Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 13 August 1889, page 12


BRICKMAKERS.-TENDERS 6000 mch. m. _Bricks AVlth sample. C Hansen, new build ,Allen-s.,U CARPENTERS.-TENDERS wanted, small job,

labour. AVyndhoin-st.. Alexandria, nr. Boundary Hotel. PAlNtTTRS.-TENDE RS wanted" 30, 'Aber_cromble-strcet, next Fufaba hotel; 2 o'clock.

PLASTERERS.-TENDERS for Repnirins three

Cottages. _ John Sawyer. Golden Gate Hotel. Gcorgc-st. P BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS.


' at


on tho


aro Invited to send in their names to the undersigned. The BUILDINGS comprise the following :

Administrative Block with Courts, and Kitchen Block Male and Femnlc Pavilions, for 30 patients each Male and Female Cottages «tabling laundry Morgue

Gardener's Cottage

1 Entrance Lodge and Archway Water-gate.

A TEMPORARY WHARF is being built for the landing of materials, nnd a ROADWAY' of ACCESS on the land side

Sas been fenced off.

' ' ' SULMAN and POWER, Architects,

_375, George stioot^Sjdnev^ riAO BUILDERS and CARPENTERS.

The Directors of the Monk AVearmouth Colliery, Limited, are prepared to receive TENDERS for the ERECTION of an


Plans and specifications may be Been on application to the Engineer, J. R. M Robertson, 97. Pitt-street, Sydney.

Separate tenders may be given for brick and joincrwotk.

Tenders, addressed " Tenders for Engine-house," may ho lodged with the Engineer, or the undersigned, on or before

the 26th August instant.





TENDERS are Invited for the ERECTION of a GRAND STAND at the Lillltbrldge Electric Light Athletic Running Grounds, AA'lgiam-street, Forest Lodge.

PUns and specifications can be seen at the office, on the ground, where tenders »nip accepted up to noon of


21 »t instant.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily u-ccpted.

m E N DE R 8. TENDERS will be received hv tie undersigned for the Purchase of the Pioneer Gold-mining Company's Property nt Eurongilly, near Junee, consisting of about 8 Acres of Mining Land, Dam Sites, Huntington Mill, Plant complete, With 8-h.p. Portable Engine (nemlj new), Tools, Sheds, &c.

Tenders will close on THURSDAY, August 22.


_ Legal Manager, Junee._ 89-47 Town Clerk's Office,

Sydney, 12th August, 1889.



TENDERS will be received at this office until 11 o'clock on TUESDAY, the 27th inBtant, for Close Piling in Sewerago "Reserve." off Sussex-street. ..__,..,.

Plans and specifications may be seen at tho ofllce of the

City Surveyor.

î**3"~"vvan"?fld, for buying; email Stock of



O GRÀÏNiSliS,-Wanted, PRICE 3 houses, comer Combridge-st. and Olenniore-rjL, Pao'ton; early. ARE you Going to bo Married? Ahem! Percy

Hordern, 666, Brickfield-hill, for QUILTS.

mo CONTRACTORS-Tendora are invite np to J- nion of MONDAY.'lfflh in«tant. for the erection of feolvanlsed Iron and AAood Fencing enclosing the Lillie Bridge bectric Light Athletic Grounds, AVlgrum-strcct, Forest

Specifications. Arc, can be seen at the Otllcc, on the p!,??',".'!. "" **cri- 'enders arc to be dellvereil.

1 he lowest or any tender not nceessaillv accepted.

mo BE LEASED by TENDER, 'for 10 vearFlrmTi AL. August 81, 1SSO. the Premises f|t"nl(. at 314 George, »licet, formerly occupied bv .1. 'I hempson ami Co., stationer«, anil the upper poition of which is now teiiuiited bv Muroll and Co, photographei s. Such tenders to lw sent to'


",.,,, . . l18. Pitt-st 1 cet, Sydney. __U*ejdgho«t orjiny tender not iicccssurll) accepted.


TENDERS aro invited for tho Pinchase of the wholo of the 1 loaring. Joists, ,Vc, of lier Maicstv's Skating Rink,

S*1 . ". eonlalnlng in all about 10,000ft. of Kauri Pine.

Tender« to bo In by SATURDAY next, the 17th August, addressed to tho Sydney Deposit and Discount Bunk, 90, iviiur-stieet, Sydney.

rjy~o B~-ü~i ÏT~D~~E~ÏÏ-S.

'Hie time for receiving Tenders for the erection and com-pletion of , shops and dwelling. South Henil road. Waverley, has been et tended to MONDAY, the 191h. Plana and spec'illcalions may be hud nt the nlllces. 283, Gcoige-slicet, where

sealed tendéis are to be delivored.

_ MARTIN and GIFFARD, Architects.^ TENDERS invited for Alterations to two Stores,

niul also tor five American Hoists.

Particulars to bo obtained on the premises, 220 to 234.


Tenders vrlll close on 14lh instant.


r*p.-.NI)_,Rb wanted foran Hoisting Knpino, with

? gear« complete, se-von liol»c-poiicr, with or without .inver. For pal tlctilat s, upply at lot.. Fllrabcth and Devon»htrc stieets. _£OF:-aN\S_RUOTIU'l(\ Contractors._ rilENDERS aro invñto-Tfór the "supply of 20 Tons of

? Broken Illue Metal, to be delivered 'on the Market AA hnrf, by lighter or in carts. Tenders to bo addressed to Box 25^ Iving-street Post-office.

r|AO BUI i.DERS.-TENDERS oro invited until

? Saturday, 24th instant, for the Erection of a Cottogo Residence at Waverley. Plans and specitications may be seen «t the olllccs of F. II. Ileus«, jun., architect, 72, Pitt-st. TO PAINTERS.-TENDERS wanted for two

COT PAGES at BUckhca* li. labour only, riaus and speculations, MOSS BROTHERS. Painters,

__Belmore-street, Burwood.

TENDERS wanted for Plastering*. .Apply"ôn~job,

_ No. 7, M.inon-ttrcct, Baptist Estate.

fpO JOINERS -TENDERS roquimrfoTTlaw

-11 quantity of joinery (labour oiilyJ^KJ, Krag-st., N't'n. ri^ENDKRS.-DRAINPIPES, rodueedpricoVôlîpr. , * 'ban cver^_ConIou'» Potter;, Broughtoii-streot, Glebe.

npENDEKS BrieRivork largo Residence ; labour. J.

s Williams, builder. AVest and Ernest streets, Noith Sliorc. TENDER'S for Cement ¡ni; r-cíiñol ¿Sr" Gordon";

Inboui. AVIUiamb, AVctt ami Ernest sts.. North Shore. fllENDEItS wanted for S'tonoivork ; labour. _?__ Enmore Tram Terminus. Ne« town. _ TE'NDERS wanted for Brink and Slono Work ; joh

._ at Canterbury. Apply 8, Ad.i-strcet, Ultimo.

f IAENDERS wanted for Plastering Terrace of Houses,

* Lvoiib-road, Birkenhead. _L. Robinson, builder.

TENDEKS nro invited for PLASTERING~ññd

_Plumbing. Kerr nnd_Co., 13«. Pitt-street.

f ÎAENDERS wnnted "for Vcnotinn"Blinds~ TTG". _»_ Porter, builder, Missenden road. Camperdown.

11ENDERS for Cuttiup; »ni SettiuR StepR, Hearths",

anil Flags, labour only. Allen-street, Ultimo.

TENDERS for Rubblo Foundation, lnboufonly. _Applv View-street, off Adelaide-street, Woollahra.

flAENDEHS for Konorap. nud tor Couch Turf. _»_Apply Mr. Patrick's. Leichbault-stiect. Glebe Point.

flAENDERS wanted for Painting a double-fron ted

» Cottage, Augustin-st., Enmore. Apply on job.

BENDERS wanted "for Custiroii Columns nnd

Girders, op. AVci-lcyan Church, Ashfield. John Darby. fl*lENDEltS for Flooring*. Job rorner London"mid *_Augustus streets. Enmore, Newtown.

WANTED," TENDE'RS~for""*ibnut 400 foot of

BORING hy DIAMOND DRILL, near bvdnev. Apply, during August, to L. F. Heydon, corner of Market and Pitt streets. _

WAA TED, TENDERS for Breaking óW Yards

of Metal at Georiro's Head. Apply

PARRY and FARLEY, Contractor«.

_ IS. i:ii/abeth-«troet.



ANTED, TENDERS for PnintinR and"Paper

hanging. 81, Hargrave-strcet, Paddineton.

\\r ANTED, TENDERS for Päintintr. Apply Mr. » y Revs' job, Henry-.sticctLCharir.g Cross, AVaverlcy.

DRAIN PIPES, superior, all sues; Buchan -nipa" _Sanitary AVare. Hart and Gallagher. Petersham.


GRAVEL, and RIVER SAND, nt lowest prices. Emu Gravel and Road Metal Company, Limited, Norwlch-chambeis. Hunter-street._

TENDERERS.-Genuino AVhftöTLead, 28i 6d cwt.;

Raw and Boiled Oif« KB gallon *, Varnishes, 8s Gd cal. ; Yellow* Ochre, 8« Oil ovvt. ; llliic-blnck, 12s Oil cwt.; nil dry coloins vciy cheap; 8-0 Brushes. 4s Oil each; **ishtools from 3d; AAull-pipcrs from 2{d; Glazing done at fld per ft. ; Glass cut to si/cs. At 800, George-street, late Murphy's.

KIAMA (Bombo) BLUE METÂ-ZâU^nËesTnnd _ Sciecnlngs, clean. 51, Cowper AA'hnrf, AVoolloomooloo. CENTRE FLOW]rR^IJlaBtor^ndlJeméTiFEñ'rich_mentSjJiowjlesigns, bei-t vqi Icty. G. T. Cross, Bond-st. BLUE Metal (all sizes', Dry Seronninp*», from Shell_haibour._ Joseph AVard and ^"o., 10. i:\eliinge-chaiiib. 13 ED EARTH EN AVARE ROOFING "TILES Jt %' (French system) keep Houses wonderfully COOL.

