Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), Wednesday 7 June 1911, page 16

I ? fpaGn)QjS Just to hand, a splendid picture of the GREAT \ INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT, LANG v. LANGFORD This is a magnificent 'film, showing this notabld event from start lo finish, Illustrating graphically every incident and demonstrating what a groat fight the Australian champion put up, only to eventually lose on a foul. SHOWING TO PACKED HOUSES AT THE ALHAMBRA. SYDNEY. ORIGINALLY BOOKED FOR THREE DAYS, BUT RETAINED FOR NINE ! THE LAN6-LANGFOSD FILM IS FOB HIRE ONLY. 'Write at once for dates, and state towns in which film Is to be exhibited, to the Caunont Co.. Ltd., the holders of the exclusive rights of the world. CORONATION PICTURES. Gaumont Pictures of this groat event will bo despatched from London for Aus- I tralia on tho day following the Coronation. Be wise, mako early arrangements, accompanied by firm order and drposjt, to ensure getting a film. Let us hear from you- at once. All orders will be supplied | in strict rotation. ? ? '? i The Gaumont Co,, Ltd., Ag ents Kodak (Austra lasia) Ltd., Incorporating Baker and Rouse, Prop., Ltd. Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Brokan { HIM, Toov/oomba, Townsvllle, Wellington, N.Z. ! IN CINEMATOGRAPHY ? THE ? MOTIO-- MOTTOMOTIO- MOTIOGRAPH MOTIOGRAPH IS THE riVOT; THAT IjEVEHS LT-TODATE I1L1LKL SHOWMEN TO SLRE SUCCESS \ It i« Fliol e-lc-ss absolute!' it 4s rock ptoich , it bas J c quid tilt lablr 3 rciohuig licail 1 unnderful { (interned) shuttor, there i« no limit to in ^raring Ji'p 1 — up!', if we 1} much more 'iOI ni'l b gin to HIIMv tint its the hc--t mcitiinc in tLi- «orl-l WE ire Ctl-l UN it i', and thcie jrc hunOiei-, to licai out j our opinion. ? ,: ? ., ' . . , j WHAT ABOUT YOUR FILM HIRE? tti: HAVE ' 'KVERYTHrXG THAT'S C;OOD. COMIXG NEXT UECK TALE OF TWO CITIES. ^ITiGRVPH MASTERPIECE COMING, OTHER STAR. FILMS. THE CLEMENT MASON CINEMATOGRAPH CO., LIMITED... 177 CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY. Telephones : City; SOT,- T'lnatta 15S9. ALL QUESTIONS ; ARS ANSWERED; ; INJ THE 'SUNDAY TIMES'— HOME OUESTIONS OF EVERY KINO ; LEGAL, MEDICAL. MININQ, FARM, SPORT, GARDEN AND GENERAL QUESTIONS.

International Pictures THE BIGGEST AND BEST FILM RENTERS IN AUSTRALIA. THE MOST UNIQUE AND SENSATIONAL FILM EVER 1FSUED. ' DANTE'S INFERNO ' A FEW MORE OPEN WEEKS. , ' AVe have several copies of tbis film, end can supply the immense demand from all of 'our Branch exchanges. -LOOK OUT FOR THE BIG SPECIAL PICTURE WHICH IS COMING SOON Owing to tbo nnormous succors of tbe Lyric TheatroJ which constitutes a World's Record we ha\o bought the following films, which our customers can expect nt an eaiiy'date : ' A TALE OF TWO CITIES ; ' One of thevbest Dramas o^erJurned out bj tho Vltagraph Company ; 3000 feet in length. ZULULAND The first of a series of novelty films by tho Sellg Company.. A film that Is really better ' than the COWBOY MILLIONAIRE ana RANCH LIFE IN THE GREAT SOUTH WEST. ? ' , A TALE OF THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION A sensational film that t,\11 crowd your house. Keep your eye on tbo attractions' tbat are shown at. the.Lyric Theatre, and you can rest assured that they will include all the^best' films made by tho, world's best makers. Wo always have several copies— arrangement* can be made to rent theso pictures tho same dajs Uiat v,c stow them. REGARDING PICTURE MACHINES Have You Ever Tried a Powers Cameragraph No. 6? Absolutely the heat picture machine In tho world. Wo use them in all of our Theatres. JuBt arrived, shipment of B0 of these machines— can givo immediate dolivery.- Don't hesitate ? ORDER ONE NOW— It means better pictures, more patrpnago, and more money.. IP IT DOES NOT SUIT YOU, RETURN IT AFTER ONE WB'EK AND GET YOUR MONEY BACK 1 ASK ANYONE WHO HAS ONE! THE GREATER J. 0. WILLIAMS AMUSEMENT CO., , N LIMITED. f ' . . CAPITAL, £20Oid00. , COLONIAL THEATRE BUILDING ? SYDNEY ' '' BUTTON'S BUILDINGS ? MELBOURNE ... .COURIER BUILDINGS ? MMSB V.NK. ' ' ... '; FPVTWS BUILDING ? J . WELLINGTON. ' DEWAB HOUSB, U HAYMARKET ? .LONDON.

