Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 24 April 1877, page 4

Ä &&mim JfäoYMw gíralo*

TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1877.


Parliament is to reassemble to-day. Is it for the " dispatch of business," or is it only for fresh recriminations and fresh- struggles for office ? "We can say -what "would be for the good of the country, bufc we cannot foresee .what will be the pleasuro of hon. members. There is no doubt plenty to talk about, if talking is the thing to be desired. It will be quite possible to go over the old ground once more, and thrash the beaten corn again ; and there is also all the new matter furnished by the composition of the new Ministry, aad all that has been said and done in reference to their re-election. There are many members to whom a long talk over these matters would be a great enjoyment. But how about the country ? The Duke of Wellington once made p very pertinent in-quiry, which, being simply an expression of his practical sagacity, has long survived him" How is the Queen's Government to be carried on ?" How, indeed ? That is a practical question for us and for, all our legislators. Here we are near the end of the month of April, and not a penny of supply for this year has been pro-perly passed. "Within a few months the Par-liamentary session proper to the year ought to begin, and we have not traneacted the political business of last year. Under these circumstances what is the proper function of Parliament in this, juncture ? Granted .that

talking is a very important part of its duty, Btill is not action equally important. ; and just nosv, is not the need for action the more imperative ?

The late Ministry, no doubfc, and their im-mediate friends, feel very sore at their expul-sion from office. The previous Ministry felt just tho samo. Thoy were arrested iu tho full tide of populaiily, and considered them-selves very unhandsomely treated by being upset on "that wretched Gardiner busi-ness." They f olt so strong in their popularity, so confident that tho country was with thom, so proud of thoir past work, and of tho meaauies in preparation, that thoy could not bring themselves to doubt but what public opinion would soon oust the interlopers. Tho idea of a now Ministry was ridiculed-the actual composition of it was stigmatised, A day, a week, a month, three months, were variously named as the maximum life of the daring and temporarily successful adventurers. Alas! for the pride of mou, we have seen these estimates of self-importance and these hopes of restoration to oflico »sadly strained, The Ministry, condemned from the first, has hold on for moro than two years.

Now wo havo a îoversal of the picture The Ministry that got in by an acci-dent haB got out again by something moro than an accident. Once moro wo have the composition of the now Cabinet condemned, and the most oonfldent anticipation that it will not stand the first shock of opposition. Is our little history going to repeat itself, or

aro wo to have somo now variations? Mr.

Parkes, wo are told, has no party at his back. Mr. Robertson was in precisely the same position when ho last took oflico. At the time when Mr. Paiikks blundered over the Gardiner business he had behind him a good working majority, and his general policy met with the approval of tho country. It was only on ono matter that ho was outvoted, yet Mr. Robertson has succeeded in cairying on for two years. So far, therefore, there is no reason to infer that Mr. Pab>kks will bo unablo to govern. There is a considerable pioportion of members in the Assembly, and a much larger proportion in the community out-side, who are prepared to givo a reasonable support to the defacto Government, provided it carno in fairly and manages matters modo rately well. The public cares more about good administration than about the personnel

of the administrators. Just now it is a matter of urgency that the Estimates for the year should be passed, and that proper railway

extension should bo authoiiaed. In this the country is vitally interested, but it is not interested to the same extent in the question as to who shall hold office. We do not say that the country is not interested, or ought not to be interested, in the personnel of the Ministry ; but in times like the present, when the community is not divided on any burning question, the hopes and disappoint-ments of aspirants to oftice are of less public importance than the steady pro-gress of legislation and the continuous

and effective action of the Administration. If there were nothing more important to attend to, the controversy between the ins and the outs might legitimately occupy the time of Parliament. But just at present the Duke of Wellington's question is an urgent one(t How is the Queen's Government to be carried on ? " Hon. members must bear in mind that

they act in full sight of the public, and that though there may be no great demonstration of sentiment, public opinion as to their conduct is being silently formed. They have undertaken to act in the public interest-to represent the good sense as well as the political convictions of their constituents, and to use their influence to have the country governed as well as possible under existing circumstances. At the commencement of the

present session they are called upon to deter-mine what the real interest of the country demands at their hands-whether it is a close attention to public affairs, or whether it is a close attention to the rights and wrongs of the ins and the outs. Under any circum-stances they must in a fosv months be judged by their constituents as to their action, and it is for them to see that, when they go to render their account, public affairs should not be all in confusion and arrears.

Thr paper read by Mr. W. F. Buchanan, the other day, on the means of supplying Sydney with animal food, dealt with a question the importance of which can hardly be over-estimated. Here is the metropolis of a pas-toral country-a city containing about onefifth of the entire population-and the arrangements for supplying it with animal food are, almost without exception, defective in the last degiee. The terni arrangements is hardly applicable, for the distinctive charac-teristic of the whole business is a want of that foresight and order and adaptation of means to ends which the word implies. In eveiy stage this want is felt : in the droving of stock, in its carriage by rail, in the system of sale, in all that follows between sale and slaughter. Sydney has grown up from a small town into a large city, with ever-expanding subuibs ; and in this, as in other matters, there has been nothing more than an unmethodical and altogether inade-quate attempt to make the airangements which served for fifty thousand people supply

the wants of a hundred thousand. There has been no comprehensive survey of the require-ments of the new situation, and no endeavour on the part of the public authorities, at least, to provide for them in a systematic and scientific manner. It is time that such mea-sures were taken.

Sydney, though the metropolis of a pastoral country, is no doubt at a disadvantage, by reason of its distance from the stock-raising districts, and the intervention of a mountain range between them. But, now that the rail-ways have penetrated far into the Southern and .Western districts the means are at com-mand for reducing that disadvantage to a mere tiifle. Some day the city will be connected by rail directly with the north also ; but even now it has sufficient communication indirectly to make an improved system of meat supply practicable. Stock that could not travel from the north to Sydney by the road without waste, could be driven, instead, to suitable points on the western railway. The cattle that are to provide the first shipment of frozen meat to England are from herds on the Upper Hunter, and are being slaughtered at Lithgow. The extension of the railways has placed the whole question of the meat supply of the metroplis on a new footing. Arrange-ments which were not to be thought of ten years ago are practicable now ; and, with enterprise, organization, and a temporary sub-ordination of private to public interests, the whole business could bo conducted to the gain of both the producers and the consumers.

