Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 29 March 1855, page 4


Last evening, pursuant to notice in the public journals the annual meeting of the Sydney Diocesan Society took place in the Church of England school room, Castlereagh Street, His Excellency the Governor-General, President of the Society occupying the chair. Although the weather throughout the day had been unfavourable, and the evening was drizzly and threatening, a considerable number of influential members of the church were present. Among them were many ladies.

Precisely at the time appointed time, half-past seven, His Excellency arrived and was cordially greeted on his taking the chair.

Before proceeding to business, prayers were offered up by the

Venerable the Archdeacon of Cumberland.

His Excellency then rose and said: They had met that night for the purpose of receiving the report of the Sydney Diocesan Society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts- He had been too short a time amongst them to know much of the state ofthe Church in the colony, but he believed, from what he had heard and from that little he had seen, that he might take it for granted that the state of the Church was such as to call for the active exertions and assistance of all its members, that whatever his capacity and whatever his station, was now called on to use his best energies for its promotion and advancement. Before calling on the Si oretary of the Hoolfty to read tho report, he wou'd ask pcrmii-Bion lo make one or two gci.oral ob»trvatlons ; and he would first say a few words as to the best mode in whioh the mem-bers of tho Church mi<tit i ffjrd tluirsuppott, TLero were two or throe ways in whioh Cnurchtnen might asrist this (Jomet), anil advkiioo its ends, or. In other word», might furlh1 r the propagation i f the Gospel. S-itno among them had means- end wealth, n< el Irom those they ought to look for tilosa Uncial contributions whioh would enable them to pay for the ministrations of the clergy nnd tho wachen of their le'lglon. It wa» well known that In this colony the population wero scattered over a w de extent of territory, ae.d tha. tliUr want of religious instruction was, vo-y great. Ihire was, too, a vory great dcllolciicy ofolergyln thceolony to preach the Word' They had to travel far Into the solitude, and to nibo it to many privations ; and it could not be expected tliut clergy i cn would be found to undertake there arduous dutle», unless they wero reasonably pro ?vided for Thoke w10 pro chid tho Gospel must live by the Ghispel. It was therefore neo*wiry for them to Inercaee the num-ber 11 the eltrgy, nnd this oould only bs done by an lnorease or means. Another very important means of aiding the obJ> cs of tho Society nex-t pusonud itself to til rm Thero »ere a largo number of persons nnvng tht m, some with large, and others with small moans, who had -u "large umount of time on tluir bonds, which Uley could dispose of nt thi ir own pleasure. Now this ellen or persons might do much to lighten the labours of the cierjry anti to promote the, tton of the Qospel. It was true, they could »mt, of thcmncrire», do all that whs required, but thby oould assist the olergy iii their mlnistrat ou s by reading, an i instructing those who pi sfcsstel Irse . advantages than thcnisclviH. They could bring under the no lae of thocjergy tasie requiring special attention, ni.d pnpafe the way for tho Instructions, ntlmouiti in», and cont-olatlona of ' the ministers uf religion. Thty conn! instiuot tho eltrgy as ter-the chariotor» of the people they wiro cilled on to attend; and i though by thtlr own hands th*>y oould do little, out of their mtulliB, by reading and preaching-, much good might be effected, and many on iriing brother might bo thus drawn from the domi-nion of sin, and let» to the knowledge of tbe Lord Jisus Then, again, the laity might be usiful in the cause of the Church by 1 reading tho word of God to others, uoi'er the direction of the

clergy. This was a pranico which, lndlMdually and collectively, might bo uttended with «nat advantage. He was aware that in Et glnnd und in Van Dicmcn's Lind' societies for Uls object had been formed in nepamte districts for the purpose of givinir instruction in thin way. It was thus crii'cntly in thepower of all »ho wire earnestly inullnod to do so to render much scrncc to the Church, and to assist in the propagation ot the gospel, and if it was in their power to do so, it was their duty to do bo. Let them not forget this; let the m not «brink from this duty, but bring »11 the powers they pose-cssed to further the gnat objects of the socloty. It miiiht bo that a* yet they wero not in a position to act with tho clergy on any specified p>otim, but bo trusted tbo tlrrc was not far dlsiant when a t-ohoroo might bo adopted under which the lally might act moto ifllclenllj and more cordiailv for the assistance of the olergy in the arduous duties thoy had to perform, th in bud btth rio been tho ease. (Crecí*.) He would now call on the Secretury to rend tho



. " Tho Standing Committee, in entering opon the annual report of tho-t*. 1). Society, ure gratified in being able to state that the number of subscriber« ha» Inore as ed du: lug th" past year, yet not to »ueh un extent a« to enable theui to completo vuriou* pro-jects ot usefulness which have oo upird their attention.

"Tho Standing Comiuttteo have ci cry rrawn to believe that thore is gradually arising a greater interest lu the dedgn« of the Society, and Ihuy feel ensured that n-i Churchmen beexunebct'or acquainted with it« object», their co-openiilou will bo readily afforded. Your Committee, however, cannot but obu-rve with regret that in several instouocs where annual grants for parochial purposes huve freely been made by the Society, no exertion« have been mani-fested on iho |;urt of the applicants for «uah aid, to extend the Society'« influence, and to urge it« claim» upon Churchmen in ibei. district«. It will not be out of place to mention that the Comtnltteo have been able io make many »rrnngmrnt» for tho moto efficient working of tho Socletj, for which arrangements they arc mainly Indebted to the v. Um tile suirgesüons und great personal

exertion» of thefRev. B. L. Wuteoo, now ab.-ent on leave, and the

Rev. T. Druitt.

" Among th» many gtounds of hopefulness for the future, your Committee regard with peculiar, satisfaction lha intelligence which ha« been ree. lvcd of the appoint-ment of a Biii.pp to this long vacant See, feeling as they do bow materially the inteiest« of this Society, In com-mon with those of the Dl»cc«e, must sutler from the nb ence of it« legitimate and proper h;ad. They aro looking forward with anxious exposition to the arrival, within a very short period, of Dlshcp Mhrkt-r, who« departure from England they have learned was to take place «me time In the month of Junuary. Owing to the lateness of the period at which the present report Is jiro«emed, your Committee- are enabled to add, that at their solicitation HU Excellency the, Hlr Willlnm.Denison, bo», with the kindest readiness, acceptée! the office-. of patron of the Sot-let), thereby leading them to hope thst he »ill extend to it the same active supporj whleh he is known to have afforded to the sister Soilety la the Diocese and colony of Tasmania. With ti e«o preIlqiiiniryoWmition« your Committco now cater upon a statement

of their proocerifcga during the j ear 1851.