A full cargo of this favourite Rooting Mnterial now Inniling ; also, n huge ussoitmeiit of Hollow Bricks, riooring Tiles, &c, &c. Prices and particulars

_ E. AVUNDEIll.ICn, 10, York-street^ A UCTlOÑ.THlSDXVT'l o'clock", 2'pltite-glaBS

(** Shop Fronts, 5000 Slates, 500 Joists, Ruften-, BoariU, Doors, AVindows, IOHO loads squarc-dresicd Parapet Stone. Opposite Hordern's, Pitt-street._

ASPHALT.-lim choapest and best is laid by tho _Buffalo Asphaltum Co._O Hice. Pitt and Market sltects. BURGLAR ELECTRIC ALARMS fitted to dñora

nnd windows, electric bells and speaking tubes fitted and repaired; estimates given. FROST and SI1IPIIAM, Electricians. 474 and 587. Ocorgc-strcet_ " IJlTRCY, thoencr-j-otufHORDERN." ia allowing

1 in his Modern Shop Modern Diapery, Bricklleld-bUl.

_Building Materials._



Foieign and Colonial Timber, Door*, Sn»he«, Mouldings, A.c. GOODLET and^SMITH, 493. Gcorge-st.. near Bathuist-«t. ClEME'NT, CEMENT.-Anchor and K. B. and~S.

.'Also, Red Beach Plaster. AV Cary ami Sons, S20, Geo -st. HEARTH TILES.-Spleudid selection, from 3b Gd _do?.,, A'cran. tiles 9s vd. AV. Caryatid Sons, 820, Geo.-st. MIXED PAINTS, cheap.-Champion's ¡renuíño

AVhlte Lead 31s per cwt., Blundell and ."-.pence's, 30s ; Blundell'« BolledOil,3s2d pergal.; Red Lead, 25sperevvt.; A'ornishes. Colours, Ac. AV. Cary and Sons, 820, Gco.-st.

KAURI "PINE""Ploorinp, »toíedliñd~cover¡ well

sensoncd. Kauri Timber Co.. Lmtd., Blackwattle Bay. MARBLE Mantelpieces, chcaner than wood ; Fen

ders, Slabs^&c Padd. Marble A\*orl,s, 200, Oxford-st. CCLEARING out Stock at cost price, owing to cxpir

' ing of lease, of a large assortment of Baltic Oiegon, Doors, Sashes, Mouldings, Architrav es ; al«o, Colonial Hardw ood and Pine, all sizes.



_15^ Sussex-street North.


Girder Plates, Contractor»,* Material, the largest and best assorted stock in Sydney.


Hay, Engine. Harris, Ultimo, and 54. York street._ C1ESIENT, all good brands; Plaster. Lead; "Slates,

J American and Bangor, all sues ; Galvanized Iron, nil lengths; Guttering, Baths,-Se. ; Pottery, Eng. and colonial ; Caithness Flagging, Sic. Craneana Sons, 19-31, Pitt-st., C. ely. A PAIR of Shop Fronts, a bargain, now, with _gla«s complete. 124. AA'illiam'-st.. AVoolloomooloo.

BUILDING MATERIALS.-30,000ft. Oregon, _1000 Sheets Gal. Iron_Clarence-st., near King-street.

AUCTION, THIS DAY,""U o'clock, 2 plate-glass

Shop Fronts, 5t 00 Slates, 500 Joists, ilafteis. Boards, Doors, WindowB, 1000 lonils Fquurc-dres»ed Parapet Stone. OppoBito Hordern's. Pitt-strmt._

RE you Goinjï to bo Married r Ahern ! Percy

Hoi dorn, BOB, Brickfield-bill, for QUILTS.


Business Announcements.


ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given that the PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing between the undesigned, EDM I'ND PROUT AVOOLCOTT und JOHN WILLIAM SAUNDERS; under the style and firm of " Woolcott and ¡saunders." House, Land, lind Estate Agents and Auctioneer, mid carried on at No l8, Castlereugb-street, Sydney, has been this day DISSOLA'ED under the terras of the I'nuucrship Deed. The bald John AAilliam Saunders will hencfoitii ciury on the business of House, Land, and Estate Agent in his own name mid on his own account ; nnd ho will lectivo all the assets und discharge nl< the liabilities of the late Him of AAonlcott and Suundcrs, and hlB reccpl will he a sufficient disthaigc.

Dated this twelfth day of August, 1889.


Solicitor, Sidney._




On and after MONDAY, the 19th Aifgust, the business of the HEAD OFFICE will bo transacted at the COMPANYS AVORKS, CLY'DE, near Granville, where nil communications

should be addre-fced.

The piescnt office, nt No. 2, O'Connell-streot, Sydney, will be continued as an INQUIRY OFFICE only.

By older of the Board.

JOHN J. WOODS, Secretary. August 12th, 1889.



Vii Persons having any DEBTS or CL.'.IMS against tho late film of AVoolcott and Suomi«!s, of N'o. l8, Castleicnghsticct, Sydnoy, House, Land, and Tétate Agents and Auc-tioneers, are hcrehv required to send In .le carne forthwith to John AVIUiam "snundcis, of No. l8, Caeilcrcagh-slreet, Sydney, the continuing Partner.

Dated this 13th day of August, *o. US9.

TjULVERMACHER'SAA'orld-fñmcd Electric Belts, J7 &c. Pamphlets tree. Frost and SUpliam. 5b7. Geo -Bt.


»ERCY, tho energetic IIOI. DERN," ia showing

In his Modern Shop Modorn_Drapeiy, Brickficld-hlll._ ÎTE'llaff'oTlif'i ii "tEn VutonV Roller Flour, pro-curable at Kliluiun's, -s lid por bag, or 81b. for Is.

_Municipal Elections._

189-48] ' Town Clerk's Otllcc,

_ Sydney, 13th August. 1889.


Notice is hereby given thal the Courts for revising and settling the Citbcní' Lists for the year 1889-90. will be held at the places and on tho ilavs hcreundcr mentioned, In the »cveril wards of the city :

UIPP.s JVAUD.-JJntchhouie, Lower George-street,

Monday, lUth August, at 11 a.m.

BOURKE WARD.-Liistilcl Court, King-street,Monday,

linn August, at 2.80 p.m.

BRlsRVNI. WARD.-Town nail, George-street, Tues

dny, 20th August, nt 2.39 p.m.

MACQUARIE WARD.-Temperance Hall, Pltt-strcct,

Tuesday, 20th August, ni 11 a.m.

COOK WARU.-Crail n-sti cet Reservoir, JVcdncsday,

21st August, ut ¿.30 p.m.

FITZROY WlRD.-JVntchhouso, Dnrlinghurst, Thurs-

day, 22nd August, nt 11 n,m.

PH1LLII' WA RD.-Weighbridge, Hnvmnrkct, Friday,

21rd August, at 11 am.

DENISON WARD.-Pu-mise» 409, Sussex-street South,

Friday, ÎJrd August, at 2.30 p.m.



_Town Clerk. riAHE



Fiyc Shillings nnd Elevenpence per 501b. Bag, or Eight Pounds for One Shilling,


RE vou Going to bo Married P Ahern I Percy _Hordern, 6tifi, Brickfield-hill, for QUILTS.


A BACKWARD P'upil.joungoradult.Indj', gentilli., _ special tuition. Mr. Weiss, F.E.I.S.. 177A. Liverpool-»!, ÏÎÎXOCUTION.-Mr. JOHN BYRON, fr-ïiTifëT

-i bourne, for many years pupil of the late Professor Thomas Pudmore Ulli, desires io form Classe«, including a Special Class for Ladies, for tho purpose of studying the abo»cart. Prívalo Lesson» given If desired. Pupils, private rcfldrnces and schools visited. Student« thorou.hlv oonched for the Church, Bar, or Stage. Addrtss (temporarily), 12, lioodhope-street, Paddington. _ IíUtENÜH LESSONS^ Grammar, etc., Conversation,

- Literature, Lectures, Apply (L_U., Boxjjlü, G. P. O.

I FRENCH.-Monsieur AUJARDT^'-rÂdelnido-torT,

Staiunorc-i o.ul. Remit lust niall Iculatiun, 100 per cent.

?^ 1NDEUGARTEN. - in connection with the -L3W-Wesleían Ladies'College, Burwood, a Kindeigarten Class will be opened on TUESDAY, September S. It will be conducted by Miss Grady, of the Trubels Society College, London, ivho has had mud. experience in teaching the sys-tem, and «ince her arri-n! lu the eolunv ha* bren teaching a cln-s at Government nou«c. Piospcctiiscs may bo obtuineel otinpphcatioti to the President._'_

¡VI ACRAME Taught thoroughly, ladies or penileX»_. men, 3 lessons, 4s le»,, any pattern. Tiaveller, li. P. O. ^T EGLECTED EDUCATION.-Lo.sflonsgivonpriv.

I by Indi-, rapid imp., mod, 358, Riley st., Surry Hills.

tjRIVATE TTiition.-Mr. .T. KlNLOCH.-ClasTes _mor., alt., cvg. Tennson apn^iJ, Alberto-tcr., D"h'bt. PIANOFORTE, "VIOLIN, SINGING.-Experi-

enced teacher, Gcnnan, holding excellât tcsilmonlals, receives or visits pupils; tenus, 2 guineas qnurtcily, beginners sosj lwn 1-ssnns weekly. Theory, Hcuild olllce.

SHAKEbFERIAN CL \hS.-Private Tuition by

Mr .stanmaur, of the Globe and Gaiety Theatres, London, In Dramatic Elocution, mid In the reading of Sbakesperc's Play«. For terms, nddiess Box 99a. Herald O nice.

\,\/AN*TED to nineo n young lndyTló years) in a

* » superior bourding-schoôl. Apply, with full particu-

lar«, to L. M. B" Herald Olllce.