-*a Formerly it appeared to bs a matter of first

1 importance that suitablo and well-managed

sale-yards should bo established at a con-venient distance from Sydney, in order that the losses occasioned by tho absenco of any-thing of tho kind, and tho adoption of the miserable makeshift substitutes which havo been tho subject of complaint for years past, might bo avoided. What thoso lossos aro Mr. Buchanan pointed out in his paper. They fall ultimate^ upon tho consumer, and aie therefore public losses which demand a remedy. But with the railways availablo, the remedy is no longer to bo sought in tho establishment of a largo contrai stock market near tho metropolis. It would be a mistake to próvido for or encourage tho con-centration of stock in quantity anywhoro in the neighbourhood. Moderate-sized sale-yards for stock for Sydney will probably bo re-quired for some timo to come, and it is well to agitate for the substitution of more suitablo appliances, and a better system of sale than thoso at Homebush ; but in endeavouring to bring about this necessary reform, it should not be forgotten that ultimately the business both of selling and of slaughtering the bulk of the live stock required for consumption in Sydnoy will have to bo transacted at a dis-tance-probably on the other side of the


If this chango were effected, the prices of stock would bo Icbs liable to fluctuation, for accommodation could be had, or provided, at moderate charges for the surplus, when the market was over-supplied ; and, besides that, the heavy Iobs that is incurred by droving across the mountains, and through the pastureless roads, together with the great deteriora-tion in quality, would be avoided. Mr. Buchanan gave some calculations as to the extent of that loss. Another estimate is

that the weight of each beast is diminished by one-tenth. That is equivalent to saying that for every thousand head of cattle that start upon tho journey across the moun-tains only nine hundred are delivered ; and the nine hundred in an inferior condition by the waste of the more nutritious constituents of the carcase. Some portion of this loss might be avoided, even now, if the arrange-ments and facilities for the conveyance of live stock by rail were adequate to requirements ; but it appears that, what with trouble, uncer-tainty, and delay, stockowners'prefer the road, with all its drawbacks to the rail as a means of transport, This is not as it should be. With the capital now at command there ought to be abundance of trucks at country stations to meet all emergencies, and there ought not to be this often-complained of difficulty and delay in getting the stock to enter them. There must bo something wrong either in the form of the truck or the system of loading. There is, we Buspect, too strong an adherence to old forms and ideas, and too

little readiness to admit innovations.

The great thing that is required, however, is a metropolitan meat maiket. With the railway reaching to the mountains, there aro suitable places where almost all the stock that is required for consumption in Sydney could be slaughtered all the year round at a low temperature. The next question is the conveyance of the meat in carcase to

the metropolis. This should not be an ' insuperable difficulty at any season. In the cooler weather, nothing more would be wanted than vans of suitable construction. In the heat of summer, the use of ice, and air cur-rents called by passing over it, would make the transit at least as safe as that of the meat that is now carried in open carts from the abattoirs. '.Then would come tho special arrangements for disposing of the meat wholesale. The metropolitan meat market should bo a place where meat could be kept as well as sold. It should be provided with ample storage accommodation in the shape of rooms kept nearly at the freez-ing point by meanB of artificial cold. The carcases should be exposed in the market for sale in the morning, unless the demand should be sufficient to justify, a second opening in the evening. Thero should be fixed hour» for sole, Within which the butchers and large pur-chasers might buy all that they wanted. The market being then closed, all that waa in excess of immediate requirements should be

placed in store, to bo reproduced in perfect condition the day following. By carrying out this system, consumera would get meat of better quality and ín a better state for cooking, waste would be reduced to the lowest point, and greater equability and steadiness would be secured in trade trans-actions. Mr. Mort has really marked out the true course for the meat-supply of the metropolis ; and either by public effort, or by private enterprise, or by both combined, it ought to be followed.

The Parliament.-Pursuant to adjournment, the Legislativo Assembly will meet this afternoon for tbo transaction of business. Tbo Parliamentary session Mas opened on tho 12th of December ; on tbo 22nd it adjourned for tho Christmas recess, meeting again on tho 9th January. On tbo loth of March, Mr. Robertson and his colleagues resigned oftice. On tho 21st it avas announced that Mr. Parkes bad succeeded in foi ming a nosy Administration, nnd on tho following; day, after voting supply, tho Par-liament a\as adjourned until to-day to permit of tho

Ministerial re-elections.

Distmct Couut.-Tuesday, April 21 : Fry v. Peter-son, Holland v. Milne, Slater v. Goodavm, Steel v. Widgor, Stroh v. Smith, Widger v. Stool, Roseby v. C. and R. R. S. N. Co., Dixson and another v. Eyles.

Federation.-Those of our readers who aie inter-ested in tho discussion of this subject, will And in another pago a communicated article, in svhieh tho question is dealt with in the light of Mr. Forster's objections to intercolonial federation, as presented in his paper lead boforo tho Colonial


Sydney Iintirmary.-The f ollosving cases have boen received for treatment :-Peter Pndrock. 50, injury to tho hnnd ; Ann Roach, 27, whose anklo had beon sprained ; Winter Hargreaves, 60. who had sustained fracture of tho ribs; James Coulter, 13, suffering from a crushed finger.