"Thosubj etof the lamentable insufficiency of the incomes of many of the clergy to meet the exigenoiea of the present litoo of high price« of fond und other necessaries, 1« one tait has engaged the attention bath of the public and of tho Legislature, and the latter have «anotioned a niemur« for supplying temporary relbf, upon the condition, bow ever, of a corresponding amount being in euch caseotntlihuttd by the people, which condi.lon his in many instances out been complied with. In «nell eases the grant from the publia fnnd« becomes if coureo iiupcrutlv . It will not, therefore, be a ma-ter of »nrprno that your Commi'tce have iccelved eeretat preseing applii allons fer assistance from cler,y

men in varlou« p.irts of the diocesr.

"lheso applications, howoter, ti eOomraltteo have, with truly painful feeling«, be. noompelled from want of funds to refuse. In one instance whtire the clergyman wo« Btuted to be In need of the ncoersarle« of life, the exigency appeared se- grout tt at several of ihu members i f commi'tce undertook to rtlso among themselves a sum of money sufficient for his Inoro immediate relief Your Committee would thircforo express-theit earntet hopo thnt this fund will receive large additions I'-orlng 18..5; and they would avail themselves of the opportunity of explaining to all Uto members of the church who tnko a spscial interest in ibis matter, that the SooU-ly ofTot« a mo-t suittbte channel for receiving and administering any funds lhere a desire lo contribute toward« the maintenance of the clergy,

" Your Committee have to announce with unfeigned sorrow that within the last few months several of tho e'erey have been l c moved by death from the sphere of their labours. 1he> hove to dep'ore the vacanoic« left in the oleiicalboely by the lose ia the colony of the following clergymen, vix, the Rev. J. C. Grylls, M.A., incumbent of Holy Tiinity, Sydney; tho Rev. John Vincent Minister, of Castlereagh ; the Rev. H.H. Bobart, M.A , incumbent of St. Julie's, Purrntnaltn ; the Rev-Janies Walker, M.A., minister of Liverpool; und more recently the Rev. Robert Fot rest, M. A., for many year« head master of Ki- g's Behool, Parramatta. 1 hi« a*d other CaUsc« have rendered ni0r«s ry 'omencw arrangements in the Dioceso. Tbe following apjalntmenis huvo been made by the Ordinary : the Rev. F. Wilkinson, M.A., to the incumbency of Holy Trinity, Sydney ; the Rev, F. H. Wilkinson to St. John's, Ashfield, and St. Thomas', Enfield; the Rev. A. H Stephen, Chaplain of Immigrant«, to the temporary charge of the Surrey Hill«, in place of the Rev. J. D. Mercwcather, left for England ; the Rev. T. D. Wintle to St. Mary'«, Balmain, in plnoeof the Rev. H. L. Wutscn, absent on leato.^

"The Rev T. tho r« quest of the Arehdeacon,,hos taken charge of the King's Behn«), Pairaniutti, since the decase of the Rev. H. H. Boban. The Rev. T Druitt, in a Idltion to hin other onerous duties, ha« olilclutol eury Snrday at St. Luke's, Li\or1 pool, since the deceaio of the Rev. Jume» Walker. Tho Rev.

James Carttr. duilr.g the vacuney of the li cumbenoy, retains the curacy (f St. John'«, Parramatta. The Itev. J. J. Howell, who acted a« usslstant minister of St. James' pai ink- during the absencoof the llev. R. Allwood, in cxpeotati ,n of iho ¡mmctllale return of tho latter lo his datle«, has returnctl to England.

| "It can bo an matter of aurptiec that in respect of this

lamentable intiifSeicnay and decrease of tho number of tho olergy, the long continued vacancy of the Fee [ ha« «pirated most pi rjudicially. It is with the more thJDkf-He r, therefore, that tho Committo presenting [ their report at this late period arc ublo to announce the anira! in

the Dioceso of titree otergjm.n, who have oten selected by the nowly-appoiuted Bishop ; au>4 tho Committee arc led to believo | that there are flsvcral others also now on the-ir way to the colony. Those already arrived are, the Rev. H. 8. King, Rev. F. Army-tage, and tho Rev. Thomas Fox.

" CHUItCIIl a.

" The great expenso of 1 tbour and mrjerlals has muoh retarded the work orchnreb building. It is, however, with a feeling of ! much thankfulness ond gratification that, in spite of all snel) diffi-

culties, ye>ur CMitmlttoo have obt-crvcd-the gradual progress and forwardness ot the New Church of St. Phillp, which equals in magnitude ard architectural character many of the first churches of the mother country ; and whoa completed, will bo a worthy monument of the piety end ¡teal, of the venerable pastor under whose auspices and cherishing caw it was undertaken. The Com-mittee contemplate nlt-o with muoh satisfaction the eoutltiuatioB of the building of the dihedral, with every piOrpeot, as they uidcrstand, of the work beinjf steadily eirrlod on by eucecsslve eontrueU for the next-flvc years. The progrot» of ttio ro-hnilding of 8t. John's, Parramatta, if siow, lut there is hope that through the increased exertion of the parishioners It may be rer.dy tor consecration by the end of the year. This work wa« undertaken mainly at the suggestion of tho late Rev. H. n. Bobart, utid its «p«ed> completion was a subject of continual anxiety to him. Tho foundation-stone or a New Church at Surry Hill« was laid by the Yenerablo the Archdeacon on St. Michael's Day last ; and the first contract, which has carried the wall« five feet from the ground, ha« just been completed. The Church or S.. Paul, at Chippen-dale, is ready for consecration ; tho want i-f the additional church accommodation It will off.rd in tho southern district of ihe Qity Is most urgently felt. ' .

*' senota VOJ.D.

"Numerous application« have been received from schoolmasters lu the country district» for os»ietanco from this fund, but in fow Instance» only oould any relief he afforded.

" The Standing Committee havo ir deed cause to regret, being obliged to make the psuclty of funds the plea for not a-sitting those \tha really stand in need ; and they cannot but hopo, that as Churchmen obtain u greater insight into the actual cond-tion and wants of the dioceso, they will te ltd to afford the 8o5lety that siippoit to which Its pecnli r object« for the supply of those wants juBllv entitle it. Tu> parochial schools throughout the diocese continue, for the most part, to bj well attended ; some of tboso in tho city «bowing a large increase or attendance upon former j cars. In con-equence of tr-e large number of children in the t-yduey parochial t-chools, mid owl nu to the ImporsibiUty of pro-curing accommodation fer them in SU Jame»'Church, the usual ropcting of tho f chot.1 chlHreu on Trinity tuesday, did not take place. It wa« found more oin* »nient to assemble the schools In the different pnrbh ohutohe 8. Tho Increase o,f nUe,n.d,a,noe cm (»st year ha« been between 1.5 and 2Q per cent,

" nooks.

