Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 23 May 1892, page 4

The Sydney Morning Herald.

MONDAY, MAY 23, 1892.

REAR-ADMIRAL ERSKINE, formerly commodore of the Australian naval station, has published a letter upon the revival of kanaka labour in


IN it he expresses sorrow and dismay at the attitude of the Imperial Government, and declares that under the most stringent regulations wrongs and abuses, leading inevitably to reprisals and

bloodshed, will occur.

IT is thought possible that in consequence of the resumption of the kanaka labour traffic it will be necessary for the Admiralty to ask for an in-creased vote towards the naval establishment for the Western Pacific.

BY the recent hurricane in the island of Mauritius 24 churches, chapels, or colleges were damaged, many sugar mills were wrecked, 1500 persons were killed, and thousands were injured. The Lord Mayor of London has openod a fund for

the relief of the sufferers.

DENNING spent the whole of yesterday in writing. He is allowed stimulants three times a


THE weight of the condemned man is 10st. 3lb., and he will be given a drop of 7ft. 4in.

MR. PARKER DEACON, an American banker who shot a French military attaché at Cannes on the Otli February, has been sontonoed to ii year's im prieonmont. Tho sontouoo was roooivod with


On Saturday on appalling disaster oocun-od in C*iEnr.MAî* and Co., Sydney Arcado, And the appreciation nnd domand for thoir Platmotypo Photographs to bo steadily jncrca6iuß.-[ADVT.]

ïïobson's Bay. Tlio nniling boat Progress, which, loft Moitliulloo with tho mombors of Üio Mornington Football Club, was found upsot, with ono body entangled in tho ligging.

None of tho other bodies hnvo boon reoovereil. It is Biipposud that tbcro wero 13 oconpmts in tho

boat. of (ho party were sous of tho Rov. Janie» Caldwell, Presbyterian minister nt Mornington, who lost Ilia wifo about l8 mouths »go. Yostordny ho nttomptcd to conduot sorvioo as usual, but was

uunblo to continue.

Dismr-ssixo accounts continuo to bo roooivcd from tho States lying within the watersheds of the Mississippi, Missouri, nud Ohio Rivors and

their affluents.

Owrxa to tho rains all these stroams aro in high flood, and groat tracts of country aro under


The loss among fannors and Bettlers has boon enormous. Many pooplu havo boon wholly ruinod, and widespread misery oxists. i

It is thought that tho losses by tho imindationB will amount io many millions Öldollars.

Tub Now Zealand Government intends to cronto

a Dopartraout of Labour, under tho chargo of a


M. Ron_nz, tho Paiis olubman who was re-ported to havo fought four duels in succession, severely wounding all his opponents, bos con-fessed that tho story of his supposed duels is a joko.

M. Gatohoftskt, who was arrested in connec-tion with tho death of Gouoral Grosser, Profeot of St. Petersburg, has boon roloased from oubtody.

Tins greater part of tho villago of Handloy, in "Wiltsliiro, has boon deslroyod by firo. Sixty houses wero consumed. - ,

The Finance Committco of the tTnitod States Sonuto is considering tho bill introduced by Mr. W. B. Springor for tho removal of tho duties on Australian vtool. If affirmed by the committee, it is not expeotcd thut tho measure will bo passod by

the Sonato.

It is roportod that Sir Robert Horbort, who latoly rotirod from tho position of Permanent Under-Seorotary to tho Colonial OfQco, will bo raised to tho poorago.

The insurgents in tho ropublio of Vonozuola capturo.l tho town of Installas, hut wero sub-sequently defcatod by the 1'rosidontiul forces near


In another column will bo found a summary of tho report of tho "Wutor and Seworago Board for


The R.M.S. Alameda arrived at Auckland from Son Pranoisco on Saturday, and sailed for Sydnoy on tho samo day.

A terhidle explosion, involving tho doath of 19 persons, has occurred in a dynamite factory at Bilbao, in Spain. It is suspected that tho disaster was the result of an anarchist outrago.

The appeal to the Privy Council in the oaso of Buckley v. Ddwarda has been allowed, but no

costs woro awarded.

At a mooting held on Saturday in relation to Dr. Barnnrdo's Homos, tho Chief Justioo com-mended the work of tho Boys' Brigado, and mentioned that that institution was languishing

for want of funds.

Ei_EwiiEim will ho found sovon tabulated

statements proparod by Mr. T. A. Coghlan, show-ing the shipping, the import and export trado, and tho wool and gold movements in Australasia during 1891.

Lord and Lady Jersey attended the Philhar-monic Society's performance of the "Creation" in the Centennial Hall on Saturday night.

YESTERDAY Cardinal Moran laid the foundation-stone of the Mulgoa Roman Catholic Church.

A ???bubolaey presenting some extraordinary features was perpetrated on Saturday morning at the offices of the Colonial Sugar Refining Com-pany in O'Connell-street. The iron door of the strongroom was blown open by means of gun-powder, but the robbers were only able to find 14s.

About 3 a.m. a loud explosion was heard by people residing in the neighbourhood, but it the time it attracted little attention, and it was not till the employees went to open the office that the outrage was discovered.

A PRISONER named Monte Glover, who escaped from the police cells at Tea Gardens, Myall River, on Thursday, was captured at Newcastle yesterday morning.

On Saturday a deputation waited upon Mr. Barton, Acting-Premier, and Mr. Lyne, (Minister for Works, in reference to the unemployed question. The deputation asked that the men should be provided with work or broad, that the Ocean-street cable tramway should be constructed by day labour, and that other avenues of employ-ment should be opened.

In reply, Mr. Barton said that numbers of public works had been authorised for construction, but, in the absence of money, could not be pro-

ceeded with.

Mr. Lyne said that he anticipated having in hand at on early date contracts sufficient to give employmont to 3000 men for 12 months, or 6000

men for six months.

On Saturday the Customs receipts amounted to £3357. Towards this the 10 per cent. advalorem duty contributed £1054, and the 15 per cent.


Some men are said to have been born boforo their finie, others to have boen bom after it. In the caso of tho formol-, the world does sometimes manago in the courso of years to work itholf up to their lovel. In tho caso of the lattor, the misfortune is that the mistakes which havo boon made boforo they revealed tho truth aro some-times praoticully irreparable, so that it would bo in tho long run moro costly and a greater waste of resource to follow their advico than to continuo on the lines laid down by their unenlightened predecessois. Wo must class Mr. W. E. Abbott amongst the lattor rather than amongst tho former, with regi-ot that he did not nppoar upon tho scono eorlior than he did by a quarter of a century or thereabouts, >so as to lay down, as in lines of brass, the futuro railway policy of the colony. As mattors stand, it is hardly to bo supposed that ho wishes his comprehensive

scheme to be carried into oiloct. Ho is more probably dreaming about the immensely greator progress ' tho colony would havo mado if the course could have boen marked out by him from the beginning, Por ono thing, we ' should thon havo been sure-havo wo not his own assurances ?-that nothing would havo been done on grounds of solf


