Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Friday 4 May 1877, page 7



In 1870, a movement was initiated and concluded (so far as the collection and receipt of subscriptions was concerned) to recognise in a substantial way the public services of Sir John Robertson, M.L.A. The result was the contribution of £2714 13s. 8d. by from two thousand five hundred to three thousand subscribers, living in all parts of the colony. The severe floods which visited this colony during that year told severely upon the contributing power of those classes who would otherwise most willingly have contributed. Other and various causes have prevented the movement from being finally closed until April 20, when a meeting of the committee appointed at the public meeting, held in the Masonic Hall, on the 7th March, 1870, was held at the oflices of the Hon. S. D. Gordon, M.L. C, Pitt street, Mr. George Thornton in the chair. Mr. Thomas Garrett (who, with Mr. M. Burdekin, was secretary to the movement), having explained the circumstances and position of the movement, the treasurers, the Hon. E. C. Weekes and the Hon. S. D. Gordon, submitted

a certified statement of the position of the fund, adding that, since the 16th September last, a further sum, for interest, of £85 8s. had accrued, which would be further supplemented to the extent of £30 or £40 by interest on the fixed deposits made, which would make the total available about £2560. The following is the statement alluded to, which, on resolution, was adopted, viz. : -The treasurers in account with the Robertson Testimonial Fund. Dr. : To amount of subscriptions received, and interest on ditto, £271413s. 8d. Cr. : By cash paid for advertising meetings and subscriptions, printing, stationery, &c, office expenses, and petty charges, £252 10s. 2d. Balance, £2462 3s. 6d. September 16, 1876. The following resolution, on the motion of Mr. J. E. Begg, seconded by Mr. B. James, having been agreed to, the meeting closed, vis : "Resolved,-That in pursuance of, and to give effect to, the following resolutions agreed to at a public meeting of the citizens of Sydney held at the Masonic Hall, Sydney, on the 7th March, 1870, viz. :- 1. That, in the opinion of this meeting, the services rendered by the hon. John Robertson, and the patriotic devotion ever shown by him towards this community, deserves some substantial recognition at the hands of the Australian people. 2. That in order to carry out the foregoing resolution, subscriptions be entered into, and the money raised be invested for the permanent benefit of Mr. Robertson and family. 3. That the following gentlemen be a committee to carry out the objects of this meeting-:-The Hon. E. C. Weekes, the Hon. S. D. Gordon, theHon.Charles Cowper, William Macleay,the Hon. Sir W. M. Manning, Messrs. Benjamin James, Marshall Burdekin, Joseph G. Raphael, Samuel Bennett, Richard Driver, Robert Campbell (King-street), W. B. Dalley, John Fyffe, William Hanson, the Rev. Dr. Lang, Thomas Hall, George Thornton, the Hon. John Sutherland, Robert Stewart, O. J. Caraher, Edward Lowther, J. Begg, John Woods, Stephen C. Brown, G. F. Pickering , Thomas Donaghy, Thomas Garrett, with power to add to their number, "'-all the funds collected for this object and in the hands of the treasurers, the Hon. E. C. Weekes and the Hon. S. D. Gordon, be handed over by them to the following gentlemen as trustees, viz., Frederick Robertson Wil-shire, George Thornton, and Richard Windeyer Robertson, as trustees, to be by them invested in the purchase of a freehold estate, to bo held in trust by them for the permanent benefit of Mr. Robertson and family."

' Mr. Clarke has sent in his final report to tho Govern-ment on the best means of supplying Sydney and tho ad-jacent district with an adequate supply o"f pure water, and all that now remains to complote it for publication aro the lithographs of somo of tho plans which are to accompany tho report. We beliove that the course pursued hy Mr. Clarko was in tho first instance to reject all those schemes which, upon examination, were seen to be manifestly un suited to meet the requirements of the case, and by this means the number of schemes which appeared to be most eligible wero reduced to three or four. 'Io theso he gave a much closer scrunity ; and yve understand that his investi-gations havo led him to pronounce in favour 01 the Nepean scheme, or that which yvas in the first instance recommended

by tbo Commission.

The annual meeting- of the Royal Society of New South Wales was held on Wednesday night, at the hall of the Academy of Arts, in Elizabeth-street North. The chair was occupied by Mr. H. C. Bussell, B.A., Government astronomer. Tho attendance, owing to tho unfavourable character of the yveather, was but small. The minutes of tho previous monthly meeting were taken as read. The

annual report, which" yvas read by Dr. Leibius, ono of the

hon. secretaries, showed that the progress of the society yvas j very encouraging. The end of 187o there were 176 mem-bers on the roll ; 132 new members were elected in 1876, making 308 members, of whom three died during 1876-7j and seven yvithdrew, leaving 298 members at the beginning of this session of 1877. A ballot took placo for the election of officers for 1877-78, which resulted Jin tho election of the following gentlemen :-President, his Excellency tho Governor, Sir Hercules Robinson ; vice fresidents, Rev. W. B. Clarke and- Mr. Christopher

