Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Friday 14 October 1887, page 7



3 The Legislative Council sat for an hour and a half

yesterday, and disposed of all the business on the paper. The report ot the Soleot Committee, recom-mending a new standing order in lieu of standing order 162 in regard to tho interruption and renewal of private bilk, was adopted. The Municipal Roads and Streets Bill was read the third time and leturned to the Legis-lativo Assembly, and the Albury Cattle Sale Yarda Bill was read tho second time and passed through Committee. In reply to a question by Mr. Pidding-ton, Mr. Salomons said th»t tho debtor balauco on account o£ the Con«olidated Revenue Fund on the

tran-actions during the period from 1st January, 1887, to the 30th September inclusive, after taking into account'payments to the extent of £l,219,'81á 10s. od. for services of 1880 and previous years, was £837,365

Os. lOd. . - (

' Thn principal matter in the Legislative Assembly yesterday was a speech by Sir Henry Parkes on the subject of is financial difficulties. It was delivered in reply to Mr. McElhone, who moved the adjournment of the House to urge the prosecution of the, writer of a statement concerning ' Sir Henry Parkes's affairs, which recently appeared in a newspaper published ,at Grafton, and it was both powerful and effective. He declared himself to be quite ready to resign his position in the

Ministry and his seat in Parliament, if it were the wish even of a significant minority of members, and he asked for some definite expression of opinion from the House on the subjec|t. Generally, the feeling in the Chamber wasa one of sympatlhy, and it was considered that not 10 members out of the 124 constituting the Assembly would vote for his resigna.

tion. A requisition will be presented to-day to the Mayor, asking him to call a public meeting for Monday next, to consider what steps it may be expedient to take to relieve Sir Henry Parkes from the financial pressure under which he is now labouring. It is proposed to

initiate a public subscription, with the object of pur-chasing from the creditors of the Premier the property known as Faulconbridge, and settling the balance of the money subscribed upon him for his use and


Last night a bill was introduced in the Legislative Assembly by tho Premier, defining and extending the operation of certain provisions of the Country Towns Water and Sewerage Act of 1880. The extensions are made so that councils of municipalities may be the better able to distribute for municipal purposes water supplied by means of works authorised by the Govern-ment. The bill makes it lawful for the Minister and council of any borough to agree, by writing, for the distribution of water conveyed by works constructed under direction of the Minister, and any money pay-able thereunder may be recovered as a debt due to the Crown. For the same purpose loans may be authorised by the Governor, and bo paid hy the Treasurer. Every loan made to a council under tho bill is to bo a first

charge on the water-works belonging to tho council, and upon all rates and revenues derivable from them.

Tire slow progress which since the commmoncemont of the Parliamentary Bession has been made with publie business in the Legislative Assembly has led

tho Government to consider what under the circum-stances is the best course for them to pursue, and thoy have decided to call a meeting of their supporters. A circular, Bignod by tho Colonial Secretary, has been forwarded to all members of the Assembly who are re-garded as friends of the Government, or who aro believed to be desirous of proceeding expeditiously with the business which the Government wish to deal with during the session, and a meeting of tho party is to be held at the office of the Colonial Secretary at 11 o'clock next Wednesday.

The Select Committee appointed to enquire into tho circumstances connected with the purchase of land at Circular Quay by the Government mot again yesterday. Tho day was occupied with the examination of Mr. Mills, whoso evidenco was not concluded when the sitting terminated. The committee will meet again on Wednesday next

In reply to a question asked by Mr, Hassall in the Legislativo Assembly yesterday, Sir Henry Parkes said that a proposal had been submitted by the G-overnment of Victoria that £20,000 should be contributed jointly by the Australian colonies towards tho Imperial Institute, and that tho proportion that would fall to

the lot 'of New South Wales would bo a sum of

£4000. The question, however, had not yet been onter tainod by tho GoVernment of New South Wales, and no promise had been made in tho matter.

