not approve iHonn'ngr Serafin.


THE death is announced in England of Mr. F. H. Dutton, an old colonist of South Australia,

THE French expeditionary force in Dahomey, "West Africa, has been defeated by the Danomeyans after a desperate fight of two hours, The French retreated to Porto Novo, and the enemy pursued them half-way.

MB, S H. PARKER, M.L.C., of Western Australia, and one of the delegates in London in connection with the Enabling Bill, has been appointed

a Queen's Counsel.

MR F. H. COWEX'S newScandinavianoperaentitled The grim has been produced at Drury-lane by the Carl Rosa Company. The performance was a brilliant success. The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh were present

THE voyage of the R.M.S. Liguria from Australia to London has been delayed by a slight collision which the vessel experienced with a steamer whose

name has not been ascertained.

THE Australian Eleven, who were passengers by the Liguria, landed at Gibraltar and played a match against a local team of 16. The Australiana won

the game,

A BILL in favour of the holding of a Universal Exhibition in Chicago in 1892 has been passed by Congress.

HEBB A. PIETZCKER has been appointed Danish

Consul in Brisbane.

SEVENTY, thousand labourers will parade the streets of Chicago on May 1, the labour day in

Europe in favour of the introduction of the eighthour principle,

MR. S. H. PARKER, M.L.O.. one of the Western Australian delegates, informed the Select Committee of the house of Commons on the Western Australian Enabling Bill that he had no objection to the Albany converted into another Gibraltar. He considered it imperative that Perth should have control of the northern lands, unless a new colony was


MR. PARKER further suggested to the Commit-lee that the bill should be amended in the direction of preventing the emigration to Western Australia of Anglo-Chinese subjects.

THE alterations in the duties on tea, spirits, and currants in the British tariff have been adopted.

This Postmaster-General of Great Britain will meet the Agents-General of the Au iron and colonies on Friday next, to discuss with them the proposed reduction of the rates of postage between Britain

and Australia.

THE Colonizing Committee intends to examine on Thursday the Agents-General for the Australian colonies as to the conditions of emigration to


MR, MACKENNA, vice-president of the American branch of the Irish National League, has resigned his official position in that body, which he asserts no longer exists. He declares that America will not submit to a leadership of assassins.

THE World announces that the Right Rev. Dr. Barry, who lately occupied the position of Primate of Australia, has been offered the bishopric of St. Albans, and that he has declined to accept ii.

MR. F. O. LICIT?, the well-known expert of Magdeburg, estimates that the production of beet sugar for the seven months shows an increase of 807,000 tons. He considers that there will be a surplus of 844,000 tons available at the end of the campaign.

THE consignment of apples by the steamer Oceana is inferior in size and quality of the fruit to that of last year, but the packing has been better

done. Two thousand four hundred cases sold at from 15s to 25s per case, and showed an average price of 17s 6d,.

THE trustees of the Sutherland Memorial Fund waited on the Premier yesterday, and pointed out that only £900 had been raised. They asked that the matter be placed before the Government, Sir Henry Parkes said there was considerable objection to the appropriation of public moneys for those who had voluntarily given their services to the country. He would place the matter before his colleagues.

A CONFERENCE of the Mayors and aldermen of the Newcastle district is to be held next Monday to consider the propriety of taking steps to assist in securing the manufacture of locomotives in the Newcastle district.

A CREEP has occurred in the tunnel of the Wallsend Colliery, which resulted in the falling of the roof over a very large area, crushing out all the main roads underground at that part of the colliery, and throwing out of employment 240 men who were at work at about 120 places, No casualty

has occurred.

MR. O. O. DANGAR, M.L.A., says be will support federation in preference to either freetrade or protection.

Tas half-yearly meeting of the Illawarra Steam Navigation Company was held yesterday. A dividend of 5s per share was proposed and adopted, and

£430 carried forward.

THE directors of the United Insurance Company have declared a half-yearly interim dividend of 3s per share.

GOOD coal is reported to have been discovered on the Collie River, Western Australia. It is said that it strongly resembles Bulli coal.

TBE Public Works Committee are favourable to the line from Kiama to Nowra being constructed as proposed, and in regard to the line from Coota-mundra to Temora, they express it as their opinion that the cost of construction should not exceed 3000 per mile.

THE Messageries Maritimes new steamship Aus-tralian was open to the public yesterday, and between 1000 and 1500 persons inspected the


LORD CARRIETON bas consented to open the Cumberland Agricultural and Horticultural Show at Parramatta on May 23.

