Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), Wednesday 6 December 1911, page 11

IWANTED. WANT, a Painter. John S. Ash,. 87 Bolton.street.-..f;,?, : 8. 0 •ANT, Strong, Useful Boy, C. E, W Galtcs. Hunters-t.:'Wost. 3803 I7X1ANT, IronCras and 'olders. Newcas.-' Stlio Steam Laundry,.,Waratah. 3870 iTANT, Plck and Shovel Men. Apply,1 " on job. J.·Plaoh, Hetollvllo. 3851 ANZT, gdod Carpenters. at once. Ap. ply James Johnstoo, West Wallsoed. fWANT. Lady Help,. ao ist with children, Sservant kept. Box 1i3, P'.O, Newc ol itl e . 0' - ' J; r . r 8 8 5 8 , 'ANT, Useful Oirl'or' Light General, Mrs. VV H. Howarth,l Brunker.road,: Adams. town. . - . . . . . . 9..B8 ANT, a Smart Housemaid-Wlatress, Apply Crown and Anchor Hotel, Hun. er-astreet, 020 -ASRPENTERS.--Blx Wanted for Stock Fltingsa, Steamier Shinyo Maru, No. 31 Crane. ... '. 3870 WANT, Useful Girl, about 18, sleep at home. Mlrs. A. EI Hopkins, Nelson-st., platteburg .. _ .. • 1 ' 013 WANT, Paintors. Apply after six. W. Turnbull, flobert.street, Tramline, platlsburg. ; . :'., : 314 TX7ANT, Lady.Help, small family. Mrs. V T, Pepper, opp, aohool, Elllaboth'eata., righc's Hill,. . ? 3844 iANT, Tldy Young ..Wbman.oa Houosemald. Apply 3. Archer, Deach Hotel, ,^Ior.cwahor .. 8661 WANT, a Smart BDrmaid or Smart Girl, Sto learn bar. Crown and Anchor Hotel, Huntcrstreet. 020 rnANT, Carpenters aid Brioklayers, R. D, Qulggln, nuilddr, Now Technical C'ollole, Newcastle, i . . 3000 ANT, Ilealdence, 10 or more rooms, with ailr grounds, near Newcastle. A.B.C., Hamiltoni P.O. 0 . 3. .901 / nOAT HANDS Wanted; constant work; 01 good light; every convenience. Shephard, Newcastle West; 8803

,?ANT, Useful Glrli I Furnished Rooms To Let suit two friends. Kelso House, 40 King.-atreet... .. 3802 IP-AN'T, Good'Lidiht GOnoral. Apply Mrs. "v Mitcheall, Yarrachoen,' Warner's Bay, or Box:193, P.O.; N0wcastle .. 8857 w1ANT, Light General; no washling ; S holidays given.. Mrs. M. J, oroney,, Hamilton. ' 3883 0OLLE CTOII.SALESMAN wanted. Good 'pnsition. Snigerflwirg Malichlns Com. pany, 08 Ilonter-st, Newcastle, O3P08 WANT, Corresponodence Clerk..must be Srsmnrt at Shorthand and Typowritingg ;Addrcssl, Box 71, P.O.,' Newcastle. . AN, Strong LodSe fuor factbry work, Apply the NewSouth Wales Aerated WatorP nd 0. C"., ttd., Wickham. 0860 aJISS LE MORlRIS,, 'Phons -' . 8,--Want, Cook,? 0s; Barmaid, 27s; Go?ns., H'maid, Waoiresa, Groom 2-~0. ,AN T to Rent, Furn, Cottage, for two treokas, fron .Dec 27, Swansen, Speors or Toronto. Lp, Ellis, Chaucor-st., H'ton. WANT, Young Girl,' to help In hdusework, SGood hours and' good owagc, Sleep ct home. Mrs. 3, Blackburn, I Extended. " 300 WTANT to Rent . Furnisthed Cottage, , woator frontage, Toronto, 2 weeks from 1,th January, Apply, GCrer and oerkeleyr Aotlioneeras 2874 A Smart -YOUTH for Junior Clerk, Apply at oncep,?-i;! :?" 'i ' J; AND A. BOWN, 8870 ' O , •Heoxham,