A deputation, conBisting,of Mr. Thomas Platt, of Port Macquarie ; Mr. W. H. Cutler, of Holland's Plains ; and Mr. Bottrcll, waited upon tho Postmaster Gonoral yesterday for the purpose of requesting tho Government to establish a telegiaph office at Holland's Plains, and to extend tho wires to that town from Port Macquarie, via Beechwood. It was submitted that by an extension of the line by that route tho nocessity for acableaoioss the Hastings Uiver would be obviated. The deputation pointed out in support of the request that the population and the value of property in the district was increasing rapidly. At present the resi-dents of Holland's Plains had to ride 30 miles before they could despatch 3 telegram. Mr. Boberts said tho papers respecting the matter were not before him, but he might say that an officer would be sent to report upon it Ho (Mr. Boberts) would he very glad if upon receiving tho report ho cou'd see his way to accede to their request. The deputation also asked that an alteration should be mado in mail arrange-ments on tho Hastings Bivcr by sending the mails up the river / by steamer. Mr. Boberts said tho representations mado with rogard to tho matter would receive consideration. It was his

desire to as far as possible provide the best means of transit for mails with a duo regafcd to the publio interest Tho deputation also adverted to the necessity for tho establishment on a receiving post-offico at Upper Bolland'a Plains, about seven or eight miles

distant from Holland's Plains. Mr. Boberts promised 1 I to obtain a report on the matter.

TnE Premier will receivo deputations to-day from the-North Botany Progress Committee, regarding the incorporation of the proposod municipality of North Botany, and from residents in the vicinity of Neutral Eat', with reference to the sale by the G-overnment of a portion of tho public reservo there. A deputation of mine-owners, which was to have waited upon the Minister for Mines respecting the Coalfield Regulation Act, will bo received at the Executive Council Gaam bor, when, in addition to Mr. Abigail, tho Premier and Minister for Lands will be present The following deputations will he received by the Minister for Works :-Waterloo Council, regarding the state of Elizabeth-street ; Leichhan 't Council, with roferonco to tho construction of a swing in the Iron Cove bridge to allow vessels with mast3 to pass through it ; residents of Muswellbrook, Cassillis, and Walgett, on the sub-ject of railway communication between Muswellbrook and Cassillis ; deputation, regarding tramway communi-cation with Five Dock. Tho Po3tmaster-Genoral will receive a deputation, with reference to the tolophone exchange.

Mil Tonkix, M.L.A., interviewed Mr. Cowdery, engineer for existing lines in the Railway Department, yesterday, regarding the proposed depot for tho storage of agricultural produce at Darling Harbour. Ho was informed that the plans and specifications for ffep proposed building were in course of preparation, and would be finished in the course of the next few

days. Tenders for the ironwork would then be called for. Tho depot, there is every reason to believe, will bo finished by Christmas, in time to receive tho now


An altercation took placo ?n the Assembly last night between Mr. Melville and Mr. Tonkin, and tho latter challenged the former to " come outside." Tho two members appeared to be thoroughly in earnest, but the House regarded the matter as a great joke. Mr. Tonkin, at tho request of the Speaker, withdrew his challenge aud apologised.

The Government received a few days ago a telegram from the Victorian Premier containing a request from the Central Board of Health, Melbourne, that the Health authorities here should revert to the regulation passed after information was received of the outbreak of Einallpox in Tasmania, and order all vessels from that colony into quarantine. This request was

mado in view of the increase in tho number of

cases of smallpox in Launceston, and was based an an allegation that South Australia and Victoria suffered from what was termed a " relaxation of the quaran-tine regulations in Sydney." The matter was not officially dealt with by the Sydney board, but was brought up at tho next regular meeting of tho Board of Health, which took place yesterday. We understand that the matter was carefully considered, and that an answer to the communication was drafted by tho board to be sent to the Victorian Government. The matter, however, having been mado, not ono as between the BoardB of Health of Sydney and Melbourne respec-tively, but between the Governments of tho two colo-nies, the answer was submitted to tho Colonial Treasurer (Mr. J. F. Burns), and will not bo made public until the Victorian Government have received


His Honor the Chief Justice sat yesterday in the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, and disposed of a large number of motions for probate and letters of admjniB-, tration. His Honor left at 5 o'olook for Goulburn, to' tako the circuit business there.

