Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 26 July 1847, page 2


1. POPERY in Australia and the Southern

Hemisphere ¡ and how to check it effectu-ally. An Address to Evangelical and In-fluential Protestants_of all Denominations in Great Britain and Ireland. By JOHN Dt.s MOKE LANG, D.D., Senio1. POVERTY in Australia and the Southernr Minister of the Presbyterian Church, and Member of the Legislative Council, or Provincial Parliament of New South AVales. Edinburgh, January 1847, pp. 48.

2. SUGGESTIONS, with a Aricw to the Formation

of a Company to promote the Cultivation of Cotton, and other tropical Produce, by Means of European Free Labour, in the Territory of Cooksland, or the Northern Division of the Colony of New South AVales, and also to promote Protestant Emigration to the said Territory. By JOHN DUNMORE LA.NO, D.D., Senior Minister of the Presbyterian Church, and Member of the Legislative Council of New South AVales. Edinburgh, February, 1847, pp. 12.

3. PROPOSALS for the Loan of a Million Ster-

ling, to bo secured on certain valuable Tract» of Land in the Colony of New South AA'alos, to effect an extensive and progressive Emi-gration of suitable Persons of the humbler Classes of Society, from the United Kingdom to that Colony, and also to effect certain im-portant internal Improvements, with the as-sistance of Funds to be raised by the Colo-nists. By JOHN DUNMORE LANG, D.D., Member of tho Legislative Council of New

South AVales,

4. PROSPECTUS of a Company to be designated

the Scottish Phillipsland Emigration Com-pany. By JOHN DUNMORE LANO, D.D., one of the Representatives of Port Phillip, in the Legislative Council of New South


JOHN DUNMORE LANG, D.D., Member of die Legislative Council, or PROVINCIAL PARLIA-MENT, ofXewSouth AVales, seems determined to be as great a boro to the « guid folk ' of Edin-burgh, as he has been to the good people of Sydney. Restless as the ocean, over which ho has made seven pilgrimages to and fro, from antipodes to antipodes, which when troubled " casts up mire and dirt," with the spirit of Jack the Giant Killer, or rather of Don Quixote, he is ever in search of giants to way lay and destroy, and "often times, as the latter did, in the excess of his credulity, he invests with gigantic consequence some bugbear of his own imagination, merely to gain honour over it by his goose-quill-lance, though in the end it be found

a mere molino di viento.

In this way he has contrived, whilst bent upon advancing emigration, to mingle all his spleen and malediction against " Papists, Puseyites, Presbyterians^ and Methodists, and even Independents and Baptists," against Irishmen, Englishmen, and Scotchmen save those who belong to the Langian heresy, against

" Bishop Broughton, the so-called Protestant Bishop of Australia, his clergy and his Protest. Bishop Polding, his weakness and Ids vanityDr. Gregory, his horso and hil groom-Priest Brady and his reputation-Mrs. Clusholm and her labours-Mr. Edward Curr and his folly and infatuation-Sir George Gipps and his measures-the Colonial Scotch Church and its "twelve apostles,"-and last, though not least venomously against, what this Reverend Doctor in Divinity and Member of Parliament is pleased to designate " THE DEVIL'S OWN SYSTEM of Church establishments for all parties, in Australia."

But ho has a good word for himself and the " Reverend Barzillai Quoife," his " Litany of the Holy Coat;" that eminent divine, tho Honorable and Rev. Baptist Noel ¡ for AV. Kent, Esq., of Brisbane ; and the " Odd Fel-lows " of Sydney. It Is but justiee to mention these exceptions, when there is so much of a contrary character to give an unfavourable tinge to all this rampant writer's politicotheological tirades.

