Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 7 February 1855, page 2

[From the Ncicipapcrs.)

The arrival of the Boomerang, in addition to the foregoing letter of our Corresponpent, puts us in pos-session of the Courier of the 27th and the Free Pfest

of the 30th ultimo, from which we copy the principal

articles of local interest.


Os the evening of Tuesday, the 16th ultimo, a dinner was given al the Sovereign lintel. North Brisbane, to Arthur Ho.igson, Ei-q.. ef Eton'Vale, Darling Downs,-by a number of gentlemen connecte!'with the agricultural, squatting, and mercantile in u rest« of Moreton Bay, Tnif flittering Ustlmonial of the respect in which Mr. Bodgeon is held hy a lurga and influential number of his fellow-colonist«, was offered to him on th« eve of hi» de-parture from ti» district on a viMt to Europe; and,as bring aloiokt the very la .1 act in which he participated previous to leaving, for a time, a place where, for the list fourteen or flrtnm years, al' career butti publie and private, bas been of the most active kind. It e<nnot fail bim redoubla his efforts to b» or service to a district which, whatever b'reafrer ra»y be it» political condition, is evidently destined at no distant period to ar-rive at a Wah drgrco of wealth and importance. A little before 8 o'clock, dinner was a wed. H. 8 Russell, Eeq , M.LC, octnpled the chair; and H. Hockley, Esq., J.P., tho vice chair. Tho oom. pany was numerous and highly influential, and all appeared to enter luto the »pint of. and to enjoy, the restive occasion, whjoh. as the rcpo-t rets forth, wi.» kept np *' until a late, or ratbi>r early hour, during which nothing occurred to tear the general harmony which allteemci to have oomeprcpared to maintain."

[ There was some p>oà spelluLy, many of the r.rtilríífeB being above the ordinary run it sftrr dinger speecht ». Worcerrot, how-ever, that waut of «pací compels ui'o leave out all the speech except thatof Ur.'JIodgson, In reply to the complimentary ad dr_i of the Chairman.}

Mr. Hodgson rose and «aid-Gentlemen, I thank you, I am deeply sentible of the bunour which at tai» moment .hu bees

. ein it ried upon me, and If anything cmld have enhanced the '

r leasurc I already i-ipe-icnce, it would have been the minlfcsta tiun of yuur feeling in responding to the toa«i proposed by your worthy chairman When I look around this table, when I took through the list of those who hare assembled to do hjnoar to me this evening, when I sec at this tab'« officers of the Army and NaTy, and gentle-men of every creed and caste in oom ncrec ana in politics, when I see around me all thoso who arc distinguished in this town, dis-trict, and neighbourhood, for wealth intellect, character, and pawer, met to convey to me this expression of their unfailing con tidi-nce, 1 may venture to expiéis my belief that 1 am not utterly unwoitoy of your regard. I am deeply sensible, gentlemen, that an exprcnion of opinion from un assembly like this, is important and valuibl« to me as a token, a publlo testimony of approval of my conduct, and of my »iuccre desire to advance, to the best Of my ability, the growing lntere»t» ot this all-important district of Moreton Bay during a period of fourteen years. Yes, in September, 1840, my partner at that time, the late Mr. Gilbert Elliot, and myself were the first squatters to visit Brisbane, then a penal settlement; and although we had been four months on the road from Maitland to the Downs with our stock, we brought here one month's later intelligence than had been previously received. This will give you some idea what an Ultima Thule Brisbane was in those days. I need not describe to you the great kindness and

hospitality which greeted us upon our arrival, and during our stay here; the whole of Brisbane turned out to look at us, and to pass their remarks on the newly-arrived "Jackeroos," as we were then called. Little dhl Itbcnlhini that in a few rhort years, on the banns of your Mae river, there should be upraised a town, unsurpassed in iis na ural bcautlei. and now numbering within it« . precinct» 4«K) inhabitant« ; little did 1 then , think that in so thort a time, wo should see convenient wharves occupied by Lngli'h marchant sh'ps, cap ici ms warehouses, fllUd with the fruits of Kngllth industry, and taking in return tbe Seeces that whiten our vast plains, growing on the tbep undiscovered and untracked downs of North Australia ; aod I mlaht ad i, little indeed did I then think that on this spot ÜVre should bo seen sucha l»r*c assembly as was this day gathered together of liritlsh citizens, of all ranks and classes and/or KUch a cause. Your chairman has been pleased to