Professions, Trades, «re. A


CCOUNTS recovored through solicitor; no cbargo _ unless successful. Box 1001, General Post Otlicc.

ADVERTISING Canvasser., constant emploi nient, _£10 deposit, salaty and comm._Box ICQ I, G. P. O.

ALL seeking Situations, Serv., Apartment«, Mining;, _ General Nevis should visll Globe Rooms, Hi, Geo.-st. APPRENTICE wanted, wages to commence. Wcni~

gott and Son, W. Clolhing Manufac, Ccn. Arc.,Gco.-st.

HE'you Góiñg~to l>o* Married ? Ahern !~Percy _Hordern. (>0G, Brickfield hill, for QUILTS._

SET'Gold'M-d-l ArtincfafT-et_,-£5f gas duilj\ J. 1. Marshall, dentist, 410, Goorge-strceUmly._ ARCHITECTURE.-To Parent«, i.e.-Thero is a

vacancy in the office of the undesigned for an Al tided PUPIL-, premium required. Tayt and Fowler, architect» and licensed miicjors, 163. King-ttrcet (opp, Tem]ile-court).

AT RTS, lliithurst-streot Gov. Instituto.-Wanted,

supciior Gov., Eng., French, Gorman, music, dianlng, painting, 100 gus ; English, inu-lc, singing, R. C, £10, country ; tutor. English, music, £00, Mib. ; clerk, city,_ BAKER wanted, as FOREMAN, open "for 10 _ days. L. Filedenreich. Trnde-sirect, Newtown._ BOOT 'LTIÄT-E.-Wiintod,"MAKE"R, for children's

_work. 285, King-sircct, Newtown._ BOOT TRADE.-".Wanted, good HANDS for _ women's and girl's. J. P. Wright and Co._ BOOT TRADE.-Wanted, a Clicker, ulso Maker _for youths'. CockscJge, Curopbell-atrcol. Ne«town.

TTURGTÄR AND FIRE-RESISTING bAFES llJ of the lending makers nt second-hand pilccs. Inspec-

tion invited.

_GIRBS, Sil ALLARD, and CO.. 81A, Pltt-strcet.

TToTi O U Gil ~0"F J"U"N"E E.

APPLICATIONS are invited for Gentlemen qualified to undertake the combined duties of Connell Cleik and Borough Stuveyor, al a sulary of £11) per month. Can to.luvy other occupation during bpuie time. Apphci'ious to be in not later than THURSDAY, 2-pd August, lsbt), at b p.m.

_G. DOBB\NS, Mayor,

C" lOACHFAlNTER wuntod, must bo good writer.

J Dacey and Co., Beaconsfield Estate, Botony-rd., Aixndriu. C10.M PETENT und experienced MANAGER wanted

J for a gold mino (quart-) at Croydon, Northern Queenshind, must bo well up In battery work; salai.v al the rate of £5cii| pel an. Apply with copies'tt-t'nlals. Box 113, O. P. O. DESSA1X und WEBB, 00, Eluabeth-stroet, arrungo _more- P.irtnciships than any tina in the citv._ DRAPERY.-Wanted, a "respectable youth as

JUNIOR, for house out of town. Apply Wednesday, 10 a.m., Alcock Bios., Pitt-street._ DRESSMAKER.-Competent HAND wanted, to

take management in good class country town. Apply, JVcdncsday mowling. Crawshaw and Co., Moorc-strcct._ I JifÂPERY.-Wauled, fur suburbs, young Lady ns

__» MILLINER and Saleswoman, must bo _ood Fijlisb pushing baud. Apply, stating suhirv und relcrencca, to K X. _., Herald Office. Optn lor a «eck._ ITIXPEitlENCED Surveyor's ASSISTANT

li wanted. P. Bailey, L.S., 17, Hamilton-street._ YflQUÍTAliLE Lll'E ASSURANCE



U. S.



. -l8, r



undoubted ability


."' "'to ' " i «


",'CHARGE' ' r

-of -

.tho ' . AGENCY i DEPARTMENT : * " of


1 .above '



The remuneration will be by salary at tho rato of £500 per annum. ' ...

Preference will be given to one who is prepared to write a pomonal business, for which full rates of commission will bo paid, in addition to above salary.

Applications, in flist instance by letter only, enclosing copies of references, nddie.sed to the MANAGER, at ibe olllce (aa abovej^wjll be received wp__|lt__.__»>J__ _jj_-_ CTERM.iN University Graduate, coach boya during

Woven., all Universityjmbicct^^enns^X^Y^, Herald. GOVERNESSES' nnd'Tutoi-' Institute, 161, Cas

tlcr'gh-st.-Mrs. Mead rcqiilics3 Prot't. Gov'es., 1R. C. GROCERS' ASSISTANTS.-A good all-round T Assistant wanted. Railton'a Store, Boy-street, Glebe.


H8, W'oolloo-iooloo-strcet._ INTELLIGENT" LAD "required ; none but good

penman need apply. W allacc and Co., 201, Clarcnce-si. |" ÉGAL.-Solicitor, with good practice, South Coast J-J distiiot,requirespnitncr; premium. Box 71b, Q^Y. O.

LEGAL.-JiyñorCLERK in solicitor's otlice wanted,

6 yeal s' experience, references. 391, Herald Office.

ÏVE CANVASSER'S jvanted for oil portraits; a

suie fortune. 39, St. Juhn'8-rond, Forest Lodge.

MA.N handy at carpentering, gardening, and gene_rallyuscf _l._Aiipry_278 v. Oxford-st., Paddington._ MILLINERY .- Wanted, young Ladies to leam

the Millinery Sales. Late Iiopson's, 590, George-st.

MEDICAL"."-PARTNER, Lady or Gentleman

(sleeping or otherwise) wanted with £100, to assist In establishing a 2s Od Dispensar). Sure return to partner of £300 within the jear. No risk, no work. Advertiser legally qualified Mirgeon, well known; highest references. X. P.C., Herald Office._ "?¿AlNTERS.-Wanted, a smart IMPROVER. JL Apply 7.30, E. ^¡.ye, ILJ^rrarnatta-ioad^Glcbo^

ARTNÊ"RS"rcqùTred in sound businesses, from £25 upwards^ J'cssaix and Webb, 60, Eli?abeth-strcct,

ARTNEU, ¿'CO, in Pioduce Business; a splendid chanco for cneigctic man. Hirst and Co.", 61. King-st.

PARTNER, £100, tor greatest novelty of the times,

immense success. Uli st and Co., 61, Kiog-sti eet.

P"A"RTNËR wanted, with £oÛ, for manufacturing

business, returning £1 weekly. Williams, B9j, Klng-st. i.iRTNER&HIP, A-t-hare, under £100, terms.

Offers wanted, alter inves., >-stab. bus. Partner. Hci aid. . ? T>ERCY, the energetic HORDERN," ;s showing

Xin his Modern .Miop Modem Drapery. Brlckfielil-hlil.

IhLUMBER jvnnted; nono but good mun need

. apply. HO, Qiiecn-stieet, Woollahra._ P" ' ULVER.MAC'irER'SWorld-famed Electric Belts,

tee Pamphlets free. FruBt and Slilpham. 47+, Geo.-st. AKTÑER wanted, £50, lady preferred ; no pre-vious knowledge necessary; »b|sl_a goud-pavIng busi-ness:full inspection invited. Wanted also. Partner with £75, good spec Desial_andWebb,eo, Kltenbeth-.trcot. GI 1

PLUMBERS.-Two wanted early. William Colo,

...... plumber. Waverley. _ 1JARTNER witiTïluO wanted, to advertise the M. latest novoltj, good profits. Applv at once to Novelty, Herald. No agents.

SlTOTTf ifA"**TD.-Four hourV weekly Tuition, ono

guipca per qunrtcr. 78. Ann-strcct. Surry Hills. _

TO^NEMASON, small job. Apply Kobinhon's ,_Wood Aard,_Jame6-strert, off Bathurnt-strcct, city. _ r|AAlLORliSSES.-\V"iñlrd. good Trousers" Hands.

-*l _ It. C. Baulch, S', Clarence-street._

Ö BUTCHERS.-W~Bntcd7"cloBrt young MAN, orders and useful,_li. Pitman, butcher, North slioro.

O HAIRDRESSERS.-Wanted, n"~ first-class Haircuttei and Shaver. Apply early. 72. Ovford-st i cet. nPO Painters.-AVauted, a smart IMPROVE«. __LAppJLy_Ho*To_?-_crrace, Cambridge-street, Paddington.

a IO TAILORS.-Wanted, ""Coat HANDS, indoors.

._E. T. AValsh, 520, George-street.

*T"0 TAILORESSES.~"vA anted, flrst-clals-Coat -»-_HANDS. E. T.JvA'iiliib. 520, Gcorge-etreet._ TO TAILORESSES.-AA'untod," good linprovors.

_Apply l18, Kingj-treot, Ne« tovrn. S. Goldstein.

aAO DllAPERS."*--"whñtFd, ii good ñll-roññd

HAND, one with a knowlctlgo of grocery preferred. Apply by lcttei, and ondoso copies of testimonials, to P. Mnllnny and Co.. Kntoomlia._ TO I IRAI' Eil*-.-Wanted, for n country sforo, pood

JUNIOR, with sonic knowledge of books; snlary, £2 per week. Apply by letter only, copy of rcfeicnces. to Box 485,0. P. 0. _ _


I BACKER for rich Black-lead Mino and n Gobi Reef. Apply by letter, Chas. AA'oollir, 23, Burns, Darling Harbour, Sydney._

ripO PARENTS and GUARDIANS.-Ctiom'st ra

t quires a well-educated youth as an APPRENTICE; premium requited. Address It. II. Lavers and Co., 92,



Established 1870.

For Life Assurance, Endowments, Annuities.

The Directors of the above «oclety invite APPLICATIONS for Canvassing Agentv foi new business in the country; liberal terms lo suitable gentleman ; salary and commission.

