Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 21 August 1861, page 5






From 19th JULY, TO 20th August, 1861.

Friday, 19th to 26th July.

"WE have nothing new of importance from Lambing Flat. Everything seems quiet_ there. Tho police having all left, a vigilance committee his been estab-lished for tbe preservation of order ; and they seem to have pieserved order pretty effectually, probably because many of the greatest raBcals-in. fear of that punishment which they have BO well earned-have left. But the apparent calm may be very deceptive. It is jeported that the diggers are arming and drilling, and haye expressed n decided intention to resist any and every attempt to apprehend such of tho leaders of the late brutal assault upon the Chinese as remain among them. If so, there must be a collision, for surely the authori-ties will tot allow the chief ruffians again to escape with impunitv.

It would seem that only one man (named Lupton) has yet died frem the fire of the police. The diggers declare that the shot which killed him waa fired prior to the reading of the Eiot Act. But if, as is asserted on the other hand, an actual attack had previously been commenced upon the police, this would not be very material.

The diggers, the storekeepers, and even, it is said, the women of Lambing Flat, have eot up anti-Chinese petitions to the Governor-General, ?which hrfve been entrusted to two delegates-Messrs. Torpy and Baker. These individuals have not yet reached Sydney.

Placards were posted about the streets on Thurs pay, calling upon the citizen» to " roll-up " and hold a monster meeting in Hyde Park that evening, for the pu< pose of expressing their hatred of the terrible Mongolians, and their sympathy with the lambs of Burrangong. The evening, however, was Tery wet and nobody came.

The people of Muswellbrook have petitioned for the construction of a tramway from thence to Mudgee.

It U stated that robberriea are taking place almost daily in the district of Carcoar.

An aboriginal native has barbarously murdered, near Merriwa, the wife of a shepherd named Mills, and has so maltreated her son, a boy between nine and ten years of age, that his recovery is doubtful. Her daughter, aged between four and five, he has carried away with him. Every one who has a horse is out in pursuit of the murderer. He was last seen by a Chinaman making towards Liverpool Ploins with the child still in his company. There is great reason to fear that if hard pressed he will murder theposr little girl in order to have a better chance of escaping.

A petition for the incorporation of Maitland under the Municipalities Aot of 1858 has been sent in. At the public meeting in East Maitland whereat this petition was adopted there was a good deal of opposition, but the advocates for incorporation had

the best of it,

Mr. Black has made considerable progress in his survey of the Snowy Uiver and adjacent Btreams with a view to the determination of their capacity for salmon-breeding.

The Rev. G. N. Gordon, missionary of the London Missionary Society, and his wife, have been barba-rously murdered by the natives of Erromango, one of the New Hebrides. The measles having of late raged at this island and killed off a great nany of the natives, the latter have got a notion that it has been introduced by the whites, and determined, it would seem, on a general massacre of the latter. The good missionary and his wife have, however, been the only victims as yet. Both were killed treacherously by blows from behind given by men who pretended to be friends. The bodies (fearfully mangled) have been recovered and

buried. This is the same island at which the Rev. John Williams and Mr. Harria were butchered in the year 1840.

A lecture on the discovery of the coasts of Austra-lia and Van Diemen'» Land waa delivered by Mr. H. T. Fox, on Monday, before the members of the St.

Lawrence's Parochial Association.

' A debt of £234 3s. Id. remaining on St. John's School, Bishopthorpe, it has been decided to hold a fancy bazaar before the end of the year for its liqui-


? A fancy bazaar has been held at Newtown, in aid of the building fund of the Loyal St. John's (Odd fellows') Lodge.

', The first and second of a series of lectures on Chemistry was delivered by Mr. J. G. Crouch, at the Temperance Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.

The residents on the Glebe Point road have presented Henry Jenkins, driver of the Glebe Point omnibus, with £10, as a mark of their appreciation of his civility to paisengers, and steadiness as a driver for the laBt three years and a half in that locality.

' By further advices from Carcoar, relative to the late collision between bushrangers and police,' it would seem that trooper »osle is not dead, although he, as -fell SB serjeant Middleton, has been badly wounded ; also that the bushranger Gardner has been rescued by his;matcs. The Government has offered a reward ot 60 foi such information as may lead to the apprehen-

sion and conviction of these men.

. An old mon named Thomas Bassett has been acci-dentally killed on the Bathurst Road. The dray which he was diiving upset, and the guard-iron felt

across his neck.

.A lecture in conneetion with the Australian

Catholic Young Men's Society was delivered by the

Rev. Dr. Forrest, on Monday evening, in the school- | lo'ojn of the Sacred Heart. Subject : " Progress."

" The brig Wanderer, of Sydney, has been wrecked on, a small island off the south-east end of Cape Barren, while on a voyage from Newcastle to Adelaide with a cargo of coal and maize. All hands saved.

The schooner Macclesfield, from Newcastle to Melbourne with coal, has been wrecked on the Clon iriell Sands, and six of her crew have been drowned. The names of the latter were Charles Johnson, J. M. Gowan, Henry Atherton, John Paps, Benjamin Griffiths, and George Humphries.

The half-yearly meeting of members of the St. Leonard's School of Arts was held on Monday even-ing, and Mr. E. M. Sayers was elected President. The institution appears to be progressing well.

Mr. Robert Dick has been appointed Second Lieu-tenant of the Hawkesbury Corps of Volunteer


The election for the Lower Hunter resulted in the return of Lieutenant Sadleir, who polled 319 votes to Mr. Argent's 130.

