Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 5 September 1887, page 5



At the Royal Standard Theatre on Saturday night, Mr. Dampier's company produced for the first time a four-act drama called " The Wreck of the Dunbar." The incidents of the drama depend upon the issue of a set of circumstances which are concentrated in the wrecking of the vessel, and which, together with the wreck itself, are described in a short prologue. The prologue introduces Joo Trueheart, a young pilot, Ino hero of the drama, represented by Mr. Dampier, and some saltwater mates, Bill James (Mr. H. Stoneham and Dave James (Mr. A. Tasman) camped in a rocky lookout on South Head. There is also a character called Honey Gordon (Mr. J. Stark), a *' colourable imitation" of a well known Sydney identity. The heroine Rettie Parker (Miss. Lily Dampier), also makes her appearance. The dialogue and action disclose the unfortunate situation that Joe loves Hettie, a friendless orphan, whom he has kept and guarded since in-fancy, while she has already formed a mutual attachment with one Ralph Johnson (Mr. A. Boothman"), a young sailor, who has also been gathered by Joe Trueheart, and who is at that moment on board the Dunbar on the way to Sydney. Joe asks Hettie to be his wife, and she, from a feeling of gratitude, consents. The Dunbar strikes on the rocks. Hettio's attachment to Ralph is made known to Joe by a portrait which Hettie had in her keeping. One man is thrown ashore from the wreck ; it is Ralph Johnson and Joe, after a bitter struggle between love and duty, decides against his own emotion, by going down the rocks and saving the life of Johnson. "The wreck, by the way, takes place out of sight. The drama then takes up the story. Hettie tolls Ralph of her pledge to Joe. They each recount all that Joe had done for them, and they agree to sacrifice themselves for his happiness as he had sacrificed himself for theirs. Accordingly Ralph renounces Hettie, and gives her over to Joe, to whom she is married forthwith. A year classes; Ralph has gone to New Zealand,- Joe has lost his situation through having become responsible for a bill at the solicita-tion of his parents, and his cottogoonthe Old South Headroad has been cleared out by the bailiffs, the only assets left being a baby and a cradle. During the absence of the young couple, Ralph returns, and learning how matters stand, collects his mates, buys in the furniture at the auction, and restores the status quo ante as a pleasant surprise for Joe and Hettie, whereupon everybody becomes greatly delighted, and joins in a very jolly Sir Roger de Coverley. But Hettie finds the presence of Ralph dangerous, and amid, exchanges of mutual love, she tells him he must go. Meanwhile. Too has shipped in a whaler, and goes off suddenly, leaving Hettie in the charge of Ralph. These scenes take place near the jetty at Watson's Bay. Five years later Ralph and Hettie enter an old church in George-street to be married. It has been reported that Joe was dead, and a memorial-stone innes the church door. Hettie. nevertheless, yields with reluctance to Ralph's representations. They have just entered the church, when Joe Comes through the gateway and learns the truth from his little daughter who stays outside the church beside his sorrowing old father. The old man (Mr. E. Holloway) recognises Joe as the newly married pair come out of the church, and then follows a powerful scene in which Joe declaims against the ingratitude and deceit of Ralph and Hettie, and our see both false friend and faith-less wife. Once more in the Watson's Bay jetty, Joe is about to leave the place for ever, but is induced to listen to Hettie, who tells him everything that had passed between her and Ralph in relation to himself and now she had been true to her duty as a wife. Joo sees that his happiness had been obtained by the sacrifice of the love of two others to their sense of duty to him, and he removed himself from their way by a draught of poison. The plot is broadly sketched, with a free admixture of pathetic and ridiculous situations. The under-plot deals with the rumours of Mrs. Bowden (Miss M. Walton), the widow landlady of the Currency Lass, and Charles (Mr. H. Leston), an amusing new chum serving as waiter at the hotel. Mr. Dampier's best effort was in the painful churchyard scene. In all his other passages he played with his usual care. The part of Tlettio was one that gained a certain sympathetic interest from Miss' Dampier's voice and physique. Miss Dampier had her chief success in her tearful interview with Joe in the last score, although there were other more stirring episodes in which she acted with effect. It may be suggested that in future performances the orchestral accompaniment to Miss Dampier's important lines in the last scene should be played more softly. Mr. Boothman made a fair representative of Ralph Johnson. Old Joe Trueheart was effectively played by Mr. Holloway, who made some good points in the churchyard scene. Mrs. Trueheart, sen., a woman with a frightful temper and tongue to match, was represented with success by Mr

Julia Merton. Miss Annie Marsh was an unfortunate servant girl, who had much to do to live through the violent treatment of Mrs. Trueheart. The part of little Daisy Trueheart was taken by an intelligent little girl, billed as Miss Phoebe Levy'. Mr. E. Baker, Mr. J. Cossar, Mr. Rosier, and Mr. Stephen-son were allotted minor parts. There was a good house, the floor being crowded, while the circle was well patronised. During the intervals, and sometimes during the performance, there were disturbances on the floor in one locality, where a particularly riotous spirit seemed to be in possession. These little incidents were not, however, allowed to become serious, and, in fact, appeared to afford almost as much entertainment as the performance itself. " The Wreck of the Dunbar " will be repeated during the week.