Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 21 August 1867, page 5


Tnn second session ef tho first Synod of tho Ohuroh of England within tbo dioceso of Sydnoy met yostorday, in tho /Churon Society's Houao, in Phillip street.

Tho members of the Sj nod opscinbled in tho morning at St James's Church, when morning prayors wero road by tbo incumbont, tho Rev Mr Cavo Iho Communion sorvioo was colobroled by tho It ¡gat Itov. tho Bishop, assisted ¿y tho Dean of Sj dney.

Tho Synod met in tho Churoh Society's Houao at 3 p m. Almost all tho clergy of tho dioceso having ouro of souls wero prosent, and handed in their licenses

A largo proportion of tho lay delegates also answered (o their names when tho roll was called by tho Chancellor. Iho delegates appointed ßineo the last session of the Synod also signed tho necessary declaration, when their namos wero calltd over, after those of tho old mombors

Iho BiBhop opened tho proceodinga with appropriate prayors Bclected from the Book of Common Proyor

Mr JAMES BUTLI II, returned aa delegate for St Potor's, Woolloomooloo, Bitting us ono of the delegates of tho parish of St Andrew in thia city, being called upon to state for which piece bo elected to bit, replied that ho clectod to sit as dolegate for St Peter's

The Bishop of SA DNE\ then procoeded to road the fol-lowing addreas -

My Boverend Brethren, and Brothren of tho Lsity,-On tho occasion of our assembling in tho socond sossion of our Diocesan Synod I dcBiro to tako this public oopor

tiimly of expressing my tnanklulneBs to Almighty liod for the manner in vi bien tho bunnoes of tho first session was conducted and my entiro satisfaction with tho resulta. The eiesion was, it IB true, ono of preparation rather than of action, but, I have no doubt, that on the eloso of tho picsent ECSHon it will bo soen that this preparation was not in vam The standing comimttco and ita sub tommit'ces havo mel regularlj ïlio eecrctariea havo prepared a con-siderable amount of business fur tho Sjnod, tho discussion of which, together with tho matters referred to select com-mittees appointed by (ho Synod, will BUppIj occupation for as long a ture as it »ill be convenient to remain in session. Since our last meeting wo ha\o lost two highly respootod gnd valuablo members by death Tho Honorable James Macarthur took n lively interest m tho constitution of the Synod, and bj his experience, wisdom, and moderation con-tributed largcl> to its success Iho public of Now South Wales had long recognised bia claim lo bo regarded as a feenovolcnt and intelligent philanthropist, over forward to proniotobis ciuntrj'e good Tho members of tho Church and of this fev nod can Bpeak ot his liberality and of tho resdy and unspArmg attention ho bestowed upon tho interests of his own communion. Such mon can ill bo spared Wo havo lost many of lato years, and though tho mention of thom calls forth Eoirowful i egrets, yet is it a gratification tous, no leas than a tributo justly duo lo them, that thoy should not pass unnoticed from amongst us "The momory of tho just l8 blessed." Tho clergy, too, havo lost one of

tno oldoBt ana most respected members of their body, tho Ku v

33 T Stiles, the lato incumbent of St Matthow's, Windsor Bo was provented by illness from taking hiB placo in tho first session of tho Synod, but no momher of our Church was moro deeply interested in tho formation and well boing of our assembly than our departed brother Only those who had the privilege of his friendship could apprcomto tho railed excellences and attainments which giuced his oha raoter, and made his conversation edifying and gave valuo to his counsels It was a disappointment to many of his friends that we were deprived of tho advantages which his lntclllgonco and sincero attachmont to our Church vvould havo brought into our nssombly jFroin his great sufferings ho has passed to porfoct rest It will not, 1 trust, bo without its uso to us, who aro about to enter upon the discussion ef many und varied topics, if by tho moulton of theso events wo aro recalled to a considera tlon of tho great end wo should havo in view in all that paeecs here Iho Bubjects which havo now so much of interest, will never, íudeed, lose thoir intrinsic importance, but will soon cease to bo of any real concern to us Wo shall bo withdrawn from tho consideration of thom whether hy a calm transition at tho CIOBO of a peaceful Sabbath, or from the long sharp discipline of a bed of suffering-tho ond will como and theso matters will cease to affect us more It may perhaps help us to discuss tbcm m a right spirit, if wo ever bear in mind that their pnncipil importance ia their bearing and influence upon tho oternal mtcroslB of ourselves and others And hero wo have thia great odvantaço that wo are members of ono commu mon, and if of different orders, aro no less parts of ono body than the hand or iho foot or tha eye aro uictubors of ono bed}. Mo have no conflicting intereste, and can cousult together for the advantage of tho wholo, and whether tho subjects relate to discipline or patronage, to tho marriage of the livine, ur the bunal of tho dead, to the molntenauco of thoclergj or tho rein f of their widows and orphins, wo snail not counsel tho less wisely, and it may bo the moro calmly, ii wo remember that our fathers aro D issing awRy, and that boou our own summons will bo heard, aud time and Iho interest« i f timo will bo for us no longor Tho principal subjects discussed at our first meeting will piobally occupy the greater part of tho present session Ono matter, however, will only requiro a tatsnig notice I refer to the relation botweeu the Church at homo and in Iho colonies Soma light will probably bo thrown upon this subject by tho deliberations of the Archbisho] a and Bishop', who will nieot at Lambeth in tho course of next month I have no doubt that the dis cuBbun will serve to bring all parties to i nearer agreement It will, on the one hand, be seen that wo do not dosiro and noter did desire, that tho Church of england in theso colonies should be placed in the position of au Established

Church, thai wo aro not contending for this, and are miarepicscntcd if it is i-aid that we aro, but that wo do contond that tbo Church of England in thia colony IB somo*htng moro lo the Church at home, than the Episcopal Church, in Scotland cr in America, that our connection is not ono of similarity but ot identity, and that sinco if tho Church of England wero deprived of her revenues, sho would be the Church of England still, BO WO who have no tithes or Church rr toa, and are located ina colony, aro still the Church of >ngland m that colony. This union between na and the Church of England will, I trust, over bo proseived by the constitution of our Synod and by our cheerful recognition of the supremacy of the Crown It will be in your recollection that we addressed petitions on this subject to tho Crown to tho Houses of Parliament, and to the Houses of Convocation I havo received some answora to the letters which accompanied theso petitions, aud place copies of them on the tablo. (Appendix A ) I received an invitation from tho Archbishop of Canterbury to attend a meeting of tho Archbishops and Blshopa ot the Church of England and Ireland, the colonial Bishops, and the Bishops in visible communion with tho United Church of England and Ireland, to be held at Lambeth on (ho 24th of September next. On receiving this invitation I consulted the standing committee of tho Synod as to the expediency of my being present on the Occasion, The opinion of the standing ccmmitteo agreed with my own, that at tbo present juncture of affairs in our Church it would nut be advisable for mo to bo absent from ray diocese, and I accordingly returned a reply tu that effect, a copy of which I lay upon tho table. (Appendix B ) AB the Archbishop, in his circular inviting my attend-ance, stated that if I di sired to expresa my opinion upon any sulject to be brought boforo tbo proposed assembly, I might authorise any ot tho prelates to speak on my behalf, I requested tho Archbishop of Yo k to take charge of a paper drawn up by the Chancellor of the Diocese, in which my views upon the subject of our relation to the Church at homo, and the manner in which our union may bo maintained, are eet forth This paper will, I trust, in duo time bo punted. The roports of tho different com-mittees will be brought up for your consideration. The report of the Stan ung Cemmittee deals with the business which has bees entrusted to it. and tho repor s of the sub-committees of the Standing Committee will be laid before you m iho order in which they occur in our first soflsion. The Bclect commntets appointed by tho Synod will then bing up their reports They aro all of great import-ance, and i (mut will meet with duo consideration. Iho subject of mott interest is that ef marriage, and particularly the fees poid for licenses. The special

