Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 26 January 1854, page 2


Adventures in Australia in 1852 and 1853 By the Reverend

H. BERKELEY JONES, M A , late Curate of Belgrave Chapel Published by Bentley

THE adventures of Mr. Jones in Australia were limited to some excursions in the Moreton Bay district, and a residence at Sydney. His volume, how-ever, is a fresh, readable, informing, and portrait-like account of the country and the people, especially the emigrants For these qualities the author is indebted to his own nature, which is quick, observing, and more cultivated than that of many colonial explorers, as well as to his profession as a clergyman, which gave him a subject for inquiry in the religious and educational state of the colony. Another source of the interest in Mr. Jones's book arises from the

writer's position, he was professionally attached to the Government emigration-ship the Maria Soames, which brought him into close connexion with the emigrants on the voyage, and some of them were not lost sight of in the colony.

Of the management of his own ship Mr. Jones speaks in high terms, and he considers that the other vessels are now properly superintended , but emi-grants are sometimes shipped to the wrong place,thus the Maria Soames carried out a man to the Brisbane, who applied to be sent to Swan River The behaviour of the emi-grants on board was good, their conduct on arriv-ing not so laudable. They had indulged in specula- lions absurdly high as regarded wages and their own accomplishments. In fact, the emigrants generally are very far from the best of their class at home, persons whom their parish, or whatever the relation may be, wish to get rid of. This was a sample from

the Irish portion of his flock.

"Not only do they ask the most preposterous rate of wages, but undertake what they are profoundly ignorant of . .

" This unfitness the residents complained of loudly, and really most justly. One Irish girl has engaged herself as a general house-servant, to cook and wash being her principal occupations. She had not the slightest idea of either. Where she had lived we know not, but she barely knew how to boil potatoes, and could not read the clock. The bread she made might have been used to bombard Gibraltar, for harder could not have been com-pounded for cannon-balls She dressed one day a fowl, which appeared as if it had expired by some horrid torture, or else had been attacked by convulsions of the most malignant kind, and died in a state of rigid collapse, its legs and wings sticking out in all directions yet this young woman was hired at the rate of sixteen pounds per annum. The writer had also a specimen of her talents as a washerwoman, which were not more brilliant than her accomplishments as a culinary artiste."

There appear some matrimonial prospects for female emigrants in the colony, but it seems necessary to

strike while the iron is hot.

They all have an aversion to going up the country into the bush, and this they often individually expressed during the voyagc One poor girl, who appeared to belong to a more respect- able class than the emigrants ordinarily come from, wept bitterly at the idea having engaged to go into the interior. Subse-quently the writer heard that she was married to a thriving

well-conducted man.

This reminds us of a case which occurred with another female. A settler, of sober age, heard that an emigrant ship had come into Moreton Bay; and being well to do, like a sensible man he deter- mined to have a helpmate to sweeten his success. He therefore came down with three hundred pounds to show his substantial wealth, with the full determination to return with a "cara sposa." He selected one of good personal appearance, a fine healthy young woman, among the best conducted in the ship, and offered

her his hand and heart and all his store. She very prudently, not prudishly, requested a fortnight's consideration, to ascertain some-thing about his habits and character. It was so completely a "marriage de convenance," that passion had not blinded judg-ment : the love was not sufficiently impulsive. To this he made no objection, though he urged less delay. He went across the river to North Brisbane, and related his success to the landlady of his hotel, accompanied with regrets that it could not be done at once, as he wished to get home. She replied that he need not fret about it at all, for she knew two young girls, one of whom she knew would suit him very well. He had only to go and smarten himself up, and get a new suit of clothes, and he was tidy enough for any young woman in the colony. Taking her advice, he met these candidates ; though, to the honour of the sex, it must be added they were quite ignorant of the cause to which their invitation to supper was to be attri-buted. He made a selection at once, not being in the perplexity in which the late Sir Robert Peel found himself even after having consulted Hansard-the not being prepared to say which of two courses he should adopt. Our emigrant lost a fortune and a husband. However, she subsequently married a boatman ; a union not so much approved of by her family as would have been

the one with the rich old bachelor.

Mr, Jones favours the transportation system judiciously carried out ; that is, model prison convicts sent to the younger Australian Colonies, which want and are willing to receive them. His picture of the "old hands" is not of a very attractive kind, either as regards morals or industry. Here is the cycle of a

freed man.

Suddenly we dropt on a shepherd with his flock-as suddenly and as mysteriously as the " man in the moon" did into Aylesbury when Calvert was unseated-tending fifteen hundred sheep. He was what is called a " lag," i.e., a transported felon, and a very old hand, then free ; he had lost by ophthalmia the sight of an eye, and was lame of a leg : notwithstanding these natural defects, he made an excellent shepherd, and had-a very riro exception to his class-saved somo money. Gonornlly, even now, but not BO much the case as formerly, tho men come dowu to the nearest publio house or township, and there squander away In a few days tho earnings of a wholo year; placing the amount in tho hands of the landlord, and re-questing him to keep It until ho has drunk it all out : of course he doe« not get the whole value of what he thus deposits, and bettor for him that he should not. Whoa he is told that the sum Is expended, he starts again to live a life of solitude and monotony In the bush, far away from society and Its humanising influences, Îrovidod he ha« not first to recover from an attack of " delirium

rrmens," or what ho calls " the horrors," from the dreadful spec-tres his stimulated brain conjures up before his eyes.