allude to my exertions in this nii-trict. It is not my intention to ape humility, to humble myself that you shouli exalt me, but I fed that he has said far too much in my favour. Tun are aware that I am a squatter, one of those who have u-sistcd to »well tho e i port* of this di-trictby the growth of wool sod production of tallow, one of those who may bo called the pioneers of civilisation, and, as a reward, enjojing from the Crown a fourteen years' lease oi the land I discovered. A cry has been raised of late years against the squ .tiers from one end of tho colony to the other. We have been called squatting kings, squatting lorJs, ?slave drivers, land monopolists, enemies to the agricultural ínteres-, and ob<trooiionists to the improvement and development of the resource« of this vast con-tinent. In th1» district that flame has been recently fanned by that tall man ia black who came down one of ne chimneys in Brisbane in April last. A» UKO-. wita that revrrend gentleman, be endeavoured to stir up your bile, and pertuade you to wage war againit us ; but be »id not succeed. The kind demonstration this evening tell mo that he waa eminently uosuece*»ful. We are o-sentUl to one mother, and I hope there will alw*ys be a feeling of reciprocity between us; a feeling of cordiality between tue town'-people and the squatters. What should we be without yuur kiud assistance! What would you bo without our produce, »mourning now to nearly half a million rtcr'ing per annum I Let us grow up and flourish together. It is in the power of any one of you to become a squatter, the door is wide open to all. 1 know men. now the largest squatters on the Down«, who were a few years since, suickmcn, and shepherds. I may pos s bly be looked upon by many as a succ ssful rqualter. If I am, I have worked hard for it. Dutirg the first live years two thirds of my eapiul wa» lost ; curing the next rive years one third was regained, so that it is only during the last five years any «uioess bas attended my efforts ; und this is mainly owing to the extraordinary change which has come over this colony since the gold discovery, and ouniiqucntly the incieased value of stock and stations which, after all. may be only temporary. Weoccupy large tracts of ountry, it is true, but of what um is it in many instance» save for graxing purposes ! Take that tenmonee tract of country known BJ Dalling Downs, which feeds nearly one million of ahei'p, exclusive of cattle and horses. Who would bi mad enough to attempt cultivation there ! IfitwerepracUcnble, do you not thin'<c thst we would oaeaad all grow wheat for our own con-sumption! Dr. Lang talks of converting the Downs into a glori-ous cotton field, but I think he would make a glorious mistake if he attempted it. The late talented Sir George Gipps, in one of his squatting despatches, writes-" Al well might it be attempted to confiDe the Arabs of the Desert within a circle troced upon their sands, as to confine the graziers "r wool growers of Niw South Wales within any bounds that can be powibly as-signed to them, and as certainly as the Arabs wou'd be starved, so also would the fiYc»s and herds of New Sou h Wales if they wero confined, and the prosperity of the country be at an end.'' Sir George was no friend to the squatters, but ia penning this des-patch he only did us justice. A much more dangerous animal than a squatter, especially in a small community like thi», is u " land shark ;" you have had some of these animal» amongst you With that moeksty, for which I am so remarkable, I must say that squattcis, more particularly thone who risk their lives and capital in opening out a new country, deserve well of the community. Is it not the case that the graziers' property bis been, siur» the foundation of the co ony, expo'cd to every muuticn of the times, and has suf-fered more or less with the changing for une» ot the land ! Is it not notorious >hit more fortunes have been lost io ihia very pursuit than in any other which the colony poséesee- ! The re-ne-of the Land Sale» Act is at hand, and in all probability 1'a tnanagtmem will be h andr d over to the Colonial Government. Be it so. I am confident that a Moreton Bay Council will come- to a right détermination in the matter, uninfluenced but by feelings ef roulty and good faith. Yanr chairman has been kind enou.h

to give me credit for my activity as a magistrate, and my atU-ntioD to public improvements. Appointed to the commission of the peace at the early agc of twenty-one, it has always been my study to perform my magisterial functions with justice and impartiality, and without favour or affection. I can safely assert that the ho-nour of a J.P. has been with me no cmpiy babble. I have gene-rally been found at my post, and if my decisions und oonnnct bave not always given satisfaction, if (to which 1 mast plead guilty) occasional irrors bave been committed by me in the dtfohsrge of those duties, they have errors o the head and not of the heart, and I must be allowed to plead as my excu«e the well-known Latin proverb, " humanum eit errare." In regard to the UrayUn road, in which, ! from interested motives, I bave taken a warm interest, I would

wish to give credit »here credit is due. The work was Initiated by me, and a sum of £I8'0 expended, and 1 have bad some little trouble with the accounts and corresponaence. This is the summum bjnum of my exertions, and I never would nave com-menced this road had I not previously engaged the valuable ser-vices of Mr. T. B. Yate», TO his honest and indi fatigaMe exer-tions aid sound ptacticil experience the public are indebted tor s good road ever .a steep rrteunuin pass, ;or years considered Impracticable. It gives me pleasure to record my sen« of Mr. Yates' great ability for rjpai-making. Had I been silent, ami taken the cn dit of this «cork upon my own shoulders, I th uld have done a great injustice to bun, and he might have uuly exclaimed, with the puet of old,

"Eos ego versículo» feet, tulit aller honores."