Our object in alluding to these matters is, first und foremost, to show the spirit in which he has undertaken the task which ho assumed, when he loft his congregation in the hands of an Jndepei.dent, and Ids seat in the Council Chamber without leave of absence, to run after Mrs. Chisholm,with a vit w of out racing her in the emigration field. And we would ask, is itunlikely, that the little success which he has in Great Britain, may have, in port, orison from his well-known choracteras an agitator and poli-tical pamphleteer, and as incautious and cre-dulous a miscldcf-maker as ever wrote for no-toriety. Can we believe, thatheis unknown either in Scotland, or in the North of Ireland, or that any sensible man reading the pamphlet enti-tled '* Popery," &c, would not immediately pronounce him infinitely more bent on carrying .. " out.his own ambitious and secular projects;

than On advancing tho colony, which he has ^ttiost deeply injured by representing it as the *hot-bed of " Popery, Puseyism, and infi-


Men well read in the many-coloured pages of human nature would, at once, pronounce him to be, in one important sense, incompetent to undertake his task : for no one can foil to per-ceive, that his main object, and that which is nearest Ids heart, in the grand scheme of emi-gration, is to people Australia with persons Who would acknowledge him and him only, as entitled to respect, attachment, and reward.

Thcro can be .no mistaking the following


In such au emergency tis the ono I lmvo described, it «ppoara to mo thnt there is but little dependence to bo placed, for tho malnteiianco of our common l'rotrs1 tnntism, or of tho cause of civil mid religious liberty,

in tho southern hemisphere, on nn ngrlculturnl popu-lation to bo transferred to tho Australian colonies from the rural districts of England. The English peasantry, It cannot bo denied, arc, with few excep-tions, extremely ill-informed in matters of religion ; and although nominally 1'rotcstnnt, they would merely go, in the event of their emigrating, in considerable numbers, to Australia, to strengthen the hands and to Increase the influence and power of the colonial Fuseyite clergy, and to enable them tho moro easily to construct, mitti Protestant material«, their half-way house to Romo. On the other bund, tho English Dis-senters, although thoroughly Protestant, are confined dlitefly to the towns, and aro not likely to supply the requisita materials for an agricultural and pastoral <^ population, such as wo stand in need of, in Australia,

In such circumstances, in the hopes of Prototiintism Bud of civil and religious liberty in the southern hemisphere must depend, in great measure, under God, on Scotland and tho North o(f Ireland.

I have been asked repeatedly,'since my arrival in this country, whether I did not intend to identify my-self with the 1'reo Church, ns t happen to occupy a somewhat analogous position at tile uttermost ends of ' the earth. Hut there is a difficulty In my enso which,

I confess, prevents mo from taking such a step, how-ever well inclined towards the Free Church ; for, ns I have teen led, in the good providence of God, to re-gard the Church of Scotland for the last tneuty-fivo fears, wholly and solely in the light of a Missionary

nstitute, ora Mother Church for the Colonies, my identifying myself at the present moment with the Freo Church would be tantamount to a public decla-ration on my part, that I consider the Church of Scotland, as by law established, greatly r> orso in this capacity now than she was before the disruption. Now I deny that iho ia a whit worse than she ever waa in this particular respect, or that it is possible for tier to be io. As far a* wo, Australian colonists, wero concerned, her heart wat a heart of Hitit, a piece of tho nether millstone, up to tho hour of tho disruption, and I confess I cannot sea Row it can be any harder


As a Mother Church for the Colonies, the Church of Scotland has for upwards of a century past resembled one of those immense icebergs I have occasionally beheld with owe and admiration in the vast solitudes of th» great Southern Paciflo between New Zcnlnndand . , Cap« Horn-she ha* not only reached the zero point of

