Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Friday 31 March 1848, page 2



MR. J. CURRY.-On the Premises, at the

Custom House Hotel, Macquarie-place, at 11 o'clock, Household Furniture, Ale, Porter, Whiskey, and Certificates of Brandy

and Rum.

Mu. C. NEWTON.-At his Rooms, at half-past

10 o'clock, Blankets, Slops, Kangaroo Skins, Drapery Goods, and Damaged Blankets ; at

11 o clock, Hats.

Mu. G. PICKERING.-On the Promises, No.

280, George-street South, at 11 o'clock, Oil Tanks, Carts, Counter, Candle Moulds, Show Glasses and Glass Cnsr>s. S.c.

MR. G. A. LLOYD.-At the Stores of Mr. H.

Ferris, Pitt-street, at 11 o'clock, Cheese, Butter, Bacon, Hams, Beef, Salt, Flowy Hay, Tobacco, and a Cart,

MR. J. G". COHEN.-At h>r Rooms, at 11

o'clock, Sheepskins, TftUovv, art Çhee«?;


SALB of 422 bales, by C. and J. D. JACOM», on 2nd November :

Ex Ann Grant.-HTC, 6 at 20d" 6 at 19d" 3 at 18Jd., 1 at 16d" 1 at I4id., 1 at 12)d. ; RR with FH under, l8 at 13d., 6 at 12Jd., 1 at lid.; JH, 8atl24d" 9atl2d,; RR with WS under, 1 at 12¿<í" 2 ai 12d. ; RR with Q under, 1 at Sid., 6 at 6|d. ; D in square, 4 at 14d" 5 at 13id" 5 at 13d.; RR with NK

under, 7 at 13jd., IO at 13d., 2 at 12¿d. ; RR

with X under, 1 at 12d.

ExBrankenmoor.-JFM, 3 at 15d., 20 at Hid., 23 at 14d, 3 at 13d., 1 at 12d., 1 at lOid., 4 at Ojd., 1 at 7d" at 6d. ; ItR with WB under, 3 at lid. ; AB, 4 at lid. ; NK, 5 at 14d , 14 at 13d., 5 at 12d., Iat7$d.; MR, 13 at 12d. ; RY, 6 at I4d" 4 at 13d. ; MG, 8 at 12d, ; Q, 2 at 7d.

Ex Ann Milne.-TLS, 14 at 13d" 13 at 12id.. 6 at 12d" IO at ll|d., 9 at lid., 4 at 10$_.'2,at 10d" 6at9id" 4 at 7|d., 2 at 7d" 1 at 6|d. ; JA with BMB under, 4 at 14d" O at 13-Vd., 4atl2d.. 1 at ll¿d" 3 at lid., 3 at 10|d" 2 at 9Jd. j JA with RYR under, 2 at 20d., 3 at lid,'3 at 18d., 1 at 10d., 1 at 14d. ; JA with JBR under, 1 at 12¿d. ; JA with 0 in circle and S under, 1 at 9id. 2 at 9d. 2 at 8Jd., 6 at 7£d" 2 at 6d" 1 at 2d.

Ex Sydney.-O with WF and B under, 4 at 21d., 3 at 20id" 1 at 9*d. ; O with WF under, 4 at 10«d.,,39 at 10d., 13 at 9¿d., 7 at Od., 3 at 8|d" 6 at,4id.

Sale of 371 bales, by H. P. HuonEs, on 4th

Novernber:- '

- Ex Clara.-WR with 8 under, 2 at ljd. ; AA with H under, 2 at 5d. ; F, 1 at lOd. . .

Ex Ann Milne.-CA, 2 at 8d. ; WR with B under, 1 at 8id. ; BJB, 5 at 14d" 22 at 134d" 17 at 13d" l8 at 12|d" 1 at UJd., 4 ac 9|d., 1 at 81d. ; BL with BFL under, 3 at 7^d.,l at 6d. ; Z with ZZ under, 6 at 19d., 19 at 18id., 6 at 17d., 1 at I5jd., 1 at lid., 2 at 8|d. { Z with ZZ and L under, 4 at 19¿d., 4 at 19d. ; AB with 'A under, 3 at 9jd" I at Od., 1 at 5id,; JT with F under, 3 at 12d., 1 at Ud. ; H, . at 13id., 1 at 12Jd.

