Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 27 December 1881, page 5


Patron : His Excellency Lord Augustus Loftus, K.C.,

G.C.B. President : Mr. John Harris, Mayor of Sydney Vice-presidonts : Messrs. Aldermen Robert Fowler and John Meeks. Committee: Messrs. F. Gibbins, E. Jones, J. Spencer, Captain Knight, Captain Turner, Captain Holdon, Messrs. W. E. Lunsloy, W. R. Benson, T. Spencer, W. Collins, H. Cox, W. Asprov, E. M. Dietrich, JP. Punch, (S. Punch, J. Middloton', J. Mutton, W, Vipond, II. Thomas, J. Onslow, W. Biown, II. Day, V, Poolmnn, A. Cameron, M.L.A. ; D. O'Connor, M.L.A.I W. Vans, C. Warburton, W. Smythe, J. Cook, W, Halliday, C. Halliday, j tin.; C. Saunders, H. B. Hnll, W. B. Foster, S. Croplov, Alderman Playfair, Aldnrmau Palmer, Alderman Taylor, Alderman J. D. Young, Alderman Wadsworth, I*. Davison,Dr.Mackellar, Mopata J. Davis, F. Abigail, M.L.A. ; W. F. Martin, M.L.A.) Captain M. Byrnes, Mossrs. F. Wndaivorth, J. Holland, W. Mitoholl, W. Grant, D. C. M'Nicolo, li. Fulton, Ti M'Crcdlo, G, M'Credio, W. Mucgregor, J. Flockhart, W, Cook, R. Saunders, D. Campbell, S. II. Hyams, J. King, J. Finch, C. Halliday. Hon. Treasurer : Mr. F. Camroux. lion. Secretaries : Mossrs. J. G. Cul tur und S. B. Baly. Pulling Races : Uiiipiro, Mr. F. J, .Gibbins; jùdgo, Mr. J. Davis ; ntartors, Messrs. U. Fair-weather and G. Clark. Sailing Rucea : Startor, Mr. S. H, Hyams; umpiro, Mr. W. Smythe.

., Despito tho heat which provailed nt an early hour yester-day morning, and continued to exercise its opprcsBiv« ¡nlluonco for some time during the dny,bont racing putronsol Sydney generally, but Pyrmont mid Balmain in particular, repaired to tho Pyrmont Regatta in good time, in order to enjoy the pure sporl furnished by, local athletes on tho blue waters of Durling Harbour. Thoy mustered in largo num-bera-a feature which raubt have boon peculiarly gratifying to tho commitleo and those immediately concerned. Thal such ii mensuro of success should attend Iho Pyimont Regntla cannot in any woy be surprising when wo romoiiiher the colloctivo wisdom embraced in tho list of comniilteemon ju.,t oiled. The Pyrmont Regatta committei contains (he names of some men who aro conspicuous toi thoîi* administrai ¡ve ability in everyday transactions. Thoj am uko men who novar look bark, having onco put theil

hand (<> the plough ; therefore it is only natural to suppose . thal when theso gentlemen yet commingled together in au entertainment such aa that of a regatta it is cerium to prove a success* so far as artungamonta uro concerned, especially when many of tiloso associated wirti tho commiltco of iniinagomout havo boen associated witlyupiutic apoits from their youth. Many of tho ircntlomen whose names appeal un tho committee Icstifled hy their piescnco to tho interest they entertained for this popular rof-attu.

