Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 5 July 1856, page 2


CIIURCIIof ENGLAND." held at the Court-house on Tuesday last, tho Rev. II. Elliott, tho minister or the parish, providing, the following resolutions wero passed:

1st. That it is desirable that a suitable place of worship for the Members of the Church of England bo built as soon as possible, and that to cllect this object the following members of that communion lie now constituted a com-mittee for the purpose of raising the required funds, and taking other necessary measures .Heywanl Atkin«, Esq.,P.M. D. B. Jniips.-Esi], J.P. -Elliott Kerriot, Esq., J. P.

Mr. T. H. Mate. ' Mr. S. Mover.

Mr. J. Holier.

Mr. W Tester. Mr. J, Horo.

Mr. A. Hibberson

Mr. J. Kitchen. Mr. 8. North.

Mr. O. L. Crisp.

Mr. T. King.

Mr. J. Sawtell. Mr. J. Pierce.

Moved by ii. Atkins, Esq., P.M. ; seconded by E. Herriot, Esq, J. P. < v

2nd. That tho Rev. Mr. Elliot ho requested that, on oc-casion of ills intended visit to the City of Sydney, ho will promote the objects ol' this meeting to the best of lils ability. Moved by D. B. Jones, Esq., J.P. ; seconded by

Mr. T. II. Mate.

At the close of tho mooting tho following' subscriptions

wore announced :

I(ett balance of a former subscription .£76 5 2 Rev. II. Elliott .50 0 0 D. B. Jones, Esq., J.P.CO 0 0 Mr. J. Kitchen .50 0 0 J. Roper .50 0 0 Mrs. Mitchell .50 0 0 Heyunrd Atkin«, Esq., P.M.50 0 0 Henry Calder, E-q , J.P.50 0 0 J. Wilson, Esq, J. P.50 O 0 Elliot Herriot, Esq.. J.P. .50 0 0 J. Sherwin, Esq., J.P.50 0 0 Mr. J. Hoie.50 0 0 AV. Lester .50 0 0 T. H. Mate .50 0 0 Messrs. Horsley .50 O 0 Messrs. Hibberson.50 0 0 Mr. O. Mac lonald.ñO 0 0 Messrs. Mover .,30 0 0 Mr. T. Mitchell .20 0 0 J. Smtell .20 0 0

S. Parkinson.20 0 0 J. Nichols .20 0 0 AY. Conley .20 0 0 II. Osborne .20 0 0 . A. C. Kidd .20 0 0

T. Harris .. . 12 12 0 A. II. Hume.10 10 0 Rev.E. S.Migo .10 0 0 Mr. AV. Huon .10 0 0 J. Merrett .10 0 0

C Finde . 10 0 0

R. Hitch ., . 10 0 0

J Pierce . 10 0 0 AV. Waite . 10 0 0

H. Pankhurst. 10 0 0 T. Wrind .10 0 0

G. M'Leaj.Esq., M.L.A.10 0 0

A. A. Huon . 5 0 0 A. Maitland . 5 0 0 J. Stewnit . 5 0 0

J. Stickwond. 5 0 0 C. M. Atkin . 2 0 0

Subscriptions from the District of Deniliquin :

Messrs. Lewes ami Throsby .£10 0 0

Mr. P. Stuckey . 10 0 0 P. Brougham, Esq.. J.P. 5 5 0

- J. Kennedy, Esq., J. P. 5 5 0

J. Brougham, Esq., J,P.' . 5 0 0

Mr, R. II. Kennedy. 5 0 0

J. T. Kennedy. 5 0 0 AY. A. Brodribb, Esq., J.P. . 2 0 0

Mr. J. AVilson . 2 0 0 John Kelly, Esq , J.P. 5 0 0

Albury, 7th June. 1856. «

ÜSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. . -CHIKF OFFICES, Mort'»-buildIn¿s, Pitt-stroet, yd ney.

Chairman-TnoMAs HOLT. ESQ. 9,I Deputy Chairman-M. E. MUUNIN, ESO.» *


ASSURANCE of every contingency of human life.

j ISSUE of Present, Deferred, und Reversionary Annuities.

GBASTIXO Endowments for children/nnd for old age.


' All the profit-« of ench branch bolong io tho members of «noll branch. It is a coloninl institution, on tile model of the most successful British Offices ; whilst from the much higher rate of interest it obtains on its investments, moro $rofitablo returns aro secured to its members than the best raropenn ollices can alford. Tims, at tho investigation of ' March, 1854, all policios then entitled to participate wero

increased by Bonus Additions averaging considerably moro than three per cent, per immun on the sum assured, or »bout TiiitEE TIMES thoso secured by the most liberal British joint stock companies.

? BONUSES limy be applied to the extinction of futuro

annual premiums, or their vnluo in cash may bo handed to

the member.

SURRENDERS accepted on equitablo terms.

ALL AVAII RISK Incurred in tho colony during the pre-sent Russian war borne by the society.

GENDRAL FACILITIES with regard to voyaging, residence »broad, &c.

PREMIUMS pnyablo yearly, half-yonrly, or quarterly. ' LOANS on policios on favourable terms.

CLAIMS payable tin ee months after proof of dentil.

PROSPECTUSES, forms of proposal, and every information may tie obtained from nnv of its agents in New South' AVale», and in tho other colonies ; from tho me Heal officers (throughout this colony; or at the Head Office, from ,

' ; . ROBERT THOMSON, Actuary and 8ecretnry.

. 'I Mort's-huildings, Pitt-street.


NOTICE.-With a view to the advantage of tho in, creasing steam communication between Sydney and the

northern ports, the A, A. Company lmvo established a coal depot at Port Stephens.

Steam vessels requiring to be coaled there should anchor in the North Arm, directly opposite to, and within about , half a cable's length of tho depot.

-i. The pre-ontprice of coal is 25s per ton, cash.

MARCUS F. BROWNRIGG, Goneral Sup°rintcndînt. A. A. Company's Olfice, Stroud, Mardi 12.


COALS.-Notice, tho Company's Sydney Agent,' John P. Ridley, Esq., is authorised to supply largo conmimera wholesale, with coal from the Miller's Point Wharr ur from cargoes afloat, ns may be most convenient to in-tending purchasers.

MARCUS P. BROAVNRIGG, General SnpsrintcnUent. A. A. Company's Office Stroud, November 1.



¡fices-London : 2, Wnterloo-plnce, Pall Mall, and 36,

Old Jewry, Cheapside.

In the chief Towns of tho United Kingdom, India, and

the British Colonies.

New Soutli AV.iles Branch-Sydney: Temporary Offices,

1, Jamison-street. ,

President-The Right Honoraule THOMAS MILNER


Vice-Pi-esidont-THOMAS BAZLEY, Esq, President

Chamber of. Commerce, Manchester.


George A. Hamilton, Esq., M.P. for Dublin University


Geoige Birbor, Esq., Mark-lane

Thomas ,B.inios, Esq., M.P., Chairman Lancashire nnd

Yorkshire Railway .

