Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 23 April 1857, page 3



Aran. 13TH - EDWARD RIVER RACES.-These races', I as advertised in the Herald, are to come off on the ôth

anti 6th of May, and it is expected that they will sur-pass anything in the racing Ima that has taken place on this river for several years past. We have had five "horses in training at Deniliquin for several weeks, and on the speed of these we have greatly relied. Unfortunately, as it has happened, two of the bo3t animals are not likely to come up to our expecta-tions-M'Kenzie's Charles O'Malley and "the chesnut horse" from the same stable, it is fenred will not come to the scratch, both having shown symptoms of weakness ia the legs. On these we had staked our local reputation, and unless something turn3 up in our favour, wo must be content to see strangers carry away our chief prizes. Marshall's Mountain Maid and Byron stabled by Burrowes, as also hi3 grey horse, are still looking well, but we do not apprehend that either will stand a chance against an equal number of horses enjoying the fame of mediocrity. We ought to have good races-our course and climate are excellent, wa have a fair amount of hospitality to offer our guests, and if they come not, why the loss will be theirs. By the bye, in the advertising columns of the Herald, we have been guilty of litfl- less than treason, having assumed the office of an executive in New South by creating magistrates. Our Mr. John Tyson is dubbed a J.P.-he is not one ; our Town Plate is put down cs £10-it should be £100 ; the place of entrance in the advertisement is named Qsanbcyan-it should be Deniliquin. Out people are exceeding wrath at these errors ; they have a strong objection, to being reduced to decimals, and they have also a re-pugnance to being associated with a locality wherein

the Bathurst burr has outlived the chief symptoms of


DINNER TO CAPTAIN CADELI,. -The complimentary dinner to this gentleman is appointed to come off ou Wednesday, the 22nd of April, at Deniliquin. The day fixed on originally by the inhabitants pf the district was the 4th of May, and it ist feared that the demonstration will not be so effective on tho 22nd as permanently agreed oil. Captain Cadell is compelled to be in Adelaide on the 6th May," in order to attend an annual meeting of the River Murray Navigation Company. However, many gen-tlemen of influence will, no doubt, attend the duiner.

POLICE MATTERS.-Our police magistrate has been absent on leave for five weeks. Police matters have been rather in abeyance, and drunkenness more common in Deniliquin and the other small townships. Mr. Cockburn, the most active of our honorary magistrates, and who, resides close to Deniliquin, is also absent as a witness in Goulburn on a duffing case, the particulars of which havo been forwarded in previous communica-tions; the police are, however getting better organised and better clothed ; they havo always been pretty well fed; they are thus gaining the confidence of the pub- lic, and I only hope, for the sake of the district, that officers and men may continue to rise in public favour.

[ ggOuB CÍEUGYMAÍ.-.- Tho Rev. Mr. Barker, from Syd-

ney, is appointed as our resident clergyman, and i» expected here in about a fortnight. A house for the reverend gentleman is being built, and ho will find all parties anxious to make bim comfortable. There is a wide field open for his exertions, and if the minister is fond of country life, there are few parts of Australia more likely to suit his ta= tes. There is a largo number of well educated gentlemen, married and single, re-

siding here ; the district is healthy, and the climate


THE "WEATHER.-Very fine j the beautiful clear days

that precede winter moderately warm and dry. The

Edward is fast rising.

Tn WELLING SrocK.-Horse stock are passing down in large quantities ; horned cattle arc also increasing ia numbers ; a large number of sheep are close by.

"VACCINE INSTITUTION.-Parents, guardians, and others interested will be glad to leam that at length the Go\ ernment has pioùded Dr. Rutter with some-thing like a comfortable place for the dischaige of the highly impoitant duties devolving upon him as the head of this institution, the value of which cannot be over-estimated. The new offices are situated between the Immigration Oflico and the Court of Requests, at Hyde Park. We take this opportunity of reminding parents of the importance of having recourse to the only known means of protection ngainst the ravagas

of the smallpox, should it unhappily make its'appear-

ance here.

COUM or REQUESTS.-"30 Jurisdiction.-The Court

will resume its sittings at 10 o'clock this morning, tr with the hearing of the case No. 85, Bradshaw v. Pye. / The assessors summoned for this day are Messrs, P. Favenc, H."Fisher, and W. S. Friend. '

EBHATUM. - Mr. Alderman Oatley resigned for Denison Word, and not for Phillip Ward.