Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 26 August 1876, page 5


Yesterday the exhibition was again well attended, and the half-holiday given by nearly all the Government departments enabled many of the employes to visit or re-visit, for further inspection, the numerous objects of attraction, both in the building and grounds of the exhi-


Although not so large as on the previous day, the receipts were yet very liberal, amounting in all to £167 12s., representing an attendance of between three and four thousand persons. The receipts up to date amount to £1421.

During last evening a promenade concert, given by members of the Musical Union, added considerably to the enjoyment of visitors.

A meeting of the council of theo National Association was held yesterday afternoon at Bowen Park, Mr. Palmer occupying the chair. There were also present-Messrs. J. P. Bell, M.L.A., C. F. Gerler, P. R. Gordon, G. Grimes, E. W. Lamb, Gresley Lukin, D. M'Connell, H. H. Payne, A. Raff, G. luff, and Captain Simp-son, M.L.C. Regarding the time at which it would be desirable finally to close the exhibi-tion, some discussion took place. At the invita-tion of the council, Mr. Joubert detailed his expe-riences in connection with the New South Wales society, after hearing which a general opinion was expressed that the closing should take place on Monday night. Some discussion then ensued regarding the desirableness of opening the building during Sunday, and it was ultimately decided that the exhibition be opened on Sunday next, between the hours of two and six o'clock in the afternoon, at a uniform charge of one shilling, the net proceeds to be handed over to the Brisbane Hospital. The arguments advanced in favor of this were chiefly to the effect that the course proposed, besides affording an opportunity of visiting the exhibition to a large number of persons who would otherwise be derived from the pleasure and instruction to be derived from an inspection of the various exhibits, would

afford substantial assistance to one of the noblest of our institutions. It will be understood that

no machinery will be put in motion on Sunday, and that no work will be per-formed beyond the attendance of the guardians of the building, whose presence on that day would be inevitable in any case. The refreshment booths will be rigidly closed, and it will be as well for intending visitors to remember this. During Sunday afternoon it is intended that selections of sacred music shall be performed.

On Monday evening, being the last night of the exhibition, the council will provide a grand musical entertainment, at which visitors will have an opportunity of hearing the highest

available talent.

A sub-committee of the council of the society has been appointed to devise the best means of entertaining the New South Wales Commissioners.

This morning the public will be admitted at nine a.m., and those who intend visiting the exhibition should bear in mind that

but few opportunities remain. From ten till ono o'clock to-day children attend-ing the State schools, if accompanied by their parents or guardians will be admitted free. The building and grounds will be cleared at half-past five o'clock in the evening.

On the re-opening of the building at half-past seven o'clock, the band of No. 3 Company Q.V.R., will be in attendance, by the permission of Captain Snelling, and perform selections during the evening.

The sale of the New South Wales exhibits, which commenced yesterday, will be resumed at ten o'clock this morning. The exhibits also from the Brisbane Gaol, consisting of saddlery, tinware, boots, shoes, &c., will be submitted for sale by auction, commencing at two o'clock p.m.

On Sunday the building will be opened

between the hours of two and six in the after-noon. Selections of sacred music will be per-formed during the afternoon, under the con-ductorship of Mr. R. T. Jeff'eries. The usual charges will be made, and the proceeds will be handed over to the Brisbane Hospital.

On Monday evening, after a grand musical entertainment, the exhibition will be finally



In this department politeness dictates place aux étrangers, so we name New South Wales first, The mining department of that colony exhibits a fino glass case in the centre of tho aislo, well adapted for tho display of minerals ; bo much bo, indeed, as to suggest a wish that it were even better filled than it is. There is a fine specimen of the Peelwood Corussite, or carbonate of lead, from Tuena (Mr. Bartley shows us the same mineral, furthermore, studded with gold, from the Etheridge). A glossopteris coal fossil is especially large, fine, and distinct. The silicate of nickel from New Caledonia is good of ila class, but the Marulan marble docs not out shino our Queensland product. The Peak Downs Copper Mining Company exhibit a model of their mine, and some really massive and handsome blockB of malachite, as well ns bur-nished ingots ol copper. The Oil mid Shale Company, New South Wales, send in a noble block of the profitable mineral which crops up so plentifully in the mountains that environ and overlook the lovely Vale of Clwyd and pretty village of Hartley, out west, and which is called " kerosine shale," and from which is prepared and exhibited the oil, from the crudest up to Its perfect market-able condition, also pure paraflin from the same


Apropos of the kerosine exhibits, we would mention Fyall and Co.'s "non-explosive" powder; which, when mixed with the oil, will render the worst of It innocuous in respect of danger of ex-plosion, as is verified hy the manuscript testi-monials, one from Sir Hercules Robinson, and the other, still more emphatic, from the Sydney Municipal Council.

M'Ghie, Luya, and Co., of Noosa, stand out " monarchs of all they survey" in the timber line. Two immense polished cedar boards, of great width and evenness ; a collection of fifty samples of different woods, obtained in the virgin forest within three miles of Cootharaba, and made, turned, carved, and polished into various articles ; and two sections of Noosa pine stems, nearly six feet in diameter at twenty-five feet from mother earth ; two splendid pieces of beech, each thirty feet long, and 6x3, form merely portions of what is certainly one of the best and most marketable and commercially suggestive exhibits ever displayed in Australia. But to

return to the minerals.

Mr. A. W. Sutton (of Hipwood and Sutton) exhibits a comprehensive collection of metals,

both in the pure and smelted state, and in the ore as well ; the combinations of the latter ranging even into the minute details of the binoxides and tersulphides of some of them, and for which Borneo, Algeria, Pennsylvania, and other remote places, as wall as some nearer home, have been ransacked and laid under contribution. Mr. N. Hartley's collection would have been larger but for his giving up half his allotted space in order that other exhibitors (who came late) might not be

shut out. The red chrysolites in his gem case are full of deep beautiful occult fire, and the white topares are (to use a lady's expression) suggestive of satin and moonlight The agates he shows prove Queensland to be equal to any place m the production of this useful stoue, and there is a case of gold specimens setting forth the strange and rare associations with other minerals which this metal at times forms Mr Bartleys gener d assortment of the ores of antimony (the type founder's metal), manganese, nickel, tiu, lead, silver, copper, iron, sulphur, arsenic, ko, should be examined by anyone who wiuts to h arn how these mineral» look til sail in Austi-ilii The collection, in addition to being specially in-structive to students of Queensland miueials, is a proof of what can be done by one person steadily collecting for y eira at % time , such a collection could not be bought at any dealer's

store in Pans or Berlin

The Queenshnd mining department is strong in some raro and beautiful combinations of gold and bismuth, gold and malachite, ko , from the rich and wonderful Cloncurry distnet, and Mr Staiger exhibits a fine red dye, pre pat ed from the chromic iron ore of Ipswich, as well as a brilliant yellow arising from a combination of the same ingredient with an leetute of Queensland