-- BOOKS. -

" Under this head, tho transactions of the Bodetv i," .

very important »id extensivo. There is now a ti«, i ' '*«

of Mole* Prnyer Booko, boekB.of general literature i?,!?,0,*"** and traot« in hand, end considerable », îwl«i, been ratdo to the Home Society f """""»«a hurt, Htui dlnir Commlttiio have uiou every exertion _, .,.,". The . b e aoptV. fo> the «olo of tho books, but Miherto ifVa n'or<! '"It. Tho Committee have felt bo ftioi.gly tho ncce^.lil "?ut'Ucc»s. incrcii'o facllltl. s fur tim circulation of the vui lou , r,?,k,!)roTW»g the Society for the I'romoUon of Christian Knowi..o . fa:lou«" have appointed a llhrarlan, al a nulury o £ oo a iïï;* S*1 ,hf* ucnlug« upon ull sales oboio a ocrmin amount íí,i "' I« mont enab.cB the Commlttco to keep Uie Deposito. I ""»WUli till four. Grants of booka luve been mide(SJm ,rom Clergymen officiating at tho following places -_i»". ""O <f mont; Louisa Cn ck ; 8t. Thomas, Wil.ou_hbi ? J. "_? ? ''J'

Wollongong : O'Conntll Pbins A'granicï'¿ft. l8V,ltl,acl'<>.

of live pound« whs made tu the Llveipool Btntv lent t« ,"m'JUDt the use of the tmmtcr. Other grant« hare alT hiT *)'«-, lor which will bo found detaüid lo the auditnecwat^SS* "" .' pended to this ropott." T1' Wu«h is «p.

Tho audit account erowed a bilanoo in fatn", ",.,

Building Fund of £t 13s Oil.; oí the Clcrcv hL f ''CCB<»<I> £3 0* 7d.; of the School Fand of 3s ¿d.; cf?L !R'lnl ''«"d t f Fund of £0 34.4d. ; ti the General PurpcitB Pune» r¡r iT .*""*

Mr.JustiteDicKtNsoN hud been requested to iT*! ,i! ,'

log resolution. l«««.a to ewe the fojlo~.

"Thuttbo ropottjuit read be ndontcd nn,i i«"»,t

abstract of the t. ¿usurer'* actonn TboifflK8 "W|U> «w

amongst the membsrs." ' ltu ""* cltcolaieA

It needed no udvocacy on his pirl to pros» this resoluitT .

meeting, or to enforce upon them ei her its cintÎiï.»a °B tne

oes-lty. He took it for grunted tbn Mtô>cT««ï T, ," *.

the Socli-ty, ana it mu»l be plainte- thtni that rr « ,,Ict<:»uf Bucietyorofiti. e,fllcerrr ought to bo ¿ado kno«? tf i.,Ctuf lho _ or to that potlion of the public «ho wert hiu,«?, A . .^0 mn'i

ofihoBocloiy, in order \hut they Ä Sr»;''^

' themselves townide Hie Society. He wa* b< rrvTr,IT ?° ^'-a

tAi. restluüoi., that there «as no rtwjnfwanyUdutov*,?0^ fbr he wa» bound to eenfves, a moro uneilsf««,\rV rcm«t»i than the m ort which hadjuit-bfci. rea" wa«t,t-ir I,uocu,u,n« publlo meeting. It afforded but one consokriontmU'l. Ï ta,M? » the inlserublo picture of the state of the 8«ietv'»h c, ',' *«?' l,hat might induce »ndltionnl neal on tho part of tnosifriT '"Í^M.

supported it to greata,. and!determino hem",?0 bvaa

"everyone centributory to it, who appruveiilo- l-.mÏÏ..'0. mak. objects.- Thi-io wa» cue thing wiiishi _ô ¿udu!í,S V\kd nublí roport, which oortaisly was sotniwh« r2 Vrura ">.

it ga«r them some 'slight ' _$fot beS .^ ~

It «»',. ihut, hird as their ncUim, - ,W"«Sthero was at least sou.o little improvement on iii« .i.^'e ..1"*'

last year. Tue improvement was small,"«, w.» «ta Ä8' wiiflfor therbetttr; and as loi.goa thoy . Id noterahLTll",<>'&»<!« indulge in the hope to go forward. (II*" _£?rí^._.V Abt

turo of the colony had to come forward to úeílit iL ". L,C|ii,u

the clergy insenf. degree, but It had madï ,_ «,,'"Ä',?f

Bs,l,unço tb«t tho people should Bubscrtbe tqudlv w'kh ¿ii,1 Î preposcd to glve.^Mo could deeply sjmpathisoii-b tT.5; h,t " or tito olergy, and no doubt I hey ¿ere gcicrallv ree^i .'"î" even this movement of the Législature h.d"e"'bíS^Sl' f?« n nome 1. aunceu, where the private BUbicrít^onToir? i . ,d *, in amount the Government aid. It was u¿ÍXíiít« » !,u" accounted for in most eases by the scatt.^cd _n-ïe "r .f* "J" Í0 over which clerïTmen in this colony p.esided. Ü ¿_i, ÄSÄÄ the |.coplo lind nut much to give, end even if tlivwerî-im£,

couttlbute, elie orion was oilllcuu. When K^er ,h i ?.S was mudo known by tho publication of ihc C, ¿ ï1* '"'

would afford a sttong'inoltc'mcnt to every m mbe °of 'the offi.

to come forward and ourryout the Intention alíih» i "JT?0nh

and ihcflovernmentin efflW thatî?eSÎ?to tÄiter-VorÄS

hey stood bo much In need. Tnt-re wa» «ni. other ahú.íon í> .î"

iteport whlcl, _Bu,d«l them nu« ot o .rK.atuTutioi.Uïa°wÄ ,

they might khortiy cxHcot to hivo amonirst theoi ilwhiiTa . f W

Church. (Ue_r,i_.r«> It would be . N«Y«»taiSä".'** advantage to again uflfemoI. under their cplscopïS n^¿ of which they hau been but toolon«Tdipmed ' !¡ true that the ¡unctions of that lm^rlant office bad l»*nn!S n-alcuUy and ably p.rformed by ti\r Venerable aVmi«»^»

Cuiuberla»,.. But be wa. nure fh.tTC_.iXgÄ_?iS_!f .a» much aa any member of Uio C, urch, njouc UiftKiÄ' ; fjom tbo duties thus imposed on him, an surlender them l".i Ik

band, of tue legitimate head..,! the Church ah«« l.ThT ¡ »a* i ne other «u bj tot on w hieb he could congtatulate ib'e roeta?

