Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 6 September 1886, page 7


IXTEIXIOEXCE was received in Sydney on Saturday that cable communication had suddenly become inter-rupted. We aro consequently without our usual budget of. Enslish cible news. .The first intimation that came to hand was to the effect that the cable across the Gulf of Bengal fiom. Fonang to Madras liad broken down, and no sooner was this news made

known than tho cable running up tho eastern ' side of the Gulf irom Penang to Rangoon also became silent. The two main avenues for the conveyance of cable messages to India and Europe weio tims un-expectedly out off. The representatives of the cable company at Penang lost no time in taking steps to have communication on both lines restored. Steamers woie

at once despatched to effect the necessary repairs, and they were expected to be at the respective breaks to-day. By a remarkable coincidence, the duplicate cable between Banjoowangio (Java) and Port Darwin also became unexpectedly interrupted on Saturday. The fault is believed to be about 100 miles from tho Java end of the line, and the repairing steamer ' was to leave on Saturday afternoon or early on Sunday

to repair tho cable. As thora aro two cables between Java and Port Darwin, the interruption on the duplicate cabio doe3 not noco?--arily imply a total stoppage of communication bet« con Aus-tralia and Java, inasmuch as messages can still bo transmitted by the old cable between Port Darwin and Ban joe wangie. The most serious interi upturn is thoiofore on tho Penang side. The Electric Telegiaph Department notifies tor general information that pend-ing the restoration of the cables in the Gulf of Bengal all telegraphic business for Euiope will be posted by steamer from Penang to Rungoon, whence the messages will be sent on by the land lines via Calcutta. A stoamor loft Ponang for Rangoon at 5 p m. on Satur-day, and another steamer sailed fiom tho same

place at 9 a.m. yesterday. By these steamers any cable ' messages which may have accumulated at Penang were taken on. A thhd steamer will leave Penang for Rangoon at 10 a.m. to-day, taking on messages for Europe. Télégraphie messages despatched by this moana aio chai god for at tho usual rates, but it is understood that messages may bo sent via the Siamese route by the land lines, through India, at slightly

increased rates.

TnE English mails per Chimhorazo, dated London, 80th July, will bo received to-day in time for delivery from the boxes and windows A to 52 at about 9 a.m., by city earner, lLSO a.m., and by the suburban letter carriers at 2 p.m.

His ExcEtLia-CT LOHD CABOTA-OTOX has consented to open tile Mechanical Workshops ot the Sydney Technical College, in Kent-street, near Maiket-streot, , this (Monda}-) evening, at 8 o'clock.

Sin. J. C. NEILD, M.L.A. for Paddington, has re-ceived a letter from the Department of Education, to the effect that fresh tenders have been called for the erection of the proposed new 'Publie School buildings at Randwick, such tenders io bo lodged before the 20th


Tire funeral of the late Mr. Thomas Walker, of Yaralla, Concord, took place on Saturday, the remains of the deceased gentleman being interred in a grave alongside that of his wife in the St. John's Church burial ground, Ashfield. All the arrangements connected with the funeral were of a simple character. On the arrival of the cortege at the burial ground, it was met by the Rev. Canon Moreton and the Rev. Dr. Corlette. The coffin, which was covered with wreaths of immortelles, was then borne into tho church, and a short service was conducted by Dr.

Corlette. The chest was afterwards transferred to the grave. The burial service was now read by Canon Moreton, and the remains were lowered into the ground. Amongst those who witnessed this part of the proceedings were the Revs. W. Lumsdaine, C. C. Baber, G. E. C. Stiles, A. C. Corlette, and T. J. Curtis, Hons. A. Campbell and J. B. Watt, Ms. L. C., Hon. G. A. Lloyd, M. L. A., Messrs. S. Stephen, M. L. A., Thos. Buckland, H. E. A. Allan, James Milsom, G. M. Lar-nach, C. M. Palmer, W. Laidley, Coles, E. M. Stephen, Leslie, Shepherd Smith, Robert Close, J. de V. Lamb, W. L. Docker, Andrew Brown (Bowenfels), Butcher,

and Durham.