According to Mr. Abbott, " tho proper policy for New South Wales" íb to mako a port on our south coast and connect it by rail witli Riverina ; to make a port on our north const, and to conuoat nil our northoru districts and tho New England tablo-land with it by rail ; and to connect Dubbo direct with Nowcastlo, So far as tho northern dis-tricts aro conoornod, ho prof esses to write from his own knowledge ; but as to tho project of a line from Eiverina to a port on tho south coast, ho is "-entent with au assumption of possibilities, in what ho calls the absence of any ovidenco to the con-trary. The mistake made in tho past has, in his view, been the adoption of measures which have facilitatod the concentration of trado in Sydney, instead of taking monsni'oa to chock or provont Buch a con-centration, and to distribute tho trado amongst other ports to tho north nnd south. Wo do no1 admit, dealing with tho matter broadly, that a mistake has boon mado in thus adapting the railway policy to tho natuial com se and tendency of tho trado of tho colony ; but, if tho admission wero mndo, it would be a far greater mistake-it would bo a culpablo and almost criminal wasto of publicmonoy-to sot aboutpulling down at tho public cost tho fabric oi trada that has boon built up, to make now linos o£ railway to carry oil traffic from existing linos, to spoil a businoss that is now pay-ing expenses nnd a considerable contri-bution towards the intoiost on the invested capital, and, instead of maintaining one

lino that* pays,"to run two at a loss. No

lino could bo mado from "Rivorina to a port south of Sydnoy the working of which would not either involve a'hoavy Iobb, -or losson that loss by reducing tho trafilo and tho rotm-ns upon tho line that now serves that district and making it a drag upon tho publia rovonuo. 'Tho snmo argument applies to tho proposed lino from Dubbo to Newcastle As to the

line from Iuvoroll, tho postponomont of which lins boon tho causo of Mr, Abbott's appearance in publio, it is to

bo romombored thntN to talk . of a

railway to Glen Innes is only to, bring forth a fraction of th'o truth ; if not two» thirds, at lonst ono-half is loft bohind. A lino to i Glou Innes would require the making of a lino from Glon Innos to an oooau port on tho north coast, and tho port has not boon mado. Thoro must bo some ordor of timo in matters of this sort ; and if wb Wero about to mako costly railways to connect producing districts with now ports of oversea shipment boforo those ports aro constructed, and to build othor lines to compoto with existing linos, and oitlior destroy thoir profita or bo worked at a loss, this will bo " tho propor policy " to land us in difficulty, and to damage in-definitely our already shakon. credit. After adopting so reckless n policy, what reason-

able answer could wo oSor to our critios ?

Thoro would 6oem to bo some strange fascination in tho story that ovorything lias boon dono in tho interest of Sydney and' its proporty-ownors, or othorwiso it would hardly be so frequently ropoatod. It is somowliaj; painful oven to attempt to remove the spoil. Tho truth is, that tho impulse towards railway construction has - como chiefly from tho pooplo of tho country districts, who wore oager to obtain quick and choap communication with Sydnoy as their best market, or as their bost port of shipment for markets ovor tho soa. Of course tho concentration of trado in Sydnoy has benefited tho metropolitan district, but the country districts havo had thoir profit in it also. This is a matter of businoss, and tho producers in the country who have beon so anxious to got into communication with Sydney havo had their reasons for being so. To them the port of Sydnoy was a reality, but ports to be made on the north coast or the soutli coast could only bo droams. In one case at loast, tho interosts of Sj'dnoy, as connoctod with tho concentration of trado, havo beon promoted by local greed and local jealousy in the country. Long boforo Sydney waa connected with tho North by rail tho question of making a lino to Mudgee was raised, and thoro was oither a probability or a vory good

chanco in favour of a branch fiom the Northern lino. The main line, however, had not then boon carried very far north-wards, and the construction of a branch to Mudgoo was opposod in the further

North lost it should intorfero with tho ex-tension to Armidale. In this way the chances of tho Mudgee branoh wore sacri-ficed, and tho causo of concentration was jjroinoted by pure localism of tho nar

íowost kind.

But if wo are to consider this matter, as Mr. Abbott says, in its wider bearings, we shall soo that tho question is not rone to bo determined solely by tho influence which either Sydney or tho couuti-y dis-tricts can bring to bear upon the Govern-ment or upon Parliament. Somothing

must bo allowed for tho influonce of the ordinary calculations of profit and loss upon the coui-so of trado. It is quito con-ceivable that if we were to construct a railway from Eivorina to a port in the south, and connect Dubbo with Newcastle direct, and Invoroll with a port in tho north, tho concentration of trado in Sydnoy would go on as bofore. Tho shipment that took, placo at these ports would bo to a largo oxtont, and in some casos wholly, shipment by coasting vossols to tho contro of trado, which would romain at Sydnoy still. This assumption is not mado upon the strongth of " absence of any evidence to the contrary," but in tho light of posi-tive developments olsowhere. In Great Britain thore is a clear tendency towards tho concentration of trado at fewer ports, and when London, Liverpool, and ono or two othor ports havo beeu named, thoro is not, roughly speaking, and in com-parison with the past, inuoh moro to say. And this tendency arises out of the nature of things. Business trends towards tho places where its opera-tions can be conducted on tho largest scalo, with tho greatest facility, and at the lowest relativo cost. There is a striking illustration of this in the case of the Sydnoy wool trado, whether wo con-sider the aggregate shipment or the pro-gross of local sales. So far as wool is concerned, tho proposed now ports, if con-structed, would bo outports of Sydney, and tho now lines would bo lines for convoying the bales a part of the way to Sydnoy, and little or nothing moro.

An incident of considerable historical

interest in connection with, railways has during the last two days been proceeding in England in the final act of closing the once famous "battle of the gauges." The last of Brunel's broad gauge on the Great Western Railway has been removed ; the portion of line west of Exeter having been on Friday night closed to traffic, and, under the hands of an army of navvies, the conver-sion was expected to be completed by last night, when every line of railway in Great Britain, with the exception of a few mountain tracks, would be of the some gauge as that of New South Wales. The work in itself was not a large one, and is only important from the associations which it calls up, and from the triumph of the principle of uniformity in the gauge of all connecting railway lines of com-munication. For many years the "battle of the gauges " had been virtually ended, and the owners of the last remain-ing broad gauge have been constructing their rolling stock and extensions of permanent way in view of the inevi-table. Over a large portion of the line controlled by this company, trains of both the broad and standard gauges have been running for years, with the aid of an intermediate rail ; but the conversion of this last remaining portion of seven-foot gauge is to be accompanied by the conver-sion of so much of the rolling stock as is convertible and the withdrawal and breaking up of the rest ; so that the incident is the closing of a history.

The question that was involved in this long-continued struggle was not really whether a 7ft. or a 4ft. 8½in. gauge, or any other, was preferable for the actual work of railway traffic ; but it was mainly as to the neces-sity of uniformity, and as to which one must give place. It was contended by Brunel that the wide gauge gave greater security to travelling, as well as the possibilities of greater rapidity, in both of which, events

seemed to show that he was to some ex-tent correct. For the accidents on the wide-gauged Great Western, when worked as such, were fewer than on other lines, while those which did occur were less disastrous in their consequences.

