more able military critic in Europe, seems this obstacle to a French attack so great that he has expressed his belief in the probability of Germany, single-handed, giving a good account of Russia and France united. The despair of maintaining the integrity of Turkey, which is now so loudly expressed, is due much more to internal than external dangers; to the hostility of her Christian population, her form of Government, and maladministration. But she has always been able to suppress revolt. Servia and Montenegro gained their independence through the interposi-tion of Russia, whose designs it suited.

Omar Pasha had all but crushed Montenegro, when Russia stayed his hand, and rendered his success fruitless. There is not much to hope with regard to Turkey, though the prospect is better, not worse, than formerly, because Russia is less

dangerous; because there are to be re-. forms; because time is gained, and circumstances may favor her as they have often done before. But the interests of England, and of the Empire, require that the Russian flag should not float over Constantinople, and from this point of view there is much to hope. The danger of the annexation of Turkey by Russia is much diminished ; it is more probable that the d3iiasty will fail to maintain itself, and that there will rise up a new Power which will be Christian, not Mahomedan, which Europe will uphold, and which Russia will not dare to attack.

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Messrs. Alfred Hubbard and John/ Warde,

both of Brisbane, were yesterday sworn in as magistrates of the territory, before His Honor Mr. Justice Lutwyche.

Several candidates for the representation of Clermont are spoken of, but the only one who has spoken for himself as yet is Mr. F. E. Lyon, who informs The Telegram that he means


Unpleasant rumors have lately been afloat as to the present position of the Australasian Association, founded some time ago under such auspicious circumstances. We now learn that, at a meeting of the committee of management, held last night at the Royal Hotel, Mr. M. B. Magill in the chair, it was resolved that a general meeting of the members be called to consider the affairs of the association, and to discuss the advisability of continuing the society, or otherwise. The secretary announced that Mr. W. H. Kent had liberally promised a donation of ten guineas rather than see the association lapse for want of support. Two members of the committee present also offered to subscribe five guineas each. It is not very complimentary to the members generally to have it publicly known that, owing to carelessness on their part, the sum of £50 ISs. is owing as arrears of sub. emptions, yet such, we are informed, is the case; and the committee particularly request that the members will meet the collector in a satisfactory manner when next he calls upon them. Should they do so, we see no reason why the present difficulties should not be successfully sided over, and the society placed in that position which it promised to occupy when first started.

A progress meeting of the committee appointed to make arrangements for assisting in the promotion of Mr. Mort's scheme for the shipment of a cargo of frozen meat from Sydney to England, was held yesterday afternoon in the Museum, at which Joshua P. Bell, Esq,, M.L.A., presided. There were also present Messrs. T. M'Ilwraith, M.L.A., B. D. Morehead, M.L.A., E. W. Lamb and P. R. Gordon. Mr. J. Fenwick, the secretary, stated that his prime object in calling the meeting was to report that in accordance with his instructions, he forwarded circulars to stockowners on the Darling Downs and the secretaries of agricultural societies throughout the colony, soliciting their co-opera-tion in the movement; and secondly, to receive any additional suggestions the committee might offer to expedite it. Sufficient time had not elapsed to permit answers being received to oil the circulars, but an intimation arrived from Toowoomba to the effect that a meeting, hoped to be favorable to the scheme, would be held in that town on Friday next The chairman thought, and the committee concurred, that the distribution of circulars explanatory of the object in view, to the secretaries of the widely-spread agricultural societies, was a proper step towards Securing their assistance, and incidentally that of cattle and sheep owners in the immediate vicinity of them. Upon the information imparted by the secretary, it was decided, after a brief discussion as to whether tradespeople and farmers might not unite in furthering the project, to postpone further steps until the amount of support likely to be rendered by outlying districts was ascertained,

We believe that if there is one thing more than another which, as a general rule, favorably influences visitors to Brisbane from Melbourne, and other large cities of the southern colonies, it is the orderly, or at least good-humored, conduct of our people at places of amusement, and the absence of those rascally practices which in the south is known under the general term of larrikinism. It will, therefore, surprise many, and none more than ourselves, to learn from a Brisbane correspondent of The Melbourne Age, that " We hear a great deal about Melbourne larrikins in a theatre ; they are angels to the Brisbane ones, who have not even the behavior to be found amongst the most uncivilised of

Victorian larrikins."