In common with many ethers, I regret that the appointment of surveyor of roads in these districts was not conferred u;ioo Mr. Ya'is ; I will stake my exigence that you would now have hid a good bridge over Woogooroo Creek at a less coat than£i300!l and a good road frem here to Ipswich. I might be expected to say a few words with reference to the active part taken by me in the introduction of exiles three years ago. When in 1818 I left tbis colony for England, we were then worse off for labour than" art present. On the eve of my departure a public meeting was held in this town, and the lntrocuction of coolies ad-vocated and carried without a dhw-entlcut voice. The Moreton Sau Courier, with its usual consideration for me, drummea me oui of the district, with one of its good-numoured sqnibs. I ro member part of a sUnza in allusion to this meeting,

" When I come back to elsim the homage which was once minc, 1 hope to see the coolies all basking in the sunshine."

The coolies never cime because we could not get them, an Chinamen took their places. I went to England All my lettered from thl4 district complained of the want of labour. There was a mutiny at the Cape of Gard Hope ; the colo--ins refused to allow the exiles on board the Neptune to land ; it was referred home. I thonght it a good oppoitunity for us, to went to Downlng street, and saw Karl Urey. The result of my Interview ended in exiles being sent cut here, accompanUd with a double number of free immigiranu, and had it' not been for the discovery of gold, they would be coming now, and siparatlon from New Pomh Wales, under these conditions, would have been granted. The labour hu beenlCAttrtxu, as well as reparation, fora time, but clogged with such a condition, 1 am free to eunices,mat. In the altered oircumstances of the colony, we bave no cause to complain. I w iii not dwell upon the late election for Stanley, and my inglorious defcBt. My objict in coming forward was to keep out Dr. Long. You will give me credit fur tile-such was the object ot my ambition ; a seat in the Legislature war, two years ago, open to me without aconUst, and 1 could now walk over the course for Clarence and Darling Bowns. 1 nevrr would hvre come forward had Dr. Lang not ap-peared in tho field. Itis no pleasant subject- I will dismiss it from from my mind, and with it all ill fueling towards those politically opposed to me. One man, however, I never can forgive, the man who,'in the prcsenceofairo'hful witness, faithfully promised me bia vote and influence, and then, became I cordially supported un as-sociation for our common beni fit, with-lr-wbts support, broke his word, and, as it turned out lost mo rav election. My kind friend baa made many touching allusions to the past, but he bus .forgotten one touching incident of my early life, and one that be ought to have remembered. Ile has not told you. gentlemen, that I who introduced a wife into the WIUB of Austra-lia. I am al a lo-s to understand how it is that he, who has fir some years been backing in the sunshine of matrimony, should have tor Sotten thl;. I look upon this as the crown!' g event of my short

fe, the mort fortunate tho most happy, and perhaps the most imondent hit I ever made. Female society has naturally had its influence, it has created a very proper ond necessary change in our life end manners, it has softened the hardship« of a pastoral life, and tbeh'ppleat homes in Australia may invariably bo found among those over which a lady presides, and the mo.-t contented and the most prosperous. Squatters may be ranked amongst those who, in woman's love have found a balm for disappointment, and the noblmt stimulus to exertion. At the risk of being considered egoiistlci!, I have, gentlemen, alluded to my past history, and I should like to say a few words relative to the future. The two principal objects which will engross my atteniion in England will be sepa-ration and immigration. The kind expression of your confidence thit evening, will cheer me on to renewed exertions and arm mc with authority which csnnot fall to be most useful to me in high ?iuar(ers I have lived amongst you.longcnooghto know and

«el that separation from New South Wales Is considered by all classes in the Northern Districts a* no imaginary boon. I entirely ' agree with this opinion. There is no Stanley election now in the distance, no political ohaln new round my neck. I arti addressing friend« who will give me credit for tlncerity, and in a few short months it shall he put to the test. With u population ia these