conimitteo appointed to take (hie subject into consideration nave found that considerable difficulties surround it It ia supposed that to the expenso and ínconvonienoe attending the celebration of marriage in tho Church of England must 09 attributed the diminution in the number of marrmgos performed bj the clergy of th» Church of England I pave for some timo past extended tho hours for cele braling marriages, being satisfied that I had tho power to do this I have doubtless the power to diminish or ab0«.u 'ho fee paid for n license, to dispenso wilh Ihojpublication of banns , and I shall bo preparod to do either ono or the o'hor whon the matter has been fully oiecuEsed and satisfactorily arranged In such arrangement »ho position of tho Registrar of tho diocese will not, I pre turne, be overlooked The present occupant of that otlloe has an equitable claim to the conBidoration or tho Church, arising from the lengthened period during which ho has discharged ils duties It is truo thit the registration of Births, deaths, and marriages is now undertaken by the uovernment, but it will not be possible to dispense with an officer to register the fermai acts of the diocesan, to pre-servo the deeds of much property, the official correspond-ance, and tho various documents by which the evidence of ordination and consecration is afforded Iho modo or paying the Registrar by fees is one which has tho sanction of custom here and in the English diocoaes. Mt re, however, the clergy have of late years Deea reliev ed ''Om many payments to which in England they are Bub jected No charge is mado for letters of orders, for licenses «> a cure of souls, or for the office of currogato, nor aro foes Demanded at visitations or consecrations While tho clergy have thus been relieved, the feo upon tho issuing of a license has boen retained, and has formed the principal eource of revenue for the Registrar Iho imposition of this fee is TI? "n ci lho bishop, and by him only can it be removed iho Registrar is in no way accountable for its existence or «mount, and holds his omeo on condition of submitting »ese arrangements to Bueh revision as tho Synod may recommend I shall on every account rejoice if the select commutes has been able te deviso a modo by which a publio gnevanoe shall be removed without the infliction of an injury upon an individual. The reports on discipline, the presentation to parishes, tho Church Society, the rjroi M°Í ?r tte wld0WB Bna* orphans of the clergy, will all bo laid beforo j ou, and, from tho time and attention which nave been given to these subjects, and the unanimity whioh

ona prevailed in tho Standing Committee while considering I jnem, I do not anticipate any serious difficulty in framing oroiLaocea upon them. I should be glad if ono uniform ¡Pioa m respect of patronage could bo agreed upon ID the '.?«reo dioceses of the colony To carry this out it wo ild bo

of trustees' of tho oomotery at Haslem's v. OB1C4 *' was not poíeiblo formo to appoint trustees until the t'aHt was settled, nor is tho Church of England in tho least degroo responsible for tho delay whioh has anson Tho aub

ject of education is of necessary importonoo Tho offeot of tho Pubiio Schools Act of last eosaion ia not yot fully known, but tbo tondenoy of it ia undoubtedly to diaoourago Denominational schools, and to throw oonsidorablo diffloulty in tho way of their establishment and maintenance No ABBiatanco will bo pivon towards building or repairing. Furniture only will bo provided whon tho school is the sole means of imparting instruction in that neighbourhoodi e provided no Public Behool is noar Iho booka for roligious instruction, oithor in tho Denominational or Pubiio schools, must be provided at tho cost of thoao who wish to givo tho instruction A now Denominational sohool can only bo established under circumstances which render its establishment very difficult, while, on tho other hand, if tho Counoil so wills it, a Pubiio school may bo established in the neighbourhood of a Denominational ono, and destroy it by bringing its numbers bolow tho required avorago I trust that somo modifications of tho law and of tho Regula-tions may bo obtained Submission to tho law and readiness, to sacrifico our own advantagos for tho sako of tho common good do not obligo us to acquiesça m arrangements whioh wo bolicvo to bo detrimental to tho highost interests of tha pcoplo Wo know that education baeod upon rohgious instruction is tho best, and wo contend for froodom to impart Ibis to our own children, and for assistance in doing it Wo dceiro Church of England schools for our own children, but are willing that they eluitl oo so conducted that any child may tccciro secular instruction in them and wo therefore consider that th se schools havo as strong a claim upon the Govornmoat for supp >rt aa tho former non-vested schools, from which thoy differ only in name. 'I he tenuro of tho property is tho same, the instruc-tion is essentially tho carno, and thoro can bo no just roason fur nmkiDg a marked and injurious difference in tho mensuro of sur port accorded to thom Ia tho meantiuio funds aro required for the suppty of roli¿ioui booka, and for oeeislanco tow ardu tho repair of tchçolfl and for furuituro If tho funds for educational put poses from tho Church and School I stato are placad under tha management of tho Dioccenn Committee, and tho income of the committee duly augmented theso wants might bo supplied 1 havo re quested tho Dean to bring (ho subject beforo tho Synod, with a view to somo practical result With roferonco to tho religious lUBtruction ia Public schools I considor it to bo tho duty of tho clergy to avail themselves of tho oppor-tunity afforded bj tho provisions of tho Act, and, as far BB ihcj aro able, to attend tho Public schools for tho purpose

ot instructing iho Church of England ohildron It is also my wiBh lo arrnngo a pi in for the mapection of our Church schools, so far as tho rcligiotiB instruction is concernod, and if, in addition to this, wo aro ablo to pró-vido Buitablo candidatos for tho Council's 1 raining behool, and to givo thom instruction previous lo their admission, wo may hopo to overt some of the ovils likely to ariso from tho present 8} stem of Public school edu-cation I trust that my reverend brothten will fool tho groat importance of giving roligious instruction in thoir schools. Neither tho tca"hing of tho Sunday school nor tho instruc-tion of tho daily teacher can supply vv hat tho children rofjuire-plain, simple, pointed catechising in tho formularies of tho Churoh, and in tho Word ot Go 1, by their own authorised pas lor A clorg} man should bo as regular and constant in his Behool as in his church For his own sake, for tho sake of tho children aud of tho community who'o servant for Christ's Bako ho is, ho should habitually and conscientiously instruct and examino iho children of his parish-euhor ia tho school or in Iho Bible class Tho rulos under which it is propojod that the Church Sooioty shall in faturo be minaged will ho laid beforo tha Synod I trust that tho interest in thy affairs of the society, mamfosted by tho largo attendanco at tho committee meetings, and tha caroful consideration given to tis business, will bo still maintained In a reosnt address I havo stated kiels which I trust will sorve to increase tho support which ought to bo given to a society whoco services to tho causa of religion in conneotion with our Church havo been of inesti-mable value Iho spociul committee on a constitution ior tho Cathedral will lay a report beforo tho Synod. > tom tho novelty of tho Bubject, from various loo ii cir-cumstances, and from tho want of an endowment, it has loon, and I i oar will bo, difficult lo mako satisfactory arningmonts for tho management of tho Cathedral. By confining rursolves at first to what is practicable, wo may in tims bo ablo to carry out tho idea ot a Cathedral in ii. ,so modorn tunes. I trust thalthe liberality of members of tho Church of Lngland will próvido such an endowment as to enable tha CLapter to make arrangements for conducting tho sorvices in a manner suited to tho building ia which thoy will be held I may hereobservo thatwhilelconsider that the services m tho Cathedral should for the most part be of thatoharaotor und frequency which ia common in cathedrals at homo, I do not think it desirable to introduce services of an ornate kind into our parish churchcs, and, to speak more particularly, I observe, when the hymns of praise provided by the Church Church become elaborate performances in which the ohoir