Rolleston; hon. treasurer, Rev. William Scott; hon. secre-taries, Professor Liversedgc and Dr. Leibius ; council, Mr. ' Tames. R. Fairfax, Dr. Svdney Jones, Mr. H. C. Russell,

Siu,H. G. A. Wright, "Mr. C. Moore, Hon. Professor oneniiifc Tho chairman, Mr. H. C. Russell, ? read the of tho rj}drcss f°r the year, in yvhich he narrated some provetacats. important scientific discoveries and ini

Tho ladies o J. .,,

on April 17, enterîaîÏGw Hebrides Missionary Association, and tho Rev. Josephffe1 R°v- J°hu Inglis, Mrs. Inglis, room ,of St. Stephen's (tie'¥"* at tca' *n *^° ^cctur0 and they invited the ? mioS^L.J'r« Steel's) Church, Missionary Society at.present in Sydnby, \SL ¿ho London meot them. About fifty assembled at tea, Mr. j! H7YÏ&*t°

let DrOnMiiM» A i il-".

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iue prosietmg. At the public meetine in tho church, which followed, the Rev. James Cosh, M.A., Convener of the Connnitteo on Missions to the Heathen, presided, and, after prayer and praise, introduced the Rev. John Inglis, who, after labouring for twenty-five years in tho Now Hebrides Mission, had touched at this port on his way, to England, to complete his missionary work by passing through tho press tho Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament in the language of the peoplo among whom ho has lived and wrought. Twenty-six years ago, when on his way to the New Hebrides, Mr. Inglis called hero and was gladly wel-comed at such a meeting as the present, who wished him God-speed in hi» -work ; ten or cloven years ago Mr. Inglis again made his appearance, ana >»<«> again «-eirmnrd ; and now for tho third time, having retired from the mission ne-iu, ho is about in tho highest sense to completo tho work to which

ho had dovotcd his life.

On tho 13th April, a number of gold, silver, and copper coins were found in a yvcll at Cook's Hill, Noyvcastle, between Darby and Blsno streets. Tho "find" yvas met yvith eighteen inches from the surface. Somo copper coins were first thrown up, a fow at a time, by'the spado, but as tho excavation went on the coins became more plentiful, and silver hhoivod. Then careful search was mode and there were found in all be-tween 400 and 500 copper and home 60 or 70 silver coins. The copper and silvra- had evidently been yvrapped up separately in some texile fabric, of which remains yvero dis-tinguishable ; the smaller silver coins wero enclosed in yvhat had been originally a wooden box about four inches long, carved to represent a shoe. Thero yvero also found a couple of clay marbles, and the brass ramrod- receiver of an old-fashioned pistol. The copper coins proved tobe all British currency struck jha.I4to^quiefJfojast,juuLito.^

present century-pennies of 1707 predominating, and the> halfpence and farthings hearing tho dato 1825. Th/3 emblems on many are as sharply defined as when issup,-d from the Mint, and they do not appear to havo been mi» ch in circulation ; whereas the pennies aro moro or less warn. The silver coins comprise four entire Spanish, dollars i in original form, and eleven with a holo about tho «izo o f a sixpence stamped out of the centre, whilst on thofaooof tho coin, hut closo to tho edgo of tho aperture, " 7Sovr South Wales" is in most instances distinctly visible. Tho latter are of tho date 1-801. The greater nunibcr'of tho silver coins appear to bo fractional parts of tho Sp anirih dollar-tho date of ono piece being 1751 ; a fowl coins with tho emblems almost effaced aro as small as a, threepenny pieco English, hut worn very thin;' three Engbsh shillings of 1817 and 1820 and sorno Indram coins aro included, and there are about a dozen silver/ pieces the sizo of a sixpence, but much thicker.

Mr. L'Estrange (the Australian Blondin) has at last been favoured with fine weather, and accordingly has achieved his feat of crossing the harbour on a rope. As has been before stated, the rope is stretched across the harbour at a great altitude, the width apparently being three hundred yards. At the western end it is higher than at the eastern, and as the weight of the rope causes a dip in the centre, the western end is at a con-siderable incline. Starting off on March 14, amidst the

cheers of the spectators, L'Estrange walked fearlessly at the rate of eighty steps to a minute across the rope, until he reached a spliced part near the centre, some twenty feet

in length, which he passed more deliberately. Then he stood on his right foot, with his left resting against his right leg. This feat being safely accomplished, he dropped on to his knee, and afterwards sat down and waived his handkerchief to the crowd of spectators. Next he lay on his back along the rope. Resuming the sitting posture, he took out a small telescope and for a moment or two surveyed tho onlookers, who warmly applauded his performances. Raising the balancing pole, he lifted one foot on to the rope, then the other, and continued his walk. Ho took a few steps backward and then proceeded up the inclined part of tho rope steadily to the western shore, at tho slower speed of about sixty steps a minute, the rope swaying considerably as he went. The remaining part of the distance was safely traversed, the last few steps being walked more quickly ; and the intrepid performer stepped on terra firma amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the specta-tors, tho inspiriting strains of the bands of music, and the shrill whisthng of the steamers. Within ten seconds the journey was performed in fifteen minutes, including the time spent in the performances on the centre of the rope. It should also be mentioned that as L'Estrange walked he had the sun shining brightly in his face.

