Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Saturday 25 May 1901, page 45



LONDON, April 19.

sad Mr?. Homy Butler, after a very ble time i" I'aris, where Mdlle. Irma is was their constant companion, lett w last week, and will not return to until they have seen a good deal of Miss Laura Lugg and Miss Lamb arrived hero, and Mrs. Cyril Cllamjii iier sister, Jliss Donne, after iefest of stays, have gone on to the i capital, where Mrs. Sydney Abbott e another Melbourne visitor at the if the month. Lieutenant and Mrs. KjrStainer, who arrived from Meii a fortnight ago, are settled'' down kenham, a pretty little place in Kent, nine utiles from Charing Cross. Mrs. Simnts, with her daughter and sonMi. and Mrs. P. F. Bonnin, of 4e, who arrived by the Arcadia, is - at Brighton, where the party was at Easter by Mr. and Mrs. lTany who had just, returned from Monte

Justice Hodges and family have made Loudon headquarters at Queen

Mansions, St. James, where Hartley and Lady Williams

when over here. Lady Dar

has had a succession of colds ever

er arrival in England, is determined

risk another waiter in this trying , and will almost certainly go to

the close of the English summer. 'Oruian .Shelley (Sydney), who spent aiter in Broaden, with" ner children ucr relations, is back in London, but ery poor health, and at the moment wr doctor s> orders, in a home of rest, wuvaieoeent. she will go to Essex, the has a very interesting country Mr. .John T. Wynne, formerly of

etbounic (.'as Company, has very! home, The Dyflryn, at Molesey"here his eldest, aaguhter will shortly;

Tied to a cousin, The Sillily are1 tnoutning for Mrs. Wynne.

,Ales. Dowjic, C.E., of Sydney, is ^ London afcei- a six. month#' trip Mke/gold-bcaring

>*here he went on behjHf ofs-lium.■^eilthy London eyndlcat^ - JflitiQg "wests in Ashanfci, ~ "■'SBfi^Bdwra There is a splendid fUtttre Jc^ the I'M 80ld-producer;"'«S4tfi.'|(.<Br-< ttheing connected with, ratwtbf the TOOtsuig companies now h?.African boom. In vie* wills

young Down© has invited -bis

wd motliei 10 visit him i& Lo&4on, ^i", ,mahe the trip as soon as his

Permits. Mr.Downe,s«a.,

SSS-s n eng»neer ofthe €yd

^ho, witK her aon P«cy,

u, i lu Frankfort for a conPRi f lateJy «■ »»**»•

id if al ■!', weeka. It is «for fp® lvi1,' be, «l>le to come to

tl on 8fd®.but» whiob will be ft LiUan

? if! S't amvaW W Booth

i«oiy Bean 1° fsoD bf the •the ' of Me!bourne), .who

• bw P1"1' i^SSve S^

food* Africa last week, to join the 4tb Staffordshire Regiment, in which he was recently guelled to a lieutenancy.

In toe present exhibition of the New English Art Club Mr. Charles Conder has .woe wock which is a good deal discussed by the art critics. The "Daily Telegraph," m writing of the strong, simple realism, so I fat divided from Mr. Conder's decorative

JS®«® on —"Yet, why should we not enjoy both? It ig, however, as mere decoration, deliberately but very sympathetically imitative, that we must regard Mr. Gander** art if we are to be just to it. The gift of true imaginativeness cannot be conceded to the man who with such parti pris extracts toe honey frVim the delicate fantasies of Watteau and Lancret. It is much,

all the same, to gee where the honey is and

to get st it*

Miss Theodora Cowan, of Sydney, who has decided to make her home in London, has just received a commission for a bust from Mr. Gilbert Parker. She is at pre- sent busy finishing a statuette of Mrs. Brown-Potter, a full length figure showing the American beauty in a characteristic pose, sitting on the end of a draped couch, and leaning forward on her right hand, which is buried in the half-falling tresses of her abundant hair. It is intensely modern, ex-quisitely dainty, yet full of character. Ever since the first night of "Nicandra" Mrs. Potter has been ill with pleurisy, but has stubbornly stuck to her work, although a doctor has to be in constant attendance all the time she is at the theatre.

Miss Alice Barnett, who created the part of Lady Jane, and other roles in the Gilbert and Sullivan operas, and who was so much liked during her long stay in Australia, died in London on Sunday last from broncho-pneumonia supervening 011 a recent operation. She was a grand-niece of Sarah Siddons. Mr. Arthur Grecnaway has been engaged for the part of Claudio in the revival of "Much Ado About Nothing" at the Queen's Theatre, Manchester, Miss Mabel Lane will be the Hero of die production, so Melbourne will be well represented. Miss Violet Kllicott has now blossomed into an actress manager, and is taking her own company round the provinces, where Mrs. Maesmore Morris continues to be most popular as leading lady of Mr. George Alexander's touring t
