Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 15 December 1869, page 2




December 13.

Tue Flying Squadron steamed to tho anchor- I age this afternoon. Tho harbor, studded with ynehtB and steamboats, presented a splendid


Tho Squadron will sail for Tasmania on the


December 14.

Mr. Parkes has been elected. -Mr. H. Clarke for Eden, and Mr. JameB Osborne for Illawarra.

Tho bulk of tho returns give Mr. J. Morrice and S. Bellifante a majority for Camdon.

Tho Governor will give a ball to the oflicors of tho Flying Squadron on Thursday, and next week there will bo a citizens' pic-nic in their


Mr. Arnold, thc Speaker, baa boen returned, unopposed, for tho Patterson.

Tho City of Brisbane sailed at 5 this after-



December 14.

Dowman, the manager of the National Bank at Taradale, has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement.

A sooiat. tea-moeting will be hold in tho I South Brisbano Presbyterian Church this even | ing, at which soveral ministers and others aro | expected to attend and deliver addresses. An

agreeable foaturo in tho entertainment will bo the performances of tho Tonio Sol-fa Singing Class from tho north side, united with those of a similar class which has for some tirao been in oxistenco in South Brisbane.

In Banco, yesterday, a rule uhi for a now trial in the suit, . Macdonald v. Tully, was granted, returnable next term, which com-

mences on March 8.

Mn. Adam Waiker, a licensod hawker, writing to us on tho 2nd instant, from Mitchell Downs, gives tho following particulars of tho disappearance of a man, who is supposed to havo lost himself and diod in tho bush :?" On tho 17th November last a man in my employ-ment left my drays and bas not since boen heard of, and it is supposed that ho bas lost himself and perished in tho bush for want of [ wator. My toams woro camped at tho time at | M'Kinnon station, on tho Maranoa Biver, and

on tho morning of the 17th ho left tho drays with tho intention of taking tho horses to water. Every search has been wade both by myself and thc blacks, and also by thc shearers and others in tho employment of both Messrs. M'Kinnon, and Moore and Turnbull, but although the bush was scoured for three days in various directions, no traco of tho unfortunate man could bo found. From tho fact of my having iu my possession a horse and saddle belonging to him, and tho balance of his account being also some few pounds in my favor, there is not tho slightest doubt that ho was lost, and must have met a fearful death, as in the direction which be was supposed to have taken, bo would meet with no water for many miloB, tho country also being Tory scrubby, the man's name was William Kenny, supposed to bo o. native of Sydnoy, about 5 feet 6 inches in height, and, when lost, I believe, bad some £10 or £12 about him. Ho had beon in my employment ns horsedriver for about sevon months, but I am not acquainted with the name or residence of bis friends, and therefore havo forwarded tbis note to you, thinking it possible that by your inserting some account of tho affair that it might meet the eye of somo of his friends, and inform them of the unfortunate occurrence. Kenny was, I think, about 20 years of ago, and I do not believe could bo much of a bushman j but it is of course possible that some accident might haro occurred, such as the bite of a snake. When ho left the drays he was on foot, and had a greenhide bridle in his hand. I have, of course, reportod the full particulars of the oc-currence to thc police."

A serious accident occurred on board the Light Brigade on Monday afternoon, by which the assistant engineer, Frank Williams, nearly lost bis life. There were usually two ladders at the after hatch, but when the accident hap-pened one of them had been removed. Wil-liams was going below, and apparently was un-aware of this, for he attempted to step from the ladder he was standing on to the other, and in doing so fell into the lower hold, a distance of from 25 to 30 feet. When he fell there were a number of loose boxes, casks, and other cargo, which of course rendered the fall the more serious. As soon as he was picked up he said he was "all right," but since then he has been unable to move hand or foot, and ap-

parently all his limbs arc paralysed. He re-tains his consciousness, however, sufficiently to express his wants. Yesterday he was brought up to town in the Kate, s., and was at once conveyed to the hospital.

YESXBEDAr afternoon a silly-young man,]" mad with drink nud jealousy, threw himself i d into the river ot the Government Gardens, ^ but was rosoued by somo friends who were in his company, and was afterwards taken in cus-tody by tho police.