alone can join, we deprive the congregation of the opportu-nity of uniting in this part of the service. Touching the mode of conducting Divine Service, I wish to repeat here what I havo said on two occasions in private, that in no cases should changes be made without the concurrence of the congregation and the consent of the ordinary. I believe that the manner of conducting public worship in the churches of the diocese is in accordance with the directions of the Book of Common Prayer and the sanction of long estab-lished custom. I do not suppose that there is any desire on the part of the laity for a change in the direction of what is understood by the term ritualism, or any intention on the part of the clergy to introduce such change. It is impossible, however, to observe what is passing in England without apprehension that the disturbing influences which are working there, may extend to these shores, and I there fore deem it right to say to the clergy and laity who are here assembled, that no change will receive my sanction unless it is proposed with the concurrence of the congregation as represented by the churchwardens, and is in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer. In connection with this subject I also wish to draw the attention of the clergy and churohwardens to that provision in the Church Act which requires that be fore any alterations are made in the arrangement of the pews a faculty shall be issued under the seal of the Bishop authorising such alteration. This provision is intended as a protection to the parishioners and the churchwardens. To the former, that alterations may not be made without their consent, and to the latter, that they may have legal authority for their acts. It is my wish that a rule so reasonable and necessary may in all cases be complied with. On the occasion of our last meeting I mv ittd the clergy and laity of the Western Districts to meet mc on the subject of a bishopric for Bathurst It waa then resolved to take measures for tho formation of the bishopric, and a subscription Hat for tho endowment was commencad Since that time I havo held public meetings at Bathurst and elsewhere, and the result has boen satisfactory. The proposal has been cordially received, and the subscription list amounts to more than £5000. I trust that the appeal I am about to mako in the remaining portion of the West will meet with an equally liberal response, and that ero many months havo passed wo shall have a fifth bishop in tho colony, Tho Bishop ef Grafton and Armidalo may bo expected in tho courao of the present year. Iho members of the Church of England may be congratulated upon the progress which the Church boa made. Judging from the increased numbers of churches and clergymen, ana the activity displayed by tho promoters of church and Behool building, much has indeed boon done I trust that the effect of our synodical meetings will bo to consolidate and extend our work, to give increased eOlcionoy to the Church as a body, and to inspire the members with greater zeal and eornestness in promoting the cause of truo religion m connection with our Church Lotus not forget, my brethren of the clergy and the laity, that our ex-ternal agencies aro but the means to a highor end, and that

w o do not build ohurcbcs, or maintain the ordinances of reli-gion for any lower object than that souls may be saved tbreugh tho knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A prophet spoaks of some who "saenhoe unto their net and burn incensé unto their drag" because of tho success obtained by their means Let us not fall into this snare If the number and beauty of our churches, and the order and propriety of our services, and oven our largo con gregations and liberal subscriptions aro regarded as the ond of our efforts, wa shall certainly fail of the groat purpose the Church should havo in view. Tho terms of our com-mission aro not changed-"Preach the Gospel," ' Proach the Word," that men may behove and bo baptized and be saved All our efforts aro to havo this in view " that by all means we may save souls " Lot this bo our high and noble aim, and we shall find it giving a truo direction to all our efforts, and antmaticg us with constraining motives patiently to wait and labour oven unto the ond If the clergy and laity are of thia mind then the progress of our Church will bo a national blessing Wide and etoep waters will flow fi)rth from our sanctuary, carrying lito and healing " whithereoover the rivers shall como " It is my earnest desire and proycr that our beloved Church moy bo thus honoured and blessed, that the Holy Spirit would bo pleased to guido and overrule all our deliberations to this end, and that Ho whoso watchful caro for his Churoh never slumbers, would deliver UB from the OVIIB of presump-tion, sloth, and unbelief, would banish from amongst us all ignr raneo and error, ond enablo us to boar a olear and con-stant testimony to Him BB tho truo and living Way to our Heavenly Father and our Eternal Homo.

Tho Bisnor gav o o formal assent to tho standing orders of the Synod, and to tho rules of the standing committee. These had already boen acted upon.

Mr M E. MURMN. as ono of the junior membersof tho Synod, said that it had devolved upon him to move that the admirable address of tho Bishop bo printed for distri-bution. Ho begged to moko that motion accordingly.

The Dean of SIDNEY seconded the motion, and having called upon the Synod to expicEs its sonso thereupon, tho motmn was carried by a unanimous voto

TheBiSHorJregretted to havo to announco tho resignation of Mr William Owen, tho lay secretary of tho Synod. Mr. Owen had intimated to him that he would be happy to con-tinue to discharge tho duties of lay secretary until bia succef sor should bo appointed. Ho suggested that tho clerical secretary and the Standing Committee should confer, as to tho appointment of a lay eeoretary in tho roo* of Mr. Owen, during tho evoning recess, with a view to the proya« ration of sonie substantive motion on tho subject on. me ro

asBembl'-jg of tho Synod. By this nieass he thought that

arrangements might bo maâo, affï all duo inquiry, for the ] J appointment of a successor to Mr. Owen,

Mr. ALFXAr.DEii GonDON, pro Jorma, movod the adjournment of the Synod until a later hour in tho


¡MMJhM^^^i^^^ttJ-iJ^V i v i inn --


Mr. ALEXANDER STOAUT, us chairman of tho Standing Committee, brought up the following report, which was read to too "vaod -

Rüron-r of tho oí'nilmE Committee lo tho ScOoid Session of tho

First Synod of the Diocese of Sydney -30th August, 18i>7

In accordance with the" directions of tho 8th rule, tho Standing Committee have prepared, and haic the honour to present to the Synod, a report of their proceedings, including an account of all sums received and disbursed by them sinco the first Session of Eynod in December, 180B.

1 Immediately after the closo of thal session, the committee directed thiir attention to the many important subjects which had been submitted for their consideration, sub-committees wero appointed to enquire into and report thereon. And tho standing committee liming maturely reconsidered such reports, now recommend them to the Synod as follón s.