The committee appointed last year to enquire into the system of keeping and auditing the accounts of the City Corporation met yesterday to resume its work, the last meeting having been held in February. There were present the Mayor (Alderman A. J. Riley), and Aldermen Chapman, M* Harris, Meeks, M'Mahon, Palmer, and Playfair. The meeting was held with olosed doors. The city arohiteot and building surveyor (Mr. G. M'Roa), and the inspec-tor of nuisances (Mr. R, Soymour), were examined, the evidence elicited being principally of a character to show how the moneys connected with those departments were received and paid into the treasury. The committee adjourned tine die. We are I informed that legal proceedings will probably be insti-

tuted in a few days against an officer alleged to have been concerned in the recent frauds perpetrated in the department of the building surveyor.

The mains of the oity are now charged with water from the Prospect Reservoir, snd the Nepean scheme is so far advenced that tho city and suburbs will hence

forth be supplied from this source, and in a quantity much in excess of the consumption hitherto. The Minis-ter for Works (Mr. Sutherland) has determined to intro-duce a short bill into Parliament, with a view of remtving the difficulty that stands in the way of the City Cor-poration by which the water-rate cannot be levied out-side the boundary of the city proper for any other than the Botany reserve supply. And in the meantime, so that the western suburbs and other suburbs may be well supolied, and without delay, Mr. Sutherland will to-day confer with the Engineer-in-Chief of Harbours and Bivera (Mr. Moriarty) and give the necessary authority to the Mayor (Mr. A. J. Biley, M.L.A.) to have the water laid on wherever required. This ia a matter of importance, particularly to the western suburbs, which otherwise might have been left in want of water during the approaching summer. /

Steps having been taken by certain residents of Bookwood and neighbourhood to preparo and present to Parliament a petition praying for the incorporation of an extensive area, having Bookwood for its centre, as a municipality, under the name of Balmoral, a _ large and influential!? attended public- meeting of residonts and property-holders in Homebush was held on Wed-nesday evening at Darling's Wentworth Hotel to pro-test against the incorporation of the municipality as proposed. It was stated that it would include within its boundaries many valuable improved and unimproved properties bordering upon thfe municipa'ities of Strath-field and Concord the owners of which had no desire t« have the control of their affairs relegated to a centre .so far removed from their interests. The following resolutions were unanimously agreed to:-"That we, the residents of Homebush, emphati-cally protest against being included in tho proposed Municipality of Balmoral, now known as Bookwood." " That we, the residents and freeholders of Homebush, pledge ourselves to resist, bv all lawful means, the attempt of the people of Bookwood to include our properties within the proposed Municipality of Bal-

moral." .

Me. Waiter H. Outhueuison, leader of the Boyal Geographical Society of Australiaîs exploration party to tho British portion o£ New Guinea, and Mr. W. A. Saver, the botanist of the,expedition, arrived in Sydney last night in the steamer Birksgate, from Brisbane, en route to Melbourne, after an absence of several


Yestekdat morning the H. B. N. S. N. Company's steamor Maitland was safoly tpwed into port by the steamtug Glenelg, which remained at Broken Bay during Wednesday night for tho purpose. The weather had moderated considerably, and the passago was ncc»mplished without incident, tho Maitland assisting the tugboit with the one paddle-wheel. On arriving in the harbour the Maitland was taken alongside the Company's wharf, whero 11 head of cattle and other livo stook, besides the whole of her cargo, wero landed, and then she went over to Mort's Dook and Engineering Com-pany's works to have a new shaft fitted. The break in tho shaft is a most completo one. The manager of the ' company having- decided to "refund the railway fares and the monoy paid by tho passengers for food while on board, 19 passengers-4 saloon, and the re-mainder steerage-who presented themselves at the office yesterday, had their money returned to them.

Last evening the 'Engineering Association of New I South Wales held their annual meeting, when a very satisfactory report was adopted, and the officers and council wero elected for the onsuing year. In tho coursoof the ovoning a very handsomely illuminated address was presented to Mr. G. Fischer, lion, secretary and editor of Proceedings, for the very excellent manner in which ho had brought out the first volume of the same, and for the groat zeal ho had displayed in its production. At tho closo of tho proceedings it was resolved to hold tho annual re-union on the 19th of November next.