A man named Heffernan has been bitten by a brown snake, at Whiterock, Bathurst District, but having had the presence of mind to scarify the place, and having obtained prompt medical aid, he is likely

to recover.

There have been very heavy snow storms at and

around Kiandra.

Some of the ruffans from Lambing Flat went to the,Lachlan diggings, and after having demanded rations free of cost, and indulged in other manifesta-tions peculiar to their class, they left with a threat that they would return and have a "roll-up."

A young man named M'Lean has been drowned in attempting to cross the river at Bingera on a raft.

The Rev. H. A. Palmer, of Sofala, and for ten years chaplain on the gold-fields, has been appointed to Pitt-town and Wilberforce, in the room of the Rev. Thomas Wilson, removing to the Shoalhaven, vice Rev. Abraham King, who is about to return to Great Britain. The Rev. J. K. Tucker, late incumbent of Trinity Church, Northwick, Cheshire, now agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society for Australasia, has been licensed to officiate in the diocese of Sydney.

A grand full drees ball, in aid of St. Vincent's Hospital, W88 held at the Exchange, on Wednesday evening. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the Weather, between 300 and 400 persons were present.

' A dogcart belonging to Mr. Burt, of Pitt-street, Was_ smashed, on Wednesday, through the horse having taken fright, and the groom, who was driving, Hark Sparks, was severely bruised, although he

escaped with unbroken bones.

His Excellency and Lady Young being about to visit Windsor, preparations are being made to receive them with becoming eclat. There is to be among other things an address, a public dinner, and a review of Volunteers, to whom colours are to be


The Rev. T. Hassell delivered a lecture on

Nineveh, at the Camden School of Arts, on Monday


A letter has been received from the Tuke of Newcastle, by Captain Laver, Brigade Adjutant,

expressive of the writer's satisfaction at the progress

here of the Volunteer movement.

The Australian Jockey Club have adopted.'withsome

little alteration- and amend_ent,-a set of new-rales. They have also decided to make the training ground available to competitors (under certain regulations) on payment of £1 for each horse.

Messrs. Bubb and Son, ot tho Victoria Foundry, Sussex-strcet, have just comnleted four massive cast iron newspaper receivers, which are to bo set up at tonxenicnt pointB in the city.

Since the separation of Waterloo ward from the municipality of Redfern, and its eiectiou into a sepa-rate municipality, Redfern has had bat si* me-nbers, instead of nine, as its population would, under the Act of 18öS, entitle it to. A public meeting of rate-payers was held on Wednesday evening, at which a memorial was adopted to the Coloniil Secretary, pray-ing that the two remaining wards of the municipality might be consolidated for the attainment of the end

1 in view.

David Anderson, oged fifty, diedon the passage from Moruya to Sydney, to which place he was being con veved under sentence for vagrancy. Deceased was ill before starting, and the coroner's jury expressed their opinion that he ought to have had medical advice at


A man named Booth has been accidentally drowned in a creek near Panamaita. It is supposed that he fell in while stopping lor a drink. #

The half-yearly meeting of the Pyrmont Bridge Company was held on Thursday. The report of the directory, showing that the affairs of the company have prospered well, was adopted, and a resolution was passed, recommending the immediate construc-tion, on the Pyrmont side, of a road to join the rail-


There have been heavy rains for the last few days, and floods are feared, but the weather seems now to be clearing.

Friday, 20th July to 2nd August.

THE troops must all have reached Lambing Flat ero this, but up to the time of writing these notes nothing definite is known as to what, if anything, has been done. So far as advices have yet gone, the aspect of things is rather alarming. It may be quite true, as the friends of the rioters aver, that everything is quiet at the Flat, and that the rights of persons and of pro-perty areatpresentwellrespected. Butitmaybeequally uueï as the same parties admit-nay, assert rather triumphantly-that the diggers are arming, and W11 probably resist any attempt to apprehend such of the 'leading rioters as still remain on the gold-field. The supremacy of the law, if it is to be main-tained at all, must be asserted with firmness ; and it is hoped and believed that the Government will this time bring to justice the offenders against law and order. For the present, however, the intention of proclaiming martial law at Burrangong has been


The Burrangong delegates, Messrs. Torpy and Baker, aie somewhere in Sydney, and have even had the assurance to apply to the Governor for an audience, but his Excellency has very properly declined to receive gentlemen who come as the representatives of men who have-very I many of them at all events-been in arms

against the law and its administrators. As to the grievances complained of, thoy are such as can only

be redresssed constitutionally, not by any arbitrary i interposition of executive potter.

A deputation ol members of Parliament waited upon the Colonial Secretary at the beginning of the week-probably at the instance of the Burrangong delegates-in order to sound the Government as to its intentions, but obtained very little enlightenment.

On a subsequent evening there was a public meet-ing in Sydney by way ot an anti-Chinese demon-stration. The resolutions arrived at were, in effect, to urge by petition the imposition of a poll-tax upon the Chinese as they arrived, and their exclusion from the gold-fields of the colony. But_besides averring the expediency of repressing Chinese immigration-which they had a perfect right to do-some of the speakers defended the constitutionality of the proceedings at Lambing Flat, which was monstrous.

