Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 12 July 1887, page 8


[By Telegraph.]


BOURKE, Monday.

During this month good rains havo fallen all over Southern Queensland. The following roports are to hand:-Charleville, 1½ inch; Taroom, 130 points ; Win-dorah, 64; Isisford, 40; Welford, 42; St. George, 175; Cunnamulla, 125 ; Thargomindah, 154.

The weather is bitterly cold, but fine and clear. The roads of tho district are very soft, owing to the lato rains, and nll the mails are late. Tho rivers above hero aro rising, and it is likely that navigation will bo opened for a

short time.

CASINO, Monday.

The land revenue hero for the last quarter amounted to, £2200, but this does not include payments for pnstoral hold-ings or occupation leases, or money paid to tho Treasury Department direct.

Tho Queensland Government is now surveying ft route for the railway extension from Nerang to Tweed Heads. It is said the work will speedily be carried out.

Thero was a heavy frost last night.

COBAR, Monday.

Rain set in again on Saturday night, and continued off and on till Sunday evening. The sky is now overcast, and more rain is threatening. The roads between here and Nyngan are in a deplorable condition. Yesterday's Sydney mails arrived 18 hours' late, the contractor having to put on six horses to bring the coach through. The state of the Nyngan road demands immediate attention at the hands of the Works Department.


Snow is reported to havo fallen at Oboron and Bre-wongle.

DUBBO, Monday.

During tho last three weeks ajiin has fallen on 14 days, giving a total fall of 252 points. It is now clear, with the wind from tho south, which is generally the forerunner of a stretch of line weather. Tho river is 12 feet abovo summer level, and stationary.

Tho local Volunteers- hnvo been inspected by MajorGeneral Richardson and Major Mackenzio.


A religious servico yvas heldyosterday in connection with the 12th July celebration. Mr. E. Bali, M.L.A., W.G.M., of one of the local lodges, yvas in the chair. Several hymns wore sung, und addresses yvero given by tho Reva. A. J. Webb (Wesloyan) and W. Sparling (Primitivo Methodist).

Rain fell ugain yesterday, and it is showery to-day.

GRAFTON, Monday.

At a publio meeting of residents of Maclean hold on Fri-day eveuing it was'decided by a largo majority to petition for tho incorporation of tho municipality. Tho dissentients only numbering three or four. '

Miss Moore, who has boon appointod matron of the Maclean Hospital, arrived thore last Thursday. The build-ing is being furnished and prepared for the reception of patients. >

' Tho yveatlior yvas fine up to midday, when slight showers foil. Thoy gradually bocamo heavier until night, when

incessant rain set in.

GULGONG, Monday.

Showers foil all yesterday and dilling the night, giving 20 points. It cloared this morning, and the air is frosty'to-night.

Farm work is at a standstill, tho land being saturated by

the late rains.


A meeting has boen convened for next Satuiday, to form an agricultural society for Gundagai.

The district coroner, Mr. E. W. Weckos, held an inquest to-day touching the death of a young woman mimed Bridget M irán, who is supposed to have drowned heraolf in Morley's Creek, near the old Gundagai flour mills, on Saturday night. An open vordict was returned.

INVERELL, Monday. The Land Board commoncod thoir sitting to-day boforo Mr. Sydnoy Blythe, the chairman,. A full board met. Tho yvork of the sitting comprises tho appraisement of pastoral holdings and couditionul purchases and conditional lease applications. Tho sitting will extend over a week.

KIAMA, Monday.

It commenced raining horo yesterday morning at 10.30, and continued showory till 4 in tho afternoon, when decidedly wet weather sot in. Heavy rain foil through the night with a very cold south wind. To-day, showors havo fallon at long intervals.

Tho claims for compensation for land rosumed for railway purposes on some of tho largo estates north of Kiama, aro to bo submitted to arbitration, aud tho evidenco bearing on tho matter is to be taken at the Court-house, on Friday


' Considerable surprise is felt hore at the statement that local jealousies caused the stoppage of the railway line at Porter's Garden Lagoon, it being well known in Kiama thnt engineering ditliculties alone cuusod tho delny, mid when theso wore overcome the sending of the plans to the select committee of tho Upper House blocked further pro-gress. With tho exception of two persons having small holdings, every proprietor affected by the extension of .the lino into the town who was asked to sign tho petition to the

Minister for Works did so.


It has been snowing hero yostorday and to-day. The

weather is unsettled.

MOLONG, Monday.

Sir Henry Parkes will visit Molong on tho 20th. Ho will be entertuiued nt a banquet by the hospital committee. Great preparations are being made for tho reception of the Premier. The members of the friendly societies und the Masons take part in tho procession.

Tho Molong Coqis of Volunteers, under the command of Captain C. H. Evans and Lioutenaut R. P. Martin, passed a very croditnble annual inspection lo-day by Major* General Richardson, nccmpiiuipd by Major M'Keuzio, Adjutant of Brigade. The Major-Gouoral was very ploiiBCU with the steadiness and efficiency of the company, aui he praised the men "for the very marked improvement in thoir drill since the last inspection. Staff-Sorgeant Byrnes has been drilling tho corps for the last week.