Ex Autumnus.-2 at 22Id., 4 at 22d., 4 at 21|d., 13 at 21d., 6 at 20Jd , 2 at 20d" 0 at 19id., 7 at 19d., 2 at I8jd., 2 at 18d., 3 at 17|d., 1 at 15Jd., 2 at 16d. ; X in diamond, 3 at 12d.; BAM* 3 at 15d. ; G with M under, 1 at Hid. ; AM with C & H undei, 6 at 13id,, 2 at lljd.

Ex Brankcnmoor.-L with GS under, 20 at 14id., li at 14d., 12 at 12d., 5 at lid. ; ICE LY, 1 at 18|d" 3 at I6d., 19 at 15d" 6 at 14|d., 8 at 13id , 6 at 13d., 14 at 12}d" 3 at 12d., 6 at Hid., 4 at lOjd., 2 at 10d" 2 at 9d., 2 at 8d. ; I in diamond, 0 at 9id., I at 6{d. : B in diamond, 6 at 15d., 6 at 14$d., 6 at 14d., 3j»tG|di -

Ex Euphrates.-WM, 2 at 14d., 3 at 13d., 1 at Hid. ; EM, 7 at 12id., 6 at 12d., 6 at Hid.

Sale of 996 bales by J. T. SIXES AND CO., on 6 th November :

Sx Autumnus.-A Boll, I at 24d" 5 at 23|d , 11 at 22¿d" 3 at 214d., 4 at 21d" 4 at -Od., 7 at 19¿d" 6 at 19d., 5 at 18d., 8 at 17d" 6 at 14^d., 2 at 13id., 4 at 13d., 6 at 12id., 1 at 12d" 3 at lOd., 4 at 7Jd. ; D. 6 at l~3|d. ; TE conjoined, 8 at 18d., 4 at Hid., 8 at 16d., 2 at I4¿_. ; TAB, 4 at I6*d., 6 at 16d ; ABS with L under, 5 at 13}d., 3 at 13d., 8 at 12Jd., 1 at 12d. ; Heart, 6 at 13id., 3 at 13d., 1 at lOd. ; Large Heart, 8 at lid., 1 at GJd. ; JLH, 5 at 12|d" 3 at lid., 2 at lOid., 3 at 10d., 3 at »Jd., IO at9d" 4at8id" 4at8d" 5 at 6d., 5 at 5Jd" 2 at 5d. ; AD conjoined with S by side, 12 at 16d., 5 at 14d., 2 at I3}d., 6 at 13d., 8 at 121d., 3 at lied., 2 at öd., 4 at 7d. ; JR, 2 at 16id., 7 at I5d" 6 at 14jd., 5 at 1 Id., 2

atl3d" 2at8d. ; W, 5 at UM., 6 at lid., 6 at lOid., 3 at 9|d" 1 at 6|d. ; WC, 11 at I2d" 6 at Hid., 4 at lid., 1 at 9d., 1 at old. ; G, 6 UJd., 5 at lid., IO at 9d. ; CK, 3 at 11Jd. ; K, in diamond, 3 at 10d., 16 at 14Jd" 8 at 14d., l8 at 13M.. 19 at 13d , 17 at 12Jd., 3 at 9d" G at Sid., 6 at6Jd. ; MK conjoined, 8 at 12d" 11 at lid., 3 at lOid., 1 at 9}d , 4 at 7d. ; JE, 4 at 13d., 12 at 12|d" 15 at Hld., 5 at lid., 3 at 10ld" 9 at 7d., 3 at CJd. ; GM, l8 at Hid., 12 at ltd., 2 at lOid,, 6 at 8d., 12 at 7d., 1 at


> Ex Clara.-JG with VR under, 2 at 19d" 2

at 14d.