At Burrangong itself, and elsewhere, the case which seems to be most relied upon is, that the police fired before the Riot Act was read, and that the subse-quent retreat of the police from the Flat was not neces-sary for their safety. It does not seem to be seen that this, even admitting both points to be made out, will not act as a justification of the rioters' proceedings their brutal maltreatment and plunder of the Chinese, or their appearance in arms to demand the release of prisoners lawfully in custody.

The weather seems to have cleared, and the floods in the interior to have subsided, but, as usual, there has been a good deal of damage done. A part of -i Maitland has been again under water, and much pro-

perty has been destroyed or damaged. Tamworth has been still more unfortunate, for besides a large destruction of property by the rising of the waters, there has been a loss of one human life, that of a

German woman.

A judgment of great importance was pronounced in the Supreme Court on Saturday last. The suit was one against the Colonial Treasurer for a distraint, ' under his authority, to satisfy a charge upon plaintiff's , run under the Assessment Act of 1858. The question

at issue-raised by a demurrer to the plaintiff 's de-claration-was, whether or not this Act, or rather the impost levied under the authority of its provisions, was valid. In delegating to the local Legislature the management of waste lands, in this colony> the Imperial Parliament-while leaving un-touched the pewer of imposing further assess-ments, and the general constitutional power of taxation, - had expressly provided for the maintenance, intact, of the existing contracts made under the authority of the Crown. Thus it would not be open to the Legis-lature to impose an additional rent. The Assessment Act of 1858 imposed a new and fixed charge upon each run according to its estimated grazing capacity, , but without any reference to the number of sheep or . cattle actually depasturing upon it. Thus the main question was, whether this impost was to be regarded t as a rent or as a tax. The Chief Justice regarded it in

the former light, and therefore as imposed in excess of the local Legislature's power, and, consequently, un-sustainable. The Puisne Judges jvere both of opinion that it was a property tax which the Legislature had a ! full right to impose upon the tenants of the Crown as , upon any other CIOBB in the community ; no immunity t from taxation being secured to these tenants under their , leases, or by any Imperial statute. The assessment , was therefore sustained. Another objection raised

, and decided was as to the right of this Court to enter

¡ tain any question touching the validity of an Act of. I the colonial Parliament. Their Honors were unani-mous in disallowing this objection. The Imperial and Colonial statutes formed, unitedly (they held) a code of

laws which not only the Supreme Court, but every, tribunal called upon to do so, must look at as a whole. 1 When there were'eonflicting enactments they were to

be reconciled if possible. But if this was not possible then the Court must examine them to see which was ' in force, and which was not,

Mr. Cowper left Sydney for Melbourne on Tuesday" 1 j afternoon by the steamship City of Sydney. The

chief object of his journey is to arrange, if possible, a treaty with our Southern neighbours which shall settle the vexed question of Customs' duties on goods ¡ crossing the borders,'

The mult of the inquest on the late fire at the .Australian Hotel, corner of Pitt and Goulburn

streets, has been a unanimous verdict that the roof was wilfully set on fire,.although there was no suffi-cient evidence before the jury to piOve who were the guilty parties.

, _ -ne rusnop ot Sydney delivered on Tuesday even-'

ing, in the Church Society's rooms, a most interest-, ing lecture upon Christianity in India.

The firBt of a series of readings, which are intended as a present substitute for lectures, took place at the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts on Tuesday. The Rev. Mr. Stanley was the reader, and Thomas Hood was the author thus illustrated. ,

The road between Yass and Goulburn is stated to , be in a wretched state, owing to the late tains.

At a meeting of the Sydney Gymnasium Commit-tee, held at the Town Hau on Tuesday, a communica-tion was read from the Secretary for tanda stating the intention of the Government to place a sum of £600 for this institution upon the Estimates. The secretary was instructed to prepare by next meeting a list of the committee to send to the bank as guarantees for a cash advance ; also to procure private tenders according to new specifications in preparation by the treasurer.

i Mr. Hercules Watt, an old and respected colonist, died on Monday last, and was buried on the following day with Masonic honours. His remains were also j followed to their last resting-place by the members of

the Waverley Municipal Council, to which body he ! belonged.

i The half-yearly meeting of the Australasian Steam Navigation Company was held on Tuesday. A divi-dend of five per cent, on the capital stock of the com-pany, and a bonus of 7s. 6d. per share, were declared. /Mr. John Alexander was elected a director ;. and

¡Messrs. Francis Mitchell and John Milsom, junior, ¡auditors.

A man named Thomas Dolby, seventy-two years of age, fell from a cart, near Enfield, on Friday last,

and was so severely injured in the head that he died at the Infirmary) on Wednesday morning.

Captain Etrange, of the French Imperial navy, formerly in command of the war schooner Gazelle, (died on board the Iphigenia on Tuesday, and was (interred, with the usual honours, on the following


day. Captain Etrange -WSB about to proceed to Europe

for the benefit ot his health.

Several whales have been seen lately on tho coast near Brckf n Bay. ,

Anothtr ince for the championship is to come off on the 24th instant, for £50 a side, between the brothers Green on the one side, and Puiich and M'Grath on the other.

The new bridge at Tamworth has been oponed for general traffic.

A man named Charles Nash, who was working at St John's College, hud his right knee joint dislocated on Wednesday, by a stone failing upon it. He waa taken to the Infirmary, where the joint was set, and he is doing well.

A half-yearly meeting of the Turkish Bath Com-pany was held on Wednesday, and a dividend at the rate of 10 pir cent, per annum for tho past half-year

was declared.