WANTED FIfEMA"N.IET'ON IET'ON COJalEhY, CARRINOTON. ~pply,~_' l! I·· ,969 , C ." ,0LLTEI9Y 0FF9OE, tAJNTE~D AND CARPENTER. Rapplyte.the Citj Engineers Dopartment, Nawcastle,.a oncea.. s. SCOTT HOLLAND, ps878 · · T :Ta Cloerk, .URWOOD EXTENDED COLLIERY. W~,ANTED, a few WHEELERS A LAB. , OURERB;, for underground i ork, Also BOILER FIREMAN, ., ; (Apply, , ,COLLIERY MANAGE0R. 8855 . " . . REDHEAD. ?WALLSEND' AND PLATTSBURG CO. OPERATIVE *SOoITY, LTD W7ANT, for the abovocoiaety, coampsStent Slughteribin?.' Award wages and free rceldonce, Poraonal ippllcntlon to he made at theetare;on oTHURSDAbY EVENING, December 9th, at 8 o'clockl. 5814 JOHN BOW , Secretary, WANTED," HOUSEMAIDS, . WANTED, .W/ITRIISSES, , WANTED, COOKS. WANTED, BARMAIADS WANTED, LIGIT, GINERALS,' TEWVASTLE RIEQITRTY, 557 Hauntert' t W stt,. - 'Phole o 50,-". . , i, 1749 ..TED . ' ·- . .:' ,;-, .. . , dEPFRlRY MACOHINS REPAIREIRS A'ND D r5UTY ELEOTRIOIANS,.. SApply, ': iE NAN'OGER ' 3585 HESBURN COLLUERY,

A. ·N'?~; I.. E D.. Goo4 PICKAND,;B1OVEL M?EN, , Apply Blrown'a Rlachmond dan CoUery't ro5 : near Polaf*Main. WANTED, LACD :MAKRlls,' HOMIm WORIC., A GEaNUINI derimnad llving eot In for TOTIOHON LACES, we are requirIn more worker,. We guarantoee to plrehaeo the weor t I the higheot trede loietes, Cood money can be oearnd at plenannt oecolpatlon, aend J Stampe 11littreted lloollet and Prloae, ORIGINAL TORC0IONI LACIE CO,, 204 Fllndore-et,, hlolbourno, 874. MUSWELLBo00K OOAL-MININUG O IJTO /4QPLICATIONSo wil ho roelved to' S Iho 14th Intertnnt r tho. PO'I0 ON .!? ANAlhorlart htIt ov o :qy. 01 nn10 A lion ~ ; hl~9RF pl'~i CT.2t4!IAN 'S4 " Ooqotpy

-WANTED.: 'ALXT. young Girl, assist all dutiesa boy kept: 12s 'week, Mrs, J. Murlphy, Woy Woy. r A tiu, eneral, do(0 pull cookhig. ,No ' b iasug. Holidays gi'ee. Mtr. MoasOps . Sheddse-st,, Isllugton.' .'817 I WAN.I'ED TO BUY AND .BLL7ANT To Buy, 3 WV. Legliorn Roostars,20 White Leghorn.HHen' (good laying strain); also, 20 Common Table Fowls. Apply early. James Clark, Scott-street. 8?9,4 WATPNTED "KNOWN." LARGE Tin Bell Engines, Boats, 'Bpses, Firs Engines, Is. Hunter the.Stationor. RABIC, White' Roof Cooler and Preserver. J. Donald; Agent, HIamilton. MAITLANI' ALE undoubtedld the Besat in Australia. Agent: T. 8. Potherbridge, Newcastle and'Maltland, 247l IHAMR00OK, the Dublin Stout of AusStralia; all hotels. Agents: T. S. Pstherbrldge, Newcastle and Maitland. 2473 bORBY'S.have a loan department. All you want for Picnics or Parties at reasonable charges. 767 1HP Bebt Butter Cooler is the "Iceborg," to be had at 80RBY'S. Rlb, 1/6: 210, /-. 6570 ]IOTOR and Peggy Bugs now Goods. Special Values . /, / /t6/06, 10/6 ea. CROFTS', Stationers' Hall, Newcastle. FOR Ldtes', Men's, Girls', Boys', Children's and Baby' Clothes, Brockenridgo's, 419 Hunter-st., for Value. 7712 XMAS AUTOGRAPH STATIONERY. L Austrltan and other Cholco Deasigns, CROFTP', Stationers' Hall, Newcastle. . lRE NETTING at SORDY & CO. S21t, 1%d; it, 21?d; 4ft, 3ad; "t, 8%d: 6ft, 4Kd per yard. ' : 678 ABSOLUTELY the Strongest add Best totve on the market-Gibson's Famous Simplex Cooking' Stove; 'Phone 57.; LINOS. & Oicloths. pretty patterns, for Xmas, to beauitiy the home. Singer Dropheads, and Furnltureof f ill kinds; cheap and good. Hawleoy's, 3 Wolle-st GAIRDEN Hose save 'jour garden,' 8d, S"rtd, 10%d per it., at 576 .' RsoBY'S. (?ARPETS best TapeatyT from 1/8 yd; S• Velvet Pile, 8/9, Lind., 8/- ; OilcloUth, from 2/-. Bargains, Spitkowsly. ?WORTIH KICNOWING-To'o maoke a Home S Happy: Spend Ono Shilling in the PURCHASE OF A NEWCASTLII HOSPITAL COOKERY BOOK, .trom Messrs. Hunter, Solomon, and Croft,' Bokiolllre, & Mrs. Fisher, Broadmondow. Posted, ;/l. -ALM1STRY.