ulstricteof nearly 20,000, sheep to die amount of 3,000,003, cattlo and horses 300,000, and annual cxporu tei the amount of half a million, with a large and spacious harbour, a noble river navigablo for 70 mile», with a numerous and industrious population settled on its banks, I agree with you that we are fully rlpo for separation, and that the ad-vantage» of local government would at once tend to ino rapid development of our resource» which, hitherto, from a variety of causes, has been so much impeded, and in carrying put separation, I express a hope that ibu same free institution» may bo onceded us, which have boeu grauted to our southern neigh-bours. Will you allow mo to express another hope, that I may be honoured with a »eat in tne first Moreton Bay Legislature. I wish during my visit to England to improve myself, so thut on my re-turn dinougst you I uiay become inoro ueeful ; my thoughts for so many years bavo bera so much occupied with wool and tallow, cattle and sheep, that I feel my mind bas grown fallow. I lone, therefore, to ex .end my i dca« beyond the slip rails of my own paddock, tomb off some of the rust which has been and enlarge my njind and ideas, in contemplating tha lnoiua^ng wonder» of my tUiive land. Had separation brea sooner granted, 1 am not prepared to say that wo might not have boen involveel in financial AfiScaltlc» : but now, with an ample and increasing revenue, the probability of such a calamity ii entirely removed. Ve demand, and have a right to exprct, the control of our revenuo ; we no longer are anxiou« to be linked to an absentee GoverDînent, and have our iutercits overlooked and neglected. We shculd lue to have a ?mall voice in the numerous Government appointments ; in fact, w« ar» anxious to take oare of oartclvrs, and no longer look ui.on Sydney as our wet nun*. It is »ot my whb, to find fault with trtt>»o «eLtlet-.n holdiug at tne pie«ont time appointment; nndir the, Crown in tbesri district». It I» generally admitted that they haro been well selector, and the work well done. If not Invidlcuv I, would allude to oui appointment wbich, ha» been * peculiarly nappy, of ouf worthy Govtrnment-ltesident,' who,

daring twelve year», has administered the duties as head of the Government here, with tact, ability, moderation, and »tiict impar-tiality. Hu present position, as cooa as responsible Govern-ment is granted to us, may probably be lost to htm, but I would

Tenture to vaticinate that it would be as quickly restored to him, and although I mention the Gorernment-ltcsidcnt as the principal personage here, I am not singular in expressing ah opinion that there are many other gentlemen holding appointment» here, who would be a credit to any cMony, and wbo»e »trUce* will again bo cheerfully cal'cd into requimt on. On every fatourableopp-rtunity I will use my humble enueavKurs tooxpedlteseptratioc,convincea that there is a future before us powerful in all plenitude of pros-perity, if we choo"0 to look forward to It ; but as long a-, we arc chained hand and foot to u bydncy Gu\ crament and hydney in-fluence, as long as the proceeds of our land sales and custom's duties und to relieve the pressing wants of the nydncy Treasurj, as long a* wi are in connection with a colony, whose Immigration lund is £100,000 In debt, just so long, gentlemen, shall we con-tinue cramped and powc Its«, and unable to keep pace with the rapid «iTirle* which are now being made In all parts of the civilised world I fear, gentlemen, thal you find me tedious, but I must say a few wor 's on the subject of immigration, and will promi-e »st to detain you long \\e cannot »hut our ey's to the scarcit) of labour, not only in these districts, but throughout the colonr, and »c mutt look to England and Germany for relief. As I am no German nholar, although well disposed toward» German immigration, I must be content to limit the field of my operations to ttgl'nd V* hen, in 181a. I visited that country, I was not altogether idle, but employed «omi- part of my lime in giving lectures, and pointing out to the working classes the ad-vantages which this colonv held out to them. It has been said that I was paid for these lec'ure», but this is untrue, only in three instanoei my actual travelling oxpeneeawere defrayed, on other cccasions my own purse snfHccd, and being then only a " poor iqu»ttcr," and in debt, my operations wore ncce»*arl!y limited for want of funds. This, I maj hope, will not bo the ca»o agMn, as It Is my intention to renew roy exertion» for our foromon benefit, and my amueement I al«> made myself rather active as a member of the Colonization Society in London, formed in 1813, and supported by noblemen and gentlemen of influence, to encourage aad a-sist Immigration to Au tralla on a more systematic and extended scale. This waa eiToted by a division of the expense ; part wa» defrayed by the emigrant, part hy his friends or those who to k an interest in him, pirt by the society, and part by her Majesty's Emigration Cora mitslonsr«, from colonial funds at their disposal, The society thus enabled many thousand persons to proceed to Australia nt reduced rate», valuable colonists, but at the time ineligible under the Government regulations The Rev Dr Lang was anxious U have joined u«, and took an active part lu ths preliminary meetings, bul his name being omitted from the committee, he left us, abu>ed us, and attempted to form a company of hi» own creation and his own imagination, "Tbo Cork's Land Colonization Cimpany," of glorious memory and unenvia le notoriety. It has frequently been my pcasnrc to bring under Îour notice the Land and Immigration Deprsit Regulation» of

une, 1352, which I regret have not been more extensively taken advantage of. Whrihei th-so regulations are now In advance it is difficult to B»y. Under them I introduced six yaun g men in August list, in the ship Monsoon, but was astonished to fl>.<! that I was called opon by the Government to pay the sum of £12 per head under the Assisted Immigrants' Act, although in the Pas-sage Certificate Deposit it la distinctly stited that the Colonial Land and Emigration Com_issk.ners shall furnish a pas>aire In the steerage, as »oin as tarir arrangements will admit, to the