Presentation.-Heferrin" to the presentation of a silver inkstand to Mr. G. F. wiso, from tho direotois of tho Randsvick Institution, wo has-o boen requested to publish tho address to Mr. Wiso, and his reply :-" To Georgo F. Wiso, Esq.-Sir,-I havo much pleasuro,v on behalf of tim vico-presidents and directors of tho Society for tho Relief of Destitute Children, to oxpress to you, on tho occasion of your rotiremont, tho high senso svhieh thoy entertain of tho valuablo services which you rendered to that institution during tho past ten years, first as honorary treasurer, and subsequently as honorary secretary. Thoy havo also requested mo to invito your acceptonco of tho accompanying sinnll present, in remembrance of then- long and intimate official connection svith you, and as a token of their esteem and regard. I havo tho honour tobo, Sir, your most obedient servant, E. Deas-Tiiosisok, Prosident." Roply: "To tho Hon. Sir E. Deas-Thomson, president,It is very gratifying to mo to rccoivo from yourself, aï the president, and from tho vice-presidents and directors of the Society for tho Roliof ot Destitute Children, an acknosvledgniont of their appreciation of my services on behalf of tho Randsvick Institution. I have alsvays desired to promote tho interests of the society, and havo felt tho responsibility of tho charge committed to mo. I have, at all timos, endeavoured to carry out tho svishes of tho directors, and to givo full and satisfactory information in tho conespondenco which devolved upon mo as their honorary socrStary. I thank you, gentleman, for tho kind expression of your personal esteem and regard, and trust that tho same good feeling which prompted you to honour mo with this address, and to prosent to mo tho accompany-ing valuablo token of remembrance, will continuo to exist in our future official connection as directors of tho institution which wo represent."

Valuable Bum,.-Messrs. Harrison, Jones, and Devlin report having sold, in conjunction with Messrs. Finlay erna Co., the pure bred bull Duke of Alvie, the pro-perty of Mr. E. B. Woodhouse, Mount Gilead. CamppeU». town, to Mr. John. Lee, foj lOOO.guineai.

Mekcantilb Rowing Cluji -At a special meetis» of tho mombors of this club, held lost ovening, it was re3 solved to hold the annual hall injune nott, and a numerouî! mid influential committee was appointed to carry out ti» necessary arrangements fo insure its success Mr H Coles, cnpt un of tho club, occupied tho chair, and Messt«' J C Gibbons mid J A Lucas wcro nppomlea secrotarn and tieasuicr respectively of tho ball committee

Mr. H. L'Estrange's Testimonial. - One of the most attractive breast decorations we have seen for a long time is that given to Mr. H. L'Estrange, the Australian rope-walker, at the Victoria Theatre, on Saturday evening last. Mr. Dampier, the eminent tragedian, was chosen to present the gift, and, surrounded by friends and admirers of Mr. L'Estrange, and in the presence of an audience that filled every part of the house, he performed his pleasing task in the most graceful manner. He likewise handed to Mr. L'Estrange an address, congratulating him on his recent astonishing successes, and expressing the kindest feelings in regard to his future welfare. Mr. L'Estrange received both the gift and address with high feelings of gratitude for the kindness and good wishes they repre-

sented, and promised that they should kindle the most greatful feelings the encourage- ment he had received from the people of this colony on all occasions. The Yough Australian Band, brought into requisition for the occasion, then played the Blondin March, composed by Mr. Devlin, their bandmaster, And Mr. L'Estrange was loudly and heartily cheered. THe souvenir is a massive gold star, about three inches across, and having six points. One the obverse side is a representa- tion of that part of the harbour made famous by Mr. L'Estrange's performances with the rope-walker in bold relief. The reverse side bears the following inscription :- "Presented to Mr. H. L'Eestrange, by the public of New South Wales, on the occasion of his wonderful performances of crossing Sydney harbour on the 14th day of April, 1877." The whole is attached to a swivel joint bearing a star, in the centre of which is a large diamond, weighing 1 1/2 carat ; while the whole, weighing six ounces, is suspended to a blue ribbon ornamented with clasps, and bearing the arms of Australia in frosted silver. The workmanship is my Mr. E. Jones of Hunter-street, and was completed in a most cretiable manner at a ver short notice. In addition to the decoration, Mr. Dampier presented to Mr. L'Eestange a purse of sovereigns, which had been collected by a num- ber of his friends and admirers. Amonst the coins were six 20-dollar pieces (American).

Oran of Uah w ja Extension -In the loport of the opening festivities the statement was inadvertently omitted Hint Air John AU în^on, of Oiauge, w is tho caterer for the excellent banquet and ball as well as for the children's

ti cat, which took place on the occasion of the lato railway)

extension to that place

Tin Onr-The following is a return of tm ore forwarded from Mun mundi railway station during tho week ending 21st April, 1S77 - H und G, li tons 19 cwt 1 qi , 1AI in diamond o tons 13 ci t 0 qr (12 lbs

Bing over II <£, S, 3 tons 0vc\\t 1 qr X, 3 tonsö cwt 2 qrs 0 lbs , Roger, 3 tons 13 cwt I qr

Bing, G tons 12 cwt 3 qis , total, 33 tons 19 cwt Ô

qi lb lbs

An Ovinibls ExrmurNCE-"Mncmon" in the Svdiici/ Mau observes -The regulations of tho Omnibus Company m regard to tickets require, lil o íinnj other things, to bo thoroughly understood to bo appreciated and I suspect that many of ourcountrv visitors w ill wish they had had that amount of understanding when they cane to S) clnoy which thov will possess when they leave it On Saturday Mrs and Miss Bumpkin patronircd a 'bus to the Exhibition They had not been seated long before the bell was rung for tho fares Mrs B commenced fumbling in a somewhnt hugo chamois-leather pur o, when one of her fellow-passen'era intimated that tho fares were paid bj ticket 1 ho daughter, evidently suspecting foul play, and determined to shield the old lady's purso from assault, snappishly retorted, " AIv mu' knows what she's after" Tho old ladv, encouraged b\ her filial protector, drew forth a half-crown, which she handed to a countryman sitting at Iho far end of the 'bus, and bade lum put it into the ¿ox Taking it for granted that the old ladv " knew whit sha was attci," he qmetlv put tie con in the los, to tho unsuppressed amusement of tho otlfr ccupants of tho vehicle, and cverviii ng vui t on quietly until the placeo* destination was lenchid Iho old ladv, how tv cr, hid not foigottenher half-crown, and cviden"v suspected someth rg ha 1 gono w ion ?-, for before the toidi suippe 1 she hod vv orked herself upnilo apis up A\ lvn the fares began to alight she commenced ratmg the dm r for lipr chango

hut, like a w iso Jehu, ho had only tnktu note of tha nonpav mg farcs, and v\ as ul (orly obhv íous of the half-crown