-Marvollous readlhgs;. prope ots; ddestlny, 'marriage, busineass troubles, etc. Send 6d stamps, birth date. "Arion," Arden-et, N. Melbourne, Victoria RDEN HOSE, Plain Rubber, Armo? red, Canvas Coveored, etc. Our High Quality & Low Prices will make you a satisled customer. O. DAWSON & CO. KREMPIN'S SEEDS Are everywhere known as .THE BEST I Why risk poor onus when THE BEST coals Vou no more) I INE SETS. Decantors, Jardinieres, "'eto. Test opened big selection suitable for presents. Marked at Bargain Prices. G, DAWSON &6 CO. 8173 I DYE TO LIVE. W. FIARHAR, NEWCASTLE DYE WORKS, 7 "T HUNTER-ST. WEST. GENTLEMIDN'S CLOTHES Cleaned or Dyed, or Repaired and Pressed equal to now, Ladles' and Childron's. Dreossa Cleaned or Dyed. Gloves French Cleaned. '£5 UPWARD~S ADVANCED on Furniture, Pianos, Sowtog Machines (without possesslon), Decds, Approved Life Policies, etc. LOW INTEREST. EASY. REPAYMENTS. CALL 0R WRITE. HA? LEY REGISTERED ,,s.-'1 FINANCIER, 3 WOLFE-STREET, Nonear Scott-streat. Business STRICTIY PRIVATE, completed at your o0'n Itesldeoco if desired. Privato Address: 52 ting-ot., near Nowcomon-st., Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7 to P p.m. Chief Agency: Northern Fire Assee. Company, Ltd. Funds, £7,430,000. DENTISTRY. PULl SETS, from ........n... ' : BINGLE TOOTH, from .... .0 0 0 GOLD FILLINGS, trom .. 0 10 0 IIXTRACTIONS, PAINI IS , 0 o "REIAIRB. RIMOD.IELS, 'ETC. AT LOWEST PltICS, MeBR. Wi HELSON LAST6 SEAT ooou Te ,. MACKIU & C0+ tLUNi#.LItT. .Wn'1A P1 QURWOOD-BT. LOAN OFFIOE. £4 mes,--"Bario" Cream Separator (B. 10), in llnrst-o!aes order, nearly neow, Coat £10 1ils, 21/.,--Flrstlclnss Kettle DruI, In goad condition, only 20/-. Worth throe tlmoe 17/,--S1 i SIlver-Emounnted Carving Sot, .Bot 1scl Blades, in neat Velvot Case. Worth r..'RifEAT ' srgaenal in Unredeseand. Jewel* hlry,' Plateware, Clillthang Tools, otd, At thile Very Lowent Prices, ; a : ' , 90 BUIIWOOD*ST. LOAN, OFFICI,: : i:' .? , . :..+ .- . ... 4 .>: ? '.,',..a i..'{i ' ,,,. 'S115016+,+ +,',' -u::,¢?~ .1_ PINEAPPLE BRANI[1 B A CO , HAMs AND ,L?ARD: :~·- i·p,'' Y, , -'·L.S · .'T. t'lui~l~S ~ ,.,~ ,R~ , 5(i

FOR BALEFOR sALl , good lot ot Milking Cows, newly oalred, H. Filmer, Toronto. ?ATIESS eeds, the best grown. J. Donald, Agent, Hamilton. 8801 CLEAN WASTE I'APER. or Sale. APIly "Herald" OIce. NPewastle. * -FjOR Sale, good quiet Cow, full milk.' '!W. H. Howell, near Park, Now Lambton. 3881 Ol~0t SALE, good Bulky Horse, 5 years Sold, stauncLh and quiet, cheap. Edward Bon, Butcher, Lambton. '880) Fo0R BALE, at Cockle Creek Station; 103 FOnce Rails. Price,-40; on truck, £6 10s, Waldron, Cardiff. . 