Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 7 February 1866, page 3


The annual meeting of this institution was held last evening in the Hall of the institution. Mr N D Sten-house, one of the vice-presidents of tho society, occupied the chair. There was a very large attendance of members.

The secretary, Mr Hobbs, read the following report :-In laying their report before the members the committee feel pleasure in stating, that in their opinion the working of the insti-tution during the past year has been satisfactory. An institution of this character, in the thirty-third year of its existence as ours is, cannot reasonably anticipate great or sudden changes either for good or evil in its career. The matters which form the substance of these reports recur with but little variation in every succeeding year, and in narrating them the committee can scarcely avoid an appearance of sameness and monotony

On the present occasion, however, there is a matter which seriously affects this institution, and which the committee have now tor the first time to bring under the notice of the members. In the balance-sheet, which is hereto appended, the annual grant of £200, which this institution his been receiving from the Government, no longer appears. Owing to the financial difficul-ties under which the colony laboured, the Government did not think fit to place this sum on the Estimates for last year, and for the first time since the establishment of this institution it is now deprived of its assistance. At a later period of the year, how-ever, when the difficulties which have been alluded to seemed in some degree to have been overcome, the committee drew up a statement of what they conceived to be the just claims of this institution on the Government for this annual grant, and appointed a deputation to wait on Mr Cowper, who was then Colonial Secretary, and to lay this statement before him. The result of this interview was quite favourable, Mr Cowper under- took to place the sum on the Supplementary Estimates for the last, as well is on the Estimates in chief for the present year. These estimates are not yet passed, and a change has taken place in the Government. However, the committee believe that Mr Cowper's successor is equally disposed to recognise the justice of our claims, and the committee confidently hope that this omission is only temporary.

The committee have also felt themselves called upon to give much attention to another matter of serious concern as affecting this institution, via, the disturbance caused by the working at night of the adjoining flour mill. The character and extent of the annoyance need not be described here, the members them- selves know it from experience. It has put a stop to our lectures, and it is a great injury to our noble hall. As it is, indeed, a large sum is derived from the hall, more than two-fifths of the entire income of the institution. Still the committee feel satis- fied that this return would be considerably augmented by the cessation of the disturbance, and they believe that even the present return is endangered by its continuance. Acting upon these views the committee have had several conferences with the occupants of the adjoining property . These interviews, however, they regret to state have been fruitless , and as the committee be-lieve, and are confidently advised, that they have a right to the abatement of this nuisance they, failing an amicable arrangement have felt themselves compelled to place the matter in the hands

of their solicitors, where it now remains.

Income -The gross income, exclusive of the Government aid, was, in 1864, £1438 -4s 9d ; and for the past year, £1423 1s 6d , showing a decrease of £15 3s 3d There has been an increase in the receipts from the hall for the past year, as compared with the previous one, of £83, and a decrease m the amount of subscrip-tions of £65. This falling off, however, is more apparent than real, and is accounted for as follows: -In the balance sheet for previous years it has been customary to take credit for all moneys received until the meeting of committee, which takes place in the first week in January During these few days the amount re-ceived for subscriptions is generally about £60, but as the com-mittee determined last year to close the accounts for the year en the last day of December; the present balance-sheet suffers to this extent and so appears a ta disadvantage

The number of members on the roll is affected by the same cause. Number of new members during the year is, 334, mem- bers who rejoined, but who were not on the roll for 1864, 651, number of members who ceased to subscribe in 1865, 710, number of members on the roll during the year, 1558, showing a decrease of sixty members as compared with the previous year. The number of members on tho roll for the quarter ending-March 30th, 1EC1, Ki- 1805, 892, Juno 80th, 1804, 1035-1B05, 052, September Suth, 18G4t 1081-1865, 1017, December 30th, 18G4, 1031-18C5, 057 , showing an average numbei of members for the j ear 1861 of 1003, and for the past year 054

llepairs- The amount expended foi repairs to the building duung the last }car has been unusually large, amounting to £150 Of this sum, however, £53 was properly chargeable to the previous j car It had to stand over from the account not being presented m time 3 bo repairs during last yeai haï e included the making a new 6ky-light to reading-room, lining pissage and vestibule, venetian blinds for front of building, additional accom-modation in chess room, &.e , and during the present j ear the committee have bad the reading-room put into thorough repair The ccilmg lias been boarded, the w alls coloui ed, und the wood-work varnished , additional ventilation has also been provided