A petition has been presented and published for the incorporation of Newtown, under the Municipalities Act of 1868. Also, a petition for the division of Bal-main into two separate municipalities.

Considerable additions are about to be made to the Wollongong Gaol.

James Bell-a refugee from the flood-died in the Maitland Hospital on Sunday, from the rupture of a

blood vessel.

Mr. Alfred M'Farland has entered upon the duties of his office as Chief Commissioner of Insolvent TPfit & tCS '

Richard John Fowler, aged 74, has been killed by being thrown from a cart ; the horse having taken fright.

Inquests haye been held upon two or three other persons whose deaths have been found to have

resulted from natural causes.

A man named James Emery has died in the Braid-wood Hospital from the poison of some venomous reptile.

A boy under three years old was lost in the bush recently at Bland's Plains, and was not tracked until he had been subjected to exposure during three frosty nightB. He was then twelve miles from home. He was still alive, however, and is now doing as well as ever. '

Considerable public attention has been attracted to the prosecution of Messrs. William A. Collins and James Patton, for having, with others, conspired to prevent the employés of Messrs. Russell and Co., engineers and ironfounders, from working, and to in-timidate others from entering that employment. The case, after several days' heating, was dismissed. The evidence was very conflicting.

A lecture in connection with the St. Benedict's Catholic Young Men's Society, was delivered on Monday evening by Mr. J. A. Cunneen, M.L.A. Subject- Public Life.

The Orpheonist Society-a recently organised as-sociation for the practice of vocal music, gave a pre-liminary conceit on Monday ei ening at the School of


An old man named Croft who lived in a hut by himself at Mossman's Bay, and obtained a precarious livelihood by gathering oysters and selling them in Sydney, has died from the combined effects of ex-posure and want of proper nourishment. '

A lecture, in connection with the Darling Point Mutual Improvement Society, was delivered on Mon dav evening, by Mr. Hermann Milford. Subject:

" The Manners and Customs of the Hindoos."

The Central Criminal Court has sat during the week. There were but three cases ia the calendar, and only two of them were actually tried. Mr S. S. Rogers, an attorney who absconded from Wollon-gong, was indited for having applied to his own use a sum of £500, entrusted to him by a client for invest-ment, and was acquitted. A nolle protequi was, therefore, entered as to another indictment against him. The prisoners of Darlinghurst Gaol, who mur-. . derously assaulted the warder, Wallace, namely Clifford, English, Brown, Thurston, and Lee-were all convicted, and were each sentenced te three years' im-prisonment with hard labour. As these convicts, however, are all long-sentenced men, this will not really be any additional punishment to them. The law is in this respect defective.

A nugget weighing ' 60 ozs., and containing 50 ozs. of pure gold, has been found at the new diggings, near Gundagai.

Mr. Hoskins, M.L.A. for the Northern Gold-fields, and Mr. Markham, M.L.A., for New England, have been giving an account of their stewardship to t,heir respective constituents, and have obtained votes of confidence.

Messrs. Vindin and Burns aie candidates for there presentation ot the Hunter. At the nomination the ' show of hands was in favour of the former, and Mr. Burns demanded a poll.

The match between Messrs. Parker and Winter-bottom-the champion swordsmen of Now South. Wales and Victoria-for £50 aside, came off at the Lyceum Theatre on Thursday evening, and attracted a great deal of attention. The contests were first with the broadsword, secondly with foils, and thirdly with 'broadsword against bayonet-(he antagonists changing weapons after three points. In the first contest Mr. Parker made seven cuts to Mr. Winter bottom's five. In the second bout, the Victoria champion made seven points, and the champion of New South Wales but five. With the broadsword and bayonet, however, Mr. Parker made seven points * to his opponent's four. Mi. Parker was, therefore, the victor, but the contest waa avery close one.

, ' Friday, 2nd to 9th August.

IT has rained nearly all the week, and we have still further rumours of floods besides those at Maitland and elsewhere already reported. At Narrelly, besides the destruction of a good deal of property, the loss of one life has been reported. In Sydney, things have been rather dull. Even at that heretofore disorderly place, Burrangong, everything is quiet.

On Monday evening there was another public meeting in Sydney by way of demonstration in tavour of the Burrangong rioters. The speakers, indeed, professed to have no sympathy with thOBO who were actually engaged in the brutal assault upon the Chinese and the destruction of their property ; but directly an attempt was made by a sensible and liberal minded man to condemn these ruffians in fitting terms he was yelled down. The decision arrived at was to ask, by petition to the Governor, for a commission ot inquiry on the spot, prior to the taking of any steps to punish the rioters.

A deputation from this meeting has since seen Sir John Young, and presented the petition alluded to. The answer which they received was just what they might have expected- the only answer which a British. 1 Governor could give-that he could not suspend the

action of the law, nnd that nohow could the inquiry which was asked for be better made than in the Courts of Justice where the rioters will have to be i tried, and where all evidence will be given on oath.

Three of the great leaders who were to do so , much-Spicer, Cameron, and Stewart-have made

themselves scarce, but a reward of £100 each has been offered for them. They do not seem to command' much sympathy from the diggers in general, who have , all settled quietly back to their work, notwithstanding

the arrest of many of the chief rioters and the rein-statement of the Chinese within their old boundaries. It has been found unnecessary to detain, the naval brigade at Burrangong any longer, and this part of the force, havmg been first publicly thanked bY "te officer in chief command, has left for i .ftyhney.