I, A report and ordinance for the constitution of a tribunal for

the administration of ecclesiastical discipline.

2 A report and ordinanco upon the appointment of clergymen

to the incumbency of parishes.

3. A report on the alterations in tho constitution of tho Church

Society, necessary upon ita adoption by the Synod.

4. A report embodying a scheme for tho establishment of a

c crgy widows' and orphans' fund.

5. A statistical return on tho ecclesiastical status of tho


II. In addition to these subjects submitted by the Synod for their consideration and report, the Standing Committee have the satisfaction of laying before the mcmbcrB a valuable document compiled with gnat care in the dioccBan registry, exhibiting a statement of all moneys, properties, and lands held in trust for Church purposes within the diocese-embodying information from wheneo thoy were derived, tho names of present trustees, and whether such moneys, properties, and lands aro held for general or special objecta.

III The committee baie alfoliad under their consideration

the subject of the lluslem Creek Cemetery, but have not hitherto been able lo recommend the Bishop to nominate trustees, as tho nature and conditions of tbe trusts havo not been yet delincd. '1 he Government, howe \ cr, baring communicated then intention to introduce a bill to renndj tins defect, tho difficulty «inch has prcvuited the Church Irom receding her portion of the new cemetrry will probably bo ur> Eoon removed

1\ 1 he subject of the Melanesian Mission was brought beforo the CumnutttL, and tho Right Rev. tho President h is is»ued-i circulai to the clergy recommending that the chums of this im-portant mission should bo statedly and systematically brought baforc the numbers of the Church of I ngia id

V. 'lhc Right llc\ President laid biforc tho 8t railing Comniiitce, at a special meeting held on the 14th May, a letter recuvcd from his Grico the Archbishop of Caaterbury, inviting lum to ii nicilinjîof lhc Bishops invisible communion with the United Church of England and Ireland, to be holden at Lambeth, an the 24th hiptoinbir, "To consider together many practical questions, the settlement of which would tend to the advance-ment of ti c kingdom of our Lord and Jesus Christ, and to the maintenance of greater union in our missionary work, and an increased intercommunion among ourselves "

Un Btv Presidenta! the samo time nddiessed a letter to the Standing Committee, asking for thoir opinion as to Ina attending the pioposcd Conference, anil stilini, reasons winch would make hie absence from the diocese \er> undesirable fji the interests of Hie Church, upon which it vins re-oh ed unanimously,-"lhut the Mantung Committee, having under their consideration tho letter» of the Bishop of »ydntj and of the Archbishop of Cantcrburj to the Bishop of Sjdnej, cntirclj concurs in the opinion exprès ed bj the Bishop of Sydney as to the inexpediency of his ibscnting himself from bia diocese at a time when subjects of (.rent moment to the Church in the colony arc pressing upon his attention And while tho Standing Committee feel the great importance of the questions to be considered bj tho Bishops assembled in Confeicncc at Lambeth, and the desirableness under other circumstances of the presence and counsels of the Metro-politan of Australia, they respectfully advise his Lordship to express his înibilitv, fur the leusons aligned to be present at the proposed meeting of the bishops of tho Churches in visible communion with the United Church of 1 noland and Iicland

lhe«c nre the chief subjects to which the members of the Standing Committee hare Riven much timo and attention, having held fourteen regular and special meetings, exclusive of the numerous meetings of the members in sub committees

M In accordance with the expressed wish oftheSynod, thattho sjnodal expenses should be defrayed by a rate on the parishes,

tie Manding Committee drew up n scale of assessment, varying i ccoiding to the supposed capabilities of the parishes, calculated to produce an amount of £372 Of thi», £301 10s has beenrcetned leaving £i0 10s due from the following parishes -Kelso, £10, 1 addington £5 Mudgee £5 (being one half of their respec-tive assessments), Dapto, £J , Enfield, ¿3 10s , Dubbo, £5, Ji mberoo, £5, Kiama £ J , Uj de, £ J Wav crlej, £5, Orange, £5 , uisile Hill £3, Carcoar, £3, Manly, £3, Pennant Ililli, £3 , l)imont, £1, Waterloo, £3

1 he txpemes incurred und paid by tho committee, on account of the lust stsoion of Synod, amount to £iG4s. 5d ,vi7 -

Fiinting £41 17 S 1 Hung up room, attendance, &c 19 0 9 lea 10 0 0 Sundries SOO

£76 4 5

The amount of £225 5B 7d remains at the credit of the Standing

Committee m the Bank of N"w South Wales

On behalf of the Standing Committee,

CSigncd) F. SYDNEY.

A motion for tho reception of the report was carried unanimously.


Iho Dean of SIIH.BY brought up the report of the select ctniniittcoupon the marri ige question. Ihe Dean read tho nport, which was listened to with marks of approbation. Iho report suggested tho abolition of certain foes now payble on tho celebration of marriages, and other amendments ni tho existing order of things relating to marriages celebiaied in tho Anglican Church m this < lony

Iho report was, on tho motion of the Dean, rccoiYed and

laid ou tbo table


Mr WILLIAM lit ?-SELL brought up tho report of tho to tct committeo relative to tho question OB to whoso custody ihe registers of the marriages and their indices, now m cbnrgo of Mr. Renison James, should ba placed.

The report was read und received


Mr. Air\AisDFii Gouiiox brought up the report of the select committee on St Andrew's Cathedral-a com-mittee specially charged io deal with the question as to the 1 est mode of constituting the Cathedral body Appended to the report waB a draft constitution for the chapter of the Cathedral The report wa» road and received, and was laid (with tho draft constitution) on tho tablo.


The Rev A H ¡bill HEN, as one of the standing com-mittee, to whom tho préparai ion of a bill or ordinance had b en entrusted by the bynod,for 'constituting a tribunal for the administration of ecclesiastical discipline in the diocese," moved tho adoption of tho standing comuutteo's report as to the erection of such a tribunal-one which would be competent to deal with offences committed by clergymen licensed by the Bishop within the diocese ot Sydney. This i cport had been read and adopted at an earlier hour of the