Intense cold'and Insensibility herself, but has cooled down tho moral atmosphere for many a league around her, till almost overy Protestant communion in th» land has sunk to tho {reeling point of absolute indif-ference to the causo of God mid of truth in those ' future and mighty empires, the Uritish Colonies. Por my own part. Hewing tho mutter, ns I »as naturally lea to do in this light exclusively, I could not help re-garding the disruption as somewhat like n divine infliction on all concerned, fur this notorious , breach of trust, for this national betrayal of tho canso

of God and of truth iu tho high plurcs of the colonial


Dut I am, happily, under no necessity of seeking to identify myself with any branch of the Presbyterian Church in this country-simply becauso wo In"o a Church of our own in Australia. Our Deed of Sepa-ration from the State and tho State Churches of that country was signed, scaled, and delivered in tho month of February, lal'.'. Wo had no quarrel at the tiino With the Church of Scotland, as has been erroneously supposed in this country. Wc had no quarrel even with the establishment principle in the abstract ; wish-ing to leave that question an open question in our colony, that we might gain sonic whom wo should Otherwise lose. Our quarrel was »holly and solely With the infidel character and demoralizing tendency of that politico-ecclesiastical system which prevails in our Australian Colonies, and which, regarding all re-ligious u aliko nrnl alike deserving of .State support, allows Papists, Puseyltcs, Presbyterians, and Methodlsts, and even Independents and Unptists, if they please, (and they have pleased, in two instances.) to bo ?til indiscriminately supported from tho public tren. sury. Tho flag wo »lien hoisted, as a Prcsbj lorian Church unconnected with tliu State, is of as deep mid as puro a bluo as that of the Freo Church, and it can boult ot . higher antiquity by fifteen months. It tins continued to float untarnished vvor since, during the most calamitous period through which our colony lina ever pnssed ; and perish tho hund that will ever strike it to any Church in Christendom !

.. The flag wo hoisted," says the Doctor, "can boast of a higher antiquity by fifteen months-and perish the hand that will ever strike it to any Church in Cliristcndom" ! ! !

Is it possible to suppose, that such a senti-ment as this would escape the observation und remarks of all calm considerate- minded per'»o'ns in'the mother country r That any Minister "of State, even if indifferent to the ambition of "Papists, Puscyites," &c, &c, would lend himself to a scheme of emigration, hi which this exclusiveness is the main feature ? Ile

Would say, and say naturally, after reading about Bishop Pökling, and Bishop Droughton, and the " twelve Apostles," tho Judases Iscariot," und the» eight full 'grown specimens of contemptible nimming and inca-pacity" (pretty language truly from the pen of a clergyman respecting Ids twelve brethren), that the exaltation of the Langian hierarchy, and the acknowledgment of the Langian flag, arc tilings as dear to the heart of . the great priest-errant as ever the destruction of

the crescent was to the crusaders of pld.

Without a congregation- without a salaryit would be sinvplo folly to rave about the " Devil's own system,' without doing some-thing to. give him the one, and find him the other. Wc will not go to the length of as-cribing this as the actual chief inducement to the Doctor's pilgrimage to Europe, but people who do not know him would, undoubtedly, think so, after perusing Ids attack on all the denominations m the colony ; and it is not to bo doubted, that persons at home, who would prefer home to emigration, may be led to hesi-tate before they leave homo to emigrate to a land, wherein its advocate represent!, there is so much actual evil, and so little probable

chance of amendment.

Admit to the full extent, that all he has said of the activity and designs of the Roman-ists in this colony aro true - that Mrs. Chisholm is but, as he overs, the agent and devotee of the Romish- clergy- will any number of Eng-lish Church folks, thoughtful of the future, willingly come out to a country, hi .which it is (as he has the audacity to state) " a melancholy fact," that the Colonial Church of England clergy arc " Puseyitcs of the highest caste, almost to a man ?"

Or, what will quiet minded people of any denomination think of the minister of religion, who perpetually boasting, that ho is the " Senior Minister of the Presbyterian Church," and " head of an Academical Institution in the colony," is as perpetually making the circumnavigation of . the globe, (as if he anticipated that his spirit

after death would transmigrate into an alba-tross) and this for the seventh time, thereby

neglecting Ids spiritual and instructional du- j

ties ? And what dependence is to be placed on his outcry about the " politico-ecclesiastical system of New South "Wales, a system which virtually declares all religions to bo alike"-(a system characterised by lum as emanating from

its "/arter ¿¿«¿kui/") when it is ascertained, that in spite of thid, ho actually left his congre

fation in the hands of one who ié neither a

'resbytenan of tho old or of the Free Church, butanLiiglish Independent Or whit will people think of his modesty, 01 lus common sense, when they find lum throwing in the teeth oi Mrs Chisholm, the facts that he " al

lowed her at all times to make uscof his fr ink, as a member of the Legislative Council, and that lip "subscribed to a pecuniary tes-timonial m her favour previous to her leaving the colonv - Or lastly, will not the conceit and v amty of the man m some degree unfa vourablv impress persons, who might other-wise wish to follow his advice, when they read the precious morceau that follows