The Gympie specimens compnso Borne fine examples of those three renowneel cliiuis-the 1 South Smithfield, the 7 md 8 South Monkland, and the 7 South Lady Mary, the three classes being totally dissimilar m appearance owing to the various depths it which they are found, but all aro potent alike in the unmist ikiblo presence of El Oro, that great migieiau of this 19th century These three dinna have yiehleel nearly a quarter of a million sterling, and employ about

150 men

The Rev T T Brentnall, of Ipswich, ex hibits a pretty little cabinet, filled with the mmeril spoils of Peak Downs, m malachite and azurite blue crystals, anil some pretty forms of gold from Hiwkms Hill, Tambaroora, md near Onugo, in the colony of New South Wales

Mr É R. Drury sends in a fine collection of the products of Chirtcrs Towera in gold and other ineUls, and altogethei Queensland would appear to bo \ery strong nuked in auriferous and other mineral ne lit li to judge by tho show

undo in Bowen Park

Mi Edgar Wilker displays a pleasing no* city m tho sh ipo of a number of ornaments fairly carved (not melted nor prosed, you know ) from a new f ibric, the Kuuu gum of Now Zealand, which show as a full mai to amber m point of beauty md sharpness of outline

Mr Walter Hill coines out strongly as usual in oils ami tinctures from vinous QtieeiipUnd >egetable sources , the oil of blue gum espceially being quite equ ii in appeirauee to tint elistilled by Bosisto anil Co m Victoria, though the fragante is less marked, owing doubtless to the different habitat of the tree (Mr Cnrmichiel, of Queen street, prepared these exhibits foi Mr Hill)

The dugong leather shown by Mr Clung and Mr Campbell ia a splendid uiticle is regiréis a combination of the qualities of thickness, tough-ness, and flexibility What more do you want

in leather ?

Mr T B Stephens' bIiow of leather is deci deelly the finest we lim o e\ cr seen m Brush mo The le ither waB pre p ired it Lkibin Tannery, by Mr F Lupton, who his been in sole charge of Una tanneiy is m mager since its opening, md who is now reiiiox mg to Rockhampton, to com monee a tannery on his own account The old established lum of Alderson lind Sons, Sydney, though less strong iu the display of tho riw leather, exhibit somo bplcudiel uddloiy and hiriicss, is i specimen of the ait iel o in its made up Btato The mill belting by J H Kuibi and Co, of Sydney, ib a creditable nrticle, a8 is ilso Taylors brushwire, from the anne plito, con sisting of millet blooms mid bristlu ditto Some uurivilleel bisketw ire is ilho show u by them

Mr. Maurice Lyons exhibits a column of cut freestone from his Moggill quarry, with a superbly fine, hard, close grain, and taken from a bed 30 feet thick ; and, speaking of columns, the trophy of tin, 28 tons weight, near the main entrance, forms one of the grandest examples of our native produce ever exhibited. Mr. John Petrie's porphyry shows another valuable product

of our river banks.

A bciutiful sample of C hfton coil is i -tlubifed one of less quality nho, from Witeistown , anil thohugest bl ck of iii, but not the host cod, coiiicB from the colliciy of Blond mel Co

Mr Petrie b polished grinito from Fnoggera is equal in diiiability, if not in bciuty of coloi,

to the Aberdeen or ti abo Island article

Mr. Steele, of Edward street, Mr. Carmichael, and Mr Page, of Queen street, as well as their "brother chip," the enterprising David Clarke», of Warwick, ill come to the front in useful arti-cles inipiovscd from our Qiuonsliiid riw pro duets Mr Steele a dugong oil, Mr Cirnuehicls Qiic<n>luid bouquet, uuniiiiiituicd from tho flowers of the MHcr wattle, Mr Pif,t a ltnciieier water and cherry tooth piste, md Mi C1 uko s wtindciful Lseiiliipiiiii txtiact from thcunnci hilly ciirdivo leaf of the gum tree, nie mstaucea

m kind

In timbi r, wi must not omit Munition of Walter Hills set of usifiil uticles m eup-i anil stai ti«, &.t , cut \ id out of i ninety of thu nitivo timbers, beedie s and t \ presses, w Indi idm n md tinko up oin loniBjuio Queenshnd founts, pilo ciliary yelliw wood deep red ecdu, onyx hko tulip wood, and others too numeious for our spico, show m contrast to each othci s beauty in

this collection

Mr Hocker appeals lo be faede pi incept in all

tint bears relation to tho hub incotiim , whether in tho form of le if m eut , sniitl or cig-irs Wo do not smoke, but can fit cl\ certify ns to the nii-nl fi igrince of the utidrc-sed lca\0H, wliieh wero laid out ready foi the judges' \ei elict, when wo went round for otu present linn led noto of the product« of the department under this he tiling, which is by no means perfect tr complete, owing to thcscattei d millner in which exhibits in goncral weio set out, necessitating a j iiirney to dillerent parts of the premises, und ilmost ensuring, as a matter of course, the mer looking ami omission of soma object ot objects well woithy of full iiotn canil iccoid , but still I ist her h fire bricks and general pottery, Ped 1H//IN dummy pots anti di nu pipet, irooht ms by their exeelli nt e and liberal displ ly t > the uio't casual of olservéis, and we must nut there-fore omit thcin ni tho present aiticlc




It is to be regretted that through oversight or want of proper information the judges in this and some other sections have in several instances not taken notice of exhibits of raw material, &c, from New South Wales, the awards in such cases have, whether rightly or wrongly, been given to Queensland exhibitors. The error cannot now he completely rectified, but, with a view to make amends as far us practicable, the judges met yesterday morning, and inspected the omitted exhibits, awarding special prizes where deemed advisable. In our remarks on the various exhibits in the food section it must therefore be understood, unless expressly stated to the contrary, that the decisions have been arrived at without reference to New South Wales exhibits

Jn cereals, there are five exhibits of wheaten flour, but two of these are from the neighboring colony, and a third-that shown by Mr Nediu,

of Toowoomba-was received too late for inclu-sion in the catalogue. This is a splendid sample, and would probably have taken the first prize had it been in competition. The judges, however, have marked it " highly commended ' The remaining two exhibits are silk dressed flour from the mills of Messrs Jacob Hurwitz and Company, of Warwick, and have taken first and second prizes. The flour is of excellent quality, and was manufactured from wheat grown in the neighborhood of Warwick, Darling Downs

There are three exhibits of wheaten meal-that of Mr W Pettigrew, of Brisbane, being awarded first place It is a clean sample, and well ground The second prize fell to Mr Kates, of Allora , and a third was given to Messrs Horwitz.

Of maize meal, there are two exhibits, the prize falling to Messrs Horwitiz, for a nice sample of good color. The second prize was given to Mr W Pettigrew A bag of rice flour, exhibited by the last named gentleman, received commendation It is finely dressed, and a beautiful article There is also an exhibit of rice flour by Mr Win i Gilroy, of Sydney.