Tire monthly meeting of tho institute of Architects of New South Wales was held yesterday evening, at which were present-Mr. Thomas Bowe, president, and Messrs. Blacket, Sulmau, Hennessy, Coward, Bell, Goodohap, Green, Hotson,,Wilshire, Eansom, Kemmiss, Wardell, Slatyer, Ellis, Davey, M'Donald, Horbury Hunt, Pritchard, Wright, Campboll, and Mr. Fletcher Watson, secretary. _ Mr. Maiden, of the Tochno'.ogical Museum, was present, to assist Mr. Arthur Blacket'in his paper on the building stones of the colony. The ,president read 'a letter ho had written to Mr. James Barnet, the Colonial Architect, referring to rumours that several competitors for the State Hous,e havo been acting in an indiscreet manner by sending him (the Colonial Architect) the mottoes of their plans, stating that it was his intention as president of the In-stitute to lay tho matter before the Follows. In reply, Mr. Barnet stated that although desirous o£ affording information, it could hardly be expected that ho should | notice rumours or hearsay. The secretary was directed

to write to the board calling its attention to those rumours as likely to have an id jurious ofiect in the judg-ing of tho designs. The meeting then proceeded to con-sider bylaw No. 1 of the rules, referring to architectural charges. It stands adjourned until Thursday next, at 3 o'clock. Mr. Blacket's paper will bo read on that day


At an adjourned meeting of the council of the Central Cumberland Agricultural and Horticultural Association, held at the Parramatta School of Arts on Wednesday evening, the schedule of prizes for the approaching show, to be held on the 20th and 21st of January, was finally revised and adopted. In the class for jumping horses the first prize was increased from £5 to £10, conditionally on there not being less than six competitors. Several prizes were added to the list, including one of two guineas offered by the proprietors of the Cumberland Argus for a case of oranges packed in the best manner for keep-ing or export purposes. It was arranged that the fruit should be fastened securely and delivered to the secretary not later than the 8th of November, and opened on the first day of the show. The whole of the prizes for essays were struck out, and others substituted for them in the different sections.

A rnELnnsABY meeting was hold last night at Trafalgar House, Prinees-streot, witli a view to forming an association of men who have retired from the Royal Navy, for the purpose of mutual help. Mr. J. S. Shearston, who called the meeting, presided, and ex-plained tho object for which they had met. Ile said that it was intended to keep, at that house, a roster of mon who desiied to enrol themselves in order that employers of labour might know where to apply for trustworthy mon, and also that ex-nava) mon in employment were to bo asked to send information about vacancies, so that men on tho roll iii want of work might bo sent to thoso who need thom. Ho said it was sad to seo any respectable working" man out of employment, but it was especially sad to seo men who have faithfully served our Queen and country, and who wear on their breasts decorations for their gallant services, walking tho streets of Sydney in distress, as some were at the present time, no thought all old naval men should help each other, and ho desired in this way to bring them together for this purpose. Thoso present signed

tho roll, and resolved to form thomsolves into a com-mittee to work up a good meeting for Monday evening next, at 8 p.m., at Trafalgar House, the same to bo advertised in the dailr papers. Tho meeting then ad-journed till that time.

A LAitaE meeting of tho progress committee was held on Wednesday evening, at Drummoyne Park, to con-sider what course should bo adopted to urge upon the Municipal Council of Five Dook tho necessity for the immediato construction of certain work*» on Drum-

moyne Park, which have already been before the counoil for consideration. Mr. W. G. Cameron occupied the chair. It was proposed by Mr. Muir and seoondod by Mr. Hendorson,-" That a deputation from the ratepayers wait upon the Mayor on Tuesday evening next with regard to Baid works." In reference to tho ferry service considerable dissatisfaction was expressed by the committee ; and tho hon, secretary, Mr. J. John-ston, was requested to submit complaints in writing to the proprietor of the Parramatta River ssteamers. Tho meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the chair-


Tun monthly meeting of the Ladies' Evangelistic Association -«as held at tho Temperance Hall on Wed. nesday afternoon. The attendance was very good. The lion. sec. of the Flower Mission reported that 16*16 bouquets had been distributed since last meeting. Some very lovely flowers, consisting of rosebuds, Eng-lish laurel, violets and other choice flowers, had been sent from Camden ; one of the patients sent a message of thanks. Text cards were much needed. A report of the Bible women's work was given ; many sad cases had been relieved, and many homes made happy by their visits. The Dorcas societies-one in Sydney and one in Botany-had supplied a quantity of leady-made clothing, which was very thank; fully received. For this object remnants of

any kind of material would be most acceptable if sent to the Temperance Hall. Some very nice parcels of children's and other clothing had also been received. A number of articles that had been sent to tho secretary to forward to India, on behalf of Mrs. 0. P. Hard's Mission were on view; but as many friends, were yet preparing things for this purpose, it Was thought best to defer the sending of the parcel for a month or two. Two hundred illustrated periodicals had been given to

cabmen and others.