Josiah Bate*, Esq., Throgmorton-street

J. Cheetham, Esq., M.P. for South Lancashire Frederick Chinnock, Regent-street James Davidson, Esq , London

John Field, Esq., Warnford Court

Charles Punter, Esq., M P., Banker, AValsall Richard Francis George, Esq., London

Thomns Carlyle Haywaid, Esq., Minorles

J. Hedging E-q., I'lmyor-street, Manchester-square Charles Ilindley. Esq., M.P. for Aaliton-under-Lyiio

T. Y. M'Christic, Esq., Revising Barrister for the City of


James E. M'Connell, Esq., London and North AYestorn


John Moss, Esq., Reform Club and Derby

George Frederick Muntz., M.P. for Birmingham

Charles Po lmoro, Esq., North-place, Regont's-park Charles AViiliam Reynolds, Esq., London Major J. AV. Revnolds, London

Richard Spooner,' Banker, M.P. for North AArnrwickshire Richard Swift, Esq., M.P., Wandsworth, Surrey John AVntt=, Esq., London

H. AVickham AVickham, Esq., M.P. for Low Moor Iron

AVm-k«, Bradford

Thomas AVinkworth, Esq., Canonbury

The business of this Society is divided into two depart-

ments :

THE GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT, for insuring the fidelity of persona of approved character in situations of


Severn! thousand officials and their emploj'ors, tho prlneipil Banking, Railway, Municipil, and other public insti-tutions enjoy the advantage of the benefits bestowed by

the bocicty.

. In Australia its security is accepted by

The Colonial Government

The Railway Commissioners

. ? The principal Banking Establishments, ito.

"Tho payment for guarantee will bo considerably reduced, or entirolv appropriated to the purpose of lifo assurance, when a Lite Policy is effectod in connection with the guarantee. _ . ,

THE LIFE DEPARTMENT, embracing every descrip-tion of Lile Assurance. Porsons desirous of ranking pro-vision for themselves in old age, or lorthcirfriends or fami-nes in the event of -lentil, will find that this society offers facilities and advantages of the most liberal, comprehensive,

and secure character.

Prospectuses, giving detailed particulars, and every re-quired information, may be had on application to tho Secre-tary, People's Provident Society, 1, Jamison-street, Sydney. OYDNEY BRANCH.-ALLIANCE FIRE ASSURO ANCE COMPANY OF LONDON.-The undersigned

ïssuo Policies at the reduced rates of premium.

THACKER and CO,, 541, George-street,


given, that the undersigned have been appointed agents for the abovo Company, and have received instiuctions to issue Policios on specie, produce, or freights, not exceeding in any one vo«sol £20,01)0 on specie, and £15,000 en produce and freight from Sydney ior Melbourne to Great Britain, India, and China, and also to take inter-

colonial rislcs. i

T'io policies will be made liaynble, in case of loss, at tile option of the assured, as under:

In China, by Messrs. Jardine, Matheson, and Co.

" " London, by Messrs. Matheson and Co. " .

" Calcutta, by Messrs. Jardine, Sleipner, and Co. " Bombay, by Messrs. Remington and Co.

" Manila, by Messis. B. A. Barrette and Co. " Singapore, by Messrs. John Purvis and Co.

And in Sydney hy the undersigned. - i Rates of premium prr cent, by first-class vessels (freo from

average, unless general). '

FROM SYDMÍY. To Great Britain, 2 per cent

China ._4 Singapore .2 Manila.24 India .24

To Java ..1.2 por cent;

Coylon .2 " Mauritius. 2 " California. 2 " South America 2 " To the Capo of Good Hope, 2 per cent.


To Port Phillip. 1\ per cent.

Doporstcnmor 1

Adolnido . le Swan River... 24

... 4

To Auckland.,, li per cent.

Poi ¿Nicholson 2 - " Nolson. 24 " Port Cooper... 3 " Port Otago ... 24 "


Hobart Town.. 1

N.B.-Goods insured' with particular average, from i to 4 per cent extra """ ' '"" ' "" George-street.

THACKER and CO., ngonU, 541,


PANY.-(Ftu thor reduction of 25 per cent, on the ormor premiums).

Tlie undersigned aro prepared to issue Firo Policies at the reduced rates of premium, namely:

On First-class risks, from, 2s. 3d. to 5s. 9d. per cent, per


On Second-class ditto, from 3s. 9d. to 8s. per cent per


Third -elnss ditto (subject to arrangement).

Non-Im7.>irdou'1 goods insured at tito samo ratea of pre-mium as the buildings in which they are doposlted.

Au extra charge for hazardous goods. Special risks taken by agreement.

THACKER id CO., agents. Georgo-strcot, 22nd December.

TONAROII FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COM_ J. PANYof LONDON, Established 1835.-"The undersignod aro issuing policies of Insurance against FIRE, at a reduction of 25 per cent, on tim old premiums.

BEIT and SONS, Agents, No. 8, M.icqinric-;)laco.


(Incorporated by Royal Charter.)

Paid-up Capital, £1,250,000. Reserved Fund, £251,265.

Rules of Business-Sydney Branch.

The Corporation allows interest on fixed deposits, grants cnsli-crcdits, and discounts npproved bills.

The Corporation grants drafts on London, payablo on demand, or at thirty days' sight, and drafts on Scotland or Ireland on demand : also circular notes, negotiable in Eg\pt, Syria, the Continent of Europe, India, and the Capo of Good Hope.

Diafts aro also granted on the Branches of the Corpo-ration at Bombay, Calcutta, aladras, Ceylon, Hongkong, Singapore, aiauritlns, and aiclbounie, at the exchange of tim day. J

The Corporation purchases or collects bills payable in Europe, or in Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Ceylon, Hong-kong, Singapore, and aiolbnurno.





Incorpoiatod under 7th and Stb Victoria, cap. 110.

Capit ii-£400,000.

j- Head Otllco-355, Strand, London.

. This company offers to the insured the greatest possible advantages ami perfect security, on the mo3t liberal terms, which will .be bsst understood nnd appreciated upon exa-minât ion of the prospectus and tables, which aro to bo had gratis at tho olilco of the undersigned.

QSF'i Unjler the-enlargcd power« lately received from the Board of Directors, this agency is authorised, upon the aeceptinco of any life assurance, at once to issue the polioies, and, in the event of death, to settle the claims.

N.B. All policios indisputable.

Fredorick aiackellar, Esq., M.D., Lower George-street, has been appointed medical refereo to the company at Sydney.

Medical gentlemen in all cases remunerated for their report by the company.

A liberal commission allowed to agents.

Parties desirous of becoming country agents or medical reforecs are requested to communicate with tho under-signed. BEIT and SONS, 8, Macquarie -place.



Empowered by Acts of Parliament.

Established in 1836.

Having a Colonial Proprietary, and the following


Edward Knox, Esq., ai L.C, Chairman. John Gilchrist, Esq., Deputy Oh drmnn.