And though modern improvements, applied to the construction of the standard gauge locomotives, have given as good pace as was obtained on the broad gauge line, the engines of the latter while running on equal terms nppear to have shown better results. Other advantages attending the narrower gauge were regarded, however, as move than compensating, and as a matter of fact it was not on the relative merits of

the two systems that the question of gauge was determined. In all the lines built by the Stephensons, and by most of the other leading engineers, the 4ft. 8½in., or, as it is now called, the "standard" gauge, was adopted, so that when the inevitable difficulty arose in the contact of the various lines with one another, the claim of the majority naturally prevailed. So

serious had the inconvoniences from

breaks in gauge become, that a Royal Commission was appointed to investigate the question, and in 1846 an Act of Parlia-ment was passed making it unlawful thereafter to construct any railway for the conveyance of passengers on any other gauge than that of 4ft. 8½in. in Great Britain and 5ft. 3in. in Ireland. Excep-tion was made in the case of any railway already constructed on a different gauge,

which was allowed to continue its exten-sions on the same scale ; but so much had the Great Western suffered by its isolation, having no less than twenty-six points of contact with railways of a different gauge, that the directors of the company voluntarily resolved, over twenty years ago, to adapt themselves to the necessity by a gradual process of con-version, the last scene of which has now


What may have been the origin of the particular gauge that has triumphed, and which has since had more acceptance than any other throughout the world, is not clear. That the odd figures and fraction represent the inside measurement of rails that were of the even number of five feet between their outer margins is generally recognised. It is said that this five foot measurement was roughly based on the ordinary width of the dray wheels of the time ; aud there is oven a myth that somebody measured the distance between the ruts of a passing cart with his riding whip and said that was to be the gauge for the rails. But whether the gauge of 4ft. 8½in. was come to by this rough and ready method, or was based on some calculations of fitness, it has had a surprising run. , Not only is it the national gauge of Great Britain, but it is the prevailing gauge over Central Europe. It predominates in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Chili, &c., though in those countries there is still a variety of other gauges. Taken altogether, however, the standard whioh we have in New South Wales, whatever its special intrinsic merits may or may not be, is the popular gauge of the world. To claim for it any exceptional worth above all other possible gauges would probably be more than its most ardent supporter would do. But it seems to answer all the purposes required in a gauge ; and the fact that, with the extension of intercommunication in all countries, it seems destined sooner or later to become the standard gauge of the world, appears to give it something unique

in its claims.

However, it is with us as it was in England when railway extension forced a decision, the question is not one of the com-parative merits of different gauges, all good enough in themselves, but of the unavoidable necessity of uniformity sooner or later. No one can reasonably doubt that this question will become as impera-tive in Australia as over it was in England. The Eastern Counties Railway, with its five-feet way, and the Caledonian, with its five foot six inches gauge, first yielded to the prevalent measurement ; and now the Great Western, after many years' expenditure, a large part of which has been thrown away, has voluntarily and at its own cost completed the symmetry of the British system. Our colonial railway systems-- that of South Australia and Victoria with their 5ft. 3in. gauge, Queensland with its 3ft. 6in., and our own with the standard British gauge of 4ft. 8½in.-- are barely touching one another, but still we already feel the incon-venience. But our continent has a rail-

way future before it more far-reaching in complications and reticulations and extent than the present state of railway systems in Great Britain ; and it is unquestioned that a great deal of what is being done in railway construction in Australia will re-quire to be altered, and that the triumph of uniformity in railway gauge is as predestined now as it was in England when Brunel set his opinion against that of all other railway engineers and constructors in the Kingdom. It may not be necessary that any change of gauge in one or another of the colonies should be immediately undertaken. But certainly the time has come for an understanding on the subject, so that the colony or colonies that may have to alter the gauge may be enabled to proceed with the foresight and provision with which the Great Western Railway has been working up to the event which

has now closed.

It is difficult to understand upon what grounds the deputation from the Monaro district to the Minister for Lands protested against his action in refer-ring to the Land Appeal Court certain cases of appraisement of rent of pastoral holdings in which he was of opinion that the Local Land Board had under-estimated the rental value of the land. The Minister being of that opinion, it was a matter of duty on his part to make the refer-

ence. It is the business of the Minister

in administering the law to protect the public interest so far as it empowers him to do so, and Mr. COPELAND is to be com-mended for taking a firm stand in this matter. Since the passing of the Land Acts of 1861 the Legislature has more than once modified the system of deter-mining pastoral rents. The original system, under which the Government could appoint one arbitrator, and the lessee another, and the decision, if they disagreed, was left to an umpire, worked out to the advantage of the lessees and the disadvantage of the State. The next system, under which the appraisers were appointed by the Govern-ment only, was not found satisfactory. The next, under which the rents were appraised by the local land boards, and determined by the Minister, was objected lo still more strongly, and caused an out-cry on the part of the leasees because the Minister was said to have exceeded his powers. The claim then arose for a non-political and independent Court to settle these matters, and that claim was met by the provisions of the Act of 1889. But when the Legisla-ture, in passing that Act, took the deter-mining power out of the hands of the political Minister, it did not deny him, as the representative of the public interest, that right of access to the Land Court (when the appraisements of the local land boards appeared unsatisfactory) which it granted to the lessees for the protection of their own interests.

The same section which gives the Crown tenants tho right of appeal givos to the Minister tho right of rotoronco. Ho is in fact directed on tho rocoipt of any ap praisomont not appealod against oithor to accept it or to rot'er it to tho Land Court with a statement of reasons, and thon in casos both of appeal and of roferouco the determination of tho Court is final. It would havo boon unjust as well as im-politic to próvido otherwise. It would have beon unwiso to entrust tho final docision to tho local land boards. But it would have boen still moro unwiso and unjust to create an independent coutt of roviow, and thon to allow only one of the partios who might reasonably be dissatis-fied with tho appraisomeut to have it reviewed by that tribunal.

Suroly intelligent frionds of labour cannot soriously ontcrtain tho priD'"**.^ whioh appoars to havo mot tho appeal and tho promised co-operation of lour members of Parliament on Thursday evening last. It was at the conference of representatives of the Transit Com-mission, the Cabmen's Union, and the Licensed Drivers' Union ; and among the number present were four members of Parliament as above. Among the proposals submitted for consideration the first was the "limitation of the number of cabs to those at present licensed for a term of five years." This proposal is not new. We have seen it advanced before from the same quarters. But its significance and importance are derived from the fact that it is here removed from the sphere of a more wish on the part of men who are prepared to fight for their own hand, no matter what others may suffer, and elevated into the position of a principle that has the promise of being supported in Parliament. Among the arguments adduced in support of the restriction of licenses was the state-ment that the cabmen experienced difficul-ties in making a living, and many of them worked 16 and 17 hours a day. But surely this is not in accordance with the recognised rules of unionism, which de-mands that men should only work half that number of hours. And is it not the case that one of the strongest reasons adduced against excessive hours of labour is the reputed fact that by such exoessive hours men deprive other men of a fair share in the work that is going ? If these men are working 16 hours a day, should they not rather be compelled to give up one half of the work, so that an additional number of men may find employment in the driving of cabs ? We only ask this from the unionist standpoint, and takon from this point of view it certainly soems that instead of its being an argument in favour of restrict-ing tho work to theso men, it is au argument in favour of extending tho number of licenses, so that a larger number of mon may havo a fair sharo of tho employment. One mombor of Parlia-