The anniversary tea and public meeting of the Primitive Methodist Church, Forest Lodge, was held on Tuesday night last The church was beautifully decorated with mottoes and flowers, and presented a most attractive appearance. Notwithstanding very unfavourable weather there was a good company present Alderman Clarke, of Darlington, presided. Addresses on church work were given by Revs. G. James and J. W. Hiolden. Mr. H. Carruthers pre-sented a financial statement, which showed a balance in hand, after meeting all expenses, of £6. During tho year much good work had been done. Every house in the vicinity had been visited, and tracts distributed. Open air services had boen held with gratifying results. Under diyino blessing the membership had increased, and the regular congregation was a third larger than at the last anniversary, the Sunday night constrogation fllling.the church comfortably. Vote3 of thanlts, moved by Rev. J. W. Leadley and seconded by Rev. G. W. Smailes, were presented to the ladies for presiding at the tables, to the collectors, and to the choir. Anthems by the choir at stated intervals added much to tho interest and pleasure of the meeting. Tho proceeds of the anniversary amounted to £52.

TnE sale of gifts opened at tho Ocean-street Congre-gational Church, Woollahra, on Thursday, 6th instant has been continued every evening up to Wednesday, 12th. The sale will not be opened to-night, but will re-open on Saturday evening, at half-past 7, when many of the articles left over will be sold by auction.

TnE first anniversary of the Bourke-street Congre-gational Sunday School Young Christians' Union was celebrated on Wednesday evening. There was a large attendance of members and friends, numbering about 140. At the meeting refreshments, provided by the members, wore' partaken of, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Rov. J. Blanksby oponed the meeting with prayer. Rot. J. Hill, M.A., presided, and, alluding to his Tcceut visit to Adelaide, stated that Toung Christians' Unions aro there very generally in-tegral parts of the work of the Ohitrch. Mr. J. Pomeroy also gavo an interesting and earnest address. Mr. T. E. Pierce, the secretary of the Union", read the report, which, in addition to a short statement of tho past year's work, dealt with the objeot of tho . in-stitution, which was siid to be calculated to provide a much needed connecting link between the Church and the school. During the yoar 26 meetings were held, with an average attendance of 42 ; much blessing had been experienced during the past year, and steps aro being taken to render the Union more efficient in the future. The musical part of the programme was well carried out by the Misses CooVA. Coghill, L. Laing, A. Laird, and Wallis, and Messrs. Jones, Mote, Sims, and Virtue.

The annual floral fête and salo of work in connec-tion with St John's Church, Parramatta, was opened in the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, under most favour-able auspices. The display of flowers and plants was one of the best which has been seon in Parramatta, and tho varions Btalls were very prettily and offootivoly decorated. Amongst other very noticeable exhibits was a handsome bouquet, composed of marguerites and double azaleas, the gift of Mrs. A. J. Riley, Mayoress of Sydney. Archdeacon Gunther, Vicar of St John's, declared the fête open in a short address, in which ho referred to the educational and elevating influences of flowers. , A fair amount pi business was done during the afternoon and evening, and when the foto close3 to-night, as it is expected to do, the takings should amount to a good round sum. ,

I Mu. HcsRr Catos*, one of the preachers of the JTreo

Church of England. Kogarah, has, dn the recommenda-

tion of the committee, been duly registered for the I celebration of marriages in connection therewith. Mr. Caton was for many years a licensed catechist of the Church of England, under tho late Bishop Barker.

