Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 17 July 1869, page 4


JULY 16. -Florence Irving, A S N Co 's s, 348 tons, Captain M Fitzsimons, from Sydney the 13th instant. Passengers Mrs Barker, Miss E Fletcher, Messrs Llewellen, Pechy, Rotton, W Hughes, C Lethbridge, R Martin, G E Dalrymple, F West, and 6 in the steerage.

July 10 -3 eiehhnrdt, A S N Co 'a «, 272 ton« Captain W Smith, fiom Rockhampton Glocl tone, ind Mat v borough Pu=senger= M Gaujard, Misa G iu|aul, Mis» Deacon, Mr

Wlnteb end, Mu Wilson, Mr» Daintree, Mc» Daintree, Wil on, R Hart, Ciamp

Thom r son, Vanneck Bell, Stowo-J, S tnlev, | Brovvnhill, Co- ei, Wolff, Bradba-v and JO in the steerage


1 loience Irving, « from Svdnev 11 pad

ige A mour, Woodward, and Co , 19 bog1' oatmeal, Biabant and Co , IS drums oil 10" bur-> 1- bundles iron, 10 bars «(eel, 1 package

W a JB Biooke», 50 ca»c- |am«, H B x, Sou, r id Go , 2 ca»e», J Berkley, 1 -ddle Brisht L others , 50 ca»0s fruit, F Benin on

60 ci e» frur, R Bulcock 1 en«? D L Prov-n ana Co 2 ca es, Bank of New South M ah , lea o, V W Blown, 31 ca es frttir Black ford 20 cases, fruit, 50 bag- oat Barker ina Co ? ca«! ?> tree-, A J Bovd 5 ci«c3 axe

10 I c2» nail», 1 con »belle- 12 keg lead, 8 piec* pip ng 7 pnekag"» T Bucbanau, 1 box U Dav , 40 c"=es fruit, A P Duun , 1 DON, B IC Eden, 1 parctl, Grime- and Pett ..3 ca e fruit, J Giobm , 3ñ0 en»es kero ino oil, 203 bacs sugar, 10 qu_rter cu k

bra ulv, 17 ca e< collée, 20 bales woolpool. 12 i paekaje J and G flam«, 1 pickage 3enodi cils Lam«oii, 2 package J L Hope, 1

ca e boot Hunte-, 1 cv i, E Hollín,, worth | 5 packages groccrie' M Hi ¿bes, 1 parcel niasazme V Hood , 1 box, I Jones, 3 ca e , E as. iori, 1 parcel, Lethb-idge, 5 ca e boot

AT, ebb Bro he's ,1 ca e, 2 hor es, 1 buegv Llewc i i lo bund'es iron, 2 package Muí*

weil 1 p n eel,''ivers, 1 parcel, R McDonald, 11 L ; butter 15 packagt , Mackmlav Brother« 1 oo_, Mort, Hollano, a id Co 2 trunk boot Mmrav , 2 bale- A Martin 3 package , S Moore 2 ea-e , ^lUiin Brother-, 6 co ?>», 20 bile hay, Olde", 3 keg Darley, R Olmr, 1 bale 1 at1 er 4 B Pritchard ó packa=<.s, Perry Brotbei-, 1 ca e vea t, Pietzcker and Co , 1 ba'e 'caibe-, 7 bass oatmeal, G Rall aid Co , 6 bal"s ha- Smith , 2 parcel-, H ùhepper on , 1 ocx, C street, 5 ca cs «'ationerv 3 package-, G Slater, 1 parcel M Smith., 25 p^ekase» aact pi ce ruachmerv, 13 bags -ugar, 1 che

tea, 1 ca=e, o bas- »alt IS wheel , 10 bag flour Smar , Donkin, and Co , 5 ca-e , Stenart acd Hemmant, 1 box, AS G Scot* , 2 ca e

Seen lung Gnoon, 1 box Verne y , Ipari"!

G B 11 eob , 1 ca«e plam , We, For Ip v ita 10 piece» piping, 9 package , D Williams , 1 ca e, J B Atkin on, 3 pacaje -C E Ha-tman, 30 baa- flour, E Ogg, 2 elie s tea, S baj- »ugar, 20 peerage- Clarke Hong on, and Co , 1 parcel, S F 11 hit<-head ,

2 J ha'f elie t» 20 boxe» ca, 2 ca»es boot», Cribb I ¿ andloo'e, oO bac- flour, W ri Groom 1J|£ bali che t» tea, 5 package , G H Wi!=on and -, Co S pacíase ,H C V Ulam», 0 package ,

J Pe< lgre , 1 ea'es frut, Mi» Stephen on , ' I poitable ervine and =ear cmart, Donkin and ' S Co , 1 parcel, W C-rter, 25 ca es fruit, G | ]

