Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 10 July 1845, page 3



MR. STUBBS.-At his Mart, at 12 o'clock, Pro-

perties at Muswellbrook.

Mr. LYONS.- At Beulah, North Shore, at 11

o'clock, Furniture, Plate, Glass, Books, Pianoforte, Guitar, Boats, &c.

Ma. BLACKMAN.-At his Rooms, at 11 o'clock,

Paddington House, &o ; at 12 o'clock, 1090 Acres adjoining the Township of Quean-beyan.

MR. MORT-At his Rooms, at 11 o'clock, Woollendrapery,Prints,Bootsand Shoes, and Soft Goods in variety.

Ma. J. M. SOLOMON.-At Wilson's Wharf, at

11 o'clock, Salt.

Ma, LLOVD.-At his Rooms, li o'clock,

Groceries, Tobacco, Glass, Butter, Brim-

stone, &c.

MB. HEYDON.-At his Mart, at 7 o'clock,

P.M. Engravings, Paintings, and Medical


MARGARET CATCHPOLE.-Our readers will re-member that we noticed a few days since a work about to be published in London under the title of Margaret Catchpole. By the March packet copies of it have come to hand, and we are gratified to find that it is a very different work from what it was represented to be ino author is the Rev. Richard Cobbold, Hector of Wortham, Suffolk, and Rural Dean. it gives the history of a female who was sor vant to Mr. Cobbold's father, from whom she stole a horse, rode it seventy miles to London m man s attire, was apprehended in the act of »euing it, and was sentenced to death, which vas atterwards commuted to transportation for seven years, but having with the assistance of a lover escaped from gaol, she was re-appre-hended and sentenced to be transported for "ie. un her arrival here she was assigned to Mr. ¿-aimer, where she behaved herself well and came under religious influence, which operated on her future conduct, and she at length mar V,.îtWCaltllX,seltîer' who >8 represented to L\£ . V íell<w-scrvant and lover of Mar-garet in England. Five-sixths of the work is »Ken up wuh an account of Margaret's ad HA TV? £'"6land. her trials, and escapes, ml about half the last volume with her colonial v!ry'..Ayit,i the ^«tion- of the name of margaret s husband, which lor obvious reasons fTi" -8l.Verl corr,cctly. tne names of parties are hW ^.°d,Uce^ and old colonists will have Doli. TÏ 7 "»"»Ti"«"*o Margaret Catch tnr^i. E e ?reface decl"es the simple his n/rLn, , arela.tlon of facts well known to many in 4nff i? » C h,ghest re«Pectability still living lesZ, ** u8nd "ltia «oped that an instructive not Jin"7 be conveyed by it to many who may "iff m,. ; Ve8e?n the necessity of early and te ft.Uîtru.ClI0n" "From the want alone uithL. Vn,pressionB of religion," says the erm Ar . heroille of theso Pa6es fell into vfouLn "fS!?pe1r and Pttssion wl»oh led to the violation of the laws of God and man, but that vlrtLi6 mculcatlon of Christian faith and

of h»V r ecamo conspicuous for the sincerity that ik °ím?üon' and for an exemplary life :

DlacVnf°Ugh U P,ea8ed God to grant her «a bi«St«iepentanc0»" yet il was through such r.h« ' ?/nd 8ufftírings of mind and body spared." devoutly desired others might be wish1n^.H'~For the convenience of parties dwM,n«?pect the furniture for sale this Wil'li.» rf-i e muel Ly°n8> at the residence of TheT Gibbes, Esq., Beulah, North Shore. <CwmTr, i ha8.been engaged for the ftomÄartat mne oclock in the morning Ä/'-CUlar Wharf- and keeP Plying to »i«^the ^y.~Communicated. * B

briT," eYPpORTUNiTV.-Mr. Blackman will tim li tl>e hammer, this day, at 11 o'clock, din^n wCO,nmodious family residence, Pad

ngton House and Grounds, situated in one and wit\r°St healthy ""d commanding sites, Tai» nVn"" ? co,lvenient distance from the city. Ctai£$?erty no doubt wU1 excite considerable


TUB MUSWELLBROOK PROPERTY.-Mr. Stubbs calls the attention of moneyed men to his sale, this day, by order of the official assignee, of Thornton's Hotel and premises in the above township. The Inn is in full trade, and li-censed for a year from June last. A very snug cottage (Wyld's) will be next put up, and also the desirable excellent cottage residence now let to the Chief Constable ; all subject to the same advantages of absolute sale, and most eligible investments for outlay of capital.-Com-