person* named, provided they are cllginl« in ellrrspecU or free < passages, under the Utcst regulations published in the colony at the time of th» nomination being made. My nomination was made in November, 1853, when these regulations were in full operation. On tho Sih September last I communicated

with the Government, complaining of such an I

i cxuction, and received in answer a formal acknow-

ledgment. I wrote again in November, 23th, and re-quested an explicit answer. On December 15th, I am informed tait his Excellency the Governor-General has called upon the Im-migration A »em In Sydney, to "expedite" his report. After a lapse of four months this report i» to he "expedited." This little incident affords us, in my opinion, another sound argument iu favour of Separation, for surely, with a local Government, a delay of four months would be unnecessary to obtain on answer to such asimple qucstiun. The failure of the proposed Moreton Bay Land Immi-gration Company (which, under gojd management and in good hand«, would be a boon to the district), is to be attributed to tho gratuitous language of Mr. Parkes, when seconding the second reading of the Mill in Council. That gentle.nan had the asi-uranoe to Uli the Qou'c that " lhere wss one consideration whiob ought to weigh with the Council and induce thrm to pass the Bill ; it was this, the honourable and reverend Member for fJtanlcy had expressed his willingness to act as agent for the Company in the United Kingdom If the manure pas ed and the appointai' nt were offered to him." This remark waa received as it ought to have been, with ironical cheers and laughter ¡ and, upon the question being put, the Bill was thrown out. Long and

his tail mustered strong, but the Government officers to a man | voted against the Bill, probably having visions of "Tho Cook's L'ind Colonization Company" before them. Dr. Lang ought, on

this occasion, te appear as chief mourner, with his friends Cow- | per and Parkes as mules, and surely the promoters and supporteT of this Bill in this district could not have committed a more suici-dal act thon allowing thatrererend gentleman's name to be intro-duced into It-« operaUons. Thank God ! this district has been savci the indelibe disgrace, which it would have otherwise in-curred, had (uch a mon gone to England as the Immigration Agent, and chosen representativo of. Moreton Bay. Mr. Parkes very kiudly stopped hisp»s»aga money. Do you renumber Dr. Lang's words when be paid yon that dUluterested visit in April lost I -Do you remember that, with re-ference to this Bill, he exclaimed that ire might Cto the right and he would keep to the left.

t us send him to the rig'it about. Let us give our suspott to a Bill which would enhance our common good, bul exclude our common enemy-Lang. I need nut remind rou that " Union is sticnath," ona that a "Hoare divided against Itself cannot but fall." Our community is far too small to admit of any disunion, and I trust far too loyal to re-admit into its councils such a di« loral, republican, priest, as the ma« who now misrepresents the county of Stanley. It was truly said by a friend of minc, on a recent feetive occasion at Drayton, "be 1' a blot upon the escutcheon of the northern dlitricts." Da not let us allow Dr. Lang, or any one else, to interpose a knife between the wood and the bark. Let us combine, let us pull together, and despise all efforts to dlr.anl e and splinter us into fragment-, and, believing that you do not desplre such honest counsel, I tike my leave of y> u for a time, ann wish you, with all my heart, " God speed." AS long as I lire this day will nev.r be forgotten by mc Years will roll on, and if my life Is spared, I may hope to Uve to seo the dir when Brisbane, a« the capital of the northern districts of Aus-

tralia, will shine as one of the brightest jewels in the British


Mr. Hodgson sat down amidst onthaslastlo applause, and after a

little time again rose, and in a short speech, proposed " .Prosperity

lo the town of Brisbane."

THE IMMIGRANTS PER WILLIAM MYLES. - Allthe immigrants by this vessel were brought up from the Bay by the steamer City of Melbourne, on Saturday evening. The despatch used in this case is highly to be commended, and does credit to all concerned. The immigrants in number are 402; made up of 62 married couples, 146 single men, 39 women, and 94 children. Two adults and one infant died during the passage, and there were six 'births. The follow ing is a list of the mechanics with their trades. Masons II : joiners, l8 ; miners, 9 ; wheelwright, 1 ; tilemaker, 1 ; slaters, 2 , cartwrights, 3 ; blacksmiths, 7 ; bricklayers, 5 ; coopers, 2 ; brickmaker, I; baker, 1. The hiring of the immi-grants went briskly forward during yesterday, and it is likely that they will soon be engaged, as they are a very useful looking set of people. They have come out under the Assisted Immi-grants Act. Intelligence has been received that another vessel with immigrants for this place was to leave in about seven weeks

after the William Myles.