Torpy, one of the Burrangong delegates, was {arrested, on Monday, fot participation hr,the attack i upon the Chinese, but was admitted to ba_,and ap-peared upon the platform as a speaker on the (APaaion of the public meeting already alluded to. \,,

The monthly parade of the suburban battalion oi -Volunteer Rifles took place in the University Paddocks, on Saturday last. In the absence of the Inspecting Field-Officer, Colonel Kempt, the inspec-tion was conducted by Captain Laver, the Brigade


One of the beBt contested rifle matches that have taken place since the inauguration of the Volunteer movement took place at the Randwick butts, on Saturday afternoon. Both prizes-an Enfield rifle and a pair of duelling pistols-were woa by Mr.


A man named James Dempsey, residing in Clarence-street, had his leg broken on Sunday morn-ing at Glebe Island. He was sitting on the bridge

when . piece of timber shifted and he was cost


The Hawkesbury Volunteers are making prepara tions for a fitting reception to the volunteers of Sydney on the occasion of their expected visit when the Hawkesbury Company receive their colours.

I The Rev. Mr, Bird, of Cassilis, nanowly escaped

j drowning on a recent occasion, when attempting to

croea Hall's Creek.

The Lyceum Theatre, leased by Mr. R. Tolano, has been re-opened for histrionic entertainment. At the Victoria Theatre an Operatio Company (Lyster's) has been playing during the week with great success.

Several meetings have been held at Richmond with a view to the organisation of a troop of Mounted


The Wagga Wagga Exprett reports several cases ef systematic horse-stealing by three men, who have made off in the direction of Lambing Flat. The police

are after them.

Several animals belonging to Mr. Goddard, of

Shoalhaven;havebeen maliciously"wounded'by-bOiire* scoundrel; as yet undetected. \ ' ' '. , i

Three armed' men recently bailed up and plun-

dered several persons at Fowler's public-house, about

five mileB from Lambing Flat.

The decomposed body of a young man, name un-known, has been found in the bush, on the bound-aries of Messrs. Desailly'!", and Paterson's block runs,

on the Yanko. .

Edwin Brown, second officer of the ship Marcianus, was killed on Friday by it blow on the head with a handspike by a seaman named George Kennedy. The

latter has since been committed for trial, on the ver-dict of a coroner's jury, for wilful murder. .There appeared by the evidence to be sad disorganisation and bad feeling on board this vessel. The only reason as-signed for this murder was that deceased had pre-viously applied opprobrious epithets to Kennedy. There was no quarrel going on, however, when Ken-nedy deliberately struck the fatal blow.

It is reported that Sir William Denison is preparing

a work on the Australian Colonies.

TheWiiite Star has been chartered to convey 00,000 sheep to New Zealand for Mr. Rebert To»th.

William Lithaby, who was labouring under insanity in the shape of a violent religious monomania, fell from the fourth story of a large store, to which he had climbed for the purpose of committing suicide by hanging himself to a chain. The chain having given way, he fell to the ground, and his brains were

dashed out. '

Post OfficcB were established at each of the follow-ing places on the 1st inBtant :-Blanford, between Scone and Murrurundi ; Wallsend, near Waratah ; Piney Range, between Ten-Mile Creek and Urana ; Limekilns, near Peel ; Currabubula, near Goonoo Goonoo ; Colo, near Lower Portland.

The annual ball of the Australian Quadrille Assembl) came off at the new Masonic Hall, on Tues-day evening.

A complimentary dinner was given on Tuesday evening, at the Sir John Young Hotel, to Mr. J. Hourigan, the proprietor of that establishment.

It is btated that artificial guano is being prepared by a chemist of 4 some celebrity, which, it "is hoped, will supersede the natural guano, and be more within the reach of perBons of limited means.

The remains of the late Major D'Arcy Wentworth were interred on Tuesday, in the family vault at Parramatta. The funeral was very largely attended. I Mr. J. L. Sherriff, honorary secretary In Sydney,

of the Glasgow Art Union, has just received the prizes allotted to members resident in Sydney at the drawing in December last.

The annual exhibition of the Sydney Poultry Asso-ciation was commenced at the Temperance Hall ori Tuesday, and continued during the two following days. The show was a very good one, and, notwith-standing the inclemency of the weather (as to which the society has been equally unfortunate at previous exhibitions), was well attended.

Several lectures have been announced in connection with the various literary institutions of Sydney and the suburbs, but, owing to the bad weather, they have had to be postponed.

An iron storeinDawson-street, Newcastle, has been destroyed by fire. The coroner's jury have found that this fire was the work of an incendiary, and that the evidence tended so far to cast suspicion upo_ John Smith, sen,, the owner of the property destroyed, as to render necessary an investigation by a higher tri 1 bunal. Mr. Smith was accordingly committed for

¡ trial, but was admitted to bail,

I . The different coal companies having given notice

to their miners of an intended reduction of wages to the extent of about 20 per cent., it is feared that thero will be "a strike."

The Border Post reports the drowning of Mr. Charles Lester, of Morbringer, while endeavouring to get two horses across a creek near his own house."

The constituents of Captain Moriarty, M.L.A. for Braidwood, have given htm a public dinner at the Doncaster Hotel, in that town.

Sergeant Middleton, wounded in the recent affray with bushrangers, is said to be slowly progressing' towards convalescence. Trooper Hosie, who was' wounded on the same occasion, although still very unwell, is as active as ever.