Bcadinr Horm-lor the greater conrcnicnce of the members the loom is now opened at 8 a m in sumniei, and half past 8 in wintei loi mell) it was opened at 9 o'clock during the whole jear live frun cs, containing a collection of medallions, which rormerlj ley neglected in the appalatus-room, have been placed on the walls, also a Map of New South AN ales, mid i Map of the V orld, en Mcrcator's projection, showing currents, prevailing winds, steam routes, &.c , and the following papers and magazines have been iddcd during the year, vi/ , Lritlsh Standard, Header, Pall Mall G ritte, lortmghtly Review, Quarterly Journal of Science, hew "iork "Weekly Herald, lachlan Observer, and BmraiJgoiig Aigus Tho following from various causes haie been discontinued, vu, 'Welcome Guest, rational Review, Llojd's "Weekly, London Ecview, î<cw 1 ork I edger, New 1 otk Herald,

Southern Telttraph, ColoniBt, Aucklander, and Invercargill


Libraty -The library during the ycir has been incrciscd by the addition ol GC 1 volumes It now contains nearlj 12,000 voh-mts 13M! members have used the hbnrj during the year, and 35,421 bet ks hav c been issued During the present yevr ad-

ditional she li" J oom w ill hav e to be proi ideil

The comn îttce hav o thought it desirablo to append to this rcTioit a statement showing the number of times that each member of conmittec has been in attendance lins is the custom in

manv other nirtitutions, and the committee have thought it

worthy of adoption here

Clisses - lhcsc. with one oi two exceptions, have continued to n-cet i e¡,ularl} throughout the j ear During the jcarachss, conducted tv Mr helfe, for the study of mtcbaincil drawing, has been earned on The Lnghsu Giammar and Elocution CIIBS ? haB bein eirricd on with much benefit and success It has b cn

conducted b> the Itcv li Boag, 13 A, who has recently been compelled to icsif,n his craike tkrotifch leaving Sydnej The committee tele this opportumtj to express their deep indebted-ness to lum foi his vuluable services to the institution during the past jcor Tbib class will now be conducted bj Mr h itcs, of tho bj dnev Granimai School, who, on being requested, hus Unaly consented to take charge of it The meetings of the Discussion Class were discontinued for some time In the cailv part of tho jeal the committee granted the use of the h ill when not other-wise occupied, bi t rftei i few meetings the class w is broken up through lion attendance Tecentlj, howevei, it hoc been reined

again, with fair jrospects of success

Greek Class-IV C "W milt J cr, Fsq , M L A , reports as fol-lows "The chv-b is too small, I think, to be the subject of a formal rtport As it is onl} right, howev cr, that the pmnstikmg mdustrj of those who have attended it should be noticed, in the geneial repintas to the Greek Class Imaj sij that the attend-ance, thoiifcb small, has been regular and luufoim throughout I the vcar, and the progress made, steady and satisfactory lne 1 1 len entary CIÜFS has been at work about three months, and is

also i rogresf ing to m j satisfaction lbd more advanced elua

has 1 een reading Xcnophon'B Anabasis, and has just commenced

Hosier "

latin Class-J S Titerson, Esq, LLB, reports -"Since the bij inning of last yeir 1 have bad charge of tho Latin classes onlv, in the School of Arts, and I regret to Eaj that they have not lien so numerously attended as heretofore In the com si of the year they wrrc jouud bv thirteen persons of whom-only ei\ «ttene'cd rcgularlj throughout I attribute the hlling-off to a rearrangimcnt which I was obliged to make of the classes early in the j tai, so as to have two instead of three as formtrlj

' V c hav e nail in the bcmor Class, the 1st and p trt of the 2nd book of ti e A neid, together with Arnold's lir^t Trosc Composi-tion , and m Hu Junior Chss, we have gone tlnoiiLh the Latin (,ri minar, and the gre itcr pait of Arnold s First I aim Hook "

'J hese classes have been examined bj the ltc\ G II Stanley, ,LLH , who reports -" the request of Mr Windeyer

and Mr I'atirson, looked over the examination pajierR of the two Greek and two Latin classes, conducted by those gentlemen

} " A press of «liLtigenicnts, and the short time allowed mc, have

obliged me to be rutnci less thorough in the rerk of examination

than I could have tiiBhed.

