Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 5 April 1871, page 2



April 4,-Chanticleer, brig, 194 tons, Cap-tain G. A. Phillips, from Adelaide.


April 4.-Queensland, A.3.N. Co.'s s., 287 tone, Captain W. Smith, for Maryborough, Gladstone, and'Rockhampton. PassenßerB : Mr. and Mrs. CattHer, Master Cattlior, Miss Symes, Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Messrs. P. Bolger, J. L. Isambort, C. G. Preston, H. J. St. John, S. Smith, F. 8. E. Holt.E. S. LuoaB, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Auei liach, aud 6 m tbe steerage,


April 4.-Light Brigade, ship (Black Ball line), 1214 tons, Captain Sydney J. Wilkin, for London. Passengers : Saloon-Mr. and Mrs. T. Addenbrooke, Mrs. Meynell, Master Meynell, Mrs. F. C. Sayle, Master Sayle, Mrs. M. David-son, Miss S. Goodwin, Dr. Schliessner, Hon. Evelyn Ellis, Hon. Augustus Ellis, Messrs. F. A. Scott, and P. Culmsee. Steerage: Mrs. Coombs and family (2), Mrs. Nash and family (3), Mrs. Mantle and family (2), Masters Spar-weld (3), Miss Sparweld, Miss K. Hunt, Messrs. W. Manglesdorf, J. Hanson, Wm. Hayes, Wm. Coombs, Hy. Ruppell, J. Hall, J.Nash, Abner Harris, F. Fielding, John Sparweld, J. O'Grady, Jos. Haigh, and J. Brian.


Queensland, s., for Maryborough : 4 pack-ages, H. Sbeppersou j 1 parcel, A. J.S. Bank ; 8 packages drapery, D. L. Brown and Co.; 12 buckets, 9 camp ovens and covers, 50 boxes candles, 1 quarter-cask wine, 55 sheets galvan-ised iron, 6 hogsheads brandy, 5 cases whisky, 5 cases sarsparilla, 22 cases kerosine, 5 boxes tinplates, 50 packages bottled beer, 25 bags flour, 84 bags sugar, 7 kegs nails, 8 chests 3 half-chests 4 boxes tea, 33 packages groceries, 51 packages, J. and G. Harris ; 50 sacks flour, 1 hogshead ale, 5 cases spirits, 15 bags bran, 6 bags salt, 1 case, R. Hutchins aud Co. ; 1 quar-ter-cask wine, 3 crates crockery, 1 hogshead 1 quarter-cask brandy, 1 quarter-cask rum, 5 cases whisky, 4 hogsheads ale, 32 bags sugar, 12 cases bottled beer, 50 bags flour, 8 packages, 2 chests 1 half-chest tea, 20 bags bran, G. Raff and Co. ; 1 chest 1 box 1 half-chest tea, 22 packages groceries, 2 bags rice, 3 bags salt, 2 hogsheads ale, 6 packages, JC. Goertz and Co. ; 21 cases brandy, 15 packages groceries, 1 package tobacco, Brabaut and Co. ; 5 cases drapery, 20 boxes candles, E. Barnett ; 1 quarter-cask 1 case brandy, 22 bags salt, 2 kegs butter, l8 packages groceries, 9 packages, 20 bags flour, Barker and Co. ; 1 parcel, Registrar-General ; 25 boxes candles, 6 packages, W. and A. B. Webster ; 1 bale bags, J. Hart and Co.; 1 case, G. Camm; 3 packages spirits, 2 packages, Armour, Wood-ward, and Co. ; 2 packages, Colonial Stores ; 4 packages, Butler Brothers ; 1 parcel, Collector of Customs, 2 packages, C. P. Waters, 8 packages drapery, Stewart and Hemmant ; 2 cases steel, 3 coils rope, 22 bundles hooping, 9 packages hardware, &c, Warde Brothers ; 3 packages, 4 kegs butter, A.S.N. Co. ; 1 parcel, Southern and Western Railway ; 1 parcel, Mrs. Brady ; 2 quarter-casks rum, 2 quarter-casks 10 cases brandy, 1 hogshead ale, 5 cases kerosine, 3 cases geneva, 3 cases old tom, Orr and Honey-

man ; 1 truss, Scott, Dawson, and Stewart ; 20 boxes candies, 10 cases kerosine, 10 packages