A meeting of the members of the Board of Enquiry into the causes of disease in live stock and plants was held in the lecture-room of the Museum last night, when the subject of the re-production of our most valuable indigenous fodder grasses, which are fast disappearing through overstocking, was under considerationIt appeared that two acres of land have been prepared by Mr. Way in the Queen's Park Toowoomba, where several of the varieties are to be reproduced under Mr. Way's surveillance. Dr. Bancroft, and Messrs. Haly, Grimes, and Bailey have visited the Eastern and Western Downs, and collected many seeds which have been sown by Mr. Way, many of which are already above ground. The trustees of the public parks at Rockhampton and Maryborough, have been applied to, and have expressed their anxiety to set apart portions of ground for the purpose, and to co-operate with the Board in every possible way in the matter. It was stated that the commission found that the Californian prairie grass was fast spreading over many portions of the Downs, and was highly prized as a fodder grass.

A well-attended- meeting of the enrolled members of the recently-formed Volunteer Engineer corps was held at the drill-room, Georgestreet, last night. The prime business was swearing in twenty men, principally the original promoters, before Mr. A. Hubbard, who kindly attended for the purpose. The discussion of regulations, prepared by a sub-committee for the proper working of the company, was then proceeded with, and these, with a few unimportant emendations and additions, were unanimously agreed to Forty members are now on the roll, and it was decided that the first drill should take place on Wednesday next. It being too late to consider what style of uniform would be most desirable to adopt the subject was deferred until the following

meeting. Mr. G. H. Newman, who occupied the chair after Mr. J. M'Kellar's departure said that Mr. John Douglas, M.L.A., president of the School of Arts, favored the formation of a class at that institution for teaching civil engineering, and subjects of a kindred nature. It was also believed that the committee would con-cur with this idea, as it would tend to aid in promoting the efficiency of the corps, and if a sufficient number of members signified their intention of attending the classes, it was very likely that a paid instructor would be provided.

The immigrants who were landed from the ship St. James, on Monday last, are not being engaged quite so quickly as some others have been still a goodly number have left the depot. Some have been engaged here, others forwarded to the inland towns, and many have gone away with their friends. The numbers still remaining at the depot are as follow 34 married, couples, and 49 children ; SO single men, and. 30 single girls. The whole of the married couples and single men, are open for engagement; but of the single girls, only two or three are without employment to go to. On Tuesday S of the single men left for Toowoomba, and yesterday 34 immigrants married couples and single men? went to Ipswich. More will probably be sent inland to-day or to-morrow, so that those desiring to engage labor, should visit the depot as soon as possible. The prevailing rates have been a Married couples, £45 per annum and upwards; single men, £35; and single girls, 8s. to 14s. per week. It has been announced that the Immigration Board will meet to-day at 2 o'clock p.m., to enquire into an alleged deficiency in the quantity of water issued to the immigrants by the St. James, and any person connected with the ship who may desire to tender evidence is invited to attend at the above

hour. in reference to the Gauntlet, we learn that this vessel will come up to-day ; but from latest advices it is highly improbable that the immigrants will be brought up within a week or ten days, as fresh cases of fever have broken out quite recently.

In our issue of yesterday appeared a paingraph of a bucolic nature, treating of certain aspects of bovine diseases, which was noted at the end as being extracted from "Specialities" in The Queenslander. Our readers were doubtless considerably exercised in the attempt to reconcile thesomewhatpracticalaudniatter-of-factstyleand subject of this paragraph with their ordinary impressions as to what "Specialities" are generally like. It may therefore be as well to explain that the paragraph in question was extracted from the portion of The Queenslander devoted to subjects connected with the Farm and Station, and that, whatever may be its merits in point of furnishing useful information, it has never been distinguished by a place among the "Specialities" in that journal. It is almost needless to add that the delusive footnote was the work of " the devil." In the same issue, another eccentricity connected with stock appeared in the shape of a " bull," which the police should impound, inasmuch as a sentence devoted to the obligation of certain atrocious cars in George-street, which have the habit of assailing the nags of passing horsemen, is inadvertently so worded as apparently to apply to the police compliments intended for the dogs, the consequence being that to all appearance it is asserted that the former make it their only business in life to rush into the roadway and frighten horses, and that to them is applied the pleasing lines which run four or five of these worthless and mischievous brutes may be found any day at the junction of George and Turbot streets." As we never by any chance make a slip in our composition, it may be as well to explain that we merely put it that way in order to obtain the complete and lively attention of our excellent police to the nuisances, a consummation which we flatter ourselves we have now finally secured.

The Queensland Theatre, it is announced, will re-open to-morrow evening. The company comprises, in addition to a number of well-known Brisbane actors, Mdlles. Solange and Andree Navaro, who have several times previously appeared in this city, and are to give several operatic selections.

Amongst other serious results of the exceptionally stormy weather which has prevailed during the present month, we learn from The Maryborough Chronicle that " a meeting of the Gladstone Progress Committee,' convened for the evening of January 10, was effectuallystopped." The committee will probably be re-christened after this, and called the Port Curtis Fairweather Committee.