Apply J. M. M'CBAE, Secretary,

""0, George-street.

rilHE. ROYAL BANK OF QUEENSLAND", JL Limited, Brisbane.

The Board of Directors invite APPLICATIONS for tho Office of GENERAL MANAGER of Ibis B»nk.

Application-., addressed to the Chairman, will be received up to September 7, and should rontam full particulars of nnplicants' experience and qualifications, also salary ex-


AU communications will bo treated as strictly private and






VV w w w

ANTED, n FrenrliT^ori*sH"ElfiT~WrM"artin; _ S o'clock sharp, Mullens-street, Balmain._ 7 ANTED, Lad, Apprentice to Grocery. Apply ' Th'hdny orSat'dav, T. Cross. 1'nrrnmattu-rd., r'tshni.

ANTED. Working Partner or Overseer for a

small sheep station. Apply Station, Hornill Office.

/"ANTED, PAPEItHANGER. Anply Apricuí*

tumi Hotel, Ciimpbill-.strcct. Haymarket, after 8.

£*NT ED, a TURN l'Jlïun'd Bli A-5SFÏNISHElf.

_ D3, Market-street._ ANTED, a" JOINER," for «hipwork. 03¡ _ __ Alarket-street._ /"ANTED. Person, with £l,r>, to tnko over nieo

ll*tle grown, \c , business. AVllIiam-, R0}, Klng-st.

/ANTED, odueatcd BOY, "for otllco. Letter only.

_E. Butler, 4tb. George-street._ _ ANTED, pood SulesiiinnTwith £20. as Partner, retail business. Apply Hirst and Co.. 01, Klng-st.

ANTED, smart HOY used butcherine?. Apply Deacon's bmcher shop, AVnlker-sttcet, Redfern._"

ANTED, pood Drapery HAND, for country. Apply 9.10 n.m.. Robert Re'id and Co., 34. York-street. ANTED, a p.iod Wlinelvvright, and nn Im-prover; open 8 dnjs. p. Burrill. Dailing-st., Balmain.

7" ANTED, an Upholsterer: bring tools. Apply ' funiitute sale min, J. La« 1er and lons, 008, Geo.-st.

ANTED, known, nil kind« of Plain Needlework

Dressmaking done*. Mis. M'Culloch, 21. Foveaux St.

""ANTED, 3 rotiKir"Carpciitorfl. A. D~~Nelso_

and Co., cneincors, Iluv-stieet, Darling Hnrbotir.


VA/"ANTED." JOINER, "for fixing shop" "fronts, v * AA'ceklcy, Varieties Theatre, King-street, Ncwtovin.

w w

vv vv w w w w w

ANTED, pood Plasterer'a IMPROVER. Job,

Cooper-street, Stratlifield,_7_a.m. jjiarp._ ANTED, respectable vounp Mun, accustomed to butchering. F. Crolllck", 157, Mitchell-it., (iiibo

7 ANTED, young man us IMPROVER to boot

ninhing anti repairing. Fl)nn, Rurivnoil-rd., B'viood.

/ANTED, a strong LAD for fliiiith's"slinp~^ J\

Bennet, coach and waggon work«, Camperdown.

7 ANTED, n BOY as STKIKER. Apply"E". ' Bastard, 180. Dcvonshlre-slreet. Min y Hills._

ANTED, a smart rospertablo Youth, uncustomed

to a tailor's shop. V. T. AA'nl«h, 520, George-street.

ANTED, PAINTERTfind own brushes. Apply

S a.m., II. G. Svvvny, jim , Bishopscourt, AA'nvcrloy. ANTED, nn UPHOLSTERER. E. Lucas.

_Pitt and Park streets;_

ANTED, TURNER,"""tö tura Stono BtdllsleTs by steam, piece or day. 112. Botany-id . Alexandria.

AN'l'iiD. for tho country, a younp Lady as

GOVERNESS to one child; must be musical. Apply by letter to C. P.. Box 123, O. P. O. _ \\f ANTED, first-olass HAND for sanitary work :

? » no duffers need apply. F. R. Langley, 159, Mitchell

street, Glebe,_"_ J_ WANTED, smart Junior CLERK : must bo pöod

writer; one accustomed to mining office preferred. Apply in Iii st Instance to Pox 1104, U. P. O.

?¿717 AN TED, a first-class ACCOUNTANT and

» * CAsHIF.ií; salary to commence, £200 11 jeal*. Address, (.tuting u.c and' enclosing copies of testimonials, Guaiantee, Post Otllte, Sydney^_

UJ ANTED, "respectable YOUTH for ofliceTñble to

keep books and be generally useful, icfcrcnccs indis-pensable. Applv John Williams, buildei, AVest-street, Najthjsliore._

.4*7 ANTED, n respectablo younp MAN, whoia.well »* acqunlnled vrith city houses to leprrt-ent a Colonial piadurtion. Apply by letter, giving expérience, Boy 71, G. P. O._ %/!*'ANTED, bv tho Millicent Dnirvinp Assooia» V lion, Limited,a first-class practical CHEESE-AtAKER, salary £130 per annum, vrith cottage; preference given to one v^ ho bus a knowledge of buttet-making. Applications, with testimonials, and btatlng age, to be addressed to



Millicent, South Australia,

_.August 8,1SS0._

Situations Wanted.


CARPENTER, with tools, would boglnd of work

nt 7s. S. S. S . Herald Olllcc.


LN activo young man want-* SITUATION OB

Groom, uüeiiil, or any capncity. J.H.AV . Park-st, 1* O. . Í.CH1TECT, A.R.I.B.A.-Assistance, temporary L or other«¡se, diavringnnd »cr.spec tivc. A'ictor,_IIeru!d RE "von Goinp to bo Married? Ahern! Percy _norJcrn.JOO. Brickfield-hill, for QFILTS._ RESFECTABLEyonngGirl ¡eel» SITUATION, assist in kousov, ork._ Address B. \'., Herald Office. _ S Coachman, Sec, by respectablo younp man, can

garden, milk, good references. Bare!., Heiuld._ SlTRVANl wantod, pood wages. 252, Eliza

beth-sticet, Belmore Paik.

SOBER Ciupaleso Boy wants SITUATION,

generally useful work. Peter Bnboo. HeiaM.


SITUATION as üenoral wantod, Nuifogirlg. Miss Hall's ngeucv, 118, Casllcrcagh-Bt._r.stab. 1875.



T tho Home, S3, Mnrket-Bt.-Einplovora supplied with Male Servants ; no charge; country mid tonn.

"f~t_<rSorvantsrHome, 83, Markot-st.-AViiitinp

employ, eld. and y'ng Men, Boys. M. Couples, Femules. T 114, Huntnr-stroetTTädies'Aponcy.-All classes

Servant», superior Generals, excellent iel»., walting.

"T^jilss Butler's, 112, Markot-st. - Several aupei ¡or II. Maids, Par. Malil6. Cooks ; Nu l'es walting engageai. T~"M. Smith's, 182, Caatlerengh-Etreót.-Waiting, four young General Servunls, CookB, useful Girls, &c.

T-ütr*. Mack'a select Reg., 1Ó3, William-st.

AVniting, II. Keepers, Cooks, G. Servants, good refs.

"YOUNG~Man (coloured) wants SITUATION na

Groom, drive, or look after horses. Jumes, Heiuld.

YOUNG Man, good quick Writer desires £M

PLOYMENT; can give excellent refs. Zeus, G. P. O. YOUNG Man dosiros Situation aa Tutor in a private gentleman's family._Apply F. B" G. P. O._ " YOUNG Ludy vvUhos Engagement na Daily

Governess. Miss Hall'., agency. Cat.tlcieugh-i.Ueet._ "ÏOUNG Man wishes Work-groom, drive, golden, useful, good ref». J. B.. 118,C'ustlcie,igli-Bl.

"YOUNG GIRL" wanted, as pen. Sorvnnt, small

family. After 10, Auburn, Go«er-st., Summer Hill,

YOUNO person of good address would like SITUATIONS bar__ Addres__M_ta, 140, O.yford-st,

AT 62, Hunter-streot, Victoria Institute.-L. Helps,

li. and P. Maids, Barmaids, Generals, ovperiencid Cook (hotel or clubjj_Nc_jllcvyonian. charge wardrobe.

""*"' LADY desires RE-ENGAGE MENT as Usoful -__k- Companion orGovcrness to young childicn, thorough English, ovccllcntneedlewoman ; not musical ; good refs. ; town or countiy. Meta, 50, Pitt 8trect._R_ilfejrn._

YOUNG"Person desires SITUATION, as House

and Pal lour Maid, or Housemaid, excollent refcicnccs ; I open n couple of days. Address F. B-, Newtown PostotHcc._ Ti Simtnondfl' Registry, 200, Cnstloreagh-streot.J\- AVniting, superioi elnBS of servant*. English Cooks, Pnrlom muids, Hourcmaids, and Needlewomen, Gover-nesses, Lady Helps, Companion», Man led Couples, Grooms, Coachmen, Stablemen. Gardeners, milk and useful; MoCooks, Walters and Bulléis, Pantrymen, Kltohcnmcn, refs.

"IjTTSiniinondo' Registry, 200, Castleroaph-atroet.^JLEmplovers,-Remember, I am now prepared to supply every description of Al ules and Female Servants, Gover-nesses. Tutors, Married Couples, Hotel Servants, larm and Station Hands, good Ploughmen, Men Coulls, &c. For-n-nidcd short noilce. .simmonds. 200. P__t!_r_____5.lüg__

,* T 108, Bathurst-Btroet, GovT Institute.-Waiting, PA Visiting Gov., English. French, music, singing,drauing, nalnting ; ros. English, French, Golman, R. music, drawing ; English, French, music, ilraum-r. pabitng, 2 yeura'school evt) * N. Gov., L Helps, L. Housekeeper, Cooks, hotel Cooks, C I., and H. P. M., «ny country place ; exp. ¡Aurse und N., good Die«"maker, several goud H. P. Maids, cup. Laiind.ess, Laundrymaii, II. Maid and L., suv. M. Couples, cook, wife

laundress," Gardener, Cooks. _ _ _ I BARMAID, first-olass, waiting: Mi'b-.-aixn and

Sydney refs.* urgent. Lloyd's Agency, I»*, 1 allllp^t.