A meeting of cricketers interested in the forthcoming match with Gympie was held at Witty's Hotel last evening. Mr. Henderson occupied the chair, and announced that the subscriptions had come in very freely, and al-though there had been a small deficit in the amount required, one of the committee had pro-missed to make up what was wanted. He further said that some doubt had arisen in the committee as to whether they were empowered to select an eleven to play, and wished to know whether the meeting had any objection to raise on this point. It was agreed to leave the matter in the hands of the committee, and Mr. Hen-derson then gave the names of the eleven selected by them - viz., Messrs. Sheehan, L. Dixon, A. E. Wilkie, D. Geddes, W. Geddes, Carter, Egan, Philp, Norris, J. W. Wilkie, and Banbury. He said further that four emergency men - Messrs Taylor, Smith, Dickins, and Warner - had been chosen to supply the places of those who might, from circumstances now unforseen, find it impossible to play in the match. He then explained the nature of the understanding come to with Messrs. Cobb and Co., and requested the players to make their arrangements in accordance therewith.

THE Government land sale held yesterday, at Mr. A. Martin's City Auction Mart, had a very poor result. There was a fair attendance, but very few bidders. Out of fifty-four lots offered, only three were sold. The lands com-prise five suburban lots, of which two are near the town of Sandgate, on Cabbage-tree Creek, and the other three near Lytton, in the parish of Tingalpa. The remaining forty-nine lots are classed as agricultural lands—forty-four of them are situated in the parish of Samford, on and near Samford Creek ; one in the parish of Coomera, on and near Coomera River ; and three in the parish of Mackenzie, on the Logan

River. The following are the details of the lots sold :—Suburban lots, parish of Nundah, near the town of Sandgate, on Cabbage-tree Creek; upset price, £2 per acre. Section 19, containing 8 acres 2 roods and 16 perches, realised £8 5s. per acre; and section 20, con-taining 2 acres 2 roods and 16 perches, realised £5 per acre, Wm. Deagon being the purchaser of both. Country lot, county of Ward, parish of Coomera, on the Coomera River, containing 160 acres, realised £1 3s. per acre, the pur-chaser being S. A. Hartley.

Tue Liverpool Albion makes the following statement:?" Among other causes of depopu-lation devastating Polynesia, aud threatening thc early oxtermiuation of the natives, is the great spread of leprosy. It is now infesting Maui, in the Hawaiau group, and tho Marquesas Islands, and there is fear of its boing propagated among tho crews of American and other trading vessels, so that it may spread

among other populations." As it appears that j this frightful disease has got a footing in tho South Sea Islands, it is to ho hoped that every precaution will bo taken to prevent its intro-duction to Queensland by vessels importing enrgoos of Polynesian laborers.

Tue Melbourne Age states that some valuablo information has been received by tho mail in veferonco to tho construction of light railways lind branch lines. In accordance with instruc-tions sent homo, Mr. Vordon placod himself in communication with Messrs. Boreton mid Lowis and Sir Charles Eos, tho leading English autho-rities on the subject. Erom thoBo gentlemen he proourod several pamphlets on branch rail-ways, 1 ight lines, the oscillation of railway 'vehicles, and light and narrow gauge railways. These, tOEOther with somo voluminous corres-pondence, ho has forwarded for tho information of tho Government. Tho general tenor of tho opinion is that light lines are preferable in ex-ceptional cases, mid for opening np new and spnrsoly populatod districts.

Witii reforenco to tho opening of the Suez Canal tho Liverpool Albion soys " the demands of the Australian and Indian trades havo be-come so extensive, and tho forthcoming openiug of tho Suez CBnnl being likely" to do away with tho uso of sailing vessels to a vory considerable extent, somo of the enterprising shipownei-B of Liverpool are combining together to substitute steam for sailing vessels. Already there has been formed a large company, which has given an order for a steamer of MO foot in length, and of light draft; and ono of our oldest and most respectable firms is, it is said, about to follow suit. The Delhi Oaxctte remarks that it is in contemplation to sond tho Southampton passen-gers and mail through tho Suez Canal, tho Mar-seilles mail going overland ns before. It is atso Btatod that tho Peninsular and Oriontal South-ampton steamers will go through the canal, if it cun be managod, and continue the voyago with-out entailing tho necessity of disembarkation

upon tho passengers."