- Ex Sydney.-Botts with EN under, 8 at 11 id. A at lid., 4 at 10|d., 2 at8id., WT, 8 at 18Jd" 6 at 17d., 1 at 12d. ; JW, 3 at 16id., 4 at Mi, 8 at 13ld" 6 at 13d., 1 at lOd. ; Botts, 1 at Uid. ; MT, 3 at Had., 27 at Ud. ; F8 & Co. with CM under, 3 at 13Jd., 7 at 13d., 5 at I2id"v 9 at Hid., 5 at lid. : H, 27 at 12d" 9 at ll}d., 8 at Ud., 1 at 7d. ; DG, 12 at Hid., 9 at Ud., 5 at 10jd" 5 at 10d., 3 at 7M., 1 at 4ld. ; RG, 2 at 12d" 6 at 11 Jd. ; 3 at lid. ; JH with Foxlow under, 6 at I3|d. ; 3 at 13d., 4 at 12d., 3 at 7}d. ; AB, 2 at 16d" 14 at 13d., 6 at 12}d., 3 at lOid., 2 at 5id. : NSW with RF under, 5 at 23¿d., 6 at 23d" 11 at 22d., 4 at 2Ud., 22 at 21d., 13 at 20id" i2 at 20d.. 31 at 191d" 15 at 19d. ; RF, 5 at 22id>. 4 at 22d., 3 at 21d., li at 19d., 10 at 18id" 6 at 18d" 4 at 17id" 2 at I7¿d., 7 at 17d., 4 at 15|d., 5 at 15d" 2 at 7d.

Sale of 019 bales, by THOMAS and SON, on 6th

November :

Ex Caledonia.-R&B, 45 at 14Jd" 6 at 14d" 6 at Od., 1 at 7M., I at Gd.

Ex Autumnus.-FR, 5 at 15|d., 35 at 14 Jd., 7 at 14d" 6 at 10d., 6 at 8}d., 4 at 8d , 2 at 4id. ; C. Bell, 5 at ltd., 22 at 13d" 7 at l_id" 3 at ll$d.

Ex William Hyde.-MJ with IT under, 4 at 16|d., 4 at 16d., 2 at 15d" 11 at 13|d., 1 at lOd. ; UR, 6 nt 13d., 5 at li Ad. ; JMcL, 3 at 15Jd., 17 at 15d., 3 at 7d" 1 at 6d.

Ex Antilles.-li at 12Jd., 7 at I2d., 17 at îllà., 10 at Ud., 4 at 9Jd" 1 at 4d.

Ex Ann Grant.-RP, 5 at I5d" 8 nt 14jd., 5 at 14d" 2 at 12|d., 6 at HJd., 3 at 10d" 1 at 9d., 5 at «id., 9 at 4id. ; GL, 5 at 15d. ; CC, 5 at Ujd. ; H, 3 at lid., 1 at Sid. ; W in diamond with JT M under, 8 at I2}d., 11 at 12d. ; HO with W under, 10 at lOd. ; O in diamond 1 at lOd. ; HO in diamond, 1 at 9d. ; F W with JT and M under, 2 at 12d. ; VDL, G at Ud., 1 at Sd.

SA, 1 at 8id.; AS, 2 at 8d. ; C, I at 8id. ; SC;

I at MM.

Ex Sydney.-XX with B under in diamond,

4 at llfd., 12 at Ud., IO at 9M" 9 at 9d" 3 at

7d., 1 at öd. ; XX with G under in diamond, 6 at lid., 4 at 10id" 2 at 84d" 3 at 7d. ; WCW, 3 at 16|ch

« Ex Ann Milne.-C in diamond with L&D under, 9 at l2d., 7 at U|d. ; W&F, 3 at Ud. ; S, 3 at U}d., I at O^d., S at 8¿d., 1 at Gd.