G. K. Holden, Esq., M.L.C. < Joseph S. Willis, Esq. Daniel Cooper, Esq.,.M.L.A. |

Swinton Boult, Esq., Secretary to the Company.


John aiucfurliiue, Esq , ai.D. Arthur at. A'Beckett, Esq.

BASKERS-The Bank of Australasia,

SOLICITORS-Messrs. Norton, Son, and Barker.

SURVEYOR-Francis H. Grundy, Esq., O.E. RESIÖENT SECRETARY-A Stangcr Leathes. Office.«, aiargaret-street, Wynyard-square.

Capital subscribed exceeding.£1,700,000 Accumulated Funds and Capital paid up, exceed-

ing . 700,000

Of which £100,000 is invested in the Colon}', in Govern-

ment and other securities.

Reserve Surplus Fund, £IG9,000-with unlimited liability

of the shareholders.



Class 1.-Brlelt or stone buildings, slated, rootal, or

shingled roofs, occupied as dwelling or counting houses only, from 2s. 3d. to 5s. 9d. per cont. per


Closs 2.-Brick or stone buildings, slated, metal, or

shingled roofs, occupied for storing merchandise, or far pnrposos of trade, from 3s. 9d. to 8s. per cent, per


Buildings not included in either of the preceding classas, or if occupied for purposes of any hazardous or specially hazardous trade or calling, may bo insured by special ar-

rangement. ,

Goods and Stocks-in-Trnde of a non-hazardous deseri] -tlon, deposited in any building, will bo insured at the same rate as the building itself; but General Merchandise, in-cluding all goods not specially hazardous, coming within the usually accepted application of the term, deposited in first-class stores, will be treated as non-lmzardons, and in-

sured as such.


Covering merchandise in all or any of the stores in Sydney,' as abovo described, subject to the averago clause, Will bo charged not less than 12s. per cent, per annum.

The Average Clause applies to " Floating Policies" only, and is introduced in no other cases except by special agree-


The Fire Insurance Engines aro stationed at Mr. BOWN'S, Brickflold-hill, where a night-watch is kept, and where all alarms of fire should be reported as soon as pos-sible Tho Company will reward any persons exerting themselves to givo early information, and in cases where damage is prevented bv their services.


Tlie Directors continue to receive proposals for the sale, and purchase of Annuities, Endowments, and Reversions, and for Insurances on Lives.' No entunico or admission fees are'required, nor is any additional premium charged to officers in the army or navy, unless called into actual sorvioe. The following are amongst tho advantages held out by the Compatir:

Two Scales of Premiums, one lower than those of most other companies ; the other carrying Guaranteed Addi-tions, or entitling to Guaranteed Reductions in the Futuro 'Premiums, on a plau entirely ne'w and peculiar to this In-stitution. The seale of reductions which aro guaranteed ranges from 334 to 52 per cent, on tile Amount of Pre-mium, and the Bonus contingent only on the continuance of the life doubles the amount of tho policy.

No Liability of Partnership, these reductions and ad-ditions not being contingent upon profits.

Policies aro issued upon tlie half-premium system.

Surrenders of Policies aro accepted on very liberal terms; and Claims paid within tltroo months after proof of death.

No extra charge to members of the Volunteer Corps



S a

na a u


S S o 5 ^ H " °

1 vent. I 1 Tears

2 16 »I

3 19 8 I 6 1 8|

£ B. d. 8 10 0 9 0 10 10 S 4 11 IS 4 15 l8 4

ü s. a. ! 16 1 113 9

1 1* 9 3 IO 2 4 9 1

The rates for other ages and other scnles, and every in-formation may bo obtained on application at the ofllo of tile Company. '

Agonts for both departments : For Moreton Bay, at Brisflano, ft. Towns and Co.; Ipswich, A. aiaculister. Afaitland - Jeremiah Ledsam. Newcastle - Bingle "ad Son. Goulburn-William Chatfield. Windsor-Wil-

lam Walker. Bathurst-James Stirling Home. Camp-belltown-James Turner. Pambula-aiedical Referee, Richard Bligh, Esq. Albury, J..C. Pierce. For the Fiio Department: At Gundagai-Joseph Clmldornnd Co.

A. STANGER LEATHES Resident Secretary.

Margaret-street, Wynyard-square. __ TÍ O -üLLERSot WOOL, HIDES, and SHEEPSKINS. X -BRIERLEY, DEAN, and CO- Sussex-street, Sydney, aro purchasers.


COMPANY.-Sydney Branch.-Ships insured by this Company aro warranted free from average under five pounds per cent., unless general.

Claims for los-es or average aro payable by the Com-pany at tinco months after settlement of the same

Claims for lo« or dainago are mado payable in London,

if required, policies for the same being gran tod in tripli


Ollice, Patent Slip Whnrf, Sussex-street, where applica-

tions for insurnncoi will bo received.

TOWNS and DARLEY. Agents.



s« His Excellonoy Sir AY. Donison.


p ,"< , G. K. Holden, Esq.


Rev. John AVoolley, D.C.L AY. G. Pennington, Esq.


J. M. Illidge, Esq.


Chambers, W. II., Mr. Cuno, Alfred, Mr. Deane, AAr., Mr.

Eagar, N. II., Mr.

Haddon, J. C, Mr.

Mansfield, S., W., Mr. Mulholland, J., Mr. Slntyer, Rev. AY. Sprigg, W., Mr.

Stenhouse, N. D., Mr. Arollor, Rev. James. SECRETARY AND LIBRARIAN

Mr. Joseph Dyer.

The Committee of Management of this Institution earnestly appe ii to directors of public compnnies, merchants, tradosmon, a--d employers of Inbour generally, for contri-butions towards some extensive improvements in the build-ing npw in progress.

They aro constructing and furnishing a capacious read-ing-room, for tlio better accommodation nf the members, mid have marlo such alterations in tho interior of the buildings as will render them moro commodious and» oommeusurato with tho urgent requirements of tho institu-


The sum necessary to complete these extra works is £500, and, as tho annual Income of this institution, arising from subscriptions and the Government grant of £200, is bnrely sufficient to meet its ordinary current expenditure, qlio committee have no means of dofraying theso additional charges, except by mortgaging tho property of the institu-tion. They aro unwilling to create a permanent debt for so small an amount as is now deficient, and they prefer to make nu earnest appeal to the liberality of thoir fellowcitizens, to raise tho necessary funds by a public sub-


Thoy especially invito the assistance of tho employers of young mon in Sydney, to whom it is a matter of tho greatest concern that their assistants should have some means ol' Innocent enjoyment and intellectual recreation in

their leisure hours.