Ulshop Tolling ii naturally n very weak and cvl

dently a very vain, and exceedingly nupcratitiou« linn, -quite a I'clagiaii in point of theolugltnl aiiitinicnt, andaperfict devotee to the Piipacy I judge of him not merely from lils general prorcdure or from the very few productions of any kindon which ho has staked Ins fumo in tho colony but from having had him twice un lei exnmin ilion tis a member of com mitkesof the LegislitiycCouncil of New South Wales -the first lime 1 belli.vo «incetlio Heformation, that a llomish archbishop lias been examined from tho chair of authouty by a licsbytcrinn minister!

Let the reader ponder on the last words of tlus c\tiact-"the first time, I believe, since the Rcioimation, tint a ROMISH ARCIUIISHOI IHS nriN IWMINLD THOM TIIL CHAIR 01

AUHI0RI1 \, by a Presbyterian Minister ' ' '

Oh ' Lang ? Lang ' Lang ' thou art very Langtsh ' ¡surely Folding may echo some of your words, and say you arc " naturally a very weak and evidently a very vat i min I judge of you not mertlv from your general procc dure, but from the productions oti winch y ou have staked your fame in the colony

Surely, the barcastic review of "Bishop Bioughtons Protest, in rrder to show, not that the " so called Protestant Bishop of Aus-tralia took grounds in his proceedings of a less safe mid sufficient kind than he might have done in the opinion of some, had he delcndcd his Church on the strength of her 37th Article and the Oath of Supremacy, rithcr than on the admission of any authority in Rome to make a Romish Bishop, but that he had a design in so doing, to bctrav his Church, is cquallv eonclusiv e, w hen it is remembered that the Presbyterian Ministers of Now South AVales, denying episcopal authority, are ac-tually recorded as Bishops in legg s Almanack for the year l812, and that bv one of tlietnselv es, and that amongst this number actually stands the name of "JOHN D LANG, DD, BISHOI OFSVDMPV (p 181)

Again-what British Munster would think the said Bishop denying Bishop a person of suihcient seriousness for lus office, when, m a question not affecting unytlung on earth "but his own self-laudation, ho finds introduced into a pamphlet, whose objects arc supposed to be of the highest possible kuid, the nonsensical stuff entitled, " The Litany of Dr Lang and the Holy Coat' -to which he boasts there was " no possibility of replying, and " which completely silenced the priests, so far as he w as concerned, though, in a note, he lets out, in the dt sign of a " last word, ' the fact, that the priests wcro " not silenced, but held up the Coat, as no doubt they will, in spite of Dr Lang and his I ltany, to the end ot the chap-ter, as a more profitable garment than the suit

of the Doctor

But lastly, for wc hav e nearly finished this part of our work, is he a fat person to be en-trusted with the solemn duties of managing emigration to a country, where, happily or unhappily, the " Devil's own' Act of Council retains its force (the dcnouncuig Doctor never having in the Council attempted to repeal it), in which country' such a scene as that described by him in his account of the election contest for his beat in the

" Colonial Parliament, ' (as he calls the Legis-lative Council, m order to e\alt himself among Highlanders and Irishmen,) took place under his own superintendence, and m which without a buigle word of regret, that he, deserting the lowliness and spiritual activity of his clerical functions for the sake of ambitiously holding a

{place m the Council as well as the vihticd

'usey ite Bishop, should hav e boen the cause I of assisting in creating a " furious assemblage," I m consequence of which, as ho nuvely tells us,