Of arrowroot, in bulk, there are four entries,

one being from Mr Gilroy, of Sydney. Messrs. G and S Grimes of Goongoon, Brisbane, earned off the first prize , Messrs. Francis Lahey and Sons, Pimpama, second , and Messrs J. and J Burns, of Brisbane, third Messrs Grimes also show a remarkably fine exhibit of arrowroot in bulb, which has been commended by the judges

An assortment of biscuits, exhibited by Messrs F W Wilson and Company, of Brisbane, are well got up, and equal to any imported They have taken the first prize

In preserved meats there are four entries (one from Sydney) Mr B Skinner, of Fortitude Valley, shows a beautiful looking " luncheon " beef, in tins, the meat being in the best possible condition and entirely free from the common fault of over boiling. The Hogarth Company show Borne tinned beef of good quality, and not over boiled. This is possibly more suitable for export than Mr Skinner's luncheon beef That, however, has to be proved , but the latter has an irresistibly appetising look about it, and secured first prize This article will be in great requisition in the colony for picnics or for con-sumption in the bush where fresh killed meat is not always obtainable Mr Skinners sheep's tonguea have an advantage over those shown by the Hoggarth Company not being overboiled He also exhibits turtle soup in tins, which is very highly esteemed by connoisseurs, and is deserving of special attention, as a good market able article obtained from the turtle which abound on the coast and islands near the main land of this colony We believe that at present Mr Skinner's is the only establish-ment in Queensland manufacturing turtle soup The Hogarth Company's Sweetbreads and essence of beef are very good. Mr Skinner has pine-apple nicely preserved in tins This fruit is cheaply grown here, and should pay for tinning

Of jams and jellies there are four entries. The first prize has been awarded to Mrs A Mac farlane, Spiing Hill, her preserves being exceed ingly well got up and nice looking. Mr Arm strong, of Tingalpa, showed a good assortment in this line, some kinds being of better quality than particular descriptions of Mrs Macfarlane's col lection With assortments containing difterent kinds of preserves, the judges have an invidious task in arriving at a decision regarding the merits of the competing exhibits , but in this instance, the packeting and general get up were in favor of Mrs Macarlane's manufactures, which prob ably had the preference for that reason

An assortment of jams and jellies, exhibited by Mr W H Hayes, of Bnsbane, is nicely got up, of excellent quality, has been, highly


A very fine sample of preserved ginger is shown by Mr Armstrong, of the Springs, Tin galpa, and has been highly commended It has the disadvantage, however, of having been a little too old when picked, and is in consequence rather stringy-a fault easy to be avoided in


Mr. Wm. R. Alexander, of Redbank, shows some "coffee-tea." This is a novel production, made from the leaves of the coffee plant, and is said to be an excellent substitute for tea or coffee, being not unlike either, but still different from both. It nevertheless makes a refreshing beverage. The coffee leaves are prepared in the same manner as the Chinese prepare the leaves of the tea plant.

There are six exhibits of raw coffee beans, and generally the quality is all that could be desired, showing, that the coffée plant thrives well in this country. Mr Wm. Stewart, of Clairloch, Lower Herbert, has taken the first prize for a sample of pea berry coffee , a sample like Ceylon planta-

tion, equally good of its kind, and grown at The Springs, Tingalpa, by Mr Aimstrong, taking the second prize. The prefercnce, we understand, was given to Mr Stewarts exhibit, solely because it is the pea berry, which is the most valuable description if coffee to commerce A sample of roasted coffee, shown by Mr Armstrong, is re markably good

Of honey, in comb and bottle, beehives, &< , there are nine entries. Mr James Carroll takes

the first prize. His honey in comb is a very fine exhibit. His beehives and bee glasses, his colony of bees in observing hive, indeed all his exhibits, are splendidly got up. For honey in bottle, Mr Armstrong took first prize. He also exhibits some very fine beeswax. A second prize for beeswax was given to Mr R Donaldson, of Oxley.

Of confectionery, there are six entries. Messrs Salisbury and Richardson, of Queen street, have t ikin the lust pii/e foi a well j, it upiissoitmciit (in two exhibits} quite equal in ippcaraiiee t> the impuited article Mr Buri took see ind pti/e f i two exhibits of a diflVront cIish, also ixceiduifjlj will got up A third pi i/o VMS iwaidtd to Mi Gre« n, of loowoombi

lu fernlen ted drinks, there aro «oven entiles (four bung f r do an I p rtei exhililidbj Mr Joseph M irshiill, fSjdmj) Hu thiiuitheiH aro fi om Mehr« Pi i kum nu 1 CimiinjH Miry streut biiwei), md are hiijily c miniiided On of thone h i light nie, hav nu, > lure bitUi tanti, niiothei is ii Htronj, ile and the leinaiiillic, e\ hiblt ia i vol j f, )od pi i tel

Mi Time-, Bon lum, of Stud j sheet, S nith Brisbme, hld i fine lolliction if epi oh pic selves, eic Arning them we notice viiiiouh kinds of Chili ]ep|iis, 1 lench mustaid, c itrj niustird, Hld oliiitncc, veij (, lod 'lho Hclcctiuu m iilto(,otlior a vei) créditai)!i oin

lhere ate time exhibits of Queensland linn Mr W 11 CotildiiyH, fi oin lho Agouti ii Distil

1er j, m i spit neild rum, e. in ii to tliobiHl Wcdt India imputed, and ins tiken tho finit pn/o Au cxlnb t from Mr 1 i myth h Miltc n 1 htttillcr) took the second |ii/u, md a third wis iwiidid to i siuqlc evhil ikd Ij Mr Owen G irdiier, of


A vciy fine simplo <f Siotch whisky w exhibitul bj Me uri hi nnedy and Du 1 nine, of Queen street It is a puto spult of prune qu dil), mid was (Uiiiiiieude 1 by the judged

A splendid block of lee, 10 ewt, ixlnbited hy the QiieeiiBhud (not Iii ml) me, as previously re ported) leo Compaiij, of Boundary street, Brid bane received commendation, and atti utotl much atti nt ion


This flection, which, hko ncirly all tho othiM, moltidt d objects scattered throughout the minn building« mid in s uno of lho detached sheds, was well lcpiisuntel, and if it could hivo been viewed as a wholo would have presented a very formidable ana) of interesting ind in-if lil tx


Mr J C Road, Governor of the Gaol, Sydney, »hows n lino assortment of matting made by aboriginis in Darlinghurst Gaol, aud a roll of tho samo material, but of an appireiitly infonor description, comes from St Helena. From Sydney also comes a bedroom smto, made by Mr Janie» Lawson, of Maryborough (Queens land) pine, which received honorable mention from the judgoH

In bedstead», the only exhibitors were Mepsrs S I oster and Soiib, of Sydnoy, aud Mea«« Shaw and Co, of Ilnsbane, the former of whom was awarded a llr»t prize In tho sam« ilusa in tho catalog no is included, rather lnappropu ately, a pluto glass show case of Mr W J Page, chemist, containing exhibits of his own manufacture Tho case is of mahogany, with bint platt glass top, and piottily carved legs