863 MHAS CARDUS, 'XMAS POSTCARDS. Ro sNEW YEAR OARDS. lCRO S' Stationers' Hall, Newcastle . LARBGE Celluloid' Bables' Battles, with bells, Sd and ls; Basket Battles, 2d, Od, Is. Hunter the Stationer. AVANNICK, Mortar Larries, ,Plaster. ors' Shovels, Etc. J. Donald, Hamll. ton, 1801 BEDSTEADS, ain posto,'heavy brass mounts, from £8 10s to £4 10s. Worth double. Only a few left. Sptl?kowsely. * . 800 PATRONISE Local Industry, and purchase one of'lGibson's Famous Simplex Cooking Stoves. 'Phone 57. 147 5TOVES, all Makers, Repaired and Exchanged in part payment for Gibson's Femoue Simplex Cooking Stoves. Experts' advice tree. 'Phone 57, 147 5TAIN , Varnishes, Enamelao, Gold ppaint, Brushes. Inspect SORBY & CO.'s Stock. 5 76 TRY one of GIBSON'S Famous BSimplex Cooking Stoves. Over 8000 in use. Every one a success. 'Phone 57. 147 PLATEDWARE for presents, unrivalled Sselection and stock at 80RBY'S. Prices toIsult all pockets- 568 WTARIdROBES, Comb, Chests, Sidoboards, W'stands, Kit. Dresser, Wlre Malt, Kapolk Bedding, 20 per cent. cheaper at Spitlzkowalty's. 800 NJTICE.--Big quantity- of Furniture '"'must hbe sold. Clearing this year's stook Wardrobes; Sideboards, Dressers, 50 B'dstds, Ovens, Grates, Stoves. Shearman's, 178 Iontoer-st. VW., op., DAIRY, Orchard and Poultry Farm, 741t acres (400 Assorted Fruit Trees), six miles from seven different' collieries. Creek runs through property, John Marr, Dottal, Buchanan. 8125 sFesa your Dogs on -.Sprott's Pamous Do¶ Biscults Bust in the World. .I owe goea as.f 2 asewt others, KREMPIN. Seedsman. Newcastle. FjOR SALE.-Farm, Belmont, Crou-. * dace-rd., about 4 Acres, Cottage, 5 rooms, all outhousea. 200 Fruit Trees, fall bearlng; splendid order; Implements, Cow. Pigs, Cart, etc,, £250, Board and Co., Newcastle West. 8506 TO CONTR'ACTORS, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. Neoeding Bost Sawn.HardWOod, at Lowest Rates,.Apply Apply to J. 5: GAlS , Main Oroek, Duio g. AVOID THlE DUST NUISBANCEI BY ' SIy NGL L CLARENiCETOWN BLUE METAL. Apply, PETER CALLTEN' : SONB,' LIM.TED. SMAYFIELD LAND. THIl IDEAL SUBURB. r7HY PAY RENT, wllen you can Buy v Land at the Tram Terminus, Mayfield, so roasonablo, and on such Easy Terms, never aeforo heard of, vir., £1 Deposit, andi 10s per month? 200 Lots to choose from. Also, a Splendid Blook at Mayfnield East, adjoining P. Withersooon's, Esqa. Call, or Write at once, to t. RO & SON, " HAVELOCIL" q Hamilton-road, near Browery. MEREWETHER ESTATE. NOTICE TO TENANTS & INVESTORS, aIU TRUSTEES at the MIOIEWE. THER ESTATE are no prepared to sell, on Eay. Terms, the Roversaion asd Freehold of and In allLeased Lands on the Estate; also, ALLUTMENTO FO. BALE. Apply, Estate Oflice, Mo4rewether, be.' tween the hours of 10 and 1 o'logoi (Saturdays excepted). 