" I v enturo to assign the first position to the Semor Greek Class to Mr. SI}, for the best average : though in «evcrnl special points Mr. l'aimer, pcrbnps, surpasses him.

" In Hie Junior Greek, I have no hesitation in iccommemhng Mr A. Aspinnll for the prire. He sccnis, from his papers, to be a vert prc-miBing student. _

"In the Senior latin, the papers of Mr. Sly arc by far the most full, and arc, alto, on the whole, pretty accurate. Mr. Newell s translations are good, but he has made Bcarccly any attempt to grapple with several of the questions, and I must yield the palra, therefore, to Mr fclv. ' , , "

" In the Junior Latin, the ments pi the papers of Messrs. Palmer and Aspim.ll mo verj equally bulanccd ; but, on toe whole, arter some hcBitntion, 1 assign the first pluce to Mr.

" It is evident, from the character of the questions and answers, that much care must have been given to tho vanous chissebb} both the gentltmen who have conducted them "

J-BRlith Grammar and Composition Class-Rev R Boag.B A, reports : " I orty-lw o members of the institution joined this class during the vear, the greater number of whom continued through-out the course with regularity and marked proficiency. The work of tbeclasBwas ennied on'to meet as far as possible the wants of the class, ansmg from diversity of age and previous at-tainments. lsHij-s wci cread and their ments freely discussed, besides gianimntical cxciciscs in paising and construing, compo-sition, und the discussion of words, tracing their etymology, &e , received much attention. In concluding, I am bound to say that that I hav e seldom met with a class of J oung men so correct and exemplar} as those in attendance at the School of Arts."

Ï his class wns examined bj the Rev. W. Ridley, M A , who re-ports :-"Having hy oiul examination tested the attainments of this class, and having perused specimens of their composition and etymological exercises, I am happy to obselve that thoy bnve mude considerable progress m the analjsis of words, in clearness of expression, and accuracy of thought, I hope the taste for phi-lological research which they have acquired wül lead them to continued mv obligations of this kind into their own and other


" Mr. Arthur Aspinnll's exercises arc specially worthy of com-mendation Mr VAilson nUo deserves honourable mention.

" On review of the labours of the year, it appears that the first place is (JUC to Mr. Aspmull, the second to Mr. Jesson, the thud to Mr. "W îlson, the fourth to Mr. Scale, the fifth t» Mr. Newland, and the sixth lo Mr. Duncan. All these are deserving of honour-

able mention "

Drawing Class -Mi. Î bomas reports : " Ihe avengo number of pupils attending was seven; but as from their pcculiai avoca-tions several could attend only once m each week, the attendance has appeared irregular. Ihe progress made both in figure and landscape diaw lug appears to me to be highly sntisfactoiy, but on account of the difficult} of condensing the class, the usual ex-amination must be dispensed with."

Mechanical Drawing Class-Mr. Self« reports "lhoclass was commenced in Julv last, with three pupils, since which time six more have joined, and three have left, the average attend ince beirgfonr Consideiable improvement has been undo, but the class, as well as m5 self, think that nn examination would be neither practicable nor desirable at present."

Trench Class -Mi. Curtis reports . " The class his very little fluctuated during the year, its maximum number of members having been sixteen, and its minunum twelve. Of these, ten dunng that time have joined, and fourteen withdrawn from the class. The attendance, on the whole IIUB not been good, and in man) instances has not averaged one in two. The progress of the students, therefore, has necessarily been somewhat slow, and under that of previous yearB-, though in justice to three or four of the more assiduous members, I mtistacknowiedge the- miprov cment to have been every thing that I could wish. It may not be unnecessary to add, that the new scale of fees, by which the class is rendered all but gratuitous, has had the cm ct of quintupling the number of pupils, and oilers a very good oppuiuinity to young men to pass then spare hours in acquiring the most elegant and polished, yet easy language of l.mope, teeming with ,hrfs (/'OKI re in tier) department of literature. As to examination, there seemB to he no desire this year on the part of my class to

submit to one."