Affray with Hostile Blacks.-We have heard some particu lara of a hostile encounter between the Native Police under Lieu-tenant Walker, and a party of aboriginal blacks in the Port Cur-tis district. It appears that the Lieutenant, having received in-formation of depredations committed by the blacks at a station some distance off, went in pursuit, but during one night's en campment the police horses were driven off by the hostile blacks. The police pursued the marauders on foot, and having overtaken them, a collision ensued, in which, after the aggressors had sus-tained severe punishment, and the police had exhausted their am-munition, the horces were recovered. We have not heard whe-ther any prisoners were taken.

LEICHHARDT.- A short time ago we copied from our local con-temporary a letter, in which it waa stated that some horse* had been found running wild in the L ichbardt d strict, and that there WOB reason to believe them to have formed part of the equipment of the tnUsing explorer, DT. LudwU Lcichnoidt. We now leam that tho brand* on thrse horste having been identified as belonging to Mr. Dangar, from whom Leichhardt puicbund hors's for his last expedition.

There is thus at least Borne clue to to the fate of the long lost tra-


HALE or HOUSE STOCK.-Mr. A'ford sold by »uoUon, at his re-pository. North Bri'baue, nn the 17 th ultimo, 28 head of horse« of the Plrkdale stud :-3, at £9 ; 4. at £0 10s ; 1, ut £10 ; 4. st £11 ; 8, at £11; 1, »t£13 ll's ; 2. at £lfi ; I, at £15 10s; l,at£lß; 3, at £i7 ; 1, at £18 ; 1, at £21 : 1, at £23 ; 1, at £26 j 1, at £30 ; consisting of 1, 2, »nd 3 year old colts and fillies, ann mares, un broker, a>eruging about £14 5a per head. Likewise a heavy draught horse, bred on the Clarence Rlvtr, for SX, I] and eight other bornes, averaging from £16 to £28 10s.

APPOINTMENTS.-An wo st »ted likely some timo ago, Mr. W. A. Wileman has been appointed Commisrinner of Crown Lands for the Leichhardt district. Mr. William Eneas Moncrlof takes the post of Clerk of Pe'ty Session« nt Drayton

POSTAL A anA-voitMEXTS.-Accc ding to he new arrangements for the carriage of tne ovtrland mall, there are now two arrivals and departures weekly. Mt., on Mm ays and Paturdeys. It appears to ns that the arranncmo^t would have been much more convenient if the days of arrival had been further removed feom each other-say one on Wednesday and one on Saturday ; and provision should have been made for 'wo mills weekly from Sydney to Brisbane. At ptcsent, although mails leave th'stown twico a week for Sydney, we only got one return Sydney m il. The following are the lime bills, under the new arrangement. A letter pontea at BrlFbancat 8 a.m., on Miradav, will arrive at Ipswich at 1, on Monday. Warwick 6pm, Tuesday, tenter-field 11 a m., Thursday, Armidale 7 p.m., Saturday, Tumw nh 11 a.un., Tuesday, Munurundi I pm., Wednesday, Scone 8 pro.. Wednesday, Single on 12 noon, Thursday, and Syiincy on Frida twehe days from Brisbane toßjdncy, Including the days of posting and ni rival. A letter posf à at Brisbane 1 J p m., on Tuesday, will arrive at Ipsw ch at 7 p.m. on Taesilay, Drayton 3 pm. Wednesday, Warwick 8 p.m. Saturday, Tenterfield 10 a.m. Monday, Aruii ale 7 p.m. Wednesday. Tamworth ll^a.m. Friday, Murrurundi 1 p.m. Situ rd ty, Scono 8 p.m. Saturday, Singleton 12 no»'», Bundar, and at Sydney on Monday -fourteen days from Brisbane to Sydney, Inelu Ung the days of posting und arrivil. A letter pasted at Sydney on Saturday for Brishanp, «ill leave J2a«t Maitland ut I p.m , on Sunday, Single-ton, 3 am Monday, Ha me 1}¿ p.m. Monday, Murrurundi 4 ji.ra , Tuced»y, Tamworth 4 n.m. Wedne.dav, Armidale 6 a m. Thurs-day Glen Inne« 5 a.m. Triday, Tenterfield « n m. Saturday, War-wick 11 p.m. Sunday, Ipsttkh 4 pm. Monday, and at brisbane at 6 o.m , Munday-ten daj-j from Sydney to Brisbane, including the da ja of posting and ai rival.