87 EDW, A, 8. .DMEREWETHERP '6871 lManaglng Trustee. WORLD'FAMOUS "NEW HOME" SEWING' MACHINES. Best Eveor Inaoteald. Lightest Iunnlnc No Homo Complete Without One, Full Instrutiona & Lessons FIree All Kinds Noadins Kept. REPAIRS DONE, Trmsn, 1/8 Weekly. Agents for NEWCASTLE, MATLAND, CI SSNOCIS, BOARD AND IOOBERTS, NEWCASTLE WVEST, I mn PROFESSIONAL NOTIOBS. MISS HAMILTON, DENTI8T. .evIER DOMB KINMS 80o01'L OP. B. SWRle aIn Muster stroels Newcuatlas' Phone 8I1, ' .081 I:BLACKALL & HUNT, DENTISTSC " MSTAnLISILI D lOtS Only City MAlcesm n42 EIUNTIHrBTI I INanGbi at WALLSIND, MlIiOWE.L. J ·ROOK, &WEST WA.LL5OIND. W::H.: ST ALL AR:D , DENT Ts m ' 1''++ , ++? m'apr+ " ~;... .... :· · . . +1m ['+ [ .? CEIINOCC:-STBH T, IfUz I C1.IRBn , 7BiatePsstdtant, tem T , 'olro Newmuost+r,' ?, t ?' orl 'nnr,+ '; It+N N

2TENDEJ ,. I ENDERS for Erection of Concrete , Wall,,ot MorganOttreot, will be received by the undersigned until 9th Docember. 8414 A.F.HLI.CE. "OR Salo. by Tender.--Ten-roomed House and Shop, Stationery; New -agency, and - C tonfectionery Business. Agent.for all Sydney papers; good living. Open till December 10. J. '~Iolhery, Adamstowne. 8089 " FOR.B SALE-BY TENDER. THE LEASE, LICENSE, QOODWILL, B, FURNITURE of BELMONT HOTEL, BELMONT. Partlculars can bo obtained from CastlemaIne Brewery, Newcastlr. Tenders close 10th January, 1912. Lowest or any tender not nocessarlly accepteod. 0190 J. YARELEY, Belmont.

TENDERS will be recolved by the undersigned till MONDAY, 11th December, for the Erection and Completion of Addi-. Lions to BURWOOD HOTEL, Morowether (Wood), for Messrs. Tooth and Co, Ltd,, Proprietors. Plans, etc., on application to , I. 2721 THOD. SMITH, Architect. TENDERS, closing MONDAY, Dec 11lth, " at noon, are invited for a Shelter at Sandgate Cemetery for the C, of E. TrUistees. Plans and SpecificnAtions to bea-obtained at my offices. ERNEST TINGLE, Architect, SCarrington-chambers, Watttreet.: 'Phone 452. ' - 8581 TENDERS, closing FUDAYilaDobc 8th, at, neon, are invited for Concrete Floors to Bosement of thcse Chambers, ?Plans and Spocilecations to be obtained omfices. L' ERNESTTDINGLE,+ Architect, K SCarringtanchambers, W '4t-etret,"' 'Phono.,, ,.'582 T~ENDERS, to GCLOSE on the l1th De.': ' cember, 1P11, aro invlted':for the PUROHASE.of:ONE ACRE 'OF 'LAND,'at Cardiffl Railway'. Station.. - : The highest or any' tender not neces'earlly accepted, '. ! Particulars from, 81 M, M'KEAN, 8? . G qreenbank-ae.. Marrickville, THE .City of Newcastle Gas and. Coke ' Coy., Ltd., 'Now Works, Nowtown,Tenders are.Invlited, closing December I1, for the Erection of Foreman's Residence, in Brick,. Bullor-st. Plans, etc., may be seon ,on :applicatlon at the office o1.. THOMAS J. PEPPER,' Architect, Carrington-chambers, Watt-st. 'Phone 413. 2718 . ENDERS are invited for 5-roomed ' Weatherboard Cottage, at. Abcrmain, Plans' and specification can'bo seen at Mr. Andrew's Storo, Abermoain, and at my ofice, whero tenders close, BATURDAY,' December Oth. ROBERT WILKINS, Architect, Clack's-chambors, Bolton-st., NowcastlIo. 