The fino hhip Balaclava was placed al tho diaposal ol the oommilloo 'for tho occasion us flag.ship. Captain Davison removed hin vosaol to moot tho convonionco of tho eom'mitfeo to a spot opposite tho Point at Pyr-mont. Petlinpa tho flagship was anclimod a little loo near Ihn shorn, for tko sjpuco annnared to bo a little

contracted to afloid it fice coince to those who competed llierovvcro ininv ill Mudie» oxpiossMi dining thi morniiig ton ard* thos-o interloping little ¡-crow aud puddle boats that happened to como in th< vvuv just when tin.} vvcioiiot wanted aud pet Imps tim fnomla uf J C l.ivio k »ero justihed in tho Dine lui-iii^u ultu,».! b\ the,II whin ii two-peiinv piddl, bout i uno II1OHJ.M1I tho til»,ship landing stage at iho in, nant I ive« k was rouinliiij' tho bow of the Balaclava As u c m-e luiucc I uviocl , who wa« dilling m swiftlv ahuid of b,loui ii w is corni b-tilv huilliodbv tho -teaiuei mid whilst the brothiT of 1 lib» uttimpted to dis-engage himself fr, ni tile unplc isaut quanda! v into vv hu h ho had b-cminivillmeh thrust bj tho elumsv Icbauoui uf n psssonger paddle-boat, bi lomon i uno skimming along, mid bteultlulv pissed Love» k just as ho was extricutitig hunselt fiom an unfurls,eu Moil so that from this

moment Luuoch's chinees vveto nil althou¡,U ¡io

was not so vin fur ofl tit tho finish \s an instance, of tho wnv in which sun i tompctitcn u.aKo themselves acquainted with the couria, it mii\ he inentioiusi that ono of those who lud intuid toi tim eighth ruco in-quired, provmus to shirting which was the muree A good suggestion huwcvei, was ni ide on tho uinj ire s boit in tho course of one or th t RIM, tu thi otto t th it all sail

*ng boats < oiiipctiiij. sli mid e u i v a number ling coi respond-ing with the iiuuibei uf the i ne on the pro^rmiine, ns well as tho coluuis in -»pi ni nu; ot tho li ila, lu ii, it xmiy b« uientioucd that ii substantial luiidiug-stu¡.o nud stairs wera erected for the otiveniotico of the publie

Iho band of tho V oluute, i \i tillen enliven, d the moments now and a,nuu bv discouismg popular mr« at intervals un tho poop, whore tha dean mjtul» of the district vu re assom Tilod to watch tho progress-of tho bpoits His 1 xeellcucy the Governor passed thu llags-hip just before nndtlav bv »ay of conplitmnt, it wi_ supposed uud ulthouch tlicio wero no nuliblo Mgns of tho viic-regiil presence, the ensign vv us low ere J and tilt n 1 ird V Loftus paused uu Prom the deck ot tim fi ighlup quito in animated pieturo wasprcbontod lhorocl} bti ps on shore afforded Rploudld accommodation tor oulu, who niniilo«tod enthusiasm now and iguin as ionic popular competitors pwsed along the couisc ot thi ir races olí the point Messrs Abigail, Gairurd, and Mat tin wero j resent during tho altoinoun as nlso bovoral uthei member» ut tho conn uttei

Appended are the results of the day's sports : -

First Race -All youths under 10 years of age, in pulling dingies not exceeding 12 feet on the keel. Course: From A fc> N Co 'H hu, », round buoy mooied oil City Iron ?\\orks,aud h»,k to llagbliip Grisshiq per, W lugan, 1 , 'iouuir Aubtialnili, 1 .ate» 2 PnmiiK, \V Chinnev, J, Lue), A -utes 0 1 his was a gool race, although Yates

broke his scull at thu outset

Second Race - Canvas dingies not to exceed 15 feet overall, to be sailed and manned by crews under 21. Time allowance 1 minute to the foot. Course : From moorings in Johnston's Bay, round flagship, round hulk Golden South, round Pinchgut, and back to flagship. Daisy, 13 feet, A Roderick, 1; Latona, 14 feet, H. Stephens, 2 ; Olivette, 14 feet, H Harding, 3, Ena 14 feet, W. Kethel, 0 ; Maggie, 14 feet, E. Hayes, 0 ; Torment, 14 feet, G. Stephens, 0 ; Elvina, 14 feet, F. Hunt, 0 ; Fair Dinkum, 14 foot, 0 ; H. Bedford, 0 ; Grand Flaneur, 14 feet, J. Ross, 0. Daisy appeared to have it all her own way throughout, and won easily.