Cameron ' ,

L chba-dt » , from the Northern Port- 5 cae ts 1 li-lr ebe-t tea, 3 ca-ks currants Barker and Co , <? ho2«heaa» tallow, 55 hides IS bale» wo.' J aid G Ha-ri=, 7 bales wool, G KaiF ana Co , 1 box turkey-, L A Bernav-, 3 paekase , Portma-ter , 3 package», O Keülv , 1 box, i Moore, 5 package , Bucbana i, 1 ease cnee«e S les , 2 Legs butter, R BUICOCK , 3 packa"e-, J F Gore 1 bundle baa», E Benin 'On, 1 uackage Hume, 2 ne- cooper, Gtb«on, 6 bundi iron, 1 ea=e, Waide Bro tue*-, 1 box, A C Kembali, 3 casks tallow, 3 boxe», J M Campbell l-l hide J Lang, 0 packages, R Stone, 3 buna'es -kin-, lia er and Buckland

Tr-wicit STEAITEB*-Ibe Ipswich, from the , A S 2v Co'» wharf at half pn-t 5 o clock , and , t the Amy, from B til s wharf, this morning r

The Flo-ence Imng s , leaves foi Sv dnev at I j

1 o'c'ock tin» afte-noon I /

The Leichhardt, s leave» for the Ii oi Hiern ¡j Ports at hall pa»t 1 o eloek this aft»rnoon f

The baraue Cobot, len days out from London to Queen land was signalled by the Macdufi on

27tb April-Aiqus, July 5 1

Hie florence Irving, s , left Sydney Heads at j

G 30 i) ni on Xue dav pa"od ismoky Capo on n ASeducday, rounded Cipe Moleton at 1130 ti p m on Thursday , and arrived at the wbaif at I ti 5am on Friâav Variable and moderate a wind , with gloomv weutner prevailed thiough n out the pa=«age She met the City of Bri«baue, j o s , at 9 a m on Thursday, oil 1 van«' Head ' i

The Lciehbarut, », left Rockhampton on « Tue-dav, at nooi tailed at GlaJstono and j I Maryborough, and arrived hero on Friday, at | t

9 30am ¡strong «outl ca»t winds und thick 3 weather prevailed throughout the pesage I

The barque Cvrus is to load timbei lor Mel

bourne \esterday she was towed donn to 1 letona Point-about fifteen mile» to the «outh wai a of Cleveland-by tile Francis Cadell, » The two ve els pa«»ed Cleveland at Ip ID .

The Hiimet King, schoonei, »ailed from Adelaide for El ¡»bono on Ju)_, 3

The Abeideen, baique, fiom Brisbane u-ji-ed at ¿Newcastle on July t.

TLe magnificent steam clippei Soiner«et»lnre, of Money AS lgram rnd Sous' Blackwall line, has " shown up' wonderfully veil on bei 'ast vovago from this port to London, and hei per formance in c.ccomplishin¡r the distuncc from Port Phillip Heads to the Land s Lnd m =ixt\ day», is very creditable indeed Hie Somerset

shire left Port Philip Heads on Mai oh 9 ard was under Btcam for live dav s uftei leaving Fine breezes then prevailed foi eighteen da\s, and tLe good ship made some steadv lunning, the gieatc«t number of knots logged in one dav being 317 From Capo Horn to tbo equator the Homet etshiro bud to contend ogam»t con

trarv winds and very unsettled vc tber From

the equator to Stan Point tho pas-age oniy oc cupied sixteen days tvvent\ hour» On Mai 8 the Somci et»birc was oil the Land's End, and oil Ph mouth the following dav 'Hie wea tber,however, was very thick olfPlvmouth, and Bhe did not get i epoi ted It may be stated that tho Somer»et»lino took home eight days' later Au»ttalian new«-JUilbounii irjus, Julv S

The Rose, schooner, has returned from the wreck of the Jane Lockhart, on Masthead Reef, whither she went on June 15 Captain Dwyer informs us that the Jane Lockhart still lies in a very snug position, and he has no doubt but that himself, and Mr Norris, the purchasers of the wreck, will be able, ultimately, to raise the vessel and bring her safely to Rockhampton Nearly the whole of the period that they were at the reef, very heavy weather prevailed, stav-ing operations towards the recovery of the cargo, but luckily the strong SE winds lulled for about three days Captain Dwyer availed himself of the occasion, set to work, rigged up a staging between the masts of the Lockhart, schooner, and by means of a rope and a South Sea Island diver, managed to bring up from eighty to ninety large iron pulley wheels, besides a quantity of machinery and sundries, com-prising Ale, porterr, liqueurs, brandy, cutlery, ironmongery, \c Unloitunatelv the Roses water ron out, much to the chugrin of the crew, who would have raised i great deal more, only having to run into po t ior supplies -northern Ai'jm, July 7