THE R.M.S. Orient arrived at Adelaide at 11 am. yesterday. The mails by her will be delivered at about 2 p.m. to-morrow.

THE autumn exhibition of pot plants, chrysanthemums, and other flowers, in connection with the Horticultural Society of New South Wales, was opened in the Exhibition Building, Prince Alfred Park, yesterday. The show is a good one. Lady Carrington performed the opening ceremony.

AT a meeting of the Bet Bet Shire Council, Victoria, on Tuesday, a circular was read from Mr. S. Young, president of the Farmers' Protection Association of Numurkah, asking support for a return to the principles of freetrade, seeing that the protective eyes n had very seriously affected the farmers. The council gave unanimous support to

the circular.

IN the Bankruptcy Court yesterday the certificate of Cyrus Herbert Doyle was suspended for six months. The Registrar said the bankrupt was a clerk in the employ of the Government, in receipt of a salary of £175 per annum, and yet he traded in mining shares in one year to the extent of nearly £4000, and made a loss of nearly £700.

MESSRS. WILLIAMSON, GARNER, AND MUSGROVE, and Mr. A. Dampier appeared in the Melbourne District Court yesterday, to answer summonses, charging them with employing children under the age of 14 during the hours prohibited by the Neglected Children's Act of 1887. The cases were adjourned.

TENDERS are being called for in Melbourne for embanking the lower portion of Wilcannia. The work will be started almost immediately. The bulk of the flood waters is not expected at the town for fully three weeks.

THE sculling race between Bubear and Brown for £100 aside was rowed over the championship course, Parramatta River, yesterday afternoon, and was won on a foul by Bubear.

THE Conservator of Forests of South Australia has 844,000 trees available for free distribution

this season.

THE returns of immigration and emigration of New Zealand for the year disclose a remarkable coincidence. Exactly the same number of persons arrived as departed, namely, 16,29).

THE flood at Bourke shows signs of abating, there being a fall yesterday of half-an-inch It is thought, however, that the streets will be navigable by boats for another week, and it will be a fortnight before the water entirely subsided.

THE Commercial, Pastoral, and Agricultural Association of New South Wales has issued a circular showing the area of land which has been alienated from the period of the settlement of the colony up to the present date.

The members of the Opposition have been naturally talking to their constituents about the prospects of the next session. Last session the Land Bill took precedence of everything, and party spirit lay in abey-

ance' for a time while that measure was i considered.' But it was repeatedly affirmed that there would be no necessity to continue that abstinence, and that in the concluding session of this Parliament the Government would be attacked from the outset, and compelled after a Parliamentary defeat either to resign or go to the country and come back with a minority. And now that the time is approaching for the grand assault all along the line, the tone is considerably altering. Some, indeed, of the more fire-eating or less experienced members of the party, talk with as much bravado as ever about an immediate

trial of strength, but others more moderate ' or more experienced, or who know the wants of the country as well as the seats of

the party, are adopting a different tone.

In view of eventualities they are already taking their constituents into their confluence and preparing their minds for what may happen. These gentlemen say that as long as a Government is in a majority it is by Parliamentary rules entitled to govern. When the Opposition could defeat it, it would be fair to do so, but till then opposition, for the mere sake of obstruction, is not in the public interest

They might go further, and with strict adherence to Constitutional precedent, maintain that if the country was clearly in favour of a change, and if the state of public business would sanction it, the Government might be forced to receive its mittimus. But this is

exactly the weak point in the position. There is nothing whatever to indicate that the country is pining for a change nothing whatever to indicate that the country would give the Opposition a majority, while it is quite certain that there are two duties which the present Parliament ought to discharge before it is dissolved. The first of these is the passing of necessary bills for the construction of such public works as are now ripe to be dealt with. We ought, if it is possible, to do so, to keep a reasonable quantity of work always going, so that

contractors and workmen should have continuous

occupation. Instead of this, we have had too much work thrown into the market at one time, and too little at another. Just at the present moment we are nearly at a standstill; many workmen are unemployed and many others have left the colony in search of work elsewhere. It is of the

first importance, therefore, that such works as have received the imprimatur of the

Public Works Committee should be submitted to Parliament without delay, and we imagine that the Government will be ready with some public works bills as soon as the House meets. It certainly would

not do to throw these aside for the sake of a faction fight. It would be an illustration of VALLEY. RAND'S satirically witty criticism It would be worse than a crime, it would be a blunder." The country would not stand any unnecessary postponement of these works, and would not readily forgive those who threw difficulties in the way. The best freetraders and the best protectionists would alike admit that the interests of the country must take precedence of the interests of party, and that any fight that would lead up to an instant dissolu-tion must be postponed so as to allow the Public Works' policy to be carried through.