Tho ttev HULTOIH Riva seconded the motion Motion put, and carried

The Rov A H STEPHEN then proceeded to tçivo somo liifrf explications as te the terms of the bill, which had been appended to tho report of tho standing committee (u thiB subject That report was as follows -"The Stonding Committee, in obedience to tho request convoyed to them in the résolution passed by the Synod on the I2th December, I8CG, have considered the constitution of a tribunal for tho administration of ecclo'iasticil discipline, and beg to report that thoy havo prepared the annexed draft ordinance for the consiitution ol such tribunal, which tbey respectfully recommend for the consideration of the Synod Dated this 29th day of July, 1807 P. SIDNEY, on behalf of the Standing Committee " The ordinance appended to this repot t embodied as much of the English law relating to such matters as could be adapted to the eircums anees of tho Church in thiB colony. The corn-il ltteo had compared tho draft of the hill which had been framed for their adoption, with the laws affecting Church discipline in the mother country, and with the laws adopted in other colonial dioceses, and tbey hud selected thorefrom such provisions as appeared to be moBt suitable Many ordinances adopted m other dioceses had been found I y them to be needlessly cumbersome, and in the bill they had caused to be prepared everything had been, aa much as possible simplified The title of the bill waa as follows ' An ordinanco for constituting a tribunal for the Adminis tration of Ecclesiastical Discipline in the Diocese of Syd-ney ' The preamble stated the immediate end and object of the bill It waa as follows ' Whereas it is dosirablo te CBtabhsh a tribunal for the trial of offences by clergy-men licensed hy the Bishop within the diocese of Sydney, as well those involving breaohes of discipline as questions of doctrine, and the ritual of. the Chin cb, and to framo rules for the initiation and conduct of trials before, and the mode of proceeding under, such tribunal The Synod of the diocese of Sydney, in pursuance of the powers in that behalf, confeired upon it by the 18th Eection of the constitutions for the management and good (.overnment of tho United Church of England and Ireland within the colony of New South Wales, and ot all other powers conferred upon it by the eaid constitutions, ordains and rules as follows '-Then came the clauses oí the bill designed to carry out the intention shadowed forth in tho preamble By clause 1, prevision was made for tho Synod to elect a panel of triers, by clause 2, it was provided that clergymen might be charged by the Bishop, of his own mere motion, or by some person making complaint to the Bishop, by clause 3, provision WBB made Spr the prelimi-nary inquiry, by clause 4 it waa provided that if it wero

ionia wat mero was no ground for the charge preferred I

the proceedings might terminate; by clause 5 it was provided that if there were prima facie ground for the charge preferred against the clergyman he might submit to the Bishop.; by clause f> it was pr&vidod that a clergymau not submitting should be cited bífero the tribunal, and might be suspended from the exercise of bia ministerial functions, without, however, depriving him of any stipend attached to the exercise of euch functions. By clause 7, provision was made for the con-stitution of the tribunal in ordinary caseB ;, and by clause 8, provision was made for the constitution.of the tribunal in cases of doctrine and ritual. The constitution, of the

tribunal in caseB of doctrino and disciplino diffused some I what from that appointed for the trial in ordinary coses. It I vvBB proposed that the bill bo calloi the " Tribunal Ordi-nance." He moved liât the bill be read a first time.

The motion having been scsosded,

I The bill waB rc&d a first timo by 'the acting Clerical

. Secretory, the Rev. B. L. Kiso.

On the motion of the Rev. A. H, SÏBFHEN, the bill waa ordered to be p/inted and distribuid.

The second reading was fixed, as an order o£ the day for



The Rev. Q. H. MORETON gave, notice that at the next meeting of the Synod ho ehot',',d move,-" That o certain alteration be mado in the e'.Aib BOction of tho Fundamental

Constitutions, as foll»'ic, .-First, that the words ' to the I separato cure of 30Uie>> immediately after the word .licensed, bo «,"/uc,k oar. that the ecction so amonded shall read thus- ' Whenever iho Bishop of Sydnoy ahall convene ?. s,5D,,a of tho diocess, bo (¡hull i«ua « summons to etch,

''t^iied clergy man,' "

'?ihn Rev OKQIIOP. VIDAL gqvo mítico that bo"would, at

for the Church in this colony euffioiont liberty to próvido for Ha local m-visgemeuf."- """""",,

«ÄINTINO oí ^?*°MSv

Mr. KICHABD Jo.YE8 moved)-~,'That «"> several reports Which had been read be winted." x».-_ -_j

The motion was Becomicrt by Mr", G, F. WISH, and


At half-past 6 o'clock"the Synfltl adjournôdV

The Synod resumed its sitting at 7 o'olook. ThoBiaiop ef Newcastle was present, and remained during iho wholk1

of tho ovening. -


The BiaiiOF notified to tho Synod that vlscancios haá I oocurred in the representation for the following placeB ?i namely, at North Shoro, by tho rooignatioa of Mr.

Buchanan ; at St. Andrew's, Sydney, by the resignation of Mr. James Gordon, who elected to sit for St Peter's, Woolloomooloo ; at Carcoar, by the resignation of tha Bov. W. J, Hillyer ; at Coliban, by the resignation of Mr. Jamos Macaulay ; at tho Glebe, by the resignation of Mr. E.H. Pollard; and at Newtown, by the resignation of Mr. Robert Taylor. Those places wore thereupon declared to

bo vacant.

ün (he motion of Mr ALEXANDER GORDON, the Synod requested the Bishop to issue tho nccoBoary directions for filling up the EPvernl vacancies which had occurred


Tho "Very Rev iheDLAN 01 Si DNE Y ruo vod,-"Thattho report of the Standing Committeo on tho appointment of clergy to parishes be adopted by tho Synod "

Mr An GANDER GORDON seconded the motion, whioh was earnedunummouely

Ihe Very Rev Iho DEAÍ* OÍ SYDVEV. Ihonmoved, with tho peí misión of tho Sjnod,-"That the ordinance which bss been postponed for regulating the appoint

meet of olertjjmen to the incumbency of parishes in the ecclesiastical districts of tho dioceso of Sydney, be read a hret time " It would bo in the recollection of tho Synod bo observed, that at their former session a resolution having reference to tho subjcot was passed Ho regrotted exceed ingly that the gentleman who had been appointed chairman ot the committee, the Rev W Stack, was absent Shortly alter tho Synod hold its iirst session, tnat gentleman obtained leave of absence to visit England to recruit his heulth Ihereforo tho carrying out of the resolution which had been passed bj the Synod, had devolved upon the standing coninutteo and upon such sub committee us the standing committee thought fit to appoint He had no doubt if their valued friend, Mr Stack, had boen present that evening, ho would have brought to bear upon tho sulject, as ho did upon ovory subject ho handled, a degree of lucid illustration and argurnont which he (tha Dean) felt ho did not possess It devolved upon him, how ever, as chairman ot thö sub committee, to proposa the ordinance for tho adoption of the Synod Tho standing committee had given tbo matter very careful consideration J he ordinanco proposed to regulate tho appointment of cltrgt men to Iho incumbency of parishes and ocoleBiastical districts within tho dioceso of Sydney It enacted m the first place, that punsheB rui^ht determine whether Ibev would vest the appointment of incumbents in tho Bishop or in a Board of Nominators elected by them-selves That determination was to be arrived at at tho meetings for the election of lay representatives to the Synod If the electors at such meeting dotcrmmed that tho appoint