TiirE Planting -Iho following is from yesterday's issue of the Echo - A coiiplamt vvis lately undo (hat a. couple of tues have ht "ii smiliced to the new expenraent that is b inj made m the eon=ti action of pathways Every tree thtt disippeaisfrom Svdn^v is now to bo regretted, as, except in the actual ipsirvi:,, thov nie now few and far botw ecn But vv e c mid spare w ítbout i cmonstrance any tree that is reallv in the wav of improvement if the autkonhts w ould only v igoroush commenco tree plantmg along tho stricts where it can bo done with advantage All our re-turned travellers who have lately been making tho grand tour aro unanimous in sUting what a charm is given to tho cities of America and Europe «hore the streets nro planted with trtcs, and where the hues of houses aro intermuigW with giaceful and healthful folngo Y-t in most of tW Amencan and Europe m cities the trees aie deciduous, and it is only for a portion of tho vear that tho bnck and stono is relieved by Iho prcbonco of greenery In this colony wo can avail ourselvLS of the full advnnmgo of ovcrgrecn vegetation, and have the ci o re-freshed bv foliage all the y caí round It has been objected that manv of oui streets are too nuirow to allow öftresplanting, but those «ho have seen Brooklyn will recogniss no difficulty on this scoio Streets far nai rower than thoa of Sydney oro thete planted on both sides In business streets, where shops abound, trees aro not so practicable, but, leav mg those out, for tile present at least, it is easy to point out a very considerable length of pathway in Sydney that might bo planted at once without any inconvenience Let us mstanco tho whole length of the cast side of Macquano-stroct, the front of the Cnstom-house, and tho Com-missariat store, the 'nanglo m Alacquaiio-place, the triangle on Church-hill, the Government land at the Observatory, tho public ofuces m ßiidge-streot, the circuit of the ¡supremo Comt,St Jamcs'sChurch,andtheRegistmr-GeneraTsofflcc, the pathvv ay outside Hy do Park, tho front of tho Musoum,th» Grammar behool, tho Public school, and St Mary's, tho i fiont of tho Barracks, the path outside Moore Park, nnd the

outer pathway of Boltuoro Gardens and Princo Alfred Park. In nil these cases there is ov ory facility for planbng trees along the edges of the pathways Public authonhes ham tho matter in their own hands, and there arc no private interests to contend with Morely to do this would give Sydney a different look, and when it was found a success, it would soon bo dibcoveied how easy it was to continue the process in streets that aro lined with pi iv ato houses Some consideration will have to bo given to the kind of treo that is most suitable for the purposo It should bo a tree whoso fohago is sufficient to shade the pathway, yet nota tree of too largo a growth, oi whoso roots would bo trouble-some Our arbonsts will be able to settle this question among them, or, if not, n little expcnonco will swmPT tho knowledge required It is quite time that somebody niado a beginning AVhose dutv is it ?

Lost in- the Bush.-The follosvinn; particulars ate furnished by a correspondent of the Porbcs Times:-Oa Sunday, the 15th instant, Mr. John Kelly broughfavord into Pnikcs that Mr. Ilotson, in charge ofone of the railsvay survey parties noav making tho trial surs-ey between Orange and Wilcannia, via Parkes, ss-as lost in tho bush in Watkins's paddock, and that his horse and clothes had been found. Immediately on tho information being given, seniorconstable Purcell and several others started in search, but could find no traco whatever of him. On Monday morning a number of tho townspeople and others formed a party, and after scouring tho bush all day returned unsuccessful Ob Tuesday a young man named Reuben Spicer, svbo was searching in company s\-ith constable Moyle, discovered hip sitting in a completely nndo stato against a treo in a semi-conscious condition. After giving him a drink of water ho becamo a little moro conscious, and said it was tho first he had had since ho left the camp on Saturday morning. H» avas then brought to Parkes, whero ho has been treated by Dr. Austin, and although hois dreadfully sunburnt ho is coming round ns svell as onn bo expected. Mr. Hotson has not up te the present bocsn able to givo a clear account of what bofoll him, further than that ho got thrown from his horse ; and . it is supposed that svliilo unconscious ho stripped all his clothes olf, and caiofully laid them in a heap, with his svatch and purso on the top of them, whero they avcro discovered by Mr. John Watkins and John Kelty.011 Sunday forenoon. Tho clothes svoro found about half a milesvest from the dam, hue his hatsvas found a nulo to the east of it. This boars out tho statemont that how thrown from his horse, ss-hich avas found near the dura on tho same day with tho saddlo and bridle on. Mr. Hotson has an ugly'bruiso on the head, appearing as though hoT» been thrown against a tree. It is remarkable that most mai who are lost in tho bush and becomo unconscious ria them" solves of their clothes as soon as possible. Mr. Hotson» said tojbo oaoof tho clos-orest surveyors wo have in toe


Assault on a Clergyman in Pentridoe.-Sí«^

tho murder of tho Rev. Mr. Hill by the prisoner Bitstm somo years ago (says tho Aryus of Friday), b\waif2 nt Pentridgo lias-o caused moro excitement than tho assaui

committed yesterday by a prisoner upon tho Eev. *£., Glover, a Church of England clergyman. Tho res-, genoe man, who avas visiting the prison in placo of the Itev.J» . Bardin, svas in tho act of passing through one of_tho wan« of the hospital avhen a prisoner of thonamoot 'VUUS~ ss-as obsers-ed to follosv him quickly. The prisoner, wau , any ono could givo the alarm, rushed nt Mr. GI?T":.,

wnen, iui-Luuiiic-i^', uiiuuA i»»« "...w^.j m..^ »--- e ", i,îoun

assistance. Mr. Glover avas soon extricated from nis u*

pleasant position, but not till Ids coat svas toro » no had received a severe shaking. The prisoner William» is a young man, and is said to havo once been a mia«} tho merchant service. Sinco ho has been at «nmi-,»

has been badly conducted, having on soveral occasions o» brought before the magistrates for various breaches oi <"

ciplino, by svhieh ho has added some months t?J>19 °jjf S sentonco. On several occasions he was so violent ia , conduct that ho had to bo kept in sepárete treatment to pn.

vent him from assaulting the officers. Somo montas »g ho was transferred to tho hulk Sacramento, but sim«

hack to Pentridgo on Wednesday. His PMgJ¡« & suggests tho idea that ho is insano, but the officersi Den"

that ho ia only malingering. No cause can bo «f^iV^ | his attack or Mr. Glqyer, for it Í8.stutisheiiover»W.w». i.geaUenian feeiore* " ,'. .