Next in importance is the Local Government Bill, which the Government had ready last session, and which cannot be less ready now. It would be absurd to contend that the country districts are as eager for this bill as they are for railway extension. Those who have escaped taxation hitherto are not burning to come under the yoke ; but it is admitted by politicians of all classes that an extension of local self-government is one of our crying political needs, and the necessary measure has been promised by every Government to every Parliament for the past ten years. The Government cannot keep this matter in abeyance, and the Opposition cannot, with any consistency, block the progress of the bill.

For it must never be for gotten that it is the interest of every political party to work for the interest of the country, or at any rate to appear to do so. The aim of the Opposition is to govern, but to govern means to govern the country in its interest. Out of power, therefore, as well as in each political party must identify itself with the community by always taking its stand on a policy which will work for the country's good. A popular Government must rest upon the people's support, and no party can get that by standing in the way of what the people urgently want

Under these circumstances the true policy of the Opposition is to wait a little longer. What they think the good time may be coming or it may not, but it certainly will not be at the very beginning of the session. No set of men can go to the constituencies with a clean record if they go boasting that they have forced a dissolution by delaying measures which the country urgently required. The people

would reward that kind of zeal in a rather emphatic, manner.

Meantime the country is entitled to demand

of the Government that before the

close of the session the fiscal policy should be distinctly put before the country, so that a decisive opinion may be pronounced on it. The proper time for this will be when the Budget speech is delivered and the TREASURER is hardly likely to shrink from doing ' what the circumstances require, and what his own words have led both sides of the House to expect. If the

next election is to turn on the fiscal ] question, it is the duty of the Government to make the issue clear, and furnish the people with every opportunity for giving a decisive vote. As a free trade Government

it is not likely to be ashamed of its policy or afraid of it, and will be ready for such steps as a careful study of the present condition of the country may show

to be wise.

To-night's public meeting to initiate a movement in aid of the sufferers by the Bourke flood will give Sydney an opportunity of practically expressing its sympathy in this matter. The facts of the case are so well known now, and the stand made by the people of Bourke has won such general admira-tion, that the task of the speakers this evening will be an easy one. The charit-able instincts of the city have been appealed to so often in the past, and with such a uniformly generous response, that there need be no misgiving as to the future of the movement Benevolent funds directed towards all sorts

of objects have been opened here from time to time, and our citizens have come forward with lavish liberality on every occasion. There have been times, perhaps, when we have given almost too promptly, and the funds supplied have been found to be actually in excess of what was really required. But in the present case there is no risk to be run of that kind. The distress at Bourke is only just beginning, and already the necessities of the people are

making themselves "abundantly appar Steps to wards the formation of a fund already being taken by towns like Oran, Bathurst, Parkes, Forbes, and others, I from Melbourne and Adelaide centre, tions are beginning to pour in. All it is now needed is that Sydney should casts her proper place at the head of this gt movement, and, in that spirit of past generosity that has always character! her citizens, take a leading part in a

alleviation of our fellow-colonists' -


The state of hardship now existing d not be dwelt upon here at any gt length. Our special reporter, in a telegraphed reports from day to r, has made it clear that the floods le already caused immense loss to the liness people of Bourke by the stoppage traffic and the suspension of all busy. But this is, perhaps, the smallest part ore disaster. It is the distress amounting also to actual privation which has overtaken population generally that immense efforts should be made to relieve. r% read of people who are only saved m starvation by casual relief, and of the families of working-men who have in rendered homeless. Those who by hard work and thrift had called small homes about them find theselves and those dependent on them ft suddenly houseless. Our reporter yesterday described one section of the town as al st entirely taken up by small cottages owed by the occupiers, and comfortably furnished by them according to their means, is water here was up to half the height these dwellings, and the owners may fly reckon on having the results of what we have been years of labour abat entirely destroyed. The temporary Vn of refuge at North Bourke is peopled the ruined families, among whom the discs must have been great indeed, if we may judge from the fact that Be'al births have occurred there in ces that certainly would have an removed elsewhere had the means of the poor people enabled them to get extra time. But the mischief is not likely tend even here. As a correspondent yesterday pointed out, when the water has subeed approach to the town will be rendered still more difficult by the quagmire of liquid mud surrounding it on all sea. With the railway washed away it will be a harder matter to provide provims then than now, and this is another reason why succour should be fchcoming in time. One consoling rection the Bourke sufferers have in their distress is suggested by our knowledge of their circumstances, how er. It is that owing to the publicity for the press that has been given these ourrences the distressed people of Bourke are placed in touch with the sympathies of the rest of the colony, and, as to-night's racing will probably show, they are not likely

to be left to suffer in silence.