James Holden, a bullock driver and proprietor of teams, has been accidentally drowned in the Edward


A plot for the rescue of the notorious bushranger , Molloy, alias Jack-in-Boots, on his way from Gun

, dugai to Yass, has been discovered.

, . A Prussian named Frank Morano has been received

in the Gundagai Hospital with his superior maxillary and nasal bene« completely crushed by the kicking of ; a frightened horse, which he was endeavouring to ,stop. 1

1 A ? petition is laid to be in coarse of signature I against the proposed alienation of the Field of Mars ! Common for the construction of a bridge acroe» the Parramatta mer.

Several cases of sticking up and of team robbery in I the neighbourhood of Wagga Wagga have been reported. , I The wretched aboriginal who violated and mur. , dered Mrs. Mills, and nearly murdered hex little son, 1 has violated the person of another helpless female-' ¡the daughter of a shepherd. The little daughter of , Mrs. Müla was with him at the time. He is still at

¡ large, hut the whole of the neighbouring country is j aroused against him. >

! A man named John Williams has been flung from j a horse, at Newcastle, and killed. He was found, when near dead, by Mr. Daniel Jones, of Honey, ¡sucklePoint, who rendered all possible assistance.. i Two other men (unknown) were found by Mr. Jones

near the dying man, but they went away and refused ' to afford any aid. The coroner's jury added a rider' I to their verdict commendatory of the conduct of Mr,' > Jones, and censuring that of the two men alluded to.

' A man named John Sinclair, in the employ of ! Mr. Howard, omnibus proprietor, has had an arm

1 fractured by the kick of a horse.

Labour is said to be scarce at Rockhampton.

I The officers and teachers of the Wesley an Metho dist Sabbath School, at Newtown, have presented a . splendid Bible and an address to Mr. Dunlop, on his

retirement from the superintendence of that Behool, which he has held for twelve years. 1

Preliminary steps have been taken for the organisa-tion of a troop of Mounted Rifles at Penrith.

A case has been tried at the Supreme Court during' »the week,, which has excited a great deal of public; .attention. It was an action by Mr. Hunt, for-merly a member of the Legislative Council,' ; against Mr. Love, a member of the Assembly, > ffor slander and libel-the slander said to have been' ! uttered at an election meeting ; and the libel being

contained in a letter to the Empire. The charge' 1 made by Mr. Love against Mr. Hunt was virtually

I that the latter had had a guilty participation of the ¡ letting of certain houses of-his (Mr. Hunt's) for im , moral purposes, and had exerted himself to screen , from punishment the agent through which this had 1 been done. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff With £200 damages. '

Friday, 9th to Tuesday 20th August.

, THE past week has been by no means a lively one. ] Even irom Lambing Flat and its vicinity we have no

¡longer any exciting intelligence, for the principal ' demagogues and rowdies have either bolted or are in 1 hiding, and the great body of diggers have, like sen

I sible men, kept steadily to their work. '. 1 The ' great advocates of the rioters here (in |Sjdney) seem to have " collapsed" for the present, but during the session of Parliament, now fast approaching, we shall, doubtless, hear a good deal ' more of them. '

, There have been some more wet days, and some %further rumou» of floods. The waters, however, ^ hive subsided in most places, if not in all, and with

the »ear approach of spring, we may hope for better

The ¿rival of the June mail has occupied a large' ' share of public attention, but we are not aware that' i the newsv-erred thereby has had any peculiar effect' i upon colonlj interests.'

The stable* of the Royal Hotel at Deniliquin have been burnt dcr\\n. A human life has, it is stated, i been lo6t, and iproperty to the value of £1000 des

troyed. The firl »s supposed to have been the work' of an incendiary.'

The result of _£r. Black's survey of the Snowy River is -understood to be that, although well adapted for tbe propagation of salmon, the number of fulls in' its upper course will ¡"event the fish from progressing so far up as to get wîtn~i the boundaries of New South Wales. Consequently that the attempt, so far! as this river is concerned will have to be made at the' expense of our southern neighbours. '

The Wyndever corres_°ndent-f the Sydney Eerala reports the murder ef j4r. Frederick' Schofield, at Cox's Flat, near the pyramul, by a blow or blows from a tomahawk. Als'r) that a man named Kelly, who is of unsound mind, hadJ been apprehended on suspicion of being the murderer. ' i A pony race at Ashfield between two well-known animals belonging to Mess**' M'Dermott and Mor-timer was won by Mr. M'Dermott's pony. Mr. i Mortimer bad given the ode*» of £30 to £20.

, The Sydney Battalion -f Volunteer Rifles was paraded In Victoria Barrans on Saturday afternoon.

Subscription lists hav6 been opened to defray the defendant's costs in the late libel case of Hunt v.

' hoye. ' '

-The _)etnlio_iirtelegraph-line-has been-transferred, I by purchase, to the Government. The latter give the '

original cost of the line with ten per cent, interest ¡ and the value of the oflice furniture-in all £2820.

The Pattoral Timet calls attention to the number of fine specimens of " half-castes " in the neighbourhood of Deniliquin, few of whom* are ever permitted to

reach manhood. It enquires whether, as the abori- i gines are evidently fast passing away, something can

not be done for the half-castes.