Mathematical Class -Mr. J. S Jones reports : " The condition of the class has been less flourishing than that of foiiutr years. Ihe total number of pupils who attended was twenty-two, the average attendance five and a half, the maximum ten, and the minimum two 'Jhe attendance wns not regular, and the average ButecEB of the pupils hut barelj satisfactory. 'Ihe subjects of in-struction were those of former jears, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and mccbinics "

'J'biB class was examined by W. VA ilkins, Ksq , and ho reports : "I have revised the anthmctic and algebra papers of Mcsbrs. linmgan and Smith, members of the mathematical class in con-nection with the Sjdncj Mechanics' School of Alls, and am of opinion that the first-named gentleman has, on the whole, ex-hibited the better know ledge of the subjects of examination."

"Voenl Music Class.-Mr. Chi/lctt reports: '-'lho class com-menced a course of lesions from Ilullah's Manual during the past year, and has continued to meet for instruction in the contcntb of that woik up to thepicoent time. The chss when first foimcd numbered about thirty-seven members, of whom eight paid an I xti a fee of 2s. Gd. per quarter, as non-members of the institution. 'Ihe average attendance has been about twenty-five "

'J his class v\as examined by W. W. ilkins, ksq , and he reports . "I have examined the vocal music class m connection with the Sydney Meclnnict' SLIIOOI of Arts Twentj-nmc pupils were present, most of whom answered my questions w uh a reidmcss nrd confidence that rendered the task of examination much more agreeable than in former j ears. Resides requiring tee class to sing eel tain compositions is" tests of their proficiency, I questioned them nt length upon the subjects of time undacccnt, the construc-tion of major and minor scales, and signs of expression The answenng was moio genci ii than on former occasions, and the proficiency cunced mure uniform. I estimate the progress of the claEs as fair. On the whole the best answers were gi\en by

Mr lempcrh, and ",", Miss Greenfield, and I """",,,

Mr. Hegarty; nIlU Miss Humpkrov, j cquil.

The Chess and Draughts Club, through non-attendance, bei arno disorganised during the past} car. Jn November last a meeting of the mcmbnis was called and a committee appointed, to leoiganisf the club. 'Jins has been accomplished, and it now numbers between thirty and forty members, who take a warm

interest m its success.

Donations during the year-The lion. C. Cowper, C0I01111I's Tlora Australiens«, vol 2 Department of Tr. de mid Customs, Melbourne-Journals of the Voyage of II M C S A letona 111 si arch of Shipwrecked People ut Auckland and other Islands. SidneyL'iiiversitj-Calendar, 1SG5. Queens-land r.irlnment-library' Catalogue. Sir W M Manning, 1ILC-Thoughts on TopuladOH and 1'ood, post 8\o Mr. Justice Hal graves-Chronological Charts of Constitutional Lnw Mi. Alired Jones-Omitted Chapters in the History of England, RiEFCt, tvo Mr. J Newbury-The Jacquerie, hv Jsmcs; Sir Theodore Broughton, by Jamrs. Mr. I. Aiulrcws-I'lans, eleva-tions, nnd sections ol Holkhnm Hall, I.ciccstei, folio Turkish Both Ccmpany-Heat, .1 Mode of Cuie, by Ml. Urquhart and Sn J. life. Mr, G.A. Morell- Famphlct on the Delcnccs of Tort


Attendances of Members of Committee during ISG5 - Gcnciil Committee, 1J meetings President- G. R Holden, l>q , none. Dr. Woolley, none, absent li om colony; N. D Stenhouse, 1 sq , n ; licv G. II Stanley, none ; J. Sutherland, Tsq , M I.A , J, Tieasuier-J. Thompson, 7, absent fiom colony three 11 onths, romimttce-W. M Alderson, 7, absent fiom colony three moi ths : J C ildwell, M L A , 1 ; A M Cane, 11-, C Chi/lett, 8; J. M'ltae, 10; S. W.Mansfield, 13, J. Moiuig, 11; T B Itolm, 7 ; R Smith, 4 lost his scat by non-n.tendancc-suc-ceeded, October 5th, by 1. Spence, 4; W. Speer, I-succeeded, October Mb, by J. J. Moore, none; R. Stewart, 11 ; Di, Walker,


Sub-Comimttccs : Library and Lcctm c, 10 meetings. Attend-ances-T. R Holm, 4, J. M'Rae, 7 ; A. M. Cane, 7 ; J. Monng, 7; S. W Mansfield, "; Dr G. Walker, 8.