In tho class f >r Btainod glad», hhoet and other fcliss, jioiciil uti larthenwaro, and finny pottery, the principal Bridbano exhibitor id Mr G 1'im lier, of the Breakfast Creek pott« i J, whose ixhibiti onniat of a collection of water bottlus, bn ad jj ins, filters, churns, milk pane, (lower vise», hanging pots, &e Mr Po In-t/i, of South Itridbme, Uno exhibited a good collection of II »ver pots, vises, jugd, and dialled. In stuned "lass the only uxl ibitors wero Mesara Bray Brothi is, of S)liney, whoso handsome exhibits foimcd tho windows¡at lho ends of the New South Wak« mínete 'lho moat conspicuous exlnl it m this (lass is an immense collection of

hand j ninted Chum and porcelun ware, rung- d in the shape of a trophy at tho end of the New South Wah d annex«, the exhihitoi being Messrs lir ly Bruthen«, < f Sydney Amongst the rune firm ii exhibits are n splendid collection of inajuhei wnro, and Homo exceedingly prettj

torccl nu fl mer»

Mr T Bri lgcd of Gurman Statu ii, giincd a pn/o for dior mats, mid Mr I Squires, cf Penrith, exhibited a novelty in tho shape of com hudk door mats, vvlitih aro stated by Mi Toubert, who his tried thom, t> ba very

dm able

'I ho moat attractive feiture in the cutlery eliias is undoubtedly a most tastefully designed trophy, from the firm of Messrs Hoffnung ii d

Co, made up of all kinds of knives, from the smallest pen to the largest butcher»1 knivef, Mr C M'Lennon, of Edward street, whose handicraft we have frequently had occasion to refer to in these columns, has a case stocked with his lns'ruments, and, it will be seen, haa taken first prize for Queensland-made cutlery, of which industry he is, we behe>e, the almost sole representative Messrs Shaw and Co, and B ukes and Foster, also exhibit in the same


In bronzes and ornimental caBtings \u iron and other metals, Messrs Hoffnung md Co , and Messrs Shaw and Co, each have an extensive and handsome assortment ? f statuettes, electro» platedware, engrivings, lamps &c, which attract i good deal of attention Nearly every article m both collections possess some special feature of interest, and it would be invidious to single out any particular oljcet for prominent notice. For bells Messrs Hipwood md Sutton and Mr. T Gibson obtained fit st prizes

Ia gold and silvei plato there wis great variety, the collection altogether being \ ery creditable. The Brisbane cxhibitoit, consisted of Messrs Brookes and Foster (whu recoiled a pnzo for silver plate), C W Suow, C M rrell, Given and Co, and Bell and Sons, the lattei of whom were honorably mentioneel by the judges for their collection of silver cups md other pn¿es Messrs Brookes and Foster b asseirtment of silver plate, in their very beautiful show eise foimed n great feiture md in object of geiler ii admiration in this class An excellent display was made also by Mr Eum Jones, of Sydney, who haa

an attrnt tive show ciso in the centre of tho New South Wales annexe We ire gnen to understand tint thia caae of Mr Junes ia essentially colonial, not oue of its contents hiving boen imported Amongst the exhibits m the collection is an exceedingly hand» Homo flower stand, of oxydised silver represent» ing a blackfellow «ittmg mulei a fern tree, with a dead kanguroo lying it his fent

Iho solo reprtseiitativo of section 548 (onnuientil hur work) is Mr Charles F. Wigzell, of Sydney, whose well got up caso foi ma an interesting feiture in Ula annexe in this case is a revolving wax figure displiymg a ladys wig of excellent workman« ship, not lined to thu held, but simply laid on it, so that any lady taking a fincy to this piece of li indicrift may, if she clunsc, secure it asa momento of the Queensland Ftlubition of 1878. Unfortunately, i figure intended to show a gentlemans ardlui ii head dices, wis broken in being brought ti oin Sydnen 1 he whole of tho ornimental hair work has been mido by tho exhibitor Some of the col jib of hur are very

dunce indeed auel all tho exhibits aie exceed-ingly well got up

iho click and witch class is -, ery extensive, haling numerous i «.presentid'es m each of the hiudsouie jewellery co~08 thioughout the build» ing Tho firBt pi i/o m the class fell to the lot of Mr C W Snow, Messrs Given and Co and Mr C Moiicll re coning honorable mention. Under this held a uiiiquo cuckoo clock, with a frame of can ed wojd, and tho piteilt "mys-terious doe k, which Professor Hi/clmayer hist nitre din til to the Bnsbuio public, atti acted a good deal of notice

In jewellery, oi ornaments in gt Id silver, or other metals, the decent contents of the show case of Messrs I huelle Brother» and Roberts, which g lined a lust prize, foi med poi haps the mpBtattrvti\ofcatuio , w hilo tho cibos of Messrs Given and Co, Mr Snow, mel Mr C Morrell, were all woithy of the notice they rcccned it the hands of tho judgci Hu exhibits m this class were of gieiit tlcymto in de iuii ami woikman ship, mil would ic'lect credit ni on my exhi-


lu toys, Mc-mw Huffming ml Co exhibited floine mechanical djila, whoso eccentricities cieit i gie it de ii of fun un mtjit the wsitors ; while an uiipoituil pt i non inc in the shape of an auteuil item collectt i foi the Iio^i it ii, exhibited by Messrs Shaw mil Co, did go d scrweo on behalf of tint desoí ving institution In this el ws i we'l i,ot up c ise t f Mr ti l'lentice, eon» laming t riiketing lcquisitcs, fl-Jung t ickle, k6, ib ii eludid, md is, in fact, tho otny exhibit entered in the cítale gue, I ho tuyn hrat men-tioned not berne, ti mt ctitno Afr 1'rentieos tnso ricen ed lionel ibli mention it thu hinds of the judges

Pcrfiim iy and f ney ai tides lmo only threo ropicHcutntiu-', Mi Paul Lhrko, of Wirwi k, who ivis awiuded lost piiA, bcinu the ] imelpil


lhere is i yiod i ilhcti m of biushwaio Iho lingtst exhiliUi h \li Simucl Tiylor, of Sydiuy, win iii i s a luge und lamil i«soit iticiit ti bl indus of t\n> imiiriiiiblc *i/ md shipt, nil if lus own tu inufaetuio

lu stout ii aludís, ile, time was i f 11 bIiow, Mi Guee btui¿ aw ii It ti lu t i n/c foi ii double close hit i m0 , with ste tilling appantus Mtcsrs llr jkci md 1 tutu exhibit three "Quio t w sinus w u li mein It n nungil g mel inanthnj, nu hint, whilu Mes \j Shnv md Co alto hh m tw of Sutmnci i iles micluiie , w'nJi ut of 1 Pol trwlt it Mlllll ii i-cm lipll ni