RUSSIA, like almost every other country in the world, is suffering severely from the effects of commercial depression, and. according to our St. Petersburg correspondent, whoso letter appears else-where, the falling-off in the export of grain to Europe is causing much anxiety. Tho difficult prob-lems connected with Bulgaria also add to the general uneasiness, because! although war may not be actually on tho tapis, yet it is thought to bo iuovitable at no distant date. The death of Ostrovsky, a famous Russian litterateur and dramatist, who is crodited with having watten 50 comedies, bosidos dramas and translations from Shakespeare and Calderon, ÍB also referred to by our conespondenfc. Spiritualism lias,'it appenw, found a strong foothold in tho Russian capital, wbeio an Englishman named Eglington has created much astonishment by his extraordinary perfoi mancos.

Tnn Scientific and Mechanical Exhibition was closed

on Saturday evening, the attendance during the day having boen very large. It is thought that when all expenses have boan paid a substantial balance will be lolt to the credit of the Engineering Association.

Ix another column wo publish tho written judgmonts of the Pull Court on tho cross appeals in the oasos tho A. S. îî. Company v, Howard Smith and Co. and Howard Smith and Co. v. the A. S. N. Company, in the action arising out of the collision between the Birksgate and the Barrabool. In' each caso the plaintiffs obtained a verdict, and in each case the defendants moved for ti new ti inl. The Full Court (Mr. Justico Faucott and Mr. Justico Windeyer, Sir George Innes dissenting) granted tho rule moved for by Howard Smith and Co., and ditcbarged the lulo moved

for by tho A. S. Ñ. Company. So that in tho former

case a now trinl was granted ; and in the lattor, in which Howard Smith and Co. succeeded at Nisi Prius, they lteop their verdict. *' Mr. Justice Eaucolt based his decision mainly on tho ground that the verdict which the A. S. N. Company obtained was against ovidenco ; Mr. Justice Windeyer, while concurring,in that opinion, wont further, and held that as it appeared that tho Birksgate was on tho ( wrong side of tho fairway, and that tho Barrabool was coming up on- her right sido, that fact also, by the light of the Merchant Shipping Act and tho regulations, showed that tho owners of tho Birksgate (tho A S. N. Company) wero not ontitled to succeed. Sir G. Innes dissonted, mainly on lho ground that there was evidence both ways, and that tho verdict of the jury, who had all the evidence before thom, ought not to bo interfered with.

Is the fourth of the sories of papers on the Scrub Lands of the Wost, which appeals in this issue, theio aro somo pungent comments upon tho present official system of dealing with tho pastoral country. The evils likely to at-iso through converting squatters' private residences into hotels for Government offieos is pourtrayod, and lhere is a copy of a " little" bill recently paid to a laud agent.

IK anothor column will bo found a summary of a paper by Mr. Consul Griffin on tho Now South Wales

timber trade.

A UUI.KY document, consisting of 98 pageB, has boen issued from the Government Printing Ofllco in obedience to an order made by tho Assembly on tho 20th August. It contains copies of roport, minutes, lcttoi-B, and all papers having rotoronto to the inauirv

instituted into the administration of justice in the police district of Kempsoy, and moro particularly con-cerning certain complaints preferred against Mr. George Stevenson, C. P. S., and Mr. Otho Orde Dangar, J.P., in a regent communication, addio3scd by Mr. T. M. Slattciy, solicitor, lo the Undor Socretaiy lor Ju-tice, in ¿onucction with the prosecution ol Mr. R. B. Smith, M.L.A., upon a charge of alleged perjury. Tho whole of the evidence taken upon tho inquiry is given, arid the commissioner, in an elaborate report,' while exonerating Mr. Stevenson from the more serious portion of the ehatgo brought against him, makes some strong remarks upqn the conduct of Mr.

Dangar. '

THE following infotmation appears in tho trouernment Gazette :-The Rev. J. 'Gnrllnnd has boen ap-pointed the hen. captain of the St. Ignatius College Cadets; 1st Lieutenant G.i II. Sparkes has boon promoted to tho captaincy of the Newtown Reserve Corps : 2nd Lioutenants Orr and Pringle aro to bo 1st lieutenants in tho Now South Wales Volunteer Artillery Regiment.

_ujon-G-«-iv" RiciwivDbOH, C.B., and Major Mackenzie, A.A.G., purpose leaving Sydney to-day for Lithgow, whore they will inspect the local coi ps. In the absence of Major-Gencial Richardson, Colonel Roberts, of the Permanent Artillery, will assume the command of the metropolitan forces.