A. 4_

A A'

BURWOOD-Good Genoral Servant wants Situa_tioji, good réf.; alto Nurscglrl. Mr». M'lvor. Registry. BY rospectablo person, Washing or Cleaning by tho _uay._99, Campbell-street, Surry mils. _ BY good Axemen. Cartors.Milkors, M7Coiir7les for

finns, stations, Ac._Simmonds. 200, Castlereagh st.

BY Gardener, prnct. fruit, ¡lower, vee.., mow, milk; i_long rpfs._Cnic_M,Cart_liv, Wopdlnnd-st., Marrickville.

BONUS of £10 g'iven for"p"orwnnent ¿"llXET, by

voting man posscsalna- good testimonials for sobriety, honesty, and Integrity ; cash given on nppolntmcnt. Reply

-" 'lea lo Slnceiitv, G. P. O.

I1EF wants ENGAGEMENT, town or country,

years last placo.Chof, Herald Office,

c _ _ _

COOK, Laundross, ago ~'i~, neat and willing, good

laundress, 3 years' rof. Mary. 191. Castlercngh-stri.t.

COLOURED Uoy wants JOB, groom, milk, good _ coachman, waltcr._ Alick,Jtcruld Office._ COMPETENT Cook Di.e'ngâgcdfuo"objection littlo _washing or business house. Jt. C, Crofts', 95, JVm.-st. C^iOURT Drossmnkor of experience, perfect fit, äosires

J Lu.agciiicnt, private tam, bl day ? W., 8SC, Crown-si. C1RAGG'S,'_J2,Ca»tleroacIi-»t.-Disongaged, cottipt. _^Scotch Nprse, refs.,_best families,pothers, Cooks, C.jfcL. (COUNTRY PersonwantsSITUATION,"Housemaid

' or Needlewoman. Address M. I.., care of Mrs. J.

M'Cnrthy, Marriokvillo,_

RESSMAKING.-Wonted, by voting Girl,

WORK, dny or week. J. B., P.O., Willlam-strcct.


I71LDERLY respectable Mun, good rofs,, tako any

-i light employment for home. Urgent. Herald Office

JjM.DEKLY person seeks Situntion in smnll family _2£as G. Servant or Cook and L mudross. 201. l'almcr-st. ITiXPERIKNCED DltESSMAKFfR, fiyday," own

-I_machine. M. B., IPO, Cnnihcrlanil-sticct._ 1 EXCEPTIONAL j-oiing Groom and Conohmnn ro

ii_ quires PLACE, tlrst-clnss town let«. II. II.. 0. P.O. ENGAGEMENT wanted bv young Lady in gontle

man's family as Lady or Mother's Help, fond of chil-dren, handy with needle, snlnry £23 ; highest references ; opcn_tvio days._C. C. M" P. 0" Haymarket._


soft-goods house on the Southern and JVcstcrn lines, would be glad of a COMMISSION from »good Boot or Woollen Ilouse^ B. II . Herald Office._ imRST-CI,_SS"T)RESmiXl-Ëiv and NcedlnI women dlscngqg., good icf. S. P.. r. P., Leichhardt.

GARDENER, practical, retjuiros Situation, fruit,

flower», vegetables, _c. C. F. V , Shepherd's, 1'ark-sl.

GENERAL, gñodcoñk7 'JßTll. P-, tall, and nice _ nppearnnco. both excellent i-cfs. Annie, I'll, C'lengh-st. {*\ ENTLEMEN requiring Labour of anv kind, favo \X nnnnyance and tumble by applying 130, Phillip-st

Kit M A3, young, steadyThandv with tools, injlk, _garden, i:c°. ; wages no object. Time. Hornill_ 0~T(5VERNKSS dOMTCs RE-ENGAGEMENT;

T tenches Fhiglish, Flench, German, music, draw ¡mr; VniJcrdtv certificates; excellent testimonials; country pre-ferred, veritas, Humid Olllco._ aENEHAL SlOltËliliEPERS.-Wanted, by a

strong, hnrdwoiklii- young man, single, grocer, a* Storekeeper's AS^l-sT JNF ; good knowledge Ironmongery and di apery, understands horses: will be disengaged by giving present employer on" week's notice; copies refel enees for best ten (10) v cat s foi « arded. Full particular» II, IL. Hnvmnrkot Post-office, Stdnev._ I ADÍES roqiiiiing reliable SERVANTS, very so

J lect. picnic rall nt Llovd'« Agency, 1.10, Plilllin-Btrect.

LADIES requiring reliable Domestics kindly call nt _onrc Mrs Connolly's Reg.. Mount-street, North Shore. MAR RIED Couplo seek Engagement, carden groom,

milk, &c. ; wife cook, lnundiess^II., 29, Collliis-st., S. H. MARRIED COUPLE, no encumbrance, wnnt

SIITATIONS-man «tallon or other work, wife general servant : good references. F. II., 88, MailboroughBtrocl. Surry Hill«. _ ___ OPEN for ENGAGEMENT, nn experienced

lobicconist, stotionciv, and fancy goods Salesman; thorou_lilv convori-ant wit li Cuntoin-hoiiso woik; good refs. ; no ohjeetinn to country. W. S..Vine Cottage. Arnclllle. 'T^EIiCY. the energetic HORDERN." is showing _ "Í '''"'Icrii Shop Jlodein Drapery, llrjckflnld.hiU._ E ESPECTABLE young Girl wnnt-s Situation na

J Ociicial_Servnnt. 'l8. Caioline-stri't-t. Itcdfirn._

"ïiTTSPKCTAOLE young Woman wishes Position G. ii' Sei vant, highest reis., open .1 di>s. 201, Liverpool-st. HEQUIRED, n SITUATION ni Typewriter, bv

1 young lady, expert hand, refs. Srribe.JloraidOftloo.

R"ÊSPRCTARLE- young" Woman wnnts SITU-

ATION as Cook and Lnundross m pnvnte family. Apply M. P., 321, Upper Broughnm-st.,

'_ll.vrllnu hurst.

SELF nnd £20 wnnt Employment. X. Y., Herald

Office. _ _ SITUATION wnnted bv re«pectnblo person na Gon.

Servant injsmnll faniify^ CO, Gippsjitrcct._ SITUATION wonted in gents'family,Needlewoman,

good dressmaker, assist housework. 337 Crown-st..S.H. SITUATION wanted ni Parlourmaid; first-olass

references. Apply Miss Fox, Wjnvnrd-squnro._ SITUATION wauiod by ¿"respectable yoiiwr Girl in

penr.'s fimiily^asslsi^bil'ilreri^ S, A., lî^NowtûWii-ro-id. SITUATION as IIousokoppT to two or threo gentlo"* men, by respect perron; good refs. K. M. M-, Hoi aid. SUPERIOR young Person reniiire-i Situation as

Hein in respec'iablo family, no washing. Clara. Herald.

rljTllOROUGHLY competent Grocer and Ironninmrer

S ..eck.. Lngngcnient: excellent icf*._ Commerce. Herald. rTTII01{OUGIll.Y~coinpetpnTCook, iusl oui from

iL desires .Situation ;_8_vrs.' refs. _L 1'. si.. P.O.. Pad fTTriOffOUGIl'LY"cöiiippte"ht Accountant will under

I take place position nflairs before tradesman. Eck. Herald.

njTO II \KHRS.-SITUATION wanted, bv good'ull

" round mun ; low-n orrountrv. 1 ., Herald (lillee.

nnu~SURYEYORS.-Chi.inñmn sck-i Engagement, JL can as.s|st at ligures _R._E" Hciald Office._

mil E Advertiser wishes to obtain tho MANAGE» MENT of a sheep station; 25 years' practical ex-perience; first-class references. Address G. F. A., Herald Olir-e._

TOTfUTCHKRS.-Married Man wants SITUA-

TION as llnm nnd Bacon Cuicr; cut up well: homo and colonial lcfercnccs; open fora weck. Address M. G., Hei aid Office_ TO Goner il" Storekeepers.-Situation vvantod by a

thoioiifth competent Hand; first-class draper, grocor, and bookkeeper- abstainer, single, arti" 01, good references, I anden mid colonial experience Competent, Herald Office. npRAYELLER, with connection in» New South

F Wales, desires SITUATION: Encllsh lind colonial references. Addie»s L. E., 1, Chnrles-strect, Piahrnn, Melboutiic._ _ _



GENTLEMAN", recently from London, seek« SITUATION: lins thorotic'h practical knowledge of the whole trade : has nl-o trivclled. "Would ncccpt situation in any other business, when- oncrcy and Intelligence arc required Highest local and English "references. ¡MI,|,U salary nt start.

_J^Il. M., Ilox 732,GLR a_ .ANTED, Washing or Clenninsr bv tho day.

Addicss Mrs. J. Singleton, G. P. O^ Sidney._ ANTED nu F.ngneomcnt as Morn. Governess, JV.iv , Rantin Ink, or Bunill. Alphn, P. 0., Waverley.

w W"

Vlf ANTED, by resp. country Girl, Situation ns * V General Servant, sninll family. 9. Ncwlind-st., Way.

W- ANTED, byreSp. x-oññL'"p"ersou, .Situation na jy.

housekeeper. C. S.^121. Rcgent-st., Chlppenilnle.

WANTED7by respectable j-onng Lndv. Situation

In boots or confectionery. X. V. /?? Macdonaldtown.