Iiifnrintiiii mile tQ lcm-dimd timb rs,there weiohtim < xc cilit f ly li niels nie exhibit*, m eluding tu i It j mt full si/ ti I illnuel tillie and fiiiiiitiiu by \1< tk mil ( ) >( Melbouine, trade of Qiueiislii d tulip w od, anti a handsomely do-iUjiicd ililotnl, m ide ly Mr It I tckman, of 1 iititndc \ illty Mi I llisl p a'so exhibits a Bphntliil s tilt of th twniL, n >m fuiiuture, iu cohn ed yell iw wo d rio\ ii ii Vessib Guiñes' piopity ntl! ,i,i Hie Miitj nu ludet i clnllo ni i with u Ililli-, t meei tli'i 0li-"> b ck -lid in ublc t i, md ii) ungi on i uuw 8t-,lc, the whole 1 ni), ii) li !-i tie lui iiiifoti situi I irst I li/c ni thin c1 s wii um leid for this HUltc of fiirmti rt Mi Hil i ii ) show-i t nth eulto in t ilonnl w tlmit, «lulu Vr Goi rL,c l!am»ny ixhibitii n ehtht ol di iwers uni i hill ni i mide of Quiciifhml eyi tMt line 'llieic ia iiIpo a liaiidcoiii« elicit of iii uki s in ide by Ar W Hoppei, md s me petty inlaid woik in the shape (f wut ni tied a, nts shown by Mi G. \ork, t f Downfall ( ¡eck, nul \ 1 idy's woik lux by Mi P Blown, of Ipswich

'Ihu only exhibit in the thai foi Queriibhnd matlo pinos win uni by Ctllird ud Col, ird, re made by Mr li \\ L -.eel y



lins section co npn es a 1 uge number of use-ful articles of \iuiuut dcscupli ms, und mmy of the exhibit" ire worthy of no'ier-, luibrunifc, as it docs, n i^iy wide scope

Ono of tho most important das es m thia set» tiun is that devoted to c inniges, of which thcro are a lingo ni im bei shown by our Melbourne md Sydney friends, as well as by local manufac-turers It is gratifying to notice Uml, notwith-standing the great competition, two first prices mid an honor tble mullion ha\e been obtained in

this i lisa by lui ii buildcts- One of the most handnome m Inch s «bown is in Abbots «ty lo buygjjby Stc\ciiBon ind I Hutt of Melbourne, windi is fitted with ill thi litest improvement, and a rod connecting the springs on either Bide is si arranged that any weight placed on one sid« of the whit'c nth eta beth springs to the s une extent lins buç^y was uwi ided 1 fust pri/i, as was iho a patent jump seat bu(,gy by the sun« lum i m ry li linly and couifoi tab'o \elucie; cipible if being idjustcd to suit the requirements of either tw(, fnu, or ux pira ins Missrs SU\cnsin ant 1 lliutt uko Bhow two

othti lehichs of a rmiilir eli uactei, ill of which aro to In f Minti in the annc-'u ndj min,; that devoted to horticulture Mosxre 1 it/geritd and . Mimi, of Sydiie\, obtiuud a hist prwe fer a hooded sociable, and t ne for a Hampshire buggy

A cut under ttini out by the same furn «i« highly (omiiit ndfd, and up¡ears to bo really a very set vie« able \ chicle, hiving the additional strength of an elliptic spring to suppoit the hinder part ihe c uno uhicle hld previously tnkvn a bi ni/' mednl at tho Swlney exhibition Mr John h'birlion, < f Sydney, also exhibits a number of bntrii«i < f ii in ins decuptions , lut a notice ib'e dei ct in them ib, that tlun ni o without Iii ikes, windi, in the um of one vehicle « peu illy-i family aoeiahlo cajable of seating ernie ten ortxscho poiioir* -would render it |«jsilivtly iiu«ifo for uso in hilly conntiy such as ti at m the wciiuty of lind ant A[art dom this, hoiuter, the v cinch s of this cxhibltui iro well worthy of notice, and letcntd comino! ehtun iroin the jiidgta Mi li M't'llintk, »Í B ifb ne, re-ceived a hist prize foi a huid'ulnl 0 Spring buggy shown by lum, which ccitiinlv rolteot« greit credit upon the nnlai Mi W hihi.., aniitlier lo al imuiiifacturoi, ahn rócente! a first priïe for a cut uiidu waggonette of xorj hindoome np], tarana. Mes-ii» Giro

and Co wer« highly commended for a farmer's sociable waggonette, buüt by them. It ii a (strong, serviceable vehicle, and was considerad worthy of commendation on the score of cheapness, bemg only valued at £15 by the makers Five perambulators and an invahd s wheel chair, exhibited by Mr Robert Anderson, of Sydney, were commended A handsome steel bycicle, with gutta percha tiro exhibited by Mr. Ellison, of Petrie terrace, received a first


In the next class, Mr Robertson, of Sydney, received a certificate for axle blocks, brake screws, and iron work of various kinds m con nection with carnage miking

Messrs Shaw and Co show a Grant boltcutter, a very ingenious machine for nvoidirg the tedious labor of threading bolts and cutting the worm in nuts which occupies so much time in many of the workshops where bolts and nuts are used They also show a pow er meat cutter, and m the interior of the building they show a very handsome trophy of carpenters tools of

various kinds

Messrs Hipwood and Sutton m the machi

nery shed have erected in aerated water n-d j bottling machine of their own manufacture j wh «u is in full work making exce lent I lemonade. It is capable ol making Û0 dozen per day This firm al o show ret or five belL cast by themselves They are oi good tone and vary in weight from one hundred to twenty

pounds. j

In the cla»s devoted to machinery in connec j tion wi A printing there a-e cve-al entric of . various kind* The Goveranen Printer bow« I a railway tic^e*- p-intinc ma hine by ^ a ¿rlow | and Son-, Ljndon, and one ot Hamid » num . benng machines bo h m lull work. Promanen also among the objec-s ol m ere in thi elis- 1* a hand lithog-aDhuc Enchine exhibí «d bv Mr Keogh in ..he wo k o pnnung off views ii the exhibiton. He hs-. <l.~j =ai 1 emboóme pre», at work »ad Mr J D M KelUr al o exhibit

spev-meaa Oi ne amea'" incour eoiprodue len I

Ju t bevona Jie entrance to the New sou h

TYaiea ^acexe is the die stamping apparatu» I shown bv Me t S okes and Mar-m ol Mel j

bourne, is kef in ac j e opera jon taking j oSf medals or varou* k-nda a. mementoes or the ' exhibition These a e verv clear and everal of j the o>. .g^s are exc-«rdinelv prêt y and neat, finning ready pu-ehase- in the numerous visitor