" one respectable inhabitant of the town had to fire on lus assailants for the protection of his hie and property, when the fall of one of their number, who, providcntallv, was not mortally w ounded, repressed tho v lolencc of the blood-thirsty ruffians

A pretty passage truly, in the autobiogiaphy and confessions of a Doctor m Divuuty, a Semor Minister of a Church, a so-called Bi-shop, the head of an Academical Institution '

It will be suihcient to say, that, it is not im-possible, some of the avowed failures of this "Member of Colonial Parliament' endeavours to supply New South AVales with a virtuous Protestant population (who are evidently re-quired to fill Ins own diocese, and support his own "Ha¿ ') may have been caused by the im-pression which Ins own unguarded and violent language may hav e produced

Quiet people at home can only look upon him as a belligérant crusader, a sort of anti-podean Ishmaelite, ' w hose hand is against every man, and whom, after emigration, it is not unpossible every mons would also be against '

It is with pam, but from a sense of duty, wc hav e thus recorded our opinions of the unsuit-able character of the agent who is now em-ployed in tlie great woik of bringmg on a bteady flow of emigration to these shores

AVe turn now to the method proposed by lum to cflcct this much desired object

Hie means by which Dr Lang proposes to introduce emigration are, first-by raising a loan of £1,000,000 sterling, as stated m the title of one of his papers at the head of this article , sccondlv, bv tho formation of a com pany to be designated a Scottish Emigration Company to Port Phillip, or as he designates it Phdhpsland , thirdly, by another company to cultivate Cotton in the Moreton Baycountry , called by him Cooksland

With respect to the first of these schemes, he proposes that the land should be sold at one pound per acre, and half the pioceeds should be expended ni emigration pul poses , tho other half to be spent m purchasing land on which to make railways tluoughout the colony and thnt a million of acres should bo purchased for this purpose, the parties contracting to be allowed to select and puichase exclusively so much land as they need, within seven miles on either side of tho railways, for a pcnod of seven years from the completion of the


The whole of this scheme seems based upon what wo cannot but believe is, in some de grco chimerical, viz , the necessity for, and value of, railways to the extent winch he proposes , a necessity which cannot ex-ist for many years to come, and a v alue which must be, therefore, partly, if not chiefly, problematical AVe do not seo the u^o of entering hcie into the Doctor s details , vvluch even it the scheme itself could be realised, would doubtless, requere to bo modified. AVe think it, however, unlikely, thit persons in England will be lound willing to advance money, on such a i lok, at interest of o and 6 per cent Ihc idea that capit chits m England will ad\ ance money for raixroads in New bouth AVales, on the ground of the mother country deriving advantage from the scheme, appears to us to be perfectly chimerical The mother oountry will, undoubtedh, be benefited by emigrition, but private individuals will not run risks on account of that benefit, and wo arc bomewhat Mirprised, that a " member of parliament of colonial experience, should rcquuo to be reminded of the fact Great

Britain has shown herself a vcrv different sort of mother to her, who would allow her colonial subjects to seek advantage from her gcnerositv

She would rather burthen us with gaols and convicts and police establishments, than help us out of oui troubles At least, we pre-sume so, when wc find the Government re-fusing altogether to adv ance cnugration on its

ow n account

AVe do not deny that the Doctor is right

that a profit might accrue from the ju- | dieious expenditure of the money proposed to be bon owed , but we do deny that there is " suihcient patriotism among British capitalists (credat Judaus 'J to allow that profit to be expended m the " advance-ment of Education, and tho " endowment of a College , and we really do not behev e that railroad speculatois would erne five eights of a tartlung for the " bulwark, ' which Dr. Lang thinks would thus " be raised against

the inroads of ignorance, superstition, and Popery, in the Australian colonies."