Harringtons Ltd THE UNIVERSAL SUPPLY HOUSE FOR CINEMATOGRAPH MACHINES AND FILMS. No More Fires or Panics. We wish to bring under thp notice 0/ all Cinematograph Exhibitor.', The Tatham Patent Fireproof Film Appliance. With this apparatus, ordinary Film run be left »tationary in the Rate of the Hio.iropp with the intense hea-of a lOO-Amp Ait' Lamp liiar.inj upon it for any lcii(?tli of time, and Ihorc l.s Absolutely No Possibility of the Film Catching Fire. 4 ? ; — : ? _ ? » Tho Tatham Patent Appliance has been approved by the C.'liief Secretary, ami thn Government .Architect reeommend!' He adop' tiori ns being mnn suitable for GIVIXO FULL EFFECT TO THK KEOI'LATIOXS UNDER THK THEATRES AND I'UniJO HALLS ACT, dealine with the exposed portion 01 tJie Cinematograph Film while being; projected. Don't Wait Until You Have a Fire, But assure your Theatre nnd the Safety of your Patrons hy Installing the Tatham r.itont Appliance without delay. The Tatham Patent is installed on our Premises, and we shall be pleased in give a practical demonstration to Exhibitors at' any' time. Tie Appliance run be OMed to any Bioscope without interfering with the. mechanism. In addition to preventing tbc Film catching Ore. the Tatham Patent possesses other advantages too numerous to mention here, but full particulars will be furnished on application to Harringtons Ltd SOLE AGENTS FOR AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. SYDNEY — SS6 Goorgo-strect (near G.P.O.). MELBOURNE— 266 Collins-street. : ? BRISBANE— !»3-S5 Quoen-streot. ADELAIDE— Gawlcr-placo. Films of tbe King's Coronation Mr. SHOWMAN! Get re.irly for this hi? event. We got busy in good time, anrl h.ive arranged for copies o! the Coronation to leave London on or about June '-'3. Coronation Pictures will draw the Crowds. First comefirst served. Pay a deposit and Book a Copy -NOW! JERDAN'S 'MY OPTICIANS,' OPTICIANS AND,1 ELECTRICIANS, 393 GEORGE ST., SYDNEY (facing Royal Hotel), FORSYTH'S : r : ;. SOUTHERN CROSS Film Enterprise BUSHRANQINQ. FILMS TOAT DRAW THE CROWD. Thunderbolt OVER 3000 FEET IN LENGTH. A. ,T. MOUI-TOX'S Masterpiece In Motion. Picture KinomatoBraphsV The Film ot Excitement and, Sensation. To be released ut an early date. Moonlite OVER 8000 FEET. IN LENGTH. For Hire or Percentage. CaJL Write, or Bin* Up 131?, Clt-. Book c»rly. H. A. FORSYTH, Southern Crow Motion Pictuiet 1 Corner PAWSON PLACE ar-d PITT STREET, -Opposite IUllway sutita. FILMS BIOGRAPH, KALEM, UUBIN, -AMERICAN WILD WEST FILM CO. Tbe Sole AfTeRr* for Australasia : JIAKKT and CO. (London), LTD., RELEASE DATES.— 'mou »wh' to'bo kepU«i% ported In advance, send us jour name and ndclrcn., and -we will send jou early bulletins ot release:. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE 'REFEREE.' IS/6 PER YEAR. POST FREE TO ANV ADDRESS IN AUS- i TRALIA OR NEW ZEALAND.