ON Thursday evening last, Colonel Roberts (late R.A.), nccompaniod by Colonel Bingham, R.A., Lieutenant-Colonel Cracknell, and Major Penrose, paid

a visit to Newcastle in connection with the defence works at that port The party returned to Sydney on Saturday. t

THE examination of the officers of the Torpedo and Signalling Corps has boen postponed until the 4th proximo. The Cavalry officers' examination has been postponed until further ordors, The Artillery exami-nation will take place on tho 8th of tho present

month. '

Mit. DEVERY, late bandmaster of the 81 d Dragoon Guards, has been appointed leader of the New South Wales Permanent Artillery Band.

LECTUÀIÎ,O on " Christianity and Socialism " at St. James' Church yesterday, the Primate said the material progrcss of a community really depended upon threo combined factors-labour, unskilled or partially skilled, of the many ; capital as the treasure

house of machinery, and reservoir of convertible force ; and the originative invention and bold enter-prise of tho few. If all were left without restric-tion, the last two elements would certainly gain predominant force, and probably usurp more than their right share of the fruits of work. In order to restrain

excessive individualism there was an inclination in all

thoughtful men to develop what might be called broadly socialistic forces, which aimed at checking this excess and subordinating it to tho public good. Those

forces were mainly three, law—free co-operation, and ' public spirit. Law had always claimed and exercised the power of limiting individual liberty and individual property as a kind ot price for tho protection of both by the collective force of tho community. In extreme cases of necessity, as in war or pestilence, tho law might curb individual liberty and seize individual property. It might go on interfering with contracts and insisting upon tenant right as against the arbitrary claim of the land owner. There was an in-clination to enlarge the province of law to what, in his younger days, would have been considered a dangerous extent. It was urged that the State should become the owner of tho land and a great capitalist, super-seding, hut not forcibly extinguishing, private enter prise. That was to be regarded as politic or impolitic, but it could not be absolutely right or wrong. Tho combination in trades unions of the wage-earners was absolutely necessary for the protection of those who would otherwise be helpless. Its danger lay in tho restriction of individual freedom, and iu assailing with violence those who would not join tho combination. Tho lecture was listened to with great attention by a good congregation.

TUB Rev. J. S. Hill, M.A, President of the Auck-land Y. M. C. A., delivered tin exhortation to a number of young men at the hall of the Young Men's Chris-tian Association, Sydney,, on Saturday evening. On Wednesday evening the lev. gentleman will, at tho same place, give a leeturo on " The Tabornacle."

A SIOXTULY meeting of the committeo of the Municipal Association will be hold at the Town Hall, at half-past 8 o'clock tliis afternoon. The business is to consider andi reply to interrogatories from country councils with rogaid to vaiious municipal matters, and to further tho airaugements for tlio annual session.

ON Friday ovening a meeting of tho council of the Kew South Wales Rifle Association was held at the offices of the council, and piesided over hy Lieutenantcolonol Jaques. A letter was read from tho Queensland Rifle Association icgrotting that, in consequence of the uncertainty of tonuro of their rifle rango, they could not carry out an intercolonial match this year. A letter from tho Victorian lifle Association was also received, covering a communica-tion from the newly formed Tasmanian Rillo Associa-tion, suggesting that a match should bo flted in that colony this 3 ear. After mature deliberation tho council decidod that it would not!take part in an inter-colonial match tliis year. The committees for electing the respective captains, and with them selecting

tho teams to represent the various nationalities, wero appointed as follows:-England-Captain Cutboll, Licutonnnt Hammond, and Mr. Geo ; Ireland-Major Longfield, Captain Strong, and Mr. Sheridan ; Scot-land-Captain D. Fraser, Mr, .J. Mitchell, and Mr. Telfor; Wales-Lieutenant J. Stuart Mason, Mr. Dunn, and Mr. Thornton; Australia-Lieutenants Keating and Cohen, and Mr. Olclerehaw. The following additions to the prize list wore an-nounced :-Members' Match, £2 2s. from Mr. N. J. Mackenzie, for the highest * scorer at 000 yards. Schools' Challenge Shield Match, £2 2s. from Captain Baker, Nowiiigton Collego, for the second ton scorer in the match. A mamber of the association has presented a ttophy of the value of £15 to bo com-peted for by members of civilian and polico rino clubs, but fulloi dotails will bo forthcoming in a few days. Mr. Richard Béostûu has intimated his intention of presenting a valuable,, watch -to bo added to the prize list of one of the matches, possibly the Queen's or the Champion Match.