With regard to the rowing championship of the world M. Rush arrived from tho Clarence on Monday night, to follow up his challenge to row Trickett. Prelimm?,ries havo been entered upon, and tho*contest yvfll bo decid'jd on the Parramatta River course on tho 30th June. Tho friends of both men aro equally confident.

Since tho disappearance of tho nativo blacks (says the Wester it Font), tho opossum has becomo a regulur nuisance in this, and wo havo no doubt in other dis-

tricts. Wo havo been informed by Mr. N. P. Baylv

?l,of --:J~--'i- - - -

tnat, considering the very dry season, he had a fair crop of corn ;, but tho opossums asserted their right to it, and devoured nearly half the crop. During last week a small party was formed, and in three nights 290 of these petits were shot. It is almost incredible the amount of damago these brutes can do. They strip the husks from the com in tho most approved and systematic style, and the little coin they leave exposed is eaten by hirds. It can well be imagined tho destruction dono to the crop by the formid-able number of 290 ; but Mr. Bayly thinks ho has nearly got rid of them from his field. ïho plan adopted was not to visit tho scene of their depredations until nearly 11 o'clock at night, hy which time these corn-eaters had assembhxl, and were busily engaged at their repast. Slaughter then commenced with undiminished vigour. It was laughable to see the brutes endeavouring to escape up' every sapling and tree near them, but none escaped.

The Government (says the Argus) have received a despatch from the Secretary of State far tho Colonies, re-ferring to the admission of Victorian barristers to the English ?har. With tho communication a letter is enclosed dated from tho Four Inna of Court, containing the follow-ing résolu lions:-"Resolved to recommend that whilo the regulation« affecting tho call to the Victorian Bar romain as they are, the Bench of any Inn of Court may, if they think fit, dispense with any terms not exceeding six in favour of any person who was callecï to the Victorian Bar before he was admitted at such Inn,, and who shall bring a certificate duly authenti-cated of his call to the Victorian Bar by the Attornoy Goneral o r senior Crown Law Officer of Victoria at the time when he left the colony, of his being a fit and proper person to be called to the English Bar, awl that tho preliminary examination bo dispensed with. That tho Secretary of State be imformod that it is contrary to the invariable usage

of the Inns of Court to call any students to the Bar in their


Tho ship Sorapis (the Argus states), which arrived on the 4th April from London, had a very stormy voyage, and lost two of her lads. Tho accidents occurred on March 17, in latitude 45- S., and -longitude 79" E., where one of tho apprentices, R. Bryson, who was loosing the skysail, was pitcher! on deck by the breaking of the maintopniast head. This mishap yvas caused by the ship giving a sharp and hcaw lurch. Death was instantaneous. At the same time H. Keon, a boy, who was on tho royal yard, was precipitated into the sea and drowned.

Tho colonial steamer Victoria (tho Melbourne Daily Telegraph, states) returned on April 6 from a survey cruiso in Bonks's Strait. The survey of this place," which was commenced in October, 1874, is now com-plete, and the lost fortnight of the cruise yras spent in erecting marks and preparing for the survoy of tho remaining portion of Bass's Strait. The first por-tion of the cruise was devoted to the examination of the Vansittart Shoals, and proved the easterly termination, as shown, on tho present Admiralty chart, to bo in its correct position. No new dangers were discovered, but a 'careful re-examination at favourable times of thoso formerly dis-covered proved that there was less water upon most of them than yvas reported, viz., upon tho rock lying north of Littlo Syvan Island, 16 feet instead of IS feet of yvater was found. The Lacy rock, lying between Double rock and Beagle Island, instead of 10 feet has only 6 feet upon it, and the-rock off the south point of Flinders Island has only 2 feet instead of 8 feet. Tracings of the survey of Bañks's Strait have been sent to England, mail by mail, and it will not be long, therefore, before a new chart of Bonks's Strait is issued from the Hydrographie Office.

A. M'Corm«c, of Barton-terrace, North Adelaide (says the Register J,-has just completed a half-length life size oil painting of tho Rev. J. Jefferis, intended to be hung in .the, vestry of the Congregational Church, Brougham-place. Tho artist has been singularly happy in catching the expression of the features. The like-ness js so good as to be recognised at tho very first glance. The countenance has a quiet yet pleasing expression, and at the same time there is a fixedness of determination in the closed lips and in tho glance of the eye which at once conveys the idea of intellectuality and manly resolution. The figure is well posed, and great care has evidently been bestowed upon the details, without present-ing them too prominently to the eye.