I Spencer's I I Theatrescope Co.! Sole Direotor ? C. SPENCER. SYDNEY :THE LYCEUM, PITT STREET. MELBOURNE: OLYMPIA (WIRTHS1). C. SPENCER IS THIS DIRECT IMPORTER (ABSOLUTELY) OF EVERYTHING \lN. CONNECTION WITH THE PICTURE .BUSINESS. . NEW SHOW ROOMS— Attached to tho Lyceum. NOW ON VIEW, AND FOR SALE. THE GREAT KAMM MACHINES, THE OREAT KAMM MACHINES, THE GREAT KAMM MACHINES, which aro unapproachrd by mason-: of their entire pcrfeetncBS. ?'?' Mr. SPENCER has tlifi SOLE AGENCY for th» ? wholo of Australia and Now Zealand. Full Particulars at Head Offices. :«'OTE.— TO PICTURE SHOWMEN. MR. SPENCER'S FAMOUS 'KANGAROO' BRAND is in tho Ascendant, nnd can't be beat. JOHN VANE, CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT, CAPTAIN STARLIGHT DAN MORGAN The most successful local productions y«l nchlevod. If not' booked, you need them in. yo«r programme, and the treasury -will tell. The- local production. at enormous expense o{ th» world- wide popular drama, THE FATAL WEDDING THE FATAL WEDDING THE ACME OF PERFECTION. THE GREATEST SUCCESS EVER KNOWN1. , RECORD BUSINESS EVERYWHERE. . ,. RECORD BUSINESS EVERYWHERE. HURRY UP AND' SECURE WHILE THERB JS TIME. OTHER LOCAL PRODUCTIONS TO FOLLOW lit . RAPID SUCCESSION. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE THANHOUSER CO., Magnificent. Exclusive Films, New Subjects arriving by evury American Mail. No programma is COMPLETE WITHOUT A THANHOUSER. Head Office and Permanent Address : C. SPENCER. SPENCER'S THEATRESCOPE CO. THE LYCEUM, PiTT STREET, SYDNEY. ? Cubic; Address, 'THEATRESCOPE.'1 Telegraphic Address. SPENCER, LYCEUM. Telephone. No.. City. 1S21. Box 1359, G.P.O. LONDON, at Carlton Houso. Rogent.-st. Agent in South Australia, FRED. ISAACS, ' King William-st., Adelaide. Western Australia : '? C. SPENCER. ? '?'... 1C5 Hay-st.. Perth. TO SHOWMEN. OUR AUSTRALIAN FILMS MUST COMMEND . . :? . .THEMSKLVES. Alriiady fno Stirring Australian Bush Stories lurs l-eon released, depicting the lives and doingi (t tl-.s famoua : Hyshrangera ot' the early days. BEN HALL AND HIS GANG, FRANK GARDINER, The King of the Road, . ACTED BY J. F. GAVIX AND CO., and it behoves every showman who has not yet «creen^il these Pictures to give them a trial and aco the immediate results at the Box Office. Be euro that you tc4lt -the latest and b&t Production, THE ASSIGNED SERVANT, or, THE LIFE STORY OF A DEPORTED CONVICT Superior Printing and Poster Pictorials, and Ilangc-a, can be obtained fta samples upon application. Date? can he arranged (or this nnd our other fcatur* subject.*;. ' We arc' prepared to tell the rights for arj( of the States.' ? Note Address : CRICKS ?& FINLAY. 75 YORK STREET, SYDNEY. ; JHE. SPORTING DRAMA, ^keane of Kalgoorlte.' ? STORY OF THE SYDNEY CUP. Tell a Newsagent Now! That you desire 'THE GLOBE' regularly. You can get it for THREE MONTHS FOR A SHILLING and « Penny from a newsagent. If you -require it posted from the Office, Castlereagh Street, Sydney, the prtco -if ONE AND THREE PER QUARTER.

I ZULULAND. ?♦ A rcmarLable Sclie ptcturo tint i III arrive in Sydney. Augiiet 7. ^ Just Imagine, real (uH-sizod Mons stalking throiiBh tbo jungle, to tbe oaiap. Sep th« Native attack on the Uriiisli Troops, onn of the most rcair6tlcally-st«god ' skirmishes ypt produced. ' , , , ' t\, . -Don't mtts your oppoitnnliy. but arranse to havs a copy at' this supsrb production on your programme : . , '- -\ ? ' — ' All Orders must rea-.h us by JUNE 10. ' , 4 l SELIG POLYSCOPE CO«*'I22?£?Cable nddresfl, ? 'Polyjcopu, 'London.' A B C Code. 6th Edition. . N THE KING'S THEATRE & FILMS LTD. (BLMSDON* FILM KXCHANOE.) NEXT DOOR TO KING'S THEATRE, . CTOltGE AND HAlUaS STREhTS, hYDNK^. t ( Telcplionc : tlcbe, 201. Telegrams, Kins's Thettro. ^ V ' [ SOlS. AGtsr KOIt THE AUSTRVLMN FIL'SI SYSDiOATiNOW RF.LEA6EP, AND READY FOIl DELIVERY : v ..'?'*, ' 'THE GOLDEN WEST.' ^ \'AX AUJ.TP.U.IAN PHY, .UIIDST ACSTiaLIAX 8CfiXfclt\, rORTSJMED'By \LSTK\LI\V ACIOM. ' k'r '* ' ' opleHM Pnntl.ij; and ClrcuUr» wi h tho Kilw J ' , r IF YOU JOIN OUR EXCHANGE WE BECOME YOUR AGENTS. nr Moric boil iincCTa, cimlm. wo ml \ivi%-onii3 ' \ I'XLl, «KITl'.v«inK.'OI{ hlSQ LI' t.LLHL' 30, v triawd md Fubliilifd b: U.rcJ IJtrDMt Howard A;4»oit)i, of 'Hilhltw,' Turr«njum», (or tbt 'fluadi* timMf