At the present time there is, tho committeo believe, no public provision whatever mndo for theso purpnsos, except such as is afforded by the School of Arts. They aim to make that Institution far more attractive than it is at pre-sent, in order that it may at least keep pace with the efforts that aro being made In other directions, ns evidenced by the luxurious fitting-up of taverns, billiard-rooms, bowlingalleys, casino«, and publio-houso concert-rooms. It is obvious that recreation is á necessity, and, where none but questionable means of recreation aro supplied, there are both a great temptation and a ready excuso for indulging" in


The advantages the Institution at present offers nre

Tho uso of a well-selected Library of nearly 6000


The use of a Reading-room, supplied with tho principal English, Scotch, and Irish newspapers, the leading Reviews and Scientific Publications, nud tho most popular Monthly


Admission to various Classe», somo of thom gratuitous and others open on exceedingly libeinl terms.

Admission for a Subscriber, accompanied by two lady

friends, to the Lectures, whioh aro delivered once a week during tho winter months.

Admission to the Discussion Class, which is hold weekly.

The Committee invito the inspection of the Institution by employers, and would suggest that their personal recom-mendation of its claims to tho young men would, doubtless, havo great influence, and add largely to its numbers and



The Committeo have tho pleasure so announce, that the Lecture Season lins commenced. Several gentlemen of tho highest attainments have also promised their assist-ance in the delivery of lectures during tho ensuing season, amongst whom they aro proud to mention

nis Excellency the Governor-GoHeral.

The Honoratilo Stuart Alexander Donaldson, Esq. His Honor Mr. Justice Therry.

Dr. AVoolley, Principal of the Sydney University.

Professor Smith.

The Rev. John AVest.

Edward "Wiso, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. AV. G. Pennington, Esq.

Dr. Salter.

Charles Moore, Esq , Botanical Gardons. N. D. Stenhouse, Esq., M.A. Prank Fowler, Esq.

Dr. Borncastlo '

AVith other gentlemen, whose arrangements are not yot completo.


The quarter will coinmenco on the 1st July. The Com-mittee would direct the attention of those dusirous of selfimprovement to the opportunity that is nfforded by tim dusses now established in connection with this institution. Afresh quarter will commence on the 1st July. As it is desirable that the members of a class should all commence their studies at the same time, tho committeo particularly reqnese that all members anxious to join them will givo in their names to the Secretary boforo that date, in order that the classes may be properly organised.


Lessons lïcrms per per week. Quarter.

: : {

Latin. Greek .. .. Tho Violin. French

French, for ladies

to meet in tho I afternoon ... ( Mathematics, in- (

eluding Arlth- i mctio . ( Drawing .

Vocal Music, Ilul-f

lah's system... 1 The Pianoforte, (

with uso of ln-{ strument ... ( The Pianoforte, a (

class for ladies in { tho aftornoon ( German Language

Dr. Woolley, Sydney

University Dr. Woolley Mons. Paling

Mons. C. Doshaycs,

B.L., University of


Mons. C. Desdayos

Mr. J. S. Jones, from

KnellcrllallTrain. ing School

Mr. Joseph Fowles

Mr. Charles Chlslctt M. Paling M. Paling

Mr. Thcodoro Meyer


j Two J


J Two j J Two j

j Two J


Gratuitous Gratuitous

10. Gd.

naif n Guinea

Ono G'nca 12s. (id. tho coarse of SO Lessons



The Discussion Class meets every Friday evening, nt half-past 7 o'clock.

Tho institution is open from nine o'clock, n.m" to ten p.m. each lawful day, and the Librarian is in attendance to receivo and issue books on Monday, AVednesday, Friday, and Saturday in oneil week, from two o'clock a.m., to nino p.m. /

The terms of subscription aro 20s. per annum, and for tho convenience of the younger members ¡tis payable quar-terly or half-yearly, as may be desired.

The Secretary is now prepared to issue cards for tho en-suing half-year

By order of the Committee,

JOSEPH DYER, Secretary.

PTERNOON T U I T I O N._ The Missos BRANDON beg to inform Ladies and Eiioso whoso education has been neglected, that they can

accommodate a few moro in their afternoon class. To tlioso who may wish to perfect themselves in Music, Sing-ing, Dancing, French, &o., this is an opportunity not to bo lost. Hours from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. Terms on application. Davis-street, Lower Fort-street, Sydney.

BALMAIN EDUCATION, Classical, Mathematical,

and Commeicial, by ii Clergyman of the Church of England, to a llinitod number of private pupils. The school term will commence FRIDAY, July 18tb, 1856.

N.B.-There are vacancies for two or threo boarders.

Shannon Grove, Balmain._ MADAME DUBOST and Miss POTTS beg to inform

thoir friends that the dutios of their school will re-commence on MONDAA', July 7th. 29, Elizabethstreet North. Vacancies for three boarders._ P~RIVATE BOARDING SCHOOL -GLENALPINE,

beautifully situated abont'two miles from Campbell-town (formerlvtho residence of Mrs. Reddall).-Mr. JAMES F. HARRINGTON begs to inform parents and guardians that there will lie vacancies for three Young Gentlemen in tlio above establishment at tho close of the present quarter, on the 20th Juno instint. For terms, which nro moderate, apply to Messrs. AVAUGH and COX, booksellers, Sydney ; or to Mr. HARRINGTON, as above.

References.-Tho Rev. W. Sowerby, Goulburn; tho Rev. E. Rogers, Camdon; the Rev. Thomas Reddall, A.M., Campbelltown : tho Rev. AV. Staok, B.A., Balmain ; the Rev. C. D. F. Priddle, Livcrp ml.


Raymond-terrace.- Parents wishing to plnco their .hildren in a healthy situation, whore the comforts of homo aro combined with a solid education, aro requested to correspond with Mrs. GREAVES. School duties will recommence on TUESDAY, July 15.

MR. CHAPMAN'S School, Redfern.-Tho third quar-

ter of tho current year will commence on TUES-DAY, July 8th, 1856. Vacancies for Boarders. Ariel Cottage, Redfern._ (_ YDNEY LYCEUM, Bathuist-street. The duties of O this Institution have been resumed. H.AVAYMOUTH, July 'EL_ THE MISSES AVEST (at the residence of the Rev

John AVest, Point Piper Road, Paddington), beg to intimate that tho duties of their establishment «ill re-commence on AVednesday, the 9th July. Letteis addressed to the care of tho Rev. J. AVEST, HERALD Office.


ijtlRST-CLASS CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL JJ and COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, No. 57, PItt-strcot South, conducted by Mr. ROBERT MAYHEW.-In this establishment young gentlemen are carefully and thoroughly instructed, in all that is necessary to fit them for commercial or professional pursuits, air. Slayhcw's entire life lias been devoted to tho work of education, and lie can confidently appeal to the success which has heretofore attended the system he adopts, in proof of its efficiency. Tlio business of the School will bo resumed on aiONDAY, July 14th.

air. al. has vnca-icies for two Boarders.



The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Sydney.


The Rev. Thomas Druitt, Mathematics and Natural

Philosophy . air. W. S. Creeny Classics. air. C. Dunning

Modern Languages. Air. A. Belzonl Turrell Professor of Fronch. aions. P. A. Dutruo Ditto German . Horr Theodor Meyer Drawing . Mr. 0. H. Fairland Singing and Music. air, C. S. Packer Dancing. air. John Clark

Gymnastic Drill . Sargeant- aiajor Baynos.