bottled beer, 3 cases schnapps, 1 quarter-cask port, 1 quarter-cask sherry, 1 quarter-cask rum, 17 packages groceries, 1 package, Berens, Ran-niger, and Co. ; 2 cases, Bright Brothers and Co. ; 66 bags coke, Hooper, Robinson, and Gul-land ; 1 case, M. Hughes ; 1 case, Pettigrew ; 2 cases kerosine, 5 packages groceries, W. Cook ; 4 boxes soap, P. M. Campbell ; 6 packages G. Slater ; 1 parcel, W. Holt; 3 kegs butter, G. Cameron ; 4 kegs butter, 4 bags onions, 1 case cheese, 8 bags potatoes, E. Bennison ; 2 packages, J. Berkley ; 4 bags onions, 1 case matches, J. and J. Burns ; 3 packages, H. Box and Son ; 1 parcel, Bank of New South Wales ; 1 case oil, 1 case acid, Medhurst and Bradford ; 2 packages, Myers and Co. ; 15 bags flour, 2 kegs butter, 2 bags onions, 3 bags sugar, M'Master. For Gladstone : 130 bags flour, G. Raff and Co. ; 10 bogs flour, 1 half-chest tea, 8 bags sugar, 4 packages groceries, 2 hogsheads salt, 1 case stout, 6 packages, Barker and Co. ; 1 horse, Harper ; 1 case, D. L. Brown and Co. ; 1 case, Scott, Dawson, and Stewart ; 2 packages, Colonial Stores ; 1 parcel, Collector of Customs ; 11 packages tea, 3 packages, A.S.N. Co. ; 2 hogsheads ale, Perkins and Co. ; 1 case, R. Oliver ; 1 case, N. Lade ; 1 case, F. Mur-ray ; 16 bags sugar, 10 boxes candles, 3 pack-ages, E. Goertz and Co. ; 1 case, Finney, Isles, and Co. ¡ 1 spar, Port-office ¡ 1 chest drawers, Fraser and Buckland ; 1 case, Warde Brothers ; 1 parcel, Grimes and Petty ; 4 cases fruit, 8 bags, 5 cases, E. Bennison; 2 cases schnapps, Orr and Honeyman. For Rockhampton : 78 coils wire, 1 keg tobacco, 15 cases whisky, 11 packages, 5 bales blankets, 50 casks ale, 50 casks porter, 5 hogsheads ale, 4'kegs nails, 2 cases cheese, 6 cases fruit, 5 cases sarsaparilla, 15 boxes sperms, G. Raff and Co. ; 1 case, G. T. Watson ¡ 3 iron tanks, 12 buckets, 6 chests tea, 4 cases chairs, 36 camp ovens and covers, 20 cases kerosine, 182 boxes tin plates, 25 pack-ages groceries, 12 packages, 109 bags sugar, J. and G. Harris ; 4 packages, 120 casks cement, Scott. Dawson, and Stewart ; 4 bags meal, W. Pettigrew ; 10 bags flour, E. Goertz and Co. ; 1 case, E. Gaujard ; 1 case, 1 dray, 2 cases, D. L. Brown and Co. ; 70 coils wire, 1 boiler, 2 drums caustic soda, 4 casks resin, Clarke, Hodgson, and Co. ; 1 bag pepper, A.S.N. Co. ; 1 parcel, Collector of Customs ; 3 cases drapery, Finney, lsles, and Co. ; 6 packages, Colonial Stores ; 37 packages drapery, Stewart and Hemmant ; 3 bags oysters, G. Winstone; 15 bags maize, 20 bags chaff, J. Gibbins ; 3 packages, Southem and Western Railway ; 1 parcel, Stamp-office ; 1 parcel, Government Printer ; 2 packages, G. Slater ; 1 parcel, Land-office ; 1 case, Cobb and Co. ; 20 chests tea, 1 hogshead rum, 6 cases jams, 2 cases honey, 1 case, Berens, Ranniger,

and Co.; 3 bales chaff, Bennison ; 1 parcel, Orr' and Honeyman.