In sadale-v and h* nes-, as might have been exDcCed there w»s « large and varied collection or exhibit., be p-oduc lons both oi Queen land and the n Ler colony b^ing well represented. In the > ew South Vi ales annexe Messrs. anderson and Sons received a fir-t c ass certincate lor a

large collection of ^attdlerv including a great number of article» m this line, principally or bro-vn le¿, her Mes_r> Hoffnung and Co ha e abo a large col'ccuon or saddles and h r~e ap pomtmonus including erne excellent drav har ne»s of Svdney manuracture \mong Queens land exhibitor3 the quantity of goods shown wv very large Mr T 4 Co tin showed two very good «eta or singl- hame m black and brown lea'her, ror which he ob amed a pnze but in double harness he wa- excelled bv Mr Lade who also took the prize for be_t hog km sad die The pnze for the be t c llection oi addie»

was awarded to Mr P Chute )i Bri-bane whose

collection con i ted of t-vo la lies and six gentle men s saddle- ill of good quility Mr H Edmund", of W ilium s reet Bn_bane shows several very excellent hor e c liars on a »tand near the entrance to the V uildine the most pro minent of which ia a hr^e Scotch colhr, with ltd charac'eristic high peak ind ornamentad with green hide stitches A. hands me rli s eise or general Eaddlery and c ach hirne s is quite a feature at the lower end of the! uilding and bv we believe, been recently iwirde J a fir t pnz» bit which appears hitherto to have been overl oke 1 by the judges There is also exhihted a s ind of saddlery of all kind- manulictured bj rn on era in the Brisl ane Gi 1 which reflects con ider

able credit on the sy tem adopted in thit c tab


There are in the exhibiti n several models worthy of notice Am ne, the»e is i ci e con taming models of an irtificnl lee, ind a se«m0 machine, both of which are very good of their kind, especially the liHer which cmnot be. more thin four inches hi^h, yet is a perfect representation of a 1 ck »titch thu tie machine Mr M ilham Pettigrew in i neit little bui'dtng put up tj iccoram lite his own exhibit» his 'bown a m del of i railway bridge with a «r in or some 1 feet the supporting girders or which ire not more thin three eighths of an inch in thickne and were yet able to bear the weicht of four men with comparatively su all deflecti n It i constructed on the rnnciple of throwing all the strain on to triangles

There arc a number f other models in the Exhibition equally worthy of insp ctt n promt

nent among which iniv be menti ned i model yacht by Mr A I ni j of Wicuhaui temce, which is dt igned tj y vi the miximum of cirrj

mg capacity with the minim nu of draught ind has been very neath execute I

The comí ititi n in "ewing michines ivis very keen, a great num!er of m ken ben g rq re Bented Several of thj e on view are [heed in chary? of ladies vihj exrlum to tho e mterestcd the manner of working cipil llitics md ether pecuhanties of eich The first ] n/e was aw irded to Messrs \ Shaw and Co f ri Singer s '.ewing machine, while the first c1 iss certificate w is awarded to a home buttle mitbinc exbil ited by Mr \\ ilham Keith the I ittle \\ in?er machines, eho vu 1 j Mr Hubbard received a second cla^s certifieite , ind a \N heeler ind Wilson s machine e-how n bj Min rs Bro jke3 and Foster, waa highl) c mmeuded The 1 e t named firm have protested ogunst the decision ot the judgeB, and it is likelv tint i trial of ments will take plico , bit we leirn that the award w is based on the belief of the julgts tint Singers was a better machine for general fimilj Use, ind not on the groun 1 f «¡ cid Messrs Turner and \\ood whose es11! its are rhced in an oc tagonal ftand t j ti c left of the mun entrence obtained a firat j n/a f r the best collection of Bewing machines An attrictive novelty mvy here bo Beeti at vurk any evei mg in the foi m f a sewing tniclune worked bj sWiii Ibis in accomphahed 1 j means of i Bin ill ste im gene rator heated by gas, whence thi Btoun is conveyed by a gutt i ] erchi tube to a steam cylinder in immediate connection with the pedil of the machine which is acted upon bj tho ] îatou In addition to the Baring of labor effected by thid contrivinci, a much greater r ite of speed ia att lined th in bj the ordinary means The speed attuned by means of the j tdnl is about ¿50 atttthei per minute, but with the aid of ste ita as applied by the exhibitors as high a rito as one thoiisind Btitches can bo ittnucd, while theapiiritus is entirely under control and cm bo mule to work as slowly aB four stitches ptr minute

Mr Borchum h is shown in this section some

very simple little water filters, which, however wo are asBured, mo veij effective One kind consists merely of a ] leco of fino bj c tige in I i little powdered charcoal fixed tightly in the neck of a lottlc the bottom of which has been knocked out, an 1 the neck thrust into that of a largor bottle, which acts aa a receiver lins procosi is perhaj s b1 w but a b mew hat moro elabont contrivance which Mr Boichim shows would j robiblj ] roduco ii lgerqumttty of filtered water two kcrosino <il tins, the bottom of one ] lnced on a levU with the top of the other, form the rccemra-one of the tin filtered water and the other of tint which w filtered, the latter being fitted with a tup lhej are not placed immediately ab iv e one an ithi r 1 tit the top oue is n little to the right of the other ii d rests on n frame Hie water nina from cm t the othor ov or the top edge of the up| cr tin, w 1 ill ei it is conducted Ij caj ill irj iittrtitiun tint ugh a roll of cotton tin cads wrapped up in a t)\\el and with an outor covering of fliunol On reaching the lower tin tho vv dei ia locuiud on i bod of charcoal ] ltccd in a tiough with hiles m tho bottom, which is affixed to the t< p edgi of the tin Illino aro to be f mud in tho sil d devoted to tho products of mining md foustij, and are well worthy of niapuitioii by all m


Ono of the most prominent features m the maia building is tho Jac,uiid p vv« i 1 oin sent up from Sydney bj Muhsih J \inra nil C) This firm deselles great credit foi tho trouble and expenso they hav o mum al in ord ti to ill jw Queenslander» an opportunity of seeing at our first intercolonial exhibition the first 1 oin lint has ever been at work in this c ii ii) 1 ho sight is ono that evidently possesses gie it inteiest f i the crowds that throng the exhibition and tho loom »continually surrouiiued bj v isitors imxi ins to soo how the work of weaving is meemi] liahcd, and it is a sourco of satisfaction lo know th it theresa every probability that bofoio auothci

exhibition comea round tina great industry wdl have a representative in oar own colony, and that we may even hope ob that occasion to enter into friendly competition with Messrs. Vicars in the production of tweeds The loom is driven by a four horse power vertical engine by Smellie of Bmbnne, and is capable of making from twenty to twenty-four yards of tweed per day The walls in the vicinity are hung with the products of the loom, while in the centre of the budding a large glass case is de voted to the raw matenal, and is appropriately surmounted by the stuffed figure of a ram

Among other items of interest in this part of the building are a number of samples of tele graphic cable, showm by the department in this colony, comprising a portion of the àew Zeahnd

cible, and several others


The exhibits in this section Te twenty four in number, ind con ist of specimens of workmanI ship m wood, metals, stone, leather, &c

A. pair ot cib wheel , by James Robinson, of 0 Reillv s Hill, Brubane, ire nude of good «ea-oned colonnl timber, ind hive been highly I commended Some copper fittings for boat, ex

hibited bv Fra er Brothers, of Ssuth Brisbane, hive Ken al-ocotnruended for good workman-hip