The School will re-open on TUESDAY, tho 8th July.

Vacancies for two or three young gentleman as boarders ln-tho family of the Head "allister, Bedford House, Hydo Park, whoro tho terms may bo had on application.


_ by the Misses HONEY, C4, South Head Road. The dntios ol'the above will bo resumed on TUESDAY, July 15th, at Bodonliam's-place, Crown-stroet, Surry-hills.

EDUCATION. - Mrs. and Miss HOBART beg to

acquaint tho parents of their pupils, that the duties of tiioir Seminary will be resumed on MONDAY, the 7th July. Vacancies for a few boarders. Kembla-stroot,


THEDUTIES of tho aiissos DE MET»S Establish

nient will be resumed ou MONDAY, 2lst July. 22,

Eliünbeth-street North.

OUNG LADIES' ESTABLISHMENT, 55, Palmerstreet, conducted by aiadamo CURTIS (from Paris)/, the third sossion lias begun. Prospectusos at SANDS and KENNY'S, George-street. '


MENT, 5, Wynynrd-terrace.-Miss MIVART begs ' to inform her friends that her pupils re-assemble on aiON-. DAY, 7th instant. Vacancy for young ladies as boarders.

ATTONAL BANQUET, in celebration of the

Establishment of Responsible Government in the colony of New South Wa'os. To bo held in tho Prince of Wales Theitro on THURSDAY, the 17th July, at 6

o'clock p.m.

Presidcnte-Wm. Bland. Esq.

Vice-Prcsident-Wm. Spain, Esq:


Ainsworth W. G. aialcolm James Aldis W. H. aiay Thomas Arkins John ailtohell John Ashdown A. Mitchell J. S.

Atkinson J. II. aiitclioll Francis

Barker Thomas aillsom .Tames, junr. Beilby E. I. Mort Henry Bland William aiort James

Brenan J. li. Morgan If. B.

Breillatt T. 0. Moriarty Captain Chisholm D. Moses M.

Church Walter ** aiurnin M. E. Cohen JI. M. aiulholland J.

Cohen Philip ai'Encroo Edward Coveney R. Nott Randolph Dawson R. O'Brien George Dean Win. Peters J. 0. . Denn T. S. Pip»r J.

Doloitto W. S. Pollard E. II.

Drynan W. Ronald Rowan

Fairfax John Rountreo Thomas Fisher Henry Howley Georgo Foss Ambrose Russell John

, Fox II. T. ? Sahvmon Edward

Frith Charles Samuel Lewis Furlong 0. N. Samuel Saul

Gannon J. T, Sage Alexander

dunham I. 0. Simmons Charles Graham J. E. - Silvester E. K.

Hamilton George Skinner Thomas mil E. S. Smith T. W. Hill Richard Smith John

Hirst G. A. Smith Captain Holdsworth Riohard . Smithers J. B. Holroyd A. T. Spain William Jones David Spry Alfred

Jones Captain Taylor Thomas King George Teale AVilllam

Lang Gideon S. Temploton G. W. Lane Edward Thornton Georg« Layton Edward Thorpe C. J. Laidley Wiltiam Want R. J.

Learmonth Alexander Warburton Georgo , Lenehan Andrew Warburton S. Lucas John Wootton T. E. Lvous Samuel Williamson J. Gorman, S. V. Woolley T. Mackay Hugh

Tickets of Admission may be obtained at tho Committee Room, in the temporary Evchauge Buildings, between the hours of ton and four o'clock, on and after Wodnosday, the 2nd July. Price, One Guinea each.

Each purchaser of » Ticket for tho Banquet, will bo ontitlod to purchase two Ladies' tickets of admission, to tho Dress and Upper Circles of the Theatre, prico 5s. each.

Three hundred tickets will bo issued for each circle, according to priority of application ; the tickets for the Dress Circle being distributed first.

_E. K. SILVESTER, lion. Seo.

NATIONAL BANQUET.-Tickets for this festival aro

now" under distribution daily, from the Committeeroom in the Temporary Exchange Buildings, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ladies' Tickets will bo distributed in accordance with piiority of application, for tho purchase of Banquet

Tickets.-E. K. SILVESTER, Hon. Secrctnry._

BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES.-Notieois hereby

given that a Branch of this Bank has been established in tho town of Mudgee, where the usual Banking business will bo transacted, under the management of Henry Watson Oliver, Esq. By order of the Board of Directors. ROBERT WOODHOUSE, Secretary. Bank of Now Sonth Wales, Sydney, 13th June, 1856._ ELECTORAL LISTS FORTnE CITY of SYDNEY

-Sheriff's Office, Sydney, 2nd July, 1856.-Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Act of 1851, Lists of the Electors in tho Electoral District of Sydney for 1856-7 are fixed for the inspection of the publie on the undermentioned buildings

in tlio various Wards, viz.

Gipps Ward ... The Watehhouse; Cumberland-street. Bourko ditto ... Court of Bequests, Bent-street Brisbane ditto ... ' Town Hall, York-street

aiacquarlo ditto ... . Royal Hotel, George-street

Phillip ditto ...' Clork's Office, Haymarket.' Camp


Coot ditto ... Court House, Darlinghurst. .

Lists of all the Wards aro also to bo seen at the follow-

ing places- -

Central Police Office. George-street Supreme Court Office... , ... King-street

New Water Police Olfico ...

Copies of ' tho'Lists may bo seen nt this office, and perusod by any person without the pnyment of any fee, from this date until the ' 15th instant, and during the same period all claims and objections to the lists must be lodged at this office, but nftor the expiration of that period no claims oro bjeotions will bo reeeixed. ,

. By order of tlio Returning Officer,

, _WILLIAai C. UHR, Secretary. '


in wood and iron, bedding, wardrobes, sideboards, oheffoniors, chests of drawers, hair-seated sofas andcouche«, dlninir and loo tobies, leather-covered chairs, looking glasses, &o" &'o. WILLIAM DEAN rfnd COMPANY, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, City Theatre, Mnrl-ufstreet. Packing done with the utmost care. Furnituie packed or removed.'_' _



Corner of George and King streets,

Bogs to announce that lie has THIS DAY disposed or his Ironmongery business in Georgo and King-streets, (es-tablished by himself in 1835,) to "_",;."


- air. Tomlins is well known to most of tho customers as

having been for many years with air. Woolley, whoso entire confidence he has always enjoyed. '

air. Sloman has been long resident in the Bathurst disIn* returning thanks to his old customers and the public generally, air. Woolley now solicits a continuance of their support to his successors, who, ho feels assured, are anxious and able to carry on tho business as hithorto conducted by


Sydney, 1st July, 1856. . _ .TTriTHRËFERENOB TO THE ABOVE NOTICEW aiessrs. TOMLINS and SLOMAN.