It is right that a movement of this and should be taken up by the general bar of the public. So far the Government is been largely left to take action alone this matter. Under the circumstances of the case it was probably unavoidable truths should be so. What was required some day to day was prompt and tonediate action, and it is highly credible to the Government that in this emergency it rose to the necessities of the occasion and of the responsibilities of its own authority. But there is a point beyond

which it would not be creditable to the

public spirit of our people to show the burden of responsibility willy

on the shoulders of the Government,

That point has been now attained.

Matters at Bourke have reached a

temporarily stationary stage, and the breathing-space thus secured cannot be better utilised than by the people of the colony taking up the relief movement and carrying it on to a successful issue. It is now for the citizens of Sydney and the colony at large to do what was done in the case of the Hawkesbury lady of twenty-three years ago. A fund was raised on that occasion, and a commJ M representing the public appointed to idminister it. Private benevolence should 116

up the work that the Government began It is just possible that no public movement in Sydney has yet been made because all i it could have been done was being cared out under the authority of the Mine ry. Now that the first necessities have 1 sen sided over, it will be recognised that the duty of the public is to co-operate heal ally with the action of the Government, fjf does not take up the burden of respect wi

bility altogether.

The example set by his Excellency GOVERNOR and Lady CARRINGTON in

finally visiting Bourke and encouraging its people in the gallant stand

made during the earlier stages the flood, is one that will be without its influence at

present time. The GOVERNOR has always been foremost during the term of his rule

in this colony in taking part in movements of a charitable and social character, The influence of his example in this direction

will make itself once more apparent in this Bourke movement, and the best compliment our people can pay their popular GOVERNOR will be to follow

his lead on this occasion. The committee

appointed by the Government to inquire into the whole matter of these floods will doubtless aid the citizens' committee by its advice. It is to be remembered, moreover,

that the towns of Louth and Brewarrina are also threatened, and that before the movement for the relief of the > Bourke sufferers is

over there may be other demands on the generosity of the public. Regard should be had to this contingency at the meeting to-night But whatever is done, it should be made quite clear that our people are always ready to assist with liberality those who, like the men of Bourke, can show such a manly spirit of self-help throughout their difficulties. as

Referring to the conditions under which wheat becomes rusted, our readers will have been struck with the similarity of the results of recent experiments in the laboratory "in Sydney and of those seen in the wheat fields of the colony. Our observations of the spread of rust in these colonies, and of the conditions of its outbreak in other countries, as disclosed before the Base


the per

Commission in Victoria, seem to demonstrate the fact that great heat following excessive moisture creates the conditions under which wheat suffers most severely. Mr. ANGUS MACKAY, instructor in agriculture to the Technical College, now tells us that " To get at the life conditions of the rust plant,

infected oats and wheat (the leaves, straw, and ears) were placed in a temperature of 70, which was gradually increased to 995 The rust made no headway or active growth at the lower temperature, even when it was kept moist, but as the heat was increased signs of vitality became more visible. In a moist atmosphere of 95- the disease spread very rapidly, and when it had opportunity for reaching wheat in the maturing or milky stagethat is, while the sap is flowing through the neck of the straw into the ears, in order to All the grain kernels - it became epidemic." This seems to demonstrate clearly the accuracy of the contention that it is not moisture alone, but moisture accompanied with heat, that developes rust, and that as these are very commonly the prevailing conditions

of the coast districts, it is thus that rust has committed such havoc there. Not to the same extent do these conditions prevail on the tablelands of the interior. As we have seen even this year in Mudgee and other places, where rust has done damage, sometimes rain occurs there just at the fatal time. But it is the exception, not the rule. The high and comparatively dry tablelands of Australia ordinarily produce good crops of wheat. If the agriculturists get the plant well into ear, and there is then dry weather, no part of the world will produce better crops from unfertilised soil. Even the uplands of India ordinarily grow good crops. But in the districts of India where the climate is moist wheat cannot be grown. In some seasons the climate of our coast districts in summer is almost semi-tropical in its sultriness. Believing that the weather conditions before October are not favourable to the development of rust, Mr. Mackay urges that the growth of the plant should, if possible, be forced by early sowing, by securing seed which matures early, and by the use of nitrate of soda. In other words, his report gives special prominence to the climatic conditions under which the disease is generated, and his suggestions aim specially to secure the growth of the plant when the conditions are most favourable. That aspect of the case will doubtless be specially regarded in the experiments which are to be