Tnx annual picnic of the pupils of the Institution .for tho Deaf and Dumb and the Blind took placo yesterday at tho residence of Sir John Hay, and passed off as usual in a happy and satisfactory manner. Soon after 10 o'clock the who'o of the pupils, accompanied by the officers and some of the adult deaf and dumb and blind, startod from tho school full of 3-outhful anticipations as to the treat that wa3 in storo for them at Rofo Bay. Their progress through tho streets on tho omnibuses was watched with much interest by tho onlookers, whilst their gaiety of manner and the rapid movcmonts of their fingors was a sight which, though rare, was both interesting and very gratifying. Though afflioted, some . with ileafnesä and others with blindness, their buoyancy of spirits showed no signs of sadness, or indeed any other feeling than that of light-hearted good humour and merriment. Arrived at the beautiful grounds of their kind friends at Buso Bay, the children engaged heartily iu the various games so thoughtfull)- provided by their generous host and hostess. Cricket for the older boys, and rounders, quoits, swings, &c for the "others, occupied their time vory fully till lunch was ready. Having engaged in this part of the programme with no less zest than at the games, and after some songs, recitations, &c, they started other features of amusement with the numerous friends and visitors of Lady nay, which with scrambling, and running Taces' for lollies, &c, filled up the interval till the, tea boll rang. Tea over, and somo speeches having been mado, a blind boy, on behalf of the others, oxpressed the thanks of the pupils1 for the treat and outing, which, as ho remarked, was always " a red-letter day for thom, and a happy break in the routino of school woik." Seated on the omnibuses, and having given repeated cheers for Sir John and Lady Hay, tboy all started at about 6 o'clook for the institution which is to them at once a happy home and a place of education. Wo un-derstand that for fully 20 years theso annual treats have beon given by Lady Hay to the inmatei of this


Yesterday a man named George Johnson, aged 42, residing at Zetland Estate, Waterloo, was driving in a cart when the horse fell down, and in its struggle io rise kicked the driver, who had got down to its assistance, fracturing his leg. He was admitted to tho Sydney Hospital.

A st.umiED woman, named Annie Norray was driving I with her husband in a busrgy in Harris-street, Ultimo,

yesterday, when tho vehiclo carno into collision with a J cart. Mr. Norray was thrown out, and the horso then bolted, causing a smash a hundred yards further on in which MrB. Norray locsivod severe injuries, She was found on admission to the Sydney Hospital to bo suf-fering from concussion and compression ,o£ the brain. Late last night we wero informed that she was dead.

At an early hour yesterday afternoon a man named Henry Pyrmont, Si, a miner, residing in Park-road, Peter-sham, was brought to tho Prince Alfred Hospital, suf-fering from injuries to the chest It appears that tho patient was employed upon railway work at Waterfall, andat about 2 o'clook yesterday morning, as he was going to work, on board a truck, he was struck while going through a tunnel, and falling from the effects of the blow received the injuries above referred to. The patient was admitted to the hospital. .

We havo received the following subscription in nid of the man Charles Corlett, who so bravely distinguished himself in attempting to save a ¡rill named Kain from burnino: on the 2i)th September, and who, in consequence of his exertions, suffered from a paralytic stroke-E. li.. C.,


The winning numbers in the art union in aid of the Kogarah and Hurstville Catholio Church funds will bo found in our advertising columns.

The following is the order of musical servico at St. Andrew's Cathedral this afternoon, 4.30 ¡-Magnificat, Tours, in F; Nuuo Dimittis, Tours, in F; anthem, " Fiaise ye the Lord for His goodness," Garrett.

The Permanent Artillery Band, under the direction of Bandmaster Devery, will play the following programme in Wynvard-square this aitemoon (weather peimitting) : -March, "St. Cecilia," Kottawn; overture, "Cenorontola," Rossini; quadrille, " Les Brigands," Stiauss; selection, op. " La Fille du Tambour Major." Olíenbach; valse. " Plea-santries," Dovery; galop, " Wildbad Eisoubahn," Kuhnor : anthem, "National," Mr. Bull.

The followtng is the report of the Benevolent Asylum for tho week ending October 12, 1887 : -Admitted, 9 women, 12 obildren ; births, C ; deaths, 1 ; discharged, 10 women, l8 children ; remaining in tho asylum, 89 women, 116 ehildron: total, 205. Provisions distributed: 1897 loaves bread, 12521b. flour, 6441b. meat, 5301W sugar, 133Jlb. tea, 74èlb. sago, 1301b. rice, 31b. arrowroot, 901b. oatmeal. Fresh applications for relief, 10; cases reported by the inspwtor, 67. In 24 eases tho relief wat discon-tinued ; in 3 cases the rent money waa disallowed, and in one case the rations were reduced. Total number of cases relieved, 468.