Ia TWisii LvEimiATF anij Ungratefui, Man -*a "" "f tZms named Shiolds svas brought botero tho

ithuÄSoÄrfay last, charged with diunken

¿osT When before the Com t bo appeared «tumilcd Ilio nZ wasi found drunk m Dill o-street,md s\hen taken to Sock-uph diacl some odd shillings upin his poison -one £100 note and tho le.mimden in A10 notes and smnlfcr notes He svas lined 2Js Um magistrate,m -SeUhat a clonallon toa ebar.titblo institution would only Kntwas .."htm vie« of tbo p lue Ima ing taken co of thednnikird'und his money, but Shields d J not see

the forco of tho Giiggcition

Sivguiau Accidlm in a Ciiuucii-Some little excitement avas tuiscd at tho taemiig wmco in fat SChun!. on Sundaj, nth instant, through a raXn which occtirud ono of lio altar candles These candles («}< tbo »mi»»), which aro ofgreat,m/o, «vHntTt arnicar* red cuidlcs,but mci ely hollow tubes construe edK omblo thom, tbo li.'ht bom« obtained fiom an oSnary si"nn candle placed in tbo tube and iitnmed

m wiüoíbyaspring, on p.ouscly the same principle as ^FXted willi tho ordunry buggy lamp By some

i .-..ii«, "mnraún cot out of order on .Sunday ni¿ht,

SSlKwÄÄ8t with ,11 .bo force of a powerl.,1

~ out of the tube, and »ant ike a rocket from a mortar

Cup to thc-xoof, whence it reb mmlcd to the door, much te the consternar, m of smiootll.o ladies of tim congréga-tion, who could not teU for the moment sslmtitwas that

had gone orrong

Russian Pan uiationsioii tiii f omino SriacoLP -Some account of the Russian Vimy in Bc-sarnbi i w given bs the }tamma It is u.socl, -ish our tonteniporan, "on information from a trustaw rtlvs ohsonci who has Hist returned from the spot md who has been there?since the mobilization began He enmates the number of the troops nt 110 000, but nothing ismoio dilbcult than to estímate the numbers of sue h lii^e ,na-Rcs of ttoni <t md it ssill bo seen from tbo dot uls Riiprh d to us tilt lie has conducted his obseraatiousauthunusi ul cale Although ho estimates the troops^it MO 000 ho note tint the million und the stores aro out of pioportion to that number, mid indues tb it the Russian commanders are ni ulatin upon hiving 300,000 nvn at then d.spi al whether it s t eirplinto draw morcimon fiom Ru n rr to muirpom tetioops fr in Roumnma and Seisin winn the nhone is be un It is noteworthy, al'0 that sti iteg eil cm its baie boon estebhshod in Hourn inn arning nu nts Insnig been niii.le for the reception of S0.O0O men at GnM/, Bu/jiu, and Kala


A Ciítiois loss SNi) Tin» oi Own -The foi

lowing ntcount of uushsmg al ltl( of gol 1 lind its be n0' found somo time after nulttelby i\\o Omii mi I Vim if Aduili'nr -"onti tweKi <r 1 oin tom soils iDo n mm i at Stanley, who en un is eins ob m uiiiblo to learn, avhen intbatlLxceSHiads inuti k stat of mmd which f il es p s«e sion of some men onthnrioad home fiom a public lion o at night, "pi mted" a lnttle somoa here alone; nie Ins komoaynrd pith Lnf ltuiiatda fjr him, inste id of the bottle containing win la it h Id ii out libs to o lb

weight of gold, and in ¡ho niorinii-' nltlu ugh he h id i amd recollection of bun mr the lottk and Philip sobci was mentally congratulatinar Phill) Orun' on his admirable ennnhig when he carne to tli ik of the spot whore bo h id hidden his treasuu, he wns nonplused He, of cour o sought nnd sought foi it, and Bot dnml again, but appu-entl} unaware of tint curious pin aiologieil fict that if he got into exactly the samo stato ot drunkenness and s'atted foi Ins home, ho svoull most pro oabls hi e "one stni"-ht, or tincked to the seryspotwlicrebiäbottlolii, hcei'lirdiank too much or not enough to placo hmistlfiM inpfloit with himself on tbo former occasion C"i irak he neaer found the bottle, and before he left Stanley Ins lo s c-iino to b" knowii The man has since died, but search for the bottlo has been renewed a sam and ignin bs mincis mid others, especially by one 'Lucks Jack," a\ho searched fjr it, and trenched and fossicked for it, but without success, cson his mcknamo proaing false on Ihn occasion During last wool, hosvoaor Ali Lea one of n Chinese panv, sluicme; nbiao Edwaiils's old biewen, at the back of tho toss-nship, un-earthed tbo lost tienstuo corked and unbroken, and sold the contents to the local brtnek ot the Oi lontal B ml Of «ourse, the gold it contained belongs to th m to all intents nndpurpoaes for it was on their oavn ground, and even if the owner weie alive, ho would fmd it %er> difficult to identify his pro¡ ertj

SsatPATiis Pin own Ass« -It ma) be m the re-collection our reiders (sas s the Po an 10<;tJ that at the recent siltin» of tbo Circuit Court m Albura, nn old man named Janus Bruen charge 1 with lnrcena, was let off with

theunore" Jtnt<vl hnrht eentenco of 2i\ minutes It appear-, that the sjnipathvof Tulgo lim tray o for th s hardened old scoundrel wns completéis thrown aw as, for no si oner svas ho released fiom duranco a ile than ho is again m the hands of the cine authorities, and brought up to answer a far more serious drage After ho yvns dis harged from enstods he mounted his horso, which Ind been m the pos-session of tho polic, nnd rode in tho direction of Howlong IVkcn ho got te the foot of Dight's hill, he exchanged his hor«o (a dark bay) for a bay hort>o the property of a German, rendent of chat locality Mounted on his newly acquired steed ho punued his coiuse, and in due timo reached Howlong, where he encamped for the night On leaving in tbo morning ho took a horse away suth lum belonging to Mr Droav and, ttrnnrro to saj, retraced his steps to the redoml City Infonnition was at once given to tho poh"e, togethei with a description of the stolen horse and Brueo was aTCsted at Bonn whilst ii ling the animal in question Ho svas biought before tbo Police Magistrate on wednesday to answer the charge His defenco was that haaingnot ocen suiBcientls intimate with the appear-ance of his oavn newly-ncqun ed lmso be bud taken that of Mr Drew's in the morning bv mistake Cousideimg Mr Dresv's horse whs woith £io and the prisoners nhoutiù, the Bench declined to accept this explanation, and com-mitted the pn oner foi trial at the next Quarter Sessions to be holden at Albui)