.- Ex Brankenmoor.-JM&Co, 20 at 12¿d., 1 at Hid., 1 at 6|d. ; JS with FF under, 1 at 4¿d. ; Sttrè-hoe,-- at S¡,a., 6 at 8d" 1 at 7d.

. St Euphrates.-AH with AM in heart un-der, 3 at 13d.. 4 at I24d. ; B, 4 at Hid., 13 at Ud. ; B&C, 1 at lOjd. ; C, 5 at Od ; H with AM in heart under, 2 at Hld., 3 at 10d., 3 at 9fd;,-6 at Sid., 1 at 3d.: AR in circle, 6 at -Old , 6 at 8d" 4 at 7d., I at 6|d" 2 at 5 jd.

t Sale of 1422 bales by J. T. SIMES and Co., on the 8th November:

. No ship named.-AN, 6 at 14d., 10 at 13id., "9 at 13d., 9 at 12id" 5 at 12d., 4 at Ud., 1 at CM.; WKR, 7 at 10^., 3 at 16d" 7 at 14*d., 3 at 14d., 10 at 8d. ; RHR, 5 at 17|d., 6 at 16id., 4 at I2d., 1 at 7id. ; JH, 3 at 21d" 3 at 19d., 2 at 16d" 11 at 15d., 1 at lOid., I at ÇJ. ; RWD, 6 at 12d., 2 at Ud. ; W with GPS under, 4 at lOid. ; GMD, 6 at 13d., 12 at 12Jd , 10 at 12d" 13 at U^d., 2 at 8}d. ; GLG, 8 at llid., 7 at lid., 5 at lOid., 6 at 9jd.( 2 at 8d" 1 at 3¿d.

Ex Euphrates.-WL, Jr., 1 at I4d., 9 at Mid. ; L, 1 at 10d" 13 at 7d" 3 at 6d. ; F, I at 3J_. ; HW, 1 at 9d. ; RF, 2 at 7d. ; WB, 3 at 4Jd. ;-FR, 3 at 6^d., 3 at Od., 4 at 5d. ; JR, 1 at 8d ; J & JL in square, 4 at tGid., I at !5id., 2 at 8¿d. ; Mci, 7 at 8d., t at 6td. ; F in dia-

mond, 5 at lid., 46 at 10¿d., 13 at i Od., 10 at* 9Jd., 3 at 6id. ; EPS, 8 at U}d.> il at 10¿d3 at 9d., 3 at Hid ; EPS with A under, 12 at Hid,, 7 at 11<L, i at 7d. ; W, 5 at 14id" 3 at 14d" 0 at 12¿d" 2 at 10d., 2 at 8d" 1 at 6id., 7 at 5d.» 6 at 4d. ; RC in triangle, 11 at 9d" 7 »t 8id" I at 4d. ; WH, 6 at lOd., 14 at 9id., 1 at 6}d. ; GDL, 6 at I64d , 12 at I6d., 6 at 12d., 3 at HJd., 6 at 7Jd. ; RYDER with UR con-joined and C&C under, 19 at 13|d., 13 at 13d., 23 at 12id" 29 at 12d., 31 at Uid., 31 at lid., 21 at 10jd" 2 at 10d" 3 at 9d.', 3 at Sid., 7 at 7|d" 3 at 6ja, ; C with AM in heart under, 13 at 12id., 5 at 12d., 4 at 114d., 8 at 10id" S at 9d., 3 at 7d, ; B with DC under, I at 20id., 3 at 20d,, 5 at 18|d., Z nt 18d., 7 at I5ld., 6 at 15d., 7 at 14Jd" 2 at 14d" 2 at 13d.*, 7atl2¿d" 11 at 10}d" 2 at 10d., 2 at 7id. ; RC, 4 at 14jd., IO at I4d., 10 at 13Jd., 27 at 13d., 26 at 12Jd., 1 at 12d., 1 at Hid., 4 at Ud., 8 nt 8¿d., 7 at 7d ; RJ, 4 at 14id"

20 at Hil., 26 at l^d-, 21 jjf .3d., )2 at J2,d"

RJ with T under, 5 at laid, i T With RJ i under, 4 at 9jd. ; PC, 5 at lid., 5 at lOjd., l8 at lOd. ; JHB, 5 at 13d. ; Dixon with B and J under, 3 atlOjd., 1 at 7¿d. ; PB with J under, 9 at lid., 9 at lOjd. ; C, 1 at 13d., 7 at 9d., 1 at Sid. ; GT with C in diamond, and UR conjoined under, 2 at lOfd., 6 at 10d.,

2 at 9d.