A lecture on the writings of Charles DickenB was delivered by Mr. James Freeman, on Monday even-ing, in connection with the Darling Point Mutual

Improvement Association. < I

It has been decided to present a testimonial to the ' Rev. Dr. M'Kay on the occasion of his departure from the colony. At a meeting on Monday six per-sons subscribed £140 for this purpose, as a com-


Mr. Benjamin Campbell has been elected a member, of the Waverley Municipal Council in the room of the

late Mr. Hercules Watt. <

A lecture on the evils of intemperance was delivered on Monday evening, at the City Mission Chapel, by the Rev. John Reid.

A man named George Harris, employed by' Messrs. Starr, near Gunning, has been küled by the i overturning of his cart. He waB intoxicated at the,


The murder at Rockhampton, some time ago, of a Chinaman called Johnny, by a fellow-countryman named Deong, has just been discovered through the information of a third Chinaman, te whom Deong had admitted his criminality. Deong has been arrested.

The Government has offered a reward for the appre-hension of the murderous aborigine, Harry. Quite apart from this inducement, the residents of the dis-trict have held a public meeting, have offered a fur-ther reward of £100, and have organised two parties to scour the country in search of him.

A site has been fixed upon for a town, to be called Cootamundry, at a place situated on the road from Wagga Wagga to Yass, on Mutta Muttama Creek, in the county of Harden, Lachlan district, about fifteen miles north-west of Gundagai, and ten miles south-

west of Murrimboola.

The Parramatta Volunteer Fire Brigade were exer-cised, with their new engine, on Monday, and sub-

sequently dined together. '

Mr. William Owen, barrister-at-law, has been appointed a Commissioner of the Court of Claims, in the room of Mr. Purefoy, promoted to a District Judgeship. * i

Mr. James F. Fallon has been appointed Returning

efficer for the electoral district of the Hunter.

A woman named Susan Maule died in the Infirmary on Sunday evening, through injuries received from her clothes having accidentally taken fire, about three months ago.

Mr. Dayrell, late a chemist and druggist of Sydney, has been appointed Registrar of the District Court at Albury, and Clem of the Peace for the Southern

District Courts.

A prize fight for £100 took place on Tuesday in the Lane Cove district, between two men named respec-tively Bourke.and Waterhouse. Both men were hammered dreadfully, but the shades of night set in before either gained the victory. Next day one of

them insisted that the stake should be drawn.

Mr. A. Hodgson delivered a lecture on Japan, at the Newcastle Court-house, on Monday, in aid of the new hospital.

A lecture, entitled " An Evening with Father Prout," was delivered by Mr, Sheridan Moore, at the Sydney School of Arts, on Tuesday evening.

A young man, named John M'Cormack, was stverely injured ,on Tuesday, by a dray wheel I having passed over one of his legB when he was i attempting to stop a horse, which had bolted, in the I Circular Quay.

i It is reported that the blacks have been very

troublesome of late in the neighbourhood of Rock-hampton.

A handsome set of camp colours is to be presented to the Waterloo Company of Volunteer Rifles, on Saturday week, from the ladies of the locality.

The members of No. 6 Company Sydney Battalion had a picnic at Manly Beach on Tuesday. They also had a match at the Rifle Butts for three prizes : a telescope for judging distances, a handsome gold pin, and a silver drinking cup.

On the following day the officers of No. 3 Com-pany gave a picnic to the Company at Randwick. There was a general trial of skill with the rifle on this

occasion also.

The monthly meeting of the Philosophical Society

of New South Wales was held ia the Australian Library, on Wednesday evening, under the presi-dency of hUííxcellency Sir John Young. Dr. Alfrad Roberts read ft paper upon a new species of fora | menifereus animal which had lately been discovered

in twelve fathoms water off Levuka, in the island of Ovalau, Fiji. Mr. Edward Moriarty read a paper giving an account of the operations proposed and carried out for improving the harbour of Newcastle and the navigation of the River Hunter.

Mr. A. Dick, solicitor, hu gone to Adelaide, it is stated, for the purpose of obtaining an insight tata the practical working of Torrens' Real Property Act. ~».

A publie meeting of the -acensad Victuallers' Asso-ciation was held on Wednesday, at which a number of proposed amendments in Mr, Cowper's new pub-licans'bill were discussed. >

1 An adjourned general meeting of friends and sub-

scribers to the Sydney Hebrew School was held on i Wednesday evening. From the report then «resented

I the institution appears to be progressing admirably. . The present board of management was re-elected for

the ensuing two years.

An undress parade of the Volunteer Mounted Rifles took place on Wednesday. -

1 Mr. D. Bell has been returned for the electorate of Camden, and Mr. Faucett for that of Yass Plains, 1 both without opposition, i '

I A lecture on elVctricity was delivered on Thursday

evening, by Mr. J. F. Hunt, B.A., at the schoolroom of

' St. Michael's Church, Suny Hills. Mr. A. Gordon

repeated "his lecture on Italy, at Bishopthorpe, on ' Thursday evening.

A general meeting of tradesmen and artizans was held at the School of Arts, on Thursday evening, when resolutions were passed approving of the course taken by the employés in the iron trade, and giving | assurances of pecuniary and moral support until 'the ' dispute between them and their employers shall have

been brought to a satisfactory termination.

¡ The tender of Mr. Faviell for the construction of ! the Pitt-street tramway, at a cost of £1500, has been I accepted. The work is to be commenced imme-

diately, and completed in two months.

' The New South Wales Volunteer Club is now duly I organised, having adopted a set of rules and appointed

a committee of management.