House, 7 meetings. Attendances-J. Sutherland, 5; W. M. Alderson, 2; R.Stewnrt, 6; I. Caldwell, none; S. W. Mansfield, 5 ; J. Monng, 5 ; 1. Spence, none, elected in Nov ember.

Tho Treasurer, Mr. J. THOMPSON, read tho balancesheet, from whicn it appeared that the gioss receipts for the yem had been £1423 Is 6d., of which £798 had been re-ceived for subscriptions, and £G04 lös. for rent of the hall. The expenditure of the year had amounted to £1453 6s. 10d. lho liabilities ol tho institution for mortgogo on tho building and overdraft at the bank weie £2299 -Is. He explained that the account was really brighter than it actually seemed, as, owing to tho change of tho mode of receiving the intoiest by the Savings' Hank, five quarters' interest wore charged instead of four, whilst credit was taken only for the subscriptions received up to tho end oi 18G5, instead of as in former yoars, including the whole «mount of subscriptions leeeived up to

tho day of meeting.

Mr. G. C. RLJD moved, " That the report now read bo adopted, and, together with the treasurer's account, bo printed, under the direction of the general committee, for i circulation among the members." He taid it was gratifying

to know (hat though the institution had not attained 0 \ very high state of prosperity during the past year, yet at

the snme time that it occupied the eame position as during the preceding }em. Taking into account the gonerol and great misfortunes of the past year, thore was much îcason for rejoicing at having been able to hold their own, He hoped with the report that the present Colonial Secretary would toko the same view in regard to this insti-tution as his predecessor in office had done, and that they would receive (ho usual grant in aid from the public funds ; and as regarded the mill nuisance, much as ho waa opposed to having recourso to legal proceedings, bolieving that the institution had a right to have that nuisance abated, ho was glad that it had been placed in tho hands of an attorney, and hoped the application of the committee would terminate satisfactory. After alluding to nome other matters mentioned in tho report, ho much regretted that there had been no claps formed for the study of Meta-physics and Mental Philosophy, as these were grand sciences, that would do moro to improve tho mind than any othei kind of study that could be pursued. Iheir Uno building, largo libiary, and comforlablo reading and class rooms wero an ornament, BS they wero a credit, to the city. Tho subscription that entitled any individual to a full and equal participation in the benefits thus offered was so small that tho humblebt mechanic was not too poor to pay it. ïhe unallncBS of lho subscriplion, howevor, was not to bo token na a criterion of tho benefits conferred by tho institu-tion. Institutions liko theso wero amongst the wants of tho age. They had for their object tho intellectual im-provement of theil members. This wns indeed a grand object, and it wne only a pity that in the Sydnoy School of Ails so much vnluablo timo nnd so much mental power should bo wasted over mero romantic volumes that could never tlfect any good. Such nn inbtitulion as this, how-ever, was a green spot on the desert surfneo of Sydnoy lifo, lccognising as it did that man lived for something higher than racto nnimul lifo, and providing mental aliment that wne otheiwise unattainable. It wns a common error to behov e that the minds ot the great philosophers and states-men that have ornamented this globo ditfcicd in constiuction frem those of oidinmy men. It was as sure that the mental phvsiology of all men was aliko as that their physi-cal conformation WES the Eame. lho difference between the mind cf a Newton or a Socrates and that of a Chinauiou or an aboriginal lny only in mental culturo. Thug, there wab noonnin this audieneo that might not carn for himrolf annn.oif he had but determination, perseverance, nnd application, aided by auch institutions as the Sydney

Mechnmc3' School of Art«.

Mr. Aldcrmnn Hum r.Y eeconded tho resolution.