Ex Ann Grant.-WL Jr, 4 at 1 id. Ex William Hyde.-O, 4 at Hid. Ex Caledonia.-M, 0 at 13d.

Ex Brankenmore.-Jr, I at 11 Jd., 25 at 7d., 13 at Ojd., 8 at Od., 7 at Aid., 7 at 4d. ; S, 5 at 13d., 1 at 1 Id. ; P, 1 at 9d., « at 8Jd. ; FR, 15 at 13jd" 1 at lid., 1 at 5Jd. ; WR with UR under, 23 at 12id., 2 at 12d., 9 at lid., 3 at 6d. ; JVR, 6 at 12¿d., 4 at 12d., 11 at tO^d. ; Dixon with C and C under, 4 at 12d., 9 at 10d., 1 at 5*d. ; RH, with a cross under, 3 at 7d., 6 at Old., 6 at Cd. ; Ros, 9 at I2i,d., 1 at 84d. ; WA, 7 at 8d., 1 at 6d. ; SS with S under, 4 at 10d" 1 at 5d. ; GTP, 4 at lid., 1 at 7¿d. ; LMA, 4 at 13d., 1 at 8M. ; JHB, 3 at liUd. ; ECC, 2 at 14 jd.

Ex Tasmania.-M,7 at lid. ; RC, 2 at 12d., 6 at Sd. ; TC &Co" 4 at 12¿d.

Ex Autumnus.-GM, 20 at 12d. ; K in dia-mond, 1 at 13jd, ; Heart, I at l¿d.


case boforo the Police Court ycstordny, against a publican for an infraction of the Licensing Act, in Sunday selling, Mr. Nichols, who appeared for the defendant, took a novel objection. ' It seemed the party who had been supplied was unknown to the informer, and therefore tho information alleged the serving " of one half-pint of ale to a person whose name was unknown." Mr. N., after alluding to the stringency of the Act, and which com-pelled recourse to tccluiicalities, observed, that it had been held that all informations should bo as strict as as indictments, and the law lays it down ns necessary these should be set out with ceri tainty. In an indictment for stealing of pro-perty from a person whose name was not 1 known, it would state a person unknown to

the Grand Jury, or in this colony, to the At| torney-General, and therefore the information I should have stated that the name of the person was unknown to the informer, for it might be that the person might bo known, although the name was not. Captain Innes said the objec-tion was a novel one, and gave the defendant

the benefit of it.

VIOLENT ASSAULT. - Tlie man Hanslow,

who has been some days in police custody for | a very violent assault on his wife, was on Wednesday discharged, a medical certi-ficate having been given that she was out of danger.

Sosricious.-Lato on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Wallis, a publican, residing at the corner of Liverpool-street West, observed a man carrying two bundles, one very bulky, proceed to a quarry near her house, and throw in the second, a smaller one, and then walk away. She informed the Police of the circumstance, and on their going to the spot indicated, a bundle of old clothes I were found, some of which had blood on them.

RESULT OP SALES.- Mr. Fawcett, on Wed

nesdav, disposed of by auction, 6 casks of talI IJW of middling quality, at the rate of 25s. per


ASSAULT UPON ASSAULT.-On Wednesday, a female named Scource, and two young daughters were summoned before the Police Court, by a neighbour in Gloucester-street, of the name of Willis, in consequence of the girls throwing stones at her, and her subsequently taking part. The case was disposed of by de-fendant being required to enter into sureties of the peace. Yesterday, the husband of Scource was before the Court, it appearing that imme-diately after leaving the Police Office, on the previous day, after entering into the recogni-zance for his wife, he went into a public-house, where Willis was, and, threatening to take her life,, hit her several heavy blows. Tho complaint being fully proved by a person present at the time, the Bench remark-ing it was a most gross assault, imposed the highest penalty allowed ; £6, or two months' imprisonment.

