Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 24 April 1850, page 3

DR. LANG'S LECTURE.-The Rev. Dr. Lang

delivered his third and last lecture on " The present Political Crisis," at the School of Arts yesterday evening, in the presence of a very numerous and respectable audience. The lecture was principally composed of n recapitu-lation of the arguments used by Dr. Lang in his published letters to Mr. Hawes and Earl Grey. At the close of his discourse the Doctor announced that arrangements were in progres for the establishment of a daily paper, to advocate the principles which he had enun-ciated during these lectures ; and hs called upon all such as were disposed to become members of the Australian League, to come forward for that purpose immediately. He announced that the entrance-fee of members would be five shillings, with a payment of ten shillings annually. The office bearers to be chosen by the members themselves.

APPOINTMENT.-His Excellency the Gover-nor has appointed John Charles Lloyd, Esq., of Burburgate, on the River Mammoy, to be a magistrate of the territory and its depen-


CORONER.-BERRIMA.-His Excellency the Governor has appointed Arthur Thomas Pig-got Cutting, Esq., of Berrima, to be Coroner for the district of Berrima, in the room of Henry Molesworth Oxley, Esq., resigned.

POLICE OFFICE. The Mayor, with Alder-man Broughton, (one of the three summoned for the day), Mr. Day, Mr. Holden, and Al-derman Egan, were sitting magistrates yester-day. The roster contains the names of Messrs. Botts, O'Neill, Brenan, and Campbell, as the justices for bench duty to-day (Wednesday.)

ANNUAL LICENSING MEETING,-The license-ing justices assembled yesterday pursuant to adjournment. The following gentlemen were present : The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Alderman Allen, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Day, Alderman Thurlow, Mr. Holden, Captain Mo-riarty, Mr. Smart, Mr. Browne, and Mr. Sil-litoe. On the motion of Mr. Holden, se-conded by Alderman Thurlow, it was resolved that all applications against the granting, of which any objection may be offered, shall stand over for consideration on Tuesday next. The list was proceeded with as far as and inclusive of No. 100, when the Court adjourned until noon to-day. Parties who are in attendance at this session either as applicants or sureties would save themselves and the bench much

delay by making themselves acquainted with the number of the application in which they are interested, as it stands in the list exhibited at the Police Office; and we have been re- quested to state that the recognizances have been prepared, and may be signed on applica-

tion to the Chief Clerk.

" WICKED WILLANY."-Mr. Robert Cooper yesterday made his bow before Alderman Egan and Mr. Holden to answer a summons issued against him at the instance of Mrs. Catherine Savage, formerly Miss ———, wherein he was charged with having failed to comply with a magistrate's order, made on the 2nd of March, 1846, for the payment of a certain weekly sum for the support of an illegitimate child, of which Mr. Robert Cooper was the father. Mr. Nichols submitted for the defendant, that the complainant having, since the date of the order, married, whatever rights of action she might then have possessed were by that act vested in her husband, who by law was bound not only to support her, but also her children. Their Worships doubted whether, under the circumstances, they ought to adju-dicate in the matter, and being unwilling to commit themselves, declined making any


BURGLARY.-Some time between midnight of Sunday and three o'clock on Monday morn-ing, the residence of Joseph Allen, of Cumber-

land-street, grocer, was burglariously entered

at a window which had been left unsecured, and from under the bed on which Allen and his wife were sleeping, was stolen a cash-box containing about £20 in money. The box was found in the course of Monday in the Argyle-street cut,-but no clue to the thieves.

DISORDERLY CHARACTERS.-The police lists yesterday comprised a rather more than ordi-nary sprinkling of the genus "disorderly." Some few were discharged, but several were found guilty and sentenced. William Hayes, who had been often dealt with, under the Vagrant Act, and who, on the 20lh February, was sentenced to two calendar months' impri-sonment, was, on Monday evening, (the 22nd April,) apprehended in George-street, behaving ii a violent and disorderly manner. Mr. Hol-den sentenced him to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for the period of three calendar months., with an intimation that should he be again brought before him (Mr. H.) on a simi-lar charge, he would be treated to a twelve-months'. Patrick Meade was ordered to pay 20s., or be confined in the cells for 48 hours, for being drunk in George-street, and making a disturbance. Ann M'Cole, Ann Neil, Mar-garet Brown, Mary Ann M'Donnell, and Mary Ann Martin, described as " common prosti-tutes," were severally found guilty of indecent language and disorderly conduct, and sentenced to pay penalties of from 10s. to 20s., or, as the alternative, periods of incarceration, varying from 36 hours to 14 days. Richard James, convicted of having indecently exposed himself while intoxicated, was sentenced to pay a pe-nalty of £5, or to be imprisoned for seven days. James Murray, Emma Burgin, and Honora Galvin, were severally convicted of using ob-scene language in the public streets, and were sentenced, the first to pay 10s., or pass 36 hours in the cells, the second to pay 10s. or be imprisoned ,for 14 days, and the third to pay £4, or be imprisoned for two months.