ii ont of the clergyman should vest ina Board of nominators, they would then have to elect four persons to represent the parish, and suth pcreonB would hold office as nominators until tho next meeting for the election oflay representatives lo tho Synod Phcte nominators, together with the chureliwardens" who might bo in office at tho timo, would form a Board to present clergymen to the Bishop lor appointment to an incumbency Tho election of a clergyman to fill an incumbency would thus be plueed beyond those local in-fluences whioh wero sometimes brought to bear in avery in-convenient monner in reference to buch appointments, I he Board of nominators would be in existence, probably, three y ears at a timo, und they would have the power and right to 1 resent clergymen to the Bishop for appointment to a vacant cure If any vacancy or vaoanoiea were caused among the elected nominators by death, resignation, or absence fiom Iho colony, the surviving or other elected nominators shall appoint somo person or persona duly qualified to fill up such vacancies But if any vacancy shall not bo filled up within two montliB after the same ehall occur, the right of filling up euch vacancy should vest in tho Btanding committee of tho Synod. It was then proposed that tho clergyman thus nominated should be presented to the Bishop tor appointment to a vacant incumbency, and that the Bishop should make such appointment unless ho was satisfied that there waa good and sufficient reason for îefuBing to do so In the event of the Bishop declining to accept any presentation made to him by tho Board of nomii atore, the Board wero to be informod, with as little delav as possible, and they would then have tho rifcht of choosing another clergyman to bo presented to tho Bishop It waa further proposed that, if within three months from the time when the Bishop should have in-formed tho Board of the vaeaney of any incumbency the mid vacancy should not have been tilled up the right of up pointmcnt was to be held as having lapsed to the Bishop I bat provision, ho contidered, was a very important one, otherwise, a parish might remain without a clergyman for an inconvenient length of time, There wero cases exceptod from the operation of the Ordinance. It was supposed that parishes ought not to have the right of choosing their own clergyman unless they raised a certain amount of stipend, and unless the clergyman could be plueed in a proper position m the parish. Tor instance, unlesa a parish providid a stipend of £300 per annum and a resi-dence for the clergyman, it was proposed that such parish should not bave tho right of appointment of a clergyman in the same w ay as those par'sheB in which tuch provision was made. Another part of the Ordinance has reference to those persons who might bo moved by pious motives, to ereot oburches to the honour and glory of God, or who might be disposed to endow churches already built. In case of a person, moved by pious inclinations to build a church at hu own cost, such person should have tho right of presentation of a clergyman to tho Bishopthat waa, providing the ohurch was built to the satisfaction of the Bishop And if any person endowed a church with a stipend of at least £300 a year, and a residence for the clergyman, the right of the*first

presentation ot a clergyman to the incumbency of such

cburcb, should vest in such person. Of course those ordinances were intended to be consistent with the rights of the BiBhop. Although a clergyman might be presented, the Bit-hop would have the right of deciding whether or not such clergyman was duly qualified. And that would also apply to poreons who built or endowed churches, as well as to those parishes which provided an annual stipend i f £300 a year and a clergyman's residence. Theso wore the principles of the Ordinance, the first reading of which l.e begged to move.

Mr. ALEXANDER GORDON seconded tho motion, which was put and catiied.

The Very Rev. the DEAN of SYDNZY moved,-" That the Hi ond reading of the ordinance be made an order of the

doy for to-morrow (Wednesday)."

Mr. RICHARD JOHNSON submitted that as tbo subject wns a very important one, more time should be allowed for

its consideration.

Mr. A. GORDON considered it would bo the more advis-able couree to pursue, to carry the motion made by the Very Rev. the Dean of Sydney, and he therefore begged to

second the motion.

The motion was carried unanimously.


The DEAN or SYDNEY, on the part of the Rev. Canon Allwood (who was suffering from a severe cold which had i.tiected his voice) brought up the report of the Standing Committee on the constitution of the Church Society. The Standing Committee bad been instructed io make Buch changes in the constitution of tho Church Society as were tendered desirable by the alterations contemplated by the Synod in the management of the business of the diocese. Ii was) proposed to give to the Diocesan Committee ali that part of the business of the Church Society which had íefercnce to tho circulation of the Holy Scriptures and of the Book of Common Prayer. The reasen >f the change WOB, because it was thought desirable ia leave that object specially to the action of the Diocesan Committee. The Diocesan Committee had of late enlarged its sphere of UBefulness,|and could now altogether relieve the ( hnrch Society in this respect. The alterations in the eriginal constitution of the Church Society had been made so as to cause them to be more m accordance with the < ITective arrangements which had been already agreed upon. 'I he Dean read the rulcB and regulations of the Church Society in their amended form, and movsd the adoption of' the report of the Standing Committee.

j The motion, having been seconded, was put, and carried.

The BISHOP suggested that the Synod would perhapa do well togo at once into committee on tho altered rules gtoposed te be adopted as the amended constitution of tho

C burch Society.

Mr. G. F. WISE thought that tlssy ought not to g<j into the matter in tho absence of the-Rev. Canon Allwocd, the secretary cf the Church Society.

The Bisiror explained that ta* Rov. Canon Allwood waa j mont anxious that the matter should bo at once proceeded with, although from the loss oí his voico he could.iot move

their adoption.

Mr. ALBXANDER G ORDOU moved that tho.. Synod do resolve itself into committee for the consideration ol ti» proposed tulse.

mr. xa. IS. WURNIN seconded the motion.

The Rev. THOMAS SMITH, opposed the motion, considerieg the thinness of tho attendance, co&stquont no doubt on the inclemenoy of the weather that ' evening. In view of that thin attendance, and the very grave importance of the Bubject, he trusted that the nutter would be post-poned. He believed tho important of the question was fur beyond that of any other that '¿ovia bo brought before the Synod. The embarrassed fipjucial state of tho Church I Society, and the heavy demanda -which it muet be prepared

to meet, wero eubjeota which rwuired their best considera-tion, and he should like to BOO the eubjoct diBousaod hy a full meeting of the Synod. Under the circumstanoos, ho moved, us an amendment, tnat the consideration of tho

proposed modifications r,tand an order of the day for to-


The Rev. P. J. f*,»imi Eeconded the amendment.

After some fur.ther remarks fiom the DEAN OP SYDNEY as to the entire, toncurrence of the Rev. Canon Allwood in what was boitg done,

_ The motion was, by leave, withdrawn, and the con-sideration ol the matter ordered to stand an order of the duy for to-morrow (Wedresday),


Mr, CHRISTOPHER ROLLESTON (in the abeenoe of the Kcv. Canon Allwood) moved the adoption of the report of tho standing committee relative to tho providing of a fund

-1~ **""*." "_,..-/s ' <> chief prindp'e laid down in the

for Thursday next lu. ^ Mvba ¿( BUoh " charaoter aa report was that the plan ^TIn" w ona general sohemo to bo made capable of ernbi - "» the ^my Mr. Roi

the whole Of the clergy throug.-'. tfQm the'r0port, and leaton proceeded to read extraoU ». wflg prepFosed to be explained the manner in which the funo \eray anQ BVL^ made up by regular contributions from the u

Bcriptions from the linly whioh

Mr ALEXANDER STUART seconded tho motion, , was put and agreed to


Mr, ALEXANDER STUART (tu the absonoo of the Rev. I^K H Stephen) moved the adoption of the report of the

igl^nding Committee on the stitiatiosl returns required by the bw°E0C' ^ ^at rePort ^as as follows -

[ The Cv mml'teo having received from the Lord Bishop the

replies man." by lno clcrßy to the circular addressed by him havo compiled the» cfrom the return annexed herete, which embraces ihe particular» rt(lulrcd hy the Synod so far as the said replies