CLOTHES STEALING AND A CLOTHES DEALER; -On Monday evening, a man named Neil and his wite Sarah Johnson, were given in charge to the police by Patrick Maher, a se-cond-hand clothes dealer, residing in Goulburn-strect, for stealing some articles of wear-ing nppnrel from a person named Brown, in Clarence-street, and Maher at the same time handed to the police two whito shirts and a petticoat, as part of* the stolen property. On Tuesday, when the pri-soners wero before tho Police Court, Maher deposed to the prisoner's coming to him on the previous Thursday, and selling him the ai tides produced, and others, among which were a pair of tweed trousers, since given up, and when they stated they were distressed to that extent they wero obliged to part with them. Subsequently, Brown came to him and told him that the female prisoner was his

mother-in-law, and had stolen the articles, and 1 1 quantity more from his house. Tho Mayor very clisely examined Maher, during which he was obliged to be furnished with a chair, and at one time nearly fainted ; when he grossly contradicted himself, for after stating he had never previously had any dealings with the

femalo prisoner, he admitted her having for | six weeks prior, been in the habit of pledging articles to the amount of Gd. and Is, each with

him, and after denying all recollection of what he had paid for some of his purchases, remem-bered the price-a mere trifle of their valueand acknowledged he did not keep any ac-counts. Brown, the 103er, identified the articles, and stated, having reason to suspect his wife's mother of being the thief, he accused

the prisoner of it, and not wishing to punish 1 her on account of the relationship existing, told her ho would pass the offence over if he was told were the clothes were disposed of, and ho was taken to Maher*», where he recovered his trowsers, but several new baby's flannels, shirts, and a now satin vest, were stated by Maher to have boen sold. How-ever, on Brown's threatening that if tlie articles were not given up to lura he should apply to the magistrates on the matter, a promise was made by Malier that he would endeavour to get some of the articles back, and un arrange-ment was made for Brown and the prisoner to be at his house on that evening, but previous to the appointed time, he (Maher) gave them in charge, and all he produced was the shirts and petticoat. The female Johnson, admitted the theft, and said Maher had only given 4s. for things worth £1 5s., and that he had sold articles merely left in pledge. The prisoners were then remanded until the following day, and again until yesterday,

when some articles, subsequently given ' up by Maher, who swore to their purchases being identified, and also one of the prisoner's being deposed to bo seen near Brown's at the time of the robbery, they wero committed for trial. On Wednesday, Maher was brought up under the following circumstances :-As, on Tuesday morning, Serjeant Adson was about proceeding, after the remand of the pri-

soner Johnson, to Maher's house with a 1 warrant to search for some articles Brown had deposed to having boen stolen, Maher came to him, in the Polico Office Yard, and handed to bim three baby's flannels and a silk waistcoat. Mr. Nichols, who appeared for Maher, object-ing to the deposition he had made on the pre-vious day being used against his client, and the constable to whom ho had given the pri-soner in charge stating that at tho time he ex-pressed his willingness to afford every assis-tance towards recovering the stolen property, and added that there were more articles than the shirts and petticoats he then gave over ; but which, although, he had disposed of, he would endeavour to get back. Messrs.' Flood and Holden, the sitting Magistrates, dismissed the


ATTEMPT AT HIOEWAY ROBDBRY.-As one of Fisher's, the baker's, carts was on Tuesday afternoon, proceeding along the Liverpool Road, when near the Seven-mile Hollow, the man in charge of it observed two men dressed in wl'ite, and with cloths of the same colour over their faces, and thick sticks in their hands, suddenly come out of the bush slightly in advance of, and turned and made towards, him. He, having £8 or £10 about him, being alarmed, jumped off his cart, and ran into the bush on the other side, calling loudly for as-sistance to some men who were working on the road, and on their coming up, the highwaymen made off. They are described to be about five feet eight ia height.