Five thrushes and six blackbirds haye been pre I sented to the aviary at the Botanical Gardens, by Mr. Edward Wilson, of Melbourne. ' l

I Miss Julia Simmons gave a successful concert, at I the Masonic Hall, on Thursday evening. ' ,

The Parramatta Volunteers have presented' their I drill instructor, Serjeant Gibson, with a purse of i sovereigns. ' . ' '' 1 A Harmonic Society has been organised at Parra

i matta. . " .

Last Thursday, being the day on which the birth-' , day of the Emperor of the French is usually, cele-;

I bratcd, the French and English ships ef war ' were' faily dressed with flags, in honour of the occasion.1

he tricolor was also hoisted at the French Con-,

siilfttp. '

The Newcastle correspondent of the Herald states that on Saturday last the Whole of the miners throughout the district, with the exception of those at lomago, have struck ia consequence of the proposed reduction of their wages to the extent of twenty per cent. Some of the miners propose to raise coal on

their own account. >

I A wotnan named Hinton was recently lost in the . ; bush, near Sofala, and perished-partly from exposure

and partly from injuries received by falling over the ¡

bank of a'creek

A man named William Johnson has been arrested on the charge of having violated the wife of George Hutchins, at Rossiville.

Margaret Christie, charged with being accessory to bigamy, has been tried at the Goulburn Quarter, Ses sions and acquitted on an objection taken by Mr. Walsh, inasmuch as she was indicted for being acces

sory before the fact, while the evidence proved that the prisoner was present at the marriage aiding and


The fifth anniversary of the short-time movement among the operative stone masoni was celebrated by a dinner on Monday evening.

Mr. Cowper hsi visited Deniliquin, where lie has been well received, and has had a public dinner given to him. ,

1 A number of carriages end break vans for the Great

Southern and Weitem Railways _ave been recently landed from various London and Liverpool ships, but owing to the heavy Weather which these vessels have encountered, all the vehicles are more or less damaged

William Cross, aged foitv-seyen, a farm labourer in the lervice of Mr. J. B. Middleton, of the Hunter, has died from apoplexy. t

The peoble of Dubbo have petitioned for increased

postal lacdities.

-A-iplendidthirty ounce Traggetrhas-been-fbund-bw a Chinaman'at Windeyer. l;

John Fitzgerald, a small settler residing; at'Lake George, has been killed by being dashed against a tree by a wstive horse.

'The Colonial Architect has reported to the Govern-ment that the present gaol in Yass is incapable of further alteration, and suggests that a sum of £2009 be placed on the Estimates for 1862 for the erection of. a new building.

Several tea meetings were held on Monday evening. '

Mr. Torpy has surrendered to his bail at Burran-

gong, but no case was made out against him ; those -, parties who had accused him of having participated in .* the late riots having disappeared. He was discharged. He stated to the Bench that if the case had gone oa he could have proved by a dozen respectable wit-nesses that he was not out of his houBe during the whole time of the riot.

A public meeting was held at Mort's Rooms, on, Monday, under the presidency of the Hon. E. Deas ThemBon. at which a society was organised under the title of the Acclimatisation Society of New South, Wales. __e resolution defining its objects was ia the following terms :

That the objects of this society shall bo tho introduction,' acclimatisation, and domestication of all innoxious animals, birds, fishes, Insects, and vegetables, whether useful or ornamental ; the perfection, propagation, and hybridisation, of races newly introduced or already domesticated;-the spread of indigenous animals, _c, from parts of the colonies -where they are -ready known, to other localities -where they are not known ; the pro-curation, whether by purchase, gift, or exchange, of animals, àc,J from Great Britain, the British colonies, and foreign countries ;-. the transmission or animals, _c, from the colony to England and foreign harts, in exchange for others sent thence to the society ; the holding of periodical meetings, and the pubheation of reports and transaction, for the purpose of spreading knowledge of accli-matisation, and inquiry into the causes of success or failure; the interchange of reports, &c, with kindred associations in other ports of the world, with the view, by correspondence and mutual good offices, of giving the widest possible scope to the project ot acclimatisation ;-the conferring rewards^honorary or intrinsically valuable, upon seafaring men, passengers from distant countries, and others who may render valuable services to tho cause of

acclimatisation. o

At this meeting a vote of thanks was awarded (fe Mr. Edward Wilson, of Melbourne, with whom tho movement originated. '

Pluero-pneumonia has appeared about fifty miles on this side of Albury. It was brought aoross the

border by a herd of Victorian cattle before the intro^.

duction of such cattle was prohibited. About fifty head have been destroyed, and it is hoped the evil _» stayed. ' »r

Mr. R. S. Pittard, curator and secretary of the Sydney MuBuem, died on Monday at Enfield,' He had been some time ill. l/r

A stonemason named Thomas Youl has died frota delirium tremens, accelerated by exposure and fade

while he was in a state of intoxication.

The Newtown School of Arts is to be partially pulled down and rebuilt at the expense of the archi-tect. ' This will be a third rebuilding. T '

Mr. David O'Neil, formerly a Sergeant-majorin the Pope's Irish Brigade, gave a history of its operations, before the Catholic Young Men's Society, on"Monday


A lecture on music was delivered the same evening: at the St. Leonard's School of Arts by Mr. R.


The steamship Lord Ashley brought up from the New Zealand gold-fields 3015 ozs. of gold-dust oa Monday last.