Our Victorian friends are carrying out with great energy the irrigation schemes which have become part and parcel of the public works policy of the colony. Already a number of reservoirs have been constructed, and the other day tenders were opened by the Water Supply Department for the construction of impounding works on an enormous scale at Waranga, in connection with the irrigation of the Goulburn Valley, one of the Victorian wheat districts. The reservoir _ when completed will be the largest in the colony, far larger than that at Yan Yean, from which Melbourne obtains its water supply. The area of the reservoir will be eighteen square miles, and it will hold eighty thousand million cubic feet of water, or four hundred and eighty thousand million gallons. The amount of the tenders has not yet been made known, but it is expected that the work will cost £250,000. This is a large sum of money, and the fact that such a formidable expenditure is cheer-fully incurred shows on the part of the

Government and the water trusts which have been formed unbounded confidence in the result of the experiment which is now being tried on such a large scale. It must not be forgotten that the success of irrigation on the lines laid down in Victoria has yet to be proved. No one questions the fact that, in a dry climate, land which has been artificially watered will produce larger crops than land which only receives the rain as it falls ; but doubts have recently been expressed as to whether the revenue received from the use of the water will cover the cost of management and the interest on the large capital absorbed by the Victorian irrigation works. Including what has been expended and what has yet to be spent, the outlay will be at least £4,000,000, the interest on which, at 87 per cent., will be £140,000, a large sum to provide for before coming to the cost of distributing the water. At the conference held recently in Melbourne words of caution and warning were heard, but the Chief Secretary pooh-poohed them, and spoke of the irrigation experiment as an assured success. It is to be hoped that Mr. DEAKIN is right. In any case the progress

of affairs in Victoria will be watched here with great interest. We have been slow and dilatory with regard to irrigation matters, but we shall derive one advantage from our slowness-we shall have before us the doings of our neighbours, and we shall know what to imitate and what to


It is to be hoped that the affair in a railway carriage at Bulli, reported in a telegram to-day, will not be allowed to drop. We have had a good many complaints of late about misconduct in the trains-of insults offered to respectable passengers, and the use of bad language by passengers who are not respectable and with the complaints we have had statements to the effect that the railway officials have been slow to take notice of evil behaviour, and have sometimes even declined to interfere. It should be understood by all concerned that laxness in such matters is not to be tolerated. If

persons travelling by rail make use of improper language, or in any way annoy their fellow - passengers, stationmasters, guards, and all other employees of the railway are bound to do all that is within the ir power for the protection of decent travellers. Any officer who de-clines to act in this direction commits a breach of duty, and is not fit for his position. It is stated that in the present case the offenders are. to

be given in charge. This is the proper

course to take, and it is to be

hoped that it will be followed in every instance in which there is a prospect of

getting a conviction. The Commissioners, who have shown so much anxiety to pro note the comfort of travellers and to raise the standard of the service, would do well to issue instructions in this direction, and, so far as they can, see that their orders

are carried into effect.

A NUMBER of leading citizens, with the Mayor ' (Mr. a Burdekin as chairman, met yesterday afternoon in the Town Hall to arrange preliminaries

for the opening of a fund to relieve

the distress and suffering caused by the floods in the Darling and its tributaries. In order to enlist the fullest sympathy and to crown the movement with the success it deserves, it was decided to hold a public meeting to-night in the Town Hall, and to invite the Governor, the Premier, the President of the Council, the Speaker of the Assembly, Judge Owen, Sir F. Darley, and other prominent citizens to speak to the resolutions. The Mayor announced the receipt of £5 from the Governor of South Australia, £10 from Mr. Neville Griffiths, £250 from the Silverton Tramway Company, and the offer of the proceeds of a matinee performance in Her Majesty's Theatre from Mr. George Rignold.