Mi., m ribing to Buupoit tho resolution, took the I opponunify to allude to the great dispropoition in lho vc lûmes in the library, whcicby the requirements of a very laiResection of the members hud been completely over-looked. In fheso remarks ho did not wish in any way to reflect upon the committee, OH ho was sure that they had acted m the matter to the best of their judgmont. How-ever, on taking up tho supplement to tho library catalogue, he found that thero wero catalogued no lesa than 247 volumes ot light literature, whilst of the volumes treating ol Ibo various sciences there were only forty-twö ; thus the novelB wero five times molo numerous than tho works of science, whilst they wero actually eighty-two times more numerous than tho philological works that wero BO required in and so necessary to such on^institution as the prcfcnt. Ho quite admitted that it was the duty ct the committee to endeavour to suit the reading taete ef the member», but even to this tbwo should

bo some limitation. If there were not, the rosalt would bo ibat that section of tho members that required the works ho alluded to would be driven from this institution to tho Australian Library, for tho success of a Mechanic.-)' School of Arts depended moro upon this proper seleotion of books than upon anything else. He mentioned several philosophical works that he had expected to seo catalogued m tho supplemental catalogue, and pointed out that tho impression of a stranger looking over this supplément would bo that wo wero not a thinking people, but ono that Fought the momentary gratification of tho passing hour.

Mr. M AC»AX said that, as a member of tho committee, ho wifht tay, that none had felt the lack of the works alluded to moro than tho committco themselves. But then members muBt recollect that theEO works were not only intrinsically valuable but wero pecuniarily so also ; and tho committee bad not at their disposal the funds availablo for their purchose. He might eny fh¡B, however, that when the revenue of the institution wasmore abundant,moro of these valuable woiks would bo placed in tho library. Ho could assuro them that tho matter would not be overlooked.

Mr, J. THOMPSON said that when tho committeo had talked over, as they had done, the purchato of theso works, they had appealed to him" to know how the funds stood; and that when ho had been thus applied to, ho had been compelled to put his veto on the expenditure owing to the

want of funds.

Mr. PEPI'MI suggested ibat this was hardly an answer to his complaint, as the novels might have boon omitted from the bookB purchased rather than tho moro valuable


The motion was put hnd carried.

Mr. F. BVTTEII moved the second resolution, " That tho thanks of the members of tho S} dney Meohanios' School of Arts be, and aro hereby given, to those gentlemen who havo afforded tho valuable aid of their talents in the teaching and examination of classes, and to thoso who have added to the library and reading-room."

Ali.cmmn MACINTOSH seconded tho resolution. Tho committee intended to havo had a course of lectures during the } car, but owing to tho noise of the mill next door to the itstitution they could not get any ono to attend. Tho insti-tution had also during tho last two or three years been deprived of tho valuable services of Dr. Woolley, who genemlly opened tho leeturo season, and who also ficquently deliveicd subsequent lectures of tho course. With regard to the teachers, ho said that tho beat and largest number of them gave their services gratuitously ; the only rewaid which they desired consisting in tho grati-fication which they would feel when they saw thoso whom they had instructed prospering in life and rising to promi-nent positions in the land. Thoso that received remunera-tion for their services likewiso conforred great advantages on the institution, as tho fees received by them were merely nominal. Our thanks were a'so duo to the exoroiners, who porformed the duties of their offices without pecuniary recompense, and the institution was also under very great obligations to thoso who had givon books to tLe libral y. The works of fiction wero more thumbed than books ni science and art; and he thought that, on tho whole, tho iuftitution was pretty well supplied with a general assortment of what its customers required. Wo know very well that works on scienco wero not muih inquired for, and there were, perhaps, only one or two gentlemen occasionally disappointed when they happened to OBIC for thom. Tho Sydney Sebrol of Arts had taken a very high placo in Australia, and there wero very few institutions that had a greater number of well wishers. Wherever ho had travelled ho bad henrd the School of Arts highly spoken of, and had often had kindness shown to bim simply becauso hobolonged to it. Ho thought that the GoTornmont should give Fomo offices as they became vacant to the most deserving youths who should pass successful examinations, and be re-

commended by tho committee. The emoluments might not i be moie than £100 or £150 a year, but tho prospect ' of such preferment would becet a spirit of emulation, and

would have a very beneficial effect upon the character of tho , youthb attending the chibses. Tho recommendation of tho examiners, and the good opinion of tho committeo of tho School of Arts, would givo the young mena sort of status in society, and would be a sourco of gratification to thom in after life. Tho classes wore of a high character, and wero very useful. He had very great pleasure in seconding

tho resolution.