COMMITTAL.-Joseph Ash Kirkpatrick was yesterday committed to take his trial for steal-ing £3. Benjamin Dyer, of Castlereagh street, deposed that he was President of the Medical Board of the Independent Order of Odd Fel-lows (Manchester Unity), Sydney, and that the prisoner had been a Surgeon at the Medical Institute in connection therewith, but had re-cently been dismissed from that situation. On Monday evening, by appointment, he met pri-soner at Gray's, Lighthouse Tavern, Bathurst-street, for the purpose of paying him £20, the balance of salary due to him until the 4th of next month ; he laid down on the table a cheque for £7, a note for £5, and eight notes for £1 each; he (Dyer) had occasion to leave the room for about a minute, and on his return enquired if Kirkpatrick had removed his furniture from tho Institute, and on receiving an answer in the nega-tive, rolled up the money and put into his pocket, intimating that until he (Kirkpatrick) had removed altogether away from the esta-blishment, the money would not be paid to him. Kirkpatrick went away, and Dyer handed the money over to Mrs. Gray, (from whom he had a few minutes before received it for the purpose of settling with Kirkpatrick), who on counting it found a deficiency of three £1 notes. No one but Kirkpatrick having been within reach of the money, he was given into custody for having stolon £3 therefrom during the brief period of Mr. Dyer's absence from the room, and he was yesterday committed for trial. The proeecution was conducted by Mr. Nichols,

and the defence bv Mr. Brenan.

THE BATHURST BURR.-Our Gundagai Cor-respondent recently drew attention to the in-crease of a plant calculated to be extremely injurious to sheep-farmers. Mr. D. Bunce, a botanist, residing at Melbourne, thus writes on the subject to the Editor of the Argus: -" I beg to state, on my return from Moreton Bay and Northern Districts to this province, I passed through the Bathurst country, and saw a plant growing very common in many parts of that district, which I supposed to be the plant called by the Sydney Herald Corre-spondent 'Bathurst Burr ; should this be the   case, I shall be pardoned for offering the fol-lowing remarks : It is a South American ex-otic, belonging to the genus Zanthium, of which it is a species, and I think it is not un-likely to have been originally introduced by the prickly thorn-like seeds attaching them-selves to the tails and the mane of the mules which were imported from that country. My attention was first called to this plant by John Hood, Esq., of Molong, which he, with many others of the Bathurst settlers, re-presented as being a very troublesome cus-


NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given, that the lands advertised to be leased by auction, at Melton, on the 9th proximo, will be offered at

Muswellbrook instead of the former place, with I the exception of lot 4, situated in the county of Brisbane, which has been withdrawn from sale. - Yesterday's Government Gazette.

CATARRH AT PORT PHILLIP.-The following startling letter from Mr. Thomas Wiles, ap-pears in the Melbourne Herald. We believe there has never been catarrh in that district before now. "Catarrh having appeared in the flocks of a gentleman in about the centre of the Western District, certain proprietors of stock have signified to me their opinion, that if the settlers generally were acquainted with the fact, there would be no difficulty in raising a sum sufficient to induce the proprietor of the diseased flocks (numbering about 8000) at once to destroy them, It is well known, Sir, to many in this district that the plains in Manero and the country circumjacent were swept as with a broom by this fearful disease ; and I do not think there is any great stretch of fancy necessary to suppose that the like fatality may reach us here. To arrest the in-fection we must annihilate the flocks infected. They must be swept from the face of the earth! It is therefore proposed that a sum be raised by general contribution, sufficient to indemnify the unfortunate proprietor for the total annihilation of his stock ; and it is ac-cordingly requested that all parties wishing to

save their own flocks from disease and destruction will intimate as much to

the undersigned, with the proposed amount of their subscription. Messrs. Thomp-son, M'Gill, and Carfrae, will be referred to as valuators; and should the sum thus raised and proffered meet the views of the proprietor of the respective flocks, he will, I am informed, destroy the whole. To insure success to this design, I beg to propose ten shillings per thou-sand on the stock of subscribers. This, of course, is a mere proposition of my own, and optional with others. It will, however, be a guide to those who may regard the voice of a veteran Squatter. Should the amount sub-scribed exceed the valuation, the residue will be returned to subscribers in the ratio of their relative subscriptions and stock. As it is likely that in relation to this matter, cor-respondence will crowd upon me, I beg to intimate that letters post-paid will be kindly received, and as salvation from "the awful malady" is of momentous importance to every man-to every woman-and to every child in Port Phillip, I trust publicity will be given to this letter by every journalist in the Province. In conclusion, Sir, I wish to observo that I have been urged to take an active part in this affair, or I would not presume to do so. It strikes me that a "Catarrh Exterminating Mutual Insurance Society," under the manage-ment of Settlers of influence and capital, would work well for proprietors of stock and the co-lony."

"We have been requested by Mr. Rickards to direct the attention of draper», storekeepers, And dealers, to lils extensivo salo by auction, this day, Rt cloven o'clock, at lils roomt, Oeorge-stroot, or one. hundred mid pnckaRes autumn and winter drapery,

ex Duilbrook.-Commiiiu'ciiU-J.

Mr. Lyons sells, this day, at his Mart, nt elmon o'clock, plated wore, portfolios, tint nurses, silk, steel, nnd bead purses, nigar cases, ladies' companions, work.boxen, vermicelli, inncciironl, «pirits of salt, ship biscuit, wood cuts, boxwood, English comicalities, printer's ink, books, pilot vests, also Tennant'» bottled