Two g1 v cases, by Thomas Hardy, of iorti tude 'v illev, are exceedingly creditable »pea ? men» of col mid workman hip, and would

foin an attnc'ive feiture in any exhibition ' One or these waa made to the order of Mes-rs ' Brooke and Fo ter, to dvplav their exhibits of

pli e, and erves that purpo e admirably This c_se - and= neir 'he back entrance of the build mg , it i ot octagonal hi]«, and ùtted inside with i -ene« ot circular tables These are made to revolve with a touch of the hand, and the who'e are commanded bv i door =et in the glass ] ot one ot the octagonal sides The woodwork is

all or colonial timber, stained black and poh-hed, di playing the bngbt contents with which the eve i filled to the best possible advintage The other gla-s eve made by Mr Hardy is different in «hspe to the one descnbed, but his the =ime cud or -tamed wood, ind contains a beauti tul and valuible as-ortment of jewellery ex mbitfd by Mr Snow The de-ign and work 1 manship in both ci es are very good and were

dulv acknowledged by the award ot a fLrt prize

to the maker

A patent chair ran, exhibited by Mr C M'L*nnn, wa« al»o awarded a first pnze The invention con ists in an ingenious contrivance attached to i common rocking chair, by which a per on «ltting in the chur may in warm wea her enjiv the pleasure of a good fanning with the lea-t po =ible exertion

Two «¡eta of «-ingle buggy harness, handsomely mounted, are exhibited by 'William Willis, of Bri~bane and are creditable specimens of home


Some specimens of workmanship by Peter Thomle are deserving of special notice One is a puzzle, very ingeniously constructed of wood, and which has 3ucc<rs-tully defied repeated efforts to take it to pieces Another is descnbed as a model for cabinet, and is in fact a cabinet in miniature It is made of Queensl ind tulip, c)pre s pine and other fancy woods grown in the colony and the fitting or the drawers as well as the workman-hip generally, is of first quaht), and greatly admired There is also a nicely

made che s board in this collection The cabinet and puzzle wen awarded first pnze3, and the

che sboard was commended

A. workbox, made of Queensland timbers, inlaid, and conn ting of 2000 pieces is exhibited bj L C Olson, turnkey, St Helena, and is re illy an artistic piece of workmanship The wood principally u^ed is a kind of tulip wood, believed to be peculiar to St Helena, but of which none now remains on that island The gram is mottled and very beautiful The work box de»erv edly received a first pnze

A small sized tobacco cutting machine, exhi

bited by the maker, Fnednch Horenburgh, mechanical engineer in Fortitude Ville}, doe3 its work ver) -well, and Mr Horenburgh clams for it the capability of being able to cut 3j lbs of tobacco per hour that being as much as can be got through by an ordinary machine of treble the cost This machine is valued at £10 It obtained a first pnze



In our issue of Wednesday we necessarily omitted notice of many of the exhibits in this section, and to da) we supplj all the omissions of any consequence and interest The absence of Tamerlane was the cause of disappointment to citizens and visitors, for the horse has i reputation which, though waning, 13 still tolerably high King of Diamonds was out of ] lace in the company of such horses as he met in class 1, albeit a grindson, if our memorj »erves us f uthtully, of King Tom The King ia but little credit to the great son of Harkawaj and Pocahontas , he ia small and weedj, even m «king allowances for his youth Dulcimer lertius, exhibited by Mr Ivory, is a common looking hack, though he comes of a breed said to bl apt in the production of " timber gettera

Charles thi I ir-,t is well bred ind pretty, a mco little hack, in fact, and nothing more

Ihe more we see of Diphne, No lo in the eatabgue, the moro wo like her, and bei I id) Kirk strun wo have a greater fancy foi than that of the ov er rated \ attention, vv hose best son, Dagworth, we consider, and ilvvaja ion sider-d, in over ratid horse,gojd as ho was

Mr Daw biu ni tins olis3 also exhibited a four

year old brown fillj, by Gondolier, from Kite, not without merit in look«, or on the turf, where we believe bIic has performed fairly

Mr John Lennon had what is v ulgarly called "cheek enough to enter his coaching mare Lucy, with her Silver I ox foal, as a blood mm o in the class for thoroughbred marcs and foals, and the judges very properly ordered her out of the ring She «ppeircd again in cHbs 12, with a regular coaching pitligree tacked cm to bur name, and was the better of the two oxhibits ni her claso , abo had less quahtj than the man the judges fancied most, Verbena, but she was far more roomv, with more power and bettir quarters, and fir moro likely to breed coich horses thin her conqueror, who will bo certain to throw thom light if not small foala J hu quality, moreover, of tho chestnuts Silvei Fox foal was a point in her favor lho throo placed horse», so to apuik, m class 14, colonial heavy drafts, mj age, were fino Hpoumens of tho culomii horse, and the judges were Bom« time in coming to a decision in favor of Young Briton, who require-», but little other ] roof of super exce'lenic th in an inspection of the li irsca he beat-Gland Duke and Prince Arthur It win painful to sio such animals ia Nobbcnn md Mijor in the ring by the Milo of high elma munda, md wo hope tint the denaivo cotntnetita which must have reached tin eira of the grooms in charge of No ¿~i and Jo will have the ellect if taking anno if tin conceit out of tin ir exhibitor« lho conttst between the two Invincibles wa« as wo uiticid in WtdiieadijH Cntuer, uiiusuallj protiaotul

Man) persons whoso opinion i« woith hiving, dillcrcel from tho judges m their decision in favoi of Mr Robinsons llorac, arguing tint thcto w is miro room fir improvement in thu blue n in, thin in his conqueror, whoso airead) set and furnished ii arno precludes the hope of much improvement with ngo , lut it is a claiigirous doctrino that room for improvement necessarily implies prcsint or futun cxcollincu

Byan enoi m the pi tuting of the cat ilogut, Mi Geddes bene wan uiadu to appen «onie live mouths older tlnu Mr li ibiimou b, whereis his owtiui maintains that ho is, m reiht), a few d»)s


Wo liked tho )earling heavy drift entires vii) much lhere wore onlj three of them, but all were above tho avenge, and it vwtB no diB gricu to Lord Windsor and Mai v el lo be beaten by a lolt liku burpiise But "lo what end, wo askid, "is all this slnw of Btallions if tho coloni ii marca aro f urly rein o Bcntod by tho midcrable vvritihes exhibited in the lill) elna» Ibero were no entries at all in tim he ivy mare, 3 j oar« and ovei, clasd, a proof of moiluatj und intelligence m the ovvnets of di aft mures lu tho nuighboiliood of tho

metropolis we were scarcely prepared for. Mr. Arthur Brown's Young Adonis, by Young Rapid, out of Phenomenon dam-a genuine Norfolk ring about thu ancestry-is a better-bodied animal Ulan the Hon A H Brown's Bay Trotter, but his action is higher , he is cleaner about the legs, fails in the quarter as compared with the bay and his appearance suggest« a more recent strain of the thoroughbred horse for getting saddle horses Many like him better than the bay, and he is undoubtedly a better saddle horse , but in our opinion, Bay Trotter is the better animal of the two for all purposes


Sfcom> notice.

