Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 12 September 1870, page 4


Mails will close nt the Gcnc¡al Post Ofllcc ns follows -

loulitiiMiiA lsiAsns- By the Geoige lima, this daj, nt


1 un AtrKiAsn-Bv thclsovßltv, this div, al noon

1 or ( nu ion -ltv tht Gratton (s ) mel New 1 uelaiid (s ), Ibis

dnj at 7 30 j) in

Cistom IIoisi -1 uti ¡ed Outwards, Scplcmbct 12 Hero (s 1,

705 tons Captain I ogan, for Auckland

'flit ntw scitw simmer built mr the Queensland Govern-ment bl tht VI itciutw Bij 1 uguie 1\ orks Compon), vi ill be launched lo monow, it 10 30 i m lins vc sel is tilt largtst jet

ci nstnitttd m the colonies

'Hie Hcio (s), left Hobson's Bnv at 2 50 pm on the 7th instant passed t ape Schanck nt 8 o clock same night, rounded lid'on's lionumtoiv nt 5 a in on the toll, passed G ibu lsl mil at 2 a m on the 9th, Cape st Gtoigc at 7 11 p m s mit du tnttred Svdnev Hinds nt 4 20 a ni on tht 10th, and aimed ¡it tht Gratton \1 hnrf at 5 o'clock On the passage lound, the Ilc¡c> evpenenced moderate N VV winds and hi/j weither to Wilson's liomontoiy, thence to Cipe Howe, licai) IS V\ giles, with thick hu/) vi cathu, fierce squalls, sttndv run, and high confused stn, mid from thence to Cape St George, high luntlierlj ninds and fine vieathei IYesh westerly to I\ winds have prevailed since passing Cape St George On the 0th instant, ¡it 11 15 a m , pissed the lou langs (s j, about la miks SI of Montagu


Ihe ketch Comet proceeded on her second tup toi hí-nbeth Reef on Satin day morning for tht purpose ol bringing up the remainder of the goods sued from tht mick of the schooner


The Hero (b ) foi vuekiand, Tnnies Paterson (s ), for Mel-bourne , nnd I ndj 1 oung (s ), lol Bnsbanc, lift foi then dcstuui tious on Snturduv ev ening

Hie Citj oi Brisbane (s ) left Bnsbanc on Trulii nt 8 a m , and Cape Mouton ut 0 30 p in , she had fresh noitli-viesterlj ¡mel wcstcili winds mid hue vtenthei to Sniokj Cape, und moderate south-west winds the icmnmdcr of the pissage, arming at Sv duel tin bunda) tit 9 a ni I he 1 gmont (s j w as p isscd on

b ltuiilaj at 2 p in off Port Macquarie

The Rangaliin (s ) lett Melbourne nt 4 30 am on the 1th instant, clem ed the Heads at 7 30 a m , lounded Wdson's Pio niontoij at 5 p ni Gabo Island nt 8 p m ou the 10th, enteied Port Jackson ut 5 36 a ni on the 11th, and «mud it the Coin pan j 's 11 lim Í at G 30 n ni 5 une dav, making the p i«sagc in lt> hours from heads to heads 1 \pcuenetd sticmg south« 1\ winds with heiivj swell to Cape Schank, fiom tliuiot to Montague Island strong south-viesttrli ninds and hue plcisant vvtithe¡, mid v ni table vi mils and cairns the ¡ emamdci ol the p ¡ssage At 0 30 nm on the 10th pissed the lou lungs (s ) oil Hum Und, bound S 1\ Passed tvi o f iill-i lgged ships, tw o ba¡ ques, and

sei ei al lings nilli schooners off tilt Dromcelni i

ïheDundcnong(s j lettlltibson s Biv it 4 10 p m on Tliuisdai, nnchorid at Queenscliff, mel passtel through Poit Phillip Heads ¡itmidnight, loundtd Milsons Iioinontoi) atOani on Indi), Ciiibp Island ¡it 1 a ni on bataillai, and enteied the Ile ids at 1 a ni Sundín, Uni ¡ug the pasáagt in 41 hours from linds t« Heads I vpoiienctd strong fin ounhlc wmds to Green Cipe mid hghthe-id winds fiom thire to the Heads, withver) lint weather Passed the lou lang* (s ) 10 miles 8 Vi of Gabo Island

Hie bal que Constance left Auckland on the 30th ultimo, anti lipoits inodcritt winds and wcithti tlom the S 1 up to the 8th mst mt, when tin wind came m liom the we tivaid, and blew


Hie Plantel, fioin Wainininhoûl, reports light winds from V and îs 1 up to Cape Howe, und from th t point stiong > 1 guli s bav e prev ulled

Hie II ii ililli (s ) left Itaivboioujr'i at G pm on Wednesdn, ciosstd the b u nt 10 30 n in on I hiiisduj , pnssed C ipe Moreton ut G 50 p in s une din , bmoki C ipe at 7 4 > p in on 11 ulai, Port Stephens it 10 !5 u m on S iturd-n , enttrcd Sjdni) linds ut 1 lipm same dnv, und berthed alongside the Compmj's Vi h ni at 10 15 jim 1 \-pcnciiceil light s M ninds and fine neithci throughout tht j) issngt