Tub CoLLArsE or tu" ChLrNDEn or thf Buidgf over the MtitiiAA at Mo im v - Vn mspectun of tho scene of the 'ato dresdf ni accident at the new Murray bridge («ays the Hu en ne ITctall) eloaily shows tho cause of the collapse of the ey hilder w Inch fell Ibis ey linder, situated on the Moama side of the Altirrai, near tho liver, was com-posed of piers of di'ferent diameter The larger columns were sunk foi the foundations, and toso above the ground about eight feet, and on thtm vv ero placed cross pieces of timber w Inch suppoi *c 1 cylinders of similor calibre These last rested only on tho timber on tw o sides, to a vi ldth of Itss thannincinches, and wore built up lo a height of about thirty feet, and veightcd at the top with about loO tons ot iron and stone, to press the piei down to a solid foundation Foui bolts were put through the larger and smaller cylinders to hold them together, but as these piers w 01 o eighteen inches apart, and the bolts had to bo bout to connect tho piers of different sizes, it is evident that when the enormous tonnage tilted ovei thov vi ero snapped, like pack thread, and comparatively wco of no more strength to avert the accident Iho smallei cylinders had no proper basis, ns will bo seen, thou only bearings being sixteen inches in all, and having no centre to woik upon Iho eqmlibiiuni of the dead weight ebovo was slightly disturbed by tho removal of a few tons of the iron from the outward side, the »maller ey lindéis m ero thrown on to the unsupported edge, which cut ono of tho eros» beams then rested on hkoa kimo, and the w bolo column fell like a cistle of cards, cnirying vi îth it tho dead Wight thetra-vellci with the b"ven nitn upon it, vndoncof tho piles of the staging, vi Inch w as snapped oil like a carrot by tnonondeiouscrish ae,un.-tit Tho ti uth of the nbov e desAnption of how the vi oik w as being t u ned on is doubly vonfiedbv the sister pier to tho broken one, which stands intact, built in exactly the manner stated, md it lsloided with ns many tons of the nulw iv non and stono In the light which the serious accident gives tin-, cvlmdei can scarcely be saul to 0" s ife, andas linnS persons daily visit the place it womd howell if some steps yy ero taken to pre-

vent further danger

Despeiivtl StvBirrso Cvsr in Adei vide -Hie à A Jtoiisl« icpoiU that on Saluidav evening, Uth in-stant, considerable excitement wis cioitcd m Adel udo by the report that a man named AA illiani Cook had slabbed ¡ns witt Itnupcirs that since thai anivnl in (he colony -about scv ou months a,0-c >ol nnd his vv ifo had lix ed np n t, wis Look being out at s imcc She returned to town a low day»agcismco which time sho his boon lodging with i shipmate m Gray -street On Salurd ly, Cook, accompanied by Ins twochildwi, wuit to sC0 het, md endeavouictl to get her ogam to Ino with hi n She refused lo go, and a quarrel ensued dining winch ne slabbed hei with a elis» imloin hyodillcicnt places tho moot seilous wound being mulcted just ibove the left breast, and it is foircd that tho knife has pouetnted the lung a ho w oin in w ns i cmoi ed ÏÏ»Ä_Ttal U 13 Btltcd «h,t «ftcl tho couimisMon of

Z)TÍ i w "ont f0 GIoileIS by the train Ho lias

not been heard of smco

Ä-Tl« feTïS v° BIi KÏPT 0L'T or SniM op

by tue Admimhv t" ,"'Vï* srtJ's thafc » ¡s P'"oposed without deRUVÏÏlbt,Ue, "uother l,i" tun« a-cmûI IsBexibloasUe s tvCfCca,msi'/-° nml strength tho Mon. The "nnônr ^S« 0CS ?w '^«"^rer or Devasfourteenin Wits î îh"f f,11'? laKt n!"n«1w s(T° PMtected a Po,t , o, C ífí*:vIll,.Dth0 ^fle.xiblo is being twenty-two ¡SÄ^ tvventy-lvvo inch plates. Bul

tonBht ns, aro easily ^ ' ? thi,Sn0Zla experiments have psvrith' wWchXPW W",h the bi& Anglo-Italian »»providedI îèltii;"Jwmm Ara«ti-ong and Company * Mid iTie"Len *nfNavT. «"d if the next turret ship

«níeed. Anvthin*1«. Ài Tu to h,° very stout and strong «* be relieFur,onDt0 vL, r L1"*0* »* of solid metal eoidd fT- ThirÄ,<X*°ñ ?shot Wta« 100-toa tUckness of it '"S" .Wore, at least, must ho tho atadlo stand, lo Vi * °f,0Ul' now ironclad, if it is Duilio, both of w-nichrZf Ty craft M th° »on¿oló ««4 í?0-t^guns. lt'ill,1nw1Ülí!lns,l,roP°ao t0 «T Vfilh S»vyto»y wheüír hT ,i0-;,tll° «»»BtTUOtOr of tho «»to ranVa«,: S? b,ui!(l a sorvice.ablo man-of*>«.eui, c1100 ,r 15Ü ton« . E'uP?ndou«,weight together ^O" craft of nul k!n" |ïï"»« íov'*. WT1<1 λ useless to OMsnnd^^^^kindifmthoenditproved too ponder^toiàcswere. VSluÄn ?i T1B of om' old «0!ltinS HUtvvfllboev-ereis?dÄ'ilmt,so,nocaut'011 nnd fore" ^»'^»SnW the laylnsr down of Hie f «tobomodiS d ¿"if "^ f co»sttT«°» may not ro^ak'iashasbL /li d0Zen.tm03 whil° «i° ship is