ment said that ho favoured the " reduc-tion of the number of cabs," and ho would give Ms " support to the pro-posals ; " but he thought that a " remedy could only be obtained through Parliament." But is it by tho enactment of an eight hours bill that the remedy is to be found ? Because that would seem to necessitate the men dividing thoir 16 hours' employ-ment, and tho appointment of as many moro cabmen to do the other eight hours' work, Howevor, all the mombors promisod in various terms to assist the cabmen in the movemont, so that -they have no doubt come to an intelligent "determination as to the way, by Act of Parliament, of limiting the number of cabs in tho city to thoso at present liconsod, for a term of five years. But why step short with tho cabmen ? Why not extend the same generous protection to carpenters and bricklayers and bootmakers and tailors and othor tradesmen? Thoro are a largo numbor of thoso who have groat difiiculty in making a living ip.con sequence of the " excessive numbe-'s " of

others of the same trade who are com-

peting with them. Now this is a great hardship to these men, for thoro aro quite onough of thom already in employment to moot, as in the caso of the cabmen, " the requirements of the noxt ten years." Thon why not protect them in their employment ? Toke the carpenters, for examplo, who aro at present employed. Why not secure by Act of Parliament that they should have their work protected from competition for the next five yeais, which can bo easily dono by passing aa Aot of Parliament to forbid all othor' carpenters from doing any carpenter work ? It may seem rough on " the othor " carpontors, but that is nothing. Nobody cares about them. And

so of tho builders and bootmakers. So of tho labourers, even. Thero is no reason' why the labourers should not bo protected by Aot of Parliament as well as the cabmen. Thoro aro enougli labourers 'now in employment, perhaps, to moot all "tho requirements of the next ton years." Then let thom bo socurod all the work for livo years at least, as modestly askod by tho cabmen, and let the others starve. And this is tho intelligent principle that has recoived the approval and tho promised support of four mombors of Parliament! Cou it bo possible that intelligent working men con be fooled by folly such as this ?

To-itonnow, tho 21th of May, being a publia holiday, tho following arrangements will -bs obsorvod in the mail branch of tho General Post Oftico :-The various offices of that branch will la open from 8.30 till 10 a.m. only, and tho morning delivery only will ho effected by letter carriers. Tho country mails usually despatched in the afternoon und ovouing, ulso the coastwise, inter-colonial, and foreign mails,' will closo at 0 a.m. The ¡rou pillar receivors and recoivors at suburbira post offices will only bo oleored at the first usual

hour on thut day.

His Excollenoy tho Governor, ns patron of tho Philliurnionio Sooioty, with Lady Jorsoy and a party from Government 'House, attended the performance of "Tho Creation" on Saturday. Tho Mayor of Sydney (president), Mr. H. dorman (vice-president), and other members of tho cora inittoo wero prchont in the eastern gallery, mid there was « fino attendimco in every part of tho hull. Signor Foli nud Mr. Orlando Harley loado great successes, and the ohorus-ainging, undor Signor Hnzon'a direction, was splendid. "Tho Creation " will bo repeated at tho Centennial Hall to-morrow evening, and the box plan is new opon

at Paling's.

Mr. P. A. Bitcklky, the Colonial Socrntnry and Attorney-General for Now Zealand, is on n brief visit to thin city. On Saturday morning ho pnid a cull on Mr. _\ B. Suttor, tbo Acting Colonial Secretary. It is Mr. Buckley's intention to inter-view sovcral Kow South "Wales Ministers oa intercolonial matters hoforo ho leaves for his own oolouy. Mr. Bnokloy's special mit>siou to Syduoy is to moot and woloomo his Excellency tho Euri of Glasgow, tho newly-appointed Governor of Now ."ealand, who will ai-rivo hore in the course of a

day or two.

The New Zealand Govornment steamer Hineraoa arrived here on Saturday last. She has been sent to Sydney to convey to the colony the Earl of Glasgow, the newly appointed Governor, and the Countess of Glasgow and suite. The hon. P. A. Buckley, Colonial Secretary, is a passenger by the Hinemoa, also Mr. J. Govett, private secretary, and Dr. Cahill. Two Masters Johnston came over by the steamer, one of them is to join H.M.S. Orlando as a midshipman. On board the steamer, Captain Fairchild, in command, has brought a few live specimens of iba

Tuatarä lizard. They woro obtainod at Stophon'o Island, and aro of enormous size, ono being 22in. in length.

Tho Government Statistician on Saturday last finished the compilation of roturns on tho ship-ping industry, tho import and export trudo, tho exj ort of wool, tho movomont of gold, and tho revonuo from Customs and exoiso duties in Aus-tralasia, oxcopting Western Australia, during tho year 1891. Tho ligures contained in tho statist's tables aro published in another column.

Advance copies of tho fourth annual report published by tho Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Suworago wero forwarded to tho Ministor for Publie Works on Saturday morning. A summary of this document will ba found in another portion of this issue.

Tub unemployed difficulty appears to bo assum-ing moro sorious proportions ovory day. On Saturday, at noon, another dopubitiou waitod upon tho Government, boing received on this occasion by tho acting-Promior (Mr. Barton), with whom was Mr. Lyuo, Minister for Works. Tho deputation, which consisted of four mombors of tho unomployod, Mr. E. II. Burgiss (Trades and Labour Council), and Messrs. Kolly, M'Gowen, Clark, Houghton, Bavistcr, Rao, and Murphy, Ms.L. A., asked that tho unomployod should eithor ho provided with bread or work, that tho Ocoan-streot oablo tramway should bo constructed by day labour, and that various other nvonnos of employment bhould bo openod as a means of absorbing tho surplus labour. It was pointed out that unless somothing woro douo without dolny the mon, whoso wives and families wero on tho verge of starvation, if not actually starving, would bo compelled to bioak tho law. Mr. Barton, in tho courso of a lengthy reply, assurod the deputation that tho Government were fully nlivo to tho necessities of the peoplo, and that if tiley had not already done all that was expectod of them it was not beoauso of tho want of will but because of tho want of power. Kumbera of public works had beon authorised for con-struction, but in tho absonco of money could not bo proceedod with. From tho outlook at" prosout it was anticipated that tho London money market would improvo, and that tr.ido aud commerce would bo given a fresh impotus, whioh would bring about the ab-sorption of tho whole of the surplus labour. If mon woro placod in such a position that they wero compelled to steal to live, ho hoped the magis-trates would exerciso somo leniency, recognising tho very dopressed stato of affairs which existed, and whioh was rcsponsiblo for tho almost starving htato of mnny wives and families. Mr. Lyno also spoko, and said that ho anticipated boing ablo shortly to have in hand contracts sufficient to givo employment to 3000 mon for 12 months, or O00U men for six months, whioh would havo the offoot of greatly alleviating tho provalent distress.