Light Brigade, ship, for London : 72 balee wool, W. B. Tooth ; 4G bales wool, 288 casoa preserved mutton, G. H. Davenport ; 42 I

wool, Mjlne and Co. ; 5 bales wool, Hill, Allan, and Holberton; 424 balee wool, 6 casks tallow, J. Taylor ; 32 bales wool, 3 bales skins, J. G. Sims ; 111 bales wool, D. Gunn ; 34 bales wool, J. Pierce ; 68 bales wool, Cray, Simmie, and Fraser; 77 bales wool, Hirst Brothers; 47 bales wool, Lord and Co. ; 54 bales wool, T. B. Stephens ; 83 bales wool, 1500 hides, 240 casks tallow, 11 calfskins, 13i cwt. boneB, 2031 hornB, 3 pnckugcB tobacco, J. ond G, Harris ; 151 bales wool, R. L. Jenkins ; 8 boles wool, Hethering-ton and KeyB ; 94 bules wool, O. H. Marshall; 11 buloB wool, 45 bales Bkins, 113 casks tal ' o' A\ S' Buchanan; 102 bales wool,

Gore and Co. ; 44 bales wool, 107 casks tallow, JNew Zealand and Australian Lund Company . 38 bales wool, W. Fitzgerald; 30 bales wool, M'Farlono and Sous ; 7 boleB wool, D. M'Oon nel ; 30 bales wool, M. H. Marsh ; 4 balos wool, H. Hunter; 4G bolcB wool, W. Miles 45 bales wool, Bunk of New South Wales ; 144 baleB wool, 25 casks tallow, 7G cwt. hoofs,'4000 horns, G. H. Wilaon und Co. ; 49 bales wool C. R. Holy ; 105 bales wool, J. do V. Lamb ¡ G bales wool, M'Lean and Beit ; 15 balos wool, J. F. M'Dougal ; 5 baies wool, J. P. JobI ; 83 bale'B wool, 500 cases presorved mutton, 223 cases preserved meat, R. TownB and Co, ; 122 bales wool, J. Ferrett; G9 bales wool, Wienholt Brothers ; 70 bules wool, Mooro and Turnbull ; 30 bales wool, Clarke, Hodgson, und Co. j 3 caees boney, J. PrcBton ; 2 cases speci-mens natural history, E. Marwedel ; 2 boxes silver piste, Major Blackall ; 58 boxes, 10 pack-ages, H. Box and Son ; 1 box, Colonial Store-keeper ¡ 41 bales wool, Hodgson and Ramsay; 79 bales wool, William Beit. Recapitulation : 2630 bales wool, 48 bales sheepskins, 500 casks tallow, 788 cases preserved mutton, 223 cases preserved meat, 11 calfskins, 1500 hides, 6031 horns, SDJ cwts. bones and hoofs, 3 cases honey, 2 boxes silver plate, 71 packages sundries.

Ipswich Steaslebs.-Tho Sottler, from Raff's wharf, at half-past 9 o'clock ; and the Emu, from tho A.S.N. Co.'s wharf, at the samo hour, thiB morning.

The ship Elizabeth Dougal was towed into the river us far ub Pinkeubur Flats anchorage yesterday morning, by the Kate, a.

Tho Blaokbird, es., loavcB for Gladstone and Rookhampton at half- past 7o'clook this evening,

The Black Ball liner, Light Brigade, oloarod at tho Customs yesterday foronoon, with a full cargo of produce, the details of which will bo found above. She also takes a fair complement of passengers. 'The pussongers, accompanied by a number of their friends, ivoro convoyed to tho ship yestorduy by the Nowra, b., and tho ship will put to sea with the first fuir wind. The Light Brieudo is tho fourth ship cleared out this season by Messrs. J. and G. Harris for London, Thoy hi'no now ou tho homeward berth the Storm King and tho Star Queen, which aro ex-pected to have rupid dispatch.


Mails will be uiado up and closed at the

General Post-ofllco as under :

For Gludstono and Rockhampton, per the Blackbird, s. : For registered letters, at 4 p.m. ¡ for newspapers, at 6 p.m. j and for ordinary letters, at 7 p.m., on Weduesdoy (this day).


Cape Mobetox.-Arrival: April 4. Chanti-cleer, brig;, from Adelaide, at 12 noon.-Depar-tures : April 4. Oberlin mid Ella Gladstone, brigs, for Nowcostlo, at 0.30 a ra.

Pilot Station.-April 4, 3 p in. Tho barqno Atlantic is still at anchor off tho Station.

MAKruoBOUon.-Departure : April 4. Leich-hardt, s., for Sydney, ut 10.15 a in.

Woodt Island.-April 4. A schooner, sup-posed to bo tho Juliet, from Maryborough to Sydney, went South yesterday morning.

Sxdket.-Arrivals : April 3. Dandenong, B3., from Melbourne ; Boomerang, ss., from Rocklyraipton. April 4. City of Brisbane, s., from Sydney.-Departures : April 3. Agnes Irving, s,, and New England, a., for Grafton.