Hie bin que Occ in Bride jiasscd Jei vis Bil on the 10th mst ¡nt

bound noith

Hie G¡psi,fiom twofold Ba), brmgs up the follow¡ng c-ugo

(24 ongs bark, 24 sales I b ig bacon, 7 hulls, I tiskbuttii, 20 cheeses, and sundries

Hie Kembla (s ), from Morilla, bnngs the follnwmp cn go loo bigs balk 100 chteses, 2 casks tallow, 2 bales leather, la bai,s oj stci s, 10 bugs bacon, and sunelnis

I he cm go of the 1 lien consists of 220 bigs bark, 2000 treen ids, 16 bigs bicon, 11C cheeses, 7 kegs bnUer, a lot of skins, and


Hie fuioiinte tinder Ia Hoguo lins again nrrncd in poit, having made tht pissage in 92 dujsfiom PI)mouth She bnngs a lal gc tomplcincut of passengers, and ¡i full cargo, together with six very line bulls, all m txcellcnt condition Captain Goddard reports as follow s respecting Ins passage trom London -Left li)mouth June 11th at noon, with a light westerly wind, the wind continued light fiom b IS und W until the 18th when the Is L wind set in, position on that dav, 11 Is ando VV

the island of Palm i was sighted on the 2 >th, and the equatoi crossed Juli 12th, the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope was pnssed August 10th , the weather so fal hail becu extremely line, and the winds Ten light with smooth sei, Septcmbci 8th, sighted the Otwav nt 3 p in , but violent squalls trom the south-land, w¡th it high se t, piciented our approaching near enough *o coiumitmenti, her easting had bein run down on the par illel of 11 b, anti with tho exceptmn ot 48 hours the weather has hetu lomparatn el) fine, vi lth otcnsionall) ver) heiv y seas , 9th, passed Wilson's liumontui) ut b am, and the Howe at mid-night, wind blowing strong, M S W , off the Dromedars at noon on the 10th, wind light anti variable, jiassed through tho Heads at 3)im 11th mst mt, the whole passage being characterised bv fine elrv weather with a stead) barometer On Julj 20th, held n bn/niir in md of the Belvedere Institute, for worn out mel d sablcd mci chant seamen, which realised £28 10s

'Hie caigo of the Hunter (s ), compnscs 240 cises mni/em, GO bags balk, 30 bogs potatoes, 12 bales sheepskins, G hides leather, 80 kegs buttei, 20 bugs bacon, 300 cheeses, 1 casks tallow, and


Hie Is S W Government steamer Thetis left Sydncj for Lord Hone's Island on bundav night, the 4th instant, to bnng on to bjdnev the captain and lenuundcrot the crew of the barque Aurífera, th it foundered sometime ngo SI of Lord Howe's Island Hie Thetis cilled at >.ewcustlo for coals and piocetdcd on her voinge, had fresh casterlv winds all the wnj, armed nt the island on M cdncstlnj night, got the men on bonni and lett on 1 hurstlai morning for Sj due), w ith the wind J!\r and north, w Inch soon v eered to the vi estw ard and blew n bcav y gale, and continued had with heavy sei until close mwitb tht coast, when the w tathcr caine fine , in rived m Sj elney at 2 30 p m yesterday

ïhc Balclutha (s ) left Rockhampton at 9 a m on the 8th in-stant, rounded Bicnksea Spit ntija m on the Uth, passed Cape Moreton at 8 a0 p in on the same da), Smoky Capo at 7 50 p m on the 10th, enteied Svdnev heads at 5 40 p ni on the 11th, and arrived at the wnaif at G 30 p ni 1 xpenenced southerly w¡nds to Capt Moreton, and busk b W winds and fine weather the ic inmndei of the trip

Hie Alexanilin, fiom .Warrnambool, encountered a volent li b 1\ gale on the 8th instant Her decks got Ulled, and the ciptnin vi as compelled to throw overboard some 30 tons enrgo to laisc the vessel She bas ilso lost a considerable portion of

hei bulwarks

A ship and barque, bound north, passed the Poi t yesterday

Ihe sciew steamer Albion left Gladstone on Sunda), 4th instant, and m consequence ol south-east winds caine through llerrov to Hide Buy, the latter vías left on ihursdny morning, w ith fan wind, and early on i rida), a hcavv south and south wisterl) gale, with hcavv sen, set ¡n, the vessel bemg light, and undei one boiler, mude little hcaelw ay, Sunday, at noon, wind moderate 11 hen abreast of Port Stephens, passed the Boomerang bound no1 th , on rhursilav sighted ono lull-ngged ship and a barque, both making for Newe estie, which port they had been driven past The Albion was piloted down by Captain Champion

We understand that a survey was held yesterday, by Captains Rundle and Hunter, on the Jeanie Oswald, with a view to her being condemned. — Northern Argus, September 7.