AN IUGBSIOES auuor.sTioí«.-OUT Windmi'l reporter says, "It has been lound that the custom of'k-ocklngdown' toasts at publlo dinners Is highly injurious to hntol rurnlture. Polished tables, sideboards, and even the rucks of chairs, »offer severely from the outrageous as ault« of enthusiastic gentlemen, who utter the »condor third bottle of champas n<>, attack tho*e piece« of furniture most fu iously wiih the hard lvorj hand'es of knives and forks, after every toast that is drunk and every speech thai is deli veicd. To remedy this evil an ingenian» innkeep r ha» proposed that a pair of bones, sim lar to those in use hy the sable ' Bones ' of tho Ethiopian Serenaders shall be plaocd on the right hand of each guett, to bo ra'tied In the artistic, manner between1 the fingers, whenever applau«e is intended. Thlsim prnvinemt, If properly carried out, will save many valuable cedar and mahuvany tables, ami hi the mean« of extending musical skill In a brauch of the art but little cultivated ; and the value of I sheepshanks may be expected to take a sudden rise in he- mar [ ket." '

CORON MI'S I.NQVUT -An Inquest was held in the gaol on Mon-day last, before Dr. Cannan, Coroner for the district upon tho body of Mr. Daniel Peterson, who bad died tbrre the proceeding evening. It will be remembered that this unfortu-aui man was awaiting examination before the magis-trate e, on a charge of shooting at and wounding hi» wife, a ter

wh ci he Inflicted» elecp ga»h upon his own throat. On Sunday, evening' he was taken with a vomltlngnf blood, and soon after the arrival of Dr. Cannan he died. Dr. Barton made a putt mortem examination of the body, from wbioh it appear» that tue cause of death wa» dcoease of tho stomach and langs, brought about by in Umperánce, and the jury returned a verdict accordl ely.

Cestón» Dp.rART5iEST.-By the last steamer Mr. William Thornton, Tide surveyor of Customs at Moreton Bay, returned to resume the duties of his onlce, after two years' absence on leave \w Europe. The numerous friends of Mr. Thornton will be glad to learn that he Is rather improved than otherwise in apparent

health, by ,0,1» ab*ence,< Mr.'.Shtrid-i, we believe, return» to Syd-


I_HD 8iLB-The following suburban lots ef land were «old hy public auction, at the folleo Office, Brisbane, on Tuesday, the 16th Instant :-Allotment S, 36 perche», in South Brisbane, purchased by M. 61avin fur £34 ; 11,2 rood! 16 percho», Bandgate,

C. Wiadmell, £7 : 1, 2 rood», ditto, ditto, £10 S«; 3, 2 rood», ditto, ditto, £8 5»; J, 2 rood», ditto, ditto, £18 5s: 4, 2 rood», ditto, ditto, £15 15s} J, 2 roods, ditto, T. Grenier, £7 ¡ 6. 3 rood», ditto, W. A. Brown, JB6 ; 15, 2 rocas, ditto. D. Long-lind, £« ; 19, 2 rood», * ditto, D. Wilson, £6 is ; 20, % roods, ditto, T. Grenier, £f ; 48, 7 acres S roods 8 per-ches. South Brisbane, no offer ¡ 4». 10 acre» I rood 28 perches, ditto, J. P. Wilkie, £16 Is 3d ¡/'50, 7 acre» 1 rood 6 perches, ditto, W. Coombes, £18 4s 51: 51, 8 acres S roods 6 pe-rchts, ditto, D Wiison, £17 13s; 52, 6 acre», ditto, J Scanlan, £1» ; 53, 5 acrei 2 roods 12 pe-tchc», ditto, C Wlndmcll, £17 0» Id ; 51, 5 acre» 2 rooda 8 porches, ditto, ditto, £22 <» ; 55, 1 acres 82 perches, citto, no offer; 58, 4 acres 32 perches, ditto, R, E. Dix, £12 VU ; 57, 4 acres 38 perches, ditto, ditto, £12 14s 3d ; 58, 2 acres 2 roods 6 perches, ditto, O. BnaJklns, £13 10s 2d ; 59, 3 tere» 1 rood«, ditto, W. A. Brown, £10 10»; 60, 5 acres 21 perche», ditto, M. Walmsley. £48 9» 0d i 01, 4 acres 8 perches, ditto, J. Smith £501 _ 6d ; b2, 3 »cres 24 perches, ditto, M, Widinsley, £78 15s; 63, 3 acre* 3 perches, ditto, Charle« Fox, £14 6» lOd; 64, 2 acres 1 rood 3 perches, ditto.'V. A. Brown, £iH6s 21 ; 05, 2 nero?, ditto, ditto, £6 ; 66, 2 acre» 1 rood 24 perche», ditto, J. Thom'on, £7 10«; 67, Î aorc» 1 rood 24 pc eke», ditto, A. J. Hocking», £7 4a ; C8, 2 acre» ditto ditto, £6 ; 6», 5 aorcs, ditto, T. Grenier, £12 10s; 7", 5 acres, ditto, J. David-son, £UI0*; 71, 0 acres 1 rood 8 perches, ditto, no offer; 73, 5 acres 1 rood 4 perche», ditto, no offer; 73, 6 acres 24 perche», ditto, no offer; 74. Sacre», ditto, J Davidson, £|2 10»; 75, 5 »cres, ditto. A. J. Hooking«. £W 10« ; 76,6 acre» 24 perches, ditto, no ofiW ; i 7, 6 acre* 74 percher, ditto, no offer ; 78, 5 acres, ultu, J. Collin», £12 10.; 79, 3 acre» 2 rood« 36 perches, di'to, W. Wood-man, £12 3a 6d ; 80, 4 acres 1 rood 26 perches, ditto, no offer ; 81. 6 acre» 3 roods 16 perches, ditto, no offer ; 82, 6 acres 2 rooda 16 perches, ditto, no offer ; 83, 7 acre« 2 roods 17 perches, ditto, H. C. Ma»ier, £36 2a 7d; 84, 9torts II perches, ditto, J. Innes, £31 19. 3d; 85. 7 acre» 3 perches, ditto, U. C. Master, £27 2» 6d ; 66, B acres 1 rood 16 perches, ditto, J. Collins, £10 17 6d ; 5, 5 acres, parish of Toombul, J. J. Perry and W. A. Brown, £70 ;