2710 EUDDART, PARKEIR, & COY., PROPRIETARY, LIMITED,T T NDEIS are called for the SUPPLY of'BREAD, MEAT, and BUTCHEIIR'S GOODS to the Steamers of the' aibove Company durirng the year 1012, Tndo to be lodged at the Company's Ge Carrington-chambors, Watt-street,, ib later than noo n on FRIDAY, the 8th in-h stant. The lowest or any tender n5q comsarily accepted.. TENDERS are called for the SUPP4I? a M(eat Vegetables, Broad, Flbh,. o., and Laundry Work, for this Co. i cea l calling at NewcasteJo, for :he 'yesari"menelng Oat 'Jauudry, t911. Tenders close Noon F'RIDAY, the 8th instant. The lowest or amy tende .not necessarily accepted, , .. ' . ,. , . I M'IERAWTtiTIf, MEACHARN Sc .COA. PROP., LTD. 8584 .... ' Wntt-street. THIE :NEWCASTLE AND SUBURBAN" SCO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY; LTD,.'' r UNIVE3SAL PROVIDERS. ,'K TO DAIRYMENAND - MILK VENDOR8, rIN DERS Wanted from Dairymen ap4 'Milk Vendors to Supply the BHAREI HOLDERS OF THE ABOVE SOCIETY with MILK. " 'Tenders Clos 'with the undersigned ('rom' whom all particulars may bs obtalned) on 'MONDAY, December llthli 1011, at 5 p.m. W. G. KENDERSON, 36E20r Secretary, T'ERALBA GRAVEL. IF YOU WANT TEE BEST BROWN TERALBA GRAVEL, ring up No. 128 HAaILTON, or'No, 1, TEI'RALBA. GRAVEL QUARRY, TERALBA., 201 '. J. HODGES, 2001 Eddie-st., Hamllton. TIILENI'ONil 188, ARMSTRONG & ROYSE, LTD., TIMDIBR & JOlNIHEi MIBRCBhAINTSL ' ,WICKIIAMJ, NEWCASTLU. WRITE FOR PRICE, ISTS " TILIIPBONO 153. A. GONTNAN & 0O,, LTD., 'eNGNIDEI8s, WADGON RUILDsBS,' BOILIdRMAKIlt~, ITC., WICKiAMI, NJIWCASTL, a H. MICKENZIE, LIMITEQ, TIMBER MERCHANTS, ).IULVILLE*lST~IERIT, I-7'havetlhe IBONA now dislchlnrglng a ,Vlargo'cargo of 'our Famous '' WHITE B ANT-PR00? DBALTIC. 'AN INSPECTION IS INVITED, ALL OTJIRE LINES IN STOCK, Iphoana 551. ' 810 'NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD, AiL TI??EDR at WIHOLESALE PRICEES OREGON, REDWOOD, WHITEI PfNiE, R,R, PINE, NIW F0rALAND REiMU. Room reloquirud for Shlpment to arrive, WHITE 'PINE AND HEE MULININGS AND FLOORINGS. AT WHOLESALE RATES., "MOULDIN?S, DOORS,' SASIlRJ, "BOX'FIIAMIES & FANLIGIITIJ, Cetagises cat out ud' ?mained ready for c , retlon, SCall or sane for quotatlo,. D.IANDREW COOK, LIMITED, i8tAW i:? .LB AID JOINEniY' WORKS, i OHUROH.S-TREET WEST, "-!?'0, u . . NRWCAS'I'L, ,. 'tboese III,

]ENDEJRS are invited for Painting and Repairs at the Heddon-Greta Hiotel, Station Hotel, Kurrl Kurri, Iampton's Hotel, Cessnock. Spoilcatnlons may be seen at the above HIlotels and Cnstlemalne Brewery, Hamilton, 'and Branch. Office, Maitland. Close Dec. 7th,.1911. 3406 ENDERS are invited for ERECTIONj of BRICK ADDITIONS nnd ALTERATIONS to Kurri Kurri IHospltal.\ Plans anrd specifications may be seen at my allco, where tenders are to be lodged by noon of WEDNESDAY, Decomber lathl instant. The lowest or any tender not necessarlly accepted. . J. WA.TRIEN. SCOBIE, Architect. 'Phone, Mattland 158; Stockton 1. S EPARIATE Tenders are Invitcd--lstl, for ' the Erection of Adminltratitve BuildIngs, Removaland Additions to Caretaker's Cottage ; 2nd, for Additions, &c., to Grandstand, and the-Removal and Additions to Leger Stand, atoRutherford Racecourse, for Messrs. Clift Bras. Plans and spoclications to be seen at my oflice, West Maltland, where tenders must be lodged before noon of TUESDAY, Dec. 19th. The lowest or any tender not hecesAirtily accepted. THOMAS W. SILK, F.I.A,, 3007 ' Archltect.

