Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 9 July 1884, page 11


A deputation, consisting of tho Primate of Australia and a number of clergymen and laymon representing tho Church of England, tho Presbyterian Church, YVesleynn Church, and Congregational. Church, wuitod on the Minister for Education on Juno 27, to uriro on bim their views with regard to religious teaching in State schools. . The deputa-tion was introduced by the Prlmato, Dr. Barry, who, in a lucid speoch, Dut their viowa before tho Minister.' Dr. Mooro-YVhlto,' (ha Rev. Mr. Joll'eris, tbo Rev. Mr. fletcher, Mr. Mullens, and otheis expressed their opinions on tbo question, and put tho mai tor very fully bnfore the Minister. Tho proposals of the doputa'tion vvero BB fol-low:-1. That the '. trônerai religious touching " provided for in soo. 7 of tho Publio SCIIUUIB Act bo given in Soripturo lesson« by the teachers, regularly and continuously through the eohools. 2. That the rotding books usod should bo such us contain (like tbo Irish reading books) moral and religious lessons. 3. That tha provisions of tha Act as to roligious instruction bo extended to High tchoola. 4. That in the examination of children by the inspectors a greater weight bo assigned to tha Soripturo knowledge, in accordance with ita undoubted importaiico, oven from on intelloctuul and moral point of view. 5. That in estimating the qualifications of teachers due importance bo assigned to their capability of giving "general religious touching," as required by clause 7 ot the Aot. 6. That with a view to aid Iham in attaining the requisite knowlodgo, the depart-ment be pleased to allow tho giving of of Scriptural iustruo

tion in the Training sohools by voluntary agency, it being

understood that attendance on such instruction shall not be

required in any case in which the student or his parants make an objection toit. 7. That a brief form of prnyers and hymno bo allowed to bo used at the opening of Publio schools and High schools. Mr. Trickett did not exprces any very favourable view of the probability of tho desires of tbo deputation being accododto,and whenrelinng tha Primate intimated the disappointment experienced thereat by the deputation.

In replying to a deputation of Secularists, who waited tipon him subsequently, Mr. Trickett said that, with regard to any attempts to upset tho present Act, everybody who know him and his principles know that be bad always beon, evor sinoc\the system was established, one of its stanohest supporters, and ho wits not likely to do anything that would not preserve it in its m>o?rity.

The Bocond session of the sixth synod of tho diocese of Sydney, in connection with tha Church of England, was I opened on July 8, at the Cathedral, by the Bishop of j Sydney.

A conference of collectors for the Church Soeioty was held on Timo 27 tho business being the consideration of means avhoreLv the income of the Church boc îety might bo

at le mt doubled

Ihn % onor/ible Archdeacon Campbell, who bas been con-nected yuth tho purrah of Blayney since its f armatiou, now over four years, is about to leave for Kelso, the parish to which ho has bten appointed to provide over by the Bishop

of Bathurst

I he choir and the ohoncel of All Saints' Church, Wo Unüia, have lecently beon laid with a tilo and marble flooring Ihe altar platform is oumposed of Sioilian maib'e, and is approached by three stops of Rouge Royal marble. The ultar lioor is lind aa iib. glared aud encausiio tile J of fli-ï mioma in a rich and eiuborato pattern, and ths tread of tho steps IN also lesseluted. On tho chnncol tloor le a tile p itttrn in fiae colours of glazed and encaustic tiles, tho chon lloor b mg laid in aim ga putt rn of the latter stile Iheontianco to thoohoiria ovoi three largo steps of Rouge marblo.

A special service in connection with the new organ recently erected in St. John's Church, Ashfield, was held on July 5. 'lhe Primate delivered uu address at the otnclusiou of the liturgical lortion if tho servie» Dr Barry roforrrd atsomo length io the influence of music, which had been ti til) cilled the handmaid of religion Combating the assertion so often made, that tbo plainest and simplest mum should alono 1 e found m UPO in tho nanetmny, ho contrasted the present condition of church music with what at UB III uiie half a cen-tury a,ro At that time musio now BO generally in use, not only in tho Cuurch of J'nglund, but In otho- Christum ohurchea, was never heard except in cathedrals and colleDiato chapels It w s noav found what a po« erful auxtlliurj ruusio avas to divino woiship It avus ono of tho highest arts given to man, and drsorved to be dedicated in tho most pcrtect ay ay ave were capuble of to the praiue of Him aaho gave it. Ihe most liberal use of a thing ottenled to abusa, and tho dungor lay In maluug divine aiorahip subordinate to muiic-in a aa ord, our religion emotional by appealing to onr tustes rather than to nur humble devotion

A neav Conirregational ( hurch to seat 210 adult«, has been completed at Homebush Thocostof the_rc und and structuro together nmounte to £2o71 17n lho opening torvk es avero conducted on Sunduy, June 29, bv the Revo J Jeifons, LL B , and G C Howden, and u Sunduy sohool w is opened in the afternoon, Avhen 77 children enrolled their names as


Tho Very Rev. Dr Shoridm, administrator of tho Roman Catholic Are kdioceao of hjJncv, his reeeivod n communi-cation from Cardinal bimeoni, secretary of tho Sacred Con-gregation of Propaganda at Rome, dated December 21,1883, acknowledging tho rteoipt of £600, being the amount of Peter's pence collected in öydnoy during last year, und aa hioh ?« as duly presented to the Pope 1 he Pope, a, ho avns much moved at this proof of the devon n of the clergy and people

of bydnoy tiavurda him ,cliaiged hi« secretary to makoknoavn to thom his grutilication, end to transmit tho npistolio benodiction to all Ibu mlasionury priests und on all the faithful ontrUBted to their charge