. ' Successors to air. THOMAS WOOLLEY,

Beg to assure their friends mid the public that they will endeavour to deserve a continuance of the support lor so many years afforded to air. Woolley.

Ail orders entrusted to thom will, be promptly attended In their they will be satisfied with MODERATE PROFITS, whilst at the same timo it will ho their« con-stant ondeavour to maintain the character of the establish-ment and tlio QUALITY OF THEIR GOODS, which as heretofore they will continue to import direct from the Manufacturer,«._

W. W Ö (5 L L E Y having disposed of his business to aiessrs. Tomlin.« ana Sloman, requests that all outstanding accounts duo to bim on 30th June, may lie arranged as early as possible.,

Mr. Woolley has still on hand in York-street stores, p variety of consignments and sundry packages of Iron-mongery, which will be sold to wholesale buyers at low rates', to clear the stores.

- «$- All communications mny be addressed as heretofore, to office, Georgo and King streets.

July 1st, 1856.

MESSRS. PURRTSiuulLAMBERTbeg to notify to

constituents nnd tlio public generally, that tiley have taken those newly built and commodious premises in Wyny.ird-lnne, lately lu the occupation of Messrs. S. and A. Meyer. Thoy aro now ready to rcoeivo for sale, all sorts of bulky merchandise, furnitiue, orookerywnro, glass, produce, and all articles requiring room tor display, or good dry stowage. All goods sent in for sale can kavo one month's storage free from ditto of delivery. Gcorgc-stieçt, Mtvrch

4th, 1856,

JulSTABLlSHED 1840.-AV. G. and A. MOORE, J2j Auctioneers, Commission Agonts, and Brokcis* Cash advanced oil doods, plate, jewellery, books, wticlcs of verty, and poitnblo property of all dcici ipi ion from Is. to £1000. Boxes stored at Is. a month per box, for two ye irs, and a piloted receipt given for tho samo. An auction hold every day for the disposal ol'all description of portablo properly, and cush advances on tho samo if required, Privato communications strictly attended to.

MICHAEL GUILFOYLE, Nurseryman, Florist, and

Seedsman, Ornamental mid Inndscapo Gardener, Exotic Nursery, Double Bay, bogs to remind parties de-sirous or procuring large or small quantities ol' PLANTS, that ho has tho most extensive collection of all sorts of Orna-mental Trees and Shrubs, and also of Fluttering Plants, of every description, which was over offered to the public to select from sinco gardening was known in the colony. An inspection of the Nursery is especially invited.

tS5° Pi ¡ces strictlv moderate, with'the usa ii allowance to the trade N.B.-Flower and \reget.ible Seeds of ovory description. \* Nativo Seeds, in great varioty, always

ready hi collections.

TO SETTLERS : nil others. - II. E. CAMPHE"MÍ

of Albury, on tho Murray, at the request of numerous friends and settlers on tho Sydney side, lias established an Office in Albury ns Commission Agent, for tho Salo of cattle, horses, sheep, hay, and all kinds of produce nnd goods of overy description, for the Muirny. and Ovens Districts. *"

A Monthly List of Prices wil b issued, and forwardod to all applicants on enclosing a r ¿-dingo stamp, which will bo found a great convonionco to settlers.

Commission-5 per cent, on sales under £500, and 21 over that amount, with no otlior charges. No sale, no


ELBOURNE.-East India House, 194, Flmder's-lano

East.-First-class Private Family Boarding House, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. ROBINSON. Visitors to Melbourne will find tho abovo to boan agreeable residence, the house (recently enlarged) is spnclons and convenient, and tno situation most commanding of any in the city. Privato suites of apartments if required.

CATTLE TAKENIN"tö~Graze, at Hambledon, situate

about equal distnnco from Parramatta, and AVindsor. Apply to Mr. AY. G. AINSWORTH, York-street, Sydney._


or lockets, 10s. GREEN, 41, Klug-strect East.



OUSES Repaired and Altered, by L. SACLIER,

French Paperlianging Depot, 264, Goorge-street.

AIGn. AV. B., General Libour Agent, Registry

Offices, 2, Pitt-street, opposite Union Bank._ 1FUBÄ"L1J nnrl CO., Dealers in Building Materials

and General Commission Agents, 8, Jnmison-st.


R. R. BANBURY* Solicitor. Office, 63, Pitt-street,

Sydney. _ _

MR. J. E. SMYTH, Practical Dontist (for many years

assistant to Mr. Belisnrio)-Mineral Teeth of every natural shape and variety, from ono to a complete sot, care-fully fitted on the most approved English and American Bjstoms. Tosth extracted with the latest improved instru-ments. Decayed teeth stopped with gold loaf, and the very best comîiits nsod for largo cavities. Children's tooth re-gulated. N.B -Teeth extracted gratis for the poor, from 9 to 10 a.m. No. 19, O'Connoll-street.


R. J. EMANUEL, Dentist, (established in Sydney,

1842), 181, George-street, near the EMFIRE office.


R. A. BENSU8.VN, Surgeon-Donsist (late to tho Metropolitan Free Hospital, London), 7, Janiison-st.

I3S STOREY removed to No. 75, AVilllam-streot,


PIANOFORTES.-Mr. BANKS, Tuner, Repairer, mid

Regulator, 44 King-street Hast.

RTäMÖ VAL-SIMPSON and DAVIS, Saddlers, &c,

from 16, to 40 Pitt-street, (Mort's Buildings).

IA HE OFFICE of the undersigned is this day removed

from 214, George-street, to his store in Wynyardlaiio, next to Messrs. Spyer and Co. MOSES MOSS, AArj nynrd-lano. Juno 30, 1856._ THE UNDERSIGNED aro prepared to make liberal

casli advances on wool or other produce consigned to their care, for salo boro or shipment to England. D. COOPER and CO., Waterloo AVarchouso, Sydney, 1st No

vembor, 1855 ' . i

THE UNDERSIGNED is a cash imroiinser of AVool or

Sheepskins, or will make liberal advances on the samo, consigned to his frionrk Messrs. LOVEGROVE and LEATnES, Loudon. GEORGE STANGER LEATHER


WOOL AND SHEEPSKINS.-The undersigned aro

cash purchasers of AVool, washed or unwashed, and Sheepskins ; or will make liberal cash advances on the samo consignai fo their friend", Messrs. S. Kennnrd and Co., London ; or Mo>srs. Holt Brother*, Leeds. JOY and CO., near the Custom House.

RITING TAUGHT in Ten L«ssons by Mr. BRAGG,

39, Goulburn-strect East. Terms, ono guiñen.