A PUBLIC meeting of latcpayers of Kogarah wno held in that municipality on Saturday evening, to protest against the neglect which has been shown to the Governmental main road that'passes through tho town-ship. It was shown that the route is utterly impass-able, and extiemely dangerous; anda deputation was appointed to interview tho Minister for Werks in con-

nection with tbo subjeot.

A irccTiNo of the council of tho Free Trade Associa-tion was held on Friday, Mr. J. II. Goodlet in the chair. There wero also present-Messrs. B. R. Wise, John Henderson, D. Hogarth, J. Hedgos, R. Teeco, R. G. Yal loch, N. B. Downing, and the secretary (Mr. Pulsford). Tho minutes of the previous meeting wero lead and confirmed. A large amount of conespondenco was read, including letters from many parts of tho colony, which disclosed a growing earnestness on behalf of the cause of free trade. It was stated that a branch of the association had been formed at Chango, which, promised to be a flourishing oue. Mr. A. T. Kerr, J. P., had been eleotod the presidont ; Messrs. C. J. Smith (Mayor of Chango), and R. Warren, J.P., vice-presi-dent's; Mr. J. Withers, treasurer; and Mr. J. Thomas (late editor Western Advocate), hon. secretary. About 80 members have already joined.

TUEICE was a large attendance at tho monthly confér-ence of the Methodist Holinoss Association, hold at Tork-streot Church, on Saturday afternoon. The Rev. Joseph Oram presided. He expressed his regret that tho absenco of tbo Rov. W. G. Taylor, who was away for tho boneiit of his health, caused him to occupy that position. Intel est was adtlod to tho conforenco by the presence of the Rev. C. P, Hard, M.A., and Mrs. Hard, of India, who both duliveied stirring and instructivo addresses. Mr. and Mrs. Hard havo recently arrived hero, and aro advocating the 6olf-supporling Indian Mission of Bishop Taylor, who is well known in this colony as " California Taylor." Rovu. S Wilkinson, J. Bowes, J. B. Cutler, J. Wood-house, and Messrs. G. Ciaivshaw, John Fletcher, and others also took pai tin the conference. The Rev. O. P. Hard preached two oloyuont sonnons to good con-gregations in the York-btivet Cliuieh yosterdoy. Ho also delivered a go-spol tompoianco addie- in the after-

noon. As will bo seen in our advertisement columns, j

Mrs. Hard lootuies to-night in tho York-street Church on "Hindu Women," and Mr. Hard looturos at Stnn

moie Wosleyan Church on "India's gods and pooplos." ' Mr. and Mis. Hard ato ontrased to deliver lectures at

various Weslèyari churches during the week. They leave for Bathurst on Saturday next.

' A MCETÍKO of delegates, representing the various Litorarv and Debating Socir-t'iM, was held in the Temperance Hall on tho 2nd infant fur the purpose of making fuither arrangements with regard to the forma-tion of n Mutual Improvement Asso.-inlioiis' union. Mr. E. W. Harris occupied the chair. He said he was glad to find, such a laige number of 60ciotieâ represented, and ho thought they were laying "tho foundation of an institu-tion which would bo, at "no very distant period, a powerful agent for good. There was a largo number of delegates present, ropro'ohting most of the societies in Svdnev and district, among whom were:-Sydney School of "Art», Mr. G. E. Garton ; Y. M. 0.' A., Messrs. Bernard Clarke and W. T. Lee; Glebe School of Arts Debating Club,- Mr, B. J. Atterbury ; Petersham Con-gregational Literary Association, Mr. Geo. J. Reeve (lion, sec.) ; Petersham Baptist M. I. A., Mr. E. Chapplo (lion, sec) ; Leichhardt Mutual Improvement Association, Mr. W. E. Johnson ; Newtown Congregational M. I. A., Mr. E. Woodhead (bon. sec.) ; St. Stephen's Young Men's Institute, Mr. G-. J. Shaiv ; Newtown Wo-doyaii Mutual Advance-ment Association, Mr. F. S. Thompson; William-stioet M. I. A., Mr. l<\ Flowers ; Palmer-street M. I. A., Mr. Breckenridge (bon. soc) ; Chippendale Literary and Debating Society, Messis. A. M'Goy (bon. sec.) and E. J. Thomas ; Ocean-stieet (Woollahra) Congregational M. I. A., Mr. A J. Pavoy ; Woollahra Literary and Debating Society, Mr. G. J. Giic-o; Ashfield Literary Association, Mr. E. A. Pyman; Glebe Wesleyan M.I. A., Messrs. S. Bennett ' and A. Newman ; St. Leonards Literary and Debating Society, Mr. J. Gray; Waver-ley Wesleyan M. I. A, Mr. C. Corbett ; Randwick Literary Society, Mr. H. O. Holcombe ; Balmain Con-gregational Literary and Debating Society, Mr. Browne ; Balmain (Campbell-street) Literary and Debating Society, Mr. J. B. Campbell. It was decided that the Union shall include all literary societies in Now South Wales, and not be merely confined to Sydney and suburbs. Mr. Garton moved, as rule 1, "That the officers of the Union shall consist of a president, two vice-presidents, secretary, two joint secretaries, a treasurer, and an editor," which was seconded, and carried unanimously. A proposition to the effect that all presidents of the various associations joining tho Union should be vice-presidents, was well discussed, and of being put to the meeting was lost. It was carried that the com-mittee shall consist of two delegates from each society. A sub-committee, consisting of Messrs. Harris, Chapple, Clarke, Shaw, Garton, Johnson, and Atterbury was appointed to draw up a code of rules, to be submitted to tho meeting of delegates to be held on the 16th in-stant. The committee will meet on Monday evening, in the Temperance Hall.