It was, that HU txeellency the Gouruor-_*_ir«l ¿Vii InV& 1 man cordial spirit, eoueent«! tobecumc .heir, r.Biuent. (ChKi_î Wuen Uley . emernberod that His Excellences brutheï^ùl

BUIiop of the Chunh, of great eminenco tor bis learning ¿Wv an«lie«! andl\h.n they rcllected on the earnest ÄIÄ wtikb His Excellency had r.E-.rcd to the Church I. aî__r coony, of the high example be had eel and the careful cn#rî?.î ?« i i"Phf,eí,for "." l'roínu'lon o( religion, they could not rîLrd toe. highly the, value or his patTonabo and (S,,,,ort. (Chw,) Tho real object of thi. soc^iy, or ol _ny other "Vat design for the furthi-rau.o of the public good, was ihe obîaUing- of money. Ho was surry to rut this principle- forward lum plum a way, but li »as necessary he should do eo, in order that none misht hareni.y excuse for pretending not to understand what »ot were aasociated for. Tue real business then wa« to say how tua. aujootahould bo accomplished. He belle ved in the opinion first expressed ; ho oolieved by the Into- Bishop Brou(|htoii in itswct to »ooietica like this; that moro monty uilgxt be collected iia »umber of small subscriptions than hy a few emull ones. (Hear

hear.). Ills own expericm-o In the world had led Hut to the coal elusion thut most men desired to Bee their name» in print as em» tributor», but also wlnhcd to give the least possible amount of money lor the gratification. He thought it would boa wise lim to limit the reported list of nibtcriber« to those who sub oribed up. to a certain amount, and let those who wished to contribute leu and wno could only uffjrd lo-s, contribute privately. Many did. not Ilk» to seo tni-lr mu» 1 builb set down m juxu-posili-in with the larger amounts of their neighbours, tiiuuga ihoy would be willing.« contilbutc aa fur as their means would alio« thora. Ho

did hope and trust that tv. ry member of this Sooicty, oy morals . and examples, by contribution* and advice to othes to contribute would do their utmofit to pruvide fumín fur the -.ecint intUif! naneo of tho clergy, for tho building of ohurchcn, for icucols, end forsuppljlng Bibles to thoee who wire now »ituout theWorJ of God. if they did this the position of the so-ciety would Bi on bo changed and feeling this, he re; caled.'it was belter thai they ohould look the repi rt in lhe- face, gloomy though it was. and let it be circu.atcd is usual throu«h the bullio prof s. With thcte observations, ho begged io move tie resoiu:lon (Hear, bear.)

Th. Vonerab e. Arch luacon of>, in rl.lng to fécond the resolution ju,t proposed to thom, foil that e.e api eared letore them nt gnat disadvantage, but It was probable this was the lut time that he should uddrrst tin ut in hut pr.s-nt pojlilon. TI.« bon. mover of ihe resolution h id uilmlo i to u romark in the report rotativo to the advantages to be expected frcui the appointment of a Bishop to. the bca of e\dnuy. But it must ba remembered thït for the lust year or two there h id been a ti teat paucity of clergy, men in tbeiol ny. It hud pliosed DivlreProvide-ncetotaknaitay five, ami »e one by oi.u ho) fell off, it »ai Verj dilUuitto_y how tholr pkices wore, to bo fille I. But Divino t'ower and llivi.e Mi roy brought aid it wight hitvc been leant exj cctfd, aud the grlcvou» losses the) had experienced had bom mode up. It was, indeed, a matter of wonder thit so much dut) had been per-formed. They would thorny, howc\cr, he wn< glan to say, tafe their new Bishop, who would trlngout Mitti h.m ten clergj men, two Soripture readers, and two echtiolnuister?. These *.tiW, he trusted, stiiply all their want», and he ehould t» relieved from itie duties ca«.t upjn bim. Ho thanked God that, eu fur, he h d given him streng h to dlwliargo those duties lo the sail-faction of his own Ctiiiecicuce, and, kcuustcd, lo the glory of Goel and tho good of lil. Church -, t ut hu prayed for a «cve-n-fold bli seing on the Utitiop.nnd the bundol clergj he was bringing with him. With ruth uid, he hoped their next report wou'd be moro ti couraglng than ihe pre«, nt ene. There batt been no power hero to lucre ve the oik rgy to suppiv the places or those who bail bc.n taken u-a; hy the hand of God. Two young men h id taken r-rdcrs, but they wire ordained in another diocese, and wero cir.p'oje I lu the sotvioo ol tho Church lil that

dlaere«. Other« were widting for ordination, but he hid no . power to ordain them When the BUhr.p iirriievl, homier, with these young men and thoc'cig) he wu.-ibrin.ilig with bim, the Church would yet do well. Hu t-iwlcd this addition to the ministry of thu'Chuieh would mercase the 7eal and qutoien the inulllg nee of her niemur« ; that the attendance on the erdln"noi« of roligion, now often evaded m ímny excuso«, wou'd breenie moro rrgular and more unlvurial, and that thus a renovation, not a reformation, of the Church In this colony would be eft" ctcd, and that its member« would eontufrate more bountlfu'ly to it« support than they had hitherto done. It was true that tho clergy were rot sutilclently paid, but the Legislature had,'he ihousnt, suggested a planer which thtBuWanta might tx, gincetullj relhved. Ho believed, though the lost epeaier had töld ttcm, to tho coa.rary, for ih« moat part thi« suggestion had been liberally acte d on by the mem-ber« of the church. In many Instances, »ben £.5 was rco.aired, ii had been raised, and even double, ihe sum needed to eDiitictao clergyman to the Government aid ; £100, and even £150 toad net unfrequently been sub cilred. He bclit-vcd the pcopla of Now South Wales to be a generous peopic, and the) found in the last yent that the number ot scholars in their school» had ¡iicrpwed, and the fund« for school« had increased aise. W hen tho ihrop arrlvid, th«y might, perhaps, do more in this way. Ihey.mitat ha\e teachers who would intriduee u b tier syttcmof teichlrg than that at present employed. Alune ali, It would do muck for ihem to havo hi» Excelle noy fiequently omi ngst them. To sie bLn present with them on this oocunit>n, wa» a new feature in their meting«. It called to his minti tho time forty years «¿a, wain whatever was the object, rellg'on or charity, ho must be mun)«them, and presido over them. Now let them go on, with the hu)p of lil» Evccllci.or they would flourish, and itcry.num wita the blessing of the spirit of grace would learn to fear Dod, Lonour the King, anddoh'sdu'y io airmen. The venerable gei.Uem in, after praying for Vie outpouring of tho Spir.t of God on alllbeir tfforf,

aoncluded by seconding tUoreeolut.on,

'J ho tcnoltitlon wns put and passed unanimously.

Tho Rev. R. Ai.iavoo», then came forward, und was received ? with a hearty greeting. Iriso toniovo the following resoiuum .

" That this meeting beg« to record it» grateful acVn wte'gmcnt

of the valuable nsHstanoe which hoo been rendered W the ducese duringalong series ofjcais by ihe venerable pareut soc"ucs.