Some imsconceirtU. nappears to havo arisen in tho minds of tho clergv a> to the prech. " nature of tho information sought for by some the return bos bstn ma,u° °f the offertory at the administra-tion oi Holy Communion o ""J*, while tho ordinary church collec-tions have been omitted, TrhU" others have given the totol church funds raised in the parish, .sonic havo inserted tho average number of communicants, others, a el the communicants resident

in the parish, while others hare given the total number present I throuf hout the year, and ag im with regard to the schools, sorao I have given the Day and Sunday scholars on tho rolls, others tho I average attendance only |

The rclums aro therefore necessarily incomplete, ina must bo

taken only as an approximation and in respect of the funds liriscdn very partial one, but it is hoped that the very ¡naeculacics may act as an incentive to the sending in of more full in-formation hereafter, in order that there may be annually laid befoie the fcynod accurito and reliable returns, by which a Krcatcr interest may be diffused throughout the Church, and a bond of'sympathy awakened between the Tarions parishes which cal not be expected when the attention of members of the Church H coner ntrated on merely local efforts and requirements

The committee hasprcpaicd a form annexed hereto which may accon plish the deBircd object They recommend th it each clertvmanbe supplied with bland forms, and be instructed to sind them in to tho standing commitleo duly filled up in the larly part of each year

He regretted the absence of his rev friend who had taken < hnrgo of this matter, becauao he waa aware that that gen-tleman bad intended to have offered some suggestions which would have been likely to have proved useful, lho return waa not so full and comprohonaivo as tho standing committee hod desired, in consequence, of some of the clergy misapprehending what that information precnely was which they were called upon to e,ive Ike return had not been printed because it hod been kept open to the last moment in order to obtain all the information that it was possible to obtain It appeared that in tho year 18GG Ino number of the JieenEtd clergy in the dioceso was eighty BIX 73 being licereed to the cure of souls 4 licensed to the ouro of souls but absent on leave, and 9 licensed without cure Tho number of catechiBtp, or lay readers, was 15 The number r f conEecrated churches, or of buildings licensed for Divine worship was 1G5 The total amount of money recoived for new rents wes £716119s 3d The total amount colleoted ut the offertory, or otherwise in the churchea in the earns \car (1866) WPB, according to tho returns received, £10 835 11s 7d In this part of the report it was ovident ibatsomoof the clergy had understood the call for the return differently to others, some had returned what was raised ty tho offertory alone, and had not noticed what had been otherwieo raised, and come had spoken of the entire amount which had been voluntarily contributed The Standing Committee, desirous of having the roturn aa correct as tossible, had called for more explicit information, and about

halt ot the clergy only had, as yet, Bent it in accordingly, Ho WOB thus enabled to state that the amount of money i tberwiee ruieed, in 37 out of the 65 parishes, was £13197 18B 9d,, the returns from the remaining parishes had not been yet received, so that the actual total WOB evidently far more The averi go attendance at Divine worship waa 20,797, and tl)0 average attendance of communicants was 3836 That however, WBS only an approximation. It would be found that there WBB a much larger number of communicants throughout tho year-taking into account those who, it they I oid not coromunicato at one time, did BO at some other

lenod The average attendance at tho day eohoola in the dioceso was 7888, the number of ditto at the Sunday tcbools, 8931 The number of baptisms during last year was 3592 Ha had no doubt but that that funicular was quito correct, nnd it was gratifying io find that so many had been added to the Church The next column was not so satisfactory, in that it would be found that the total marnagea celebrated throughout the diocese in I860 was only 403 A great number of the parishes figured as "one," and many, ho regretted to soy, OB nothing. Marriages were contracted, no doubt, but not in the churches The number of burials, were, he regretted to say, so many as 1793, and the last column showed that 1439 personB had been confirmed m ' îhocouise ofihoyear. The Standing Committee finding

hat the returns sent in did not embrace all thceo particulars which were of interest to the Church had, as he had stated, called for more explicit înloimatton This had not yet been sent in from all He proposed, therefore, that the matter should be brought iorwatd again towards the close of the present scfBion, by which time he hoped the return called for would be moro complete Ho therefore moved, "That the statisti-cs returns le brought before the Synod on Friday next "

Mr C ROLLESTON Beconded the motion, which was put

and carried


Tho BISHOP eaid that several returns had been Bent in respecting the property of the Church, and in dealing with those documents ho thought tho best course for them .o pursue would be to icquest the Standing Committee to go through them The documents had been laid on the table They referred to glebes, to grants, and to tho appointment of trustees, ¿te These documents, however, required to be revised by two or three members of the b unding Commutée, who would be competent to deal with them. Amongst ino documents wero returns as to property held by the Bishop, as solo trustee, and deeds in the Bishop's Registry Office

On the motion of Mr. ALEXANDER STUART, the returns were laid on the table, and the Standing Committee in-structed to examine and to report to the Synod upon the

tamo before the next session


Mr. ALEXANDER GORDON addressed tho Synod relativa to the Etate of the question between the Standing Com-mittee i-nd the Government in reference to the cemetery at Haslem Creek. The mattoe of the Haslem Creek Cemetery, bad, it would bo remembered, already como under tho consideration of tbe Synod, and had beon referred to tho Standing Committee. A sub-committee had been iippointed to communicate with the Ministor in order to know whether the Government would be disposed to (oncedo wbat was required by the Synod. Tnis subicmmittee bad como to the conclusion that it was desirable ihat trustees should be appointed. The Standing Comn.ittee thereupon inquired into the matter, and it had been found that the Government had not the power to make any I li gal grant of the ground, and that any gentleman who

should laka the oilioe of trustee could not know what ' his cowers really wero. Being consulted by the

Standing Committee, it had been his duty to advise ttiem that Euch wero tho legal difficulties in the way. , (Mr. Gordon hore proceeded to explain the particulars of I what bo bad stated on tho matter to the Standing Com-

mittee, the detai's of which have already been made pubiio Be also referí ed to the Ace which had boen specially framed and passed in rolerence to the abandoned Necropolis, nour Bandwick, many years ago. In that Act there hod been pt o visions which it was desirable to have adopted without delay for the regulation of the cemetery at Haslem Crook.] Under the Real Property Act there was no pro-vision for the granting of property to trustees, as contemplated by the Government in roferenco to Haslem Creek. Some obango in the law waB, therefore, inevitable. [Mr, Gordon proceeded, to state to tho Synod what steps ho bad taken in the matter, and recapitulated tbo contents of his letter to the Attorney-Genoral on the 16th April lost, respecting which ho had had a personal interview with that Minister.] He had addressed another letter on the 30th July to the Attornoy-Genoral, calling that gentleman's attention to his letter of loth April last. In onBwer to that letter, ho had received a letter from tho Attorney-General, dated 2nd August, stating that jit was the intention of the Government to make ¡certain changes in the law of such a nature

as to obviate what was objeotionable. Ho (Mr. Gordon) 'bud acknowledged that letter, expressing his hopo that ; speedy action would bo taken therein, and that he might be

rermuted to see the bill when it was drafted. He was not uware, however, whether tho bill waa yet in a Btate of ' forwardness. Wiratho had said was, he trusted, Buffleient

to show that ihe subject had been properly taken up by . the Standing Committee -, that thoy were not to blame for

any delay which had taken place; and that the

Government bad admitted that some change in the j law immediately aSecting the adoption of that cemetery as a place of interment for members of thoir Church was undeniably necessary.