WANTED, by iirst-olass Laundress, family

JJ"ASHING. 211.M.A.L., P._0., Lelchharilt;_ 7XÑTED. bv resp. rofson, WASHING, by tho

day. 'li. JV. II.. Herald Office._ ANTED, Situation as Hoiisokeopor, by a Widow Ijidv fiom Melboiirni\_L I... ncrald, King-st._ ANTED, SIT., married, stn. family, ear-don, r. cm p., milk, groom. J. S.. M.J'rni T-st^, Leichhardt. "ANTED, SITUATION as Morning or Resident Covoine-s, by lndv. L. B. .Fairview. Milson's Point. 7'ANTED, SITUATION, Help or Companion to _ lady. vyitliouJjb^ldi-ci^^tj^^lL-'raldJlffice^ _

ANTED^ bv resp". youngwoman, Situation ns

General .Soi vant. J, Sinitbors-st.. off Lcvy-st., Chip.

w w


WANTED. Employment, by threo voting Gor

mans, ns Gardener or general iiscful. G. II.. Herald. WANTED, by rospectablo widow, Situation, work-

ing housekeeper, 1 child, aged -I. P. P., Balmain.

WANTED by young Man. a Situation ns third

hand Baker." Address Paddington Inn, Paddington.

WANTED, bv young Person, Situotion, ns Cook,

prlv. gent's, finn., refs. 02, Rilcy-st., Woolloomooloo. ANTED, SITUATIO'N, os General, good plain cook. rcf._ Lbzle, Post-oglcc, Gcorgc-strcct West._ WIDOW," good plain cook, wants Situation,

working Housekeeper. C. L., Summer Hill P. Office.

ANTED, bya"*ro*sp. young Girl, Situation as Cook In resp. tam., icf_803, Oxford-st" Paddington, ASHING and CLEANING by tbo day. 42, _John-street. Woollahra._ WANTED, by a rospectablo young girl, SITUA-

TION as â housemaid, thot-ouehly experienced. Apply by letter to A. Moore, Haymarket Post-oillee._ WANTED, POSITION, ns Tutor, in private

family, up country. English, F'rencb, German. I nth!, mathematics natural sciences, piano; age 21; highest refcr

Moderatc salaiy. Tutor, Post-office, Paik-st., Sydney, "ANTED, by respectablomarried Man, SITUA-

TION ; had several j-curs experience butchering business, employ, in shop, farm, stores, or place of tiust, good lcfcrences. Mr. Brown. Bridge-street, St. Leonards,

WANTED, by respectable Married Couple^

SITUATION, 'man as walter, wife as wniticss or laundress, town or country. A. P., Miller's Point Postoffice._

krÖUNG English Lady, well educated, desires any M. Oeenp *'jn, posliiun of trust. Blccster. Herald O.

LTOÜNG gentlouinn sooks Employment; not afraid _L of work; excellent tostlmoniiils. Clerical, Herald.

fTOUNG illira^"messenger, portor, handy mun, anv IL capacity, English and Colonial lcfs. N. N., Herald O. kTOUNG Lady loquiros PLACE, assist housework I-_ andj-owjng, fond children^ Anxious, Tempe P. O.

trÖUNG Lady, domosticated, give roturn I for Home, quiet family. Letter, Home. Crown-st. P, O, LTOUIvG Englishwoman Disengaged, needlewoman, I- dressmaking, nu objec'n chll'm. ii. L.. Herald, Klng-st. ^"OUNG Lady dosiro3 daily SIrUÀTIÔi," ai R- Mother's Hclp._N;_N" Post-office. Newtown._ tTOUNG Lady, Dressmaker, into from Melbourne, 3L would go out'by day. Melbourne. P. P.. Redfern.

(JUNG Lady seekh ENGAGEMENT, useful companion, mother's help, or placo of trust, whore Fcrvuiit kept; comfortable homo more than high salury; highest references. Domus, Post-offlco, Woollahra.

YOUNG Married Couple want good SITUATION

-man good groom and driver, garden and milk ; wlfo thoroughly domesticated; good references; open one week. S, V., Oifoid-Blreet P. 0.

Servants Wanted.

A CLEAN Girl as Genernl SERVANT, two chu*. _dren, nurse kept- Mrs. Geo, 143, O.vford-Etrcct.

A~CTTV"E Girl, uGaut 20, wanted", as OenôrâïServant, _smallJamlly._>lorton, Edgccfiff-rond^Woollnhra._ AG'llA'E young* Mun wanted, tomiiko teanniTcoffoe _Applv j.o^Çlu'Jk, Ceylon Tea Co.. .1A4, Ocorac-Htu'ct.

ACOMPETliNT young Woman us Cook wanted

also good Laundress, assist hou«ewi>rk. 11. Potts Pt.

A FEW respoctable""y_ui-ig"GIRLS wanted" for whiti _work. Ellis, 221, Custlercngh-strcet South._ A GENERAL SEilVANT, with references, nftei

_10. Lnndvlow, Norward-st., off Piilace-st., Petersham A GOOD Gonernl SERVANT wanted. "Applj

Ashloy. opposite Stanmore station._"

A GOOD GenerarsËîn'ANT «anted. Elim _ Atta, FenUvll-streot, Bondi. _ A GOOD General Servant wanted, also Girl fo _children^ 2S5,J>xford si., Paddington, opp. lligg-st.

ALL DRUGS. Medicinen. *\fe., English prices _Alarshalljlrotherh.junly address-410. Georgo-strcct.

AIÛSSI'ECTAIÎLE Girl as NURSE, assist houso" _work, walting. Fit/gerald'», 201, l"mutt-rd., Lcichhiuilt

wanted na Genera

Pre-hvt. Cb

A RESPECTABLE young Girl wanto _Servant. Mrs. Whyte. 92, Stanley-st.. op A T tho Homo, b3, Murkot-st.- Wnnt

various occupations, usoful Boys, singlo Femnl

AT tho Sorvants' Homo, 83, Market-street.-Goot _ Lodgings for mules and female« (tep.jlopartnicntit)^ AT 114, Huntor-»tt_ot, Ladies' Agency.-Younj _superior Sorvants wanted, «lill reference, nt once.

AT C2, Hunter-street, Victorin Institute.-4 youn¡ _GENERALS wonti-d. Applv rally. _ AT Elite Registry'llO, Cnstloieugb-stroot, wanted

Cook and Ijiund-, young. Burwood, good wages. Eariy AT Mrs. Slioprunrdo'«, 10(57 llnthurst-Bt.-H. mu

P. Maids, P. M.irjs, O. Servta-, Nuises, country; C. &* 1,

T Miss Kowl¿r'"t~~Í!ü5, Ca»tloroaph-streot, gool _plain COOK »nil Laiinflrcn, for Manly, young.

AT Mrs. Maek*a"i-elect Hog., 183, A"Vm.-8t. Wanted

HJMnld, assliit bar.JI. and P. AVnltrcss, O. Ss., 10s, Us AT tho Equitable, 20S, Castlorengh-Bt.-Wnntod _Barmaid, fur country ; musical Governess, c'nliy., H. C

T IOS, Btitfiür^BtTTOriiwtitutfl, wantecfAA'THouBo _keeper, finan woman about 00. 2(ls, ncivant kept.

AWOMAN, to wash : also, a good Gen. Servant

Apply early, 1, Huglieiitloii-ter.. CavemlUb-st., Stnn'rc

A HOUSEMAID wanted, ago 25 to "30*, oilier

. kept. Booth's Hydropathic Establishment, conic Ovford^ nnil College streits.Jlydo Park._ AT Miss'Htitler's, Û2, Market-st.-Wanted, House

maid, f'nht-eluss hotel. G'en Innes, 15s; 11'maid uni help «ashing-. Mo«. Vale; (Jenernl Sorvunt, two in family nillo Jo nillir, no irathing, 14s,plain cooking; 11. P^M**, G.S

T lOSjBäniurst-strroTlnBtitufö. wanted exp. Cook 20s; Parlourmaid, 15s; C. L., 20s, station AVancn; exp Nurse anil N" 15s, country; O. Servant, Us, Wagga; exp Nurne uiwl N., 15s, Dalling Point; several G. Servants.

BOY wanted, strong and respectable, as mossengo _ami make himself useful. 210, Cumberland-street._ B~ OY wanted" tor framo workB. Apply 618, Harris, _UUlnio. pictincshop. M. Lnillgln._ BOY wanted, must bo respectable, ono fresh fron

school prolciroii. Cnllaghaii anti Son. .105, George-st.

COMPETENT COOK required for country, fev

hours train. Catholic home. 105, William-street.

COMPETEN r Houso nud Parlour Maid, gent.' _fam.; refs. Anply 12 o'clock, l.tchaiige-cor-, 59, Pitt-f CRAGG'S, 222, Castlereagh-st.-Wanted, tho. co?,

.I'mlounuaiil il'rot.t, 10s. hoiiscniuid kop^_Open vve/ I CvRAGG'S, 222, C'renpb-ht - Wantrd,rompt. Nui si

.' meet lady early ; 11 Muid, Gcnt.'shouse. Windsor*. </. > C"*lOACHMAN% n Bingle niau, to look nftor hm «e*

,/ must drive "pair well, refei enees for being a sober mai mid ciniblc of umlpituklng situation. Apply James X'ajloi Kirribilli, North Shore, bcfoie 2 o'c'ock._ /""ÍARDENER, Bingle"; nono but thorough!*/oom Vj" men need apply. A\ edncsd.iy, after 10 n.pi..24L. i'itt-sl "rTENEltAL Servants".--1 wanted, young*. Appl VT early, C2, llunter-strcot, A'lctoria Inslliulti._

G.ENEUAL wanted, for ¡fin family; ni JO", H. P~ _ good «ages, conifoitible home. 191, Castlereagh-st.

f~\ IRL IIB Genernl"SE"ítVAÑT wnntod,s-oraHfanilij

KX Apply, lu o'clock. 181. C]cyelanrt--trcct, 'Rc-dfcni.