On Saturday afternoon, a shooting match be-tween tho Manly Voluntsor Rifle Club and a team representing the Permanont Artillery took place on tho Manly Riflo Rango, at distances of 500 and 000 yards. The weather was very favourable to tho contest, which ondod in favour of tho local mon by a majority of 03 points. Some of the mombors of caoh team ran up vory creditable scores, although as tho afternoon advanced the approaching darkness preventod the last men from roaohing high figures.

ArjutT from tho general intrinsio merit of tho performance, tho ro-appearanco of Mr. Royco in his old charaoter of Blueskin scrvod to ensure a crowded house at Hor Majesty's on Saturday ovoning to witness "Jaok Sheppard." When Jack gave tho ouo " whero's Bluoy f " to tho ex-pectant audionco, there was a porfect buz round tho house,, and as Mr. Royco trotted in in his nover-to-bo-forgotten mako up, ho was received with round after round of npplauso and hearty ohcering. Blueskin, which seems to bo a character cssontially suited to him, was played with an amount of vim and drollory whioh the audienco thoroughly appreciated, and a storm of applause grooted tho now well-worn song " Botany Bay." With such assistanco tho picco could hardly bave gono botter, but its attraotivonoss was further onhancod by the introduction of tho song" Ta-ra-ra-boom-do-ay," at present, for somo mystoriotis reason, quito as popular in London as it appears destined to bocomo hero. Miss Billio Barlow shared in tho success of tho evening with Mr. Royco, and the rest of tho company gavo tho principals overy support. '? Jark Shoppard" will ho ropoatod to-night and until furthor notice.

Theue was a largo attendance at tho Gaiety Thoatro on Saturday ovoning, whioh inaugurated tho third wook of tho Royal Court Minstrels. It is a general burlesque and opora company, and ' a good programme was submitted. Tho first portion was devoted to comic, military, and sentimental songs and ballads contributed by the various members of tho troupe. Miss Alico Taylor and Miss Florence Schnlor wero specially successful. Tho first lady sang " Sweot Heather Bolls " in vory nioo stylo, and tho lattor rondered " Wait Till the Tido Comos In " in first-class maiinor. Other contributions were by Messrs. Arthur Farley, Tom Sadler, W. Wosloy, _i. , Braham, Edwin Shipp, J. S. Porter, and . W. B. Warner. Tho first part tormiuatod with clevor gymnastio performances by tho Dale Brothors. Tho second portion of tho entertainment was equally well rondorod. Miss Alico Taylor and Miss Ëlorenco Schuler wero again heard to advuntage in songs and ballads. Tho Dale Brothors appeared in thoir grotesque comioalities and negro frivolities, and othor Bpooialitics "followed. Tho programino conoludod with tho laughablo burlesque " Under tho Gas-light."

' An ontiro ohange of programmo was presented by tho Vaudeville Minslrol and Spocialty Company at the School of Arts on Saturday, when no loss than H now artists made thoir appearanco. Not-withstanding tho numerous counter-attractions, evory soat in tho hall was oeoupiod boforo tho curtain roso. Mr. Alf. M. Hazelwood was in oxoellont form as interlocutor, and Messrs. Wallaco, M'Kisson, Cowan, and Kearns created much inorriracnt as the oornor mon. Tho Sisters Sherwood wero as popular as ov,r in their sldrt dances, and woro ropoatedly rccallod. Miss Emmie Morrison, who has just returned from Mr. Dan. Tracey's Molbourno house, mado hor roappearanco in song and danoo, and recoivod loud npplauso. The Misses Madgo Edwards and Kellio Rawson mado thoir first appoarauco in connection with this company, and both won the entiro approval of tho house. Mr. Charles Ayro, an-othor recent addition to tho company, was woll received for his descriptive and comio songs, Mr. John Cowan was rcsponsiblo for many outbursts of laughter by his comio song entitled "Conglomerations," and Messrs. M'Kisson and Kearns ga\ o another exhibition of thoir bMU as acrobats. Tho becond portion of tho entertainment opened with a porformanco by Messrs. Martini aud Francis on tho horizontal bar, on which tho first-named turned a doublo somorsault vory successfully. Miss Madgo Edwards and Mr. Goorgo Edwards wero onoored for thoir specialties, and Mr. Eiod. Garnet, after an absonco of several months, leappearod in the dummy-clown act, and was loudly applaudod. Tho principal uro of tho evening was tho first appearanco in Sydnoy of tho Godayou Tokio Jupuneso Troupo, consisting of sevon dover acrobats, who kopt tho lurga audieuco spell-bound by thoir marvellous feats. Tho entertain-ment was concluded by tho production of a laughablo faico outitlod "The Jolly Millers." The samo programmo will bo presented to-night, and special arraugomonts havo boon mado for tho Qucon's Birthday.

. A_r_ouan tho programmo submitted by Harry Rickards at tho Gurrick on Saturday evening lind muoh in it that was moiitorious, several items wero morely revivals, though not less approoiated on that account by the largo audience whioh assombled to hear them. Tho comedy, " In a Eog," was first introdnood to tho Sydnoy publio at tho Sohool of Arts, and was ropentod on Saturday night with muoh success. Mr. Rickards' delineation of Adolphus Lavender, a typical valot from Mayfair, showed plenty of dramatio resource, and ho waa woll supported by Misa Kutio Rickards as Jemima Juno, asuporiorbutobtt'iisivo housemaid. Benjamin Bibbington, a nervous country gontloman whoso idous of the personality of his intended son-in-law and his new valet creato tho fog, was well played byMr.RoborlBoldcr; and Miss Annio Edney and Mr. Albert Lucas respectively sus-tained tho chnrnotori of M.idgo Bibbington and Thoophilus Swanhopper. Tho second part of tho programino was openod by Miss Lilian Stan-bridge, who sang with muoh sympathetio taste " Scenes that aro Brightest." Then followed an amusing medloy by Mossra. Boattio and Bontloy, and Miss Katie Rickards described the imaginary woos of a schoolgirl in a song entitlod " Whaokoy Whookoy AVhaok." Miss Lelia Roso's song and danoo, "Romping in tho Clover," was a graceful contribution, nud Mr. Rickards rendorcd with groat offoot thodescriptivo Bong " As in a Look-ing-glass," and " Tho Costor's Serenado." Miss

Lilla Wildoreoited" ThoMaiuac " withfervourand ability, and Ml Robert Bolder as usual convulsed tho audience with tho oomio song "Wo all bad ono," and a parody on "Lovo's Old Sweet Song " Miss Katherine Vmcom's performance of selections on tho violin from " II Trova toro," and tho pathotio ballad "Tho llarp that Onco Through Taia's Hall,' wasiccoived with enthu-siasm, and tho amusing farco of "Tho Skillogons " complotod an cujo- able intortainmout