TELEGRAMS are reaching the Premier daily from Bourke detailing the state of the waters and the welfare of the population. Among the latest received yesterday was one from the police magistrate, Mr. O. M'A. King, and which is as follows: "River stationary all yesterday at 42ft 8in., and falling at all places above. This morning commenced to fall. On railway it has cleared off nearly all settlers, I visited North Bourke yesterday, where about 1000 people are located. All their wants are locally supplied, and they are all happy and contented. Those who are receiving Government assistance are very thankful. I have wired to stop supplies of fresh meat from Dubbo, as it does not been. The post-office and courthouse have held out against the water with a hard struggle. Water has come into the gaol through underground drainage. The health of the community. continues good." In the afternoon Sir Henry Parkes received this message from Mr. E. Fosbery, on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, who left for Bourke on Tuesday." No chance of subsidence of flood for many days. Over 200 horses used in the construction of flood dam- congregated with large number of people camped on small area at railway station. will cost 15s each horse to remove to West Bourke Strongly recommend it to be done at once, or sickness will follow." The reply was sent : " You can incur the expense of removing howes. State amount of money and bank, and it shall be placed at credit of board." The Railway Commissioners have received satisfactory information from the officer in charge, Mr. Harper, of the arrangements made for the conveyance of passengers from the railway station at Bourke to the head of the road. The Commissioners considered it desirable to send a steam launch for use in the inundated district, and they made inquiries in Sydney with the object of securing such a vessel and despatching it west Yesterday morning Mr. J. P. Franki, of the Mort's Dock Engineering Company, generously placed at the use of the Commissioners, on behalf of the company, a steam-launch free of charge; and further offered to send a competent man to take oharge of the vessel. The launch will be sent on to Bourke to-day.

The Governor, Lord Carrington, was waited upon yesterday by Messrs. H. Taylor and R. Ritchie, Ms L. A., and asked to consent to open the Cumberland Agricultural and Horticultural Show, which will commence on the grounds, adjoining Parramatta Park, on the 23rd May. His Excellency complied with the request, and promised to perform the ceremony at 2 o'clock on the day mentioned.

THE Premier will receive the following deputa-tions to-day:-At 10.30, from the committee of the Dr. Lang Memorial Fund at 11 o'clock, from the Borough Council of Waverley for a special grant for the southern suburbs on account of the great damage done to the roads during the recent heavy rains, at 12 o'clock, from the Newcastle

Chamber of Commerce with reference to harbour improvements.

THE recent visit by Mr. Bruce Smith, Minister for Works, to the Glebe for the purpose of going over the route of the proposed tramway extension, was made in company with his colleague in Parliament Mr. Chapman. Several routes had been suggested in order to tap the traffic of Annandale as well as that of the more western portions of Balmain, and to connect with the Forest Lodge line of tramway. The particular route which Mr. Bruce Smith considers merits most inquiry, because of its directness and economy, is that proposed by Mr. Chapman.

A DEPUTATION, introduced by the Mayor of Sydney (Alderman Burdekin) interviewed! the Premier yesterday, and asked that Parliament should make some provision for the widow of Mr. John Sutherland, for many years Minister for Works. It was pointed out that the amount raised by subscription was £900, but that this sum was inadequate for the needs of Mrs Sutherland. Sir Henry Parkes expressed himself as being opposed on principle to grants of public money for political services. He, however, promised to submit the case to the Cabinet for


THE Hon. R. H. D. White, who has been confined to bed at his private apartments, 145 Phillipstreet, with fever and inflammation of the lungs for the last 11 days, is progressing satisfactorily and is now able to sit up a few hours each day. During last week, when Mr. White was seriously indisposed, it was erroneously rumoured that he had succumbed to his illness, and much distress was occasioned his friends in the western parts of New South Wales by the despatch of telegrams to that


The Public Works Committee held a sitting yesterday afternoon. The chair was occupied by the Hon. John Lackey, M.L.C. There were also present the Hons. Dr. Garran, F. T. Humphery, W. J. Trickett, G. H. Cox, M&.L O.; and Messrs. Jacob Garrard, H. Copeland, J. E. Tonkin, W. S. Dowel, E. W. O'Sullivan, J. Hurley, and O. A. Lee, MaLA. The committee adopted reports, which will he submitted to Parliament relative to the proposed railway from Kiama to Nowra, and the proposed railway from Cootamundra to Temora. The committee are favourable to the line from Kiama to Nowra being constructed as proposed, and in regard to the line from Cootamundra to Temora express it as their

opinion that the cost of construction should not exceed £3300 per mile. At the meeting of the committee this afternoon further consideration will be bestowed on the general report which is to be forwarded to his Excellency the Governor. It is also expected that Mr. Hickson, Commissioner and Engineer-in-Chief of Roads and Bridges, and Mr. J. A. M'Donald, Engineer for Bridges, will he examined in relation to the proposed iron bridge at


THE tender of Mr. John Sproule, J.P., of Hurstville, for the erection of a post and telegraph station opposite the Hurstville railway station, has been accepted by the Postmaster-General.