G.OOD COOK wanted for cöuutry hotoi, rofs. roq

'I ucker and Co.. 370. Gcoige-sl. (Vork-si- cntraneo).

jT^ OODGon. SERVAN I S wanted lit reVco. No fe"ô

VT unless suited. Lloyd's Agency. 130. PlvOUp slice!.

OUSEKEEPER required for goofl family a

country station; ton suitable person, a salar

wouldbe given. Box 1130. G. P. O._' HOUSEMAID*--, General Servant«, Nurses, Cnoki

and Laundresses, House Keepers. Nor* llcwomen. Char women by day, Coachmen, Groom, usefuL Men and Bovs Carrington lieg, (lillee, 3 doors fiom Ilarilng-st., lwinuln".

LAD 11CS can"attain first-clnss öER'VANTS"ut Mrs

Arabin'-, Registry Olllco. 175. P. T., AWI 1 »im-s tree t.

ÄD\ HELl'reijuirod, cooking iir.d washing. Mrs

Little (Dr. Little's), Burwood, to-ilur/and to-morrow.

MARRIED Couplo as Carpontor and General

Sei vniit, vutli a child _jr.Jt., AVntfco-Vs Ageii.,Ashlleld M~~ ÎDDÂY WAITRESS wanted. II. AbraliHin _Café Français Eestouiont, 203, George-street._ S_> 0 LA'ER'Al ACH ÊR'S'Wôrld-f nniNl"EÍ""ctr¡c Holts

&c. JVunphlrti lree. Frost and shipham, -171, Gej.-st ji&P. young Gill, Genornl Servant. Ciixton Hotel, 1 _276, Piilnicr-st., Darlinghurst, nfte*r lo o'clock.

SHEARERS.-Two (2) good SHÊA"R~ERS wanted

to shem sheep In quarantine. Apply to Alex. AVIlsor mid Co.. 7, Bcnt-Mreet, *s,vdi,cy._ OMART young MAN roquirod for cleaning oi i_9 horses anil carting nbout tonn und subarhs. Need no1 apply without best rcfeicnecs._Honoty, Herald._ _

r|AO Billiurdniarkors.- Wanted, relinblo MnnforfirsT J class Saloon. Apply Geebung Hotel, Bourl.c-st.. S. 11.

CÄR-f IlîTlS~\~\"_ntöd;~T 1 ¿OLLÍES, for londîïig pipes. O. II. Curtis, 7, QueonVcourt, Quecn's-plucc

ANTED, rosp. honost GIRL, rofs., small furn. SO, Harbour A'icir-tel., Green's-rd.. Pad., op. barracks ANTED, by country GirJ, as General, good liundicss, small family! 354, Castlereneh-sl. South, ANTED, young Girl, ns Houso and Parlout MAI». Apply Oakhurst. AVest-«t.. St. Leonards.

ANTED, Double TEAMS, tor ballast hauling. Apply Boundary-street, MUUary-ioaJ. Little Coogee


w w \v w vv


ning, Albert-street^ Ruiiilviicl:^_ ANTED,- good Shirt" 1RÖNERS, at once.

Pjimont Steam Ijinndry, Harris-slreot. Ultimo.

w_ _ __

WANTED, youup COOK and Lnuudiess. -Apply,

before 1, St. Mat k s Cottage, Darling Point, ut. chuten. WANTED, a Rtiong LAD for greengrocer's shop.

Apply 101, Phillip-street.

WANTED, VIAN for whitewashing. Apply _ Crown-stroct Reservoir, 9 a.m._* ANIËDT n good Gonoral SERVANT. 29,

AVigiain-strect, l'oiest Lodge.



ANTED, smart young Girl, Housemaid and assist in byr. O'Shaiiniissy's Hotel. George-street.

"WANTED, young Girl ns Nurso and usoful. ' Finsbury House. AV'cllcsley-.stiect, hummer Hill.

ANTED, young Geucral Sorvant, no laundry

work. 'Rose Bank, Glebe


ANTED, young Houso and Parlour MAID.

Roso" Bank, Glebe roint-road.

ANTED, respectable intelligent 130Y, nbout 15 or 10, ono leaving sthool prcf. 105, George-st. W.

"-"ANTED, Man ¡ed Couplo - man Ubeii to station

work, woman wash and cook. Quambone, Herald.

ANTED, Girl ns General Servnnt, light work, Miirlanvllle, next Stralton'8L^Phcn*Me-st.^Wav'ley.

ANTED, young GêueralSERVANT, 3"faíniÍ7,

no child. Mrs. Ickcr-on. Alohce, Toothlll-st-, I.evvis'm. ANTED, a rospectablo Girl as General SERA'ANT. No. 27, comer Selvryn and Albion bts" Pud.

ANTED, n Ctngaleto or Menpuleso COOK". _Address C. R.. Box 210. G^ P. O., .Sydney,_ ANTED, good General SEltV.ANT. Apply

American Exchange notel, George-street North.

w w w

w vv w w vv

w w w

ANTED,by eldeily man without fain., HOUSEKEEl'ER, child or two no objection. Blown. Herald. 'ANTED, a sninrt woman, na Genoral SER"_*_VANT. 110, Campbell-street. Surry Hills._ 1/ANTED, two Barmaids, prívalo bare; Billiard

T Room to Let. Aftoi 10, Grant, 233, George-street.

IT ANTED, willing* Genorals nnd re-engagements V for sup. Servants Fairview, Milson's Point.

VJ ANTED, Slarrietl Coachman, for suburbs.

Glue's Labour Agency, 44. Hunter-street._ ANTED, 2 Wiiitressca and Housemaids, ono hotel, country. Gluo's Labour Agency, 44, Hunter st. ANTED, Protestant Housemaid, town ; General Servant, country. Glue's Agency, 44, Hunter-street. ANTED, a young AVolnan, as plain COOK.

Jume»' Hotel, Kent and Crescent streets.

WANTED, strong LAD, accustomed tip-carting, _Apply on Job, 90, AVilliam-st.. AVoolm'loo, j), Tuesday, WANTED, young LAU, look after horse utul _buggy, generally useful ; rofs. 020, George-street.

WANTED, GÍRL for Housovvork. Apply after _______ 0, -Hi Ellyabeth-strcet, near Hunter-street._ WANTED, a GIRL, about 14, for light houso

woik. Mrs. Newgcnt, Balinain-road, Leichhardt.

W"ANTED, strong GIRL, 10. gonoral useful^

country one preferred. Apply flrst,_ll8, Oxford-street ' ANTED, NURSEGIRL, also Gonoral Serve "f After 10, Clarence iiird^Rlchmond Hotel, Kent-*'*cr¿*,t ' WANTED, a «trong young Woman to g0 ¡:"{.t

_hottsewoik. 3, Short-street, off Peor... _t.t Redfern I WANTED, elderly Man, drive- inIlí,g¿rd_nT¡iBe?u.Y

country. State wage», A" Cambridge Club Hotel,' '


ANTED, n rçepcotablo young LADYTTo^S wages, easy hours. A. .Ici man, Trocadoro Rink

WAN TED, General SERVANT, plain CpZk~^r _reipilied._Mrs^J^civaiVl50, PItt-strc»'. pc'fin,' WANTED, "a" BARMAID. ApflVul* T V Dal _vcen's office, after U. next Peaneajt S., 313, Geo -st

WANTED, a »mart youngM.N *5ïo_oriru7efiii"

_Apply York Hotel, Kiimsttree..


,.NTED, rospe-t-vblo GIUÎT^hôTt 16, to mäE i

herself useful. 440, Ken*. BtIcet| ncar To'WIl {{'¿{f0 I W ANTED, a reariectalTo Girl for AVTl'fREsi:

T y_17,Jiydnoy Aleado.

"«""ANTED, ayoung"Generai STOtVXÑTT-^!"? T' rofs-, inter 10, 22, Rldgc-st., offßourk-Bt., Mooro H WANTED, a young MAN, about 20;_Apply"J. _Gopdyenr, butcher, 420^jv^D£*-l-BtrR<,t.

"»m/-ANTED. Genera SERVANT, country hotel",

ATT SI; Bovs for woolwash. Mrs. Dnnnellv, eieagh-st. W'»Íív¡1ÍÍÍ,--jAB,0trmil<» to»«««* i» «»«nein.

»AT M Alcay'sStcam tauntli*», Bayswater-rd., D'hurst.

WANTED, ft steSa» respectable Man, able to milk*

»nd flcllTW». f;,,piy John Breen, lUeltntty-st., Botany,



W.II. and P.;M^AnST;"«ulrTuBîfiT51^




T_TANTFD"~M Í" vi^-)^..--^*,81'»r¡t.


V T kent. Annlv li i in io t


VV TIN '"P"" P01"1 Qeneral sinr^ÂiïT~Tù7

T-7 ANTF!Y ^^'«Ä M"'

» \T AH 1 EU , n gond \\ mntor or Waitress"-".¡ST,

VV AiNlj!ll't UO\, gonerally u.otm. lÜJJör

. * *__i. Liierpool-vticct. ^

VV ^N'n'Ä °» " ^ooU G<¡neriil *SÍ_fv_Wl_rk -_*_" _/"""£.. Apfly 15, queen-street, vVoolíahm

W'ni'_D' Güneral SKJtVANT^aronce~ci

Ciirri)jrid.n-Ktri.(.t. i",i,iin-,.- ...."_ Tre: W|



YV^Jvlr-D, a smart Lad as Ligli"t""pmffvtf _________ _/ -l'P'y. m a.m" Ornoo Brothers, Ihoidwar, Globe

VV i-;NTliD» General SER VANT, FroÄuSiS __»_L_*efciciic.«._ApplyJ, Hccley-st^oll (tomoie-ro." \,\f ANTED, resneçtoblo LAD, milk and"_hV _?_»_ "«"I to work. .JIM, ThojnBsJbjtfnn-¿-^»^__' WAN TED, smart ROY, io sell pastry, good'ÏÏS1 _88. Mary-strcot, Surry Hills. !,bmi^aYV _*. P'1.'s,1UBtlon b>' couipeii-t'inanlP.rSr _?_»__.laid, suburbs picferrcd. ii, l), i_4ff" 'S j V A.VTED.'if YOUTH, accustêm.dteïï-àAiL'; _?/_ » tniile preferred. Apply Joe Israel, .II^Georgc-i. ° V'V A*Tiil)> «mart HO Y, that can ilrivo how ¿I

._ » buggy, G. A. Summerfield ami Co..«.