Mr Charles Clark, of Fast Talgai, showed an Angora buck and doe, which were awarded first honors, against two exhibits belonging to Mr William Sargeant, of Fortitude "Valley These were only judged yesterday



In the fat cattle division of this section there were three entries for pena of the fat oxen, two pens of fat cow», and only one m tho single ex hibits. Mr C Blanc took fir»t md Mr A Sparks second prize in the first, Mr A Sparks first prize in the second, and the same exhibitor the prize in the single exhibit. Although the cow pen« were passable, the exhibits in the fat classes were anvthiug but creditable to a metropolitan exhibition In our previous notice of the cattle «ection w e omitted to mention that Mr M'Con nel s cow Roan Duchess 2nd, by Raven'pur, which took first prize in the aged cow clas3, and the champion prize ot the Durham division, waa al o awarded the vellow ribbon as the champion cow ot the exhibition "ft e are given to under stand thit Mr Mican=hs fine heifer Sapphire ran Duche s closely for this the principal prize

in the cattle section

Kt the suggestion of Mr J P Bell, the stew ards of the cattle section weighed all the cattle before being taken into the show ring This, aa the sequel -howed, w13 a very valuable guide to the judge« in more than one instance

W e behere this 13 the first occasion on which

thiM has been adopted by my colomal society, although it has long been the practice, with the Roval and Highland Societies in the olel country It is satisfactory to know that our Sydney ex-hibitors thoroughly endorsed the practice, and stated their intention of insisting on its adoption

at all future exhibitions of the î<ew South Wales Society An amly sis of the weights shows that Mr Nowlan s Hereford bull General at 19 cwt 2 qrs was the heaviest animal in the yard Mr Loders St Clan* Lad comes next at 19 cwt 1 qr Mcs«ra Bell and Sons Imperial Purple 7th, next, at 19 cwt (in anything but show condition), whilst Collard, Booth Kindsmin, Bnti°h States man 3rd, and Marquis, in the aged shorthorn class, turned the scales at 10 cwt 3 qrs In the two year old class, Mr M Connel'a Alfred the Great and Marshall and Slades Royal Purple 1st tied at 16 cwt 1 qr , the Becond prize, Aus traban Cherry Duke, weighing 15 cwt 2 qrs , the former giving the litter eleven diys The weight of the yearling bulls ranged from 7 cwt 3 qrs 14 lbs (the third prize) to 10 cwt 1 qr 21 lbä The highest in the second and under third class was 11 cwt 1 qr 7 lbs (second pn?e) to 11 cwt 0 qr 21 lbs (first ] nze) The weights in tho corresponding classes of the Hcrefords, taking age into iccount, were fully ten per cent higher,

but it must be borue in mind that the Here

fords were all made up to show form, whereas, with the exception of Collard and Royal Purple, few if any of the shorthorns were in anything but good store condition In the extra stock class, Mr Macansh showed a bull calf, 5 months 8 days old, by Duke of Gloucester by Chorister (imp ), from Double Gloucester (imp ), which was greitly admired, and one who, in the opinion of many of the best judges on the ground, is destined to make his mark in tho award papers of next meeting of the new Bociety


Messrs Fenwick and Scott report ha\mgmade the following additional sales of exhibition stock -Pure bred bull Booth s Kinsman, the property of George Loder E q , of Abb y Green, New South \\ ales, for the "um of 150 guineas, to E "ft bite, Lsq , also 4 Lincoln ewes, the property of R Daw bin E q , of Yictoua, first and second prize takers at the exhibition , und tho first prize I incoln ram, owneel by the same gentleman, to "ft Bowman L q , of Mount Lnsb me, at highly satisfactory pncis Likewise 2 Angora goats, the property ot Ch trleä Clarke, Ls«i, of 1 algal, at 5 guineas e ich, to I 1\ ory Lsq

The Peal Danns Tclejiam says -The first consignment of the season a clip from Wolfang, consisting ot 100 bales on five of Kelway s teams, passed through the town on Thursday, bound for Rockhampton On account of tho action taken by the shcarei s s^me of the stations bax e been 1 ithcr short h mded hitherto, but wo are inf jrmel that all the sheds aro now getting reidy for work lhere aro thirty shearers it work 111 Wolfing died Gordon Downs, we understand, have g( t nearly their full eomple ment Shearing will begin on Langton next Mondvy, with a biillicicut number cf li mels v\e believe there are a great nuiubci of bhearcrs holding olf foi the rise demanded by tho men cnnpobing the Shearers Lihou, but as the action among the nicn themselves does not seem united, we may suppose the Union will collapse

The Ni»than Atgus describes ob follows nn incident 111 the voyage of the Scottish Bird, immigrant ship, which rcichcd Rockhampton a few eleya ago -The \oyigo was generally with mt incident , but on tho night of 1 uesday, July 11, a scene occurieel which bailies desenp tion A hcivv sea vv ia running at the time, and the vessel was rolling considerably The girls had retired fir the night but diortly after-wards two or three cime quickly into tho cabin, and informed the matron, who was seated by tho lantern, that there was a smell of burning At the same instant, smoko was seen issuing from the 1 entre vcntilitor This Vilitilotoi, it mu-bo explained, tis > . nsscd through tho hospital and tho second clues passengers' quarters, with both of which it communieitcd by valves Tho matron, after telling tho girls to keep quiet went off in search of tho doctor, and passeel through the female hospital to the saloon , but by this time both the captain nuil tho doctor were on the alert, endoavoring to discover tho eourco of the threiteiied danger The matrou then returned to her charge, and on opening tho door a Bcene ( resented itself which beggars description The girls, who had all ruslud from their berths into th) cabul, vv ero iii the wildest stite of excitcint tit gesticulating and screaming in the Hust frantic mmner Miny were in hysteiics , others were tin owing up their arms and crying pite nisly , while a few, moro col

lected, were praying, fully believing tint tluir last Ik ur hid c une A fovv ] rostrate f irms wiro to be setn here and there, and in the midst of tho tun ult somo rushed wildly upstairs, with thu nitciiti in of throwing

themselves into th« sei t) »vu 1 a more In rnblo death Meanwhile, it lind hi cn ascertain« d that theie was no fin und tint the alarm w is ground less , hut f 1 11 time the girls were beyond con tiol Hie initrtiis voice was drowned 111 the

gent inl uproar and it appeared just ns feasible to try and (pie 11 tho r ir of the teuipoht Hero 1 new dilhculty newe I ho married people, uatu rilly anxioUB ibt ut their dm liter», forced open the do ir between their loinpartmont and that of the single girls, uni the lailorB, heaimg the noise, I roke« pen the li itch it being ovulent that time alum could put matters right, the matron, aftcrgtttingiitl 1 f the intruders, lind thu breaches repined bj tho dup s ( ir-unter, md t tit ti set t> work aficsli 11 sin tin tho exeitt ii girls lu this she such tiled, mitt; lv her two sub matriim , but it wits a long mid dillitult tisk, for imi(-iuat!on seemed to have gained thorough control over tho excitable Irish temperament, and suvord g'iriB dechred that thuy fuit the cabin lbor quito hot Aft«r tho ntl ur was over, and overyono felt happy 111 tho piospiet of pr iii nged life, tho doctor culled the muster Hill to make sure that nono wore missing It is suspected that thu falso ulai ni was tho losnlt of a ¡mix, and was brought about by anne mo holding a piccu of burning 1 ig 111 tho sent 1 itoi If thw is tho correct solu-tion, tho poini ti itoi of the joke must havu boen eitlici very tho ightlcs» or heal Hess 111 the ex

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