It is said that men of all sorts may be found in a re-giment or a man.of-war. Perhaps the polioe force may exhibit the same congregation of failures, and loose fish fallen from their high estate. A colony woultj. ap-pear to contain men of the imme stamp. Mr. Jones fell in with several ; hore is an Oxford man practically


We mot horo an Oxford man, who had taken a good degree at the university, but was now acting as a superintendent and en-gaged in sheep washing ; ho had gono wrong, it is roportod, through disappointment in love,; and, although one who had drawn deeply from tho altar of the blue-eyod Goddess of Wisdom, had sought reluge at the thrine of Bacchus. What a state for a man of cultivated andclassioal mind to be reduced to ! My friend told me, in colonial parlance, he was a drcalful "lushington"-a term «ouiii.only applied to a person who is addicted to drink. Neverthe-less, he appeared to bean accomplished persou, and an agreeable companion. But of such examples there are numbers In the bush ; a condition brought ou by their on n hocdlossness and folly-" their «in ha« found them out." We could not help feeling pity for this victim of a hopeless passion : how different, perhaps distinguished and happy, might have been his career, bad ho summoned forti-tude to combat against defeat, or been fortunato in h|s projects. We regarded him with very different sentiments to those excited by the quondam man of fashion, whom we could only laugh stand


¿am Slick and other humourists have made the re-finement of the Americans in language and ideas familiar enough : ot Sydney they are even more delicate-"Shame, when it flies from the heart, takes refuge on the lips."

There aro flower shows in Sydney. The curator of the garden, Mr. Moore, an intelligent and well-lnforme* Scotchman, delivers during the year a course of lectures, which the public arc invited to attend; but some over-prudish persons object to the presence of young people, because, the lecturer must descant upon the sexes of plants. So this interesting study of Nature Is to be neglected because her laws must bo explained. We hope that this false delicacy .may wear out, with tho gradual enlightenment of the age

In which we live.

As a contrast to " this false delicacy," a glance may be taken at the state of morals in the capital, and Of languige generally among rustic swains.

" Lord ShaftCibury had stated in public that Sydney was one of the most wicked and dissipated cities in the world, lils Excel

lcncy Sir C. Fltr.roy called him to account for this statement. It ""~-«r ' was alleged in defence that It was not worse than any other ^~*-«^l

marítimo or garrison town of Uko size ; that the decencies oí -' society were not more openly violated than is ordinarily tho casounder similar conditions. This, we believe, is the truth ; but theffcncral tone of morals, although not offensively conspicuous in

iroad daylight, is, wo fear, very low ; at least so we were in-

formed by persons likely to bo well acquainted with the subject, and . competent to draw just conclusions. Drunkenness and immo-rality are rife ; and in the trading there is too much of what is called ' colonial experience' and ' pointing,' too Yankee and Yorkshire. Absolute frauds have been practised on London houses. Advances were obtained by a Jew upon what was repre-sented to be a cargo of tallow ; into the casks had been introduced a tube of a few inches in diameter through which tho probe might be inserted to discover its quality, the tester little dream-ing that tho rest of the cask was filled with rubbish ; this was not detected until it reached the consignees. A more recent fraud was perpetrated in the sale of a gold field in shares, by false representations, to the amount of forty thousand pounds. . . .

Of the language in Australia among the labouring classes the reader can form no conception ; the colony in this respect has gained a most disgraceful and unenviable notoriety. Such swear-ing, cursing, and obscenity were never equalled by anything which you may have accidentally heard-surpassed would be im-possible. The custom is so habitual, that we believe many are unconsious of its use. This disgraceful and profane habit seems

to have descended from the early convicts. One of our emigrants, a plain, steady countryman, said he was quite shocked at it : but for this he would have liked the country and the bush well enough, as he had good wages and plenty to eat, and a good hut to

live in.

Mr. Jones has several chapters on the gold diggings, chiefly condensed from imparted information, for he did not visit them himself. The advice is sound, and the facts are striking, as regards the hard work necessary to succeed, and the lawless condition of the neighbourhood of the diggings, especially in Victoria, from gangs of old convicts. Neither the advice nor the facts are altogether new, except perhaps as re-gards the frauds perpetrated in connexion with thegold deposits and gold dealing. With one of these last the "workshop of the world" is not very credit- ably connected.

But a fraud of a much more serious character has been disco-vered-viz., the adulteration of gold with twenty per cent, of copper, or, as it is stated in evidence at the Police Court in Mel-bourne, with Muntz metal. Advices had previously come out, that spurious nuggets and gold-dust had been extensively manu-

factured in Birmingham, either to be sold to gold-buyers, or else for the purpose of " peppering" or " salting" claims for fraudu- lent sale on the diggings. The principals sent out to their agents in the colony the strongest acids and hardest stones to try the gold with ; but the spurious metal was so well and strongly gilded as to resist the usual tests ordinarily applied. The writer, when present at Sir. John Cohen's gold-sales, saw some of the factitious metal, of tho form of shot, in which form pure gold is found, with a slight pellicle hanging to it : but it was agreed on by all present, that the imitation was most ingeniously contrived; and when acids were applied by Mr. Hall, a jeweller and purchaser for the

banks, the metal was found not to be acted upon. The extent to which this fraud may have been carried on, and with what degree of success, is unknown, and will remain so until advices are received from home. The loss to some will, no doubt, be a very serious matter.-Spectator.