Ä w«l represent T' i*lth *icr Suns and stores on

^of,"oneeT T] less than thtco-qunvtcrs of a g* possibly bj tZl^P^'fnweontBiiiplated could '^eirciunstaneesh^i3 fw1lc?s thnn a m¡Uion. In

Sm-omtoyaistakeSii Ä,h.ef.ountry ««not afford toi *»a apiece. " m pudding when vessels cost ft |

Fatal Dray Accident.-The Western Advocate re-ports that -ss hilo an old resident named Cooko svas on Friday^ in company yvith his son, driving Ins dray about four milos out of Orange, tho horses suddenly inado a rush, capsi/mg tho dray and causing injuries to the older Cooke, from yvhich ho died scry shortly after being conveyed homo by his son

Store Stock-Messi-. Thonm Dassson and Co. repoit buying sold during th" yveek 000 store bullocks, in tho Kennedj distuot, Queensland, for X1 per head, cash, at the Yauls-pmchiisci, G Henderson, also, ö7ol stoie wolbeis, sold and delivcied, at satisfactory pricespurcbasois, Messrs Higgins and Wills-Allon

A CosiatFNDAiiii Act ov tiif iurt op a Jockpi. -At tho Kensington Park Races, on Easter Monday, five sacre toni irt for the Soiling Stakes, when (says the Aiisttalnua») Salem avas discovered to bo tbo good thing, all the money as ailablo being accepted about him nt oven money, and then odds were laid on him, yvhich ho easily appropriated As the horses wore leay ing tho paddock tho favourite receded in tho betting, when it was discovered that somo of tbo lends had boon tampered with m Ins saddle-cloth Tbo jockoy was brought to scalo and rowoigkcd, w hen ho wns found to bo short weight A report w as mudo to tho stewards, who at ouco investigated tho matter, tbo jockey (Williams) being tho prmcipil evidence, and tho ownci was dnlj dealt with The jockey who rode Salem, and was tho means of exposing tho intended fraud, and preventing its being earned out, is an npprcntico of Mr W. Tilgate's, and his name is Geoi go Williams Had ho not boen so prompt in i iporting tile abstraction of the leads from tho saddle-cloth, it might have been oxtremel) dithcult to provo tho cas" rorlunntol}, Mi I lígate, um , was able to tako tho hor-,o back to tho vveiglnng-varu before tho guilty partT could replace tho le ids, und tins fact was entirely owing to ino joekev's resoluto manner and promptne=s So many colonial jockey s he undoi a suspicion of being moro or less nnionablo to betting inllu'nces and uutrustw orthv, that it is a pleasure te have to reeoi I a ease m ss Inch attempted dishniistv Ins boon pioveutcd and punished m unlv through tho smartness and integrity of tho jockey engaged to ride Ofcouise we aro avoll aaaaro that the lockoy did no moro than lus duty to his ( mployer, but at the same time ho has set a good example, which may bring foith good f mf If all joikey s were resolved to act as Wnlnnm has done, tho turf would bear a fairer reputation and character than it does, and be ov on bettet patronised than it now is

Poison- tskpn in Mists-KP-The South Aui/t alian litante) statis that Captain Osborne, of the stornier Emu, hal a narrow tscipe from being poisoned, li iving taken laudanum in mistake for tincture of rhub iib He promptly took emetics, and is now out of danger

1 ii LD I hung -Mcskftrs. Instiii ctiov -The Ilion! At tow has an aiticlo on the pro cut sjstera of teicliing mu ketrv,fiom which vie extract tip lolloiving very impoitant observations -" It has long been recogms 3 that tho pre cut com se of musketr} lnshuetion in the English Anny, although excellent as fir ns it foes, is not sufh'iuitlv extended to meet tho requirements of modern wurfaie It teaches a man to shoot well vvher everything is m his favour, but it does not adequately tram tho soldier in tiring under dtsadv intagcous circumstances And naturally m actual work m the field it is essential that a man should be able to make good practico ey en vhen cv erything is against lum Tho object at which ho has to tiro may bo, like the target at tbo butts, stationir} , but it vi iii rarel} present so distinctly v ísiblo a mark 1 ho soldier

will have to fire in all manner of uncomfortaho attitudes, hiding maybe behind a bank, oi huddled up in a ditch , and, if attacking, ho w ill be suro to bo moro ot less flurried and out of breath with rushing forward Tomiko good prictico undoi thoso conditions is a vcrv difformt matter to running ud a high score at tho rifle range, mid this latter is all that the present instruction m mu«hetr) teaches a manto do We aro therefore rejoiced to hear that tho Commander m-Chicf in Indit, f allowing out nu idea originated by hi-, predecessor, has ¿iree'ed that in future ' field firing'"shall form a regular part of the i egular musketry cour-,0 In this ' field firme; ' the mon are tobo systematically practised in firing under circum-stances ns closely as possibly resembling thoso of actual warfare Dummies will bo set up to ropreant the de-fender, the men w ill bo extended in the regular order of attick, and will advance firing, gaming ground by rushes, as the} would were the enem} real, and availing themselves of all cover that may present itself The damage, both material and moral, winch m leal work would bo caused by the tire of tho adversiry cannot of course be imitated, but, ncv erthcless, there can bo no doubt that fie'd finmr earned on in the manner prescribed in Sir T Haines's order will prove a valuablo supplement to the present course of musketr} mstiuction "