\'VANJJilJ' an ""PCficnced SCU_"_Yi._M_v

. * v lefciencM^aronsMixcbanBC Hotel Companr. ' WAN IE», a COOK. Apply" Mi's. .ir,f__s,_¡s

,_Lidie.' College, Hunter-st., near Mat nuarie-ít

W- ANTED, HOUSEMAID for bü¿ _ good waitress, refs. Camlnitlgcllousc, Im,vm$*\. \fif ANTED, good Cook mid Kit'clienniim,«Ti. JL _ K0011 r°f. _AppJyjO£cId«ntal_Ui^.JlVynvard-iquarf, W ANTED, a smart Girfor Woman. HvdePaT.

» » Cotice ltooms, 46, Park-.ticet,

WANTED, steady -inglo Ploughiuan, for countrv, _long eiig._20£ani,_\\^Uci]oy1^jrlc-st.1 Xenon. WANTED, a young"G.R_, for Uoiisó'ivorOpplj _ _tdi, Tudor-tciraco,, nr. WANTED, O. S"EltVANT,fau.H)rá75olr_B_?, _._l-s. Croydon. Miss Archer, nr. Kallon, Summer Hil. WANTED, Gen. Servant. Apply,"_.te. iO,""Mr> _Anderson, Tooiignbbee, Pyrmont B'.-rd. off Gltte Pi. WA N T ED, HOYS to sell books, good money. 25, _Terminus-street, off Gcoigc-strcct. Haihray.

"_._/ ANTED, good üenolül -KRVTvMTImïïl

T > priin'e tam. Leigh Cot., Boulevard, P'sham.

W' ANTED, MAN, £1 per week, board and .tim?. _£-0 to ¿lu security reg. 837, Hallway Hrl-gr,Ge.,-si. WANTED. good SÊïrt ÎRONËRS atônce7__o _Folders. .Jl' Vicar's S. Laundry, Bayswatcr-rd., UYiL WANTED, e_tperipnced~__ARK_lf_ nndSorlers.

M'Vicur'a Steam Laundry, llnysirgter-rd.. U'htir.

\A/ ANTED, GIRL, about 15, to assist jvTtJi..... ______ W01 kj^S^WnillsoMtlWt^PjMlllhlgtOBj^^ W" ANTED, young GIRL for general housework, _vi lime others arc kept; reis. 8i), Phillip.. Irecl.

WANTED," o YOUTH, genorally useful"; ret..

Apply H o'clock, Mr., Cooli, 34, Cumberland-street.

WAN TED ut ouco, n General Servant and .We_gill, country. Mrs. Connolly'» lieg., Mount-sl.,X.s WANTED, a respectable young GIRLtoniicj _ ___ b.iby. 1£C, I'addlngton-strcet, Paddington.

WAN'iED, Generuf-ervunt, ubout 17. 22, Un_dcrwood-strcct, Paddington, opposite the reserrolr. ANTED", respectable Girl, assist housework and _mind children. No. 11, Mort-st,, -inn II.,atalO. «,w AN l'Eu, BREADUARTER, Bccust.¥.".._,.,

» T no other apply, refs. n. Schwenk, 1, Glebe-itrcei.

ft," ANTJ'.D, II LAD to mnko himself generajly

t useful. Huntsman's Inn, George-street \Ve_t. \

""AN'lläTTTyoung GENERAL iiFonc-, dun_ _light._Appiy, aftcrJO a.m.. 147, W¡lliiim-sltect,

\,y ANTED, ii go'od'BÍLLlARDMA-Ú-E... Lt.

- V _ter^s (.uccnsl.nd Hotel, Lrsklne-strcet._ WANTED, a general Sen-nnt and a Houscmoal.

Apply, alter 11 o'clock, 89, foibcs-.t., Voolloombol-o. '- /V"ANTED, young GlRLJliiindbaby,assistho_=_

1? work. Apply ¡ti, lioqi kc-street, burry lilli».

WOKlvlNU Housekeeper, 'J in family, good tana

for ii respect. JVouiau. Apply IO, Kmg-strcel, city.

ANTED, steady MAN, as groom and coacbmui, W witt drive well; good references required. Apply Foreman, Tiitlersall's, Castlereagh-street._ WA-STED, a thoroughly competent COACH-

MAN ; wife. Cook and Laundic-s; no eucutnbrj-ci. ApplyW. AL Haiker, Dox 427, G^. 0._ \/L¡ AN' TED, a good General SERVANT, mull W» l.-mily. Apply between 2 and 4 p.m. to Mrs. 11..*. Lovrls, 1-b, Glcnmoi e^road, Paddington._ WANTED, "thoroughly competent General SER-

VANT, two lu hou-eliold, boy kept. Apply not». lands. Angel-road, Burwood.__ WANTED", a ¿SURSIS tor ouo baby and'to msist

in honsswork. Apply betiieen li and ! .'el«., to Mrs. Mullins, 97, Macleay-street, Potts Point.

WANTED, a voung Person, to a-sist in house-

work and chifilicii, knowledge of fetring, çeatril sei vant kepi, i ef crencc.. 303, Croini-stice't, hurry Ililli.

WAIN TED, for busiuess house, G. b. or thorough

LADY HI.L1', plain cooking, no washing. App!>, Tuesday, Mis. JVickcn's Tlegistry, 387, Parnuii-tU-rc-d, Lcudibárdr._^____ W' ANTED, imriiediatnly, ïlnrricd COUPLE,

vi ¡thom incuinbriiuce, for station near Hay, X. s. JJales. H. IS. 1SHOCGHTO.N and CO.,

17, P. O.-cbambirs, 1'itt-slreel.

\,\. ANTED, General Servant, no cooking, pr.HO. W f family, wash and Iron shirt?, lady help kcut.

Darley House,

Merrlmnn-sticet. Miller's Point._ ANTliDTrTrespectable.l'erson as useful MAID, good uccdlcwoinan, and experience in bick nni.ii. indispensable. Addic.s by letter to Ilex -B3,"Geneni Post OllicejjjcorBe-strcet^_ WANTED, a' respectable sober MAX, for country

hotel, generally useful ; lerercnces tcquired. Apply, after 2 p.m , Cooper, Nallian, and Co., 4-i, su_ex-sireer,, Ilivnui kct._ WANTED for tho country, a .MAN and WIFE,

mun to milk, groom, und make liim-elf useful, wife to cook and a. lauiiilic.s. Hy. Picsiott und Co., 101,Su!_

W ANTED, 8 General Servants, Burwood, Suj_

mer Hill, Ashfield, good wages. All classes of re-spectable Servuuts can be engaged at Mrs. Larc«-* ltigistiy, Itailw.iy.strect, 1'eter.hani.__._ W""AN" J'ED.'Nur.soandNeedlowonina, £40, stan'on;

female Cook, lCs, station; a Cook and Laundres» (child not objcclett to), 15s; a Parlour .Maid, assi.t bar, 13s, hotel, country._ Simmoiidb, .Oí), Cn5_l.ri_8li-streer.___.

_;_/ ANTED, u v'ouug Woman as"COOX, musite > V competent ; also PAHLüL'ltMAID, tamo ho»-. Apply for addic.s, MiUer, butcher, Ki. Geor.e-sUeet

Noitli. ___

WAN TED, Biirmnid, Queensland ; Governeäs, 00.

M an led Couples, l-i, £'M, stations; ciroomsiiil Coachmen; fingalc-e Boy, gen. u.e.; Maaaeeus.sairallls; Station Ciirpcnt-r.jlä Shcaicrs. HittniariS iAiaat_omt^_ W~~ ""ANTED', '¿O' ME*N, navvie- and pic>._¡P

shovel men. Apply A. I). Neli>oiiandCD...c_|UMti»., about two miles from Clarence Siding, near l¡< off ¡ or to tho Otllcc and Engineering Works, Hay-strc^. _jj._nev.

WANTED, strong respeetiible "¿-¿Y~^Uéiai

Useful ia grocery trade. >' ." iy ¡-.ter, .tatlnf agc, Sec, to .»» y_ _0BBEL,

_> ., Quecn-stree__>___¡!_í_

VÄT ANTED, gev^ G , SERVANT, W»Pj!»j JJ-.tei^^'-nd Necdlewomnn, Albury. 1 '«

Ladies Lxcliaur 382 Georgc.Btrcet, Odoors frora^-r-u'

Mrs. F. N. (XR0\ IA



k_> _

Subscription, £212s per annum. This rate is for payment in advance.

N.ll.-Por credit the- charge will be £2 l«f Í *'Ä

..- AU iidveitlscraentB under six Unes will be .narien J»« advertiser't! account it booked. .-,mt tr

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For tho convenience ol' advertisers replies to «di '""*?. lhe may be scut to the Herald Office, Hunter-street; aw

Branch Otlice. Kiug-sticct ; but the proprietors d 0 non» .

any responsibility in this respect.

Hil lb», Deaths, and Mai liages, 3s each liisortloi 1. . ^ Notices of llllll'US and DEATHS cannot bo '»^"ol this joui uni unless endorsed vi itb lhe name sod aa

the persons by wnom they are seat. .,""?_,_ _rtUr»

Notices of MAHUIAGESeannotbcinsortcdun le"»"

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... 'lhe above rule is rendered necessary In cor «ffigloi

false and malicious cotices having been sent wr pa»

for the purpose of annoying rcspccrable person», ^

Sviis-v.-Printed and published by Jons FAIBW X -W*J|

at the ofHec of the -iiiiii«. Morning?neroli _ «' Huutcr streets, Tuesday, August 13, WS».