Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 8 February 1871, page 3


ÏBE uominotions of ratepayers to servo as ¿formen and auditors during the onBUing municipal year woro doclaicd, m tho Ohumber 0f Conitnerco, Town Hall, at noon, yesterday Ihoro was a largo attendance, and tho Mayor mi the nominations, winch were as follows: -


William Pettigrew, timbor merchant, William ..It, nominated by William Peri}, James B Biokeon, John Bums, Jesso Sawyer, James Taue Thomas S Cowell, and Charles Davies

Alfred Hubbard, shopkeeper, Quoen street, nominated by John Tomvick, N Lado, J Marnu W M Smith, R F Edards, and five



David Pnnglo Milne, bootmakor, Queenstteet, nominated by Reuben Ohvei, Aloxaudoi Stewart, S Fraser, Thompson Buchanan, W. D Grimes, and others ,,,.,., ,

There being no othor candidato for this ward, Mi Milne was declaied duly oleotod (Ap-


r >0ETn 'WARD

Arthur Billett, baker, ¿o , Lcichhoidt sheet, Swing HilUnomuioted by Wardo Brothers, A R Jones, S» E 2ocs, Thomas Fmsci, Charles Parish, ondEeven othors

Goorgo Reoding, builder, Gregor} terrace, nomwuted by R Bulcock, B Robinson, R Hutchins, O Burdorff, D F Longland, and



Rear} Richard Harlo}, prmtoi, Elizabethsheet* uomiualod by S Fiosei, D Sinclair, W "C M'Quakor, John HennCBsoy, F R Slir/ig and J W Tiaser

Jos W Thompson, contiactoi.Vultuic street, nominated by Ohos Martin, J Baynes, John Watson, David Bell, J W Brookes, and

ThoinaB Bird

Joseph Hogan, gontlomnn, Montague street, nominated by James Moonoy, Thoa Scanlon, T Kuisela, John loppm, John Graham, and

eleven others


Tianeis Beattio, shopkeeper, Queen streot, nominated by Samuel Sk}nng, Ben , M Ward, R L Armoui, R J Hull, Ambioso Madden,

aud ton others,

Ifiram Wakoßold plumbor, Wickham ter-race, nominated by R Hutchins, A L Smith, Janies Lang William Lloyd, sen ,N Corrigan,

and nine others


Eobort Porter, contractor, Main stieot, norm noted by William Thornton D Goertz D W Lamb, H M Cookburn, Hoi ace Larlo, and


John Sinclau, enguicei, Main stroot, nomi-nated by John M Donnell, Andrew Miller, A R JoneB, J F Doyle, H Shopporaon, and nino



John Hall, architect, Queen streot nominated by Stewart and Hemmant, D Mao Donnell, M Rufehcs, W Koith, J and J Burns, and bix


John Crowthoi, accountant, Quoon streot, nominated by Warde Brothers, Love and Co , Phillips and Woodcock, John Pctrio, L Car

michael, and fix othors

lheodoro Unniack, merchant, Edwoid sheet, nominated by John Potrio, L A Bernays, J Young D Young, James Cowlishaw, J W Thompson, and H Gailoy

Albert Rudolph Hugo Pietzckcr, mci obant, Queen street, nomiuatod by Brabant and Oo , E Gaujard, Tluvollo Brothers, Brookes and Forster, Ihompson Buchanan, and J W Hal


Benjamin J Komp, Enoggera load, noun natcd by R Ohvei, A Stewart, D P Milne, A Cameron, W Cassidy, aud othors

John Harrop Hcnzeil, commission agent, Turbot streot, nominated by John Konyon, E Young, W G Geddes, E Lswib, William

AitcheBon, and uro ochois

Alcxandei Watson, accountant and/aotuarv, Boundury stroet, Spring hill, nomiuntod by li Lew ib, D Havs W O'Carroll, 0 Mills, J Chapman, and five othors

Tho Matou then announced that a poll would bo taken at tho following piucos on lucsday, tho 14th lUBtant, commencing at 9 o'clock in tho morning and closing at 4 in tho aftornoon