total., £756 8s 9d.

The effect of Dundalli's "Last Words." - We learn, from gentleman intimately acqu-ainted with the habits of blacks and who has instituted numerous and strict enquiries into the present case, that the purport of the words addressed by Dundalli from the scaffold, just before his execution, to his countrymen, on the opposite heights, was an invocation to his brethren to avenge him on those blacks by whom his apprehension had been affected. Our informant has ascertained, to his own satisfaction at least, from the examination of various blacks, and particularly of two old black gins, that the consequence of Dundalli's last appeal has been the murder of. three aboriginals at tbe camp, lately frequented by the blacks, near Breakfast Creek, in satisfaction of his dying wish. We are of course unable to vouch for the truth of this story, and the testimony of blacks, in any case, most of all in a case of this kind, is not entitled to much weight, but the circumstances as described are by no means improbable in themselves, and if Dundalli expressed such a wish as that imputed to him, and it is generally agreed that if he did the members of his tribe might consider it an im-perative duty to carry it out. The entertainment of such a feeling by one in his position was by no means unnatural ; indeed, we once listened to something very much akin to it from a white man in similar awful circumstance, only in the case of the white it was not quite of so ferocious a character. Dundalli was, no doubt, guided by the sanguine y and savage code of the bush, and according to that lex non scripta the certainty of being speedily revenged would very likely soften the horrors of his own disgraceful end.

PRIVATE EXECUTION».-We understand that Mr. Feeney, the Governorof the Brisbane Gaol, has receive in the last mall, an official communication requesting him to transmit an account of the alterations that will be necessary for providing for the private execution of criminals within the walls of the gaol, in terms of the Act passed during the last session of the Legislative Council.

IPSWICH - The Masters and Servants Act - On Wednesday, the 17th Ultimo, a case of a somewhat remarkable nature, under this Act, which had previously been postponed, came in for hear-ing, before the Bench of Magistrates at the Police Court. The prosecutor was Lieutenant P. D. Vigors, the defendant a number of his workmen. On this occasion the special charge preferred against them was " disobedience to orders." There were present on the Bench Colonel Gray, Mr. Leith Hay, Mi. Pollet Cardew, and Mr. Alfred Sandeman, Colonel Gray stated, that he had received a letter from the llominh clergyman, which placed the case for the prosecution In the light of a persecution of the Catholics, and he accordingly declined to preside. The Court was crowded. The facts elicited during the evidence for the prosecution may be briefly summed np as fol-low» :-The Catholic clergyman had announced to his congrega-tion from the pulpit that the day of the Epiphany, Saturday, the 5th instant, would be a holy day, and that the church forbade their engaging in any servile work, and also commanded their attendance on public worship on that day. The overseer told Lieutenant Vigors of this »orne d>ys previously. Lieutenant Vigor» bade him miko enquiries about tho town, and seo if it wa» a general holiday, saying «hit in that coso he would spare the men from their work, otherwise he would not. This enquiry the overseer neglccttd to make. But Lieutenant Vigor» made the Inquiry of " several Inhabitants," from all of whom ha received an answer In the negative. He then, on some occasion not specified, told the over-seer that he was aware that service was performed In the English church on that d»y, and that If the workmen liked they might attend prayers, provided they carno b-K to work. They refus.-d to promise to come, giving as a reason that it was a holi lay of their church. Lieutenant Vigors then rcpor ed the caw to the Po ice Magistrate. The decision of the Benth was, that each of tb« defendants be fined 10»., with costs, which were "mitigated," on account of .. having been very ill advised," and in defau't a week In the cell«." Mr. Sandcman.l h «Hviag judgment, observed that,-" It would set a very bad precedent for the Court to permit workmen to set apart holiday» for themselves in to the commands of, their church."