Our reason for thinking- so is this. It is Witliin our knowledge, that Australia is at a discoeilit in England. ? Scarcely credible it may be, but it is true, the very savnns and geographers of England are "profoundly igno-rant" of Australia and her geography. We quote the language of a gentleman Whose let-ter we have been, dated early in March lust, from a learned society's chambers in London. " It is quito hopeless to attempt to publish anything about it," The fact is they arc pro-foundly indifferent on the subject of Australia. " Recollect wc arc profoundly ignorant of your geography. I was asked by -(a recent traveller in America, and a most dis-tinguished physical geographer), after pointing to Botany Bay on the map, whereabout Sydney lay. Nobody feels any interest now as to Sturt, Leichhardt, or Mitchell, or whether the interior of Australia is land or water. You

arc voted a bore if you mention Australia in so-ciety."

Ave may go further, and mention as a fact, that even the history qf the voyage of II.M.S. Fly will be confined to" those parts of the coast in which Dr. Lang and his friends would tuke no concern, and to such countries round about as wc have noticing to do with in an emigra-tion question, and that to Use the words of the gentleman who is employed in preparing the history for publication, " ho will cut all about the colonies, of which people are heaitily ¿ICY."

AVith such notions as these, who in tho world will lend £ 1,000,000 sterling to buy land at £1 per acre, after the late debate in the " Colonial , Parliament," merely to supply the Australian

squatters with shepherds and railroads ?

As to the second scheme, of a Scottish Emi-gration Company to Port Phillip, Langicè Phillipslaiid, as its success is to depend updH railroads, which Dr. Lang says may be made of light wood, nt £1000 per mile, we are afraid the canny Ilighlandmen would require more light before they could see their way into the Doctor's railroad Utopia. It may be quite true that John M'Millan was a beggcr, or next to it, in Greenock in 1840, and is now worth £1100, near Melbourne, in 1817, and there may be hundreds as prosperous as lie ¡ but will the clan of M'Millans, whether in Scotia or Langlandin, venture thtir hard-earned capital in assisting in the scheme ol bringing out emi-grants' to make railroads, that the price of land may be raised thereby, in order to pay for the capital and trouble ' so incurred ? and if the M'Millans would not, why should the M'Mam' mint in Scotland be expected to do it for

them ?

. This railroad mania of the Doctor, like his Popcryphobia, is too imaginative to work quietly or usefully. The world has had suffi-cient experience of such mania at home, its fearful consequences and inevitable profitless risks, to be taken up with it, on the strength of a collegiate establishment to be set on foot under tile auspices of the runaway " Principal of the Australian College, Sydney." Such a principal or principle would not, wc think, do much for the interest of mere railway Mammonitcs.

Useful as railways would be-necessary as emigrants are-requisite as colleges will be-it is not thus tlicy eau be made to work together for our good. If the mother country casts us off as good for nothing folks, whom she will not aid-when she herself (in such case) would benefit,-it is clear, no appeal can be made, as the Doctor has found, to national or patriotic sympathies amongst those of leis children who will not quit her apron-string.

Emigration must proceed, we think, if the Home Government will not act, upon private impulse alone j and Dr. Lang would do better, if he would show in the time of distress and famine where the perishing could be fed. His appeal should be to the poor and deserving, not to the rich and speculative,-but in'this, so far as Ireland is concerned, he will do nothingthe Irish would not take him as ti guide, who has denounced them : und the English arc too cautious to follow one also who brands them as ignorant- and the Scotch we presume, know him and his schemes too well already, to swear by his new "Shibboleth" of the "rail. , AVe fear he will do little, therefore, cither for the colony at large, or- for Phillipslond, as he very prcsumingly designates the Port Phillip


There remains but one other of tho Doctor's schemes to bo noticed. It is contained in his " Suggestions of a Cotton Company," in what he as prcsumingly calls Cook's Land, or the Moreton Bay district.