-I or East Wurd-at tho Town Hull, North Ward-at the Sir John Young Hotol, Leich hardt street, South Ward-Mechanics Insti

tute, Stanley stieot, Valley Ward-nt the Oddfollows' Hall, Kangaroo Point, at Dar ragh s Hotel, and for Auditors ut tho Town Hall He also said that any of tho candidatos who desired would now havo an opportunity of addressing the mooting With regard to him-self, he might say that ho intended to address tho doctors of EaBt Ward on Triday evening, aud it was tberefoio unnecessary thot ho Bhould nuko any speech at present

Mi Humakd said bo had tho groatcst pos-sible îespect for the present Mayor, but at tho Banie tuno it might bo desired b\ tho ratepayers thot somo chango should bo mado in the constitution of the Council, and ho hod there

fore como forw írd as a candidato for tho Last Ward If olocted, ho would toko great caio that tho funds collected in each ward should be distributed m tlntwuid, and he was al»o in favor of tho public having free nae of tho Town Hall whenever it waa required for public pur

posoa (Applause )

Aldormau MlthE thanked the electors of West Wai d for having a{,ain leturned him tia thoir representative Ho hud not boon long in the Council, in fact ho had only timo to hocome convcr&aut with the íoutino und stylo iu which business was carried on, and ho could say that a great deal that waa dono required to be care fu'ly looked into Ho would yield to uo man in the conscientious dosiro to givo his voto for the best inteiests of the ward and the city, and ho hoped that ho would bo found to discharge his duty faithfully If ho found that ho could not do so ho would yield and lot a botter man take L s place (Applauso )

Mr BiLi/ETi emd this was tho third timo ho had come forward as a candidato for tho North Ward, and it would bo remembered that whon ho first carno forwuid it was when no one else could bo found to do so Ho (bon thought it to bo his duty, having a stake in tho ward, to stand for election, and if elected, to do his duty to the best of his ability Ho trusted ho had giveu satisfaction, and, if so, ho hoped ho would be again elected, and if ho had not dono so, tho iatepa}crs had bettoi elect his oppo ncnt, foi whom ho entertained tho highest re»peot If ho should bo again houored with the confidence of the electors ho would uso his best endeavors to advanoo tho interests of the ward and tho city generally (Hear, hear )

Mr Reading said ho bud como forward at the request of a largo number of rntopayers of îiorth Ward, although ho would much rather that another gentleman was m his place , and to show that ho was not ambitious of tho houor, he might stato that ho intimated to tho gentle mau referred to, that if ho would stand he (Mr Reading) would withdraw Under tho circum stances however, ho thought it to bo his duty to contest the election, for oven if he was do feated, it would doubtless have a good effect, m making their late alderman more attentive to his duties Many parts of the ward wero in a disgraceful state, and ho would refer to Bradleystreet, which tho Council refused to repair bo

cauee it was not a certuin width, but yet rates wero collected from the inhabitants He maintained that if rates wero collected from ony place tho roads about it ought to be kept in | good order (Hear, hear ) lío had entered ,

upon the conteat in a friendly spirit, and hoped i | that it would bo carried out in the some way, and if elected he would do his beat for tha in-

terests of the ward j ]

Mr Beattie said that as ho intended to I address tho electors of tho Valley in tho Odd i fellows' Hall to monow evening, it was not ] necessary to soy anything now Ho would then

be uble to explain his views, nnd to reply to some slanders which had been circulated respecting

him , i

Mr Waketield said ho came forward at the '

request of a largo number of the Valley rate i 'layers, but he had nothing to say against Mr Beattie, and hoped the contest would be nfnendly "ne Ho had been seventeen years m Brisbane,

»nd if elected he would do his boat to forward J the interests of tho ward and tho city in general t

Mr. PonTEB Boid that if re-elected ho would

dobis duty aB fearlessly ob ho claimed to havo discharged it during tho time ho was in the Council. Ho would bo thankful for the votes of thoso who bad confldonco in him, and thoso who had not could record thoir votes for his opponent.

No other candidato being prcBent, tho pro-ceedings terminated.