TimnE was a largo attcntianco at tho Zoological Gardons, Mooro Park, on Saturday afternoon, spocial attractions hai lug boon announced Tho Paddington District Brass Band, undor tho conductorship of Bandmaster Sattler, gavo anumborof scleations on tho lan n during tho nf tornoon, and tho music added considerably to tho da- 's nmuscmout Inoluded m tho programmo woro a slow march, " Lion, " waltz, " SweotDrcams, " quick march, " Pretty Jano " schottikcho, " Delores , " a soloctiou from "Maritana," tantasio, "Jubilee," and galop, " Hobart Pasha "

Tira Bondi Aquarium was well patronised on Saturday afternoon, -when an oxoollont vanoty entertainment was givon by sovoral popular artistos Tho standing attractions received as much attention as usual, and tho feoding of tho seals caused considerable merriment among tho juicndo portion of tho visitors The mauagor, Mr Wyburd, announces a monster holiday pro-gramme for to-morrow

Tub performance given by tho Perry Jubileo Circus Company, Regent-street, Redfern, on Siturday night was -noll patronised A very interesting programmo was submitted, and fal ourably received Equestrian feats by ladies and gontlomen and tho aorobitic display givon by the Perry combination doservod tho hearty applause bestowed on them Tho vagaries of tho clowns mado all morrv, and tho faioo which con-cluded tho entertainment sont visitors away highly satisfied with tho ainuBemont providod

Anew loti go of Dru du was opened at Rydalmoro on Friday ovoning in tho local School of Arts Tho UBual oeromonios of tho order woro performed by grand lodgo oflicors, the lodgo boing called " The Laurol," No 289 Bro A Wood, grand president, oonductod tho coromomos, somo 27 niombors being initiated, and tho following duly installed m tho offices -A D , E Svi ano, secretary, H J Clcasby, V A , W T Spur-way, assistant sociotary, E W Prico, treasurer, H Cresvt ick, AD bards, H Green and J II Spurway, V A bards, W Grassiok and W Smith I G , H Jenkins, O G , J H Breasloy Bro Hiller, of tho Acorn Lodgo, Parramatta, consented to not as J 1? A for tho first three months After tho ccromomos the Mayor of Ermington and Rydalmero (Mr T M William-son), who was initiated, entertained tho largo numbor of visitors It v. as deoidod to oommunicato with tho Parramatta Medical Instituto to ascortam on w hat terras the mombors of tho now lodgo could afhliuto

Sivrr chddron belonging to the Sydney City Mission Sunday school, Waterloo and Alexindria branoh, renderod a sónico of song entitlod " Bart's Joy," undor tho conductorship of Mr A Mes-senger, to n largo number of pationts, malo and female, in tho Sydnoy Hospital, on Saturday at tornoon Mibs Brookes gai o the readings in an offeotivo manner, Miss Howo acted as pianist, and the mission orchestra assisted A very pleasant hour and a half was spent listening to tho sweet voices of the children, ii ho seemed highly delighted with tho pnvilego of entertaining the patients, many of whom woro seated on forms provided for the occasion, while others unnblo to leal o thoir beds had tho satisfaction of bstonmg thoro Miss Gould, superintendent of muses, warmly thanked the children on bohalf of tho patients for the plea-sure they had imparted to many suffering ones that afternoon Last week theso children renderod tho same sen ico to tho sick children of the Globo Hospital, and as special tramcars had to bo pro-vided for thoir conieyance, Mr J C Tailor, membor of tho Sydnoy City Mission committee, \ cr* kindly providod tho funds for both places

Thoy hal o also given the samo service of song at tbo Manners' Church, Circular Quay, and tho Presbyterian Church, Bathurst strcot

Messrs Milnbb asd Smith, florists, nursery-men, and seedsmen, hav o on viow, at thoir estab-lishment, 20 Royal Arcado, Pitt-stroot, uu exceedingly fine collection of somo 70 varioties of tho citrus family, grown by Mr Thomas Pye, nt tho Miiryvillo Nursery, Soi on Hills, and exhibited at the Hawkesbury show Tho fruit is of ob-edient quality, a fact to which testimony is borno by n numbor of first prizes secured at tho reoent show, and during the tuno that it hoi been on o-diibition at Messrs Milner and Smith's estab-lishment it recen ed enrof ill attention from fruit-

growers Visitors to No 20 Royal Arcado will also bo interested in an olaborato catalogue whioh tho firm has just issued

i To colebrato tho opening of the now organ,

thoro M as a special servico yesterday morning at tho Sacred Hoart Ohuroh, Darlinghurst Tho Very Rev Dr Carroll, V G , was the offloiating priest of tho mnss, and tho sermon was proaohed by tho Rov P B Kennedy, OST Tho ohoir, under Mr W P 0'Sulhvan, sang Haydn's Imperial Mass, Mr B B Gatos playing tho organ At tho oftortory, Mrs Harknoss sang Bauer's " Ave Maria " A considerable amount was oollcotcd for tho organ fund Tho now instrument, which was designed and built by Mr Prank Elliott, contains 550 pipes, most of v, hioh aro of papier moché Thcro aro two manuals and 14 stops

A eemonsthatiox was held at Rookwood on

Saturday m connection with tho oponing of tho firo station and arrival of the cugmo for that town 'Iho members of tho bngado marched through the town to tho firo station, which ivas giuly decoratod with flags and greeuoiy of ovory description Alderman Sloo (M lyor of Rookwood) declared tho station opon in a fow well ohoson remarks, and Miss Geo (ox-Mayoress of Granvillo) christoncd tho cngino "Protector" An adjourn-ment was thou mado to tho Rookwood Hall, where rofroshmonts woro partakon of and sovoral toasts hononrod Tho Rookwood aldonnon assisted in tho proceedings, and a largo numbor of firemen from neighbouring brigades woro piesent

On Tnday ovoning last, tho Manly Volunttor Tiro Bngado celebrated Its anniversary m tho local Oddfollows' Hall by giving a boomi meeting and dance Tho hall was fittingly decorated, and the waxed floor shone v> ith mirror-hko brightness The firemen w oro prcsont to a man, and the com-pany numbeiod somo 30 couples All the ladies wero becomingly dressod, and mado tho soono look gay and festivo During tho oveumg, Mr Leon Perrott, tho seorotary of tho bngado, in tho name of his brothor firemen, piosented tho captain, Mi

A Dargan, with a handsome gold albeit and niodalliou In making tho presentation Mr Perrott said that ho had been selected to perform a very plotsing duty Tho men had felt consh dined to make somo recog-nition for tho courtesy and kindness they had oxpononood at all tunos at tho captain's hnnds during the period of his leadership Ho hoped that Captain Dargan would long bo spaied to wear their gift Captain Dargan responded m buitablo terina for the handsome gift v> hich tho bngado hod boon pleased to proeout him with