This pamphlet appears to be the best of the sot : for it is in a great measure directed to that most desirable end, the increase of know-ledge on the subject of the colony. Illustrated by a mop, (in which, however, wc perceive the presuming ingenuity of the author again ex-hibited, in designating certain districts by the names of Cavendish, Canning, Churchill, AVard, Maryland, Buller, Rouse, &c, without authority, being his own, just as he has appropriated Cooksland and Phillipsland, territories unknown to geography before,) this pamphlet sets forth the merits of the country from Moreton Bay to the Bellinger River, with probably considerable precision, as it enume-rates the cliief rivers and the capabilities of the soil, &c, on their banks. But we do not think the author is justified in calling it a terra incog-nita in Europe, for it must be Known quite as well at home as much of what he calls New South AVales proper. Bating this assertion, as to the hitherto unknown land, (of which he would lead, by his language, the readers of his " Popery" diatribe to believe he is the dis-coverer in Europe-sec p. 26,)-the following extract gives an insight into his views, which

there is not much to object to. I

This territory, therefore, which hss hitherto been a terra incognita in Europe, might very easily receive the whole redundant population of Britain, but especially of the destitute districts of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland; of v. horn thousands, and tens of thousands, if they could only be conveyed to its shores, might, instead of being a burden, as they are at prêtent, to society In Great Britain, be transformed into producers of the raw material of its most important manufactures, and valu-

able consumers of its manufactured produce. In short, I Cookaland is preeminently the poor man's country: maize and sweet potatoes, two very palatable articles of food, being a never-falling and abundant crop, and of tho

easiest cultivation.

But the cireiinwtanee that must render the territory of Oooksland peculiarly iiitoreating, as a field for ex . tensive emigration and colonization, to all philanthropic and Christian men, and especially to a great manufac-turing community like that of Manchester, is the practi-cability of applying European and British labour in that country to tho production of an article of prime necossity in the m mufactures of Britain, which is supplied to us exclusively at present by foreigners for the labour of slaves. For, as the writer of these Suggestions saw the cotton plant growing as luxuriantly on the banks of the Brisbane Kiver, in that territory, as ho liad seen it many years before in tho Brazils, ho is quite confident that it would not only be practicable, but perfectly easy, to transform any conceivable) number of the poorest in-habitants of the mother country, provided they could only be carried out, into growers of cotton, and other tropical produce, for exportation in the territory of Cooktland, within a comparatively short period after their arrival, and without any other outlay than lhat of a small bounty, in the first instance, till the product should bo naturalized ia the country. In short, thera is no part of the colonial possessions of the British Em-pire in which the range of productions is so extensive, or the field for colonization so peculiarly interesting and


There is no doubt that portions of the terri« torv, thus introduced to the notice of the British people, deserve all that is said of them by Dr. Lang ; but there are some statements in the following passage which appear to be exaggerated : wo refer, particularly, to what is

said of tlic rivers.

This territory is remarkably different from tho por-tions of the colony of New South Wales hitherto known to tho British public, both in the regularity of its cli-mate, and in the nature and range of its productions. From its vicinity to tho tropics, the rains aro much moro frequent and copious than they are to the south-ward; and, perhaps, there is no country on the face of the globe in which thoro is a glentor number of navi-gable rivers, availablo for steam navigation, along the same extent of son coast, or in which thero are greater facilities for the speedy and successful settlement of a numerous and industrious population.

Now, if wc are to rely on statements made in the " Colonial Parliament," in the late debate on Mr. Lowe's resolution, especially by Mr. Suttor, there is, at present, no station not already occupied in any part of tho colony,how then could the supply of emigrants bo disposed of in the form of a company of settlers purchasing land in sufficient quantity to allow cotton to be grown, us is assumed, in a scale proportionate to the demand in England, till the squatting question has been settled ? But allowing this difficulty (which may not be a great one) to M5 got over, we very much fear whether even the Manchester people (who are the Doctor's last stay) will venture on specula-tion to send out capital to grow cotton in Australia, when so many diffi-culties of another kind aro thrown in their way by the pamphleteer himself. Besides, what will tho squatter and Bettlers say

to a population so to be employed, when they are anxious for labour of a totally durèrent kind ? It may suit the Manchester folks to grow cotton at Moreton Bay, out of spite'to the Indian cotton growers, if Dr. Lang can induce them to enter into Ids scheme of railways, and loans, and his crusade against " Papists, Puseyites, and J miases Iscaiiot;" but there is not a word about wool or cattle, in the whole pam-phlet ¡ and no one could undcrstoud from what the author states, that this (eira incognita is already occupied, and crammed full of settlers,

who are crying out for labour, irrespective of j

cotton and cotton mills.