The resolution was then put to tho meeting and unani-mously apieed to.

Mr. C. G. HE\ DON moved tho third resolution : " That the tbank3 of this meeting bo awarded to the presidont, vice-presidents, treasurer, auditors, and members of tho committee, for their servicts duiing tho pnst year." Ho said the teivices of the committee wero well appreciated by the membeis. They had not only been willing to promoto the interests and good management of the institution, but what they had undertaken to do, thoy had dono well. It gave him great pleasure to move the resolution, for tho committeo wero thoroughly deserving of the thanks which it was proposed the meeting should vote to them.

Mr. W. H. JONF.Í, seconded the resolution. Tho School of Arts was an institution that lay at the foundation of a great deal of good that wo mel with in tho men with whom we associated. In thousands of instances tho operation of its hencilcinl influenco might not bo perceived, but an undercuircnt of usefulness nevertheless existed, and tho institution more particularly gave life and direction to the eneigies of the young men who wore working in ita classes, or taking out books from its library. Ho had been long connected with the School of Aits, and the moro lo knew of it tho moro ho admired it. To be in Sydney, and not to bo a member of the School of Arts, would bo to live in a wilderness. In doing honour to thomonagi nient of tho institution, wo wero only bestowing what was really due.

The resolution was agreed to as before.

The CHAIRMAN then gave prizes (handsomely bound bookB) to a number of students who had distinguished thcmtelvcB by pi oficiency in the different clussea. The foi' lowiDg is tho list of prizes:-Greek, G. J. Sly; Latin, ditto; Gicek, jun., A. Aspinall; Intm, jun., J. Palmer; English Grammar, A. Aspinall; ditto second, 0. Jesson; Mathematical, J. Finnigan; vocal music,MÍSB Humphreys, Miss Gi «enfield, Mr. Tenipcrley, Mr. Hegarty.

Mr. Di: LISSA said he had given notice of his intontion to movo two resolutions relating to tho laws regulating tho appointment of officers. The first had reference to tho non.innt ion of the committee, and was as follows: "That cli' 1 section 6 of tho laws of the institution, under the heading 'Komination and election of officers' bo amended by the insertion of tho following words after the werd 'election' in tho tenth lino thereof, 'That a notice shall be twico inserted in two daily newspapers published in Sydney not ICSB than threo weeks prior to the day of election, requiring mombers wishing to nominate candidates for election to forward such ncmination in writing to tho secretary within fourteen , duys.1 " Tho present law provided that a nomination should

be effected by a notice in writing to tho secretary not later than seven days prior to tho day of election, and that a notice of such nomination Bhould be posted at the institution. , Ho thought tho members should bo enabled to elect any

gentleman whom thoy might think host qualified to havo tho management ot the affairs of tho institute. He behoved it had Leen tho case for some years past that when the notice for the holding of tho general meeting hud been published there had boon membors desirous for voting for gentlemen not in nomination, and they then found it too lato to place them In nomination, owing to the time limited for _ that purposo having expired. It was true that a notico waa posted outside, but a largo number of members were not in constant attendance at the

, institution, and in passing through the hall into the library I

or rcading;rooin tho notico failed to attract thoir attention.

Mr. COOK had great pleasure in seconding the resolution, which ho thought must commend itself to tho common tense of every individual.

AWeiman MACINTOSH did not think tho amendment EcccbM.]}. Any member could bo proposed now, but the , difficulty was to get peoplo to propose members of tho oom

i mlttec.

Mr. BOHERT STEWART said that all members who took on interest in the institution must bo aware that the com-mitteo waa elected at tho annual meeting, hold in tho boginning of the year, and he did not think that an advertise'

ment would bo sufficient to secure thoir attention to what they must previously bo awaro of. It would, in his opinion, be incuring expense without increasing tho number of nominations. He should voto against the proposal, becauso he did not think it wiso to make alterations in the rules unless it could bo shown that some advantago could he grined by so doing.

Mr. J. THOMPSON objected to tho amendmont on the score of expense.