At the eighth annual mooting of the Inobrloty Society, held m London on tho 6th April, Dr Norman Korr in tho chair, Di Usher, of Mel-bourne, spoke (says a contemporary) of tw o forms ot alcoholism-thoso of horodity und acquisition , also another, infantile, brought about bj tho no¿h0'tnco and i aiolossncss of parent), in giving malt und spuituouu liquors to oluldien At tho picsont timo there aro noarly 100 asylums and rotrcate in tho World for tho troatmunt of this disease It la con-

tended that horodity is tho chief faotoi in nearly 00 per cout of tho oases Injune» and diseases may account for another 20 per oent Tor somo time it has occurred to mo, said tho dootor, that alcoholism, in its pathological relations, was not as woll understood, nor was tho information on tho subject as full as that possessed of other diseases Following thiB idea for nearly tw o years, a oourso of oxponments was ontorod into, nnd u singular and startling stato of tilings was found m tho blood of somo sovcro cases of alcoholism Tho rod blood corpusolos wcio found to havo undergone extonano chongos of a dogonorato ohiraotor Added to whioh, moro than a suspicion was raised that certain abnor-malities in tho brain and m somo of tho nerves pointed strongly in tho direction of fungoid ultoiatioiis, where gorm life might bo supposed to havo somo oonncotion Tho modorn romodlos talco ns

into tho rogion of narcotics, as opium, atropine, coo-imo, nervino tonics, such as /ino, stnohma, gold, blood, and nervine nltoratives, arsenic, iron and qummo, and a host of vogotftbl« remodios having somo aotion on tho digestivo organs Electnoity, massage, and hypnotism aro also being employed Rest, isolation of tho pationt, good air, and judicious solootion of food should bring about bouofioial results Speoial attention

must be paid to any disenso or troublo apart from

tho inebriate condition

A MEETrvo of tho council of tho Aborigines' Protection Association was hold at tho offices, Temporáneo Hall, Pltt-stioot, on Friday after-noon Thoro wero present-Mr IT W Carpontor (m tho chair), Rev J B Anderson, Mr A B J Chauvel, Mr E Dowhng, Mr 0 Lovely, Mr B Shoit, Mr James Green, Mr C E Wigzell, and Mr G L Ardill, general seorotary A re-port was submitted of tho deputation to tho Colonial Secretary, regarding necessary legisla-tion It was resolved to wnio tho Colonial becrotary to urge the matter and to insist on tho necessity for provision being mndo foi tho estab-lishment of "homes," on tho plan of those at Cumeroogunja, Wnrangosda, aud Browarnua Suggestions from tho Rev E A Hagonauor, as to tho worl ing of legislation in Victoria, urging that full provision bo mudo to exoludo half castes from the benefits of tho legislation Arrange-ments wtro mado to apprentice ono of tho lads from Wurangcsda Mission to tho Rev 0 Eldnd A communication was received from Mr J II Maiden of tho Technological MuBonm, forwarding parcols of wattle seed and directions for bowing An endeavour is to bo ninda to oulti\ato wattle at Wiraugesda and Cumeroogunja The roport of the local committoo of ndvioo for Cumeroogunja Mission was recoivod and sundry suggestions approved Tho manager's roport stated that tho daily av orage number of residents for tho month of April was 126 Dr T Ordo Smith, medical missionary, reported " tho outward appearanco of the plaoo Bteadily improving , no prevailing sickness of any sort on tho station , ft steady unprov emeut in tho homes of tho peoplo " Tho supply of rations, £.0 , was ordored Tho manager reported having arranged to bow lucerno and w hoat in tho cottage gardens so as to supply fo"d for cattle A supply of v cgotnblo BCods and a quantity of willow outtings v>ero orderod Arrangements woro made for ono of tho half-oasto young men to enter tho

Public school to bo trained as a toucher

Thf fortnightly meeting of tho Articled Clerks' Association was hold at its room, King-streot, on Thursday evening last Thoro was a largo attondanco of members, and Mr G W Ash, solicitor, occupied tho chair Tho business of tho ovoning was a debate, " That tho influonoo of Tolstoi's works on tho marriage question is dangerous to sooioty," Mr L Dobbin opening for the ministry, who took the affirmativ e sido Mr W J M*Lncroo led tho opposition A spirited debate followed, in which tho opposi-tionists predormdated, the following gentlemen takmgpnrt -Forthoministry,Messrâ J Sherldon, T E Roseby, 0 W Halliday, J Williamson, and O E Norris , for the opposition, Messis P Street, COS Garbnig, G Lukin, H M Salongor, W D M'Intyro, H H Russell, and J Montgomery On a division being taken tho ministry woro dofcated, and resigned Mr W J M'Encroo was then elected promior, and Mr P Street loader of the opposition A vote ot thanks to tho chairman closed tho mooting

A meeting of tho William O'Brien Branch No 1 Irish National Foresters' Benefit Sooioty was hold at thoir rooms, in tho Shamrook Club, on Tuesday list A very largo number of tho brothors attended for tha purposo of gieotmg Mr Kavanagh, H CR, on his return from Mel-bourne Mr Kavanagh, who on entering tho room was hoartdy cheered, prosidod The usual business of tho meotuig having been transacted, and several new members hav ing boen initiated, tho chairman proceeded to giv o au account of his visit to Melbourne Mr Kavanagh referred to tho proud position which tho I N F B Sooioty hold amongst tho other Irish sooiotics m Mol-bourno A voto of thanks was passed to tho Viotoruiu brothron for tho hearty wcloomo accorded to Mr Kavanagh in recognition of his Borvicos to tho order in Now South Wales

At tho last mooting of tho North Auburn and Nowmgton Progress Association i motion was carried m favour of separating that portion of Newington whioh is within the boundary of Rookwood, oombimng with that portion of Nowington wluch is unincorporated, and petition-ing for a municipality

TnE Star of Hopo Division, No 14, Balmain, Sons and Daughters of Temporáneo, met on Tuesday, m the Tomporauoo Hall, Balmain Tho attendance of members was very largo, and an amount of important business was transaotod One matter of special importance had reference to tho closer union that should oxist and tho fellow-ship towards kindred bodios It was pointed out that as this was a temperance bor efit socioty an effort should bo made to bring it moro prominently before tho publio Tho mooting closod with a vote of thanks to the presiding officers

A srEour, mooting of tho colomnl exeoutivo of tho Womon's Christian Tempeianco Union was held m tho Temporáneo Hall, Pitt-streot, on Friday last, Mrs Bowes, colonial presi-dent, m tho obftir Thcro was a fair attendance of roproBOntativea from Sydnoy and suburban unions 3-rs^ Ward aotod as seoretary in tho absonoo of tho colonial secretary Tho greater part of tho timo was ocoupiLd m arranging for Mrs Harrison Leo's mission m Sydney und suburbs, duo notico of whioh will appear in tho daily papers Soveral lottera wero read-onofrom Mrs Harrison Loo, v. ho is expeotod to arnvo in Syduoy on tho 10th Juno , lottors from Goulburn, Yass, and Marrickville, also from Miss Aokorruaiui Miss Goodin (piosideut of Purioniatta union) reported that thoir union had been coi -responding with Miss Chowmg (Adelaide) regardlug litoi aturo for thoir Boenil purity department, and letters wero road from Adolaido upon tho subject Mrs Ward, colonial superintendent for frnnohiso, brought before tho mooting the need of literature for her dopait mont The colonial cor-responding secretary (Mrs Masterman) was requested to draw up a programmo of meetings

for Mrs Harrison Loo's miBsion

Tun ordinary fortnightly meobng of tho IOOr Rock Lily Lodge was hold in tho Manly Churoh of England schoolroom on tho ovoning of Friday last Bro T M'Phorson, N G , presided, and thoro was a good attendance of mombers Tho minutes of tho previous moot

ing woro read and confirmed A favourable roport of un upphcant foi membership was roceivod from tho investigating comniittoo, and tho candidato was duly initiated after tho Ubual munnor of tho order Tho correspondence included a roport of tho quaiterly meeting of tho Grand Lodge and letters from members in Sydnoy en-closing duos A new member was proposod, and a committoo appointed to interview him An in-vitation from tho Grund Soorotary was read, inviting tho mombors to bo present on tho 24 th instant at tim dedication of tho I O O F Templo Tho icccipts of tho ovcuing amounted to £9 19s 3d Aftor tho business had boen transacted

tho lodgo went info harmony, whon a number of tho mombois contributed to tho enjoyment of tho evening