As a mere matter of ingenious zeal for the increase of population, this pamphlet is well enough ; but it must be read wih reference to what i* no', and not with reference to what is. It is a prospective view of what might be; and docs ' not touch what ought to be. As such wc recard what follows.

\n enterprise of the hind proposed Is surely well worthy of tho intelligence and public spirit, and cspe

itally of the thorough 1 rotestantism uf the merchants

and manufacturers of Manchester It would bo the means of gradual!) transforming into a useful body of colonist«, who would cientually become producers of the raw material of tho manufactures of tho mother country, and consumers of us manufactured products, thousands and tins of thousands of families and indi

udu-ils who are now a burden to society tit home It would bo the mouns of creating an antagonistic prill

opie, most valuable and mo« ciheient, to the principle and practice of Negro Slavery in tho United States of America for, if what halo hitherto been considered the peculiar productions of foreign and slaveholding countries, can nevertheless be raised in any quantity by tha labour of free burn lintons in a colony of our own, as the writer of these suggestions is confident the} can, the axe will at length be laid to tho root of that lill sys

tem of op] ression and inhumanity It would stimulate the trido and commirco of the mother country to a gre it extent for it cannot bo doubted that the settle

mont of a numerous and industrious population in a cou itry so highly faiourcd by nature, and with a rango of i roductions unequalled for its extint m any other part Of the British Empire, must necessarily imply a great erenluai extension of British trado and commerce It would bo the mean, of forming a p werful community deeply Imbued with the lovo of civil and religious liberty, in a land in which unhappily all the tendencies are at present very strongly in the opposlto direction And, finally, It would prevent one of the finest provinces oftho British Empire, and one the best situated, per haps for wielding an extensive and power/ul moral in fluenco in tho Southern hemisphere, from ifc'hng in'° the hands of the agents and emissaries of the Pop "dom, and becoming a mere hot bed of Irish Popery li10 country is now threatened with such a consummation and gloomy and disastrous will be its future if it should

be realized

And surely it would not bo too much to ask fiom tho highly intelligent and patriotic merchants and manufm turc.TR of Manchester, in the event of their aiding and assisting in carrying into effect tho proposed under tiikhifc, that not more than a fixed rato of interest or profit should bo asked for the capital to be advanced, and that an} surplus profit, which tho writer is confident there would be to a lery considerable extent, should be appropriated towards i roinoting the intellectual, moral, and reJgious adiancoment of the colonists

Ihuscndall the Doctor s emigration theories And, it ii no treason to saj, that seit is at tho bottom, and that since, is he -nows elsewhere, none but Langites will sun. hun-as but lew can come up to his standard, whatever be the rela-tive merits of his different schemes, seeing thej all come to the same thing at last, and are to depend on railroads, loans, and that terrible fallacy of the one pound per acre, -v\luch the whole colony seems bent on repudiating, it must be a miracle of no inconsiderable kind, if after taking into account the Doctor s ehiracter as an agent, any considerable results shall ensue available to the w ants and cliims of the colom

And m placing this ?» crdict on record, w e beg to observe, that w c do not o\ erlook any of the author s merits os a pamphleteer, or anj of the rcnl sterling qualities of his mind , nor do w c underrate that moral and c\ cn religious en-thusiasm which he occasional!j discloses But we repeat, wc doubt his judgment-w e dread his prejudices-ondwelmc but little opinion of the advontages which the present eolomes w di dem e from his labours ni I ngland, Ireland,

and Scotland