Tap. English mails, dated London, March 14, by the long sea route, and 21st via Italy, per Orient Company's steamer Orient will be due to-morrow in time for delivery at about 2 p.m.

FAST work was done by the Orient, the incoming mail steamer from Albany to Adelaide, the steamer arriving at the Semaphore at 11 am yesterday. Her London dates are up to the 21st ultimo, and the Sydney portion of her mails will be delivered

to-morrow afternoon.

CONSTANTLY are the steam lines to Australia receiving additions, but still there is business left for

sailing ships, and it was only the other day that a ' Sydney merchant Mr. Dangar, had a fine sailer, the ' Neotsfield, built to carry Sydney cargoes. Letters I have been received which state that the Gulf line of the Greenock Steamship Company is to be increased by the addition of a full-powered steamship to be named the Gulf of Lyons. She is to make her maiden trip to Sydney under command of Captain David Swan, for many years in the Gulf of Mexico.-' A letter under recent date to the Sydney agents, Messrs, A. M'Arthur and Co., states that the new steamer would likely be ready

to leave for the colonies about the 15th of this


AT the invitation of the Messageries Maritimes a large number of ladies and gentlemen went on board the company's new steamship Australien yesterday afternoon. The commander, Captain G. Didier, and M. Conil, principal agent in Australia with M. Cochelot, inspector, received the visitors at the gangways, and welcomed them on board. The ship's officers, who, by the way, all speak English, devoted the afternoon to showing the visitors through the various parts of the steamer, and the purser, M. Ailliaud, endeavoured to make them feel at home. It has been mentioned that the Messageries Mari-times decided some time ago to substitute much larger and swifter ships than those which have been employed in the service. The Australien is the first of these new ocean flyers. It was the wish of her owners that upon this her maiden visit Australians should have an opportunity to see for themselves what description of vessel has been placed on the Australian line. Hence the invita-tions issued by the company's representative, M. Conil. Among those who went on board were Sir John Hay, Sir John Robertson, the PostmasterGeneral, the Hon. S. A. Joseph, M.L.C., man; members of both Houses of Parliament, the Consuls representing the various nations, the Railway Commissioners, the Bishop of New Guinea, and several prominent clergymen. The navy was well represented, many officers from the present large fleet of warships in port being present. Besides these the visitors included numbers of the influential business men of the port, the banking, shipping, and commercial interests generally, it is estimated that during the time the ship was "open'' there were from 1000 to 1500 visitors on board. Every one seemed to be delighted with what he saw. Such could scarcely be otherwise, however, for all that can possibly make a floating palace literally, or a floating palace hotel, as some-one described it yesterday, has been introduced in the Australian. The main saloon, in which refreshments were laid, is a study in itself. The paintings and the artistic panel work in it are strikingly beautiful. The saloon design was the special work of M. Jean Girette, a celebrated Parisian architect. Probably there is no ship afloat that has superior state-room accommodation for the first saloon, and the same may indeed be said of the second saloon passenger accommodation. The great length of the Australian was remarked yesterday. It is 500ft, or a foot longer than the famous Atlantic greyhounds Etruria and Umbria, of the Cunard line, and but a few feet shorter than the remarkable Inman liners recently launched, the City of Paris and City of New York As mentioned elsewhere, from 2 to 4 o'olock this afternoon the Australian will be open. Cards of admission may be obtained at the company's office.

THE Janet Nicoll, the Sydney-owned steamer, which left here the other day for another cruise amongst the islands, has arrived at Auckland, The vessel is chartered by an Auckland firm, and has made one round trip to the islands returning to Sydney with a full cargo of copra and other products. The present cruise is, therefore, the second she has been engaged upon, and it may be remembered that some correspondence appeared in the Herald while the steamer was here to the effect that the Seamen's Union objected to the master having engaged a non-union crew (kanakas), and some trouble occurred in connection with coaling the steamer at Newcastle in consequence. The white crew on board during the first cruise were discharged here, and their places taken by the black crew, but this course the master of the steamer affirmed was taken because the white crew were unsuitable, and objected to the loading work at the unfrequented islands at which the steamer called to pick up her cargo It now appears from our Auck-land correspondent's cablegram that the first and second officers have refused to proceed with the steamer on the ground that the black crew are not sufficiently qualified for their duties. The Seamen's Union at Auckland has taken the matter up, but with what result is not so far stated. It may be mentioned that the Janet Nicoll left here with several passengers on board, including Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson, the famous novelist, and MR. Stevenson, who purposed making a round voyage in the vessel.