Mr. M'CEEA paid the 'committeo had been accused of nominating themselves, but he believed that nono woro more aBxious to leavo tho nominating to tho members of tho institution than wero the committee themselves. (Applause.) Hitherto it had beon the practico of tho committeo to meet on the last ovoning on which nominations wero received, to seo whether or not the list was complete. Ho believed tlmt it had been invariably found that the list was incomplete, and thus it became a duty incumbent upon the committeo to make up tho num-ber of nominations necessary. If wo proceeded to alter our laws, which wo hud now had for so many years, ho suggested that our alterations Bhould hoof some importance, but ho did not think tho proposition beforo tho mooting was

sufficient to rcquiro a levision of the rules,

Mr. CiiizLEiT thought the matter should bo loft to the discretion of the committeo.

Mr. ALDERSON said that evory member could got a copy of the rules, and tho power of nomination rested with the members. If tho committee did not nominate themselves there would bo no committee nominated.

Mr. MANSTIEU) said that u list of members eligiblo for election as committee men and of mombers entitled to voto was exhibited at the institution fourteen days bofuro the

election took place.

Mr. REID spoke in favour of the amendment, and Mr; CALDWELL opposed it.

The mover replied.

The proposition WOB negatived by a largo majority.

Mr. DE LISSA said tho next resolution of which ho had given notico contemplated a chango in tho organisation of the committco. It was, '' That clause 2 section 2 bo amended as follows :-That tho president, treasurer, auditors, and BÍX committeo men shall bo elected annually ; w'x members of committeo retiring annually by rotation as follows :-That BÍX membors having tho smallest number of vofrs at the annual meeting held in February, I860, re-tiring in tho year 1867, and the BÍX members of committee longest in olfico retiring in each suc-ceeding year, and not being eligiblo for re-eleotion." Hu taiil that his amendment would secure a warmer interest in tho welfare of tho institution among a larger number of members. Tho basis of the prosperity of every institution mußt consist in tho personal interest enlisted in it; and tho groat complaint among

moBl of the public institutions of the city was'

the «j alby of the great body of the members. By members tnking an activo part in the ma-nagement of nn institntion, their interest in it was jromofed. For (ho loot eight or nino yeara wo lind hnd the same committee, but had thero been a provision mch ns ho now submitted wo should have had some forty or fifty members who would havo servod on the com-mittee. They would necessarily havo a warmer in-te re Et in tho institution-bo more conversant witfi ifs requirements-they would appreciate the difficul-ties: with which the committeo had to contend, ana they would bo moro ready to promote any particular movement or object they intiatcd. There would bo another advantago incident te the management. Under present arrangements it was quite possible that an onfirelynew committeo might bo elected. Such a result would be very disudvontogcouH, for an entirely now committee would bo inexperienced in the working of tho institution, but they would not meet with tho same difficulties if thoy had some members amongst them acquainted with past arrange-


Mr. REID seconded tho proposition.

Mr. PEITER, moved the following amendment :-"That tho president, treasuicr, auditors, and twelve committcomen, Ebnll be elected annually, of whom the six members havingthe smallest number of votes at the annual meeting, hold in February, 18GC, and retiring in tho year 1867, shall not bo eligible for re-election, for three years, nnd the six members of committeo longest in office, shall retire in each suooeeding year, and not be eligible for re-election for three years."

At this Btngo of the proceedings tho scrutineers returned into the meeting, and

Tho CUAIIMAH declared tho balloting to have resulted in Hie election of tho following gentlemen. Dr. Woolloy and Alderman Wood, presidents; Messrs. N, D, Sten-house, J. Sutherland, W. C. Windoyor, and - Mansfield, vice-presidents; Mr. J. Thompson, treasurer; Dr. Walker,. Messrs. Rolin, Alderson, Caldwoll, Stewart, M'Crea Chixlett, Moring, Spence, Cane, Mooro, ona Phillips

commit tee.

Mi. COOK seconded Mr. Pepper's omendmont.

Mr. It. FonsTFit moved, and Alderman MACINTOSH seconded the adjournment of tho meeting to this nigh.

twelve months.

Apiopofiition that the meeting should adjourn for a month was made by Mr. COOK, hut not aeoondod.

The motion for adjournment was then carried by a largo majority ; nnd, after a vote of thanks had been givon to the chaiininn, tho meeting separated at half-past 10 o'clock. .