AVaii Uhf vfer than Arvied Neurtaliti -The Noiaya Vienna of St Foteisburg, m an article on tho question of a Russo-Turkish war, argues that war is, in the end, cheaper and more advantageous to a State than armed nelrahty Tho history of Austria, it ssvs, affords some striking illustrations of the truth of this propo ltion In 1848 the military peace budget of Austria was 78,000,000 florins Smeo then Austria has made war with Itilyand Hungary (1849), with Ii-ince(18o9), with Denmark (18G4), and with Prussia (lSGù) Tho first of thoso wars coat 147,000 000 florins, the second, 228,000,000 floruis , tho third, 111 600,000 florins , and the fourth, 230,000,000 floi ins AVith the single exception of tho Danish campaign, ntl these wars wore most disastrous to Austria Yet, heavy as were its lushes, th« country rapidly recovered itself alter each campaign If wenowtake the costof thomobiltfations of Austria is a, neutral Power, vic shall find that in 18o0 it cost her 121,000,000 florins lo ni uutam an armed neutrality against Prussia that in IS13 and lSol she expended 412,000,000 florins in mobilising her army dunng the Crimean war and that in 1871 102,000,000 florins hid to bo added to her war budget m consequenco ot her netrality dunng tho between Tranco and Germany Theso expenses, however, wero as nothing com-pared to the indirect losses incurred Although duiing tho Crimean war Austria did not fire a shot, hei army lost 10,000 men owing to the epidemics causol by conscntrntmg lni go bodies of men on her frontier Armed neutrality is also most destructivo to tho financial credit of nnation Dunng the war and tho revolution in 1819 and ISaO the debt of tho Stnto bank increased fiom 139,000 000 flouns to 231,000,000 florins , nunn* the wai of 1S59 it rose from 210,000,000 floi ins to 302 000 000 florins w hilo dui ing the armed neutrality of lSol-5> it was incieased from 12o,000 000 florins to 371,000,000 flouns-that is, bv from 50 to 7j per cent during vi ar, and bv 20D per cent dunng

neutrality lhoot t debts of the State merca ed on the

Intloi occasion m n corresponding degree, owing to tho diffi-culty of collecting tho roy enuc and tho parady sis of trade In time of wai, on the othei hand, tho uncertainty which puts a stop to enterprise does not exist, tho danger of wai is much moro prejudicial to trado than war itself, while the enthusiasm and ¡energy which war develops ina nation naturilly give a powerful stimulus to all its industrial and commercial operations Troiii theso arguments the Aoiw/n

Vi inna draws the conclusion that it would bo bettor for Russia to make war ou riirkcv at once than to keep her troops in idleness on the I minah frontier

Thf. PoutinCATiovs or tup. Buck Sea.-A Gor-man newspaper publishes some information about the Russian fortifications in the Black Sea. Tho.firstof the naval fortresses in Southern Russia is Nicolai'cff, and no pains have been spared toninke it ns strong as possible. The extensive nisenals and shipbuilding yards aro incessantly employed in producing the requirements of naval warfare",

and NicolaíeíF now ] ossesses depots of ammunition and a park of artillery which wall enable the director of tho coast defences to strengthen nny required point at very short notice. The cntr.inco into the Bay of Kherson, fiom" which

one passes into tho Bug Liman,'and (hen to Ñicolnioff, is defended by two naval forts. Tho first of these, Otchakolf, is on tho Bossarabian coast, mid is tolerably protected on the west by swamps ; the other is Kulburn, lying opposite, on tho Xogai sleppe, and surrouudcd by creeks and canals. From Ochakolt to Odessa along tho coast is about eighty vorsts. Odessa is surrounded by a series of which extend to Akermann, on tlioDnioster. This chain of works, armed with guns of heavy calibre, and supplemented by submarino torpedoes, would make an attack fiom the sea very difficult. But tho line of defenco extending from Odessa to Nicolai'cff has ono weak point, at Perrkop, whero the Crimean peninsula is connected with tho Nogai steppe. The whole or the northern and western coast of tho Crimea is almost unprotected, though Russia has littlo to fear on that side, as any invading anny which vrished to circum-vent the lino of fortifications between Odessa and ISTicolaioff would bo obliged to cross tho Isthmus of Perekop. AVhen tho Tartars ruled over the Taurinn peninsula thov blocked this isthmus with a hugo wall, similar to that o'f Trajan in the Dobrudscha, and fortified the adjoinin" hills of Knra-Djnnni, Kulkah, Utch-Djilga, and "Uruiomskoibazar. This wall has now been repaired, nrmed with guns; nnd protected by entrenchments. Tho soulhorn-coast of tho Crimea has also been stroncly fortified. Largo sums have been expended in strengthening the works round Se-bastopol. Torpedoes havo been laid down in the bay of Tchernaya, and also at Capo Khcrsonese and Balaklava which harbour is protected by a fort. There aro other for-tifications at Sudak, in tho Iky of Takkioh, near Feodosin and on tho hill of St. Elias, near the latter town, which is also protected by torpedoes in tho bay above mentioned. Kertch is fortified by works on the western extremity of the peninsula of Tnmon, on the hill of Tnkil, at Kertch itself and nt'YeniMoh. Capo Fauar, on the other side of thó Kimmerian Bosphorus, is also to bo fortified. On tho Cau-casian coast the following aro tho principal forts :-Diemiter, Novorossiskaya, Gelondtchik, Tcnpinsk, Lazarovsk Golovinsk, Doucha, Soukhoum, Kaloh, lion, Redout K'nleh, Poti, and Nikolaya.

The S\"ixt.y Strtn-o Quartette.-A concert is to bo given in the St. Leonards School of Arts, to-morrow ovening, by Herr AViUiimr Doehler, assisted by Messrs Mater and A. aud E. Gohde, instrumentalists, and. as vocalists, Miss Harvey and Mr. D. Graham.

Coorat, Buley, asd Co.'s Circus.-The enter-tainments at this most popular plnce of amusement were last night marked with tho brilliancy and success which always distinguish them. As a circus, tho great feature which really deserves great attention, is Mr. Robinson'^ performance ; but irrespective of that, tho adaptation of Leech's celebrated pictures in London Punch orient Mr Briggs, and entitled "Tho Riggs of Briggs, or House-keeping v. Horsekcoping," is as a comio performance worthy of all praise. Mr. Austin gives a fino presentation of that celebrated character-Mr. Briggs-a character which everybody understands, but of which no one ex-pressed the ideal until Leoch took pencil in hand. Tho performance is well worth seeing. The feats in the ring

continue to command both applauso and atlnjiratioil. The I , entertainment will be repeated this evening.