The weather is uno, with frosty nights.

MOREE, Monday.

The work dono by the land board represents a marked increase iu solection during the year. Up to dato 2945 papers havo been registered.

Tho mails aro greatly delayed, tho road being in a

frightful condition.'of railway communication is freely commented upon. It is proposed to hold a publio meeting to advocate tho extension of the railway to this


The weather is unsettled ; 177 points of ram have fallen since the 1st of the mouth. Feed is plentiful and stook oro in splendid order.

MOSS VALE, Monday.

A branob. of the Commercial Bauk was opened to-day at Robertson by Mr. Thomas Graham, thoir manager at Moss


NYNGAN, Monday.

The Dubbo Land Board-Messrs. Cardew (chairman), Bell, and Soano-aro sitting hero. Thero is only one case for disposal, viz., William Alison's runs, resumed and leasehold area. The case lasted all day, and is likely to extend for two days more, as a number of witnesses are being examined.

Yesterday was very showery, but only a few points of rain fell. To-day tho weathor is beautifully fine and clear.


A special religious service in connection with Loclgo JNo. 4 of tho Orange Institution, was held at the Victoria Theatre yosterday, in commemoration of tho Battlo of tho Boyne. D. M. Bro. Palmer took tho chair. The Rev. D. Porteous and Mr. Seth Jones wero the piinoipal speakers.

The wontner changed yesterday, und wo havo had rain

and strong gales all night.

ORANGE, Monday.

Business people aro complaining at the delay in the de-livery of letters, caused by tho inefficient mail servioe between Borenore and Forbes. Drew's mail couch, from Forbes, due at Boronoro last night at o'clock, did not uri ive thoro until 0.40 to-day. Cobb and Co.'s passenger coach arrived at Orunge last night at 7.20.

Snow fell heavily yesterday, followed by rain. Thero was a severo frost hist night Tho weather was fine


PARKES, Monday.

The weather was fine and cold to-day. Forty points of rain foil yesterday, and nearly 2 inches have fallen so far

this month.


On Satuiday the annual meeting of the Agricultural Socioty took place. There was a very large attendance of members, who evinced more than tbo usual amount of inteiest. The nnnual report and balance-sheet were read, and a very satisfactory stato of affairs was disclosed. The latter document showed a balance of over £100 after the cost of numerous improvements effcoted had been liquidated. 'Mr. James Butler was elected pre-sident, Messrs. T. Platt and W. Fryer vice-presidents, Mr. A. C. Brown secretary, Mr. W. J. M'Donnell trea-surer ; and a representative committee was chosen.

A change of weather took place last night, and it is now blowing hard from the southward, with heavy rain, and

bittorly cold.

SOFALA, Monday.

Snow foil on Saturday night and Sunday morning. The fall was tho heaviest that has taken place for 11 years



A German, working as a navvy at Walker and ¡awan's railway camp at Ingalara, was last week robbed of a largo number of notes and deposit receipts valued at over


Tho Orango service yesterday was largely attended. It was conducted by tlio Rev. Gould Taylor, in the Protestant


Tho weather io fine but cloudy.


Tho toi al amount subscribed by the school children in the Wagga dlstriot in aid of the Bulli relief fund is £236 16s." 4d., boing contributions from 135 schools.


Tho annual Masonic ball was hold last night, and was tho most successful onofor many year«. Nearly 100 pooplo wore present, amongst whom wore a number of visitors j trom the country.

A nubJio ,-- ictin" has 'jcen called hy the Mayor for to

morrow evening, to promote the construction of thornilway i

horn Nyirgnn to CoMir.^ ? i* ' ' ' ' > ' |

Shraier-, uro beginning to pass 'through tho town, on

thou wnv to tho up-uver sheds.

Tho Nnmoi is repoilod us being a banker, and slowly rising. This, in coilj unction with small amounts of water coming down tho Barwon, will help to koop the river navigable tor some time. The weather seems to havo takou a turn for tho bolter. It is now litio, but vory cold.


A largo number of Roman Catholics assembled in St. John'B Schoolroom this evening, for tho purposo of wel-coming tho Rov. P. Hand, V.G., who arrivod hero to-day after a lengthened sojourn in the old country, whither ho bad gone some two years ago for the benefit of his health. Tho rev. içontleman met with a very hourly reception, aud was prosontod by St. John's Cathedral committee with a handsomely illuminated address of ^ elcomo, and also one liom St, JoIùi'h 'Guild, of which ho is chaplain. Dr. Murray, Bishop of Maitland, presided at tho meeting.

Tho weather has been exceptionally cold during the post three days. Yosterday morning light showois commenced, nnd continued throughout the afternoon. In tho ovening heavy rain fell for some hours. It was showery all day to-day. _ _