I reel peculiar BittU-fnotirn in recommending this retednlion ti your adoptlen, for having very lately returned from line-land, where I had frequent opportunities of attending mc meetings or the two «oei*»k*, I can bear tes-imony to the lively mu reel ex-pressed i ti all occmioni- by them tuward« our branch o- the ohuren in this distant lind. I need scarcely remind jou that Ibis inicie«. ha» not been limited to worde, it huH bi eu proved «"arirg a long «erics of year« by set» and deed» of Christina liberality, by a continnou» flow of occuulaty assistance», and «Id« cf varicus kind». Under the blessing of God, we owo our very oxb-teaee as a ohurca to their fostcring.carc. The g eater pan of the e ergy.ncn tuMislerlng among us, aro or have been nitesionarleí of thea c eocietles. Some or u» have bi cn assihtcd from their fund» in earning to tne.

colony ; other« aro partly supported by their contributions to tinsday. It would perhaps, be scarcely possible to arrive at the exuci amount of ths nstislattce they hove i.ifjrded, but 1 feel «.."irT that I am «peHklng within bound» when I say that dur ne the!/ year» in -ivhioh our late rovtrind Dloci sa« presided our this see. not les« then £50,000 wa» cititrlbuted by Ihem In their ctadearow« for the pr»m. tlon of Christian knowledge, mid the prooo, u.iua « thcGo»pel amongst ui. Not «e church w»s crtoted during ip« period^whioh did not received help from tholr fund»; so that »& we travol through tho country wherever wo find a coD¡¡reg¡iUou, assembled to wnuhlp God according O the pure filth und dew"' ordos of our Eng.lfh Ritual, lhere le a monument of ina totere» and,C1iil»U-ui8)inpathy felt brour bre bren churchmen in r.i«land towards ut- the memtx rs of the same hourehold r f f dtc¡inasstmtia. These I am euro vou will admit are reaisnawblettoau fbr our uohni v'cdginatit", and tbo cxprissloi t£ our grutnuoc. The large cmigrellon from Englund, and tho ruphity ^l"1 which her colonies aro being peopled in all parts of her dein »len,

any longer la tholr power to contribute ««liberally a»JMI"? hitherto done, ai-d as they would still desire to do, io. this diow*. Nor can wo In rciu-t.n expect that the-v should continue to ¡o tu. A» rtoward» of the iiirering» of the fuitliful for the PW«"1^,the Go«pel throughout the whole colo lol empire, it is their timj to enquire c-refutli whero the wants of the Church »re frreiiw». wheru ber members are least ub'e to provide for tbtmieives,i«j* there to give the helping haud. We are uo longtr a new co on*

we 1-nvo long p isscd the stage of cbi'dlinod. F om the ra|.i i i»>f provement» which aro going on urr-und us, and the m'l'"i,_ we il! h viflhlo in overy quart cr, whieh bus struck me very forciw csen aftt r a short absenoc of two year», I thouin »ay that w»

putting forth all the energies or an ictlvu and \igorcus *^»00"; Wo are prrt-pertng In a degree not "urpoire 1 bj any or toe*»*"" bers of the colonial empire, and J for one feel thit we <¡°¿°"u right to lock and dopend for assistance upou our pare»« m "?",'., we havo hitherto done; it «our uuty laihar to ;.o£eour ci«to a proper »cn»eof our responsibilities, and tocompctne' w» glory e>r Goda fair portion or that wealthwVoh «eh»» «T pleased to ontmit to <iur stewardship, al a trial of the »»«>"> L < f our faith and love tow irda Him I pSRy that Ile "«JJ?"

Into ihe Loarte "of U3 all to do our fUty in Uti« TV>l°\t*., «jqrtllug to ijur several ablUty, for wo aU kE"* W!VP ' '

that ha» said, " Them that honour mo I will honour." Xhcro Is another joint on whioh I will venturo to offer u few ob-servations, although not immediately oonuootnd with the resolu-tion bcroro us. It i« in regard to tho delay which tonk pine« in tho nppolut'iient of a successor to our Uto lamented Diocesan. Tho Bishop died in Februar!. 1853, and as It wns known, that I wasoa my way to England, and had li-en for minv jour» In tho colony, and much in his cortil lonco, It wai thought expedient thnt no appointment »hould take pluoo until the Soorctary for tho Colonies hidcoinmunloatid with me on tho subjrot of the »tato of our Church, (li my arrival, in June, I wailed, at hi» request, on tho Duke of Newcastle, who I fiund oxtrem'ly anxious and I finnit believe, actuated solo y hy tho wish to make »uoh an appointment as would t»n t to the spiri.uil welfiro of tho diocese. The result wa», th-it ho ileoldtd to olTar lim metropolitan chair to the Blshm of Now Zealand, the soi.lor of tho suffrugin bishops or AUKtrulla, who was expeo od, during tho couran of tho \ in Keginni. Ile, however, did not arrivo us«oon a» hu wa« looked for, and the see continued vaoaat until the end of May in tho fol-lowing vear, whin ho landed In Eng'nnd, and, to tho regret of many of hi* Mends, deolinod lo accept it. A few dar« after lils refusal, a chango took plaoo in tho Cotos ial Odlco, which . ooasloncd futther delay, and In about two months afterward» tho appoint-ment wns nffore 1 io, and accepted by, our present »jlshiip. I bnvo thought It rli;ht to make thi« «tatemont, becauso I flud a very gcnoral Impression on the minds of ohurchncn in tho colony, thu we havo mt been well treated, and t'.-ji-tho delny ha» boen occasioned by tho Indifference of tho-o In authority to the interest« our Church. I do not think that ibis can justly bo chirged ogaln>t them. At the same time, tho do'iiy occasioned, end the very serious inconvenience ro»uUlitg from it, shows more strongly than any argument» I o"in urge the necessity of freed im or action for our Church, and and tho evil« nttcndiint upon the Btalo of comparativo bond ige in which we arc liol 1, eubject to the worst Inconveniences attending mi es'abllshod ohuroh, whllo deprived of all the benefits of it. I wish not to bo misunderstood, lam iiotdoslioti» to see our ohuroh established by luw, but seeing thal it is not so established, I do desire, and olaim tho right, to havo tho same liberty for the Church In AuMrnlia, as is enjoyed by our brethren of other Chris' ian do-mraln i ion« ; the liberty to moot together and arrange onr cceleoinst.oal nrTalrs, w thout rcforerco to authorities at HOUO mile» dist mee, who, with all rc«peot to the high offices which they hold, dn.ot, and cannot possibly bo ns well acquainted with our wants, n« we who are on the spot, and aro lum« Hately atfeatcd by thrui. I llstrnod with much pleasure to that portion of ihe rcp.rt relating to tho nppolntinont of our new Bishop. I Brid, tao, that a résolu 1 n Is to bo in ivcd, expressing similar sontlmcnU. Now without wishing to infrlngo on tho duties of tho movor and seconder of that resolution, I hope I ahull bo pvdnaed, as I am, I behove, the only clergyman in the personally acquainted with the Bishop, If 1 take thl« opportunity to oxproM my thank-fulness that the choleo of a sticoosso- to our late Dloooaan ha» fal'cn upon on« who from the amenity of hi« disposition, hi» kind and einci.Wtlng ra inner, hi» holme«« of lifo and conversation, and the tiinvcrsnl rcspcot In which ho U held by men of all par-ties, promise» to ho a great blessing to the church over which ho has been called to presidí. Unless I am greatly deceived, wo shnll lind bim a spiritual hitler, whom wo shall nil love, a kind friend, and judicious ruler, whoso godly admonition» and counsels wo shall gladly ohoy. I will not trust myself to siy more on this subject, tor I will not lay rnyseir open to the chai-gcof paj nig court lo thus« In authority. Those who know mc know that this I- not a weakness whloh I am liable to full into. Thcro ure also other and deep rca'ons whleh iu this caso wool l oiTectually proicnt mc. Tho sentimont» of pro-found respi-ct, and love, und veneration which I cutcrialn f«r the momoryof my late beloved friend and diocesan a-o not to bo easily effaced at my lime of life by any now reeling», " Let'other» hall the rising sun, I bow before tho one that'« set" I have Offered these few remark» In reference to our new Bishop, though perhaps Irrelevant to tho ro«olution befure u», because I thl'.k that they may pns«lbly afford comfort to some carneat heart, who may ho trembling for the Ark of our Zion, during the great changes that arc taking piuco amongst us, and who mc naturally looking with deep anxiety for any informai ion respecting the character of one who, from his-high position, must necessarily exercise eo Important an inüucnco over the destinies or tho Church li this colony.