The wooltly meeting of tho committoo of tho Labour Homo was hold on Friday afternoon at 6j5 nanis-Btioot, Ultimo Tho Rov J D Langley pieaidod, and thero woro present-Rov D H Dillon, Mi J Sidney, Mr J S E Ellis, Mi W H Dibloy, tho manager (Mr Ed Greather), and tho bon Beoiotary (Mr C J K Uhr)

The chairman roportod that during the week ended tho 1 lth May -Number of monia served, 626 , numhor of beds ocoupiod, 210 , cmploymont found for, 6, sent to the farm, 1, sont to hospital, 1, dismissed, 1, now remaining, 29 Tho w ookly ropoit from tho superintendent of tho luboui farm was received -Number of meals served duimg tho week, J30, number of beds occupied, 112 Tho ohapol m connection w lth tho homo has boen nicely fitted up and furnished by sovoral ladies undor tho direction of Mrs 0 Babor, of Ashfiold Tho Primate, Dr Saumaro/ Smith, will formally opon the ohapol by holding a special sorvieo

An address on the Sunday question, wluoh has boon pxcioising the minds of a good many Parra-matta peoplo lately, was delivered in the Putoclnul Hall on Thursday by Archdeacon Gunther Somo 400 persons, chiefly working mon, attended llio aspects brought forward had roforonco to tho authority for observing tho fir<>t instead of tho sovenfh day of tho wook, and to tho modo of observance, which ought to bo rational, bright, and gladsome Roligion, it was shown, did not consist in the obsonuueo of dajs

A conni'Si ONDLNT vviitcs complaining of tho blocking up of Pearl street Ncwtow n Ho snj s

" Ibis stroot has boon blookod for tiaffio since Ahoo stroot was openod and still romains so It is a Bouioo of mconvonionco to us ns businoss peoplo, and wo tiust this notioo will oauso tho Water and Soworago Boord to plnco n gang of mon on to fill up tho tronoh and opon communica-

tion with Alico streot at once "

A hum oouductoi namod Charles Smith, while in ohargo of a Bondi tram yesterday, was knocked off tho sido of a ear by a passing motor near Hydo Park Ho was standing on tho edgo of the car, and in order to ovado a blow aimed at him in

play by another man ho leant back and was straok on tho forehoad. Ho was at once takou to tho Sydney Hospital and admitted. It was found that ho was suffering from fractures of tho


A bebióos accident happened to ono of tho pas-sengers of tho 8.8. Rodondo (Howard Smith's line) as sho was coming alongside tho wharf at Darling Harbour, shortly nftor 9 o'clock last night, from Brisbano. A derrick was being hauled into posi-tion to discharge tho cargo, when by somo mis-management tho whole of it gavo way and fell hoavily to tho deck, striking several pas-senger«. Tho spar struck Miss Eliza Carroll between tho alioulders on tho back, inflicting injuries which may provo fatal. Dr. Wright, of Wyuynrd-squnro, was communicated with, nnd ho rocoinmondod her removal to tho Sydnoy Hos-pital. A strotuher was obtained, and four seamen carried tho injured woman, who was accompaniod by hor friends-a stownrd and a mate. On arrival at tho hospital it was found tíiut sho had paralyse of the lower oxtremitioB and was suffer-ing from sovero injuries to tho spinal cord, and it was doubtful whether tho backbone was not


A woman named Eiizabotli Anne Morris, 53 years of ago, was admitted into ths Sydney Hospital on Saturday, suffering from a wound in her throat, whioh it is alloged wns selfinflicted. Sho resides at 0 rawley-strcet, Surry


A snAro-m-OKER named Edward Foster, aged 30 years, oomniittod euioido on Saturday night by taking a doso of poison. Boforo ho died ho stated that ho had bought somo strychnino from a chomist at Wavorloy, und that ho had taken a doso at half-past 8 o'olook on that night. Doctors Wright and Knaggs wero called in and attendod deocascd nntil ho died at 1 o'clock on Sunday morn-ing. A glass .containing somo strychnino was found in his room. Ho was a marriod man, but lived opart from his wife, nt 48 Margaret-street. An inquost will bo hold this morning at tho Langhan Hotel.

The premises oooupied by tho Colonial Sugar Refining Company in O'Connell-streot wore broken into on Friday night by burglars. By moans of blasting-powder thoy burst open the iron door of tho strongroom, but did not attempt to forco open the safes, which wero looked, in tho strongroom. A few shillings found in a enshbox and somo postage stamps wero all tho valuables stolen. Tho police aro investigating tho matter.

Thb following is the report of tho Pnneo Alfrod Hospital for tho week ended 21st May :-Number of in-patients at last report, 131 males, 74females; since admitted, 30 males, lo females; discharged, 34 males, 15 fournies ; died, 1 male. 1 femnlo ; remaining in hospital on the 22nd May, 132 males, 73 fomalcs ; number of out-patients treated during tho weok, 361 ; number of casualty cases treated but not admitted, 105 ; total. 520. There aro at present

15 enterio cases in the wards.

The following is the ronort of the Bonovolcnt Asylum for tho week ended 18th May, 1802 ;Admitted, 7 womoa, 15 children ; births, 7 ; death, 1 ; discharged, 10 women, l8 children. Remaining in the asylum, 114 women, 96 children; total, 210. Provisions distributed: 2092 loaves bread, 12141b. flour, 8G81b. moat, 5701b. sugar, 1421b. tea, 551b. sago, 391b. nee, Jib. arrowroot, 841b. oatmoal. Fresh applications for relief, VI-viz., 2 aged women (1 having an adult daughter), 4 destitute mon, 2 having wives and 10 children ; 3 widows, having 11 children ; 2 deserted wives and 6 children ; 1 aged couple. Thero wero 7 applications for a renewal of rolief, viz. :-1 deserted wife and 3 children, 2 destitute men having 8 chil-dren, 2 widows having 3 children, 2 husbands sick (lin hospital), having 12 childron. Total, 25 adults, 53 children. Cases repotted hythe inspector, 55. In 30 cases the relief was discontinued ; in 3 case tho money was cancelled. Total number of cases relieved, 518.