A BAZAAR in aid of the building fund of All Saints' Church, Ferry-street, Hunter's Hill, was held in the pavilion at Fern Bay on the afternoons and evenings of Friday and Saturday. By this means it was sought to diminish-the present debt of £600, which has been inclined on the stone-work before contracts for roofing, fitting, and furnishing are entered into. The corner stone of the chancel was laid by the Primate about 12 months ago, and tho whole of the stonework has now been com-

pleted. The work already carried out has been con-structed in such a manner as to admit of the extension of the building with but little difficulty. For tho present intended to afford accommodation for about 500 worshippers. The financial result of the bazaar was thoroughly satisfactory, as much as £120

being realised on the opening day. The articles offered for sale consisted of fancy work, produce, flowers, rock lilies, and ferns in great variety. Some choice speci-mens of cinerarias and primulas were exhibited by

residents of the district. A local band of musicians attended each evening, and performed a selection of exhilarating melodies.

THE second annual sports meeting in connection with St. Stephen's Young Men's Institute, Newtown, were held at Tennyson on Saturday afternoon. The ground was thronged with visitors, and the number of com-petitors also was large. A-programme of eleven events was gone through, the competition in some of the races being very close. The afternoon's entertainment was enlivened by the music of an efficient band.

THERE was a good attendance at the Parliamentary Debating Club of the Y. M. C. A., on Friday evening. The question for discussion was that " The ports ot

Now South Wales should be absolutely free." This | was moved by Mr. Henry Peach, who read a thought-ful and interesting paper on the subject. The motion was carried by a large majority. The question of pay-ment of members is to be discussed next Friday.

THE record of the tour of the Australian Eleven in England is continued in another page. Our corre-spondent sends tho full score and bowling analysis of the match played against Mr. Thornton's Eleven, and describes the important match England v. Australiathe latter being the first of the three great events to be decided during the tour, and which ended in the dis-

comfiture of tho visitors.

A CORRESPONDENT writes to suggest that a statue of William Beach should be erected, and be unveiled on the hundredth birthday of the colony. He estimates that a subscription of 2d. each from the friends of Beach will suffice to procure the statue.

THE following is the order of musical service at St. Andrew's Cathedral this afternoon:-Magnificat, Win-chester; Nunc Dimittis, Winchester ; anthem, Barnby's " King all-glorious, Lord of Hosts, Almighty."

WE have been requested to draw attention to a notice in our advertising columns, inviting the ladies of Waver-ley to meet at the council-chambers, on Wednesday afternoon next, to make arrangements in connection with the Waverley flower show.

Miss MENSER is announced to make her first appearance bofore a Sydney audience as a pianiste, at the Masonic Hall, this evening, when sho will bo assisted by Bovoral popular


TUB following is tho report of tho Princo Alfred Hos-

pital for tho week ending Soptember 4, 1880 :-Number of

m-patients at last ropoit, 103 males, 56 females; sinco admitted, 15 males, 9 fournies ; dischai god, 14 males, 1(3 females; died, 4 mules, 1 témalo; i emuming in hospital on September 4, ISSU, 1DU males, 4S lómales; «umber of out-patlouts treated during the vveok, 321; number ot casualty cases treated but not admitted, 100 ; total, 421.