Mr. II. II. Bbownb felt quit» satisfied the resolution which had just been movud would bo p.iesed by acclamation. The preceding epatker had had an opportunity of witnessing the interest whioh the parent foclety had taken for many yearn past in the spiritual wcllaro of this colony. Ho had not enjoyed that opportunity, but ho had been acquainted with those who had taken a deep Inte-rest In the welfaro of the Diocesin Soolcty. and with them ho regretted thatsüfüolent funds were not available for tho purposes of thit 8oclely. Since tho discovery of gold the colony had increased both In population and in crime, hence a greater neces-sity existed for increased eplritual assist ince. But there was mm h difficulty In pr» curing adequate means of support for many of tbo clergymen In tho colony. Why nhould the pcrplo in tho mother country be allowod to support tho clergy of this colony when the colonists wero well ablo to support them tliimsolves Î Tho people wore well ablo to do so, and as n proof of the asser-tion ho need only to rofcr to tbo great patriotio movement. They bad only to put their shoulders to the wheel. Let those who had come forward bo nobly in aid of the widows and orphans now come forward to aid in meeting the spiritual necessities of the colony. Funds ought to bo raised. In order that ministers of roligion might be sent t) preach the gospel lu the distant'part» of tho interior, where there was on stated minister, no need hardly tell those present that in many portion-of the - colony the wotd*>f Goa was never preached, i'ho Sunday passed

from month to month-ena from year to yeai, without any regard tí Bum ay observances. The children wero untaught and «nbapiUcd. Vi hen a clergyman by chance passed through ihcir dlst.-ict he was hilled with acolamatlon, and honoured as a mluletcr of rrliglon. The sympathy shown towards him often made him regret parting from thoso alsiriuts, whero he w.s fully awaro the eei vices of a minister wero required. (Cheers.) We were well ablo to support our own parishes. Many had mado riohes, who two yoars ago thought they could n-ver acquire a sufficiency of the common necessaries of Hie. Such should give in pioportion to tho blessing whieh had been thus suddenly showered noon them. Perhaps It was his duty to allude to the thsn-B which were due to the parent society for tho Interest taken in our wollare. He hoped, however, that tbe next report of the Society will show that the suggestions which hld been thrown oat by preceding speakers had not fallon uiion the cars of tho<o present without that attontlon they eoscrved, and that subscrip-tions would be found adequate to meet th« wants of the clergy, and that ibo Si clcty at home would send more minister« of rellglo.i to enable us to carry on tho work of the ministry in every roi-pect as it ought to bo. (Cheers.)

CarTlcd unanimously.

Mr. C. Knur moved the third resolution.

" That the Society, under a painful Benne of the evil« of tho long vacancy of iho Bee, de.'ires to exprès» its thankfulness for the in-telligence which has been received of ihu cousi-crailou of Dr. Bar-ker, an second Mi-tropolltan Bishop of Sydnoj; with, the prayer that it may pirco God to prosper and barten him an hit way to

the (cone of his future labours.

He said tho first part of the resolution hod already boon spoken to by Mr. Allwood, and he had explained In some degree th« reston of the long «r.d painful vacnnoy lu thn So«. Nraily throo years would have elapsed from the time of tho departure of the late Bishop, and the arrival of the one anticipated. The naturafdeslro of all the frien-ls of tho chuich at home to placo the excellent and distinguished Bishop of Kew Zealand in the higher position of Metropolitan or Austrulia, accounted for a great portion of the del ly. No doubt the proper way to prcient such adelav in future, had been hluted at when free action was alluded to. ' That had al¿o bet n pointed out by the Duke of New-castle, whrn ho with propriety auld that tho doluy «as eau ed by the difficulty of getting a poiBoa in every way Butted and compe-tent to discharge th« requirements of his office; ho also said he thjuüht the timo hud arrived wln-n iho colonial fee should >o longer be filled by clcrgytr cn from ind. Although at one time both in rospect to ministers and laymen, the numbera wero small, siuh was not the caso now. Tho number of clergy had increased as well as the lay population, and tbcro wero many clergymen in the eolonv crninrnt for their piety and learning, andinevsry respe:t well qualified to fulfil so high and honoumblc a position. Tboro was no reason to «end out ti England for clcrgymsn to fill »n office of such importance at that of metropolitan, and he bcllovcd his Grace the Duke of Newcstlo wan of thit opinion, anti acted upon It when tho seo was proposed to tho Bishop of Now Zealand for his acceptance. But tbo bishop, taking all tho circumstances of tho case into consideration, declined its aecepuuen. He believed the Du-.e of Newcastle noted upon then imc suggestion t o when ho offered it to one of our colonial clergymen, hut that gentleman also thought it wa« not his duty toeiccept the ofilce, and therefore dci-lintd. The Bt-diop of Now Zoaland was «treiiithoi ed and confirmed in hiB o nvlction, that ho ought 1 ot to accept tills see on account of tho salary of hi« offlco having beeu sopped for political routons. He, no doubt, felt tint however the kindness ho had rcotived in thin colony might temp', him to accept tho invitatlen, he wctild not diBert the seo which had just been deprived of its salary. In that case, the seo of Niw Zealand, like that of Lyttleton, mlgbt have been left vacant altogether. Some or those prerent would, peí haps, remember the day on whioh tbey took leave of their lut« bishop. He stated his reasons for going homo ; and, no doubt, they would remember his address on that occasion, becauso it was one of such a nutmo that it was not likely Boon to he forgotten. One rcttion mentioned was the endenvtiu- to procure lor the Church in thiB.'1 colonies synoiical action-thit the colonial body should be uble to de for them-selves everything that was hicestary for the cm ryjng out of tho.«.o objects which they hud nt heart. (Cheers.) At prc-cnt, a atuto of things exitti d which could not continuo. Ho hoped nurong Ihe first considerations on the arrival of tbe Bishop fomo tort of unity of action would bo devised. It had been stated in the report that in some pirlshcs, although the Lcgltla'.uro have ptomlseel an equal amount to oertnln sums oubsorlbed by the congregations for the benefit of thoir pastors, oven the Biiinll eura of £25 had not . been subieribcd. If there had been, as most assuredly there ought