Third Race.—Youths under 21, single sculls in light shifts Troui A b Is Lo's buov, round bint moored oil Cit) Iron Wotks. round hulk Golden 'south and dredge, and buck to flagship Pn/o presentid by Mr 1 Jonc. Cbcster, J Macintosh 1 Sapphire, "li 1'cnghiie, 2, Stella, J Gleeson, 3 Doll}, 1 .utes, 0 , Pan .mutta, It Gascoigne, 0, lonncnt J Langlo}, 0, Nellie, O. i

Jenkin., 0 Surprise A Martin, 0 Ibis waa an easy Mcto-j, for from lead to finish Chester earned it »11 her own wav , tho remainder got nu\cd round tho buov, and

itui.hed a. indicated

Fourth Race -All comers w ho hav o never won a cham-pion raco, m outiiggors Course 1 rom AS N Co'i buoy, round boat mooiod of! Citv Iron Woiks, thenco round hulk Golden South and dredge, round flagship rouud boat oft Citv Iron Works round hulk Golden bouta und dredge, and back to flagship liamma G Solomon, 1, bhurk Island, J C Lav cock, ¿, M}rtl_, C. A Berry, J, Torment, S Edwards, 0, Simsot, W Beach, 0 HUB ^JOS a very exciting ince, and one m winch some feeling WHS displavcd on the part of those gontlemon who cannot withhold au expression of thoir opinion bv way of 2 to 1, bar anything, in tavoui of Lu}cock or Solomon But Sol imon won, and his ft tends huvo some giounds for questioning tho victury, when La}cock's course was so abiUDÜ} stayed on lounding the flagship through coming

in contact with a steamer

Fifth Race -Sniffs under cunna, not exceeding lo feet m length, 5 lcet beam, and ¿0 inches deep, Ans w centre-board, amateur crews Course 1 roni buoy in Johnstono's Bay, round Pinchgut, round hulk golden South, round Pinchgut, and buck to flagship Violet, W. Brown, 1, Daisy, J Diako, 2, Regina, W Am.uotth, 3 , Rosetta W Robinson, 0 Regina led off, closely followod by Violet After a while \ íolct pot tho lead, and retained that position to tho finish, being splendidly handled by


Sixth Race -All quarrymen, members 'of Quarrymen's Protective Societj single-culls m light skiffs A_uv,P. Gardiner, I Sapphire, P Rjan, 2, Protect, J. Britten, 0, Flying Scud, P hlvnn, 0

¡seventh Race -All open boats, under canvas, not exceed-ing 22 feot in length, and not less than 2 feet 6 inches deep An> crews Course |1 rom moorings Johnston's Ba} rouud Pinchgut, back round hulk Golden South, ronnd Shark Island, and back to flagship \ elox, I W. Hixson, 1, St. Crispin, J M'Murtne, 2,¡Rosetta, H Clark, J

Eighth Race -All Coiuors. single scull», in light skiffs, handicapped Lmerald, ¡A Pearce, 4olb , 1, Clytkcra, W. Beach, -01b , 2 Surprise, J M'Clerkin, feather, 1, Nellie, 1 Tonkins, 201b , 0, Banana, S Solomon, 101b , 0, Barb, C. Splatt, feather, 0.

Ninth Race -AU amateurs who have never won a prtzo at a public regatta, double sculls, m light .kitts Course

Samo as No. 4 S vv eetmeat, W. Clark aud f Walker, 1, Parramatta, R and J Gubcoigno, 2, Daisy, C Chambers and J Mornson, ¡0. Off the baths Parramatta had a .light load. Presently they got well togother, and thoy rounded tho buoy m the following order -Parramatta, 1, Sweettreat, 2, Daisy being evidently out of tho race, and .oon afterwards gave up

Tenth Race -All boat., open aud half decked, 20 feet in length and upwards, manned and sailed by not moro than five amateur, (handicapped) Course, samo as No 7* Dreamland, C Belísono, scratch, 1, Ethel, II Doran, 5£ minutes, 2, Meta, T. A Hunt loy, li minutes, 0, Progress, late Argill, W Collins, 13 minutos, 0, Adelphi, M A. II Fitihordingo, 1 minute, 0