- .* mc.

OBDKARCB PROPERTY.--The only land granted to tho Ordnance Offioers in the year 1847 under tho provisions of tho Act 4th Victoria, No. 2, was sixteen acres at New-castle, on which tho barracks now stand.

POLICE OFFICE.-The Mayor, Captain Innes, Alderman Fisher, and Mr. Gilchrist (the two latter being on tho roster for the day) Jwere

present on the bench yesterday. Messrs.

Henderson and Holden are the magistrates for to-day.

HORSE STEALING.-It may be recollected that in the course of last week two men named John Tracey and James Tracey were beforo the Police Court, charged with stoaling a mare from Mr. Hall of Portland Head, but were re-manded under a heavy boil, until Wednesday, being advised by the magistrates to employ themselves in the interval in endeavouring to discover the person from whom it was alleged the animal had been purchased. On the casebeing called on, on Wednesday, it appeared s third person named Skewthorpe was in cus-tody, liaving boen apprehended at Windsor in consequence of proceedings taken there by the Traceys. Captain Innes said on looking over a deposition made at Windsor by the prisoner James Tracey, there were so great discrepancies ' with a voluntary statement he lind made before this Court, ho should again remand him till yesterday, and allowed Skcwthorpo bail. Against the prisoner John Tracey there was now a second charge of swapping a mare stolen from a person named Wright of Richmond, with a Mr. Watkins of Brisbane Water, and as that person was not yet in attendance,ho shouldaUso remand him until yesterday, when both the Traceys and Skewthorpe were further re-manded for a fortnight, their bail being ex-



named Stono was on Wednesday before the Polico Court, charged with having committed thoso offences the previous day on tho South Head Road, and when he very nearly ran over a child ; a fine of £3 and costs or thirty-ono days imprisonment was imposed. As when a constable attempted to take him into custody he was violently assaulted, Stone was then brought up on this charge, and fined for the offence £2 and cost«, or twenty-one days' im-prisonment.

TUB HIRED SERVANT'S ACT. - On a case being called, on Tuesday, at the Policb Court, under this Act, Mr. Robert Johnson, who ap-peared for tho defendant, stated that it would be remembered an Act of Council, 11 Viet., No. 0, was passed last session to amend the previous one. The 17th clause of the New Act provided that it should commence and tako effect from and after the 1st day of Au-gust next. Now, although this measui e passed tho Council on the 30th of July, 1817, yet as the Governor's assent was not given to it until the ICth of August following, and when it then only became an Act-the 1st of August next must consequently be that date in the present year, 1848, and ho therefore submitted the Act was not in force. Alderman Allen, with whom was Mr. Campbell, admitted the objection to be one demanding grave conside-ration, and being unwilling to give a'hasty de-cision, adjourned the case. Subsequently, a second case, one for absenting under the same Act, was called on, when Mr. Brenan, who ap-peared for the defendant, objected to its being proceecded with, as under the old Act, thnt of 9 Victoria, No. 27, and which the last one was passed to supply defects in, the ma-gistrates hod no summary jurisdiction. Mr. Nichols for the complainant, argued per contra, that the Act in question did give the magis-trates full power, and read the 16th and 17th clauses, which, he contended, made it impera-tive on them to examine witnesses, and adju-dicate on them summarily. The Bench con-curred in Mr. Nichols's views, and tho case was gone into and judgment given.

MAN MISSING. -Information has been given to the police of a man named David Ramsay, a seaman-, being missing from his residence in Long's-lnne since Friday night, when it seems after bring some few minutes in bed he sud-denly jumped up, and ran out of tho house, since which time nothing has been heard of him. Ramsay had beenv for days previously, and at the timo of his running away, drunk, and strong suspicion prevails that he

has drowned himself.