THE Colonist, the schooner which collided with the steamer Adelaide, and sank in the middle of the harbour, below Fort Denison, was blown up by dynamite last night. It was intended to have fired the charges at 5 o'clock in the evening; but at that hour the sunken vessel was so thickly surrounded by boats, it was deemed inexpedient to proceed with the work, and 9 o'clock was decided upon. The knowledge that large numbers of fish would be thrown to the surface stunned by the shock influenced the attendance of small boats to a marked degree in the afternoon, and though there were not nearly so many at night the number was larger than was expected, and caution had to be observed, Three mines were laid, each of 50lb., and were successfully fired. A mass of the wreckage was thrown to a great height, the vessel's mainmast also coming up. An immense volume of water was thrown into the air, and, after matters had subsided, it was seen that vast numbers of fish of all sizes and descriptions were floating on the surface. A grand haul was made by the boats on the spot One of the largest fish picked up, familiarly known as a jewfish, was found to measure 7ft. in length. It is intended to send the divers down at daylight to-day, and as the mines were so placed as to blow the bottom out of the schooner, and so release the topsides and the deck, the hull should now be readily floated. The work was carried out solely by the Naval Brigade gunroom officers, assisted by a few certificated men of the force, under the direction of the gunnery and torpedo instructors, Messrs.

Rickwood and Baxter.

THE sculling race between George Bubear and R J. Brown for £100 aside was rowed over the championship course, yesterday afternoon, and was awarded to Bubear on a foul From the start Brown took the lead, and until near Gladesville he had nearly four lengths to the good, but he had pressed into his opponent's water, and getting too far in Bubear spurted, cut him off from clearing Gladesville Wharf, and by an apparently great effort, fouled the colonial. The men then finished the course, rowing easily, and Brown passed the winning point about six lengths ahead, the time being 22 minutes 15 seconds. Bubear appealed to the umpire and was awarded the race on the foul. He was loudly hooted from the steamers.

' THE principal matter dealt with in bankruptcy yesterday was the application before Mr. Justice Manning for a certificate of discharge on behalf of Sydney Ernest Corderoy. The application was opposed by a creditor named Hutchins, on the ground " that the bankrupt contracted debts without having at the time a reasonable and probable ground of expectation of being able to pay the same; (2), that the bankrupt had brought on his bankruptcy by unjustifiable extravagance in living." The objecting creditor appeared in person to support his objections, but, after he had examined the bankrupt, they were overruled his Honor being of opinion that he had elicited nothing to prove them. The Official Assignee, however, raised another objection, in regard to the bankrupt's conduct in instituting an action for slander against the opposing creditor, and in-curring costs, and his Honor adjourned the case for further consideration of the point, which appears to

be somewhat novel.

THE thirtieth annual show of the Hunter River Agricultural and Horticultural Association, to be held at West Maitland on the 20th proximo and two following days, promises to be one of the most successful ever held in that town and in view of the anticipated increase of traffic on the occasion, -the Railway Commissioners will provide ample facilities for visitors from Sydney and the various stations on the Northern line between Newcastle and Singleton, full particulars of which will be

announced in due course.

THE ministers and delegates of the Congregational Union of New South Wales, presided over by the Rev. J. G. Fraser, M.A., resumed the work of the half-yearly session yesterday afternoon, in

the schoolroom attached to the Pitt-street church. The Rev. John Fordyce, M.A., of Woollahra,

in a paper upon "The New Hymnal, after

having ' tested its value," spoke in complimentary terms of the new collection of hymns and tunes, and said he felt confident" that it would become

exceedingly popular. Similar sentiments were expressed by nearly all who took part in the

discussion. The Rev. B. Rhodes, of Windsor, also contributed a paper, his theme being, "'Ministers' and Deacons' Associations." In the evening a religious service was held in Pitt-street church, at which the Rev. F. Hastings of Adelaide and the Rev. H. J. Lewis of Auckland officiated, the former preaching the sermon. To-night a meeting for young men and young women will be held, when the Revs. G. Rayner, of Homebush, and F. Hastings will deliver addresses. This meeting will bring the half-yearly session to a close.

A LECTURE will be given in the Girls' High School, Elizabeth-street, to-night by Mr. W. M. Foote, on the " History of Iron." The Minister for Education

will preside.

AT the meeting to be held in the Glebe Town Hall to-night, Messrs. Bruce Smith,' G. H. Reid, and M. Chapman, Ms.L.A., will speak. Dr. Garran will preside