The Bl&HOp remarked that, from April to July, was a I long time to answer; a letter. The Church of England had I been very unjustly blamed in tho nutter. They took the question up as Boon us possible, and endeavoured to get it settled, but failed to do BO. AS an Act for tho closing of two oemetcrieB had, he believed, already received the sanc-tion of the Governor, tomothing should be done by the Synod to bring a little pressnro to beor on tho Government. If the Government exhibited no greater speed than they bad already done, the members of the Church of England wculd find themselves, at the end of the year, without a place to bury their dead.

The Bishop pronounced the benediction, and the Synod, adjourned nntii half-past 8 o'clock this afternoon.

Alphabetical list of the clergy who were present attica meeting of the Synod yesterday :

I Allwood, Rev. Robert, B.A., Canon, St. James's, Sydney

Barry, Rev. Zacbary, M.A., Randwick Blomficld. Rev. J. R., Burwood

Britten, Rev. H. H., Castle Hill, Dooral, and RouicHilb, Byrnes, Rev. William, Paddington Carter, Rev. James, Picton

Clarke, Rev. VV. B., M.A., St. Leonards

Cow per, the Very Rev. W. M..M. A., Dean, St. Philip's, Bydnovn DonsJn. Rev. Thomas. B.D., Prospect »

Elder, Rev. John, Richmond

Ewing, Rev. T. C, Wollongong

Fletcher, Rev. Thomas, Cook's Uiver Fox, Bev. Samuel, Waterloo

Gurney, Rev. George, B.A" Manly Hassall, Rev. 3. 8., Berrima

Hayden, Rev. Thomas, B.A., Darlinghurst

Hodgson, Rev. William, M. A., HoklKwoit>iT Horton, Rev. Thomas, Sutton Vorcst

_Innes, Rev. O. A. C, B.A., Orange_

King, Rev. llobcrt L., B A., Parramatta King, Kcv. Hulton H" U.A., Surry Hill«

Lumsduine, Rev. William, Burwood and Five Dock Mayne, Bev li. II, ti A.. Hartley

Woicton, Rev. O. n.. St. I'cter's, Woolloomooloo Mitchell, Itcv. Manley, Waverley

O'ltillly, Htv. Thomas, St. Andrew's, Sydney

Palmer, llev H. A., Pitt Town and Wilberforce Priddle, Hi v. C. F. D., Liverpool

BogerB, ]tuv. Edward, Holv Trinity, Sydney Salimtre, Kcv. E. M., Tac Glebo

" -, -.,-.-...j-I Petersham S .."> « ' Thomas, St. Barnabas'. Sydney Smith, Itn>. Ufred H., M.A , Redfern Stephen, Ker- ». ¿--my. Camden Tuigconibe, llev. 1T-- " ?? . K de

Vidal, llev. George, B.A., .7u'Boa.

Wilkinson, llev. T. TI., Appin , Will B, Itcv. H. S., M.A., Bhoalhav'át/

Wilson, Bev. Thomas, B.A., Kiama -.,"", Woodd, Bev. George N., B.A., Denham O *»T Wood, llev. William, Pennant Hills.

Alphabetical list of iay representatives whtf' .*TBW present

at tho BicetiDg of the Synod yesterday :

Antill, Mr. J. M., Picton

Armytage, Mr. George J., Bathurst Barker, Mr. William, Waverley

Barnett, Mr. John, St. Barnabas', Sydney

Barten, Mr. Edwin, nartlcy , .

, Bird, Mr. J. A., St Philip's, Sydney

Blackett, Mr. E. T., Christ Church, Sydney £ Bowman, Sir. William, Richmond «' Breillat, Mr. T. C, Cook's River » Brewster, Mr. John, O'connell Ca3tle, Mr. J. F, RetKtrn

Chijuindall, Mi. T., Campbelltown .1 Coley, Mr. Richard, Windsor Cook, Mr. JoEcpir, Redfern

Coon, Mr. Alfred, Randwick Cox, Mr. George, Mulgoa

Docket, Mr. E. B., M-ulong and Wellington' Dunlop, Mr. D. H, WtMiigton

Ebsworth, Mr. O. B., Paddington Evans, Mr. E It, Dapto

Palmer, Mr. William, St Mark's, Alexandria

Heming, Mr. John H" Pitt Town and Wilberftrce« Iostrr, Mr. VV illiam, St. Barnabus', Sydney Fowler, Mr. W., Campbelltown Frazer, Mr. James, Wollongong

Gerard, Dr., Ilua'.er's Hill , Gordon, Mr. Alexander, Chancellor

Gordon, Mr. Jamen, St Peter's, Woolloomooloo' ¿\

Griffiths, Mr. George, O'connell Hansard, Dr. J.T , Redfern

Hemming, Mr. William, St. James's, Sydney

Iloldin.Mr.G. M., Canterbury and Petersham. * ' Holland, Mr. Joseph, St Andrew's, Sydney

Hirst, Mr. George K , Sofala and Tambaroora Icily, Hon. Thomas, Parramatta Jaques, Mr. T. James, Ralmain

Johnson, Mr. Richard, St. Peter's, Woolloomool»« Jones, Mr. Richard, bt. James's, Sydney King, Mr. Frederick, Ashfield and Enfield King, Mr. George, Darlinghurst

Knox. Mi. Edward, Castle Hill, Dooral, and Rouse HUT* Lamb, J De A'., Emu Plains

Lester, Mr. Clements, Denhiim Court

Lumsdaine, Mr. Henry, Surry Hill» % Mackenzie, Mr. J. P., O'connell Mackenzie, Mr. A. K., Waverley

J Maikenrio, Mr. VV. II, junior, Surry Hills M'Dougall, Mr. A. L, Parramatta Mooro, Mr. Heury, Kelso

Mitchell, Mr. Francis, Holdsworthy Morrice, Mr. John, Sutton Forest

Mullen, Mr. George, Canterbury and Petersham^ Murnin, Mr. M. E , Castlereagh

Owen, Mr. William, Huntei's Hill

0\ley,Mr. J. N., Cobbedto and Narellan Pearce, Mr. S. H., Randwick Pinhey, Mr. W. T , the Glebe

Pockliy, Mr. It F., St. Leonards, North Shore Powell, Mi. James, St, Andrew's, Sydney Powell, Mr. James, Berrima

Rolleston, Mr. Christopher, Newtown Russell, Mr. VV illulia, Balmain

Samuda, Mr. B., Burwood and Fivo Dock Spurway, Mr James, Finnnnt Hills Stephen, Mr. M. Consett, Liverpool

Stephen, Mr. Edward M , Christ Church, Sydney Stones, Mr. F. M., Waterloo and Botany Street, Mr. J. It., Frospcct

Stuart, Mr. Alexander, St. Philip's, Sydney Thorne, Mr Giorge, Shoalhaven

Thornton, Mr. George, Forbes and Lachlan Throsby, Mr. O. S., Sutton Forest Watson, Mr. G. C, Ryde

Wise, Mr. George F, Paddington

Woolnough, Mr. Horace, Forbes and Lachlan Young, Rev. II. W., Shoalhaven.