to have been, some united modo of aotlon, such a stale of things would hivo be*n prevented ( Hear, hear). With respeot to the In-telligence rrcclvi d respecting the new bishop, ho might spe ik his sentiments freely. It was n cuao for gratitude and heartfelt thankfulness that he.waa »[.oken of In such high terms. Dr. Bar-ker appeared always to have rttjncd In the hearts of thoie with whom he come In contact. In Liverpool he appeared to' have ob-tained tho tillo or Pacificator : he was looked upon by alleven by his aenlors-as an a.vlter, thai above till he bad acquired personal holinces, tho truo test of ministerial character, if wo really were grateful, that griitiludenhould bo shown by un endea-vour to work with him when ho arrived. If any fecliitg of dis-sension had oxlste.l among tho people, ho hoped it woulü bo "for-gotten and forgiven, und that whim the new bishop dil arrive, all would bttlrt with n full determination of assisting him as much as possible In the carrying out of the great work he had before lilm. Ho waa much struck on reading the report of a meeting ut Liverpool, nt which eighty clergymonmet to congratula o Dr. Barker on his appointment to these colo-nies, b/ a statement which waa made by Air. Campbell, tho reotor of Llveipool, he spuTeoof hin Lordship's o ming out to a country where the cross had never been raieed, auit wheietho na-aeof the Saviour lind never boen hesrd ; or, If it had been heard, it had been forgotten ! Allowing for enthusiasm, which might bo supposed to exist on such an occasion, he wa« surprised that a gentleman occupying such a position ia the city from which sailed our lied Jackets, Lightnings, and Maioj Poloi, should glvo utteranoito such a statement. It was altogether unpardonable. Ho could not huvcu'cd a strenger expresólo! if ho had referred to the centre of iho continent or Africa. Ko doubt there was groat rocm for mii-doiitry enlerpriye. There was In this city a large «count of apathy and among those who profeesed 11 bo Christians ; but surely It o mid not be thought that afterlmving - among us one « ho for fifty ) cars had been a minister of the Gos-

pel, nno-her v. ho had been ror thirty years eng igcd in tho Kimo work, and »evenil other« for a great noraber of your« ; wo knew nothing of the Go»pi4 of Chrlit. For more than half a century the ministry of the Church of Bngland hal bcon in exietenco In these colonies. We had about Blxiy clergymen,'among whom wero men diotingui-hed tor their piety as 1 attainments. It would bo itrango in.'ccd if the cross had never bcon ral ed, and if the name of the Saviour had never bien heard, exofpt by those who had forgottcu it. Hu tuought it was not improbable that Dr. Barker woull be the la*t biihop appointed to us from England. Aa the colony icorcaeed in number», the clergy would also morcase, an* moro force would be added to the observations of the Duke of Newcastle. It did not follow that If they were nllowed to select their own Bishop, thatlhev ahottld of necessity choose a colonial clergyman lu fill the post ; If th07 thought proper to do so, they coula send to England fur one. Certainly the appointment of a Blihop for tho colonies ought to bo left in tho haais of the coloJutti themsi Iven. (Heir, hear.) He sincerely agreed with the tatter portion of the resolution, and he hopid that all would pray

«od to biston the arrival or tbo Bishop, aul that his labours ia , wt* colony mUht bo b!o«Bed to the salvntlon of souls.

. Tho Uer, Canon Walsu secouded the resolution. In reference K> tho subject of delà/ in tho appointment of u bishop, he must say no was ono or those who felt the force of the proverb, " Hopo delerreil makoth the heart s-ck." The delay had boen characterised ey difficulties and perplexltio. He hud roa-on to be'luve, having Basra of hiB attainment«, virtues, and wiadom, that the new oishoj wouH prove to be tho man we wanted ; and he believed ho oui I ej i the o j ot of the eipeoUl prayers of the clergymen Jana «J'y throughout tho Church of England. Ho behoved those prayers would bo answered, and that God would «leo up to u» lu mai th.5 very man suited to the exlganoy of our cas?. . Wo wero to

I havo ono among u» who wa» not unaccustomed to rule_aot by

virtue of any office he hold, but by the force of the oharueter and personal Influence ho possessed In the mi. st of those among whom he had been plaoed. It wob with the greatest possible hope ho loosed forward to the friture. It had been «aid, somotlmea charily and »omotimes jocosely, that we ha 1 boon so long left to ourselves -sa long without a bishop, ihkt wo almost begin Ur-feol we could do without one But .tho fact of the caso proved it to bo othoiwlso. The greater the delay, ho more numerous tho, tliHlotiltlo«. Vo »ubstltato could cirry ou tho bu-lnes» of the diocese socffL-utually as lb» legitimate over-seer. Thoy required a guide and a director. Wo all knew how llttlo au nrmy could do unless properly commnuded. So It wa» with a dil c.-se. It was necessary that the people sh mid work In their rospectiv* spheres and loo illtic», but It wa» a «o m cesiary that mutual lovo and unity of notion should exist, and that, he hoped, would ho realized on the arrival of tho now bishop. Ho agreed with what had fallí ii from tho preoodlng speaker» in reference to freedom of self-iction In the colonial Church ; he was sati'flej, fro-n 17 jear»' experience, that no vital energy could be brought Into existenoo unless th »t en-rgy »prung fro» ina people themselves, and unie»» any Individual member of the church wu« made to foal that he had n direct litcrtat to her wslftroand tho management of horulf.lrs. (Heir, heir) Why wa» it there existed so littlo energy among ull olasaoi, oxeest a rew wh3 wore very fir en . lightened on the subject,-why was It ttmro wa» «o very llttlo ac-tivity-«o littlo regard for principles and so Utile xoal exhibited for the pr Jtootion of the rights of the ohu-oh. Bccauso the peoplo h»d no purtloular post assigned to thom. Unity of action was wanting. He bolicved nothing hid boon more mtsnndetitood than the Diocesan Society. Wo bid Instruments for carrying out all the purposes of the Gospel in tho ooloiy-or carrying Vt into the interior-the mean» of ereoting and improving sohools, the larger distribution of Bible», Frayor-bioka, and tracts, and by a 1 tho maohincry whloh other soolctles h»d adopted willi great »uccesj. It seemed to him that tho employment of oolporteurs was the only mean« of spreading the Gospel In the Interior. They had the mean» of doing Gad'« work la the variety of way» lu which it waa ordinarily done, but unity oí notion wa» wanting. He hoped from henceforth a spirit of union and concord would be called into existence, that the funds of the Sooiety would bo uugrtentcd, and that It» Influe ice and usefulness would be in-creased in a very satisf-iotory manner. He had great pleasure In