IN\TESTMENTS in Government Debentures, and the

Shares ol' the Banking and other Companies, may always bo obtained or disposed of, on application to

W. J. LENNON, stock and share broker, No. 25, late 35f,


IF THIS should meet the cyo of one SAMUEL MÍT

OHELL, who left Glasgow in 1848. he will hear from lils sister Sarnli by writing to tho caro of James Llmlsy Manager A. A. Company, Newcastle, f r JOHN TIOAVIË. CAUTION -I hereby caution the public not to givo my

wife, CATHERINE MILLER, credit on rav account as wo havo parted by mutual consent. CHARLE» MILLER. 30th Juno._ O p?f\ REWARD.-It having como to tho knowledge 300 \J of the undersigned, duly appointed agent mid attorney for Australia, for A. Clouzoau, of St. Joan d'Augoly-Cognac, that various persons aro again using tho name of A. Cloiizeau, by labelling a spurious nrticle called brandy (particularly for the Victoria, late Port Phillip, market), to the injury of A. Clouzenti, and tho anio of his genuine article This is to givo notice, that any person giving such Information that will lead to tho detection of any person or persons using the namo of A. Olouzenu upon label or othorwise, shall recoivo a reward of Ten Pounds, or any person or persons giving such information as will lead to the conviction of the guilty parties, shallreceivothe abovo reward, by applying, to my attorneys, Messrs. NICHOLS and AVILLIAMS, Pitt-street, or to ALFRED TOOGOOD, Pitt and King streets.

N.B.-The above facts of fraudulent labels have been sworn to at thoJtfttusion House, before tho Lord Mayor of he City of London, on tho 19th day of Novomber, 1853.

FEMALE COMPLAINTS.-No female, young or old

should bo without this celebrated medicine. It cor-rects and regulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cases Uko a charm. . It Is also the best and safest medicine that can bo given to children of ¡ill ages

and for any complaint, consequently no family should bo

without It.

These colobrnted pills are wonderfully efficacious in tho following complaints :- ,

Aguo Inflammation Asthma Jaundice

Bilious complaints Liver complaint Blotches on the skin Lumbago Bowel complaints Piles

'Colics Rheumatism ,

Constipation of the bowels Retention of urine

Consumption Sciofula, or king's evil . Docility ' Sore throats

Dropsy Stone mid gravel

Dyson try Secondary sj mptoms ' Erysipelas Tie do.m-cux

Female irregularities Tumours Pevei s of all kinds Ulcers

Fits Arenercal a flections Gout AVorms of all kinds

Head-ache AYeakness from whatever Indigestion caurc, &c, «vc.

Sold at tho establishment of Piofossoi- Holloway, 244, Strand (near Temple Bar), London, and 80, Maiden-lane, New York; also, by all rcspectablo dinggists and dealers in medicines throughout the civilised world, and in nil parts of Australia, at the following prices:-Is. 3d., 3s.

3d., and 5s. cadi box.

83- There is a considerable saving hy taking the larger sizes. .

N.B.-Directions for the guidance o- patients m every disorder aro affixed to each box. ,»....

Wholesale Agent for Moreton Bay and Norlhqrn Districts.

BENJAMIN CRIBB, Alboit-street, Brisbane, and London Stoi es, Ipswich.


Brisbane (North and South) . William Kent. Brisbane (North). AV. Mason.

loswich . Otlbb and Foot.

AVarwick. George Walker,

ESSENCE OF GINGER and Chnmomllo Flowers for

lndigestion/flatulencc, heartburn, and nervous affec-tions. Prepared by GEORGE HEATH , family and dis-pensing chemist, 187, George-street, Sydney.

The abovo preparation is kept on sale byï. B. CARSON, chemist, &c, 55, South Head Road._ ESSENCE OF GINGER and Chnmomile Flowers, for

indigestion, flatulence, heartburn, and nervous affec-tions.-The peculiar aromatic properties of the Jamaica ginger,in combination«iththebitter nndessentiaiprinciples of the chnmomile, unquestionably affoid tho most olllcacious remedy that can be employed for the cure of tho abovo distressing complaints. Being combined with an alkali this ossenco lins the power of neutralising tho acidity in tlio stomach, mid thus of removing tho cause of flatulence, spasm, and heartburn. Prepared by GEORGE HEATH, family and dispensing chemist, 187, George-street, Sydney, from'Savory and Mooro, chemists to tho Queen, London.

N'OTIOE. NOTICE.-II. KYEZOR watch, clock, and

chronometer n inker to Her Majesty's Honorable Board of Ordnance, i45, George-street, Sydney, botween Hunter and Bridge steeets, and 46, Edgeware Road, Lon-don, bogs to inform tim public of Sydney that ho has made" a reduction of one-half in tho price usually olinrgcd by the trade for tho repairs of every description of English and foreign watches and clocks, musical boxes, jewellery,

&o., &c, &Q.

Watch cleaning . 3s, Od. Watch dials. 3s. Od. Gold hands, ¡ter pair, from 2s. Od. aiainspriugs. 3s. Od.

and overy other article in the trado as cheap in proportion.

Every watch and clock brought to repair will be taken to pieces in the presence of tho party who brings it, and tho faults pointed out to prevent the overcharges too

usually made.

Ohronometers, duplex, horizontal, levor, and repealing

watches and clocks, accurately adjusted, and regulated to

the correct time.

KYEKOR'S £3 5s. silver horizontal wntches nre warranted to go within one minute weekly. They aro jewelled in 4 holes, having maintaining power to keop going while winding up, in elegant doublo bottomed casca. The same movements in gold cases £7 each.

ÖTIOE.-Messrs. IV. DEAN and CO., auctioneers,

beg to notify that in consequence of removal to their now premises, THE NEW AUSTRALIAN AUCTION MART, in Pitt and O'connell streets, they have sublet the two iron store«, Pitt-street North, near Circular Wharf, to Mr. JACKSON (who has boen for soino years in their employ), where ho purposes to act ns a Commission Agent in the COLONIAL ANO GENERAL FI.ODUCE business; and they have every confidence in his faithful and lionourI able attention to all engagements, and that he will exert i his best efforts for the interest of thoso who may entrust

property to Ids care.

Sydnoy, 2nd June, 1856.

THOMAS ar. JACKSON, in embracing tho very favour-able opportunity for commencing business presented nbeve by his late employers, Messrs. W. Dean mid Co., Auctioneers-in connection with their IRON STORES, Pitt-strcot North, near Circulor Wharf, and tho Colonial Produce generally,-takes lec.vo to intimate, that having liad considerable practical experience, both English and colonial, lie lins assumed tho same, and THIS DAY lins admitted Mr. R. GRAHAM, of Ludenham, as pnrtner, and that the business will in future bo continued at the said stores, under the firm of JACKSON and CO., produce, grain, flour, and general commission agents.

Sydney, 2nd June, 185f_


(New Pitt-street, near Circular Wharf.)

To aiorchants, Importers, Sottlers, Storekeepers, Squatters,

Shippers, Agents, und others.

MESSRS. JACKSON and CO. produce, grain, flow,

and general commission ngonte, beg leave respect-fully to announce that they havo taken those two very

spacious and conveniently situated


erected in Now Pitt-street, near tlio Circular Wharf, liithorto occupied by aicssrs.'W. Deun and Co., auctioneer?,.