A VAN DIEMONIAN ABSENTEE.-A- man, who gave his name as Alexander Brown, was on Wednesday brought before the Police Court, in consequence of the Superintendent of Cockatoo Island noticing him as a stranger among the crew of the Government boat from Sydney, and the crew in answer to enquiries giving no satisfactory answer rc-pecting him. Captain Innes stated that there was every reason for believing him to be an absentee from Van Diemen's Land, and remanded him to the Gaol for a fortnight.

STABBING.- In the course of Wednesday evening, a woman named Flatworthy, residing in Argyle-strcet, was stibbed with a pair of scis-

sors or knife in the neck und on her shoulders

and side (tho latter a dangerous wound) by a man named Bell, who was shortly after the occurrence taken into custody, and was yesterday before the Police Court, when the case was remanded until to-day for tlie at-

tendance of witnesses.


Tuesday, a woman named Sarah Styles was charged before the Police Court with stealing a frock coat and two petticoats, from off the premises of Mr. Welsh, of the South Head Rond, in whose service she had been a couple of days, and absconded a few hours previously to the articles being missed. The case was remanded until Wednesday, but on its then being called on, it appeared she had managed to get away

from the police owing to the bustle and con- fusion prevailing in the Court at the time of her removal from the bar, and up to yesterday, had not been re-captured. Owing to the crowded state the Police Court is usually in, and its extremely inconvenient arrangements, it is surprising that similar occurrences are not more frequent.

DEATH FROM THE BITE OF A DEATH ADDER. —A most melancholy and fatal occurrence took place a few days since at Dundudemore, the residence of John Maughan, Esq., J.P., near Wellington. A Mrs. Ann Morrissy, in the bloom of health, fell a victim to the sting of a death adder, which she accidentally trod upon late at night, whilst passing from the kitchen to the store, and expired within three hours after. The reptile upon being trod upon gave a sort of short shrill cry, that was gene-rally supposed by the friends of the deceased to have emanated from a cat. The deceased, however, stoutly maintained that she had trod upon a death adder, whereupon search was made, and the venomous reptile was caught and destroyed. It is perhaps not generally known, that most snakes wander about at night, but here we have a melancholy proof that such is the fact. As the symptoms apparent upon a human being, after the sting from a death ad- der, have never been fully described, the fol-lowing may not be uninteresting :-The de- ceased trod on the death, or deaf, adder, as it is generally designated, late in the evening, near the steps of a kitchen door ; she wore a shoe and thick worsted stocking ; she trod on, or

so near to the head of the reptile, that little doubt seems to be entertained of the fatal wound having been caused by the sting in its tail. The anomalous fact of a sting in the ad-der's tail has often been doubted, but is gene-rally supposed to be the case. Upon exami-nation blood was discovered on the stocking, proceeding from a single puncture, a few minutes after the occurrence. The wound, which was situated immediately below the inner ancle bone, was incised and sucked ; a light ligature was placed above, and a poultice applied to the wound. A quarter of an hour after the injury, sickness and vomiting ensued, which was restrained by a little brandy and water. The patient was kept moving, being supported on either side by the arm of a rela-tive ; she complained of no pain. Within an hour a sensation of numbness arose in the head, and particularly in the forehead, and the eyelids became shortly afterwards paralysed ; the circulation at this time was not hurried, and the respiration unaffected. The mind re-tained its faculties. Being fatigued, the poor woman requested to lie down, and being un-able to raise the eyelids herself, requested an attendant to do her that service. The vision was clear, and the senses unimpaired. As time progressed, the bandage on the limb- being troublesome, was removed ; the deceased be-came affected in the palate and throat, and her voice grew gradually more indistinct ; she made sigus to have e portion of her dress

slackened ; and from the first expressed a con-viction she could not recover. Shortly before her decease she took leave of her husband, friends, and assistants separately, and expired in rather less than three hours and a quarter from tho time of tho infliction of the sting. So easy and natural was her transit that the moment of her death was not apparent to a person holding her hand. She had been a re-sident of the district for nearly ten years, and was an amiable and, respectable member of society.-Communicated.