seconding the resolution and joining heartily in the prayer it


Unanimously carried.

The Rev. Mr. Hassall moved the noxt resolution, as follows :"That the following gentlemen-be elected members o'f the standing committee, io the room or those retiring under Rule IV.-Messrs. John Campbell, Churlos Nathan, Samuel Elyard, T. W. Jones, H. H. Browne."

At that late period of the night he would not detain the mooting with any observations, but merely movo 'tho resolution, in the hope that the proceedings or this evening would be attended with much real and permanent good.

Mr. W. Maoi-heuson seconded the motion, which was put and oarried unanimously.

Mr. Campdcll, M C, observod that although the operations or the Society were but few, and the number of the members almost equally so, yat it was desirible-and perhaps mote so on this account-that publicity should be given to its labours, and to all matters connected with Its suc-cessful progress. (Cheers.) It was for this reason that the Committee had determined, in accordance with the usual custom, to publish the annual sermon or the PI »cosan Society, w hloh wns delivered on iho previous day by the Rev. Mr. Vidal. Ho hoped this resolution would bo oarried sut, and that the clrculatlou of the sermon among tho member« of the society would c .atribute largely to their edification and spiritual Improvement. ( Hear, hear.) At that late hour ha would not ga Into all the tubjeat« that had boen brorohed, but he quite agreed with nil those who had spoken to the effect that the Society lud opened up many ohannels of Christian usefulness which hld not hitherto bena availed or. There wero many way« In which the Intercts of the Gospel could be furthered besides tho-e ordinarily employed by the Society. It was Impossible tint the la.ter could do tne whole of the work required to bo done-all tbrt it could do wa« to take the lead, and thus Induce the various parishes to join in tho good w ork, and to e -rry it out with a «plrit of cordial co-operation. The principal objects whloh the Society aimed at were tho proper payment of tho ministry, th« circulation or tho Bible, the establishment of school«, _.%, and tho creation or churches throughout'the length und breadth of the cjlony. Ttieso were most Important mutter«-matter« whloh could not fall to enlist the sympathies and interest of every well-wisher to tue Church. There were various ways In which assistance could bo rendered; and in this respect he wa« glad to sty the colony oould furn!»li soma praiseworthy example«: he alluded lu particular to the heque ithirig of money and property to the Church by departed friends. Ile hoped that this praelico would be adopted by many othor«, and that by the united efforts of tne clergy and laity, a gnat ltnpu so would in future be Imparted to the progrès» of Christianity throughout this hemis-phere. Ho waa persuaded that a great wlstano had been made in not calling upon the la ty to take a more aolive part than they had hitherto dono In tho affair« of the Church. DI id the members generally boen entrusted w it li that »bare of self-government to which they wore olearly and naturally entitled, the extraordinary delay In the appointment or a Bishop would not have taken place. Uc eould not attribute this delay io any other cause than that of in-difference on the p&rtoflheaulhorlties at home. Before concluding, he ollu led in complimentary terms to a worth) citizen who had boquoatbed some property to the Church at Pyrmont, and expressed ni» de.iire- thal others would go and do likewise. Tue resolution

which he had to move was a« follow» :

"That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Rev. Geo-gc Vidal, for his exe'lient sermon preaohed before the Society, and that he be requested to allow the same to be printod and appended

to tho report."

Mr John M'Kkkzik seconde] tho motion, and congratulated the meeting on the noble example which hi« Excellency the Govcrnor-Gcncial had ect them In condescending to preside ut tho meeting. It redounded greatly to hi» Excellcaoy'« credit, and gave much promise for the fu.uro of the Church la thi» colony. Let them profit by the occasion, and unite to Infuse fresh Ufo and vigour into the Society. Let them walvo all minor differ-ence« of opinion, and strive only to promoto the one great cause which they a'l had at heart.

The resolution wa» put and passed item. con.

On the motiou of the Venerable At chdeacoti Cowr-ER, his Excel-

lency left the chair, and Mr. Justice Dickinson took the same. '

The AHctiDKicoN thoa moved a vote of thanks to his Excellency for tho able and dignified manner lu which he had discharged tbu duties of chairman ; which hav og been.eecondcd by tho Rev. Mr. 11 ass ixl, was carried naiidsl loud and prolonged cheering.

Ii is ExcELLuscr, in ncknowlidglng the co npllment urged that he WU8 in no way specially entitled to it ; thai he carno tb< ic, not a« Governor-Geuerul, but »Imply a« a member of the Church of England, although, perhaps, an unaorlhy one. (Cheer».! Ho could assure them, moreover, that it was his faxe i determination to aid. In carrying out the object« of the society by every legitimate means in his power ; and with this view ha mould at all time» bo most happy to place hi« »e-ivioc» at their disposal. (Renewed chrcrs ) Ile must say that he was a little eurptlded to find In so large a town as this comparatively eo email a mi cling of members, although he had bcou Informed that this waa one of the largest meeting« ever held. He trusted that next year they would as-semble more cumorously, and this they might easily ao by exert-ing their influence on otner member« of the Church Itwa» with great willingness that he exproeed his concurrence in the view» which had been expreesed, a« to the neccseity and desirability of imparting to the i hurch here and in the other colonies the power of governing I self ; and in order to accomplish th « object he »hould be very glatl to co operate with the new Bishop whenever he might arrive. It wa« expedient that tho Suffragan Bishops of the other See-» should be consulted on the subject, in order that fomo general arrangement might bo cntored into enabling the Church to oxpcl utrulj member» and to transact other matter« pf local concernment, wuich li had not the pou cr to do at present. (Cheers.)

The meeting then separated. '