PETER CALLEN'S TIMBER ,YARD, MEREWETHER-STREET. Tn PLACE TO BU OUBII TIIIIDER WirITD FOr PRICB LISTb TE. 80T. sa THE ENGINEERS! & COILIERY S:SUPPLIES DEPOT, 403, 405, 407 XUNTE1I4T. S.claim to 'be the Most " House.,in the .trade, and.,Tradeemen will find It to their .advantago to buyfrom iui, for not only can they be sure of getting what they want, but they can depend on getting It at the Right Prlce., W'e carry very large Stocks of Tools for all trades, many of .them spoclally made for ns' to ault local requiremonto, and all. made by the most renowned makers in Great Britain and America. Besides Tools, we carry very large Stocks of Netherton Bar and Shoolng Iron, Steeld of all kinds, Shafting, and all Ac-o cesnories. Cioes-cut, Circular, and Breaking Down Saws, Belting, Lubricating Oils, Woaste, ;Wlre, Manila and. Cotton Driving Ropes, Wincheo, Ingliheoers' Gun Metal Fsurnishlngs, Wrought Iron Pipes and PFittings, and numerous other Linen, which help to make our. stock one of the most complete and up-to-date In the State. Ask us for our Prlca. first. 3778

R. rF. GARNHAM, L ' . ' ' : . . ratOa AND CIoERE ,-,ROUAZT CAMERON.ST., HAMILTON. ,, PHONO: HAMILTON 8. the )c: a4,,rz.AePRSu 6945 '",I gI-O5 OCIOD. R; . BREGKEHRIBGE, TIMBER MERCHANT e IMPORTIO, BAW, MOULDING, & JOINERY TMILLS, DARBY.ST,. NEWCASTLE. Box 11b. Telephone 0, . OIEiST QUALITY SUPPLII0D. PRO. PT DILIVIERY GUARANTEED. TRIAL, OIDER SOLICITED. LARmGci STOCK carried o "Amerloan U :Redwood and Oreuon, Baltio Pine NZ.E.; Kaurt and White Plino, and Mary. borough Pino. Regular, aupplles of Bert Northern Hardwood. pleaos Note.-All HIardwoods come direct froml Northern Mille. whore tie best Hardwood comeo from. None othat kept in eslock. Bttors Buylng DOORS, inqulr, hboer. A large seloction to choose from. Prtaes "Right." m IMPOVNDINGS. IMPOUNDED at Merowcthur, Rod Hoiaer, braaded like CC (second; C reversed) over EC, ear msrkel, about 2( years old ; also, Red and White Ilelfor, about 18 moutha old, 'no vilbl brand. SBold 14th Doe. T, Atlants, Poundkeeper, 31003 ''O. LET. HOP To Let (with Flttlngos) good Sposition, Beaumontat., lamiliton, e Gilbort's, 3885 SLet, Pnclfl0at,, CIty, -louse, 5 rins, .bath, tubs, eta,, 16e, Board and Co., ieNowastleo West, 3'05 fO LOT, 7-roonead Cottago, rent Il0, In High-lt, Apply Mrs, Boon?teOa, 1 8811 '"0 LET, lrlok Shop, SBoott-at., near oBeach and Tramn Terminus, Apply, A, 10, Snotby, 77 3oltlon-st, 1871 ITICHAM, nreonway-st, 0-room Cot. StagWo, 18 WOek. PoaenOolon Monday,. Apply, Lang, Wood, and Co., 10 Newcomen-t. 38086IO IO LET, at Port LOtpphena, 1 moitb, from 1Uth Dacombor, lcuutiatilly BSltuatd, Plainly Ftlrn, Cotllalo, right amoag Onliing, Parties, apply, py "UR.," Noluoa's lay "URNISIlED lounco, In City, nr beoalch, I?lgas stove, all conveniences, £3 s, Furnished Balcony Roomna &.Apartmreenl good pl,oitlton,. Furniture, OlllIp nni good, ?loulacA, IAllingtonl 7t. Ulawley'n Agency, 8 Waolto-ntreoet, 34 II'MORIT'ANT ANNOUNCEMIONT. TO STOIRTKllElIP'P?R , MIfCIIAFTO, AND OTIIlulI. rro I?ET ON lASIO, from lot Martaq, . 