Theso Stores are commodious, and occupy a most desir-able position in the great centre of the shipping mid mer-cantile interest; nnd being roomy, dry, and secure, aro well adapted for the storage and sate custody of goods-for which purpose one of thom will be nppropi iated at a mode-rate rate of rent charge ; and such goods as are intended for (inmediato sale may bo stored ono month rent fiee,

Tho necessary arrangements boliig completed, they aro prepared to receive consignments of grain, flour, wool, tallow, hides, skins, and all other kinds of merchandise,

elthor for private or public sale.

JACKSON and CO. having had an extensivo connection with general business in Englnud-particularly in the grain and flour trade, with tho addition of about three years' colonial experience in tho service of aicssrs. W. Dean and Co., nnct'onccrs, beg to as«nro constituents that thoir best efforts will be faithfully used in the disposition of property, and the satisfactory execution of all orders with whioh-tlicy mny bo intrusted.

.'Jackson and Co. in thus commencing with a full determi-nation to use their be«t exertions for the interests of thoso who may favour them with business commands, trust, that by strict and caioful attention to the expeditious rendering of account sales, and prompt settlement of all accounts, to ensure a good measure of support.

Jackson and Co. beg also to intimate their intention of holding weekly Sales by Auction, which will bo conducted by aiessrs. W. Dean and Co., on their behalf.



JACKSON and CO. desire to add, that, possessing many facilities fur the exchange and disposal of HOUSES, LANDED, and other PROPERTIES, they will devote a considerable portion of their attention to this important

branch of business.

Sydney, 2nd June, 1856._,_ NOTICE TO FARMEKS.-Tim undersigned beg to

call the attention of farmers to the groat advantages to be obtained by the growth of Cape'barley in the place of

English burley.

Tho great prejudice which has always existed in this colony against the growth of Capo barley for malting pur-poses having been proved, to a certain extent, groundless, tlie following manifest advantages may be looked for by the producers of Capo barley in preference to English :

The grain, being of a more hsrdy nature, the crop is

moro certain. *" ?

The i leid is much larger.

It is ol'quicker growth, and not so subject to shed.

The stalk being straight and strong is much readier


It comes off much sooner than a wheat crop, enabling

tlio farmer to ongago his hands previous to tim commencement of general harvest, and also

giving lum an early opportunity of planting


Tho best month for sowing Capo barley boing nbont June, tho crop would bo fit for reaping about tho end of October, depending on the quality of the land and locality as regards seed time.

Tlio undersigned, viewing the subject as likely to provo of mutual advantage both to fanners and brewers, aro anxious to nfrord growers an opportunity of giving tho matter a fair trial, ami will supply thom with burley (for seed purposes only) of the descriptionlinmed, at 4s. (four shillings) per bushel, and at tho same time aie quite ready at once to enter Into contracts to tako the produce of tho ensuing crop nt a fixed rate or to chance the market.

They aro now ready to purchase barley in any quantities. WILLIAM CLARKE and CO., Australian Brewery, George and Bathurst streets, Sydney.

MALTING BARLE V.-The undersigned is a purcha

sor of colonial crown malting Barley, at highest market rates. HENRY aiOORE, aiooro's Wharf, 23rd

June, 1856.

STEAai FLOUR ailLLS.-8-horso power engino and

boiler, 1 pair of 4 feet French burr Btones, with dressing and smut maohlnes,with nil driving gear, and all connec-tions complete, weight about G4 tons, £615.

12-h. p. ditto, 2 pairs, ive, weight 9 tons .£ 980 16-h. ¡). ditto, 3 ditto, Ac, w:e!ght 114 tons .£1310 20-h. p. ditto, 4 ditto, _c., weight 144 tons .£1690 25-h. p. ditto, 5 ditto,* ¿-c, weight l8 tons .£2115

The above machinery, guaranteed complete, delivetcd in Sydney, and proper working drawing supplied for the erec-tion of mill and machinery. A patent dressing machin» can bo supplied with any of the above fora further sum of £50. Flue boilers charged £2 per horse power extra.

From the grcat'ex¡>oricncp the undersigned linvo lind in manufacturing flour m 11 machinery, having within the lnst two years fitted upwards of 45 pairs of millsto/ies in Noir South Wales, Victoria, and Now Zealand, they ara enabled to supply work mttcli better adapted to tho wants of the colonies than can possibly bu imported by any other house not practically conversant with the business ; and weight beluga great consideration where tho cost of land transport is so grcnt, the above machinery is constructed as light as pos-sible, consistent with due strengtli and efficiency.

P. N. RUSSELL and CO., Sydney Foundry, and Sussexstreet Engino Works.


inform tho publio'of Sydney and tho neighbouring colonies, and storekeepers in tho country, that his now biscuit machinery is now in full operation, and making all the different kinds of fancy biscuit flint aro made in the mother country. Largo i.nd extensive nltorntions and Ad-ditions, both in premisos and machinery, have boon mode, in order to nflbrd evoi-y conceivable facility for tho manu-facturo of every description of fancy biscuits of superior 'quality, on the latest approved principles, ftnd to facilítalo the dospntch of largo orders. The trade and shopkeepers supplied on liberal torms-and the shortest notice.

Tho following description of fancy biscuits will always be on hand, fresh and crisp :-Cabin, pilot, ship, cnptiin«, and constitution biscuit, water crackers, soda crackers, lemon drops, cracknells, briers, picnics, arrowroots, and spice nuts.

Nothing but tho best materials used. Fancy biscuits packed in canisters, hermetically sealed, and warranted to koppin any climate.

Persons desirous of witnessing the process of biscuit baking, aro invited, to "inspect the machinery, which has already excited the approval of his Excellency tho Govornor-Cenenil and other personages of known and acknow-ledged scientific experience.

All country orders by post punctually attended to. Steam Biscuit Bakery, Hunter-street:

T\RAB SHELL HATS, ox Omar Pasha.-Just landa], 8 / by (the undersigned, six cases of best drab shell hats: also six cases of, best black Paris ditto. B. MOUNTCASTLE, 224, George-street, and 48, Market-street. On hand, ladies' Parisand felt riding hats, gentlemen's black and drab felt ditto, military and navy caps, livery hats and bands, cockades, gold and silver cords and tassels, ¿se., &o. Every description of lints andenps made to order.


hare just received an extensive stock of Sparkling Ginger AViue, which, in flavour, mellowness, aftcr-tasf* and nutritious qnalitiis, surpasses every wine of the kino over imported to the colony. Sold in quantities to salt families-7s. 6d. gallon, 18s. dozen ; also, port wine, 20s., 25s, and, 30s. dozen ; siierry,'22s. 6d., 25s., nnd 30a.dozen; pale brandy from 45s. dozm ; dark ditto 20s. gallon ; 42a. dozen ; bottled beer 9s. 6d: to 11s. dozen, Ac., &c-BIBU and ROBINSON, Pitt-street North, opposite Queen» place.