Eleventh Race -All-comers, paireara, in licensed water-men's boats, boats to have beeu on a public ferry for tho Îast six months Course, samo as No 4 Shadow, 1. and

I Jenkins, 1, Our Fred, W. and G. Ljnch, 2, Susie, A. Pearce and J Lynch, 0

Twelfth Race.-bkiff« not exceeding 11 feet in length, tinder canvas. Course same as No 6 -Alice, J Craufurd, I, Young Jack, J. Robinson, 2, Minerva, C O M'Con vtlle. 0, Claudine, G. L. Muubfiold, 0 \ eno, A. Muston, 0, Winnie, B. Dibbs, 0 Novice W Mason, 0.

Thirteenth Race-All Man-of-War's Men, single sculls ,TO licensed wati mien's boats Conditions samo as ¿Jo 11 -Young Australia, J Wallace Wolverene, 1, Emerald, T. County, Emmuld, 2, Miranda, T.Culwill, Miranda, 0, Unknown, J Eaglcson, Miranda, 0

Fourteenth Race -Junior members of rowing clubs, doublo sculls, club skills,, onditiou sumo as No 3 - S.R C , W Dwyborough and W J Kloster, 1, Marguerite, W. A Blackstone and W F Corbett, 2, Oracle, T. Ilebblo

tvhito and J Whelan, 0

Fifteenth Race -Licensed Watermen, condition .arno as No 11 -Susie (1001b ), A Pcuice, 1, Rachel (feather), J. Wann, 2, Shadow (301b.), A Tlmding, 0, Annie '(feather), C Chamberlain, C

Tub Race -No fins allowed Course Troni A S. N. Co.'s buov, round boat oil b iths, and bacK to flagship -Hanlon, W. Brown, 1 . Pndo ot tho Weat, L Spooner, 0 , Kearsogo, F Yatos, 0 , Surprihc, J M'Clorken, 0 , Ala-bama, D Morland, 0

Amongst the labt fow race», one which cvcitod sotno speculation was that of the licensed vvntormon, and hero tor Ino first time duritig tho day w< re odds loudly oftmed. No doubt the local finnucior had good reason for loudly pro-claiming his odds on Pearoo Ho coudc.cended at laut to hack him at 4 to 1, but nobody accepted, and vvisolv too The tub taco, of coin o, afloided capital fun There were three competitors, nutf, strange to si}, theso nilpie ten tioua tubs embineed tho namoi of tho Alubama, the 1-carsago, and the Hanlon It must bo conf. sscd that Morland, who puddled ut der the KIII-1O btiu, mud« a pluckv light for victor}, and just as ho was on tho ovo of overtaking his advnisar} he met with an loUominiuus upset, but like Cap-tain ^omines of voie, he was sunn r« scued by friend!} hands and W brown,who worked the Hanluu washtub, carno ofl

wmer *

Boxing D y at P} rmont this voir will long bo rcmombercd ns an excecdin.h ph isnnt holtduv, not only on in count of excellent m m tremont m connection with tho dav's pio BiHiiiint, and th, phasing tnoae adopted by "entlenicn at tho hi lui of tiflnirs to make ever} body lecl happy, but tho opf>n tspiiit mtimfislid bv the caplam und olllcers ot tho Bala-clava to i till mee tho deslíes of the I'} tmunt tegutta com-mittee und also tbc public ni every pobsiblo wuv Iho wuiit» of tho piiiplo m the vvii} of trcqucnt h-torcourao with tho fligship wcio mot by Captain Bvruo, who kept his accommodating bo its moving otten bctweon the wharf at Lrbkino streit and the flagship diningv.'sterdny Although athundeiBtoim itmcliidod the thoji/uilc to these Bpoits, few «ill question thit tho P}imont Regatta ot lb81 was o

decided Bcceess