1012, very uxtonstvc lind modornblullt Protnltr, In the raplidly' Inoroellalig Veown of 1NVIIll~L is ncladlt alnplo lMull. store an.d Htabllntg Accoommodation. A largo Illralllturo Annexo will I, orc-. tl r If requr' d, , A eoro, asrge Cionoral Storekeeplug Iluainoes line Illon Coldutlaod oi1 s ile tlte for the ptnit 110 youro. 'Th IPremnlnaa itro rplntlo witl Mu. detil lmpl'rvolno, ltH Indt, ltllnlt thle oI1tal. latloll of Electrio h~in ht Pillt.tli a Ilusltn ed tip wsith tilh Municipall Power Iloti~oe, This n a I uI ntriuo ,IlportLitily, i0 ICqllre a Iollsos ot hulinlu a erected ?onloly h I est tles nuooln of 'trnmlnr rantlorllig for i very laro ll thtiirtatl, iigrlctllulittl antl ileln lnmlnlltllt ty, , Comnlulnlctlon? to ,I, ', ANIliCRHltON, r olloltor; Ilnvorell, 'iBl)Y'S wallpaporn are hlwnyi ,the SInatent produltion of (1e boat Inc. tor?es, ,70

Anon tril wIo| a r ihm Ralt 058o, .Conlo n tLrlnl, Its Q11ro is nbaolnlct, 0680

BILIOUSNESS AN)D IEAlDAChIES. A SPLENDID CUI)l BlY DILE BIANI Mien A, Grant, 7 Simmon-stroot, Soutllh Yaria, Molbolrne, lnays:-"For a long ilmo T wnas a victim of sovoro attaclts of hllitlousnoesll alnd headaoclos. At certaln periodI I woul feel oolno If tho top of mIY, lhead wan coonlng off, the plln noroa thel Inmplce beoling cpocloilly sovero, All do1 (lre for food dlnappearod, nnd in conso* quenco I Iocrmon very weonlr nl my1we'lgh; doreoLaodll Whili te 1 attaLkc~ of billounenou worn on I wal prtclllcnlly prolltratod, not hollig ohlo to do inylhlnog, I almoot dololired of over getting hotter, for I had trlied m(ny remorltloa, bIt tLhey l(d0 all failedl to do Iny gIlood. Flally I wall Inducedl to to1k 110 ilecllnl, andl I wnt pleOananllly otlIrprliled (It tller otion, lhi leanI did nlot pulrge or gripe, but gently olaleledl the llvor 11nd stomoach, rollovIng thleir cloggeod (ton(, lL th(eo nlmo timn Illving r m(tld, etlIllhlltlng elIont, Alter I 1l? b(oon tikhilg ll 1 Illeo on i thort l(me my fo(od was dligoelted In its l'propor nlllli r, tlUe ol'glIln g'lIOllOlty 1wOI'O tOll(l lp1 ad lily hcldlly ilhelthl Improved 1II1111 (ho bothel lehll and lllolltt nymptonmn dlf ipllll'lre'Ol , (((d( I bocntlo renl well 1tltll rOll olIni e ((l(l( n Illlll, I owe my oentplioi ealtlrlrotion lto perfnlt linllh nll tirly oi il, le llll I they rl'e lnilnod (ln xcellolt fotll111y Iolllnllle," lllla non 100l00 Irly ti.ho blonl alld gelIlO I~l y nlrnpllc~ sl~~lltld tnn lbello in l oon rlily stlrengthen lndtll w|lo lip t110 sytotlelll told Iby ll otornIl ((1(d IhlI sslllltO 'I